You can check out his video here.
It’s heavy scienospeak — his birthday is to “celebrate my identity in this body, the name on this body”… And he goes on from there claiming he is going to relate some of his personal experiences with L. Ron Hubbard (not including mentioning I am sure that L. Ron Hubbard considered him and the other people in the GO to be treasonous bastards who had tried to take him down). Credit where it’s due though, Arte looks pretty damn good for 80…
His event is pretty strange. Just trying to rekindle his glory days with himself as the center of attention it seems — his Arte Thon is of course a fundraiser. You have to pay $80 to attend it virtually and apparently all the money goes to the Philadelphia “ideal” org. If he gets 100 attendees (I doubt there will be that many) that means $8,000 which may be enough to buy the custom woven doormat for the entrance, but is not going to really have any impact on this building. Remember, Philadelphia is one of those cities (like Battle Creek, New Haven, Toronto, Boston, Albuquerque and a bunch of others) that have “ideal” buildings but cannot get them renovated… Check out this posting from 2016 – it has only deteriorated from then.
The Marenthon has “surprise” guests — though if they are announced they are not surprise are they?
It’s a collection of usual suspects, though somehow the Chan Man is missing. Perhaps he will be added before the big event happens.
If, like me, you ever wondered what Hana Li actually sounds like, this is the video from above.
I doubt she would get a chair to turn on The Voice. She tries, but her vocal skills are not much better than mine.
Since Arte Maren has been a high-visibility group member (World Institute of Scientology Enterprises – WISE) for some decades, it is common to have an encounter with him at Flag or on the Freewinds.
I had a few encounters with him during the years I was in. One of those was truly positive. He was a patient, invested listener, and gave me some practical advice (concerning dissemination).
The other encounters were dreadful. He seemed to take on, more and more, those characteristics many of us have described here of an insanely puffed-up and self-involved “I pronounce myself the center of ANYONE’s universe” individual. The narcissism he displayed was so full-bloom and over-the-top, at first I thought he was being comical. (He was not.)
He married someone around 8 years ago, I think, and good for the both of them–she is (was) crazy about him. On Facebook, he had her post this big ol’ close-up photo of him with an caption that read something like “This handsome devil is what I get to wake up next to every morning!” (Hubba, Hubba Hubba) A big kooky kids-in-love public declaration, though what some may deem “cringe-worthy.” On Facebook, as if he does not find ENOUGH avenues to PROMOTE HIMSELF.
Seeing these weird “Arte indicators,” I afterwards vowed, if I did spot him on the streets of Clearwater or in a Flag building, I would re-route to go somewhere else.
To me, it is an instance of someone who, for all that I could see, is an earnest, intelligent person interested in learning about and being of some true service to others. In a different setting, he could have been a successful, sought-after business consultant in one of the large, credible consulting firms.
But THIS, this “product” of being a combination loyal Scientology foot soldier AND megalomaniacal self-appointed general, shows up poorly. While in, privately I knew that I could not introduce him to anyone I know in the proper business world. I could see Arte would utterly turn OFF any skilled person operating in business, as I was one of them (!), and I was skedaddling the other direction when I spotted him.
How is this a role model, model WISE member, and New OT 8 to which all should aspire? To me, it looked like just more and more self-absorption. Here and there, you see the “ego stroking” of some individuals in this group to be so strange, so not useful, and ultimately toxic.
Truly sad.
Wasn’t Arte, along with the rest of the “rogue” GO 11, supposed to have been kicked out of Scn, Inc. after Snow White?
Well, that was the PR claim.
Warren McShane, who was Intel Branch head GO NY is the President of RTC. Brian Andrus, one of the people who helped kidnap Mike Meisner is a respected scientologist realtor in Clearwater. Kathy O’Gorman, the AG Flag is in OSA Int.
Dick Weigand was posting to TRX-L in the 90’s about his projects in Colombia. How many have worked/are working for David M*rse &Assoc?
It would be informative to see a “where are they now.”
Who is Hana Li?
“Highly acclaimed”?
Google is my friend, I guess.
Regarding #8 Manuela working “alongside” the stars of The Voice.
Years ago as I was shopping I turned down the next aisle (tiny store) and saw Dolly Parton shopping a few feet further down the aisle.
Therefore, using $ci.. logic and hype I went shopping with Dolly Parton, and although she’s unaware of it – we’ve been best friends ever since. 🙂
And per that promise in that famous song she will always love you, Phillip 🙂
I know for a fact that Hubbard viewed Artie and the rest of the USGO as gangsters. He was so pissed with them that he sent a highly secretive mission to find the main SP in the USGO office. I was on that mission as the comic relief distraction so the class 12 could cull the folders for rock slams etc. We didn’t find a who. And yes there is more to the story. The real who was Hubbard himself.
My gosh, this is a precursor to Hubbard’s early 1980s repeat insistence to destroy the Guardian’s Office.
It’s part of the Ron vs Mary Sue differences of opinion about how to protect and go forward as a movement.
Mary Sue was head of the GO of course, and her private opinions of LRH in the final years, the final 10 years of LRH’s life, would be so historical to lay out, in sequence.
I was at ASI, and Mary Sue had an in basket there, with MSH on it, when I got promoted to be in ASI (which took over the “private” functions of the earlier “LRH Personal Office” step and fetch it jobs, the royal footstool jobs, for LRH). LRH had his extended entourage compartmented into the team with LRH, and then ASI doing his private flogging of his “LRH fiction products” and overseeing the “church” “LRH products” which was always the thing the IRS didn’t allow if Church of Scientology was to be given legit tax exemption, LRH just had to have his way over things.
LRH was such a word slippery fish, using his engrained wordsmithing mind to tax evade things, and “run” the church while not running it.
LRH threw Mary Sue and the Guardian’s Office under the bus, and they were only carrying out his “Simon Bolvar” policy at heart, which made them and told them, to do the illegal things they did, and Mary Sue faithfully had Jane Kember and Mulligan do their illegal deeds, for which Jane and Mary Sue did go to jail.
LRH’s final years were dismal, he ought to have been in jail with Mary Sue, since she was the one who kept him out of jail and took the fall he deserved.
Arte Maren was and innately is a smooth talking person, reassuring naturally, he defused at least in the Scientologists’ minds, it reassured me, how he spun the Sea Org takeover of downtown Clearwater.
“Project Normandy” and all the other projects setting up the Fort Harrison, just so directly ALL L. Ron Hubbard’s orders.
And ever since Otto Roos had the earlier Class 8s,12s find LRH’s rock slams, LRH just had to distance himself from his own “rock slams” (which likely were earlier faulty dirty pots on the earlier Emeters he insisted on using and which were faulty pots none the less.
LRH is such a bad cult leader, and fully the bottom line “source” to all of Scientology’s and Scientology followers backlashing woes. And the families and public who get smacked by all that Scientology does.
Only lawyers who play dumb profit from Scientology, by taking on the loophole strategies in the law that “good” law firms can afford to do the long game stretching out tactics to “win” by attrition Scientology’s “enemies.”
Ex’s on staff and ex’s like you Neil, are truly important to correctly tell history.
I hope you write some article on this Neil, the mission you were on, the LRH orders it was based on, etc.
“Simon Bolivar” policy is ultimately all on LRH, that to me was Mary Sue’s downfall, playing out the script LRH wrote for her, which is “Simon Bolivar” policy. OSA plays out that policy today.
Scientology is sick, as Hubbard was the sick founder, and sick to the end he was, per the end of “Going Clear….” book that tells the alarming final state of mind mood swings Hubbard was in.
He thought he’d failed, and only told Sarge, or if he told Annie, she felt he was exaggerating, which Sarge took it seriously.
He did certainly fail. He just never recognized fully how badly he had done.
Letting Mary Sue go to jail for him, is probably the most damning thing he did. She just doing what he ordered, for him.
This post is off topic but does anyone have any info on whether Maiden Voyage Events are happing on LRH way this year? Please EMAIL ME.
Hmm. The Jive Aces always come across as “not Heterosexual.”
Or as Mike refers to them, the Jive Asses.
Arte’s Twitter bio:
Arte Maren
@artemarenUSAFollowers: 1.9K
Latin dancer; Jazz singer; Grammy-Nominated Lyricist: Spain, Chick Corea; Poet; Executive Trainer; Author (The Natural Laws of Management); Dramatist (Thalomar)
More at Twitter
Bugs Bunny said it: ” What a maroon! ”
I LOVE the porn star name of “surprise guest # 1”: MICHAEL BANG!
Makes ya wanna nut, eh? On the aesthetics wavelength, of course!😉
I bet big ego blowhard businessman speaker, Grant Cardone, is jealous his name is not in lights with the other 10 “special” guests.
Him and Dan York!
Cat puke!
But as Otherles implies, “if you haven’t worked it out after turning 80, the curtain’s been drawn for you for some time now and you never noticed. Grow up! no longer applies.”
Well, at least Arte’s not dyeing his hair like you know who …
Still, I wouldn’t give him 80 cents …
I’ve always wondered if he even believes half of the idiocy he spouts. He’s probably 50% true believer, 50% con man …
Aw, you’re mean!
You mean you won’t give Arte a penny for every year he’s been alive?
I’d rather give them to my favorite homeless person on the corner, who may have made a mess out of his life but who is at least honest about having done so. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that my FHP who stands in the same spot nearly every day with a paper cup in hand has it in him to impart more simple, helpful, unvarnished wisdom as regards life’s sometimes bitter lessons than Arte Maren & Company.
Thanks, Aqua. You probably realize that I was messing around with Joe Pendleton when he said that he wouldn’t give Arte eighty cents and Arty is eighty years old. Perhaps in addition to loose change you can give love and encouragement to your FHP. Knowing you, you’re already doing that.
Thanks, Aqua.
Hi Alco,
Right back atcha with the thanks.
And sure I knew you were messin’.
I always know when you’re messin’, Alco.
Hana Li, ouch!
definitely would not “turn a chair” anywhere.
Eighty years old and he STILL hasn’t figured it out?
I wonder why it is I have never heard of these “famous, tremendous people?”
Pretty much no bodies to me.
My girlfriend warned me about Artie Maren a long time ago. She say stay away from him cuz he is a self-absorbed blow hard egotist who loves the sound of his own voice.