Many of you may have seen Aaron Smith-Levin’s video posted on Tony Ortega’s blog yesterday.
If you missed it, here it is again:
In response to the video a large number of people contacted The Foundation offering their assistance and making donations. The response was heart-warming and greatly appreciated.
Scientology can try to prevent The Foundation from helping people leave scientology — but they will never succeed. The members of the board of the foundation are not cowed by scientology in the least. We are aware of their dirty tricks. We anticipated there would be people sent in to try to disrupt our activities. It’s the price of trying to help the victims of scientology and it is a price worth paying. It only makes us more determined and more convinced that the foundation has a vital role to serve. We feel a greater need to be effective and active, not less. And even Morgan and Cinjin should not be viewed with scorn but with compassion — for they are classic victims of scientology. The control over how people think and act, using their families as weapons against them, is enormous.
We never publicize information about those we are helping, until they specifically ask to do so for this reason. We don’t want scientology to know so it minimizes the possibility they will be messed with. We always try to err on the side of doing what is best for the victims and take them at their word. If we become cynical and overly suspicious we will never be able to help anyone. We do what we can to avoid plants and suspect requests for help, but a few failures are inevitable. So far The Foundation has been very successful in assisting those who need help to leave scientology — especially those trying to escape the Sea Org and staff. A lone loss back to the cult is a pretty good batting average.
Aaron mentioned in the video there have been two VERY recent departures from “ideal orgs” that we have helped. One of them wants to go public shortly, so stayed tuned for that story. It gives some fascinating insight into the true state of “ideal orgs” — things we all know, but it is interesting to hear it from someone with VERY recent first hand experience.
Again, thank you to everyone who supports the Aftermath Foundation, everyone who supports Leah Remini Scientology and the Aftermath, everyone who supports this blog and everyone who supports the victims of scientology in any way. The large numbers of vocal supporters of this cause have changed the game. And it gives strength to those on the front lines and helps encourage reinforcements to join. Because this is a war to end abuses. For decades scientology has believed they could outspend and thus outlast anyone who challenged their imperious disdain for the law. They may still be able to outspend us, but they will NOT outlast us. And by a long way they no longer outnumber us.
Those new to Smile Amazon, you must make sure you are signed in via each time. The default is the reg site. Just look at the web address at the top when you are shopping to make sure. It will not donate unless you are logged in that way.
Well – it appears that doesn’t have Amazon Smiles – because I sure as heck can’t find it on my account! 🙁
Any other Canucks out there who might know about this one way or another?
Not surprised Sue. Out of ALL the countries in the world US citizens give orders of magnitude more money to charities than people from other countries. It might not be worth it to set up for other countries.
Here are the instructions:
WYNSKI!!! Thank you SO MUCH! That link worked worked – even with my .ca account!
I am now signed up – woohoo!
Mike, I love your blog and I look forward to you keeping everyone posted about ongoing activities or “wins” in between seasons of Scientology and the Aftermath. I frequent a PTV forum for the show and we are often linked to some piece of news on your blog or Tony Ortega’s website. Having all these avenues to keep people informed is so important because the show can only go so far. On the PTV forum we have begun talking about what we can do to get the word out to everyone possible about the atrocities and suffering within the Co$. We also talk about how to help people who feel trapped there and the Aftermath Foundation is so perfect for that. I didn’t know that Amazon.Smile had the foundation as an option, but now that I do, I’m going to spread that news far and wide. Who doesn’t use Amazon? I also think it would be great if a network, or even a local affiliate in a large metro area like LA would pick up the story that Aaron outlines in his video and ran with it. The AP should grab it, or even the US version of 60 Minutes (Australia’s 60 Minutes did an awesome job with their expose – US should do the same!).
Anyway, your PTV forum peeps are behind you 100%. We now know how we can help and we will keep the conversation going, even during the off-season! God bless you and Leah for being brave and courageous. You may not have been doing God’s work like you thought you were when you were in Scientology, but you certainly are NOW.
Mike, I am no longer receiving your blog. Please reinstate me.
Havent uninstated you so I cant reinstate you?
Edward Evers, double-check your spam filters. If uou need help reply here
There is something amuck with the website – I haven’t changed any settings or done anything different either and I’m not receiving notices anymore either.
I also have to type my information in every time I comment – prior to this issue it was always saved.
It also doesn’t give any option to edit and it doesn’t show the standard “Submitting Comment” message anymore.
There is nothing in my spam/junk folders.
I have checked my setting here as well – nothing has changed.
Same for me.
Me too.
Since I am from Canada – I’d like to know if the Aftermath Foundation is…
1. Available in Canada
2. Can be used to help someone in Canada
I order a ton from Amazon – I’d sure like to help, but of course, I am hoping to help Canadians as well
Of course. We help people all over the world.
Thanks Mike – I will adjust my Amazon account!
Great to know – love this
Looking forward to what will be revealed in the new season of the show which I am confident A&E will renew 🙂
I’m happy to see others wanting to help get people out of this Cult they don’t pray they lie child molesters abusers using tax exempt money wrong people are seeing the truth Ty Leah and Mike u r making a differance
I watched Aaron’s video with great interest. I don’t agree about the lone loss back to the cult comment, as it appears this was all a set up from the get-go You can’t lose a “plant” as they never were really trying to get out in the first place and were only to there to do harm. But in the long run, those individuals will have to live with the consequences of their actions, and the Aftermath Foundation’s magnamity could get them thinking. The individual(s) who thought up this scheme are idiots! They could be risking heavy ethics handlings for the out PR…..
This is so unfortunate – when people cry wolf – they tend not to listen a second time.
If he ever really wants out – I hope he realizes he might not get the same enthusiasm to help him as he did this time. How is he to be believed?
I feel sorry for him actually. He is a puppet and is being used at the hands of the CoS and DM.
It’s very sad.
Aaron, you are a good and noble man!
What you do to help people is tremendously appreciated .
And as always … Thank you too, Mike and Leah .
What can we do to help Mike and Leah? It’s so frustrating!
My wife and I have signed up with which will donate a percentage of our purchases to the Aftermath Foundation. The one-two punches of Aaron Smith-Levin and Mike Rinder created a significant movement of the space-time continuum which couldn’t be ignored.
Mike, what I find really admirable is your continual compassion for those who are still trapped in Scientology. You never blame or take personal offence even when you are faced with attacks on you and your friends. I also wish the best for Morgan and Cinjin and others, including your family, who have yet to find their way out of the darkness known as the Church of Scientology. I wonder at the twist of fate that has led you to become the advocate to help those escape the cult that had bound you also.
I watched Aaron’s video, and it seems like he’s describing a false criminal complaint, and they just charged actor Jussie Smollet with filing a false criminal complaint. Scientology’s scheme has more moving parts leading up to the false claim, but I think it merits further review. I guess I’d have to watch the video again to see if the ‘sending a plant to the show’ connects to the computer hacking stuff.
“A lone loss back to the cult is a pretty good batting average.”
I wouldn’t think of this as a loss per se. You’ve traded some time and money, but in exchange you have more evidence of the depravity of OSA, Miscavige and a better look at the scene of Scientology. It’s a Scientology foot bullet that really illustrates the fact that the cult plays families against their own, to get them to act. This puts them on the level of other dangerous cults.
Anyway, that’s how I look at it. We will always win because we continue to document and expose the truth.
??? Huh ???
What is it you don’t understand about his comment?
I love that you refuse to allow the tactics of CoS to make the organization cynical. It truly is the only way to help those trying to “blow”.
In my ongoing research for various CoS stats, I stumbled across at interesting Wikipedia article about CoS being banned from editing the Scientology topic. An excellent quote there states (paraphrased): the most effective way to gain extreme publicity is to try to suppress it.
Here’s the link, it is super interesting!
Keep up the incredible determination!! I’m enjoying seeing the decline of CoS!
Maybe any publicity is good publicity. Whenever the CoS takes a swipe at someone one more person might wonder what the noise is all about and google Scientology. oops
I saw Aarons’ video yesterday regarding this. It was disgusting. It was such an abuse of trust. I feel sad for Aaron and all of you, your intentions are good, That was proven by your actions. It is great that he did not get the $15,000. It must have surprised him.
I wonder if they are worried about being charged with fraud? Sending a lawsuit like that? That Aaron was hacking? That was their own idea, so maybe put that back on them.
A good thing that has come out of this, FINALLY the Clearwater PD are actually doing something. FINALLY!!!
COS looks really dumb now?!?
This is off topic, but as I’m new to the posts, I’m hoping it’s not a breach of etiquette. From my less than extensive knowledge, and the research into applicable California laws, I think that if someone makes a request for a walefare check on someone (especially an elderly individual) the police are required to do an extensive check, even taking the compaintant with them during the welfare check. (It doesn’t have to be a family member) If there are individuals being kept in Hemet (the “hole”) and a report is made for a true welfare check on that individual, they are mandated by law to carry out the check, including observing living conditions, possible coercion and other factors that could be used to prove someone is not being cared for properly. I have to beleive that someone may know pertinent information to request a welfare check on someone suspected of being mistreated at the facility. Even if the individual refuses to cooperate, it may be decided to remove the person to a safe area for social services to interview them. Someone may also be able to request a welfare check on Shelly Miscavage as well as someone being held in Hemet, and be allowed to actually see her- where the missing persons report only required contact (could be through a phone call or even someone saying she is at a specific location -if her husband says she isn’t missing and others cooberate it could be closed) I think a welfare check requires them to actually inspect the premises and speak directly to the individual. Again- I don’t know if this has been tried and I don’t know if I’m out of line, I just thought…maybe??
To all who commented about Amazon Smile — THANK YOU! I had no idea what it is and now I’m linked to the Aftermath Foundation. For those who don’t know, The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charity you register, “the Aftermath Foundation”, in my case. Here is a link:
I just added the Aftermath Foundation on Amazon Smile. Thanks for the link. I’m glad I could do something to help!
I added The Aftermath Foundation to my charity. For all those who shop on Amazon, it’s easy to make the change if you haven’t already done so:
1. Log on to:
2. Go to your Account setting and select Change your charity.
3. In the search bar type The Aftermath Foundation.
4. Select it as your charity.
Thanks to all who mentioned Amazon Smile. I shop at Amazon all the time (Himself tends to yell, “Honey, today’s package is here! when the doorbell rings) but never paid much attention to Smile. I went straight there and put in Aftermath Foundation as my charity and will be sure to shop through Smile in the future. I’m proud to be part of this effort!
Sadly – or disgustingly – it’s a very old tactic from the Scientology playbook, to either infiltrate a group, or to find a way to coerce and “turn” an ex-member who has joined one, and essentially turn them into an after-the-fact infiltrator. It may be nearly impossible, to tell which was actually the case.
Hubbard explicitly wrote to “tear up” groups, and though it is not as well documented as it could be, there are clear accounts that in the early days that included invading gatherings and getting physical. In the late 1960s the Berners (famous for introducing “study tech”) started their own work at a rural location, and had their signs shot up until they reported it to the FBI, who went and talked to Scientology – after that the violence indeed stopped, and the 1970s probably marked a point at which Scientology realized it had to be a bit more cunning and less lawless in its harassment and subversion efforts.
“They are each fair game, can be sued or harassed.
….Any meeting held by them should be torn up. ”
L. Ron Hubbard, HCO Exec Letter: Amprinistics, 27 SEPTEMBER 1965
(interestingly, he lays out the history of a number of individuals and groups that split from Dianetics and Scientology, going back to 1951)
Looking for that reference, I see that Mike has written previously about the general subject here:
I watched the Aaron video yesterday and was just gobsmacked, although I don’t know why – nothing the CofS does should surprise anymore… Aaron, great job for laying that all out so well. Mike, you are a class act, thank you so much for a great post, and all you and Leah are doing. When I first heard about the Foundation I thought it was the most brilliant idea yet. You are saving lives! We’ve donated before and will donate again. Shot themselves in the foot again, they have.
Please keep up the good fight!! You have so much support out here – Prayers of Strength for All ~ let’s take The Sciencultology Corporation down
I went to amazon to change my charity to the aftermath foundation but the search comes up in Texas (without description of charity) and the website says Colorado. Same one?
YEs, it is the same one. It was incorporated in Texas by Ray Jeffrey, but Claire Headley in Colorado keeps track of the finances…
Yep, it’s the same charity (I contribute through Amazon Smile, too).
“They may still be able to outspend us, but they will NOT outlast us. And by a long way they no longer outnumber us.”
Well, it’s a big score that the attempts to make the Aftermath Foundation look bad actually resulted in more donations flowing into there than before.
I’ve also switched my charity on Amazon Smile. I’ve been an Amazon member since 2002 and placed 293 separate orders in 2018 alone and already placed 23 this year (most with more than one item).
Well done David Miscavige. I hope your shoes are bulletproof.
Warning, when I click on your name above I get a warning that there is a Trojan attached to your link. Just to make you aware that you may have been hacked.
Odd, I have 24/7 scanning and haven’t received a warning. I logged into my security services and found nothing either, I also linked myself and didn’t get the warning, hmmm. I pay through the nose for protection since I was hacked last July. I am doing a back scan f all files changed in the last 48 hours just to be sure. Thanks.
I didn’t see a problem with the link.
I have my security parameters set very high and the rejection may be at my end. Glad if there is no problem with your link.
@DJ after checking everything out, it turns out my ssl was configured incorrectly so McAffee and Chrome both hiccupped on it. Hosting tech support is working on it, they didn’t reconfigure it after my migration to a newer more secure server, so thanks for the heads up.
There was nothing actually hacked, McAffee and Chrome are just both set to warn people if the site doesn’t have a ssl (or in my case a properly configured ssl) so they know it is not 1 zillion percent secure.
They say it will take about 48-72 hours for the fixes to propagate.
You wrote: ‘Well, it’s a big score that the attempts to make the Aftermath Foundation look bad actually resulted in more donations flowing into there than before.’
This follows when good is highlighted, and especially so when brought into public view by cults who are seen to have evil purposes/policies. Scientology is killing itself with every act they commit following Hubbard’s dark policies.
I assigned ‘The Aftermath Foundation’ as my smile charity. So, David Miscavige, that means several hundreds more a year going to support an organization you chose to attack.
A&E: This the Perfect opportunity for you to Attack, i.e., air those additional episodes . . . . . . strike while the iron is hot. You’ll Never have stronger public support!
I just changed my charity in Amazonsmile to The Aftermath Foundation. Not sure what took me so long to do this! Love you guys!
The Aftermath Foundation has probably helped more people than a criminal organisation that simply hands out pamphlets and calls it “social betterment”.
There’s no such thing as ‘social betterment’ in the cult. Only ‘social dismemberment.’
So incredibly good to have you back OSD…you were dearly missed!
They are defenseless against true kindness & compassion.
They are defenseless against collective prayer.
I stand with you all. I particularly appreciate the very even response from Aaron & this write up today from you. In a truly exasperating circumstance, each of you are rising above it. Well done.
Keep up the good work. You are saving lives.
I just want to say I love you guys ! This situation is serious and you guys are so brave for fighting. Thank you for Scientology the aftermath, because it has been made into a show. I can talk to people ( spreading the message ) even at work with out really discussing “religion.”
Great job Mike Rinder and everyone who has stood up to the evil cult, $cientology, the modern day bully organization disguised as a church who hides behind the tax exempt status as they commit criminal activities daily. Criminal actions include bribing, extorting, money laundering, mind manipulation, fraud, deceit and hiding rapists and other sordid criminals from the laws of the land.
Their tax exempt status is going to get yanked.
We are not stopping until that happens.
I used to be a Fundraiser for the cult of $cientology.
I am now going to be a fundraiser for the Aftermath Foundation. I will do it for free.
Tick-Tock David Misccavige
upon re-reading the post and re-watching Aaron:
WHAT is the big deal with paying someone to appear on a show when they KNOW they’re going to be attacked viciously, smeared, and “destroyed utterly” by the same evil organization they’re exposing? scientology can libel to its heart’s content (assuming there’s any heart left), but that PROVES nothing except that they will continue to use the SAME tactics that are being exposed, that haven’t been working well against the constant onslaught of the TRUTH coming at them. Stop committing illegal and immoral acts and there won’t be anything to expose. But nOOO!, scientology can’t do THAT. IT’S AGAINST POLICY. MORE IMPORT, IT’S against COMMAND INTENTION, which is SO superior to direct orders: Just predict what he INTENDS and before he says a word, it’s done. Completely deniable as he never did say nuttin’. What a complete nutter.
One thing that I probably never will understand and perhaps somebody can enlighted me, is how the general scientology members don´t seem to understand that it´s about the abuses and not the religion itself. And do they in general really believe in the epic expansion?
They have to pretend that they’re expanding. That’s all they can do.
Stefan, Don’t expect logical and independent thinking inside of scientology. Anything the least bit critical or QUESTIONING about scientology has been solidly emplaced as an attack on the “only hope for Mankind in the past trillions of years”, so MUST be ignored (at least), or fought against tooth and nail if possible. There is no thinking on the subject. That would be “reasonable” and scientologists can’t do THAT, and any attempt at reasonING is supposed to be met by the scientologist’s “dedicated GLARE”; something that is taught pretty much from day one in every scientologist’s career and it’s reinforced any time anything appears ready to upset the quietude within the bubble.
TRUTH has been defined to be “enturbulation”, and scientologists have been carefully taught to avoid anything that is the least bit different than the smooth, quiet influx of scientology’s teachings.
Fabulous video by Aaron. Well worth 25 minutes of your time to understand recent fair gaming fails. An eloquent, clear to understand presentation. Thank you!
I also loved the video by Aaron. You, Aaron, Leah and A&E and the Foundation are helping so many people, some to escape the tyranical cult. And it isn’t an attach on the philosophy of the religion, but it is an attack on the abuses in Scn. And I personally would love to read some stories of those the foundation helped leave. If they are UTR, you don’t have to use their names, but just tell a little about how they helped them get out. That way we get to feel good that we are “Clearing the world.” We are clearing it of slaves and victims.
To those who don’t catch The Bunker regularly, Tony lost his dad yesterday. He wrote a beautiful tribute to his father and posted it today.
My prayers are with him and all the family at this time.
Sorry for the O/T, but we are all soldiers in this fight. I thought you would like to know.
This is a very appropriate comment.
Losing a family member is a terrible thing. I think readers here both appreciate the value of familial connections and have great empathy for anyone’s loss given the high incidence of destroyed families here due to scientology disconnection.
Condolences to Tony Ortega, for the loss of his Dad. Thanks, smorbie for the latest news. To the A&E, Leah Remini Scientology and the Aftermath, the Aftermath Foundation, Mike, Leah, Aaron and those who are exposing the bullying cult led by its Punching Pontiff (thanks, jere lull for the description), prayers to you and to keeping up the good work.
For decades, heroic feats and acts of courage were carried out by individuals (not groups) to expose this criminal organization called the Church of Scientology.
Today, brave souls from inside the organization have escaped and are leading the charge to end this abomination as a group effort. If you ever considered making a donation, now it the time to act to become part of this group effort.
While I am as poor as a church mouse, (because of the dirty tricks played on me by this criminal organization), I still have been able to make an automatic monthly payment to the Aftermath Foundation… I encourage all of you to do the same.
NO one can understand more than you how criminal the organization is, And how illogical, even insane, it is. To refresh my memory, I googled you and, as expected, scientology’s attack-dog sites came up early in the listing. My heart goes out to you, and I hope that there’s SOMEthing that can be done to “shatter their suppression” of your good work. Sadly, As long as any vestige of Davey’s organization exists, I’m afraid that their “scripture” will require their attempting to further injure you —and anyone around you, no matter how loosely connected. It’s unfair, to say the least, but the punching pontiff doesn’t understand any other way, particularly after you “aided and abetted” that dispicable heathen and wife-beater, Mike Rinder.
Here’s hoping your doing better in life. You ARE a hero, if only for sticking up for what was rightfully yours.
Well said, Robert Almblad. I have little to give, but I know that my very small donation to the Aftermath Foundation makes a difference. If we have a lot of people making small donations, then those eventually add up to a big donation. I’m also a “never in,” who feels compelled to donate because even if I have not personally been hurt by Scientology, I believe in human beings helping other human beings.
I finally got off my ass and donated to The Aftermath Foundation!
Thanks so much
Me too, but via Amazon Smile, and I had no idea I could contribute that way. It took a few different ways to search before I found the Foundation. By the way, Leah and Mike, you have no idea (I think) of the impact of your series on ordinary churchgoing Christians and Jews. I knew the name Scientology but had never any interest in it, one way or another. Boy, have our eyes been opened! Thank you for putting up with the ongoing devilish harrassment from the evil empire. You, and all who have spoken out on your shows, have many folks’ admiration. Bless you all.
This is all just astounding.
Thank you so much for all of this, Mike.
I’m glad we have Aaron … I love his strength, humor, and morality.
Y’all are heroes.
COB has just been left with egg on his face – again! He must be apoplectic and boxing OSA ears – I almost feel sorry for them.
It would be a shame if the IRS would allow, as a deduction to claim the money spent on, attacking the foundation, preventing those who would escape, recapturing those who did, and lawyer fees for harassing anyone outside of the bubble.
IMO, part of the Foundation’s purpose MIGHT be to financially support suits in defense of scientology’s abuses, such as their frivolous suits brought not to win, but merely to bring the opposition to their knees.
I’m not (yet) one of the foundation’s volunteers of financial contributors, so i have no say in the matter, but it’d be nice if there were some deep pockets behind suing DM into a “spider hole”. Thinking a bit about that, DM may already be in his own, as he’s NEVER seen out in the real world, only inside the bubble protected by many layers of security and lots of distance. IIRC, he does show up on “Freed-winds”, that massive white elephant that even pay its own bills on time. Paying bills on time is against POLICY. Money first goes to the FBO (“Flag banking officer”) then goes up the lines to “Reserves”, only returning in dribs and drabs in response to abject pleading by the folks who made the money. IMO, that’s one idea that helped get the “Apollo” kicked out of most ports in the Med and Caribbean.
I watched the video when it was first posted, and my heart goes out to those two individuals who were used and unapologetically manipulated into doing Scientology dirty work. It must be extremely difficult to remain stalwart in the face of such a force with your own family and loved ones leading the charge to persuade you to change your stance. I’m sure pressure has increased with the popularity of the show and the websites (not to mention the foundations help in getting people out). However, the very transparent and ham fisted attempt to get some manufactured “dirt” on one of the public faces of “anti-Scientology” (not sure exactly what to call this movement), and the timing of the attempt are probably a barometer for how desperate Miscavige and his minions of hell are.
This is also a great testament to the strength and determination of the people who bravely speak out and help at great personal sacrifice…
I cannot condem the individuals who remain in the cult, but I will always commend the individuals who are working against it.
I understand that the top dogs in Scientology watch this show and all the details so they can brainstorm ways to discredit and fight back. Isn’t Miscavige afraid that those watching and critiquing experience a light-bulb moment themselves?
I mean, the attorneys and people involved in the fair game tactics are aware of the show and the content.. I always wonder how they don’t question EVERYTHING after watching an episode that maybe had a friend or family member showcased.
In any case.. I love you guys and pray your great work continues. The help is needed and it’s so good to know you’re there with your hands out to help steady them. Kudos!
Lisa H:
“I always wonder how they don’t question EVERYTHING after watching an episode that maybe had a friend or family member showcased.”
When talking about lawyers in particular, I used to wonder why they don’t question ANYthing about their clients. Then I talked to a couple of lawyers and discovered that they’ve been carefully taught that their job is to do WHATEVER is necessary to represent their clients adequately, even sometimes actions that are immoral if technically legal…. Their personal moral codes or ethics have nothing to do with it. “He who has the gold makes the rules.” is the primary code they live by. “An honest politician STAYS bought.” is a similar truth in a related field.
Correct. Lawyers are advocates. They’re paid to ADVOCATE for their clients by any legal means necessary and available to them. You can call them “whores” but if and/or when YOU would ever need one and hire one, THAT will be what you’re paying for You will wrap yourself in the flag. An expert lawyer can utterly despise and disagree with his client but still play the legal hand he’s dealt for all its worth on behalf of that client, despite his personal distaste for the client, despite his personal contempt, his antipathy. And its not only for the money. He’s DUTY BOUND to do so. He doesn’t HAVE TO accept any client but if he does, he is duty bound to do everything legal to protect and otherwise advocate for that client by any legal means available that the client can afford. It has to be this way; if lawyers had to like and respect every one of their clients our whole justice system would come apart. Everyone is entitled to a fair trial under the law and that means EVERY one, no matter how despicable they are or appear to be. That’s our system. And that’s why rich people get convicted a lot less. They can pay attorney to do the hard work to explore EVERY legal option. Not fair, of course, but still, infinitely preferable to living under fascism, IMO.
This is supporting evidence to “The truth will out.” and that the truth is powerful, will overcome all the lies, even if it takes awhile. Keep on spreading the truth broadly. The criminal organization can, by its own teachings, only try to defeat its enemies (we who have escaped) with “acceptable truths”, IOW, *lies*, which tubby himself observed to be ineffective and self-defeating. I only remember ONE issue that advised against lies, though.
Thanks. Reminds me of one of Mahatma Gandhi’s most famous quotes:
“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall – think of it – always.”
Another easy way to give to The Aftermath Foundation is to set them as your Amazon Smile charity. Amazon will give 0.5% of your qualifying purchase to the charity of your choice. You have to use the “” URL when you make your purchase. Read more about how to set it up here:
It makes a difference. I changed my charity to “The Aftermath Foundation” from another charity. I saw that the charity I previously designated had received over $5K in total donations. Not bad.
Terrific — thanks Mike
That’s fantastic! I just changed my Amazon Smile charity preferences to The Aftermath Foundation as well. And I buy a lot of Amazon goods!
Stay the course and save those lost cult souls. Doing what you and Leah are doing Mike is your true life’s mission. But you & Leah both had to walk through the cult desert to be the effective countermeasures you are today. You have humanity’s undying gratitude.
Thank you Peter
I’m there too- and I buy a TON on amazon!!!!
Can you let us know how we can set up something on Amazon so that a portion goes to the Aftermath Fdn? I buy a lot on Amazon and would love a portion to go to them automatically. How do I set it up?
Sign up for Amazonsmile. Then you can pick The Aftermath Foundation for your charity. ?
Go to amazon smile and set your charity choice to the aftermath foundation. You will have to log in to amazon through that site to have the donation sent when you buy stuff. I think it’s but you can plug it into your search engine and it will take you there. I buy enough on amazon to find a small nation!
Thanks for posting this. I never thought about doing something like that, but I’ve switched my charity preference now.
Thanks for posting this Tim. I was unaware of this feature through Amazon. In case anyone else was curious, you can search “The Aftermath Foundation” on that link. The foundation’s city/state is listed as Bulverde, TX, which I just confirmed with one of the board members is the actual foundation.
I was a little skeptical since the foundation contact on the foundation’s website is in Colorado and knowing how Scientology has no qualms in trying to fraudulently get money & attack the foundation, but the Bulverde, TX location is accurate. I just wanted to pass that along in case anyone else may have been hesitant as well.
Ooh, that’s a good idea.
I wasn’t generating any donations to my previous charity. I’ll have to figure that one out. I’m thinking I have to have smile before the amazon in the url. Or maybe I just haven’t selected any eligible products.
Today, we’ve been given proof that “Scientology and the Aftermath” has been and continues to be a true force for good.
IMO, Mike and Leah can take every freed scientologist as a personal “win” even if they don’t get to meet them personally. I believe there should be an annual get-together of Aftermath supporters and the freed, similar in some respects to HowdyCon.
Primarily, each one “out” by whatever means is a brick removed from the wall, another weakening of scientology’s (apparent) power. Oh well, I’m off to watch the snow pile up….
I’m SOOOOO glad the Aftermath Foundation is being SO effective. Every life saved is priceless, and quite possibly saves more souls who would otherwise be trapped by Tubby’s implant stations, even the mobile one called pass-winds.
I’ve been a fan of that foundation from its first announcement and WISH I could give more than just vocal support.(along with what the SPs around DM would call (I’m)moral support; definitely unethical by his standards.) Of *COURSE* DM wants to smash you flat before you help free his closest sycophants. Then he’d have no one to shield him from his just deserts.
Oops, auto-correction mistake. that should have been (im)moral support according to DMm’s henchmen.
The Aftermath Foundation is literally saving lives!
Every stunt they pull is another Endorsement for your campaign. Just keep the faith; you’re doin’ Fine!
“They” by no means are a larger crowd than us, because the “they” they project is a fallacy based upon one guy, one lilliputian guy who seems to have always thought he was better than everyone else, that no one could teach HIM anything meaningful, that no one other than him meant ANYthing. He WILL have days of weakness, will suffer bouts of depression AND HAVE NO ONE TO HELP HIM. He’ll take a look at ALL the money he’s spending JUST to maintain his position, realize that none of that is giving him real happiness, that even the fine scotch is unable to dull the pain of his conscience kicking him, telling him,”This is WRONG.” He SEEMS to have no conscience: Neither did we while we were in the bubble.
Imagine what it will be like when he finally realizes how far he’s gone outside if what he KNOWS (in his heart) would have been right activity. Yes, he might act as a sociopath, but he wasn’t always; he CAN return to a point of sanity and true assistance to mankind. Yeah, I AM that much an optimist…. I even believe that the last vestiges of scientology’s blight upo mankind will eventually be eradicated.
It’s what I call “coming out the wrong end of a Liability Formula.”
1. Decide who are one’s friends.
2. Discover that you have none.
What a bleak and pitiful way to go.
Sorry to have to disagree with you Jere, but I think DM was a sociopath from a very early age, if he, as a young man, slapped his pc when he couldn’t get a floating needle and good indicators at the end of a session. This happened when he was at Saint Hill, according to this account:
And yes, he does think he’s smart and the world is stupid. Otherwise, how could he think that those charges against Aaron would stick?
I have so much respect for what you Mike, Aaron and the rest are doing. May God protect and keep you all safe in the light of Truth.
Personally I think this is a good cause. If I were trapped in a dangerous cult, I would hope there was an organization or a community willing to give me a hand up to get back on my feet. Keep up the great work Mike and Leah!
I love this post so much.
“If we become cynical and overly suspicious we will never be able to help anyone.”
I love the kindness and compassion you have for others even whilst you are all in the middle of nasty ‘Fair Game’ tactics. I love that you refuse to allow them to change those wonderful qualities which make the Aftermath Foundation such an excellent resource for those who need it. I love the perspective you provide via the show, the blog, and other social media. Thank you for everything you do, and for not letting the negativity of others drag you down to their level. I’m so glad this amazing, empathetic organization is there for those who need it. Just keep swimming! You guys rock!
What Katie said! ☺
I hate hearing about those guys getting coerced back in, but it seems to highlight what Scientology is all about, which is using someone’s good intentions to take advantage of them, even going so far as to defraud a charitable organization.
Even though none of us on the outside will ever know the full story of what goes on behind the scenes at the Aftermath Foundation (for good reason, as discretion is of paramount importance), it’s encouraging to hear the help that the foundation is providing to those who need to leave, even if at times some people take advantage of that.
Scientology also seems to have taken advantage of Morgan and Cinjin. Hopefully those two will get the hell away from this group very soon (and bring their loved ones with them).
The Scientologists who attempt to harm the Aftermath Foundation and the show just don’t seem to realize that they’re fighting against the very people who are trying to help them. Hopefully, one day soon, they’ll all look back on what people did for them and be grateful that there were individuals who still kept fighting for their freedom (mental, physical, psychological, and financial). I’ve said this before, but these individuals trapped in the Scientology mindset truly do need help, even if they don’t realize it just yet.
Also, well said on that last paragraph Mike. Thank you for continuing to fight for those still trapped in their mental prison, even if at times it may seem that some of them don’t deserve to have someone else fighting for them.
What a BRILLIANT criminal complaint. All he has to do is not talk to the police and it goes away with zero atty fees. The CoS OSA people are idiots.
Yes, they are. Maybe they could think better, if they weren’t so sleep-deprived. But I doubt Miscavige would grasp the benefit of not making people stay up all night for him.
Keep up the fantastic work, Mike, Leah, Tony and all involved. You have overwhelming support from the public, most people however just don’t have the endless time and resources Scientology have to put their support into action.
We’ll be as vocal as you need us to be and we’ll forever call them out for their wrong-doings. Keep saving people! Your determination and persistence is amazing.
LM said:” most people however just don’t have the endless time and resources Scientology have to put their support into action.”
scientology don’t have *endless* time, and its resources are severely limited to those currently “in”. He isn’t bringing in new recruits while every prisoner who escapes can be recruited to the fight against him, many with stories fresh enough to be taken successfully to the DA, attacking DM on his most vulnerable flanks. Exposing the organization as criminal might just possibly be possible, which is the only way I see of stripping that so-necessary false 503 C(3) protection from it. Tick-tock, Davey Boy. As goes Danny “Donkey punch”, so go you sooner or later. You should have already set up your final resting spot by now in “Bulgravia”.
just found a kewl reference to the entity at I never would have thought he would have THAT much gall to actually try that sort of caper. Just goes to prove that any time you THINK you’ve delved the depths of scientology, it gets WORSE. Tubby tried and failed to take over Greece…. AND another. Was it Morocco? (I forget, as it never was very important.) NOW (ok, in 1992) DM tried for an even MORE aggressive move — which OF COURSE failed as the ‘tech’ he depended on was illusory all along, having been based on “Magick”, which never has been real other than in the minds of the weak-minded that are in every society. I include myself in that category, as my intellect was weakened enough that i believed the magic powers he promised might just be attainable, even despite the evidence showing them to not exist. At “my” first franchise, there were two OT IIIs. Neither showed th powers attributed by others to them; both were pretty ineffective, not ‘OT’ at all. I swallowed the PR about them intentionally not demonstrating overt enhanced abilities and continued to dig myself more into the prison. Even while at Flag, seeing their OTs as pretty mediocre people, I dreamed that *I* might be the ‘case’ that proves OTs exist. Didn’t happen, of course.
Scientology’s resources are certainly more limited than they once were – they haven’t staged a mass protest or “crusade” in decades (smaller attempts these days draw just dozens), and I doubt that they could mount an effort now like they did to bury the IRS in thousands of individual lawsuits. But they’re still doggedly determined and tenacious, and have enough resources of money and individuals’ time left to pull off smaller coups, like their co-opting and infiltration of community and charitable groups, and even their making inroads in countries like Columbia (though those typically seem to end badly).
You may have been thinking of Rhodesia as another locale Hubbard tried to impinge his will on.
I have never heard Mike or anyone else request that people donate money to support this web site or to support The Aftermath Foundation.
I cannot speak for anyone else, but I wan to tell you two things that apply to me – from my own personal experience.
The first thing is that I cannot imagine any better idea than “The Aftermath Foundation”. It is a perfect kind of way to connect those people who are in desperate need of help after escaping this monstrous cult together with those people who want to help bring about the end of this horrible thing.
The second thing is that every time I donate some money to Mike’s blog or to The Aftermath Foundation – no matter how big or how small the amount – I get a tremendous feeling of satisfaction to know that I have done something concrete to help.
Although I have never seen anyone ask people to contribute some time or money to either Mike’s blog or to The Aftermath Foundation, that doesn’t prevent me from telling everyone who may see this blog to please consider making a contribution – either to Mike’s blog or to The Aftermath Foundation.
If you are uncertain that you may be able to afford such a thing, please consider donating even a small amount. Even a small amount of our time or money will surely be a help to someone who has escaped but has no way to earn hardly any money because one of the evil aspects of this cult is that they never provide any training or experience that will help people earn a living in the outside world.
On behalf of all the victims that we have encouraged to leave the cult, please won’t you consider donating whatever you can. Just wait and see how it feels to know you have done something concrete to help these people.
I just wish I could find a more powerful way to ask you all for help. Thank you.
Nicely said Skyler….
I have been a monthly donor of a small amount every month since the first days of the Aftermath. For me (poor as a church mouse, thanks to the cult’s dirty tricks played on me) I find the small donation I automatically make every month a source of satisfaction that I can still continue to make a stand against the abuses of this soulless, criminal organization. I encourage all of you to do the same.
Robert, I very much appreciate your kind words. Thank you and I am happy to wish you continued satisfaction.
“I have never heard Mike or anyone else request that people donate money to support this web site or to support The Aftermath Foundation.”
Then you haven’t been seeing what’s been there: AFAICT, there’s always been a small “donate” button on each of Mike’s blog entries. It hasn’t been big and in-your-face, just quietly sitting there. And *I*, at least, have bee exhorting other readers to support the Foundation since its first appearance, not just money, but volunteering, as I’m sure that every volunteer-based operation could use more willing hands.EVERY one I’ve known or heard about needs more willing hands, bar none.
Please, anyone, everyone who can: Donate to the Aftermath Foundation. Money is good, but your friendly, smiling face might be more valuable.
IMAGINE those currently “IN” encountering an acknowledged “SP” smiling at them and offering a hand up out of the morass they’ve found themselves in. What a SHOCKING experience! Exactly the opposite they’ve been told we’re like. AND we know where they’ve been, where they are: trapped behind the bars looking out at the free world.
I’m reminded of that other totalitarian regime which built walls and fences to keep its slaves imprisoned. That seemingly impregnable, too-big-to-fail society fell right about the time of DM’s “Bulgravia” caper.
Remember that most of us are living in a country which seems to need to build walls to keep people OUT. Trump’s ‘wall’ isn’t nearly the same as the Iron Curtain. Don’t fall for attempted comparisons.
Meanwhile, DM has been fortifying an “Iron Curtain of his own to keep the slaves under his control. Was it “Star Wars” that said”the more you squeeze, the more will escape your grasp.”?
[Probably a misquote, but you get the idea i hope.
The Foundation seems to be that NEW HOPE those inside could use. Meanwhile, why don’t we all flourish and prosper and ENJOY OUR LIVES outside of the evil empire? i’m already doing so, enjoying my 3rd cup of coffee while snow swirls around our neighborhood. Wish I could be doing it from the cockpit of our little pleasure dome, (a 28′ Tanzer sloop), but I’m not up to that right now. All I can do is tap these keys from the comfort of my library occasionally and dream of the super powers Tubby promised.
Hello jere. I know that Mike has a “Donate” button at the top of this blog. But I’ve never seen one at the top of his posts. I’m currently looking at his first post in this thread – the one that begins with “This is a very appropriate comment” and I’m not seeing any “Donate” button there. I don’t understand why we are seeing things differently.
But the important thing to me is that I recognize you as being a fellow member of the EOS (Enemies of Scamatology) and I feel privileged to make your acquaintance. The difference we seem to have about that “Donate” button doesn’t mean anything to me compared to the important thing – which is the fight to put an end to this monstrous, evil cult and I’m happy to recognize you as a fellow combatant in that struggle.
Skyler: I SAID it was small and not in-your face. Those disinclined to support good journalism can skip over it entirely. it’s NOTHING like the CoM’s “operating system” which would require a “donation” before you could see any of the content.
Hey- I think it’s at the bottom of the page now…
I did watch that yesterday. Aaron’s reply to what happened was perfect. It’s sort of amusing that the cult thinks they can pull anything that those who are now out can’t anticipate. They (the cult) just doesn’t seem to get it. That’s not a bad thing though, the more comfortable DM feels that he can keep doing what he’s doing the deeper the hole he keeps digging.
You are so right too that you can’t ditch what you are doing because someone may slip though, and I also commend you for your kindness toward the persons who tried to slip through. I’m sure they wouldn’t have anticipated forgiveness and understanding, forgiveness without any conditions.
You have to keep fighting! They can not be allowed to get away with the illegal activities they are doing. If the law will not help then we need to look into that too. Who is being paid off and who will stand and fight this corrupt cult! Families are being destroyed and no one is doing anything but the people who have experienced this horror! Someone will have to stand against this and stay strong!
What an amazing job you guys do. Your strength & committment, you are the true humanitarians providing sincere help to the people who really need it.
“A pretty good batting average”.
You could call it “bradmanesque”. (As an ozzie you should get that.)
Anyway:Keep up the good work!
Definitely got that reference 🙂
Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi!
Come on, Aussie, come!