Tonight at 9pm A&E airs the final 2 hour episode of Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath.
I hope you can tune in, or at least record the show for later watching.
Due to circumstances beyond our control, the episode was only finalized last week. A&E could not promote it or schedule a final time slot until the episode was in its final form and signed off by the powers that be. It was a difficult process that in the end, Leah and I had little to do with.
A&E wanted it to air while the voting period for the Emmy’s is still open (which ends on August 29) and given those parameters there has been little promotion for the show.
So, do what you can to get the word out on social media today.
Scientology has been doing their best on social media to try to claim “victory” and that the show ending after 3 seasons is was something they caused. More scientology wishful thinking that we are all accustomed to (“we reduced the crime in Colombia by 50%” and “we are Clearing the Planet” etc etc). You can be sure, the only thing scientology had to do with the factors that went into the decision to end this show is that we wanted to be able to do MORE.
We hope you enjoy the finale tonight, and that it opens more eyes and helps raise awareness of the abuses of scientology.
I am repeating here the message Leah and I published on 14 August (I am not including all the “behind the scenes” shots, click on the link for those).
In June we shot our series finale of The Aftermath, which will air in the next couple of weeks. A&E will announce the date soon.
It will be our last show on A&E.
When we began this journey, we did not anticipate more than a single season. But the response was so overwhelming and we felt strongly that the people who stepped forward deserved to be heard. We were not previously aware of some of the abuses that came to light, and we felt they compelled further episodes. And of course, Scientology’s response to the series played a role too.
Scientology is a formidable opponent with a great deal of money and no restraint when it comes to attacking those who are speaking of their pain and loss because of Scientology’s abusive practices. They made a lot of people, us included, determined not to allow them to get away with what they been able to do for so long.
You have embraced our courageous contributors and supported all of us throughout this difficult but rewarding journey. You have fought beside and with us and for that, we are humbled and honored.
Our work is not done yet. Unfortunately sponsored television has limitations. There are things we cannot film or show on camera because of certain restrictions. These restrictions have limited us in many ways to tell the full story and in some cases, not permitted us to tell the story at all.
For us, the work never stops. There are things we and others have done and are doing that have not been able to air.
We have met with lawyers, we have met with law enforcement and victims have come forward and spoken. You will see and hear more about this in the future.
We have done some amazing work up to this point, and for that we are eternally grateful to our partners at A&E and IPC, especially Devon Graham Hammonds at A&E who has been our angel, our champion and our friend. But now we need to go further. And we need to change our course of action.
In truth we have only scratched the surface so far.
To our incredible, loyal audience, we thank you for all that you have done. Without your support we would not have made it through the first season, let alone 3 years. Some of you probably tuned in initially because you were mildly curious about the crazy organization that couch-jumping Tom Cruise belonged to. But you stayed because you saw the real stories unfold. You cared for those who gave their lives to something they believed in, you realized that Scientology is not just an innocuous fad, but a sinister and dangerous business that destroys families and lives and has amassed 3 billion dollars it now uses to try to destroy its perceived enemies.
You saw that and you cared. And you have formed a powerful movement. Out of the series has grown a new non-profit organization — The Aftermath Foundation — which is now helping those who have been victimized by scientology and have nowhere to turn when they leave. This foundation is a lasting legacy of this show.
To the Hollywood community — you have voted for and stood by and behind The Aftermath by awarding us with an Emmy, a PGA award, a TCA, an Online Film and TV Association award, 2 Alliance for Women in Media Foundation Gracie Awards, the Impact Award at the Critics’ Choice Real TV Awards and another Emmy nomination for our third and final season.
For some, these accolades are important for the work they have done, but for us, it is even more significant as the only acknowledgment our contributors receive.
They haven’t gotten it from law enforcement, which we had all hoped for, and continue working to hope for, so your votes told them they mattered. We want you to know how much that means to them, and to us. You have taken a stand against the abuses of scientology.
To our hard working crew, you put your hearts and souls into this project and we adore you. We look forward to collaborating with you again in the future.
And above all, our brave contributors who didn’t have to tell their stories but did. You have not only become advocates for yourselves but you now do so for others and we couldn’t be prouder to call you friends and partners.
Now we must take this crusade to a whole new level where we are able to do what we know must be done to bring an end to scientology’s ability to hurt more good-hearted people. Without the chains which have constrained us, we are free to do what needs to be done and not have to wait for the wheels of bureaucracy to turn…
We believe that carrying through with things we have been working on behind the scenes over the last few years is what it will take to finally end Fair Game, destruction of families, labor trafficking, sex abuse and predatory financial practices rampant in scientology.
Some of this we cannot disclose yet, some has rolled out already. There is now a strong legal team working with us to bring justice to victims and you have already seen some of their work make the headlines. We believe all victims of sexual assault should have their day in court and yet survivors of Scientology abuse have not often been afforded that opportunity. That state of affairs is changing…
We are gearing up to end Scientology abuses once and for all.
We are certain, in the end, truth will triumph.
Wow!!… I learned so much about Scientology throughout these 3 seasons!
I had heard of Scientology in the 80’s- but didn’t actually KNOW that is WAS Scientology because it was simply presented as Dianetics all over TV.
These seasons has truly opened my eyes to the systematic indoctrination that pulls people in .. and before they know it, they’re deep in and can’t see a way out .. what’s worse is, because of the blind loyalty that they feel they owe “the church” they don’t even realize that they NEED to get OUT!
Mark Rinder and Leah Remini, I TRULY COMMEND your courage for and commitment to get this information out there.
Truly Heroic!!
I can’t wait for ur next season showing all the progress !
God Bless!!
Rubi A
Great Job Mike and Leah. Thank you for all that you have done with the show .
I’d like to know how I can support Mike and Leah’s efforts. What can the public do to help stop Scientology from continuing this abuse?
Does anyone know the going rate for forcible excruciatingly painful and irreplaceable theft of innocence?
Thank you Mike and Leah and all the brave participants for bringing about a paradigm shift in the awareness of the cult of scientology, seriously exposing and ringing the death knell for this dangerous insidious mind numbing cult. This is just the beginning!
Thank you Mike and Leah for opening my eyes to just how insidious this cult disguising itself as religion truly is! I am sad there won’t be anymore seasons of this wonderfully insightful, inspiring, and emotionally powerful show. I hope you and Mike will find a way to continue to get the message out through other mediums like cable and streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime, etc.! I am a subscriber to DirectTV and noticed a little over a year ago there is a Scientology Channel!! I have watched it, and can see how dangerous it can be to people in an emotionally vulnerable position. Or are swayed by the slick brainwashing of “helping yourself as well as the rest of the planet” bullshit they show. As a person of faith, I have NEVER been asked or forced to pay for spiritual guidance. If I am able to contribute to the collection plate, I do so. If not, I am still received with open arms. Hopefully these four women will get their day in Court very soon and triumph over this evil cult receiving IRS Tax Exemption. As the Chaplain of my local American Legion Auxiliary, PLEASE let me know what I/we can do to help your cause! We believe in Freedom of Religion, but Scientology is not truly religious. Anything I can do to help would mean a lot to me and their Fair Game tactics don’t scare me!! Bring it on Scientology, I dare you….
And, thank you again for all you have done and continue to do! I will follow updates through this site and to those who have spoken out publicly, you are the best if the best and heroes in my eyes!
Much love and respect….
Trish M.
Mike, kudos on a good finish to Series.
I must admit that the responses from the lawyers that A&E showed (without comment) irked me no end. I wish there was a way to show attribution, so when these responses are shown to be the LIES they are, then the lawyers could be held up to public ridicule for being the paid Sleazy Liars that they are.
Great idea! Love it!
Mike, why is it that police can “raide” or “invade” other religions and/or families EVEN when they deny involvement and do their own investigation and shut them down, yet this does not happen with Scientology? Also, what can non Scientologists do locally to raise awareness? A friend said a “church” of Scientology opened near her house and I want to make sure that my kids are aware and protected, as well as people I know. I saw a document with policies somewhere I was recently (although I don’t think the person is an active scientologist) but how wold I even know for sure? I want to press buttons! I’m not scared but I want to help.
Cortnie, scamology has been raided in the past. And its staff members put in jail. I’m afraid you haven’t studied the data well
Mike how can I watch the last episode in Australia? Caught small bits on live stream but wanted to catch the FULL episodes… well done and keep going ….Aussie Aussie Aussie!
Elan, if you find out when the 2 hour episode airs in Aus can please post the information on this blog. Cheers
Amazon video has it. Just watched it there myself. I don’t think it is country-locked.
Thank y’all for you continued work. I’ve been following since the beginning of your mission. Please keep sharing what’s going on.
Thank you very much,
Wonderful episode Mike. Let us know where the fight goes next. We’ll all be behind you, until there are no more victims of Scientology.
Thank you Mike and Leah…thank you.
Leah’s permanently changed the old story of celebrities suckered into Scientology and getting out, and not doing anything.
(Not to mention Paul Haggis, Jason Beghe, Larry Anderson,
Leah’s changed the mold, for good. Doing these shows.
Leah’s paid it back, and Mike, who better than you, to back her up.
And all the ex’s who’ve come on the show, been the firsthand content, and then all of the recent decades academics, the professionals, and the media and the authors who’ve come on the show.
The 3 seasons I’m dying to have them become DVDs and I hope they get issued by whoever does that type of thing.
And streaming content of the seasons, so it is purchaseable.
The show has done permanent historical good correcting the wrongs of Scientology’s abuses.
@Mikerinder can you publish this episode on your blog? I am in South Africa and its not on our DSTV channels yet.. who knows if it will be? I commend you and Leah! May God bless you abundantly!
scn on social media claiming “victory” after 3 years neglects the 3 years’ worth of straight FAILURES to even clumbsily counter the TRUTH that Aftermath has effectively and persuasively presented. The truth CAN set you free, scientologists. All you have to do is confront and duplicate, not run away from anything which could upset your uncomfortable little bubbles of denial.
Thank you for your courage, and amazing fortitude Mike. I can’t speak for anyone else, but your fight to spread knowledge for the masses is inspirational. You, and Leah are real life super heroes. Take pride in knowing you have changed an untold amount of lives for the better. I will continue to support both of you in your fight.
I’m wondering what spin Eddie “I left my brain in storage” Parkin Mad is going to put on STAND to keep Demento happy.
Thank you, Mike and Leah, for Aftermath and for all your hard work in shining the light of truth.
And just knowing that another chapter is coming – just knowing that, as you said, the reason there will be no more Aftermath is because you want to do MORE – wow, that’s exciting!
You can watch tonight’s episode by signing up for a Hulu account. You get a 7 day free trial which you can cancel for no charge before the week is up.
Looking forward to the show tonight. We’ve also recorded it as we’ll probably want to watch it more than once. Well done!
Lives have been saved because of A&E’s Aftermath. I think of the scientology body count to date (Google it), and am so thankful to all who participated in creating Aftermath, if only from the viewpoint of saving lives.
And the days of reckoning for the perpetrators of the crimes of scientology have barely just begun. The truth is out. The world looks upon scientology with disgust and loathing. Can’t stuff that genie back in the bottle.
“Now we must take this crusade to a whole new level where we are able to do what we know must be done to bring an end to scientology’s ability to hurt more good-hearted people. Without the chains which have constrained us, we are free to do what needs to be done and not have to wait for the wheels of bureaucracy to turn…”
That’s both enheartening and vague. PLEASE, as soon as you can, expand on that in a form that gives some way we can join in and contribute somehow. Personally, I’ll still do what I can to support the Foundation, as it’s the most positive force for GOOD I see around, fully deserving of support.
If there’s a better way we can help, PLEASE tell us straight up.
Thank you, Mike and Leah.
Because of Aftermath there are families who will never know the soul wrenching pain of disconnection or the unimaginable devastation of financial ruin brought about by Scientology,
I’m so grateful for the lives you’ve saved; the intact families; and especially …most especially, for the children who’ll grow up to live their lives free of this poisonous thing, Scientology.
Could some kind person please pop this episode onto RuTube?
The Aftermath series has brought the exposer of Scientology to a new level with a much broader realm, continuing the work of many before.
3 years, many episodes, professionally done with a lot of coverage by the media, which with a few exceptions were often representing it as a wacky cult which TC and other celebrities are part of.
But now the public at large got it, that it is not about TC and their other celebrities but about the abuses and schemings perpetrated and about their “fair game” actions done against everyone who speaks out.
Who knows how many people were saved from also walking into the trap, falling for Scientology’s various propaganda.
The success of Aftermath can also be measured by all the reactions of the Church of Scientology under the leadership of David Miscavige against it (e.g. how those members who have dared to see Aftermath, were treated internally). It is certainly a high crime now in the CoS to watch “Scientology and the Aftermath” or to watch “Leah”.
So much to Article 19. of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”
(And they dare to depict themselves a “humanitarians” in their internal and external propaganda)
Thank you to Leah and Mike, all the brave people who were speaking out, the fabulous team from A&E and everybody who has contributed!
Thank you for 3 awesome seasons!
You and Leah, hanging around the fringes of the Internet, are doing a great job Mike. Thank you!
Thank you, Mike and Leah, for your continuing effort to put this cult where it belongs – in the sunlight for all to see it’s disgusting underbelly.
I pull this out every so often. And Mike, my new name for it is: THIS IS Scientology.
I was going to do it at the show, but, someone else stood up.
I was in the Honolulu Mission, in Div 6. My Mom flew over to see what I had gotten myself into.
One day all the executives can into my room and started SCREAMING at me. They were two inches from my face. They said my Mom was a Raging SP and that I had to disconnect from her RIGHT NOW.
I went over to where she was staying. I told here I couldn’t see her anymore.
She calmly started to pack up her bags and I asked if she was freaking out. She said no, that she’ll drive over to the airport and wait for the first plane back home.
She was staying with our cousin, Gail. When she got there, she immediately dumped a bunch of pills down her throat. You see, she felt like her life was over. For the first time ever, Gail came home early and found her. She got her to a hospital just in time, and saved her life. But, I had to live with what I did. Turning my back on her.
Holy Shit Rob. That is horrendous.
So glad she didn’t succeed. So glad you are out.
I never knew that OSD! So So happy that you are out!! ☺💖
Thank you for telling us, OSD. Maybe your Mom’s desperate action helped you to see your way out? I don’t know – maybe you only found out later. But we’re all glad you walked out and went surfing that day!
And of course HUGE thank you to Mike and Leah. You showed the way on how to stand up to this horrible cult. I can’t wait to see what you bring forth next!!
Wow OSD, that is truly tragic. Your mother’s love is incredibly deep. So glad she lived! That’s a very hard lesson learned. Families are priceless.
Mike (and Leah), congratulations on going out with a gutsy bang, if the account over at Tony Ortega’s is any indication.
There’s the old saying that all good things must end sometime, and I couldn’t see any way for it to go on much longer without losing its power to serve as an expose’, not to mention risking playing into Scientology’s paranoid propaganda narrative about an institutionalized opposition.
I’d hazard a guess that this also leaves open possible future opportunities for specials to follow up on what was exposed, and perhaps address newer abuses such as the increasing scamming of seniors.
Thanks for all you do.
Peacemaker, you know that Leah and Mike didn’t have to DO any more to be accused of being part of —or the leaders of—an institutional opposition. IIRC, scn OPENED with a salvo that they were paid by Big Pharma or the psychs. They had no second salvo. The claim that Leah & Mike were doing it for the money fell flat on its face, SPLAT!
As far as having an opposition, scientology, itself, is the institution primarily creating its “enemies”.
ANONYMOUS was entirely scn’s own fault for so blatantly (awkwardly, even) trying to deny others’ rights of free speech. If they had left the “natterers” alone, or done no worse than to verbally counter their “enemies” in the “enemies”s own venues, such as A.R.S. , the whole controversy would have dried up and blown away after a bit, but NO, they HAD to escalate it into a war their ‘enemies’ knew all too well, having waged it themselves, and they could use scn’s own tactics against them. “Ain’t payback a bitch?”
scientology can’t do more than Tubby’s feeble ’50s-era tactics against public, identifiable entities, so soon ran out of steam, having nothing more effective they could bring to bear. Tubby wasn’t sufficiently prescient to figure out there would be a need to counter the attacks by many independent operators with no central committee or other organizational entity which could be targeted, “guerrilla warfare”of a sort. They can’t CONCEIVE of having made that many people mad at them. OfCOURSE they can’t. scn is perfect and can’t do anything wrong, by definition. everyone “attacking” them has got to be insane and will soon collapse into apathy thereby.
Of course, when MASSES of people started openly attacking, picketing, and protesting such as Anonymous or all of us on the ‘fringes of the Interwebz’, “retail” harassment becomes less workable, even unworkable. And of those ‘attackers’ who could be identified, many “confessed” to any ‘crimes’ scn might uncover in a way that made scn look foolish for harping on things the targets weren’t even THAT ashamed of doing. “So WHAT if I did that? I’ve already publicly confessed and apologized. “Nothing to see here, move along.”[And the statute of limitations ran out a LONG time ago.]
that just weren’t being hidden, that the people weren’t afraid for others to find out about.
Thank you both, and your teams who work with you!!!! congrats on opening this “cult” exposure!! you are wonderful, and I do hope you are assigned to a new channel!!!! you have both worked tirelessly!!! I just wanted to ask if you think trump is tied in with this “cult”? I had a thought that he might be involved somehow!!! he’s really messed up already!!!!! this may reach deeper than anyone knows or understands! thanks again!!! judy ann bishop
Trump is a Christian and was raised in a Presbyterian church. He is not part of scientology!
Dear Mike and Leah – Thanks to you and all who participated in these 3 Seasons of Aftermath. You have uncovered so much, given a voice to so many and I hope embarrassed the hell out of the L.A Police, the FBI, and whoever else is or should be involved in bringing the cult down. From $$ scams, to rape and violent abuse, slavery, trafficking, major work safety violations, death by negligence, forced abortions, stalking, disconnection – the list goes on and on. I fervently wish that Shelly and Heber can be extricated before they die and given TLC and lots of counseling. You are all amazing, Leah and Mike, the A&E team and your families, especially. Much Love and admiration. Judi
“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” –Winston Churchill, November 10, 1942
‘Henceforth Miscavige’s minions will meet equally powerful, and perhaps better armed fighters for justice. Henceforth they will have to face in many theatres that superiority which they have so often used without mercy against others, of which they boasted all round the world, and which they intended to use as an instrument for convincing all other peoples that all resistance to them was hopeless. We mean to hold our own.’ (paraphrased) –WSC
I am sorry to see the show go, but I understand. I was a curious never in when I started watching. I became anti-Scientology when I learned what a grip it had on people and how it destroyed lives and ripped apart families. Each an every story had an effect on me. I never blamed those that were born in as that is all they knew. I never blamed those that joined. They were just looking for something to make life make sense, like we all are really. Yoga, meditation, other religion, drugs, etc. We all just want to feel better. But when I found out actually how evil Scientology is as an organization, with pressing to donate, punishments, fair game etc. I wanted it destroyed. When I think of poor Chrissie and Bobette and how they have been victimized and left to rot basically by the police who do nothing because they are bought off by Scientology, I am outraged. I’m so glad their stories will finally be heard. And I cannot wait to see what you and Leah do next!
That’s exactly how I feel Dawn!
Aftermath has just begun. You opened the doors. It will continue in various forms.
My wish:
The misuse of the law by Hubbard will now come back in spades to bring down this paper crown.
Karmic justice by the law that Hubbard misused for personal gain.
It’s coming OSA. And when it does, what side will you be on.
It’s now divided into two categories:
Good and evil. Choose your sides.
The ‘Raw Story’ and ‘Daily Beast’ both have stories up about tonights episode:
And folks over on Tony Ortega’s “Under Ground Bunker” are spreading the word far and wide.
One of the things I would like to see, speaking as a senior myself, is some kind of RICO action on the financial abuse of seniors by $cientology Tony’s been documenting on his site. The repeated methodology used to this scam makes it obvious it’s a coordinated operation, and not the actions of some “rogue” members.
I think senior abuse is just Scientology’s standard well-honed playbook, highlighted and more outrageous when it is used on people we recognize as vulnerable, and who are no longer at the point in their lives where they can readily recover from financial losses. Scientology doesn’t recognize the old – or the young – as meriting any special consideration or attention, so they just get subject to ruthless full-bore exploitation characteristic of Scientology.
Unfortunately, as Scientology’s population of members and possibly “recoverable” former members ages, along with their target demographic of boomers whom still might be sucked in by an old-fashioned scam, we’re only going to see more such abuses until or unless the authorities step in.
Perhaps someone can build on Aftermath and do a special that highlights Scientology’s abuse of the elderly, not only public but staff as well – I think treatment of aging workers and Sea Org is going to be one of the next big scandals to hit, as that demographic of long-timers gets “offloaded” in increasing numbers.
One of the traits of a narcissist is they always blame others and never ever see their responsibility in their own crimes. This makes me wonder how many people have been subjected to punishment by dm for the conditions he caused that resulted in some of his victims coming forward to A and E’s show of the Aftermath. I so admire the courage Leah and Mike and all the participants have shown in creating this show. I’m looking forward to more exposure of the crimes and human rights violations that will be exposed in Mike and Leah’s future endeavors. I hope more victims of dms abuse come forward. 🙏
Heartfelt thanks, Mike. To you and all you do and have done.
Continuing heartfelt thanks.
All things must eventually end. The Aftermath is just morphing to a new level as Scientology circles the drain, mewling and puking all the way down.
You’ve produced some powerful shows that will continue in reruns for years. The truth is out there in plain sight and it cannot be unseen!
Well done Mike, Leah and all involved in the show!
Congratulations on an amazing run of the show and I learned so much. Scientology fascinates me as an exhibit of how group dynamics can affect the willingness of individuals to do things they would never do AS individuals. The tearful recollections of many of your guests about the things they were willing to do or willing to accept while in the church was gut wrenching and a reminder that none of us is immune to the pressures that can be brought to bear on our moral compasses by unscrupulous people at all levels of power.
I hope that A&E and you and Leah are open to doing follow up shows in the future. Maybe one-off specials that update us on the latest news on the Scientology front. I have to believe that there will be a lot more shoes that drop, so to speak.
Until then, I will follow your blog and pray for you and all the others who have left this diabolical cult and pray for those still trapped within it that they find their way out.
MarcAnon, every time I reread this post, I am reminded of one of the most powerful differences between the doers of good and the doers of evil.
When someone does good in this world, they are remembered in terms of the good they did and they live on and are held up for the world to see as doers of good.
But when someone does evil (like Hubbard), as the world evolves and technology continues to become more powerful, the evil person who is now dead, is unable to counter the criticism that continues to come their way and the world tends to recognize them more and more as the evil scum they truly were.
I find this so very interesting and important because, the doers of good (like Mike and Leah) live on and keep appearing to the world in terms of the good they did. The doers of evil continue to be exposed as truly evil and they keep appearing to the world in terms that keep growing worse and worse all the time.
People today, can clearly see just how evil and ridiculous this old scam truly is. Every day, more and more people can see just how much this scam must be avoided. That is why its reputation keeps growing larger and larger as something ridiculous that is to be ridiculed and avoided! It’s as if history keeps making the reputation of these evil scams stronger and stronger as things that are to be avoided – at any and all costs.
Tom Cruise redux: Someone once asked me, have you ever met a Scientologist? (laughs). You know, maybe one day that’s how it’ll be; you’ll read about them in the history books.
ROTFLMFAO!!! No more Tom Cruise! You gotta love it!
Scribe, IMO, history will pretty quickly forget scientology except as footnotes of man’s inhumanity to man, perhaps as one of those quaint cults like the Spiritualists.
With the Internet their sordid history will live forever.
Three seasons of The Aftermath have spread many facts to the public, who is now aware of the real actions and crimes this cult has been involved in for years on end.
The presentations have been extremely well done, the facts correctly narrated, Leah and Mike always present clarifying all matters plus the courageous people that spoke out were real in their expressions.
Thank you for your enormous valor and integrity Leah and Mike.
I say this with all sincerity, it’s better ‘Aftermath’ end with people wanting more than the other way around.
IMO, it would have been less beneficial if ‘Aftermath’ had a Seinfeld-like 9 year run.
I think 3 seasons was perfect. It leaves the viewer curious (yes, ‘Curious’ – sorry Dave).
Without new episodes, people will be inclined to find out more on their own.
That curiosity will lead them to the Waterloo of Scientology – the Internet.
So, let Dave think his abusive management style put an end to Aftermath.
Ed Parkin can continue to believe his social media campaigns actually work.
Tom Cruise, JT, the Elfmans, et al. will ‘know’ it was their Hollywood ‘cred’ that swayed A&E into this decision.
Let Marty and his brown jacket believe the Mr Fix-It magic is back and his powerful letter writing campaign to A&E, in which he resorts to name calling and using big fancy words, (that he word cleared, no doubt) had an effect.
Last, but not least, let all the OTs think they were able to exteriorize and travel into the bathrooms of the A&E executives, whispering “end Aftermath” into their ears as they showered.
And please please please, let an OT
write a success story describing how they exteriorized and wrote the words “End Aftermath” on the steamy bathroom mirror, which so freaked out/impressed said executives that phone calls were immediately made the show was
canceled (of course, all references to “A&E”
“Mike and Leah” and “Aftermath” would be edited out of the success story, but enough details would be left in so the sheeple could be in awe of the power – power to exteriorize and write messages on bathroom mirrors, but not powerful enough to use the words “Aftermath” “Mike and Leah” and/or “A&E”.
The struggle continues! “Aftermath” will
live on thanks to ‘On Demand’ and the Internet.
Eventually those who are so blind that they will not see, will open their eyes.
And those still in being blackmailed by Scientology will have to decide which is worse – having their secrets/crimes exposed or being a Scientologist.
Agreed 100% Chee! Perfect to exit this endeavor on absolute top, with so many in support, aware and fired up to get behind the next steps. Proof positive that this was NEVER about disgruntled, bitter or using experiences as a means for anyone/anything other than to give survivors a voice, a platform to inspire and inform that would hopefully motivate fearful (or worse, complicit) authorities to take far overdue action.
Cheers & support for Phase 2!
It will be vastly entertaining to see what the I Can’t Stand League puts out in the future from Ed Parkin My Brain.
Next up — they will begin accusing me and Leah of sexual assault. They will round up some people who are doing ethics handlings and dont have money to buy their way out and they will suddenly remember the time….
You can almost count on it.
They’ve probably already redefined masturbation as sexual assault. 😂
Mike, it’s just beyond all comprehension that they’ll have people fabricate stories of sexual assault against you & Leah. Such pieces of sh*t they are.
Not that I’m surprised, of course, considering how these criminals operate… and the endless lies they tell on a daily basis. But I can’t help but feel infuriated at the thought of this. And they claim to be a “church”. What a sick joke.
I agree Chee Chalker! Well said. And if the OT’s of Scn can think that their auditing on OT VII is what brought down the Berlin Wall in Germany, well I guess they can think that their postulates and intention and auditing ended the A&E series 3 years after it started. All I have to say to Scns who think their actions made A&E pull the plug on Leah’s exposee is one word: Whatever.
Chee, I hope the last show doesn’t end Aftermath’s “run”. I hope it leaves us all more supportive of efforts to end institutional cruelty carried out in the name of some cult or religion, that future “Aftermath”-type programs will be less needed because more people are cognizant of cultish behavior’s evilness and avoid it in the first place. We ALL need to continue Aftermath’s legacy in our separate lives, to be small sparks of good lighting the darkness. Any ONE of us might not be as effective as Mike or Leah, but all together, we can be more powerful and effective. Meanwhile,I’ll still be in the fringes watching DM’s cult implode.
Thank you Mike, Leah, the producers and network people, and the crew that did 3 seasons of Aftermath.
To me, one of the most significant victories is not necessarily what was shown on the episodes from week to week, but, the lack of the church to effectively respond for 3 long years. This exposed Miscavage and the church to be the toothless tigers that they have become.
Every opportunity to refute the “Lies“ depicted in the show were never taken up by Scientology. And the reason is because, it could only have gone from bad to worse for them, had they tried to make an appearance on your show, and most notably, attempted to sue in court.
As Jeff Hawkins pointed out many years ago, it’s not “lies on the Internet” that the church is afraid of. It’s the truths.
“…… but the lack of the church to effectively respond for 3 long years. This exposed Miscavage and the church to be the toothless tigers that they have become.”
You make a most excellent point. Bravo!
“It’s all lies, lies I tell you!” David Miscavige
Davey boy, just calm down now. Maybe we should tie him up and leave?
Sung to the tune of Oklahoma!
Dave Miscavige, where the feds come sweepin’ to the base
And the slavin’ sheep can sure nuff bleat
When the tyrant ups their dose of pain
Dave Miscavige, ev’ry night the Scotch is flowing like the Nile
As he thinks and dreams, ’bout “me, me, me”
Just to sell more cow pie in the sky
We know he belongs in a cell
We all hope it’s a real living Hell!
And when we say, yeeow-a-yip-i-o-ee ay!
We’re only sayin’ you’re going down Dave Miscavige, Dave Miscavige ofay!
“It’s all lies, lies I tell you!” — David Miscavige”
No truer statement can be made about Davey’s cult.
Thank you Mike and Leah! Thank you A&E for taking a chance with this show. You all deserve all the accolades and awards you have received and a whole lot more.
You have taken a wrecking ball to the notion that david miscavige is a benign ecclesiastical leader and that the church of scientology is just some whackey little innocent religion with some weird beliefs that should be left alone. You have shown a spot light onto and into the underbelly and the inside workings of this evil cult and cult leader that destroys families and lives and enacts cruel punishments under the guise of its religious tenets.
Thank you for all you have done and are doing to right the fallacious notion that the First Amendment gives any group calling itself a religion (or given tax-free status by the IRS) the right to take away the human rights and freedoms given naturally or by law to people in the United States.
Lastly, thank you for what you have done for me. You gave me a voice and stood up for me and BY me at a time when I felt powerless.
Several years have passed and this horrible church is now down but not out and I appreciate the dedication you have devoted to making sure it can’t hurt anyone else any more. Good luck with your future endeavors.
Hello Mary.
I just want you to know that your episode was at the top of my “favorites list”. It was one episode that made the highest impact on me.
It is true that Mike and Leah did a magnificent “mitzvah” on behalf of all the people in this world.
But you shared in that good work to a very major and important way. I really loved your episode. It was just terrific because it made the point abundantly clear that this scam is no better than any big Ponzi scheme that destroys peoples’ lives. In truth, it is truly much worse than a big Ponzi scheme because it does not just destroy peoples’ lives by stealing all their resources (all their life savings). But it goes much further in that it tears families apart and overlooks the most terrible violent crimes up to and including murder and rape and all kinds of terrible beatings of innocent people.
Your episode truly drove that home. You and your family are truly heros of humanity.
God bless you Mary. God bless your family. I pray that your family will be reunited one day.
P.S. For anyone connected with Law Enforcement or the Justice System, please consider this:
Evil bastards like Madoff who steal peoples’ entire life savings in Ponzi schemes, are given huge prison sentnces – up to and including 50, 60, 70 years or more. How much more should the leaders of this horrible cult that goes much further than a Ponzi scheme (because it commits horrible physical beating and kidnapping and rape and murder) be imprisoned?
How much longer should these scum of the earth be imprisoned more so than people like Madoff who never committed any violence or sexual shit? But Madoff got what is essentially life in prison. These scumbags who lead these violent cults deserve so much more than Madoff. Don’t you think?
Thank you, Skyler. I’m glad the episode that my family and I did had an impact on you. That is the only reason we wanted to do it – to inform others that had no idea what the church does to destroy and tear apart families, friends and loved ones.
I agree with the rest of your post. Time’s Up!
Thank you for all you’ve done and continue to do. As someone who grew up in Clearwater and now lives in the area again, and lived in Los Angeles, the dark cloud of Scientology has been a constant in my life since the 70s. Please let us know what we can do to help. You have an army at the ready.
Hello Debby,
I have no official status to suggest to you what you might want to do.
But in case you do not know, there is an organization called “The Aftermath Foundation” and this orginization is dedicated to the proposition that people who want to escape the clutches of this evil scam often need a little help to do that.
They need a little money because even thought the cult promised them big earnings, the truth is that most of them never get paid hardly any more than minimum wages. never pays
But, they also need emotional support. They need people who they can talk with and listen to who will give them advice and give them a sympathetic ear. It is very easy to find this organization and if you contact them and explain that you want to help, I’m quite certain they will put you in touch with some members who will suggest some practical ways in which you can be a big help to those people who want to escape the cult.
I’m quite certain this organization will be very happy to hear from you and any army you may know. The web site address is:
If you go to their web site and contact them, I would guess you will hear back from them shortly. If not, just come back here and make a post explaining what happened. I’m sure that someone here will try to help you out.
If I made a mistake in transcribing the address of the foundation, just use Google or any other search engine and search for “The Aftermath Foundation”. You can check that you reached the right place by seeing if the web site you found is one that helps people who want to leave this cult.
Good luck to you. I bet you will enjoy helping someone who needs help to escape from this evil cult.
It still amazes me how far Leah and you have come in this battle against this super wealthy criminal organization. Because of the two of you, countless witnesses have come forward who might otherwise stayed silent. You gave them a safe platform, unending support and the tools to fight back. The cracks in the foundation of the scam are showing publicly and will NOT be covered over. Instead, they will widen further with more “crow bars” stretching them further until there is a shattering of huge proportions and scio will begin its fatal collapse, cheered on by those who have been harmed along with the many thousands, perhaps millions, who have come to despise its history and operation. The lesson to be learned is simple: Don’t attack a feisty and fearless Brooklynite chick with a decent financial foundation, aided and abetted by a tough and pissed off Aussie whose original family was taken from him, and especially one who has intimate information and experience with the highest areas of the attacker and knows the intimacies of your criminal operation and precisely where many of the bodies are buried!!!
As one of my ancestors might have put it, “Don’t be stupid, you schmucks!!!”
Ha! Ha! Ha! What a great post you made!
Wow, great news tonight and for the future!
I wonder what Vegas would put the Over/Under on number of glasses of scotch Captain Dave drinks during the 2 hour show. More and more light continues to reveal the dark closet of Scientology and its not going to stop. I can’t wait to watch the show tonight along with millions of others.
Does anyone know of a chat room where people can go and talk about this episode as it is being broadcast?
I’ve never before used Twitter. Can anyone tell me how long it would take to create an account and to begin talking about the episode with other interested people?
You can create an account instantly and if you search the hashtag #ScientologyTheAftermath (just click on the little magnifying glass icon and type it in just like that) you will connect with everyone who is commenting on the episode as it airs. It’s very easy. Twitter has a lot of downsides, but for this sort of thing it is brilliant.
There is always live blogging at the Underground Bunker.
Odds are one case.
I wonder how much booze Danny Masterson will consume tonight? Maybe someone will slip him a “Mickie” and take him for a ride!
Thanks Leah and Mike! I will be watching!
Thank you and Good luck to both Mike and Leah for producing this ground breaking wonderful TV show.
IMO, no other show or story has made a greater impact and had a greater effect in the war against the worst scam to have ever infected this planet.
Both Mike and Leah have done a tremendous amount of good. Good for the entire human race and good for moving us closer to the “tipping point” where this monstrosity will one day be relegated to the history books.
It may sound excessive to some of you but I would love to suggest to the Nobel Committee that Mike and Leah should be given serious consideration for their next Nobel Peace Prize.
Wouldn’t that just cause The Rat to fester and fume? With any luck, he would pop some kind of serious blood vessel or organ that would stop him from ever talking again. I have often dreamed of a way to shut him up. But the Nobel Peace Prize would go a long, long way towards that goal.
P.S. You may think I’m joking. But I assure you that it’s no joke.
Leah and Mike have done an incredible job, with IPC and A&E, the production team, crew, contributors and participants of Scientology and the Aftermath you have brought an awesome visibility to the horrendous and damaging acts of the Church of Scientology, David Miscavige and L. Ron Hubbard. You all deserve recognition for the incredible professionalism over three seasons and the heartfelt coverage of so many painful and tragic consequences of the CoS on so many lives over more than 60 years.
Bravo for your three seasons of great work on Aftermath. There is much more to do, and many ways to continue revealing and spreading the truth about CoS. Anything is possible. Best wishes for more success going forward!
Thank you so much and keep enturbulating Captain Miscavige!
Bravo, Bravo, Bravo
Applause! Applause! Applause!
Congratulations. We are with you!
The good work that has been done by so many – in Bare-Faced Messiah,, Going Clear, A Piece Of Blue Sky, The Underground Bunker, Truth Rundown, and now Scientology the Aftermath have been smashed into history for all time. Nothing Scientology does will ever take those resources away from the world. The cows are out of the barn. They have been exposed for all time.
In Hubbard’s simplistic world he could control information and keep it from people, but in the Information Age, Scientology is outgunned and is stuck, unable to evolve from its 1950s mindset.
Thanks to you Mike, and Leah, and all the others, untold numbers of people now won’t have all their wealth stolen, untold numbers of families won’t be broken up, and many many lives will not be wasted that would otherwise have been, following a long-dead kook and his lies.
Although there is much work left to be done, so much important work has been done with your show and we can celebrate that tonight.
Keep taking it to them! You’ve proved that something can indeed be done about it!