The latest Auditor mag was sent to me.
It is quite a tour de force of oddities and omissions.
Here are a few pages of note.
Proof positive that there is no longer a Briefing Course. This is the HOME of the Briefing course. And not a single mention of it, let alone a completion….
Also apparent, the ONLY people on auditor training at AOSHUK are outer org staff. The big boom of GAG II rocketing public up the training side of the Bridge is completely omitted (because it doesn’t exist — they cannot even rocket them through the Student Hat Rehash).
The Advanced org for Russia and Europe is in Copenhagen. Why are the ONLY people featured in this article people from Russia and Slovakia? Answer: The ONLY people they can still persuade to do anything at AOSHUK are from somewhere else and they somehow undercut the prices of AOSHEU. See also the Dutch lady featured on the first page above and the two people featured on the cover are from France. I guess this is now AOSHEU West.
Obviously, the UK orgs — including the “Ideal” white elephant London Org/CC London/Test Center — are empty and send NO public to AOSHUK.
Interesting take “this is what booms an org and can be done anywhere“?
Sending 200 SO members to man a Class V org and “prove” it can be done is totally unprecedented. And this is because the “model” “ideal” SH size” org could NOT make it with Class V org staff, even in the center of the “largest community of scientologists on earth” and right next the perpetual “birthday game winning” CLO WUS (the best CLO on earth).
Is every org now waiting for the 200 man SO team to come to their org to “make it happen everywhere”?
Those “stats” are really impressive too. Nothing about production, just about how many people they sent.
Obviously Exclamation Points are important.
But if this is what is meant by “Putting Scientology There” then it would seem orgs should all be converted into Chuck E Cheeses and try and survive by entertaining kids with people dressed in superhero costumes…. They could sell some pizza and chicken nuggets and make some money.
Interesting that “ideal orgs” get a different listing now. They are first, not grouped by Continental area.
But is an interesting graphic in itself.
More than a decade after Miscavige launched the most important program in scientology’s history, a glance at the above shows 1 1/3 columns of “ideal” orgs and 3 2/3 columns of NON ideal orgs.
That’s a bit more than a quarter of the way done. All the easy ones first. This is a program that is NEVER going to be completed.
What a shock that is…. It is at the completion of all orgs being ideal that “OT IX and X” are going to be released.
Ha ha ha.
RolandRB says
DM must chuckle to himself when he sees these photos of people dressed up in costumes collecting donations off each other. And when they don’t collect enough, they feel bad about it and blame themselves. They should blame him, of course, for destroying their income from the Tech with GAT 1, leaving nothing of value left to sell to new public, and forcing the Church from that point on to largely rely on donations. But instead, he gets all the credit, a villa here and there, custom motorcycles, John Lobb shoes, immaculate Italian suits, his own golf course, gourmet meals prepared by his own chef, while the followers dress up and dance around like fools and blame themselves for the demise of the Church and ruin themselves in the process. Perhaps we should applaud him for it because in a sense, it is rather funny.
chrismann9 says
Yeah, I was going to ask if Miscavige gets a laugh from people dressing up and acting like fools. It seems to be universal across all the orgs.
Schorsch says
I had been working in a 300 or so people company that had been owned by a big one “holding” type of company that consisted of around 120 single companies. (they manufacture tanks, robots and other high tech stuff) The mother company decided to get rid of the company I worked in. Thus as first action it had been announced that we are not closed down. Second action, a new top manager arrived on post. (The Eraser) Third action, to get rid of as much staff as possible without costs. So they made the working environment so bad that people did quit on their own. Next action to offer some money if they quit job. Left overs are those that did not want to quit, did want to max out the money for quitting the job, or those who thought they can stay on that job forever even if the company is closed. (The Daydreamers)
It took 3 months to get the job done with only the daydreamers left in the building.
David Miscavige is The Eraser. And only the daydreamers are left in the building. You can see that he is a lousy manager. His job still not done to completion. When did he start? 80 or 81? I even forgot. At least he started 84 his job without opposition. First action “IAS” – no one will close us down statement. (same pattern applied here) And the rest took much too long. Still ongoing.
Firebreathing frog says
I wonder what effect it will create when DM send 200 SO members to CCParis.
I guess the last few old Scnists will blow, and since no new scientologists has been made for the last 20 years, it will be the end.
And DM when do you plan to send 200 SO in Lyon org?
You gonna need lot of resources man.
You remember when you sent Mark Yager to Hamburg telling everyone you sent you best top execs from Int Management?
The poor buster only last few months.
(By the way anyone know what happen to Viebke the Ex ED Hamburg from the 80’s and 90’s?)
Espiritu says
New squirrel process invented by David Miscavige:
“Tell a lie because I said it was true.” “Thank you”,
“Tell a lie because I said it was true.” “Thank you”, etc. to EP
End Phenomenon: PC or Pre-OT
is able to repeat DM’s lies in the absence of personal observation.
LRH process to remedy the effects of the above process:
“Laugh”. “Keep laughing”. “Laugh some more”. “Keep on laughing” to EP.
End Phenomenon: PC or Pre-OT no longer taking DM’s bullshit PR seriously.
Joe Pendleton says
I had to chuckle at the meter promo ” … accuracy guaranteed for eternity.” Ha ha ETERNITY!!! Now THAT is what I call a freaking GUARANTEE! That’s better than the three year extended warranty you could get at the old Circuit City or anything George Zimmer could offer. Imagine, in fifty trillion years from now, one could call up your local org and ask for a free replacement … (and FIFTY THOUSAND times more accurate!! How the FUCK was I even able to audit on that total piece of shit meter I had to use in the old days? My opinion of myself as an auditor just skyrocketed by the way)
EagleEye says
Has anybody noticed that the lady being bullbaited in the Pro TRs course above is NOT confronting?
Take a good look and you’ll see that she’s not looking at the girl but at her mouth.
Also her eyes look sad. She does not inspire confidence in a PC. Looks more like she’s just trying to
bear the bullbaiting. Obviously the girl doing the BB does not see this or she’d be flunking her.
Very high level in both of them of UN-professionalism.
McCarran says
Interesting use of someone who’s confront is not natural or good and use it in a piece of promo that basically is saying it is. But you’re right; I wouldn’t want to confide anything to her.
Hallie Jane says
Truly an eagle eye! I noticed that too, I thought she had a look of condescension which is probably what they require these days.
malgin1 says
I spotted the same things.
It is sad for me, because I know her personally.
Her name is Rosmarie Mrkos (New OT VII completion 1988) and she was on academy-training at Basel Org about 2005. Then she went to live in England to do the Briefing Course. She must have a lot of failed purposes…
She was married to Hania Mrkos (
Roger From Switzerland Thought says
That Lady ,Rosemarie Mrkos, that is being bullbaited is an OT 8. At the age of 18 she was an Class IV (in 1974) auditing in a HGC (Munich).
Her whole life she was dreaming about having an own field practice. She retrained on Gat 1 and told nearly the same wins that she has now on GAT II.
About 10 years ago she started the SHBC in AOSH UK and moved to England and now she is on the TRs Course ! What waste of time and money.
Since 1974 after she left staff, she never audited pc’s again. Now she she is about 60 years old and still not an field auditor. She looks very sad and I don’t think she’ll ever open a field practice.
She’s the mother of Flavio Lugli’s wife Jelena.
Cooper Kessel says
Thanks for the update Roger. The sad tale of the lives of those still-ins continues to amaze me. With very rare exception you find divorced and or broken families, bankrupted folks somehow trying to maintain a job or two and perhaps redo their purif and dreaming of the day that something really nice will happen…………….
I recall when Cherese Graves decided to join the Cee Orge back around 2000. She was going to divorce her husband Bob since he didn’t want join and both were on VII at the time. Cherese ended up buying something like 12 intensives of sec checking from a class XII just so she would know that she was squeeky clean on her decision before she joined. Both are still in but the family is dissolved …… for the greater good of course. The two of them were stalwarts in the Sacramento area for years.
I think Steve and Wendy Hectman are one of the few couples still doing okin the Sac area and have two nickels to rub together. There are a few others who you can find on the IAS rolls. It will be very embarrassing to say that you are a cult member after the 25th …IMHO!
Johnny Tank (Forever Autumn) says
Just a reminder of what a REAL “church”, in the eyes of scientology, looks like:
Did anyone say x47..?
LDW says
“Proof positive that there is no longer a Briefing Course.”
I’m just certain that when everyone gets through the GAT V student hat that Captain Dave will deem them worthy of studying on the SHSBC again. Of course, as soon as a bunch of them are near the end, he’ll come with GAT VI and they’ll have to pay to start again.
OT IX will be available as soon as Dave invents it.
Karen#1 says
Mike Rinder did a very succint and excellent interview on the overview of 2014 and what to expect in 2015
McCarran says
Really really good interview! 🙂
Valerie says
“If it isn’t in the Auditor it didn’t happen”. I’m finding it quite fun showing the new “Auditor” what the old “Auditor” published.
TheHoleDoesNotExist says
One of the fliers in Tony Ortega’s Sunday Funnies a couple days ago featured a piece promoting ASHO as a Class V org. I tried to explain what an astonishing degrade this is to those never in, but I think it was too much to absorb. What is most incredible, though, is that no one at ASHO seems to notice, or care. It’s almost as if the pretty pictures and IAS trophies are all that matter. Oh, except for cash. I don’t imagine the regges are allowed to turn in pictures of cash. But by all evidence, I’ll bet they are trying it.
Valerie says
A. Class. V. Org. Ouch. American SAINT HILL Organization. Did I mention I supervised the SAINT HILL SPECIAL BRIEFING COURSE at ASHO? (Back when it didn’t offer intro courses). Status is all that matters. Cash is status to them. If they were Mormons, they would be accused of worshiping false idols.
They don’t even get to be accused of that. They are just led by a money hungry megalomaniac. The end.
zemooo says
” London Org/CC London/Test Center — are empty and send NO public to AOSHUK.” If mighty HAPI in Scotland gets a sea org mission to send their people to Clearwater, the rest of the UK clams must be in the same boat. Clearwater is poaching all those it can to ‘up their stats’. Denmark is and always will be second and third fiddle to Clearwater and LA.
$cientology used to depend on the skills of those at the mission level to bring in new meat. That level has been destroyed by GAT 1 and 2 and all of the other ‘semi-colon’ fixes that Davy instituted. With the pervasive influence of the internet, how can they ever get enough new meat to replace all the escapees? They can’t.
Now the clampire is reduced to stealing lower level customers from each other. It’s like a free for all at a Amway/mafia convention.
Marty Rugburn says
Why did they shoop in the cowboy hats in the middle pic?
Elegant Mess says
It appears as if they are attempting to hide certain faces with those shooped cowboy hats. No clue as to who they could be, or why they would want their faces hidden.
Valerie says
Those hidden faces are the people who blew between when the picture was taken and when it was published. 🙂
Valerie says
Ok Auditor #387. Let’s look at some of the 47x expansion in completions.
If any of you counted the completions, in auditor #387 above, there were 45. Some were repeats.
Here is a completion list for ASHO from Auditor 250 in 1993. That would be 22 years earlier. Some are repeats. We are playing by the same rules. I will put a note in when we reach 45 completions so you can see where the list stops.
Jack Waugh, Clint Sexton, Laurie Schumacher, Vanessa Stapleton, Patrick Gregory, Carole Crest, Stanley E.Booth, Jack Dineen, Bill Cantle, Karla Jones, Shauna Christiansen
Karla Jones, Shawna Christiansen, Eric Sexton, Liz Ferris, Ronnie Dannecker, Suzanne Houchin
BASIC STUDY MANUAL: Patty Ferguson, Kimberly Ann Hall
STUDENT HAT: Missi Elliot, Ruth Carey, Laura Sherman, Paul Bronkar, David Kluge, Jim Norton, Thomas Dworschak
PRO TRS: Terri Bracken,Wendy Ettricks, Ruth Carey, Ward Sexton, ThomasMc Kewen
Ward Sexton, Ruth Carey, Richard Ettricks, Allyne Skipton, John Carey, Barbara Wong, Kathy Knight, Wendy Ettricks, Darlene Nagatani, Al Boughton, Terri Bracken, Jeff Patrick, RogerAugustine, Joanne Palmer. Stop Counting Here>
Susan Joy Appel, Marilyn Doan, Laurie Butterworth, Richard Vemgar, Denny Fenn, Richard Neumeyer, Lorrell Butterworth, Malcom Doran, Dan Anderson,
METHODONE CO-AUDIT COURSE: Roger Augustine, David Walsh, Winston Kao, Jeff Evans, Birgit Vaughan
Linda Asata
Heidi Gingrich, Terri Bracken, Debbie Lemos, Heidi Gingrich, Farzad Tafreshi, Hillah Cohen, Thomas Ladew
John Carey, Jr., Terri Bracken
John Carey,Jr.
Lily Mintz
Nikki Magnie, Jane Dockery, Betty Gluchaki, Mike Shadowski, Richard Barron, Jane Allen, Cindy Kight, Alan Carl, Michael Snook, Donald Hebert, Gabriella Johansson, Rose Goss, Jo Anne Palmer, Edna Eaton, Maureen Bolisczuk, Anita Schneider, Craig Jensen, Wendy Ettricks, Megan Shields, Veronica Zerman., Victoria Chandler, Floyd Sloat, Emilie Kong, Doris Levine, Peter Valentin, Doris Levine, Darlene Camuso, John Camphill, Mike Juneau, Ed Brauninger, Penny Sherstobitoff, Felicia Balentine
Susan Chinn, Bill Shields, Sr., John Carl, Chris Ruane, Debbie Segota, Greg Miller, Allison Robinson, Cindy Kight, Minh J. Park, Duncan Hales, Marie Martin, Mike Shadowsky, Maureen Boliszizuk, Nikki Magnie, Jo Anne Palmer, Mary Untiedt, Pat Curtis, Emilie Kong, Mark Mundon, Dick Senseman, Bev Hepner, Janet Beck, Doris Levine, Doug Davidson, Blue MacKenzie, Kathie Heard, Stan Gerson, Ed Brauninger, Felicia Balentine, Floyd Sloat
SHSBC LEVEL C: Luisa Andrea Henonin, Chris Ruane, Nicholas Kent, Lenny Hassler, Dennis Carl, Carol Whitworth, Cindy Kight, Greg Miller, Ellen Price, Lyn Ribisi, Susan Chinn, Bill Shields, Sr., John Hawkins, Frank Elliott, Emilie Kong, Chuck Todd, Marsha Fox, Pat Curtis, Lupe Aslam, Ehalid Dinkane, Jeanette Douglas, Chris Mangus, Dick Senseman, Doris Levine
Greg Miller, Ellen Price, Rita Pollock, Adva Avni, Chris Ruane, Carol Whitworth, Robyn Robichaux, Bill Shields, Sr., Sally Jensen, Winston Kao, Shelly Beckman, Frank Elliot, Tom Vogel, Gary Johnson, Pat Curtis,Verne Battig, Ehalid Dinkane,Paul Dolan, John Hawkins,
SHSBC LEVEL E: Judy Eidse, Russell H. Seibert, Peg McCullough, Kathy Kao, Mary Carole Wall, Nicolas Kent, Chris Ruane, Debbie Wheeler, Tom Vogel, Frank Elliott, Matthew Radmanesh, Barbara Turner, Pat Curtis, Sandy Gomberg
SHSBC LEVEL F: June Rosenberry, John Glass, Bob Ortscheid, Bess Currier, Frank Elliot, TomVogel, Pat Curtis, Joe Dolce,Verne Battig, Ken Sereno,
Emile Kong, David Thomas, Jerry Langenfeld, Ehalid Dinkane, Michelle Duvalle, Tom Vogel, Cindy Baas, K.C. Cevallos, Brian Doherty
Moshon Reuveni, Robert H. Barnhill, Marge Laughlin, Dave Thomas, Wayne Mac Donald, Helen Budlong, Frak Elliott
SHSBC LEVEL I: Stehan Shurtliff, Harry Paskiewitz, Jan Seeley, Paul Dolan, Tedi Valdespino, Mike Gardner, Robert Barnhill, Ed Renna,
SHSBC LEVEL J: Greg Lee, Bob Cook,Ehalid Dinkane, Paul Dolan, Pomm Olsen, Cliff Miller, Roberta Thomas, Kathy Hermans
Jack Dirmann, Doug Crowder, Ehalid Dinkane, Merrill Vannier, Paul Dolan, Robert Barnhill, Barb Taylor, Jim Barnes
Marijke Vos, Jack Dirmann, Marianne Rucker, Mitch Herman, Paul Dolan, Robert Barnhill
Peggy Wiley, Russ Siebert, Marc Torres, Jack Dirmann, Paul Dolan
SHSBC LEVEL N: Leland Imler, Joe Andruscavage, Laura Malm, Mark Perkins, Malcom Doran, Laurel Barnhill, Eileen Peacock, Russel Seibert, Karen Laverdiere, PeggyWiley
Jerrye Albert, John Joseph
Roy Brock
Roy Brock
MINISTER’S COURSE: Angela Trentham, Matthew P. Haug
Rob Wilbur
Ron Fiandaca
Linda Yep
Martha Meyers, Marcella Keppler, Carson Sheckler
Terri Dunaway, Cedric Irvine, David Diaz, Tamir Hendleman
Greg Slauson, Charliej Upslander, Ruth Carey, Joseph Dolce, Elizabeth Axthelm, Cheryl Favilla, Bill Stairs, Robyn Shoop, Maria Repetto, Suzanne Houchin, Doug Dawson, Linda Moss, Doug Kerr, Julie Bergstrom, Elsa Rojas, David Diaz, Wayne McDonald, Joe Harrison, Cedric Irvine
Maria Maksynczuk, Alexis Gordon, Ruth Carey, Kimberly Hall, Vince Reanel, Debbie Emlein, Maria Repetto, Yolanda Szaniszlo, Kevin Hulce, Javier Guerrero, Corey Brennan, Ted Kuchenwriter, Anna Anderson, Paula Snider, Tamir Hendleman
Ruth Carey, Maria Repetto, Chris Savage, Yolanda Szaniszlo, Ward Sexton, Clayton Morton, Corey Brennan, Thomas Dworczak, Joe Olson, Maia Mulvena
Ruth Carey, Yolanda Szaniszlo, Ward Sexton, Kathy Hermans, Larry Christiansen, Erin Imhoff, Gene Frankel, Thomas Dworczak
Yolanda Szaniszlo, Sharon Whitington, Barter Topalian, Larry Christiansen, Carita Lewis, Linda Rickey, Nattalia Ryane, Laura Sherman
Sharon Whitington, Barter Topalian, Randy Tobin, Barter Topalian, Carita Lewis, Linda Rickey, Yolanda Szaniszlo, Larry Christiansen,
EXPANDED GRADE 4: Randy Tobin, Yolanda Szaniszlo, Larry Christiansen, CaritaLewis
Sandy Sandouk, Mickey Terra, Bob Brennan, Doug Davidson, Wendy Waller, Tony Bowling, Terry Mundon, Marge Laughlin, Kevin Pruitt
Dennis Carl, Yolanda Szaniszlo, Alina Narkievicz, Donatella Tarantino, Robyn Robechaux, Mark Simon, Marc Torres, Eileen Peacock, Mike Gardner
Jodie Bohte
Ali Shaw, Eileen Peacock
Yoland Szaniszlo,Jodi Bohte
Denise Rocchietti
Sharon McGaff, Les Whitworth, Trudy Headley
Robyn Shoop
Robyn Shoop
Robin Taylor, Trudy Headley, Doug Davidson, John Frank, Marge Laughlin
Adva Avni
I think there are a few more than 45 completions on this list. Does anyone have the patience to count them?
Valerie says
A quick (and probably inaccurate) count puts 398 names on this list.
Old Surfer Dude says
Your eyes are a lot better than mine!
Mike Rinder says
Wow — that is impressive Val.
Robert Almblad says
These stats are incredible Val
These crashing stats are very well known to DM and his close management staff. It must be surreal to these staff to get blamed for crashed stats and then watch him go out and bullshit the public and lower level staff about 47Xexpansion.
This bubble inside the bubble looks like a high pressure pimple that squirts puss instead of truth. Very ugly indeed.
RolandRB says
The point about the stark reality of contraction conflicting with the lies about 47x expansion is well illustrated in your example. What some people miss is that this must mean their income has contracted by something like that ratio. They were probably only breaking even in 1993 where those figures came from. They have much less than half the income needed to break even now so this missing money to keep running must be coming from “donations” — mainly IAS donations. This is an important thing that needs to be pushed so that the whales finally work out that they are being conned.
Cooper Kessel says
Nice work Val. That is really amazing. My how the mighty have fallen into nothingness.
Joe Pendleton says
Valerie, very significant post, thank you. And so I’d like to comment at some length on it because of its importance. Now, one would THINK of course that old timers who have been at ASHO for something like 30 years (such as Penny Handy, Bill Scrivfors, etc) would kinda NOTICE what you have posted (to say nothing of all the “management execs” at the CLO and above). Well, I’ve posted a couple of times at least here that in 1975 at my org I found myself one day CSing for twenty five (25) auditors on the Dianetic Internship AT ONE TIME (not cumulatively over that year, which total was at least double that or more). We also had many auditors on the Cl 4 internship, two full time intern supes, FOUR full time CSs, all in the Day Org alone (more on Fdn). So … how come our Senior CS at that time Wendy Negley, is STILL on staff forty years later as the OES? How could she POSSIBLY consider that there has been expansion over that time when her org probably doesn’t produce more than one or two professional Cl 5s in a year now (if even that)?
I think the answer to this question goes way BELOW cognitive dissonance. I think there is an actual effect produced on beings who have agreed to follow a command not only in their actions, but ALSO IN THEIR CONSIDERATIONS ON EVERY SINGLE SUBJECT IN LIFE. What happens to a being when he agrees to never have even a THOUGHT counter what he is given on red on white, green on white, blue on white, Miscavige events, CoS promo/propaganda points, etc? My own observation is that at some point (early or later) there is a phenomenon that goes way PAST “thought control” into “Scientology Axiom 2 control.” That is to say, that the being has AGREED to no longer being capable of, or being a source point of their own thoughts, opinions, points of view, postulates, considerations, etc.
So when I wrote to Sean Negley last week about his parents, Wendy and Dennis (two OT8s and experienced auditors/CSs) disconnecting from him, I told him that in my opinion his parents (who I worked with for years and knew very well) no longer act as self determined independent beings. I think they are “functionally insane”, NO LONGER EVEN NOTICING differences, similarities and identities. They operate on IMPLANTED CIRCUITRY. That is to say that they have received over decades “the word” or “the party line” on every single subject in Scientology and in life itself and on cue, they spit it out again (a button is pushed and the reaction happens, just as if they were mechanical robots subject to a remote control). They are in fact, THE OPPOSITE OF A CLEAR from DMSMH.
So when told to disconnect from their son (if they even had to be told) THE STIMULUS RESPONSE GOES INTO ACTION AND THEY SPIT OUT THE PROGRAMMED BEHAVIOR. This happens when they are told an old friend or colleague is now “an SP” and they will of course believe the most vicious and untrue rumors.
So when they are told the CoS is expanding like crazy, they are NOT EVEN ABLE to compare that statement with THEIR OWN EXPERIENCE of what I saw in my org or what Valerie has posted here from an old Auditor. They are WAY WAY WAY too low on the Tone Scale and almost every other scale from 0-8 to EVEN PERCEIVE THAT. Their “recording mechanisms” are on all the time, they take in what they are told is true and then regurgitate it when necessary.
And they remain in this condition until a shock of some sort rocks these implants out of place and they realize that they themselves agreed to it all at some point, and then they can leave and start to recover their own independence of viewpoint as actual individual beings.
McCarran says
Thanks, Joe. I enjoyed your treatise. Gives me food for thought on my struggles with my inability to get through to some people I really care about.
cindy says
Wow, Joe P, just wow. I blew charge reading your post. It is so true. They have gone down and done the opposite of being a Clear. They are other determined and never feel the need to or want to inspect anything to look for identities, similarities or differences, and so for all intents and purposes, they are insane. These are implanted party line they spew out when the button is pushed, just like a robot. How sad for them. It’s like The Borg (from Startrek) overtook their bodies.
Hallie Jane says
Great explanation Joe, I guess it boils down to a bad habit. The Negleys were good tech people at one point, but have gotten buried under one act of out integrity after another. My heart goes out to Sean, who I knew as a baby. I find it so hard to believe that parents would disconnect from their own children. Shame on them.
McCarran says
“I find it so hard to believe that parents would disconnect from their own children. Shame on them.”
Amen, Hallie Jane; it’s bad enough for a child to disconnect from a parent or a friend from a friend but a parent to disconnect from a child, just horrible.
Michael Mallen says
Crazy Davey sat on his throne,
Crazy Davey screamed all alone
All the cob’s sheeple and all the cob’s whales
Couldn’t save Davey from going to jail
Jose Chung says
No more Briefing Course, this is beyond tragic.
McCarran says
It is truly AMAZING and ASTONISHIING that those still in don’t smell the stench from this. It is unbelievable! Say what you will about LRH, can you imagine? “That’s what I said, Sir. There is NO BRIEFING COURSE.”
Cooper Kessel says
I don’t think skunks smell their own stench! Maybe it like mutual out ruds.
I Yawnalot says
I did a long stint as a sup and one thing I know for sure is that the half ass’d status happy so called skilion will do anything to avoid study, the majority amount of execs I saw in my day were in the same boat. The BC is beyond their comprehension, abilities or desire so it’s disappearance will be seen with relief that it isn’t a requisite for todays modern ‘sit on the top of the heap $cientologist’ and would never be mentioned. Money status has replaced responsibility.
The out-ruds in that organisation is so complete real Scientology would be a very scary thing indeed if it ever surfaced near them.
I Yawnalot says
With todays blog entry the only term that comes to mind about training in the Cof$ is “polished turd.” At least the heading typeface is nice, old and hackneyed but nice.
Power processing indeed! They wouldn’t have anyone that would even have the faintest clue how and when to run that process. You have to be able to audit to run that and know exactly what overrun is… oh hum.
Ginger Sugerman-Lerma says
Mike, When I was in I heard a while back OT IX was only going to be released after a certain number of OT 8’s were made. So they were pushing people through to get them to be 8’s. Now I see its been changed to being released after a certain amount of Orgs. WTF ???? Do you know when it changed ?
Mike Rinder says
Don’t remember the year — the first target was all orgs to St Hill Size.
That went on for a while, but when there was nothing happening on that and the OT VIIIs were sitting around waiting for “management” to build the orgs, Miscavige came up with something new. All orgs “Ideal” and those OT VIII’s were assigned the responsibility for collecting the money to make it happen. They could no longer blame anyone else for no OT IX and X, now orgs not being “ideal” and hence no more OT Levels was their failure.
Neat trick.
Valerie says
Auditor 246 early 1993 or late 1992.
“ASHO is now opening a seventh SAINT HILL Special Briefing Course course room to handle the expected flood of students as a result of the announcement of the New OT IX training prerequisites! The prerequisites for New OT IX Orders of Magnitude were announced by Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center, Mr. David Miscavige at the 43rd DIANETICS® anniversary celebration.”
There will always be another prerequisite when you finish another one.
McCarran says
I cried BS on that a long time ago – when I heard that all orgs have to be St. Hill Size. I knew then something stunk. The really criminal part is the way the church calls OT VIII’s to come to the ship and get their set-ups for IX and X. I saw many doing that when I was doing time there. I wanted to cry for them then but I was too busy wrapping things up for myself.
Cooper Kessel says
I took a lot of shit for not doing those set ups. Then it was “well if not that then at least finish your ELL’s.”
No, No and (read my frickin lips) NO. Then the ‘he must be disaffected’ rumor mill stepped up a notch and I started getting stuff from the OT Committee on reporting my weekly stats.
Then it was “if we don’t get your stats it is going to be a ‘no report’ and an ethics chit will be sent to the Freakwinds to be put in your folder.”
I said ………be sure to send me a copy! (with a hand gesture). Then I got a call for my report. I said the only report you will get from me is an up yours report and all that will tell you is how far it went! That didn’t go over too well.
statpush says
I don’t get it, Daviovich has been the CO for some two decades, and his org barely has a pulse. Old Saint Hill is on life support, and ol’ John is smiling like a Cheshire Cat. How can someone so incompetent remain on post for so long?
Gus Cox says
“How can someone so incompetent remain on post for so long?”
Well, look at COB! lol
Eclipse-girl says
Mike, The inhabitants of the Underground Bunker hope you are killing it at the deposition of Mike Ellis, the international Justice Chief for $cientology
Mike Rinder says
His deposition was not scheduled for today, mine was.
It was entertaining, but not very enlightening.
McCarran says
Mike, since he’s my “only terminal,” can you give him a message for me? 😉
Eclipse-girl says
Darn it. I hope us watchers somehow get a hold of a transcript, although a video would be more fun.
When is Mr Ellis’s deposition?
We are all pulling for the Garcia’s on this one.
McCarran says
No answer? Okay. How about a gesture.
Bystander says
This whole thing is a pathetic joke, awash in the cognitive dissonance – endless fund raising, dressing up in pathetic costumes every week (it must be embarrassing walking into those cheap motel banquet rooms with the same twelve people), clearing sectors of the universe when all they can hear are footsteps echoing in empty buildings.
How can people be so stupid?
Who can explain the incredible gender bias on the ot committees and in the seaorg photo from LA without getting accused of being sexist?
I hope I never run into lieutenant puffinstuff in his sailor suit, he wouldn’t be able to walk upright for a week.
To those of you who got out, congratulations.
Any guess on how many of the 63,000 are still in?
Old Surfer Dude says
Ummmmmm…40? Too many? Ok, ummmm…30?
Cooper Kessel says
“How can people be so stupid?”
If you can answer that one you are in line for a merit badge!
Yo Dave,
Can you answer that Q good buddy? Help us out here.
Eileen says
The Boston MA church is listed on Beacon Street. They moved out of Boston 6 months ago, now have space in Quincy. Either they are just lying or else they have no idea what is happening in their Auditor world.
Michael Mallen says
Time for another Boston Tea Party.
Old Surfer Dude says
Lying!!!! Eileen, why would THE MOST ETHICAL people on Teegeeak lie? C’mon now, Eileen. Give ’em a break. Wait…what? My bad! You’re absolutely right!
McCarran says
WhiteStar says
There are different grades of “Ideal” now?
Isn’t that like redundant or something.
I don’t understand why, if I said to a scientologist that 1 is a bigger number than 3, they would think that’s ludicrous and reject it but when a fellow scientologists says 1 is bigger than 3 they accept it.
How can they see what expansion and contraction really looks like, what real stats look like in their own businesses but when it comes to scientology 47x is acceptable.
If some underling in bob duggin’s company reported to him that they were expanding 47x and islands were shooting out that will eventually become seas. Would he just accept it or would he say “WTF?”.
How can it be they can spot “outpoints” when dealing or interacting with the wog world, but when they turn back toward the group they can’t see the very same outpoint. Not the ones that are cowed into silence but the ones who really can’t see it. As in, what was just absurd an hour ago at the office now makes brilliant sense at the org. Its like they can only spot bullshit on one side of the street.
Apparently scientology is Kryptonite for some people, they lose their powers when they get near it.
1 org is not more than 3 orgs.
If you yourself say the population is increasing by 250,000 per day and then you say planetary clearing is happening and then you report making 19 clears a week……..there is no way bob duggin would accept that in his boardroom. He knows – because he’s done it – that if he went to the FDA and SEC and said our product reduced cancer 47x, we want to go public, he’d be laughed at. He knows what meaningful stats are.
Yet if you switch out “clears” with apples and “planetary clearing” with global saturation, suddenly they can see the numbers don’t add up, they would say “you’re full of shit buddy”, but switch the words back again and it’s like “yeah buddy this shit’s really happening”.
Try selling the same house to a scientologist over and over again, see how far you get.
Then try selling them a bridge………………
How ironic it would be to hear a scientologist use the line “if you believe that, I’ve got a bridge to sell you”.
it’s not just cognitive dissonance, its more like cognitive dissonance switches on and off.
Michael Mallen says
It all gets clarified on GAT 3.
Aquamarine says
Maybe I’m reading into things but those SOs look sad to me. And tired.
Michael Mallen says
The weight of the world on your shoulders is indeed taxing. Speaking of taxes, how about an IRS review of the church’s status this year.
McCarran says
Oh God, Michael! If that happened, I would reach spiritual heights I have never obtained.
Old Surfer Dude says
You would be too if you had to work for a psychotic dwarf dropped of by the Markabians here on earth.
Robert Almblad says
Me thinks the reason they only talk about the 200 See Org staff sent to LA Org is because the 500 “new people” stats they bragged about earlier have crashed. Be sure that if there were ANY lasting good stats, they would report it.
I think they discovered that massive body routing of commuter foot traffic does not work because the public soon learns the “body routers” are really Scientologists and boy do the public run like hell!
Here what the body routers should do next: get rid of those stupid bell-boy uniforms and put on some good looking religious robes (you ARE a cherch, you know) and just beg for money directly from the wog public. Skip all that Scientology shit. You don’t deliver it anyway. Just go right for the money and stop fucking around.
Michael Mallen says
Cooper Kessel says
+100 LOL …..You’re definitely on to them Robert!
Elegant Mess says
Speaking of body routers, I have been making it a point to cruise by the Vermont/Sunset Metro station as much as possible, lately. Those body routers always either look extremely bored or can be observed awkwardly approaching pedestrians who quickly wave them off. Not even once did I observe them engaged in conversation with anyone. It makes me doubt that initial count published of 500 new people routed into the org.
Old Surfer Dude says
You da man, Robert! Well done!
john warnes says
Mike…I made one comment on your blog a few weeks ago and since then I’ve had daily calls from a disconnected number…..doesn’t bother me (makes me seem more important as people think I’m popular) but wondering if this has happened to anyone else (Scn’s futile attempt at harassment or just a coincidence).
Cooper Kessel says
Geesch John, I’m jealous. I’ve posted my number on this blog and can’t even get one call.
Yo Dave, OSA, other cult hate mongers and or miscellaneous dickheads,
Come on dudes, call me. If I’m out, leave a message. 209-928-4822. Let’s chat about your wins and gains!
Michael Mallen says
I’ll call you and hang up if it makes you feel better.
Old Surfer Dude says
Coop, you scare them way, way, way too much! So much for “confront.” However, if they do call, PLEASE record it so we can all listen to it! But, they don’t have the balls to call you!
KFrancis says
Speaking of calling, I made a call down to Flag today with the hope I that I could access my books account and go unnoticed. After a short delay the young lady told me that I would need to see the International Justice Chief (HCO) because she had been locked out of my account.
She was very nice and didn’t hang up but instead just informed that I was a Declared SP and she couldn’t help me-Back to Ebay.
Robert Almblad says
John, I suggest you answer the call to see who it is… It might just be coincidental. Many telemarketers use spoof numbers (disconnected numbers) to hide their ID
Beryl says
No wonder public don’t want anymore of this stuff. I would be madder than a hornet if I had to redo the student hat. That is an invalidation of one’s certificate, and invalidation is suppose to be a no-no in Scientology.
Michael Mallen says
What’s a no-no becomes a yes-yes depending on circumstances.
GTBO says
Invalidation is ALL Scientology is about anymore
How else can they be superior than by putting everyone else down?
RolandRB says
True, Scientology is not about “giving people wins” anymore. It used to be once (apparent wins, that is) when there was the interest and they had enough paying customers. But now with their very much reduced customer base and the resulting lack of income, Scientology is all about using the Tech to penalise, threaten and cajole their loyal members into handing over money time and time again for no exchange. The more losses they can heap on them, the more money they make.
Michael Mallen says
Reminds me Shakespeare’s ‘Much Ado About Nothing.’
The program will never be completed because it was false to begin with. The only way Black Heart could keep some type of audience was by ‘stupendous, magnificent, huge’ buildings, events, and for sure tons, and tons of false promises disguised with ‘a better eternity’.
Your postings are so spot on as they show the falsity of it all. The delusional power of this leader will keep collapsing as seconds go by and again, why pretend you have an empire when robots, cowed, and no real fiends is what pretend to follow you? Bad, really bad.
RolandRB says
To be fair to DM, I don’t think it is he who is deluded. It is the followers. DM is not a Scientologist and is not deluded with visions of future expansion. He knows all chance of that was lost in about 1995. His job, as sociopathic leader of this religion, is to ensure that the bills gets paid to keep the organisation running from day to day for as long as possible. And on that day when it no longer becomes possible then I am sure he has a few hundred millions dollars stuffed away somewhere to have a comfortable retirement.
To keep the show on the road he needs donations. He won’t get it as income from the Tech because he personally ruined that and I am sure he knows that by now. But it doesn’t matter so long as he can still get the money flowing in. And he is doing a brilliant job of that through “donations” to all kinds of things. The best ploy he is using is the “expansion” delusion that the followers have. This is the carrot that will always keep them moving forward and donating money all the while. Ideal Orgs are an expansion carrot. The followers will be deluded enough to believe that if you have a beautiful space for expansion then expansion is a real possibility. The purchase of KCET by him is nothing short of brilliant. OK, so the Ideal Orgs did not fill up with new people spending money to benefit from GAT 2, but that carrot can be made to look forever fresh with the idea of KCET releasing saturated TV broadcasts to get people interested in Scientology and flocking into the Ideal Orgs. It won’t, and he knows it won’t, but his job is purely to make sure that the money keeps flowing in. To achieve that he has to con it out of the deluded followers. Looked at from that perspective, the guy is doing a brilliant job and is up there with any CEO anywhere.
outraged says
Great Post!! You’ve been quoted in the Bunker.
(are well allowed to use links here?)
flyonthewall says
I wish they would send a squad of 200 SO to the org here. I would go and stare at them like they were animals in the zoo. Are there rules for visitors about taunting and feeding the SO? i hope not
Michael Mallen says
Nope, they’re all fair game.
Old Surfer Dude says
I played games at a fair once. Is that the same thing?
Michael Mallen says
How did you fare?
Cooper Kessel says
As long as it is darts then yes!
Old Surfer Dude says
Um, fair to middlin’
McCarran says
Go ahead, Fly. You know what they say about turnabout being fair play. The church is getting a big dose of “turnabout.” It’s been so mean to so many for so long. Some call it Karma, some call it The Overt Motivator Sequence. I call it about time.
Cooper Kessel says
Amen to that McCarran,
The dose is way too miniscule for me. Keep it commin, I’ll say when it is enough!!!!!
McCarran says
I’m with you, Cooper
cindy says
Peter M says
Just wondering who pays the new SO LA Org staff. Does their pay and meal costs come from LA Org’s budget or a general PAC Base budget? If LA Org is responsible for the costs it will be interesting to see how long they can afford that based on their “amazing” stats. 217 staff will quickly dwindle to a level they can almost sustain.
Cooper Kessel says
That would be around 1 …… on a good day. That much food could be harvested out of the dumpster and you only need one light on inside.
“Turn out the lights …….the party’s over.”
Michael Mallen says
Simple answer: Cannibalism.
McCarran says
Cannibalism is what the church has been practicing for years. I know they almost ate me alive but I made it out with my soul – lost a couple of limbs, however. Now the only ones left are the walking dead.
Cooper Kessel says
I guess I’m not done! This is a special message ……………..
Yo Dave, you guys trolling around at OSA and interested bystanders,
If you have not been paying attention lately here are some facts to review before your 2:00PM thrashing this Thursday.
The bitter defrocked apostates, yes those few of us out here on the fringes of whatever it is we are fringed by, have quietly moved into a position of power. In fact when one reaches that state it gets handed off and you pass it to others as you move along with expansion (not that I’m a big fan of all that BS but just sayin).
So Marty passed his hat some time ago (don’t worry about Marty, I’m sure he is just chillin on his porch) and now Mike is keeping the light shining on your damaged orifices just to keep a bit of truth flowing. So now Mike, Tony and many others are moving into power (Actually I think they are already there in spades good buddy) and are ready to rattle Your cage a tad more. Don’t worry, we just want to see how much buzzing is still happening in your hive.
So get ready for the avalanche Dave. January 25th at 2:30PM in Utah is where your cult will circle it’s remaining wagons good buddy. You can end it now (lay down your mouth and bring your white flag with you when Mr. Ellis is telling the truth about you) or …………….. we will bring cod liver oil and a paddle to your crib.
Cooper Kessel says
The Power Processing flyer should be in the Thursday Funnies……..
“On Power Plus you tackle long detested people, places and subjects.”
No Dave, we tackle and handle it to EP right here on this blog, which brings to mind Your grody ass, Your empty morgues and YOUR CULT OF GREED! I’m starting my success story now.
Michael Mallen says
Coop, I keep tellin’ ya, pick on someone your own size.
Old Surfer Dude says
Hmmmmm. “Detested people.” They’re talking about scientologists, right Coop? They may be one of THE most detested groups on Teegeeack. I wonder if at some point they all just give up, end cycle & head for Target 2?
Rick Mycroft says
Training people on how to “keep their confront in” under all possible pressure, and then trying to break them down when regging them for more money.
This makes no sense, just saying…
jeffleebrown says
47x expansion has never looked better. The psychs will be a thing of the past by end of 2015…
Myrklix says
“The psychs will be a thing of the past by end of 2015…” — yup, and boy am I psyched!
thegman77 says
All for internal consumption, of course. And no way for any truth to reach the poor bastards inside. Living a nightmare while believing it’s heaven.