The STAND League has me on a bit of a roll.
This ragtag collection of “defenders of the faith” (some of them no doubt doing an “amends project” for some transgression, others doing it to gain “eligibility” for their OT levels) comes up with the craziest stuff.
They try to categorize people by association. When Hollis Jane Andrews tweeted about a crazy list of duties for a babysitter job for a scientologist, she earned the ire of the passengers in the STAAD league clown car. Nobody claimed the bonkers list of demands she included were untrue, they simply went after her as a “bigot.”
And brave twitter warriors they are, they began equating her with being a racist, anti-Semite, white supremacist, Islamaphobe and homophobe (note: scientology teachings are definitely racist and homophobic). They’re “all the same” as an “anti-Scientologist.”
Except she is not anything close to an anti-Scientologist. Or at least she wasn’t at the time of her original tweet. She simply posted about an experience — with the actual document included. This is the entirety of the crime that landed her in the pantheon of disgusting hatemongers on earth:
Piled on top of this insanity is the fact scientology has gone hog-wild to identify themselves as being fervently opposed to anti-Semitism. It’s a convenient way for them to categorize themselves — anti-Semitism and “anti-Scientologism” are just two sides of the same coin.
And now they are even retweeting the ADL.
Why is this so bad? Surely support for those who stand against anti-Semitism is good? Even if comparing themselves was only a wildly misleading false equivalency. They’re getting the message out and that is good…
Except for one inconvenient fact that I have written about repeatedly on this blog — a recent example here — scientology fully supports some of the loudest and most persistent anti-Semitic voices in America, Tony Muhammad and his boss Louis Farrakhan. In fact, Tony Muhammad is a celebrated scientologist awarded their highest honor, a Freedom Medal. Only 3 people a year are awarded such an honor and they are celebrated with an internationally televised event.
STAND League has never said a word about Tony Muhammad’s vicious rants against Jews. However, they do laud him in their own publications and rely on him for fundraising and bringing in new recruits from the Nation of Islam. Juxtapose that with a woman tweeting a document highlighting the scientology kook factor, and she is subjected to a full on smear campaign.
These people at STAND claim they stand for human rights. In fact, they are nothing more than a cheap propaganda factory charged with smearing anyone who says anything they don’t like about scientology. You can bet Tony Muhammad would have a smear site and a bunch of tweets from the STAND League if he said anything about scientology. Suddenly he would become an “anti-Semite and anti-Scientologist.” But he brings in cash and people, so the champions of anti-Semitism at scientology HQ say nothing about it. Clearly, they have plenty of time on their hands — they quickly leap into action when a reporter mentions Hubbard’s quote about starting a religion, or an actress tweets out a list of bonkers job requirements from 2013. This is some important stuff.
Listened to Tony Muhammad for almost an hour talk about Jews.
He was in no way anti-Semitic
Take a listen to some of the links I have provided George.
Will listen to more of your links. I have covered most of them already. In the past two years I have buried myself into the Black Community in East Tampa. I have about twenty Black Men and two Black women in my discussion group. While most of these are not NOI, I have contact with about a dozen NOI ministers. It is difficult for me to criticize these people. There is one senior Black Man who I will ask for advice on this issue. I tried to join NOI and donate for their courses but I am not allowed.
I will let you know how it turns out. I love these people. The NOI religion is pure Blavatsky and that is the missing link.
George White,
The N.O.I. is anti-semitic as a matter of faith and belief…It’s baked into their cosmology. From the lips of Elijah Muhammad and Funky Farrakhan to our ears…
A couple of years ago, you could go to the N.O.I. website and read a biography of Farrakhan that stated he was a prophet sent by God, but that was eventually edited out.
Also, white people are considered to be genetically inferior “devils”.
They also believe that women are created to be servants of men, and advocate racial segregation, to the point of having a separate country.
I have listened to every publicly available lecture by Minister Tony Muhammad for many years. Minister Tony Muhammad is virlulently anti-Semitic.
Just because he doesn’t express it in some lectures doesn’t mean he hasn’t expressed it in other lectures. He has. I have personally heard it. I have posted the links to the audio here, on ESMB, on ESMBR, and on WWP. Tony Ortega has posted such links. Mike has also.
Could it be that Dear Leader is getting a bit testy due to some court goings on in LA, and/or Tony Ortega’s reporting, that he is venting his ecclesiastical disapproval through STAND?
Hollis Jane Andrews did a public service with her publication of the Nanny Hat. So of course she has to be silenced. I wonder what other $cieno stuff she has in her collection?
Without ‘enemies’, $cientology would not have anyone to point their indignant fingers at. I guess that is the purpose that is behind this whole exercise, getting everyone together and trying to get them to accept a ‘group mentality’.
This kind of Hubbardian hypocrisy is “standard dreck”.
This is the universe-saving tech being put into action by the most ethical group on the planet, and…it’s for our own good, being the banky, out-ethics, reactive meat-sacks that we are!😂
These superior thetanic schmoes possess no sense of irony, nor are they able to address issues with equanimity and honesty. And forget about them EVER presenting factual evidence or logical rebuttals; it’s all screeds, name-calling, and self-righteous bullshitting.
STAB League(misspelling is intentional) is inward-facing, chest-thumping, cult clown signifying and absurdist theatre that supports command cosplay intention…
Hip, hip, bitch slap!😉
The STAND League retweeting the ADL is ironic given the fact that the ADL has a webpage on Scientology Youth for Human Rights Award Winner Nation of Islam Brother Rizza Islam:
Indeed, the ADL runs Google ads for the webpage when you search for “Rizza Islam”.
The ADL webpage on Brother Rizza Islam specifically notes his participation in Scientology:
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
Rizza Islam was born in Compton, California, in 1990. He was a member of the Nation of Islam and attended the local NOI mosque as a young child, though he also became involved in the Church of Scientology. His mother, Hanan Islam, and his adoptive father, Alfreddie Johnson, were the executive director and founder, respectively, of a Scientology-backed nonprofit organization called World Literacy Crusade. Mr. Islam took on various roles within the organization.
In the mid-2010s, Mr. Islam and his family ran into legal trouble stemming from their involvement with Scientology and World Literacy Crusade. Mr. Islam, along with some of his siblings and his mother, were arrested on Medi-Cal fraud and insurance fraud charges in California in 2015. In recent years, Mr. Islam has largely downplayed references to his Scientology past.
Though Mr. Islam had participated in NOI-related events previously, including training Fruit of Islam members while working at World Literacy Crusade, it was around the time of his 2015 arrest that he became a more active NOI member. His association with Scientology and preestablished relationships within NOI likely contributed to his rapid rise within the organization’s ranks. World Literacy Crusade and its associates, including Johnson and NOI’s Tony Muhammad (Farrakhan’s Western Regional Representative and Rizza Islam’s mentor at NOI’s Los Angeles mosque), played a key role in forging an unlikely relationship between Farrakhan, NOI and Scientology in the 2000s.
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I’m curious, given the fact that the ADL webpage on Brother Rizza Islam specifically mentions Scientology, why hasn’t STAND League published a story attacking the ADL?
Ah, but the NOI are ‘highly ethical’ (meaning good for Scientology). The best thing about the STAND folk is that their posts are only seen by fellow Scientologists.
O/T. News from and about the Church of Scientology National Affairs Office the past two months
1) Senator Tammy Duckworth notes the support by the Church of Scientology National Affairs Office, among others, for the Martha Reed-Wright Just and Reasonable Communications Act. The Act would address concerns about the price of phone calls that incarcerated individuals at correctional facilities across the U.S. are forced to pay if they want contact their family or friends.
2) Congressman Steve Cohe notes the support by the Church of Scientology National Affairs Office, among others, for the MEAL Act. The Act would lift restrictions for recipients of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits for people with prior felony drug convictions.
NOTE: The two stories above are significant because the officials are acknowledging the support of the Church of Scientology National Affairs Office on their official Senate and House of Representatives web pages.
3) Church of Scientology National Affairs Office joins letter to President Joe Biden asking him to promptly contact Egyptian President, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, urging the release of the imprisoned Coptic activist, Ramy Kamel.
4) Church of Scientology National Affairs Office joins letter urging the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) to recommend to the US Department of State that it designate India as a “Country of Particular Concern” (CPC).
Significantly, an Indian activist has pushed back against the letter.
NOTE: The position of the Church of Scientology National Affairs Office could adversely affect Scientology in India were it to become well known
5) Church of Scientology National Affairs Office joins letter to Attorney General Judge Merrick B. Garland urging the Biden administration and Congress to let the Trump administration temporary “class-wide” emergency scheduling of fentanyl-related substances expire in May 2021.
6) Church of Scientology National Affairs Office joins letter urging Attorney General Merrick Garland to rescind a legal memo issued by the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) that would lead to the return of people serving their sentences on home confinement to federal prison.