Even the people that put the promo together apparently are unaware of the fact that the movement of the Amazing Warehouse 8 was installed in the Quantum cases at the FSO for nearly a decade before the Warehouse 8 was finally released generally. So, those audited at the FSO through most of the 2000’s were in fact audited on a Warehouse 8.
Read this with that in mind….
Vacation Time:
Christie and the boys and I are taking a weeklong vacation at the beach… Along with the Headley family. We visit them in Colorado to ski in the winter, they visit us for the beach in the summer. Best of both worlds…
Postings and moderation may be sporadic.
A shot taken last night soon after arrival…
NoNoNo, Les. You don’t understand. The Warehouse VIII has special circuitry inside that allows it to read the future. When the meter picks up that the needle is going to swing 3 times in the future, it immediately flashes the charge light 3 times to let the auditor know that it is an FN.
Hi Rondolittle, Where is my mind today? Getting the last of the KoolAid out mixed me up! I thought you said do not have cats put in!! I need a trip to the beach & look at the waves Sorry XO Ann B.
What he really means is for the first time in years an Auditor dared to apply Standard Tech, and he now thinks this is something incredible.
Well it is when its actually applied which is rare anywhere these days
What a great picture! Have a wonderful vacation.
How did you get a photo of Tom Cruise holding David Miscavige’s hand at the beach?
must be like a P.I. convention at that beach. they get a vacation too.
Have a nice holiday – you get to chose what to do with your time, now 🙂
You’d be much better off with one of these:
That photo looks like ‘winning’
A blessing on both your houses, Mike.
Yes. Winning. The photo has color, dimension, action, shading, clarity and space. It has a feel of present time and future. It has a feeling of infinity. Maybe I’ll use it for my desktop background picture. It’s a peaceful and happy picture.
The three or five or ten seconds silences have nothing to do with any meter, but auditors having been indoc’d to wait for 3-swing F/Ns under GAT I training.
If “the indication is immediate” nowadays for GAT II, then they have gone back to the original application of “HCOB 8 Jun 61R E-Meter Watching, Are You Waiting For The Needle To Play Dixie”.
What a dumb-down job to sell a meter.
Are CO$ Scientologists now so retarded to buy into this fragrantly obvious deception? Any meter-trained auditor can spot this nonsense.
Have a wonderful vacation yo’ll!
I was just down there at Seaside, Florida with
6 days of green flag at the beach. Just beautiful.
I apologize for my rant above but the little runt and his interpretations raise my guile.
I know you will have a fine time at the beach…enjoy yourselves!!!
Thank you for everything Mike. Have a good time with your lovely family and the Headleys. You are all great people and you deserve all this positive energy and sharing around you. You get positive karma because of the good things you’ve been up to. The Gibney docu was outstanding, I managed to see it a couple of weeks ago. It is very well done and they can’t file a defamation suit because everything in it is true. Have a good time ye all.
Living Well is the best revenge….
Your beautiful photo reminds me of a short story that I read many years ago: “Summer’s Day” by John O’Hara. This story was on the required reading list for high school juniors in 1969 and I can still reread it with enjoyment.
There are two main characters: Mr. O’Donnell
and Mr. Atrell. The story has nothing to do
with Scientology; yet, to me, Mr. O’Donnell resembles Marty, Mike Rinder, and Marc Headley. And Mr. Atrell resembles many of the inside the bubble scientologists that I have met over the years.
The story ends in a very brutal climax that I did not comprehend when I was 17; but I understand better today. It takes place in an almost empty locker room where bathers are changing in and out of their swim suits. A teenager is gossiping about Mr. Attrel to his friends. Mr. Attrel has no children (his only child had committed suicide) and the young man characterizes him as “dead”. For this remark, O’Donnell slaps him on the face. And Mr. Attrel hears this whole exchange and it triggers a terrible cognition: that his whole life has been meaningless.
Many of your readers hope for a “soft landing” for the sheeple. I only hope that their lives do not end with this kind of cognition. The word ‘insoucient’ means “not caring” and though I hope for better ; my prediction is that their lives will end as John O’Hara so viscerally suggested.
Have a great vacation Mike.
So Miscavige finally decided to let auditor’s call F/Ns properly? I have some choice words for that little runt, but I’ll keep them to myself.
That’s the only rationale that makes sense. Or that the auditor managed to find a room without a look-in system, and audited for the p.c. instead of per the rule book – and this promo piece got through an issue authority line that didn’t know better. It may be that someone in tech has now read this success and the auditor has been located and sent to the RPF.
Be on the lookout for OSA frogmen in mini-subs.
That sounds like an outrageous joke, but is it really that far-fetched? First they came in paddle-boats…
Or paddle boats.
I just walked in from outside (where it is VERY sunny right now) and into my dark living room and opened Mike’s blog. I thought this title read “The Amazing Whorehouse VIII”
Close enough I guess!
Hi John Locke, At my age have to have cataracts done on both eyes in Sept,not @ the same time thank goodness! I read the Amazing Warehouse as Whorehouse VIII too! Had to pinch myself for a moment & say you are not on a meter anymore with the men & women in GOI.XO Ann B.
LMAO Ann B.!
What is that song again? “What a drag it is getting old”… 🙂
Hi John Locke,Love your posts all of them. I think the song is Mother’s Little Helper from an early great Rolling Stones album.I was really young when I 1st heard that 13? & thought what a funny lyric! Now @ 64 on 8/1/15 I thought what happened to my Apollo Stars LP if I played that on my birthday I’m going to fall over in a fit of laughing & have to call 911.On a more serious note I saw on another post you had put up that you were @ the highest levels @ cos.Jim Faust lives very near me & we are going to get together which will be wonderful.I have posted that I could never separate Ron’s hand with all tech & policies that are applied as written.I went through so so much with the GOI that very nearly killed me before I blew.What I had not connected & Jim has kindly pointed this out because he knew the man who was in charge of me with GOI,that all theSO#1 letters & I wrote to Ron & Mary Sue 3x or more a week,were being back fed to this man @ GOI.Jim & I both still have terrible nightmares & it was only a few weeks ago that I threw away the last letters from them that I had managed to take with me when I blew.There were hundreds more I had to leave.Brian who,posts here & Jim & others knew Quentin & I were dear friends when he came to AOLA & wanted me in the SO there.The day he passed I went to Qual @ Asho F was violently ill & said something really really bad has happened to Quentin.After that the GOI took me over completely until months later I blew.The point being this happened to me & I know what a strong amazing person Paulette Cooper is with what she went through & Mike & all who have suffered any type of abuse by the cos etc.However I have never told the name of the man who still haunts my nightmares.Now is the time to put it out so I can start to heal in this area.Mr. William “Bill ” Earls.Ron David & Bill you think you have won.You think billions of dollars & legions of lawyers & new TV stations & all the whales & celebs that bow to you will keep the cos from collapsing.I say no it won’t once those who are free on the outside have this great communication engine the internet that fires up instantly all over the world your goose is starting to roast.And if one just one SO member leaves now if one child tells a SO recruiter to go f themselves the light is starting to break in.I pray no one before I leave this planet has to go through what we all did.I grant Indies thir viewpoint but sometimes I feel they do not see the dark dark side of the tech & auditing not to mention the yrs of residual situations that come up when you have been a SO slave.Thank you John for listening Love Ann B.
Hi Ann, I don’t know if we have met before but any way I highly recommend getting the cats taken out if your corneas and retinas are ok. The operation takes about 15 minutes and you will be able to see in 24 hours. No pain involved. I chose to go near sight prescription for work and wear glasses for driving.This enables me to see the hairs on a cats ass at two feet or twigs on a tree at a hundred yards with my glasses on. One more thing, the sky is actually blue. I’m 79.Think young.
Hi Ron dolittle,Thank you so much for the info.No I do not think we have met before but welcome.Yes I understand your point the thing is I am taking Tamoxlfen for breast cancer & that makes cats that much worse. I am not getting the lenses that allow you to see without any type of glasses.I am getting the ones where you can see in 24 hrs & then use magnifiers for reading,I do not drive so no worries there,& polarized reg sunglasses when I need then instead of RX ones.I have had near sightedness this whole life having been born @ 1 lb in 1951 & the oxygen regulator in my incubator in Boston Mass was only @ 50% whilst all the other babies were @ 100% & they were made blind by that.Back then when you were in an incubator you were in one with no affection or touch except for medical stuff.My eye Dr has been doing cats for 20 + yrs so that makes me feel better.Plus my husband goes first in Aug & then I follow in Sept.So he is the one who gets the fun ahead of me!I will let you know how it goes.I adore cats & dogs have a 16 yr old indoor Siamese called Jade & she is a character.Can’t wait to see blue blue sky too! With all the medical I’ve been & go thru,thank you SO,if I were still in I would be blind with more broken bones than I have already from awful osteoporosis & probably dead my spirit having flown.If you can make 79 so can I!Take Care Ann B.
Mike, that photograph really communicates. It is art. If you get a chance please tell me who took the picture and with what kind of camera.
Happy vacation!
I took it with my iPhone 6. Someone else took the shot of the Warehouse 8. Probably with $20,000 worth of equipment 🙂
Nice! Post more iPhone 6 pics!
Beautiful picture. Have a wonderful trip!
Enjoy the sun and make the littlest ones wear floaties. They make such cute pictures. And the auditors will envy anything that floats so easily.
All the meters are scams,and the “Warehouse 8’s’ are the best example of the moving target scam.
Enjoy your vacation and buy the Headlys a beer for me…..
I hope both of your families have a wonderful vacation Mike!
Hey, maybe one of Dave’s private spies will snatch a picture of the fun at the beach. Oh wait, that won’t work — SPs cannot have fun!
I would be lying to say I’m glad to hear about somebody having more fun than me.
Beautiful beach photo. Enjoy your vacation.
Making good memories, great idea!
Have a fun week together 😀
Hi Mike, Good for you both!! Have a fantastic vacation with your family. I skied for years but horrible osteoporosis ended all that.A powerful picture of a family loving & together. Something the cos can never ever touch! May all who are apart from loved ones be together some how someway.Love you both Ann B.
As if Scientology isn’t already a shit-stain on the undergarments of science courtesy of the “Tech”, the Easy-Bake Eight just adds more rancid cherries on top of the Black Forest Excrement Gateau. A Heathkit project for 12-to-15-year-olds that’s a decade and a half out of date that supposedly detects some mystic energy that’s otherwise undetectable…any half-good engineer out there would want to take the cans and shove them down the throat of the corpse of Volney Mathison like garlic on a vampire.
Never has the lack of good science education in the United States been more apparent…oh, sorry, I forgot that this is the country where 40% of people don’t believe in evolution. Well, good for that carny freak L. Fraud Flunk-Out that he sold people on this nonsense and made money off of it. P. T. Barnum would have been proud.
Hey, Cathy True, are you shitting your bloomers at the prospect of Team Rinder and Team Headley being together in your neck of the woods? The “entheta field” must be incredibly “suppressive” for you. Too bad. Wallow in your self-inflicted misery.
Espiando, it isn’t a matter of “some mystic energy”. Even science now knows about the energy field around a body, and the meter registers changes in that field. Did you ever do any auditor training?
Here’s the link to an article titled “Energy Field Healing: Science, Spirit, and Soul: http://bullockdesign.tripod.com/energy.htm
Being a man of science I feel compelled to speak out for it. I’d need to see scientific reporting on a thing called, “the body’s energy field” in order to believe there is such a thing. And I have five bucks that says there is no evidence the Emeter responds to an “energy field”. My understanding is that it measures resistance to an electrical current running through the body as it registers metabolic responses to thought activity.
Hi Roger,You are amazing love your recent post on the Emeter & energy fields etc.I always hated those orange juice cans & I got a different brand each session! Love U Ann B.
I have a degree in Physics, Marildi. I know mystical woo-woo (as opposed to actual science) when I hear it. If you ain’t got an equation for me to solve, it ain’t there.
I second Roger’s post.
Ask Mr. Science! He’s smarter than you because… “I have a Master’s Degree in……SCIENCE!!!”
Espiando and Roger, apparently there have been many “actual science” studies that came up with evidence of an electromagnetic field around the body. Here are a couple of quotes from an article that lists out some of the studies (emphasis in caps is mine):
“Robert Becker, M.D. … demonstrated that the perineural cells, or nerve sheaths, carry a direct current of electricity, prompting the body to grow, heal, or regenerate and repair itself. For this reason, any change in health is always accompanied by electrical changes, both at the site of injury or repair and as AN ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD AROUND THE BODY.”
“Every muscle in the body produces magnetic pulses when it contracts, … any movement of any part of the body is ‘broadcast’ into THE SPACE AROUND THE BODY as a precise ‘biomagnetic signature’ of that movement.”
Wherever there is an electric current there will be a magnetic field. Neurons emit electric currents and so there is a magnet field around the body. But we are talking about an ENERGY field. Energy is defined in terms of what it does. The work it does. There is no evidence this magnetic field has an effect on the environment around it. What work does it do? What effects does it cause? That, I believe, is where the evidence is lacking.
You’re probably right, Roger. If you google “human energy field” or “energy field around the body” or such, you’ll see that this term is used a lot, but it’s probably a loose usage. I looked in *Understanding the E-meter* and I see that LRH didn’t call it that – he called it an “electrical field”.
“It was discovered in Scientology that a fixed electrical field existed surrounding a body entirely independent of, but influencable by, the human mind.” (UEM)
Marildi, the human body is, in one of the greatest things NextGen ever came up with, an ugly bag of mostly water. Water has a dipole moment, so it’s electromagnetic in nature. All electromagnetism creates fields; a genius Scot named Robert Maxwell came up with the equations that govern those fields back in the Sixties…the Eighteen Sixties, way before L. Fraud was born.
So, in other words, no shit. What L. Fraud explained through woo-woo is more easily explained through good old physics. You know, the subject that L. Fraud failed in high school and college.
Espiando, first you said that the meter “supposedly detects some MYSTIC energy that’s otherwise undetectable”, and now that you see there is scientific proof of this “mystic” energy and that it IS in fact detectable – you admit it has to be true as a matter of simple physics. I guess your physics basics suddenly came back to you. 😉
Quite correct Espiando. An a E.E. (Electronic Engineer) AND a trained auditor I can tell you with scientific certainty that the Wheatstone Bridge ONLY measures the Ω (Ohms) of the body.
Electricity follows the path of LEAST resistance. The BODY has FAR less resistance than the air around the body. The battery in the e-meter causes a VERY small voltage flow across the body and then measures the BODY’S resistance to that.
“The battery in the e-meter causes a VERY small voltage flow across the body and then measures the BODY’S resistance to that.”
True, John. But just saying that much doesn’t explain why the resistance increases and decreases in auditing, requiring the auditor to move the tone arm up and down. If this is all just woo-woo, why are there all these fluctuations in the “BODY’s resistance”?
Resistance to the electric current running through the body is caused by metabolic changes that occur in response to thought activity. The mind/body apparatus is a single unit. Every thought in the mind triggers a metabolic response. The meter is affected by metabolic activity not thought.
Roger, just so it’s clear to everybody – you say “The meter is affected by metabolic activity not thought” but you also state that “metabolic changes occur in response to thought activity”. It’s obvious, then, that thought is the primary causal agent. That would be my understanding too. The basic principle here is that spirit/thought can only be measured indirectly, via the effects it creates on physical reality.
Marildi, the fluctuations in resistance are due to fluctuations in conductivity thanks to actions of the autonomic nervous system like, say, sweaty palms and increased levels of neurotransmitters. Occam’s Razor slices in favor of easily-explained actions of the human body, ones that have been established since the days of Luigi Galvani, rather than engrams and body thetans.
I’ll put it to you in a simple proposition: Do a little research about how the human nervous system works. You don’t even have to go further than Wikipedia (unless you think Wikipedia is inherently biased against Scientology). Every action of an e-meter is explained by basic physiology and physics. Any further accretion from You-Know-Who is woo-woo. Nothing “spiritual” involved.
I’ve always felt you were smart. Come to present time in neuroscience instead of being trapped in the 1930s Readers Digest interpretation. You can handle it. We’re here for you and we’d like to help.
Espiando, I’m starting to get the picture. First of all, you obviously have never audited or received auditing. Otherwise, you would know that the hands couldn’t possibly be sweating and “un-sweating” back and forth in very short intervals of time, just for starters.
Secondly, you apparently belong to an even larger cult than the CoS – in fact, the largest cult on Earth. It’s the religion known as 20th century science, which BELIEVES with unshakable faith that the human body is just a machine that operates on a mechanical basis only. That’s a prison of belief if there ever was one. You should catch up with the times and read the voluminous evidence of the existence of phenomena that can’t be explained by physics or chemistry.
But sincere thanks for the offer of help. I got that you meant it. And if it were true that the body is just a physical contraption and nothing more, no one could say Espiando doesn’t have a kind bone in his. (Who knew? 🙂 )
Touche, Marildi. Well done.
Thanks, Cindy. 🙂
marildi said, “True, John. But just saying that much doesn’t explain why the resistance increases and decreases in auditing, ”
Yes, it does. When a person thinks, the brain has electrical activity (COMPLETELY documented in thousands of scientific studies). which changes the resistance of the body and thus the Wheatstone Bridge measures this.
This conversation is a perfect example of why El Con tried to dissuade clams from getting a higher education.
John: “When a person thinks, the brain has electrical activity (COMPLETELY documented in thousands of scientific studies). which changes the resistance of the body and thus the Wheatstone Bridge measures this.”
That explanation still has significant omitted data. It doesn’t account for why a person can at times be thinking (while talking, or not) yet the tone arm, which measures resistance, may not change at all (with perhaps the needle just floating) – while at other times, the tone arm may move quickly (or slowly) in either direction with a big (or small) change in the tone arm position signifying that the resistance (the mass) is also changing – commensurately.
This is what auditing on a meter is all about, i.e. “thinking” or looking at experiences that pull in emotional charge or mass (causing resistance to the electrical flow) and then discharging it – with the result that not only does the tone arm come down but the pc feels relief.
I guess you haven’t done any auditor training either?
John Locke : not quite. Measuring the actual currents from the brain cannot be done using a sensor that is actually an ohm meter – that is essentially what an e-meter is, an ohm meter conditioned with a wheatstone bridge that increases its sensitivity. However, the currents emitted by neurons in brain and muscle are much too weak to measure with it. Their tiny voltage is insignificant compared to the current that must be passed to measure resistance. Modern EEGs and ECGs are specially enhanced voltmeters, that is, they measure tensions without inputting current of their own, with filters to get rid of undesired noise on signal due to the subject’s movements. Old EEGs and ECGs were actually galvanometers, and they used a completely different physical phenomenon to measure currents.
What the emeter measures through electrical resistance is bodily reactions induced by the autonomic system. When you have certain emotions, the autonomic system reacts in certain ways which are more or less out of your control, like making you sweat, blush, hearth rate increase, dilation of pupils, secretion of adrenaline, etc. Some of these reaction cause temporary changes in skin resistance that can be measured with the meter.
Kemist, thanks for your input. The next question to logically ask would be – What “induces” the autonomic system? Here’s an excerpt from a very recent article:
“The MIT team that wrote this paper first demonstrated that they could label and reactiv[ate] brain cells to trigger specific memories, WHICH THEY CALL ENGRAMS [my caps], in a 2012 study. They have also been able to implant false memories, and even switch the emotional associations of particular memories, both good and bad, they said.” http://www.laboratoryequipment.com/news/2015/06/mit-scientists-make-mice-total-recall-happy-memories-beat-depression?et_cid=4629582&et_rid=45546637&type=cta
It seems that good ol’ engrams are now part of science. And I am confident that science will one day discover as well that, similar to an artificial “implanting” of false memories (as above), actual memories of the spiritual being can be activated in various ways – such as auditing commands or even single words spoken by the auditor.
“That explanation still has significant omitted data. It doesn’t account for why a person can at times be thinking (while talking, or not) yet the tone arm, which measures resistance, may not change at all”
No, the Wheatstone Bridge has a limited ability (sensitivity) to detect these changes. Different thoughts activate different parts of the brain and thus, have different electrical potentials. The FIRST thing you must do to understand this subject is to DROP everything El Con taught and THEN, go learn ACTUAL science. (El Con was NOT a trained and educated scientist.) Once you do that THEN you can restudy what he wrote and easily see where he lied his ass off.
You are trying to understand a scientific subject where you have been fed false info and it won’t reconcile.
“What the emeter measures through electrical resistance is bodily reactions induced by the autonomic system.”
Actually, John, it seems that even “educated scientists” have not come to a consensus on the subject. The following is from the Wikepedia article on the E-meter:
‘The standard medical explanation for the movement of the needle is the operation of the sympathetic nervous system on the sweat glands. Because sweat contains dielectrics (salt, etc.), conductivity is increased when the sweat glands are activated. But some advocates argue that the meter responds more quickly than would be possible by the exudation and drying of sweat.They propose an additional mechanism termed the ‘Tarchanoff Response’ through which the cerebral cortex of the brain affects the current directly.” This phenomenon is not completely understood, and further research needs to be performed.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-meter#Functional_description
“Actually, John, it seems that even “educated scientists” have not come to a consensus on the subject.”
Um, you didn’t research the cites for that quote. It did NOT come from a scientist who was specially trained in electronics. Which is the #1 requirement.
You will have to actually obtain a higher education before you will be able to BEGIN to understand this area. Your flailing is too painful to watch. El Con REALLY got to you but good.
John: “Um, you didn’t research the cites for that quote. It did NOT come from a scientist who was specially trained in electronics. Which is the #1 requirement.”
Um, I don’t think you did your research on the Tarchanoff Response.
“Tarchanoff presented the first published paper on the psycho-galvanometer and it was one of the earliest tools of psychological research. The Tarchanoff Response is a change in DC potential across neurons of the autonomic nervous system connected to the sensory-motor strip of the cortex. This change was found to be related to the level of cortical arousal. This instantaneous physiological response is different than the slower speed of a sweating response.” http://aeriallong.com/clearing-methods/
More directly to the point of how an E-meter works, how does your expert “theory” explain what creates a rock slam? Or a theta bop?
You also wrote: “You will have to actually obtain a higher education before you will be able to BEGIN to understand this area.”
Well, to paraphrase you, I’d say you will have to actually obtain some auditor training and experience before you will be able to BEGIN to understand this area. I doubt you’ve ever even seen a R/S or theta bop although they are not uncommon.
You are on a roll ESPI! Always good when that happens.
Maybe Kathy False and Paul Downer can take a trip to the beach for some much needed vitamin D. I know, it would truly be a scary sight!!!!! Don’t want to ruin the Rinders and Headleys vacation.
Hi Newcomer, Your recent post about Vit D was so bright I had to put on my sunglasses! XO Ann B.
Enjoy your vacation lovely people!
Enjoy the summer sun – have fun! Beautiful pic 🙂 (Its freezing here in Jo’burg so I am a little envious.)
Only 50 years to get to OTV?
Sign me up.
Have a great week all of you! Thanks for all you do!
Fantastic, enjoy the vacation.
Enjoy your R & R, knowing you did NOT need anyone’s approval before taking it but your own!
Great picture! Happy vacation to everyone!
I loved how A.P. said there was no difference in the meters (until now of course)
So, does that mean refunds will be given for the Mark VI, the ‘Super’ VII and the Quantum?
I can think of no other business who would advertise their products this way……..’all our other models have been the same……please forget that we forced you to buy them and that we told you they were improvements…… This time we mean it!’
Yes, I have a couple of Mark VII the church will give me my money back and give me a Mark ULTRA VIII. Yay!!! Finally, I can fix my and others’ cases that were messed up using all the previous meters.
Thank you David Miscavige for finally getting IN what LRH fully intended. I am so sorry that for over 30 years who have had to struggle around so much incompetence and navigate around the SP’s that seem to have honed in on your big beingness and interrupted your dedication. But you got it done. Congratulations.
What a guy He is! 🙂
Yay! Enjoy the time with friends and family!! No worries. No stress. Sunrises and sunsets, laughing, reminiscing, watch the kids, read books…freedom to enjoy your life!
That’s one thing you cannot do if you are in scientology.
Thanks to each of you for all you have done to expose the truth of what is happening.
Carrie Alkins was audited on a Warehouse 8 installed in a Quantum meter case
she crowed about huge wins and died within a few months.
Maybe the meter movement is better , who knows, it’s the toxic trash poured on you from the auditor that is created by David Miscavige that is the problem.
Good point. But then going full depth critical, one’s using this improved Wheatstone Bridge device with an electrical movement, and people essentially, the “good” ones, learn to biofeed-back connect their imaginative “recalled” “case” incidents congruently so people who get the whiz bang results in their brains, are actually doing this all by trial and error figuring out how to pretend “case” and Emeter needle responses.
It’s a self ingrained activity, and humans CAN induce mental states upon themselves, because people who meditate and who do biofeedback control of brain monitoring devices learn to do it.
Someone has said this is all that is going on in Scientology, in that people learn to make up their body thetans to correspond to whatever they subconsciously dream up to suit their “case” as they consider they have “case” problems, and then mentally connect these discovered events and incidents to their simultaneously “learned” self “high” brain moments, and simultaneously do their learned “biofeedback” mental brain activity to make their quickly floating needles and “floating TAs” sufficient to attain these glorious brain highs.
How I see it now.
In simpler words, the new Mark Ultra VIII Meter might indeed be a better Wheatstone Bridge, it lets them do their biofeedback imagination crank-pseudo-therapy and imagination crank-exorcism on themselves easier with clearer “Floating Needles” and “Floating TAs” is all.
but the imagination crank therapy and imagination-exorcism of made-up “body thetans” to me is coincidental, the real “case” advance is more they are doing a trial and error (some never get the hang of how to do it) self brain activity manipulation.
I’ll bet a really good biofeedback trained meditator person could produce Floating TAs at will.
Having an outsider who can do biofeedback on themselves, give them all generations of Emeters, see how they rate the machines!
Something does not smell right in this kettle of fish. Like, how could one not tell any difference in meters until roughly the 5th one. You mean to tell me that after all this time, they finally came out with a meter which far surpassed the previous one? Balderdash.
You are not wrong about the smell, Beryl, but in fact all meters from the Don Breeding American Blue in the late 50s to the MK VI in the 80s had the same circuit. The “unbelievable advancements” are exactly that – unbelievable.
Most of the hype about meters is just an attempt to make money by selling new ones. And now they can prevent “unauthorized” users by requiring a yearly “update” that is only available to active true koolaid drinkers. As Hubbard said: “Make More Money!”
In your ex Int Base electronics background mind, is it possible this Warehouse 6 Ultra Mark VIII Meter might display the requisite “3 swing” F/N quickly enough for this testimonial person’s anecdotal statement about how there is no delay on his auditor calling his F/N being due to the improved Warehouse 8 “movement” (which as Mike says, the Warehouse 8 meter movement was installed and put in the FSO auditors’ Quantum Emeters since the early 2000s)?
Just an interesting bit of trivia, watching Going Clear again last night on HBO on demand, usually HBO on demand choices are available for several months after a premiere, but Going Clear will be available until March 2019, four full years for people to learn the truth!!…one more FYI, maybe some of you would like to know, there is a web retailer, Zazzle.com, they sell a huge selection of wonderfully subversive anti-CoS stuff, including t-shirts that say “suppressive person” and “miscavige is a miscarriage”, just search “scientology gifts” on their site.
Hi Kathy H, Thank you for this info.So great about Going Clear on HBO on demand.The water keeps cutting the rock away.XO Ann B.
Great news about GC, Kathy H, and I will definitely be checking out Zazzle very soon.
Mike, you, Christie, the boys and the Headleys have a terrific time re-creating at the beach. We love you all!
“I am assuming that you are saying the glowing testament or the person” , in my comment just made should be:
“I am assuming that you are saying the glowing testament OF the person….”
Wish for an edit button.
Nice photo! Makes me want to be there.
Fabulous photo at the beach, looks like happiness.
Lori, I worked in Scientology for 35 years. Though the money making aspect of Scientology is indeed horrendous, there is a TON more to it than just being a money making scheme. While I now think that organized religion is ultimately a destructive force in peoples’ lives (for a number of reasons), I also feel that my Scientology life was not only on the whole interesting and fun, but was also beneficial to me in many areas of life.
Agreed, Joe. But I was essentially out around 1980 and missed out on the worst excesses which have been continuing and growing.
Perfect weather, Mike, for guests. And the beaches are relatively empty now. I often take an hour’s walk just before sunset…and still get some extra tanning in. Have a well earned vacation.
Nice picture, Mike! Have a great week!
Indeed – have a well-earned break! Best to Marc and Claire too.
“…the three or five or ten second silences when the auditor pauses…before indicating a floating needle” (like this should have been acceptable in the past). This was as a result of the auditor looking and waiting for the three swings of the F/N. “Instead, the indication was immediate.” (You mean like back in the 80’s when you first saw the F/N and you weren’t waiting for three swings.) This PC is untrained or stupid. All this tells me is that the 3 swing of the F/N deal is no longer being enforced. I wonder how that F/N drill is done these days. I guess a brief or fleeting F/N is back in vogue. Also, as you state, Mike, this person is unaware that he/she WAS being audited with the Mark VIII in the past – excuse me – the Mark Ultra VIII. What a load!
I don’t recall having major problems arriving at the determination that an individual was smiling, or laughing, as opposed to immersed in thought with a frown, or upset. When a PC says, “Aha!!” and tells you all about it with a smile or laugh, that is the “Cog, VGI’s” part of the EP and the F/N is the third – one-third part, 33%, less than half of, the EP – and a confirmation only of what the auditor should be observing. If you have an auditor staring at the damn meter waiting to see if the PC is happy, you have an idiot for an auditor. Having to wait for an indication could kill the F/N with an ARCx. LRH would be throwing e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e off the ship. (Except me, of course, because I’d be asking him if there was an E/S upset, while running away faster than he could chase.)
That was my experience too. When I saw VGIs + cognition + F/N that was = EP and it was not rocket science.
How and why those EP happen and what they mean is something I wish would be researched in a scientific way.
“At a Senior C/S conference in 1995, COB hinted at a new interpretation of F/Ns in the works when he told attendees, “You guys have been falsifying F/Ns all over the place. What’s more, we not only know you do it, we have the remedy.”
That remedy was released a few months later as part of the Golden Age of Tech. Through leading questions and cherry-picked definitions of key words, students were, for the first time since the development of the meter, led to the understanding that a real F/N must swing at least three times.
This definition does not occur anywhere in LRH materials. If it did, the thousands of auditors who had studied and word-cleared LRH’s definition since 1978 would have already come to this understanding on their own.
None ever did.”
I wonder what happened? He must have cancelled this with the new meter? Maybe a new “why”? He found out again that everyone was doing it wrong and re-corrected it? Maybe it’s only two swings now, or they are pushing the fleeting fn reference.
This previous ” three swing”, arbitrary made for terrible auditing. You would have a win or cognition only to be distracted by your auditor nervously staring at the meter waiting for it to “play Dixie”.
and digital meters…
Is the mentioned meter digital. I have seen a digital meter.
When the Dwarf was auditing at St. Hill at the age of 14 when he beat his PC in session, I am sure he was waiting for the meter to “play dixie” at which point the three swings of the needle were probably either ‘theta bops’ because the now injured PC wanted to get outta there or swinging ‘rock slams’ due to being injured by her ‘trusted counselor’!
I met this conceited creep at his ordination at the Haverford Chapel in January 1975. He hasn’t changed much except gotten older and weaker.
This all encompassing Imp needs to be exposed for what he really is – an adulterating technical degrader whose only true relief will be to eat the barrel of a .45!
I had the same question.
Which is, could this “new” (Warehouse 8) meter movement, which was put into the FSO auditors’ Quantums for Flag auditing since the early 2000s, could that movement even have really had an impact on that era of the long waits for the auditor waiting for Dixie to play, and call eventually the F/N?
If the meter movement was indeed somehow able to display the F/N 3 swings promptly, or was it Miscavige rescinding the “3 swing” arbitrary.
It’s all bunk to me now, though, since people have for decades to varying skill levels learned the REAL ability to fake even the 3 swing F/Ns, and even fake the “floating TAs”!
I played in house examiner at ASI in the early 1990s, a couple times I did the after-session “Exam” on the meter of Norman Starkey’s after session “F/N”. Norman Starkey’s after session F/N was a pretty dramatic almost TA floating needle, and he sat in the chair like a different very weirdly fake smiling light bulb, like he was putting on the show, it was an odd experience watching him perform his “floating TA” after session behavior. Some people become supreme fakers and do like a bio-feedback faking to make their TAs float, I surmised.
McCarran – I read the promo piece just now. Not sure if is supposed to be a continuation of Thursday Funnies, but it really is hilarious. I don’t see how anyone who knows anything much about auditing or meters wrote it. And I don’t see how in the world it is going to impress any auditor who knows what he’s doing. (E.g. Where did the acknowledgment get to? Was that so fast the PC didn’t even notice it?)
I’ve never seen anything more than milliseconds in delays in reads on any meter, and the only way I can think of to speed up a read is to somehow speed up [one volt of] current. The acknowledgement of the PC’s comm comes before any indication of F/N in any case, and sometimes you want to really acknowledge the PC, make sure he feels you really do understand, really did grasp the importance of it, really understood what he felt, understand the win. In the meantime, the F/N should be widening with the acknowledgment. THEN you indicate … “And, your needle is floating.”
If a PC wrote this story, his attention is on the meter, and seems like it has been for years. His attention should be on his sessions. Why isn’t his auditor the one describing the “difference in the meter reads?” The auditor is the one operating the meter, not the PC, and an auditor would be more qualified than a PC to discuss meters and reads. The meter is entirely secondary in importance compared to the auditor. Like the relative importance of a watch to someone who is asleep. The promo piece is like an airline passenger talking about the improved instrumentation in the cockpit of the “Dreamliner” or how the landing gear deploys much faster than the usual 20 seconds. Sheesh.
Nickname, you’re hitting nails on their heads all over the place, and I actually just shuddered at the concept of letting anyone still in the cult audit me.
You nailed it, Nickname
I am assuming that you are saying the glowing testament or the person above about the Mark Ultra VIII is either made up for the advertisement or invalid as they had actually been using this model of the e-meter at flag already for 10 years. The person getting audited at FSO, Flag Service Organization, should have noticed a difference in the auditing way before the official release of the new meter model if it actually made that much difference. Ahhhh, the power of suggestion. Truth in advertising – whoa, can there really be such a thing? This is a good “caught you” you have pointed out. Always good to be aware you can’t always believe what you are told.
I am a never-in. I have the greatest admiration for all of you who had the courage to leave Scientology. I believe Scientology to be nothing more than a money-making scheme financed by a few whales across the world who have more money than sense. For those of you that survived Scientology, do you hold a reunion of some type? I think it would be awesome to have survivors and all those who want to see the end of Scientology get together for a fun weekend some time in the future. Unlike Scientology, no one would have to photo-shop the crowd of people who would gather!
Happy vacation, Mike!
Lori, after having worked at the highest levels of the church, (management and Technical) while El Con was in charge, I can say that your observations are 100% correct.
there are those around who are still hypnotized and believe that the “tech” has beneficial uses
And Lori there would be NO regging or making folks feel uncomfortable; nor the grand exodus of folks to fork over all their money. Maybe just a group of folks actually sitting together having a conversation without being interrupted, what a concept that would be.
Oh and Mike have a great vacation. Love your blog.
Mike, glad you and Christie are taking a vacation! After the intense media blitz you went through I think it’s great that your going to take some time out with your family and enjoy a normal family adventure that can help recharge your batteries. Fighting Miscavige (the Gary Coleman of Scientology) is a draining occupation and I hope your family gets to enjoy the positive aspects of having fun within your family unit. Say hi to Claire for me… I love Mark to death but I have to add that he’s a lucky man because Claire is on of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. The dudes a lucky guy. Your also luck having Christie. Unfortunately when you become my age (43) beautiful women only look at me as some old guy on the street. have fun… then come back and kick some more Scientology ass!
Hi SPE,Glad to meet you. I’m sure Claire & Christie are absolutely gorgeous in spirit & body,but at 43 you are a spring chicken.Wait till you get to my age almost 64 then the body says hey I’m old.But my heart & spirit are still young! Yes may all who Mike & Christie love & those that love them including all of us,may they have a fun & relaxing vacation.Take Care,Ann B.