As scientology prepares to launch SuMP TV, we are launching something we believe will be far more beneficial and hopefully grow to have even greater impact.
Scientology and the Aftermath has exposed many abuses commonplace in scientology. Harsh punishment, child and sexual abuse, enforced disconnection from family members and much more…
Were it not for the fact that they are able to hide behind the cloak of First Amendment law, they would likely already have been dismantled.
There is not a great deal the general public can do. I have often answered the question “how can we help” by telling people to contact their elected representatives and tell them they need to take action. And this is still something everyone should do. Repeatedly.
But the abuses of scientology also generates victims. Often, they are ensnared in a web that is difficult to escape. Family members, jobs and social circles all entwined with scientologists and no outside support system. And even beyond that for Sea Org members trying to escape — often with no money, no resume, some without even a driver’s license or bank account, let alone a credit card. Outside the circle of Scientologists they know, who would help them? These factors prevent many from leaving. They wish they could, but how would they survive?
Something can be done to help people leave.
Inspired by the outpouring of support for the contributors of the series from people who have never been scientologists, a few of us decided to create a foundation, a structure in which we can unite, organize, and offer help to those leaving Scientology.
Today, we launch The Aftermath Foundation, a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to helping those who want to leave scientology and the Sea Organization but lack a support system they can rely on while getting on their feet in the real world.
The Aftermath Foundation is devoted to providing resources, support and advocacy addressing both immediate and longer-term needs of former and current scientologists, while raising public awareness of the abuses perpetrated by the cult.
Some of the types of help the Foundation plans to offer:
- Assistance connecting with the appropriate local government services:
- Social workers, welfare, unemployment, food stamps, whatever is needed.
- Assistance finding housing:
- Connecting victims with volunteers who offer temporary housing assistance.
- Financial assistance
- Assistance with vocational training and career counseling.
- Assistance preparing resumes
- Assistance finding schools, registration, etc.
- Assistance getting therapy if desired.
- Connecting volunteers who offer specific types of help with those who need it.
We invite you to visit our website. The Foundation is raising funds and organizing volunteers.
Donations can be made through the website.
Hundreds of Aftermath viewers around the world have already volunteered to help in various ways if and when needed. If you would also like to volunteer, please email your name, contact details and what types of help you’d like to provide to Your information will be kept confidential and will never be shared without your express written approval.
Those who feel they might qualify for assistance from the Foundation can contact us through the website.
You can follow The Aftermath Foundation on social media here:
With this Foundation, we hope to create a bridge, a different kind of bridge than scientology’s, one where people will actually walk on to a new beginning.
This bridge will exist because of you and what you do.
Thank you,
The Aftermath Foundation Board of Directors
Luis Garcia, President and Chairman
Aaron Smith-Levin, Vice President
Claire Headley, Treasurer
Christie Collbran, Secretary
Mike Rinder, Board Member
Marc Headley, Board Member
Ray Jeffrey, Board Member
Something funny is going on with the foundation’s Web site. I was able to get to the main page, but when I clicked on any of the buttons, I got the Firefox error:
Unable to connect
Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at
The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.
If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer’s network connection.
If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.
Then I couldn’t even get to the main page. I had no problems with any other Web pages.
So I tried Internet Explorer (I’m running Windows 7). Same error. I wonder if Scientology is somehow messing with the Web site…
Initially I believe it prudent to keep my ideas as brief as possible, to be elaborated on should the need arise. First off it is my assumption that the purpose behind the series, “The Aftermath” is to bring an end to the C of S’s manipulation of people and self-enrichment, through its various toxic policies and methods. Seasons 1 and 2 seems to have done a pretty good job of exposing the damage done which obviously has had an impacted on the C of S’s stats. Nonetheless, the question remains; will the C of S survive in the long run? Before I express my views, which include my suggestions for a 3rd season, I believe it useful to provide some relevant background.
My personal involvement in scientology is partly covered in a post of several years ago. If need be the post can be Googled; “Birth of The Sea Org by Joe van Staden”, For now, all that is required is a brief outline. I know the subject of scientology as well as anyone. All my training up to class 8 auditor was done pretty much under LRH. Even my earliest training on the HPA course in Joburg (1960/61) was kept an eye on by LRH when he was in South Africa for the first SA ACC. My two SHSBC’s and class 7 course were done at St Hill under LRH while my class 8 course later, also under LRH, was done on the Apollo. My last technical post was on the Apollo as flag Qual-Sec where I was instructed by LRH to develop all the internships up to class 12 auditor. The point being, I am as familiar with the technology and philosophy of scientology. Moreover, I spent a considerable amount of time with its author, LRH, on a one on one basis during my stint in the SO. .
Outside the tech domain I was one of the original SO members that took the Avon River (Athena) to Las Palmas. Later I served as captain of the Athena and Apollo each of which was at various times designated the flag ship making me the flag captain second only to the commodore. At some point the Commodore’s Staff Org was created which changed the org-board structure. Where was the guardian’s office during the SO’s rise to power? For an indication of this, suffice it to say that on more than one occasion I simply told the G O to fuckoff and stay out of my way. No wonder I was on their hit-list for years. Guardian office types and OSA types are of the same breed. Anyway, after the SO got chucked out of Corfu my then wife and myself along with the staff designated for the “University of Scientology” to be set up in Corfu set up the AO in Denmark.
Since AO DK was set up in what was essentially virgin territory at the time (Europe) there was a desperate and immediate need to develop a public for the AO. Long story short, with a handpicked team I ran around Europe doing just that, The first org being Munich. When Jill and I returned to South African in the early 1970’s, on a leave of absence Europe was opened up for scientology and AO DK was brining in the big bucks. After several months in SA I returned to flag without Jill. Back on flag I sensed an atmosphere I didn’t like – very cold and unfriendly. Writing knowledge reports had become standard practice. Gone was the laughter and spirit of play I used to share with my shipmates. Seriousness was the order of the day. That was when I decided it was time to go. My final brake with the organization was probably around 1980. In 1990 and 1991 I attended conventions for independent scientologists in Switzerland and Denmark. Since then I have kept in touch with old shipmates like Janis Grady and other ex scientologists Moreover, I have continued on the path I was on since childhood long before I made contact with scientology – a curiosity on “how things work”. It was probably due to my insatiable inquiring mind that it was easy for me to “let go” of scientology. As far as I was concerned the subject and its organization had passed its use by date – as simple as that. My shift in perspective on how things work since I walked away from scientology is reflected in my many posts on face book in recent years.
Regarding my suggestions for series 3, it seems that one of the most frequently asked questions of ex scientologists is; how is it that bright, seemingly intelligent people, can get caught up in the C of S’s web. As far as I am concerned the answer should be obvious. Everyone, including those asking the question, are at any given moment dependent on a belief system of some kind to keep them “in touch” in an ever changing world. Of course everyone thinks that his or her belief system is IT. They have to; it is what keeps them oriented in terms of identity, time, space, meaning, relevance and value. The point being that the value of any frame of reference, belief system or perspective is not to be found in its content or structure but in how well it does its job of keeping the individual oriented – located in a believable reality. The Flat Earth notion satisfied people at the time and allowed them to get on with their lives. Since then several different notions about the universe have each in turn provided what seemed to be a reliable frame of reference for the purpose of orientation. But, as evidenced throughout history, every notion of how things worked is sooner or later replaced by something else.
Here is the thing, as soon as the context within which a truth or fact is defined is widened that truth or fact is no longer sustainable regardless of what it is. Even Einstein’s equation E= MC squared is context specific. With the development of quantum physics context widened and Einstein’s equation changed from a constant to a variable. Belief systems, including the laws of physics, are creations of one or more individuals. Credibility and sustainability is achieved by getting others to buy into the belief system. Scientology is LRH’s creation. This is not to say that those who have bought into it didn’t or don’t experience something unusual beneficial and desirable, even “magical”. The same can be said for many other belief systems, classical and new age.
Hard as it may be to grasp in this modern age of facts arrived at through the scientific method the development of alternate belief systems have become a cottage industry. Check out the internet. Largely responsible for this is that the time and space provided by traditional frames of reference (orientation) has been seriously undermined by the rapid widening of context in all spheres of life due to the information age. Can there be any doubt that humanity has lost faith in BIG government, BIG business, BIG media, BIG pharma as well as BIG science. In spite of the marvels of modern technology, at some level humanity is increasingly “loosing touch” and becoming disoriented. Hence, the propensity to grab for anything that promises to ease the distress and confusion. The implication of this being that the potential public for scientology is growing not getting less. Even the “bizarre” story of OT 3 and Xenu is gaining credibility in light of what has become acceptable on the internet Quite frankly the C of S is well positioned with its TV etc to take advantage.
Where the aim is to shift people’s mindset telling them what they believe is stupid is probably the worst strategy. You are up against two powerful forces. (1). The individual’s need and desire to be oriented. (2). A poorly understood yet omnipresent placebo effect. The point being that what the person really believes, however stupid it might sound to you and me, it will be experienced as real in every way by the believer. .
(As a scientology auditor I encountered some very strange happenings. In retrospect I realized it was largely due to the power of the placebo effect. The individual so strongly believed in the methodology that it delivered what was expected).
In conclusion what I am suggesting is that season 3 should to a greater and more in depth extent get involved in a conversation about belief systems in a way that will resonate with the millions out there holding on to stuff out of necessity or habit not based on freedom of choice. Freedom of choice is a key button with most people. How exactly this conversation will unfold will obviously develop once given attention. .
I hope this is useful. Warm regards,
Joe van Staden.
Thanks Joe. So good to hear from you and with such a thoughtful comment which is in the hopper of Season 3 ideas now. Hope all is well with you. Mike
Why are they not doing an episode on the e meters and auditing? The miracle cure surely should get the spotlight. Show us what it’s like to be audited.
This one definitely needs a LOVE button! <3
Will there be support groups within the organisation to help with transitioning?
Are you going to offer “safe houses” (those secret places that cant be tracked down). There’s nothing like a night or two away from being followed by a cult.
I’m really happy to hear this news.
This is wonderful. Thank you to everyone who is heading this up. This lets people help more directly in a way that can help these survivors get back on their feet and begin to reclaim some of the time that was stolen from them. Bravo to those of you who helped get this set up.
Good day Mike,
Today, March 06 and yesterday, I’ve been trying to forward an e mail to Volunteer section.
It has informed me the server is not set, can’t receive e mails.
I’ll keep trying, but I wanted you to know.
Thank you, Silvia
It would be great if you could get some more hefty legal supporters on board. Launch a suit for each individual leaving; Not a class action, but individual filings, just like They did against the IRS to get their exemption. Hit them hard, from so many angles, it will make their heads spin. It’s just a matter of generating paperwork, and there’s a whole lot More of you, than there is of Them! ‘Strength (and safety) in numbers’. ‘Divide and conquer’!
Under what standing Kukla?
Any number of reasons – from child abuse to fraud – the purpose being to overwhelm, both psychologically and financially to get, and keep, them preoccupied to the point of distraction. Less energy and resources to expend on fund raising, tv programs development, and all their other usual hooey like sec checking and general harassment. And, I’m all for the idea of buses with placards circling All the large installations as suggested by ‘Newcomer’. Bombard them, with Everything you can, then watch how many more will have the courage to leave once they’ve seen the level of support.
Nope. Won’t work Kukla. For MANY reasons. Statute of limitations and mostly 1st Amendment. Judges wouldn’t even allow them to start.
That’s why people are not doing it now.
As an afterthought to the Aftermath Foundation, could I use the organization to personally sue Scientology even after twenty nine years? I have heard that the statute of limitations can be voided. I still want to get something going.
No, the purpose is not to bring lawsuits. It is to help people leaving.
Mike, a few questions…
If we offer our homes as safe-houses for fleeing SeaOrg, how would you recommend we protect ourselves from scientology’s shitty little chaos organization the OSA?
What happens if a “double agent” is pretending to be a blown Sea Org member, but in fact is a good soldier of scientology…??
Sorry, I can’t keep my comedy routine going on any further, LOL… the OSA, Ha HAH!
Nobody is afraid of that toothless bunch of of koolaid drinkers anymore. I retract the questions.
Perhaps never ins can offer safe houses –
Or maybe a separate entity likr THE MOTHER’S NEST?
To all of the directors, thank you from the heart. May you all be motivated and propelled- stoked if you will- in these endeavors. I’d like to share a ‘win’ receiving help when i found myself working out of despair. The situation: I learned that DM was not my leader and left his church, rolled into a new place, with no contacts, three hundred bucks, no credit, a broken down truck, expired licence.
First thing, I was offered a piece of cardboard to sleep on underneath a strange yet advantageous architectural anomaly. I didn’t trust anyone except I seemed to have a level of trust for the homeless. We scrounged money for hot dogs and buns which were microwaved in the supermarket, free condiments.
To make a long story short, The Bridge House was very helpful along the way, and a model that could be improved on. Just as you state, a bridge to a new beginning. They help people get on their feet with meals, housing, counseling, and essentially coordinating*** to all the services that society and government can offer. My perception on this country and the kind people that comprise it came into clearer focus.
It’s been a little more than 4 years since my truck spurted into this completely new town. I’ve had lots of wins along the way, as well as losses. It has been rather tumultuous at times, but an adventure nonetheless. I’m now in a position where I have a job that fits’ starting Wednesday. I have a place to live that is comfortable. And many many blessings that I once took for granted (fixed teeth, kind contacts that have remained trustworthy, a good friend or so, blue sky and nature, and plenty of food).
I’m looking forward to the time, if it comes, when I look forward to helping others again in the way I use to. – meaning that I’m starting to feel whole again. Sometimes mega grumpy, sometimes griefy, but I catch these waves of stability that are so soothing. The Bridge House is cool, but I know y’alls foundation will be cooler.
And I actually have a spare room… So I’ll check out the site to see how we can link up.
This is wonderful! I can help some with money. I’m a wog but most of us are nice people. CoS guaranteed SO members wouldn’t leave by making them believe we were all bad. So sad. I live in SW Oklahoma. No CoS around here.
Wow. An offer of help, sincere, simple, spontaneous, from someone, somewhere, for no particular reason other than as another example of the goodness woven into the basic nature of most people. Thank you, Kati.
This is an AMAZING announcement. I am on board. Let’s all pitch in and do something scientology pretends to do, but does not… help our fellow humans to a better life.
I wonder what the little tyrannical maniac is thinking right now? He must be bouncing off the walls in an infantile rage. Aww, so cute, in a way.
THIS MAKES MY DAY to read this! As a “never-in” and someone who actively seeks to learn more about this destructive cult (many thanks to Mike, Leah, Aaron, Chris, and Tony just to name a few of the passionate educators and crusaders I learn from) and, moreover, a seeker of things I could do to help those affected by it, this is something I will be excited to utilize and to share with others I know who would love to help in a tangible way. Thanks to each and every one of you involved in starting this foundation- may it thrive and shine in such a way as to send death-blow-level-shockwaves (if that is even a thing!) through the Scientology organization. ALL THE BEST!
This is why I come here. Too laugh, and cry. Forget about the past. The finest people on this wonderful planet occupy this sight. I am proud to be a part of it. Everyone here is amazing!
Though I’m an ex-jw i applaud your efforts, and I hope that you are paving the way for other foundations. There is so much help needed.
YES, YES, AND YES!! I would love to see other foundations like this for other destructive cults out there- so many people who need to be loved on and supported.
I’m with you two!
Survivor of spiritually abusive evangelical blah blah blah right here!
I think I get it now Mike. The opportunity to be part of a group,a family,something bigger than myself. Someone who would understand me. They suck you in and then suck you dry. It’s such a cult. It’s heartbreaking they prohibit you from seeing your family.
I’m a Catholic but my friends and family are from all faiths and Cultures. Not one a Scientologist because it’s not allowed. How sad how tragic how unbelievable that people think it ok to “disconnect” from people you love and love you. That is so wrong so wrong
I think I had a hard time believing this could all really be true even after watching the show How could your heart and brain let you disconnect ???
I am on board with the foundation and will do what I can to help ?
Very good news. I can donate to help.
I would love to see the seniors who are ill and have been set aside, helped out with a roof, decent food and medical. I think that would be a wonderful addition to the Foundation’s assistance. Mike, Aaron, Louis, Mark and Clair, Christie and Ray…THANK YOU all for doing this. When I got out it was an escape.. and I thought the hounds of Hell were on my heels. I went from the frying pan into a different fire…and was still in essence connected to the Church.. just not in the S.O. SO much I didn’t know.. I couldn’t drive, I’d never used a microwave, I had virtually no money. But I DID have a place to go. I know of senior S.O., including my ex, who are very sick with serious conditions. I don’t know if they want to leave and just don’t know how to, or if they are content with their lot. All I know is, if there was a help line for them, perhaps more of them would find the way out before it’s too late, and they might be able to enjoy some quality of life. Anyway.. this is awesome.. and I agree with the commentor above.. I think Leah and A&E should do a 2 our special on the Foundation – once it is set up and running.. VERY powerful and a great follow through for Leah who has said she will never give up on this. The Public would love to see this. Sorry for rambling.. I got carried away. lol
A much needed organization and I hope with all my heart that this trickles through to those inside so that it gives them courage to depart knowing there is whole infrastructure of support and they will not be out in the wilderness on departure.
And because so many have Facebook friends that are still IN, this is guaranteed to leak through….
Hello Karen. I realized just today that if I had taken action when I first was sent off the Freewinds, I could have made a real difference. Thank you for getting my story out ( At least part of it. Hope you and yours (what is left after those people stole part of your life) are doing well
Thank you Bill ! Jeff and I are doing great.
Very good news, Mike. I’m very glad. Count me in! Going to the website now. I want to do whatever I can. I want to be part of this. Good energy!
Davey boy: And you thought you had problems from the FIRST “Hurricane Aftermath”…. This one is likely to hit you personally, helping the slaves escape to join the ranks of the army of the “bitter, defrocked apostates” who give you such agina. On the other hand, why not ignore it and have another scotch? Nothing effective you can do about a bunch of folks doing real charity on their own dimes. I can hardly wait until the Foundation helps free the current denizens of the Hole and they gang up to sue your ass to the oblivion you deserve.
Yo Dave,
I could hear some gnashing of teeth and realized it was You tryin to figure out which one of yer human traffic victims You could send over to the new Foundation to be yer ‘mole’! The problem is good buddy, how could You keep them from leavin …… fer good?
I suppose You could do the Pee Eye thingy but that might be risky as well. Meanwhile, watch for our new bus. It will be circling the bases with plackards and all …. “GET OUT OF THE CULT AND COME RIDE WITH US”. We will cruise by slowly at breaks and mealtimes with the doors open for anyone who has had enough rice and beans ……. or just needs a nap!
Better hire more security Dave. You need it.
Mike, what a great idea and what a fantastic group of people, including yourself, to head this organisation.
Very interesting News. .I’d love to hear what a typical Sea-orger thinks about a bunch of Prominent SP’s as well as Wogs they’ve never heard of ,wanting to give them financial assistance and social support to start a new, independent life, FREE of the hubbster’s mental diarrhea. .Hat’s off to the Aftermath Foundation ?
Anyone with social media market mad skills?
AftermathFdn will be the Sanctuary headquarters for Scientologists dreaming of escape. I nearly froze to death in a deserted tour bus, no elec, cashing in soda cans 4 peanut butter and coffee. Homeless but happy to be Free of Sea Org hellhole. By Week #6 tho, desperately needed Sanctuary. The 7-11 even ran out of toilet paper – might as well been back in PAC! lol
That’s why I’ve decided to use my upcoming new music/3D animated video to help promote listeners to go to AftermathFdn and donate and/or volunteer, This video will be Free to All. “Wall On Fire” should be out for release on March 10. Just waiting for the German animation team to finish. Hope it will help in some small way.
I am on a tight, retiree budget, but will be looking to hire social media marketing freelancers to help me with this project – so I can get as many as possible to view the AftermathFdn website as I know cash donations will be in high demand. Any referrals appreciated – DM me @MoxieMagee
Incredible! You have shown your worth 4700X with this humanitarian action.
As Hana Eltringham Whitfield wrote below, she did not know how to recover outside the closed universe of Scientology. I don’t know if it can be done but maybe you could include a service on this website that has the names of individuals known to be inside Scientology linked to specific individuals wishing to help and/or contribute to him/her.
This list of specific volunteers for specific individuals trapped inside would have their contact information in your web site so that a contact for help would be within hours of the call. I’m sure this list would need to be very secure, and the person requesting the help be properly verified before the contact information was released. Knowing that specific family and/or friends are close at hand and ready to act might just be what is needed for them to go ahead and decide they have had enough..
On a lighter note, is this Foundation also going to have a ‘Day Org? (Inside Scientology joke)
That is awesome, Mile. Whether or not I receive any assistance from this; thank you.
Thanks Mike for doing this. Whether you agree with LRH’s tech or not, the current organization has been perverted by a guy from jersey claiming to be the most loyal yet seemingly running off good people with coerced donations, forced disconnections, and re-releasing tech to make a buck. That’s why a lot have left, and I am sure a lot more will in the future.
Regardless of the reason, I hope this helps. It is a noble effort. Something can be done about it!
In can offer some help. We know that there are plenty of russian speaking sea org members at Flag. Some of them don’t know English, most of them can be absolutely lost in America. I can help you with translation materials into Russian for them.
Victor, that’s a big deal, because so many of the young, new Sea Org people are Russian!
A thought: there’s a fairly large Russian community in Philadelphia, the “greater Northeast” section, specifically. I worked with a couple of them and they seem to be a supportive group, likely to help settle countrymen who could use a hand up.
Gosh.. Been waiting for this in years… All behind those people who do this.
I was so impressed with Underground Bunker commenter Once_Born’s empathetic understanding in terms of the Aftermath Foundation of what it is to leave a high control group:
“I imagine those who leave or are offloaded after decades in Scientology – especially in the Sea Org, as having many of the same problems of asylum seekers.
They find themselves in a strange culture which does not understand their behaviour or their innocence of basic aspects of modern life, and reacts with hostility to them as a consequence.
People with experience of resettling traumatised refugees would be very good consultants for the Foundation.”
This is incredible! Made me a little teary. It’s quite something that people who need help getting the hell out of $cientology and rebuilding their lives will be able to seek help from this foundation.
I will absolutely be donating.
Bravo to all of you!
Wanted to add…
Aside from donating monthly to this much needed foundation, I’d also be willing to help with giving people a ride somewhere if needed, temporary housing in our guest bedroom, etc. I live in Los Angeles County.
Also, my husband is a musician and has many fantastic contacts with other bands. We would be more than happy to sponsor a benefit show where 100% of the cover charge and a percentage of food/drinks sales would all be donated to the foundation. I’ll submit this info to the volunteer page.
I went on the website. It is very easy to navigate to donate or volunteer. Donated. Happy to help. I live in Denver. I would be available to help anyone in the area. Keep up the good work.
Brilliant, simply brilliant! A very much-needed and timely initiative to which everyone concerned with the fate of the cult’s victims can now contribute in a direct and concrete way!
In the discussion concerning the roll-out of this new non-profit foundation over in the Bunker this morning, I made the following point:
“Although the cult is much too slow on the uptake to have figured it out for themselves, there’s a very valid and logical question which could be posed by any insightful, but objective observer of the $cn-critical community: If $cn truly is as destructive and evil as it’s made out to be by ex-members, then beyond just exposing and verbally objecting to that purportedly heinous behavior, what positive efforts are being made to undo the damage that’s been exposed and to come to the direct aid of those who’ve been victimized?
The Aftermath Foundation sounds like a very good answer to that entirely legitimate question! ”
About the only objection that the cult could have to it is that it’s not needed; yet the hundreds, if not thousands of personal stories from ex-staff members who’ve experienced the difficulties of transition back to the real world testify to the need.
I plan to contribute monetarily and to also offer my direct, personal assistance in my local area to anyone who’s serious about escaping the cult and needs it. I’m certain many others will do likewise in their own local regions as well.
You guys are amazing! You have brought awareness not only to Scientology, but to cults everywhere! You then made it possible for survivors to recreate their lives. As a member of a former cult that I was raised in, I have to say that after you leave you think it is over. There is great relief and joy, but then rebuilding comes and you realize how very alone you are. There aren’t a lot of organizations out there, and especially not in my area, that can help or come close to understanding what you are going through. Thank you so much for doing what you do!!!!
What a wonderful resource! I know when I got it out it was so hard getting back on my feet almost all by myself. I am glad that it is getting easier and easier.
If you need any music scoring for promo, I’m in. Completely a free service. No charge.
Do a Public Service announcement.
Brian, you read my mind.. I have some things I’d like to contribute along this line. Would love to connect. I am going to do as Mike suggested (below) and copy and paste your post above and send it via the volunteer email. Looking forward to speaking with you.
I’m sure Mike and the board had some idea of the outpouring of offers to help that would come. Yet, I wonder if they realized how monumental this moment truly is.
For some reason, seeing Luis Garcia’s name at the top of the list just hit me at my core. For everything he and his family are going through right now, just… wow.
I’m sure it’s not easy for anyone on the board right now. Hats off to all of you.
It’s indescribable how I feel at the moment. So many here who post understand that ex cult members are not the types of people that are comfortable asking for help.
We were indoctrinated to believe that it was a cardinal “sin” to speak up–something wrong with US if we disagreed. I just hope that those in need will come to realize that IT ISN’T THEM!.
Thank you all for your generosity of spirit.
Read about this first thing this am on the Bunker and it made my day. I am a never in, but I know how hard it can be to start over with nothing…and I didn’t have the extra burden of coming from a secluded environment like Scientology!
When I fantasized about winning the lottery I always said I would start something just like this. I never play the dumb lottery though, so it wasn’t a good plan. Lol.
This is such a good thing and another example of ex’s getting together and paying it forward/making amends. Unlike the church, this will truly help.
This is so fantastic! Awesome job everyone! High Fives all round! This is going to snowball…
I like the way you think, WL!
This is FANTASTIC. You are all gems.
Fantastic idea! The foundation must have a method for phone contact.
I’m overjoyed you’re doing this. I’ll volunteer in any way you’ll have me, from giving someone a ride & a roof to anything else I can help with. I am not a lawyer but a friend of mine is. I’m a never-in with several years of personal study of this particular cult and its abuses, and I am a former battered wife. I understand what it’s like to be abused and how difficult it is to get away. My location is somewhere in the greater Pacific Northwest.
This is a great idea and I would love to help. I work for Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County Board in Texas. I manage the training providers list and I can help anyone find good training providers who they will be able to find employment after the training. Also I can help with them applying for cash public assistance and food stamps (SNAP) in Texas.
How do we get the message to those ‘inside’ who are our audience. This may sound a bit bizarre, but for lack of any other clever idea, I thought about one of those planes that flies a message from its tail…FOR HELP AFTER LEAVING THE CULT CONTACT (website of the Aftermath Foundation) flown only during times when there are lots of staff moving from building to build (e.g. lunchtimes). Maybe done once a week on different days of the week. (Funded with donations from the foundation.)
That sounds like a great idea too. Because you’re right, there are likely some that feel hopeless and stay out of fear. I’m donating what little I can.
I thought billboards in both Clearwater and near Big Blue would be a good idea.
No. It would be a great idea!
This is just me, but having been in the sea org prison, when I realized I needed to get out of there it wasn’t because I saw it was a cult. I finally saw that it wasn’t what I signed up for (completely the opposite), I was being treated worse and worse–their bullying techniques–and it was ruining what I had left of my future. So my suggestion is this–use “Leaving Scientology? Leaving the Sea Org or staff? Need help? Call ______” Or something similar, angled towards that unfortunate mentality. We all know it’s a cult but I’m pretty sure the majority of the people wanting to leave aren’t looking at it that way yet. They just know they want out. Their stuff is ground in deep and locked in and it will be hard to hear bad stuff about this thing they initially loved and were so deeply involved with for so long.
Shortly after leaving I found some friends who had also gotten out and they told me some of the really nasty stuff. I didn’t/couldn’t believe some of it at first. All I knew was that I was happier, getting better food, sleep, vitamins and nutrition and the “wog” people around me smiled and were friendly. That’s all I needed at the time. True that I did need more help later and what I got was very much appreciated.
That said, this project is AWESOME and however you do it I hope it reaches everyone stuck in there! Thank you for creating this group.
Thursdays, about lunchtime, a banner: “Tired of the neverending stats crunch?” Drop into the Aftermath lounge at 120 N. Ft Harrison. In fact, it’d be great to have a storefront on the west side of N. Ft Harrison that didn’t say anything about cult(s) or leaving, but was a simple “call home”, with free calls home for staff; could also help some runaways. Would want to display a message that wouldn’t provoke direct attacks from OSA, but would interest staff far way from home. Once they’ve called home, they might be interested in the foundation.
The more I think about it, the Foundation could be helpful to wider audiences than just staff: Might be some other down-and-outs who could use “our” services. I can’t actually help except for brainstorming(or perhaps brainfarting )like this.
Following along the thought line here ……….
We may acquire a bus or van and we could have signage per the suggest below:
” use “Leaving Scientology? Leaving the Sea Org or staff? Need help? Call ______” Or something similar,” ….
like “hop on board, have a meal and a good nights rest among friends. No sec checks allowed!”
Volunteers could take turns driving the van at random times around big blue, the HGB, various orgs and perhaps those thinking of leaving might ‘bolt the paddock’!
We could call it the ‘Bus to total Freedom’.
Oh I love this.
This is so, so wonderful. Congrats to everyone who was involved in getting the foundation set up — it can’t have been easy!
Excellent Mike. You have made real headline news. Let’s see if it will be picked up by the SuMP.
I can provide a safe space and possibly work for someone wanting to change their life. I’ll check out the website and get the info posted there.
Meanwhile back at the ranch, Tonto, not realizing the Cee Oh Bee was cleverly disguised as a pool table, racked his balls!
Yo Dave,
What the hell can You possibly do with a Tee Vee studio good buddy? You’ve go no news and no one who cares except for a few remaining staff and public. I guess you can do a continuous streaming of the war is over and some of yer other events. Truly something to keep people glued to their seats Dave!
Such great news! 1-800-ex-sea-org has not worked in years!
Hey Pope, I never even heard about 1 800 ex Sea Org. How have you been doing? If you ever need any help in protests , ect. Give me a call. My number is 214 756 0988. And thank you for producing my videos with Karen in 2012.
I’m doing okay. What part of ca are you in? Thanks so much for the kind words.
I can’t wait for billboards announcing the Aftermath Foundation (“We will help you escape!”) to spring up near Scientology centers everywhere.
Another great idea!!!!
+1! What Linda said.
GREAT idea? Hell, no! It’s an OUTSTANDING idea!
I stand corrected.
I can foresee that this Foundation will become VERY widely known. Knowledge of it will spread to the sea org (covertly) and more people will be able to break the chains……..
Well done to all concerned who have set this up. It’s an idea that I had a vision of years ago, but never had the resources to implement it.
Absolutely brilliant………………
Good on ya, mate! Excellent post! I love your vision!
Mike, Aaron, Christie, Luis, Mark, Claire, Ray, This is absolutely brilliant. Thank you for setting this up. It is the Bridge leading out that has been needed all this time. Now instead of “Call me” billboards, we can do billboards of “Call the Foundation for help” phone number. I bet many SO will leave if there is a helping hand waiting for them. Kudos to you all for setting this up.
I live near Clearwater.
I have never been a Scientologist, but I have read much about it, visited the Tampa location, etc..
I can volunteer meeting people as support, giving rides, etc.
Susan, you’re wonderful soul! That would be great! Thank you!
An idea whose time has come. Hallelujah, brothers and sisters!
Hallelujah! Thank you thank you to all of the people involved in this foundation! Finally a bridge to somewhere as opposed to the bridge to nowhere! My mother recently passed away in January and we are waiting for her house to sell so I will send some money when things get straightened out there in the meantime I will share this forward because I have many friends who live in Kansas City which is the site of many events and COS orgs maybe we can get some people who can help up there as well! God bless you all!
Thank you does not begin to express my gratitude for your much needed endeavor. It reminds me when I was in the Sea Org, desperate for some way to leave without anywhere to go, no one to go to, no money, no means, no car or driver’s license … I remember the moments of overwhelming panic knowing I had to leave while I still knew I had to leave … I remember wishing there was a sign somewhere … on Fort Harrison Avenue … on a bus seat … in a shop window … anywhere … with the words “Do you want to leave? Call ____ now.” I remember … Not all these memories have yet been laid to rest. They still hurt. Let us know how we can help. It will take willing minds and hands, those that understand undue influence and manipulation and abuse in all its forms, and those who can listen, comfort, guide, and bring understanding. And those who can heal. And it will take monetary resources not only to support those in need but to hold predators who wish your demise at bay and back into their pens. We are with you all the way.
Hana: Sorry you went through that hell. You were one of the good ones, a delight to have as a senior and the person who reminded me to focus on what’s important — to me. hope your life’s good, girl.
Hana, your story touches me and I want you to know that I too plan to support this new foundation any way I can.
While I still consider myself a Scientologist, I do not agree with everything that LRH said or did. I fully believe that the formation of the Sea Org was totally unnecessary. There is no need for the Sea Org and while I knew something pretty amazing people who belonged to it, many of the SO were no better than the Hitler Youth boys of the 1930s and 1940s. Many were basically snotty kids who carried themselves as if they were a bigger being than you.
Simply put, Dianetics has helped me tremendously but I will testify that I was never the commander of a flying saucer during the Xenu wars in a past life.
Best to you and yours.
Something Can Be Done About It ! Will be a monthly supporter, if I can. Thanks to All, for donating more of their time!
In just 2 years, the Aftermath has gone “straight up and vertical!” This has to be higher than the CoS 38X expansion, right?? ?
I am a second generation scilon. Parents were in Sea Org in LA from 78-82 then continued services here in Ventura and Santa Barbara and eventually going to Flag. I’ve done extensive auditing, the purif 3 times and some Basics. My father us still indoctrinated. I wish he would see Scientology for what it is.
I am donating and will give my volunteer info right now. I currently volunteer at a California Welcome Center and the #1 no-kill animal shelter in California. I also have 18 years experience in the health insurance industry from answering phones to a fraud investigator.
Thanks for all you guys have done. This is awesome.
Applause to you for your volunteer work–especially at the no kill shelter. Just a thought; since so many that leave the cult are traumatized and have PTSI (Post Traumatic Scientology Injuries). Not a mental “Disorder,” it’s an Injury–most likely, a series of them.
It would be so great to connect these people in some way with the homeless animals–as potential service animals,comfort pets–or even just for visiting. A number of organizations have recognized the need, and help fund service animals (that are rescues) to veterans with PTSD.
Just had to throw that out there… Something to consider.
I’ve noticed at least one poster here that has a service dog. I’m sure there are others.
I know for sure I would not have survived without mine.
I’m stunned! Now there’s a way to help people who want to escape from the cult. Bravo!
Thank you, Luis Garcia! Thank you Aaron Smith-Levin! Thank you Claire Headley! Thank you Christie Collbran! Thank you Mike Rinder! Thank you Marc Headley! And last, but certainly not least, Thank you Ray Jeffrey!
Sat Thank you Ray Jeffry
I have tears of joy running down my cheeks. This is the greatest news I’ve heard in a long time.
Maybe it’s time to plan a beach party!
I’d go for sure to that party
I believe there’s a scheduled party in Chicago (in June?) Details over in the bunker.
Gee… we could do confirms, call in, stats and all that stuff for attendees, hire some trees, get some security – just for old times sake. Oh! You gotta come dressed in an SO or staff uniform, you know like Heath Ledger as the Joker when he dressed up as a nurse. Special beach prize for most the creative, mmmm?
OK OK, I know, I know already – back in the box chocolate!
And not just confirms but reconfirms and re-reconfirms.
Hey, c’mon! We’re going for authenticity here!
Well newcomer knows where it will be: Huntington Beach. We don’t have any cults here!
God bless you, Mike, and Christy and Aaron and Ray and Luis and Claire (hope I didn’t miss anyone). I will definitely be contributing what I can financially. I’m in the process of moving out to Port Townsend, WA, not too far from the Seattle Org. Never in. I’d be glad to volunteer in whatever capacity. It’ll take me a while to establish myself musically out there, but at some point maybe I can get a benefit concert together for the Aftermath Foundation. It sorta chokes me up to realize that for all the crap than goes on in scientology and the world at large, there are still good and kind people like you around.
Many thanks to all of the board members for creating this foundation and to all who have posted here on this topic and so generously offered their help.
To Bix: Your comment really choked me up… A benefit concert is an AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME idea! Actually, how about an art festival?
I think of all the scios who have lost their dreams as artists because of that vicious, vindictive, lying cult and can think of nothing better than doing a benefit for that purpose and including them. Such an event could include ex members showcasing their creative talents and works of art for sale or hire to the public… I’d love to see you and other “never-ins” on stage collaborating with ex scn musicians.
You rock!
This is what a REAL event and REAL HELP looks like — without the cult fakery and exploitation of well-meaning people and artists.
I’ll be the new kid on the block out there (acutually the new old geezer is more like it) so it won’t be for awhile – (damn MEST universe gets it the way, doesn’t it?).
Awesome thought. No pressure. Keep cultivating it.
Bix – great idea, you’re a sweet heart.
Bix, we need to get together once you get out here. We’re able to easily get to Seattle, a little farther to Portland. I sing. My husband is not a bad drummer and plays several other instruments. Let’s meet.
If this wasn’t a scientology-related website, I’d just give you my home email right here, but it is, so I won’t. How can we connect? Wow, this is great; making connections already.
Mike may be able to help facilitate this, if he’s willing. He should have my email address or be able to get it from WordPress. I have to enter it whenever I make a comment, so hopefully he can see it and pass it on to you. Mr. Rinder, if you’re reading this, I expressly authorize you to give my email address to bixntram and request that you please do so if it is possible.
Bix, if you want to take a guess, I’m with one of the most common free email services in the US, and you can see where to send it already in my original comment.
None of my family or friends is a Scientologist.
I want to help. I can, and will, donate but I want to do more. I don’t know if any board members will see this comment but I have also commented on the Facebook site. I’m an attorney in South Dakota and I’m involved in a small group that assists FLDS people who want to escape – or have escaped – the FLDS compound in the Black Hills near Custer, SD. To my knowledge there are no COS members in SD but obviously there are other cults. I have 20 years experience in family law (most states have similar laws) and before that I worked for Child Protection Services – and I think I could help in that area like with consultations or finding lawyers in a different state. Please feel free to contact me.
Thank you for your kind offer RoseAnn. You are being included in the list of resources that is being compiled.
Mike, I also want to help someone. Put me in for it.
To everyone who is so kind to volunteer to help in some way.
Please go to the website and click on the link at the top “Volunteer” and it will bring you to a page that includes this:
If you would like to volunteer your help as well, please email your name, contact information and what types of help you’d like to provide to:
Your information will be kept confidential and will never be shared without your express written approval.
I cannot keep track of all the comments here and convert them into emails. Take what you post and just email it to this address please. It will be most helpful.
Mike, this would be a great format for a 2 hour Aftermath Special on A & E. I assume the series is over since Leah is so slammed doing Kevin Can Wait (and I applaud her for doing something fun!!! )….but can’t you all do just a special or something? I mean the show has just dropped out of sight with no explanation,… I’ve inquired at A & E twice as to if it was coming back and got no reply. Maybe there are negotiations going on or planning, I don’t know, but and you just HAVE to get this new information out there!!!!
Mike, I’m not too far away from Big Blue. Keep me in mind.
Bless your heart, RoseAnn. And thank you.
I’ll spread the word within my admittedly small online circle.
I heard you knew everyone in town, Wyn.
Amazing and thank you Mike for getting this set-up and to all the others who are involved. What an amazing thing to come out of the Aftermath series. Now to just figure out how to get word to those sea org members who are stuck in there. What an awesome thing for a bunch of “SP’s” to do – to really HELP people……..the opposite of what scientology does.
Maybe the business owners around Flag and PAC would be willing to put up posters in their storefront windows that give basic SOS info, just for starters. Also, wonder if Anonymous is interested.
You may want to contact, if you have not already, the Clergy Project.
Many pastors who have lost their faith are trapped for many of the same reasons, it is the only thing they know. It may help not reinventing the wheel. Good luck!!
That sounds like a good thing too but I’m guessing (as a never-inner), I would want to place myself in a place where there were other SC’s trying to get out that they could relate to.
Mike, yes, this is needed. The road out is tough and filled with potholes.
I’m behind you 100%. This will help a myriad of people whether it’s someone who wants to leave or who someone who left years ago and is still suffering from the aftermath.
Great next step in truly helping people recover from their cult experiences.
And what you stated is true; Sea Org members have nothing, being this money, credit card.cell phone, the passport is with Ethics personnel and have, some of them, broken lines with family members after years of not being in close communication with them (for whatever the reason).
When I left in 2007 I remember looking around to some of my fellow members and I knew several were desperate to go, but had no clue on how to go about it.
So, I’m on. I already went through the Web page and will contact the correct member to get more info on donations and volunteering.
And thank you to all the Founding members (we may say) of this Foundation.
Thank YOU, Silvia! You have a heart of gold.
You too Old Surfer. Hope things are right for you
All of us who had to make the transition know how difficult this can be – so happy this foundation is now a reality!!!
Great job Luis and company!
Hey, Scott! Is this a great day or what!
Scooter! How are you doin buddy? I am here working for Steve Hall an I lost your number. Give me a call.
Fantastico Mike! TRUE HELP!!!!!
This is a wonderful project. Thanks to all of you for organizing it.
I think it would be good to organize one other set of resources for people leaving Scientology or just out: deprogramming tools. That might not be the best label for it, but I mean helping people acclimate to how words are actually used in the ordinary world outside the cult, most especially those related to ethics. I’ve suggested before some kind of kit to help people undo the effects of all those TRs and policy letters. I think what is done to Scientologists constitutes real and serious psychological damage, but they get out and have to fend for themselves in a world where they literally don’t understand the language. Steve Martin used to have a joke about what if parents just taught their children WRONG by using made-up jibberish words at home before the kid goes to school. Scientology actually does that — miseducates people. The misuse of language creates an inability to think. I think resources to help undo that could be organized in such a way as to ease people’s transition out.
I volunteer to help with that project, if you decide it’s worthwhile and want help from a never-in wog.
I think this is a great idea. There is a lot of this information on the net right now, but most of it is not organized in one place. Also, most seems to go real deep, which is great. For somebody just out, I imagine it’s probably a bit overwhelming. I would also be willing to help you and others with this. I will contact the foundation later today with my personal info.
Excellent. There are so many examples of ex Sea Org members (many being children or seniors) finding themselves penniless and homeless after escaping or being discarded due to health problems or just not being able to keep up with an 80 hour plus a week work schedule. Many Sea Org members would leave if they had some place to go, some concept of how they would survive after leaving. There are government programs available to offer help but there needs to be a support group to get ex members stabilized and connected to the programs. The FBIs division for Human Trafficking has also originated interest in helping ex members. Thank you Mike and company.
“The FBI’s division for Human Trafficking has also originated interest in helping ex-members.”
This is fantastic! However tangentially this would be great for several key reasons.
I think adding a section for Support for the victims of Disconnection would be a good thing too.. for the outside people that were caught in the middle.. the families that lost someone to Scientology but were never in themselves and are suffering with the loss they don’t completely understand.
I was able to make a monthly donation through Paypal but the link to the “volunteer” section to give my contact information does not seem to be working now. At least, I can’t get it to work…
Works now… I just had to paste the email address “” into my Gmail address line. I think people with Outlook might get it set up automatically. Anyway, it was a simple solution.
This is just incredible, thank you all so much. I’m brought to tears too knowing this is so needed and now thanks to you that have created the platform, we can gain momentum in a safety net that will surely create a buzz and save many from extended years of abuse and give them hope in regaining their freedom. I for one would love to assist in any way I can.
You know, it just occurred to me how and why this Foundation is a great idea. It just occurred to me that possibly even Sea Org people who HAVE family to flee to may not want to run back to their families right away, because they fear the humiliation of being wrong. I’m talking about relatively young people now, up to their mid-forties.
In other words, their parents, concerned for them, knowing what was in store for their children in the Sea Org, warned them against it, and now, the child, who is now of course no longer a child and may even be in early middle age, , realizes that, well, Mom/Dad were right after all!…Kind of humiliating, no? Having to go back to one’s parents, accept food, clothing, shelter, effectively a child once more,..ok, I’m looking from the viewpoint of how I was back then, i.e., if it had been ME… slit my throat!
I might well have long realized what a mistake I’d made joining the Sea Org, but (and again, this is just me) BACK THEN AT THAT AGE i would have been WAY too proud to go back to my relatives (my parents passed early in my life but I had loving family) – to my relatives RIGHT AWAY.
What I would have done would be go SOMEWHERE ELSE FIRST for help and THEN, when I was better, more adjusted, more on my feet, not anywhere near as needy and desperate, go back to my people.
Call that false pride, but that’s the way I was, and maybe the way I was is not too atypical of how those blowing the Sea Org would be today.
From being a Big Being and One Of The Elite Putting Ethics In ON The Planet to being reduced to “Dinner’s ready, honey, did you have a good nap and shall we go to the mall and get you a few things if you feel up to it?” might be just too fucking embarrassing for these “kids” right away, so if there’s a PLACE they can go FIRST, with people they can talk to who AREN’T their parents, who are just friendly and kind and matter of fact and able to help them, people who are NOT emotionally invested in them in any way, well, you get the idea.
It just might work out that this Foundation’s volunteers could be helping OTHER Ex-Scn’s “children” while other volunteers are assisting THEIRS. Just saying. Also not trying to be right about it either. Just throwing some thoughts out there.
Having said all this, of course anyone here with sons and daughters in the SO would want them to come home FIRST, because OF COURSE you are going to be kind, tolerant, of course you’re not going to make them wrong, say “I told you so”, or ANYTHING like that, because you love them more than life and will be so happy they’re out and back with you. Please get that I get that.
What I’m looking from is THEIR viewpoint. No matter how tactfully you handle it with them, you are their PARENTS. And, once more, “Father knows best!”….”Mom was right!”…is what’s going to be going thru their heads.
Or again, maybe this is just me, projecting my personality and attitudes on others where it doesn’t belong. I know I would have felt the embarrassment keenly. I still would, to tell you the truth. Admitting that I was wrong would be much easier once I was no longer totally needy or desperate. I’d go someplace else first ( if there were such a place), get myself together, and then make my peace with my family. Pride.
Aqua, I so much admire your ability to combine experience, imagination, and empathy.
Everyone is different, and even one person feeling the way you describe being helped to reconnect with loved ones on more comfortable terms is worth being prepared for.
I hope this is successful beyond measure.
An advertisement for the Aftermath Foundation on the new SCN channel would be hilarious.
That would be awesome!
Well, if looking at every single god-damned scientology announcement indicates anything, they are obviously desperate for money. They probably would allow an ad from a group of SPs.
Mike, one resource for those wanting to rebuild their life and get more education is “The University of the People” this is a tuition-free, online accredited university. Last I checked it offers degrees in Business and Computer Science.
So, yeah. Tuition CAN be free in the US if one knows where to look .
Here is the link:
OMG! This is fantastic! Thanks William!
I’m bursting with pride. This is wonderful!
Mike & Christie & All involved with an idea that has been percolating in my head ever since I left The Sea Org in 1978. Bless you both for this Foundation and may the seed which planted it, grow into a Mighty Tree which will provide Shelter for decades to those who leave the cult of Scientology with nothing at all. May this Incredible Aftermath Fdn last long after I have departed and may the Laughter, Light, Love, Hope and Healing from this echo down the years. Huge Love to All.??
Thanks for this, Ann B. I still can’t stop crying. But, they are tears of joy. I’ve always been an emotional person, so crying comes easily to me.
Hi My Old Surfer Dude Angel. I have been thinking of you & yours for ages! I thought I would not get the moment to read your words and echo your tears, and here we both are. Joyous tears I have also, not only for The Aftermath Foundation,but joyous for all the most unique, cherished,and lovable spirits I have met here.Who from under the weight of the cult of Scientology’s attacks and lies and sinister punishments,have found the Internet & I have found more genuine emotion within this family than all my trips to Ethics for H E & R x one billion. Soar On My Dear Friend. Sending Hugs and Love.????
O.K. stop it you two… because, there is… something in my eye.
Once OSD starts the waterworks, I am right behind him & now you my dear friend,you have me getting another Puffs box! Love to You.?
Awesome initiatiive!
A thought: add a contact page like on this blog to the Aftermath foundation site, so people newly out just can fill in a form and don’t need to know how to e-mail. As I understand especially sea org don’t know much about the internet.
Wow Mike. This is a great thing!
I remember walking away from scientology around 1980 and I was lost – didn’t know how to reconnect with the world – so I walked right back into the only world I was familiar with.
Thank you all (Luis, Mike, Christie, Aaron, Claire, Marc, and Ray)!
This Foundation has been needed for a very long time.
Exactly, Mary. There is nothing philosophical about being homeless, hungry or unhealthy. There is nothing on a job application about your beliefs, your doubts, your Thursday stats. There is nothing thoughts and prayers provide that opens up a bank account or pays first and last rent.
When you have nothing, real help like @AftermathFdn is nothing short of a lifeline to a future. Ohgod, can we call this a lifeboat instead of a bridge, Mike? Anything but a bridge! LOL
Mary took the words right out of my mouth!
Deepest thanks to all involved with this.
“Starting Out in Mainstream America”, a free, ICSA online publication may be helpfull.
Starting Out in Mainstream America offers information about life in the USA today. Adjusting to any new culture can be slow, difficult, and painful. If you are entering or preparing for re-entry into mainstream American life after a long absence, or perhaps for the first time, you may have many questions about where to find and how to do things.
This book provides practical solutions for people with needs like:
getting a driver’s license
finding a place to live
finding a job or job training
getting health care
finding your way around the legal system
and information about broader concepts like
Abuse and neglect
Communications skills
Parenting skills
Aspects of mainstream culture like music, movies, and sports
Most excellent. Have you hooked up with ICSA to share information on how they have provided resources, perhaps include as an Advisory type of board member?
I doubt there’s a single one of us who experienced the struggles of starting over with nothing that won’t want to help in some way. I will check out the website. This is awesome!
Mary you don’t know me but I saw your story….. I have a deep and abiding respect for you from the first….you were serious about Scientology but they let you down and ripped your connection with your loved one. But you had the guts and moxie to keep going. I wish you all the best as you pick up the pieces and get on with your life. Happiness always!
Thank you so much
I am touched.
This is incredible and brought tears after reading. This is the real “bridge” that so many need!
Thank you ALL for taking the momentum and passion the show has triggered into something like this!
The Aftermath Foundation is going to provide the real bridge to freedom.
It works and it helps people. (Unlike the church of scientology.)
The Foundation offers a road, or a safe space, not a bridge they can fall off of.
The momentum is real.
I don’t have time to read through the article right now, but I heard about the foundation on the Bunker. This is a WONDERFUL idea. I now that you and Remini discussed on the show the need for something concrete to come out of it. I’m glad that you and some of the other former scions have banded together to do this.
What smorbie just said.