I don’t often comment on these things on this blog, as it can come across as bragging. But there are a couple of noteworthy recognitions for The Aftermath in the past few weeks, and as Fast Eddie and scientology like to constantly assert the show was a failure that “nobody watched” (unlike the massive, unprecedented, epic success that is scientologyTV) I thought this was appropriate.
First, it was included in a list of the best TV shows of the decade: Entertainment Weekly Best TV Shows of the Decade
This is what their TV critic had to say:
KRISTEN: At your urging, Darren, I’ve watched exactly one episode of Black Mirror — simply because I’m too afraid to watch more. But my No. 15 show also represents the infinite possibilities of what TV can do, both as a medium for storytelling and as a vehicle for truth. This decade has been a boon for documentary series like Making a Murderer, 30 for 30, and Surviving R. Kelly, but for me the most fascinating and fiercely original docuseries this decade was Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath. In 2013, the actress left Scientology after more than 30 years, and since then she’s devoted a great deal of her life to exposing the so-called church and its wide-ranging alleged abuses of its members. (Let me stop here and say that representatives for Scientology deny all their claims and contend that Remini is a religious bigot.)
Historically Scientology has sued, smeared, and harassed anyone who criticized its organization — which makes Remini’s decision to front this series all the more impressive and brave. This A&E show delivered more than 37 hours of riveting, horrifying, and incredibly emotional interviews with former members who detail countless tales of alleged abuse — families forced to “disconnect” from each other, members being denied proper treatment for psychiatric or substance abuse issues, children doing hard labor rather than attending school, just to name just a few. And through it all Remini owns up to her own long history with this organization, how she gave them millions of dollars and defended it in the press for years. Aftermath was a remarkably effective use of a celebrity platform that also managed to be completely engrossing. (Available on Hulu)
DARREN: I’m too afraid to watch any of Aftermath, so huzzah to Remini for plumbing those horrific depths.
And second, Leah is being recognized tonight with the The IDA Truth to Power Award.
Here is the full blurb from their website:
With a career spanning over 20 years, Emmy Award winner, New York Times Best Selling author, actress and producer Leah Remini continues to grow her breadth of work, most recently as creator and executive producer of A&E Network’s hit nonfiction docuseries Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath.
The series investigates the truth behind the Church of Scientology. Debuting in late 2016, the show became the highest-rated premiere for A&E in two years. The show received an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Informational Series or Special, and in 2017, won an Emmy in the same category, as well as a Television Critics Association Award for Outstanding Achievement in Reality Programming, and a Producers Guild Award for Outstanding Producer of Non-Fiction Television. Remini also received the Impact Award at the Inaugural Critics Choice Real TV awards in June 2019.
Remini expanded her relationship with A&E Networks with an overall, exclusive first-look development deal. In her new role, she collaborated to develop and produce new documentary programming over the next two years that will go beyond the subject of Scientology.
Additionally, Remini is in pre-production as a producer on a new documentary series premiering in 2020 on Lifetime entitled From Darkness to Light. Starring three-time Olympic gold medalist Aly Raisman, the series will help victims of sexual assault find their voice to start healing and turn from victim to survivor.
This past November, Remini starred alongside Jennifer Lopez in the romantic comedy Second Act. The comedy, directed by Pete Segal, garnered over $72 million worldwide at the box office.
This past year, Remini also starred on the CBS comedy Kevin Can Wait, reuniting with her former King of Queens costar Kevin James. The King of Queens continues to enjoy huge success through daily syndication in over 33 countries.
In fall 2015, Remini released Troublemaker, a memoir that explores an eye-opening, insider account of her tumultuous and heart-wrenching 30-year-plus association with the Church of Scientology. Troublemaker quickly became a New York Times Best Seller, as did the paperback edition, which was released earlier this year.
In 2014, Remini created, produced and starred in her own reality show Leah Remini: It’s All Relative, which successfully ran on TLC for two seasons. The show chronicled her life in Los Angeles as she allowed cameras to capture her family and their funnier-than-fiction reality— not holding back on their love, opinions and sense of humor.
Other television credits include Who’s The Boss, Milo Murphy’s Law, Cheers, Friends and Saved by the Bell.
Remini currently resides in Los Angeles with her husband, Angelo, and daughter, Sofia.
ScientologyTV can only dream that someone would even notice it existed or say anything other than what a tragic joke it is.
Before The Aftermath show, I knew nothing about Scientology except that Tom Cruise and John Travolta practiced this “ religion “. I have watched every single episode of all three seasons and I am appalled and horrified at what I’ve heard. I’d like to thank you, Leah, and every single person that was brave and contributed their stories. The show is remarkable, and what you are doing is amazing. Thank you!
Yes, as a younger person I had friends who got involved in several different types of these wacko religions…..Hare Krishna, Moonies, etc……they all got sucked in & were full fledged. Some left after a few months, some hung on for years.
Those who hung on for years came to sad endings for the most part.
I had looked into COS as I heard about it, & had read the Lron Hubbard hot off the press book way back when……a head spinner. A Sci Fi writer/author was able to pull off this kind of crap & build his own billion dollar BUSINESS…NOT religion…..BUSINESS.
GOOD PEOPLE ARE GULIBLE….we never think that people are out to do harm to others. We truly think that MOST people are good, loving, kind, caring, generous. Once we remove the rose colored glasses…we see EVIL DOES EXIST.
There will never be ENOUGH thanks to Mike & Leah for the AFTERMATH series…..which enlightened millions of people. I only hope that it comes back in some format on the TV SCREEN.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mike and Leah, for shining the light into the dark corners of the Co$ and continuing to do so. You two rock! You will never know how many people you have saved by steering them away from that venus fly trap. You are most deserving of these awards and recognitions.
I can hardly wait for Leah’s new show. As a secondary abuse victim (my son at 6 y o was abused in the neighborhood) I know there is a great deal need for this kind of show. I hope that she (or a celebrity like her) can also do a show on sex trafficking.
Watched every minute of the show. Felt inspired by all who came forward. All recognition well deserved!
Leah and Mike Rock! We have watched series 1 and 2 here in Portugal but we weren’t able to find series 3 and 4 which is a real shame because we would sit and watch glued to the TV. We also laughed at the message from the church of scientology when they stated that they were “not commenting on the program” but couldn’t seem to help themselves by making snide remarks about the people who were on the program! Do they realize how stupid and nasty those comments were i wonder? Keep on telling everyone about your journey Leah and Mike and helping others to tell of theirs! Good luck for the future and happy Christmas! xx
Mike, feel free to quote Walter Brennan’s character (Will Sonnett) from the TV show “The Guns of Will Sonnett”. The character’s catch phrase was
——————“no brag, just fact”————— which he would humbly proclaim before doing something extra ordinary.
I can only laugh/cringe at what a similar honest self reporting by Pompous Ed or Lilliputian Dave would include.
I think of those lame Cult publications like “Ron the Short Bus Rider” and so on and how the Demented Midget must seethe seeing real world accolades being earned by you guys.
Gives me a warm feeling all over.
You and Leah (and many others) have worked your butts off for well-deserved bragging right.
Brag on!
Oops – brigging rightS.
Brigging rights? What happened to Bragging rights? Old
All the hard work of the click farms notwithstanding, the “most fascinating and fiercely original docuseries this decade” was NOT the Butthurt Film Festival rivetingly presented by the hostage-looking guy owning just one coat (which is all those IASS donations could pay for, it appears). Nor is it “We are perfectly well-adjusted and harmless people because we make Banjos” despite all the “Deliverance” themes it evoked.
As we already knew, the “most fascinating and fiercely original docuseries this decade” (I just HAD to say it again) was “Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath.” And that DOES give you bragging rights, Mike!
Of course you should brag about it, you and Leah deserve the bragging rights.
$camology on the other hand can only brag about awards that it gives to itself. When was the last, or first time for that matter, did $camology receive public acknowledgement, let alone awards, for it’s achievements?
Brag away.
Mike and Leah, you can hold up your heads in pride for having continually fought on the side for good by exposing to the harsh light of truth the evil actions taken by misguided executives in a false religion. Having been there in the periphery, I recognize that those performing the evil are largely doing what they truly believe is the right thing, but that they’re living in a horror house of skewed perception where good is portrayed as bad and vice-versa. They truly don’t know any better any more and may well wake up in horror of the evil they’ve committed. I don’t envy them that “cognition”.
Go ahead and BRAG, Mike and Leah! You have cause to, and solid EVIDENCE of the truth of those statements & opinions. the multinational criminal organization masquerading as a religion brags in spite of the mountains of evidence showing its statements all to be lies. They assert Leah is a failed has-been and that their current celebs are doing wonders for the scn “brand” just as Leah is given all these awards and recognition — and their “stars” wallow in obscurity and [name, WHO?] forgottenness. The big “names” of Davey’s cult, Tom, John and Krusty, haven’t appeared in anything memorable in years. Krust, in particular, will forever be best known as “Fat Actress”, as disgusting a show as its title.
Not so much bragging as stating facts.
Ever prospering and succeeding is the result of your (both) works.
Saving the world (from Scientology) is worthy work.
Aftermath works.
We Brooklyn girls don’t take crap from anyone…including COS. I am so proud of Leah & Mike…my heart swells with pride each and every time I think of how may people received the “wake up call” either through personal experience OF because of the Aftermath Series.
Ten million awards ( and not those horrific COS ones) to Leah & Mike. To SEE & HEAR the change in Mike’s entire demeanor & personality is a JOY to behold. To see Leah finally realizing, after years of totally loyalty and obedience to COS…to finally wake up and say WTF am I DOING HERE??
Much happiness and joy is yet to come….once others receive their OWN personal wake up call and returning HOME to the loving caring arms of their PARENTS & extended families. May all that has been KEPT FROM YOU be returned TEN FOLD.
Very impressive for a show that “nobody watched” and nobody watched it for three seasons. Take a well-deserved bow, Mike and Leah. Mike, I know that whatever kudos, fame and glory come your way, it can’t compensate for the pain of disconnection you have to live with. You’re a great example to all of us. Best wishes and Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Awesome work Leah and Mike. The show helped us wake up and leave Scientology.
That makes me very happy!
That makes me even more happy FOR YOU!
I expect Davey-Boy isn’t cognizant of the irony of his calling the delectable Leah as a washed-up has-been JUST before she started racking up the numerous accolades and awards for her current activities as his touted ne’er-has-beens languish in obscurity and unemployment, forgotten anywhere but davey’s cult.
Leah is a very good entertainer but really there is no greater calling or service to her fellow human beings than exposing this nasty cult for which she had a front row seat and other cults to the world. And you as well Mike and both of you are to be congratulated and have our immense appreciation for this great service.
May this great exposure to the forces of Miscavige evil and peeling back it’s abuses continue to bring $cientology to it’s knees. The cult is already the punchline to a joke. People are now wary of something that steals your financial future and takes family and friends from you and offers nothing substantial in return but sheer LRH fantasy. I hope too we start seeing in 2020 some traction in pulling the cult’s unearned and abused IRS exemption. The beginning of their end is well underway.
The production crew did a wonderful job on each episode. Sound and lighting were perfect and the researchers and lawyers who cleared each segment kept the ball rolling. All in all, it was a very powerful series and screams for a similar treatment on big time Network TV. Can you hear me CBS, NBC, ABC, Fox?
Now, when will the Danny Masterson episode run. Uncut of course, but with updates. If Surviving R Kelly can do wonders, what can Mashing Masterson do?
Wide spread and high praise for Aftermath.
There have been a lot of end of the decade recaps. Best books, best movies, best music, best TV shows. For the tv critics of Entertainment Weekly (a highly visible, close to 2 million circulation) magazine to name Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath as the 15th best tv show of the last 10 years is amazing. Consider how many tv programs have been aired over the last 10 years.
I have always found it satisfying to know that each one hour segment of Aftermath drew more viewers than $ci tv has drawn or will ever draw in its entire existence.
The stats speak!
No brag, just facts.
Thank you Leah, Mike and your families for being so courageous. Your love for your fellow man is not only making the world a better place it’s saving lives. I admire and respect you beyond words.
The true legacy of your outstanding contributions may never be known for they will expand across lifetimes. May you continue to be acknowledged for your efforts and accomplishments.
Thanks for being you and doing what you felt was the right thing to do.
‘Remini is in pre-production as a producer on a new documentary series premiering in 2020 on Lifetime entitled From Darkness to Light . . . . . . . the series will help victims of sexual assault find their voice to start healing and turn from victim to survivor’.
I would think this topic will ultimately implicate a Number of cults/religions*, including $; additionally, I would hope future series might include such subjects as Child Abuse (e.g., child indoctrination) and, as it relates to *them.
Well done again guys…. I only wish there were more shows like yours exposing the truth of these so called religions and the abuse and betrayal of its vulnerable members. Let’s all pray for the day when Tiny Man Miscavage’s dystopia falls and it’s members set free… keep going Leah & Mike, Bunker , Aaron and all the warriors on a mission… the little prick needs to be in jail. Merry Christmas from down under. X
What a wonderful write up! She is amazing. Thank you for sharing this Mike. Luv you guys. ❤️❤️
She is the God Queen!
That she is OSD!
And there’s no bout a doubt it!
I am filled with pride, love and gratitude for what Leah and you have done to help victims of this horrible cult called the “Church of Scientology.” If the church ever turns over a new leaf or changes for the better it is and will be in great part because of you two. It probably never will except by force of losing lawsuits and/or 501c3 status (won’t hold my breath on either one) but in the meantime, what you and Leah did was allow so many a voice and you have saved lives from a whole lot of damage, heartache, torment, bankruptcy and probably even death. Not a bad legacy. Thank you both.
And I am filled with love and gratitude for YOUR courage in being their first truth-teller. I have no right to the pride you most certainly are entitled to. I can only pray that, some day, your son will wake up/come to his senses and show you the pride a grateful son owes a brave mother such as yourself. I have no doubt that Leah and Mike feel similarly!
“Dauntless, Defiant and Resolute” are Leah Remini and Mike Rinder. Add to that “caring, fair, honest, kind and hardworking” and you’ve got an unbeatable combination. I’m so happy to read these great reviews and accolades of Aftermath, Mike. Bragging? Hardly! As someone posted earlier, “FACTS” are what they are! Very welcome facts, one might add!
Well done! Congratulations to both of you for publicly exposing the horrors perpetrated by this cult, of which I unfortunately was a member for about 12 years.
I didn’t know Leah, the actress, here in Switzerland. Now I know at least one extremely brave woman, and since I can’t directly congratulate Leah, thank you for telling her that I admire her very much for doing this huge amount of information work!
Patrick, 12 years may seem like a lot, however, there are members who have done 30 or forty years. You got off light.
I’m glad you’re out, my friend. And I hope you have a smile on your face!
You’re right, Old Surfer. I feel lucky to have only spent 12 years in Scientology. Likewise, I feel lucky to have only been public (only 3 months as a staff before I escaped). And I’ve also been so lucky to have taken LSD a few times to be able to easily stop recruitment attempts for the sea org, and I’ve been smiling since 1990, the year I returned to real wog life.
I know that I have had a relatively easy life as a Scientologist compared to so many others! And despite these 12 years during which I was a little deaf, I also thank the little inner voice who warned me against all the beautiful promises of this old bastard Hubbard.
Wow, outstanding recognitions and clearly a well earned acknowledgment.
I take a bow and give you the best applause of all – a big thank you for speaking out truth.
Have happy holidays with your love ones, Mike and Leah!