Thank you to everyone who watched the show last night, and to all those who were on social media.
All the kind thought and good wishes and thanks were a bit overwhelming but greatly appreciated.
A new chapter has begun, and as things unfold we will be sure to keep you informed as soon as we can.
You can always be sure that even when you hear nothing publicly stated, there is plenty going on in the background that for various reasons we cannot announce. We like to surprise scientology with our next moves. Sometimes we have to bide our time so others can do what they need to do to get their ducks in a row. And then law enforcement and lawyers often don’t want anything said in public.
The old expression of the calm before the storm comes to mind.
No rest for the weary.
PS: Unfortunately, due to a long -cheduled dental appointment early this morning I rushed this posting out before I left.
I had meant to specifically thank those stars who stood bravely in the breach in the episode last night — better late than never.
A huge shout of appreciation, admiration and respect to:
Serge Gil
Joey Chait
Victoria Locke
Chrissie Bixler
Bobette Riales
Our experts:
Professor Marci Hamilton
James Ellis
Natalie Feinberg
Some audience members who appeared for the first time on our show to tell a small part of their stories:
Valeska Guider Paris
Spanky Taylor
April Snow Kass
The returning champions who added their unique perspectives:
Gary Jackson Morehead
Jeffrey Augustine
Becky Miscavige
And to those who ALSO stood up to recount their experiences when we were filming, but were not included due to time constraints — of which there were many.
And finally to everyone who took the time to come and participate in the taping…
I’m curious Mike, did you and/or Leah ever meet or know Danny Masterson?
Thank you Mike and Leah from the bottom of my heart for having the courage and determination to put these wonderful series together and to also carry on from this.
From one who was in for many years but because of a good upbringing, never went into agreement with Hubbard’s out ethics on his members. I know this helped me get out in the end and figure that I didn’t want to live in a society ran by Scientology. I would not have made a good Sea Org member either, if Ron or COB had of hit me, I would have hit right back but then to be destroyed by the loyal followers around them lol.
You two have had me in tears many a time watching your heart felt episodes. Isn’t that great to be able to say that when at one time showing grief or empathy for another meant weakness.
You two and all the wonderful contributors to your show are true Heroes of the world where we from top to bottom and all around it, take our hats off and bow in absolute respect and admiration for your work, bravery and commitment.
Love you all.
I’m very proud of both of you Mike and Leah for all you do . I was so happy to hear that just because this is the last season of the Aftermath, it by no means it is the end of the fight.
I hate bullies. That’s Scientology. Bullies need to be put in their place. It’s so ironic that hubbard says ” man needs to wake up”, but Scientology does the exact opposite then Rob good people of every nickel, destroy you financially, destroy families and control those inside the barbed w ire fence. Love you both , Robert
The story that affected me most was Chrissie Bixler‘s. A modern development, with those men who are receptive to the notion, is that when a woman says she has been raped, he should believe her. So I never doubted her, or the other women who reported Masterson. He’s a rapist.
Her story of the misogyny leveled against her was worse than I had expected. She had agency, she had a career and family and he systematically deprived her of this so that he could enslave her. I think Masterson is doomed, and he probably doesn’t know it.
I loved the interplay between the ex-FBI agent and Chrissie when he acknowledged that it wasn’t her fault. We could all use a bit of that.
Leah Remini Is ready for the next chapter?
I kinda/sorta/lightly feel sorry for her opponent…… well not really. Just look at what she sees over in the other corner:
David Miscavige is 2 inches shorter and 10 years older (chrono time). He has no family, no close friends, no confidants(doesn’t dare). He only has gutter learning and training(reactive). He dares not be seen in public or try to socialize(zero skills). He knows no universe outside the cult bubble. His concept of empathy is his fists. His reality is limited to ‘some’ of Hubbard’s writings. He gives delusionary orders and comes unglued when they cannot be executed. He is totally alone at night with only his mind to talk with. He has money but always wants more. He cannot shake the nagging thought that something is not quite right. He cannot think of a way out of where he is except to act harsher(Inferno). He remembers how Hubbard went out. He hears Leah’s voice from somewhere outside his bubble and has no idea how to deal with her.
Leah Remini does not even have to put on her 6 inch heels and 3 inch fingernails to intimidate the s**t out of this failed human. She can dance like a butterfly and sting like a cobra and he will stagger and stumble like the sot that he is. The game is already over and she is just getting focused and ready to pounce.
Let the Drama begin.
I DEFINITELY feel sorry for any opponent of Leah’s. This lady is one hard-headed, soft-hearted human being. DON’T MESS WITH BROOKLYN! GO LEAH!
“I DEFINITELY feel sorry for any opponent of Leah’s. This lady is one hard-headed, soft-hearted human being. DON’T MESS WITH BROOKLYN! GO LEAH!”
I’m somewhat in agreement but Dwarfenführer™ is just getting instant Karma by her hand. He has lots more to atone (honestly, if possible) for.
The good people on the series finale seemed upset, regretful even, that they were ever part of such an insidious organization.
To all those still inside, please know that the longer you stay in scientology, the greater your regret will be, especially now that the cards are all laid out on the table. Maybe five years ago ignorance of the evil of scientology might have been understandable, but now that the facts are exposed to the world, ignorance will definitely not be a valid excuse.
The point to the still-ins is GET OUT NOW! You do not want to spend the rest of your days knowing you helped this evil, sick organization.
At long last David Miscavige in handcuffs where he belongs.
Wonder where he’s hiding to dodge the authorities. Maybe in one of the bunkers with the titanium recoding plates of LRH. Or the septic tank he crawled out of.
That’s one photo I’ll have framed and enjoy looking at for the rest of my life. Miscavige behind bars.
What you said!!
“no rest for the weary”?
Well remember that cruise and how energized you were as you returned. Like some commercial I mostly skip past says,”There’s nothing like a little down-time to pick you right up.”
We DID the 120-hour days without a day off, we PAID our dues. take a needed break and maintain what’s left of your sanity. You richly deserve it — even IF “Big Pharma” wants otherwise. The last place I worked for gave us almost 5 weeks’ “choice time” [vacation/sick/mental-health time off] and got SERIOUS about everyone, (PARTICULARLY me) USE the time each year. co-workers said they were much more productive when I was less grumpy or was missing. I’m not sure I worked a full “sailing season” Friday in the 15 years I worked for them.
The main point of my last was the truth of that “A little down-time can pick you right up.
BTW, when was the last time you and the sweetie had a “Just you” weekend? In me experience, a happy sweetie makes for a MUCH happier life. AND I’m sure there’s a health study out there that says that THAT can contribute to a longer, healthier life. NOT that you look particularly haggard in your recent pics or anything…. Just rambling.
Anyone know a website that we folks here in SE Asia can access to watch the last episode? (there used to be a Russian site available). Thanks.
hm, not sure if it is appropriate to mention here but, i’d wager they care more about being seen than other interests. i suppose they can delete this, if they want.
do you have a bit torrent client?
if so, it is up and being seeded, can be found on The Pirate Bay or 1337x. i wont go so far as to give the addresses. typically, anything being seeded in active torrents is also available on “putlocker” sites
Leah Remini Scientology and the Aftermath s03e12
Thank you ACAB
We don’t have ratings any more here in NZ and Aftermath is on Sky here anyway (cable) so watching on-line will not hurt royalties for the Production company (I believe…). I do watch when it eventually shows just in case there are stats kept.
Your search suggestion certainly works for me, outside of the US on the Daily Motion site. 🙂
Thank you Mike and Leah and all who worked on the show.
I am not nor ever have been part of the COS; however, I was raised in a Christian cult. The show has helped me tremendously in healing the damage done to me. I have a much better insight into how cults operate and, most of all, realising that, #1. I did nothing wrong, #2. I am not crazy and #3. I am not alone. Thank you for that.
After last night’s episode, I must say I am absolutely horrified by the ‘handling’ of the man who sexually molested his 5-year-old niece. Considering all the disgusting and highly inappropriate ‘auditing’ question’s he was asked (and one that had to be censored) I am terrified for the safety, health and well being of the little girl. Please continue the fight to bring down this harmful organization. I am convinced it is a matter of public safety that they are stopped.
Thank you to everyone for so bravely sharing your experiences with the COS. May you find peace and healing. Stay strong and keep fighting.
Great show and the fight is definitely not over. We want our families back and I will not stop fighting for my son and all the other 19 or so family members I have lost. Thank you Mike and Leah, Disney, A&E for a fantastic 3 seasons of exposing the truth of this cult. It’s still hard for me to come to terms with the fact that I was involved from childhood in this…….and still feeling the affects of it. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.
Not totally on point, but when I was on the RPF I was assigned to sec check another RPFer (we were both adults) who COB specifically suspected of having engaged in homosexual relations with a particular former Org ED who was in the dog house. There was no actual evidence whatsoever that either of the even had any such inclinations at all, let alone them having relations together. But because COB “suspected” this, I had to sec check and sec check and sec check this poor guy into the Stone Age on the subject. It was humiliating and traumatic for him and I hated ever minute of it and it was an utter waste of time to boot.
FWIW, like Chrissie,the words “she must have done something to deserve it” ring true. An old scientology fallback, it is the victim’s fault they were hurt.
When my then sister-in-law watched my now ex-husband brutally beating me in the lat 1970’s, she went to her OTVII mother and told her what had happened. Her mother said “well she must have done something to deserve it.” Of course no police were ever involved, not that it would have mattered. Even then, scientology was in the Hollywood Police Department’s pocket.
That is the reason Masterson believes the current lawsuit will soon be dismissed. I hope the tide has turned and he is wrong.
Sadly, children too-often feel they somehow caused things to happen that they had ABSOLUTELY no control over. tapping into the universal guilt kids harbor is about as despicable as it gets, but it’s not the worst crime Hubbard committed. I suppose I’d assign that spot to his creation of scientology, then claiming it was a religion with him as the infallible god-prophet figure. then he immediately had to go erecting innumerable safeguards for his safety, the paranoid pervert.
I suspect that Masterson is doomed. He’s ignoring the power of the #metoo movement.
Whether or not he’s convicted or even charged he’ll be getting it from all sides including and especially Scientology. They’ll be up his ass for the rest of his life. “Take a look, Danny. How did you pull this in?” LOL! What an ironic question for Mr. Masterson! Talk about “outflow = inflow”!
ValR —
Even though I’m painfully aware of the cult mentality of “pulling it in”, it still shocks me when I hear stories like this.
I had a boyfriend in my early 20s who, at first, was kind, fun, and charming. Fast forward about 7 months; I moved in with him. It only took a few weeks before the first incident happened. He had grabbed my upper arm so tight that it left bruises. Needless to say, things got much worse from there. I’d never dealt with domestic violence before and, frankly, couldn’t believe it was happening. Long story short… I’d had quite enough after 2 months and decided to leave his sorry ass.
I called my dad to come to our house so I could pack all my things without feeling scared. When my father arrived, he saw the bruising and marks on me. I knew I had to tell him the truth. He let my ex know, in no uncertain terms, that if he ever laid a single hand on me again or even came around, he’d have my father and the police to deal with. The next day I filed a police report.
I’m trying to imagine having a dad (or any family member/friend) blame *me* for being abused. It’s just mind blowing. I’m sorry you had to deal with that kind of crazy sh*t.
“I’m trying to imagine having a dad (or any family member/friend) blame *me* for being abused. It’s just mind blowing. I’m sorry you had to deal with that kind of crazy sh*t.”
that can’t be emphasized too much
I have not commented on your blog in a few months, but I still read it daily. As a “never in,” I texted my family and friends to watch (or at least DVR to watch later) last night’s episode. I had several friends over to my condo to watch it together. My friends and family who were first-time viewers were shocked and outraged. So, the word continues to spread. We stand by the victims, Mike & Leah, and also A&E for having the courage to air this show. Looking forward to your next steps and will support however I can.
Rebecca M,
Thank you for spreading the word!
“A new chapter has begun…” God, what a great team! This is exciting. Mike, Leah et al, with you 100%. As always, thank you, thank you 🙂
The Actress could’ve quietly gone about her career, voice low and head down, using her years of experience with Co$ tactics to minimize being harassed…but no, as righteous fury arose within her, claws emerged ready to battle evil…
The Australian gentleman could’ve put his head down, using his vast knowledge of OSA Fair Gaming to present no threat to Co$, kowtowing to silence so as to live unthreatened…but no, as the bitter truth filled him, he sought the Actress and a mighty joining of justice commenced…with three seasons of soul-stirring sagas showing the overwhelming Co$ empire of evil presented so eloquently to an audience of millions and culminating in an episodic finale of victimization so heartrending that even “battle-hardened” ex-Scientologists were reduced to tears.
Champions of truth, Heroes of the Heart such as these appear all too infrequently in these times, but behind their unstoppable voices stand the countless Co$ victims, the oppressed, the bruised and battered ones relearning to live, given hope of redemption that the Empire of Evil will be driven back to the nothingness from which it sprang.
Ladies and Gentleman, I give you Leah Remini and Mike Rinder!
Beautifully expressed, Wryturman.
…and the crowd goes wild…*cue hand-stinging applause and screams of approbation*
I agree – beautifully expressed – thanks for saying it for us, Wrytruman!
Wrytruman you summed it up perfectly.
So eloquently put!
I was especially impressed with the fact that even though both Mike and Leah know the subject well and this show has been done before, they still managed to explain things to even perhaps a new audience. As usual the content was enlightening and horrifying. The victims were brave and I’m sure I’m not alone in hoping they get only positive experiences back from speaking out, however they come.
AND the number of heads caught shaking in agreement to the testimony being given.
I’m waiting. Proud to be a supporter of these brave ethical people who have the integrity to do this. 🙌👌🙏❤️
I just want to make a couple of very brief points about the finale.
Leah must have taken ever tiny bit of everything she ever learned as an actor and used it all to great advantage last night. She came across as deadly serious and I believe the audience got the message this was something that should just never be “messed with”. Leah was great.
Also when I referred earlier to the technical people, about 30 minutes into the show, they flashed a series of words over a black background and it was accompanied by the greatest music. This was what I meant when I said they had learned some techniques to improve the broadcast. That music had never been heard before and it was truly fabulous.
I just added to the end of this post… I rushed out this morning and left out some important words.
I couldn’t find it. Did it start at 12:30 your time? And at the same time 3:30? Damn! I really wanted to see it. Oh well… my fault.
OSD , that’s what recorders are for. I’m watching time-shifted by almost 12 hours.
I don’t have one of those.
Thanks Mike, Leah and all your guests for another hard hitting show. The stories of abuse are never ending. In a culture of snitching and punishment I wondered what percent of the people in the show have spent time in the RPF or at the least been sec checked?
Excellent Finale! Thank you so much Mike & Leah and everyone 🙂 Looking forward to the storm!
That was so powerful that I finished this episode in tears.
What is most horrible in scientology that all it madness you can see sometimes years after you are done with it.
Only during Serge talk I suddenly realized that my youngest auditor was 16-17 years old girl and that she was sec checking me on all my 2-d overts. And that was hours and hours of sex story’s that she forced me to spill.
Only now I realize how it was horrible and horrifying for both of us.
Thank you so much.
From Russia with love and support.
The Aftermath Foundation will continue the good works the show has started. Now a huge number of exs are aware that they are not alone. That one thing makes the 3 seasons of Aftermath worthwhile.
I salute from afar everyone who worked on the show and especially all who testified. Going public like that takes a special kind of bravery.
I turn on the captioning option so that I don’t miss a word of the show. In the captioning it kept saying, “sure story” for “shore story.” I wish Leah or Mike had defined what “shore story” means in Scn verbiage. The term originated on the Ship (per Janice Gillham Grady’s book), because the ship would come in to different ports, or shores. And in the early days LRH gave the staff a story to tell people on shore, the natives, as to who they were and why they were here. Thus it was a shore story that you tell people on the shore or land. I think the story they gave them at that time was they were a geological survey crew or something like that. I hope the captioning can be corrected to say the correct word before it is given to outlets for distribution.
To add one more thing about “shore story,” It goes to show that there was deception and lies even in the early days.
Sure stories have been standard practice throughout the history of the cult. Lies told to the public and governments alike. And of course ALL under the excuse that it was all in “the greatest good for the greatest number” . But in truth the cult and its interests was the only thing being served. I have personally seen and shamefully been involved in too many to list out here. Maybe Mike (who has similar experience) and Leah would consider exposing this stuff for oo?
The deception and lies go back even before the early days, pre-1950 when DMSMH was published. Hubbard started running his con before that while hoping to smash his name into the history books. It would have been bad enough if this had just remained a world class con job but it evolved into something that not only takes a person’s hard earned money, it also takes their dignity, integrity, sense of self worth, it creates self delusion and it shatters relationships and destroys families. Hubbard apologists like to point the finger at Miscavige but the Capt’n was well trained by a sick mastermind and the twisted ‘tech’ he created.
PS Speaking of shore stories, I hope the good folks in OSA enjoy posting their stats this week for their superb efforts at ‘PR Area Control’. Mike and Leah for the WIN!!!!
Cindy, if you read “Dianetics”, particularly the series on Tony Ortega’s site about the book, you’ll see that Deception was the name of the game before the very beginning.
Love you and Leah so very much, Mike. I was so overwhelmed with emotion last night, I was in a puddle and couldn’t even put my thoughts and feelings into words. I did post in a live feed in Fans through the show, blown away by many of the statements from Marcy, Jim Ellis and the psychologist, all which rekindled my hope for justice. I’m waiting in the wings now from what comes next. Meanwhile, I’m going to continue to expose through writing and am getting in Twitter (finally). ♥️♥️♥️
Great finale. Thank you both and the A&E execs and employees who made it possible. I’m so glad the Danny Masterson story finally got out, as well as the other rape and molestation stories. The emphasis from the attorney and the FBI guy was that people have to keep reporting the crimes of DM and his church and that civil lawsuits may work when other lawsuits in the past haven’t even been brought to trial. So I get the hint that there are many civil lawsuits on the horizon. And the fact that the lawyer helped get a law passed where for a year after that law goes into effect, there is no statute of limitations on new cases brought out. Wow. I see an avalanche coming.
Mary Kahn’s statement “THEY OWNED ME”…..sticks in my mind every day of the week…..for her bravery to get OUT that DOOR any way she could, despite nearly being forcibly held back…..& having to leave their beloved son “Sammy” behind…..breaks my heart.
Children are the VICTIMS of what an adult or older teen wants to do TO THEM….they CANNOT PROTECT themselves & look for someone to protect THEM. Within the realm of child sexual abuse…just WHO is going to believe what a child tells them especially within the secretive insulated walls of RELIGION.
Blame a child for what an adult has done to them sexually marks & scars that child forever, they will never feel 100% safe & children ALWAYS BLAME THEMSELVES. IF Grand daddy, daddy, brother, step brother, Uncle Cousin, sister got to PRISON….IT IS THE CHILD’S FAULT FOR “TATTLING”…..
In certain religions the parents were “paid off financially” for what was done to their child. The parents often times were too embarrassed to ADMIT that their OWN child was a VICTIM of a SEX CRIME……HOW EMBARRASSING FOR THE PARENTS….the CHILD’S FEELINGS were never considered.
It’s as if …..”Look, WE bought a new house, car, went on vacation, you got free college education”…because YOU were…..ummm, ahh, hmmm……end of story…just SHUT UP & GET OVER IT……
COS still won’t come forward to DISCLAIM anything, other than posting their standard pap about, well, let’s just say….that EVERYTHING REPORTED IS A LIE. Even the Catholic Church came forward and admitted guilt….but with the MOST ETHICAL PEOPLE ON THE PLANET….COS…..DENIES…
To Leah & Mike……as a “never in”….there just aren’t enough words…..thank you just isn’t enough…..I hope & pray that those guilty face justice in the near future…..the walls of JERICHO are crumbling…..the rats will desert ship once the shit hits the fan & mouths will blather forth the truth once faced with extensive prison time OR “make a PLEA deal to confess”………for lesser or “no punishment”…..we shall see one day, we shall see.
Very powerful epiode in and of itself. Powerful also in what was left implied (for the future).
Great show last night, Mike. Hard to watch at times. Whew. But you and Leah did a great job. You two are amazing – as are all the people who have come forward to tell their stories. Now, yes, it feels like the calm before the storm. I know there are things going on behind the scenes. I am a patient person. I feel like there is a current that is picking up speed. A swell that is forming. The tsunami is coming…
Wonderful finale. So powerful. The technical people clearly had learned a lot. The first couple of minutes showed they learned how to make the intro of the program much more powerful. It was excellent.
But early in the program, Mike pointed to Jackson and the first thing Jackson said was completely unintelligible to me. I must have listened to it ten times. But the only word I recognized was “backbone”. If anyone knows what he said, can you please post it so I can see what it was?
Thank you.
I hope when you’re ready you move to a platform like HBO or Netflix. You could tell people’s stories there you couldn’t on broadcast television. Your show has been enlightening and brave. Thank you.
“I hope when you’re ready you move to a platform like HBO or Netflix. You could tell people’s stories there you couldn’t on broadcast television. Your show has been enlightening and brave. Thank you.”
No, PLEASE don’t make me try to get another pay/cable channel monthly payment past our family FP…. My Admiral (wife) doesn’t stint on the important things, and is stunned by Aftermath’s revelations, but I expect there’s a limit to her patience, somewhere.
Mike, the finale was powerful and could have easily gone for three hours with all the audience comments that were taped. As it was it was the perfect length and flew by.
One question. Did the responses from Scientology come from one of their lawyers.
Thank you for inviting me. It was a wonderful experience meeting people I’d only seen on your show and see old friends.
Geoff, scientology “responded” to NOTHING. It simply attacked everyone involved as viciously as it knows how — and it has long practice in these affairs.
Well done Mike and Leah!!! Keep after those SOB’s
Keep up the good fight Mike! Miscavige must be brought down. He must be charged. Shelley must be released. This nightmare must end. I think the most horrifying thing I heard last night was poor Victoria Locke being forced to hug her molester. Then poor Serge Gil having to forgive a pedophile who molested him (I think it was the same person). I was so horrified. I hope all of the people that have told their story on Aftermath find some sort of healing at having finally been heard and seen.
“No rest for the weary.”
For Scientology and David Miscavige, no rest for the wicked, either.
Fantastic Mike. Looking forward to the anti-$cientology road ahead. You and Leah deserve the many kudos and the way you have brought up the very human cost to controlling cults. Congrats for a great accomplishment and service to mankind!
A riveting show.
“There’s a storm coming, Dave. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits you’re all going to wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.”
The Dark Knight Rises
Scribe:”“There’s a storm coming, Dave. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits you’re all going to wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.”
Closer to the truth would be “Crawl into your dark and dank spider hole, Davey-Boy., you disgusting miniature troll.”
The show was incredible and extremely touching. It’s sad that it takes for people to bare their souls and pain for people to see through the spiteful disparaging of victims by co$, but they were all courageous and did just that. There was no way to watch last night and then deny the tangible pain and damage caused to those wonderful, brave survivors! Now it’s out there for all to see and made tangible what seemed so unbelievable because of how extreme.
Thanks to ALL participants, especially the survivors of these horrors! You’re all making a difference. To Mike & Leah, thank you for this platform and newfound awareness. After last night it was clear that “Something CAN be done about it” and that you have important things going on behind the scenes that WILL have great impact!
Thank you!
PS – We ran out of Kleenex. AND my bonus daughter who’s brother was sucked in via his girlfriend (& his family didn’t realize how potentially damaging that is…) was here with me and watched the entire finale.
No rest for the wicked, either! Those of course being the ones breaking up families, holding people against their will, stealing the life savings of the elderly, scamming various people out of millions in a hundred different ways, and on and on.
Thank you for continuing the fight. It sounds as if the show is ending, but movement, the fight, is getting even bigger.
Keep going! We’ll all be behind you.
Thank you, really thank you!
Myself and many others are here to do whatever is needed…we will carry on.
Woohoo! Glad to hear you are keeping up with the long game!😁🎆
The men and women who came forward with their stories of sexual assaults were so brave to do so. I hope one day they can be fully vindicated.
For so many of us that still feel guilty or that we handled it wrong or that we deserve the pain we get (which are so many ex-scientologists), a powerful moment was when the FBI agent looked at Chrissie and said, “You did nothing wrong.” I think the whole audience welled-up.
Thank you for everything you and Leah have done and are doing.
The finale was a real punch and the last five minutes tied it up beautifully but said, “We ain’t done.” Very moving.
You haven’t done anything wrong either, Mary. Your bravery and resolve to stand up and fight when it would be easy to just disappear is so inspiring! How you have remained optimistic in the face of the withering criticism and harassment of Scientology is beyond me, but you are a treasure to this movement. 🙂
I only know you from being on the show and my perception of you is that you are a wonderful mom fighting for your child. When I saw the members of the audience and recognized you all from the show and from posts on the blogs, my heart was warmed to see you all together in solidarity. I admire you all for coming forward.
Mary:”The men and women who came forward with their stories of sexual assaults were so brave to do so. I hope one day they can be fully vindicated.”
IMO, true vindication can only come when we can desecrate its/his grave.