Apparently, the beings of New Mexico need this particular building badly.
So, you need to contribute to the motion and make a donation…
This is the website link he mentions:
This is what the building actually looks like — perched out on the edge of the desert, far away from anything and everybody.
I wonder if it has ever occurred to Fred Lemons or any of these other people that the beings of New Mexico don’t need a building.
If you believe what Ron says, they need the TECH. And that is available right now. To save lives. Improve eyesight. Cure cancer. Solve everyone’s problems. Guarantee eternities. And everything else they promise.
But instead of focusing on THAT, they are waiting for their “new building” to materialize and devoting all their time and effort to that.
If, like Toronto or Battle Creek or so many others, they wait a decade or two before they start “gearing up for expansion,” and then relocate to the outskirts of town, I guess we should all count our blessings. Fortunately, the beings of New Mexico are safe — nobody is trying to hook them in to get “on the Bridge” as the scientologists of New Mexico have to wait for a new building before anything can happen. The half dozen scientologists are hard at work on the building because it’s easier to confront than actually getting new people in and delivering scientology.
It makes absolutely no sense, even by their own policies.
Then again, logic and scientology are complete strangers. They don’t even pass like ships in the night. They’re in different univerSes
Scientology: A lie a day keeps the IRS away.
The Ideal Org nonsense was and is COB’s last gasp idea about how to get warm bodies into the chairs so they could be pseudo-hypnotized into Hubbard’s prison of belief. Make no mistake, relevant and experienced former members say those die-hard members who are still in, despite time spent in The Hole, despite years on the RPF or the RPF’s RPF, despite the near-impoverishment of donation debt, despite the decades of disconnection with their closest family members over something as silly as ‘liking’ someone’s Facebook page – despite all thsat, they are dedicated to the words of Hubbard. It’s a religious fervor as serious as any speaking-in-tongues, snake-handling, doomsday-prepping cherch ever.
To the most dedicated it is a religion, because they truly believe in Scientology, and all the spacey live-forever claims, or at least those claims they have paid to see so far. They pick and choose among Hubbards Source work, using his literal words to bolster their belief system. It may not be easy, because Hubbard was a man who was consistant only in his inconsistancy.
I see it as COB’s “last gasp” way to fill his coffers without delivering anything of value — other than enormous buildings useless for the stated purpose he can later sell at fire sales. It’s just MEST, of course. To be used – or not – as he capriciously decides.
I wrote a description of the ideal org program as a physical representation of the mind of Scientology founder Ronald Hubbard.
I was trying to think of the best possible visual reference to show the outer facade of a perfect godlike fake identity and the true inner atrophied , abandoned, worthless, utterly abominable, pathological liar, morally corrupt , entirely lacking in both humility and compassion inner true self and was thinking of a beautiful castle and on the inside a dark corner in wreckage behind the facade is a broken, hiding, confused, desperate insane wounded child .
I realized Scientology actually manifests this literally physically now. The ideal org program is exactly a perfect representation of this.
Beautiful facades that lie empty and lifeless with a few desperate deluded slaves trying to will the magical thinking in Scientology into reality.
These orgs look good when you have the grand opening and ship in public and staff and Sea Org members by the thousands to make a show of productivity and growth. The orgs rapidly lose the people sent in for this – within weeks.
The Sea Org command teams fail to make the fraud work and then get taken out and replaced. They often get a trip to the RPF .
The new command team fails and the pattern repeats. Eventually the focus is taken off an org and the command teams stop coming and the local staff are told to make it work on their own. They fail and then you may have an empty large good looking building with a few dozen staff and fewer public coming in.
The staff get no pay or quite close to it and are constantly recruiting to put up an appearance of activity and growth. Working eighty to one hundred and twenty hours or more is routine for staff and some Sea Org members work even more.
Getting three or four hours sleep a day for years at a time with zero days off including weekends and holidays is routine for Sea Org members. And getting no pay for months is as well .
The staff are abused and lied to and the Sea Org members usually have the very worst of it. The worst in the Sea Org is the RPF and it peaks at the RPF’s RPF and hole. So, that is the basis of Ron Hubbard’s mind – a false perfect lie, a beautiful impregnable paradise of a castle with inside a true wretched, confused, abused, alone, hate filled, immature, belligerent, petulant child that never grows up .
It is like his counterfeit dreams he sells, like the identity a Scientologist transforms into over time , like the fake perfect orgs his cult builds to hide the rotten inner core of Scientology.
They ALL are projections of the mind of Ron Hubbard to change reality to match his dark desires and flee his hidden inner fears. They all rely on magical thinking and all fail. Scientology is a game everyone loses at.
No, no, no. You guys have it all wrong. This is a peace, freedom and expansive experience building. Room after room of meditation, prayers to help each member find peace with God. Life lessons taught by the best of the best. Reaching hands out to get all the New Mexicans to have a beautiful marriage, great parenting super successful people who freely give to others and help them be all they can be.
Lots of reach out to help get impoverished people a hand up. Mentors directly dealing with addicts and alcoholics. Referrals to drug detox.
Helping youth and young adults with their classes.
Small loans from the new freedom credit union to get back on their feet.
Utopia on earth. Right?????
I can tell from your post that you’re not referring to Scientology. Cuz what you just described ain’t Scientology!
It sure ain’t scientology. They have no clue what they could have been. It’s all about the money, control and manipulation. Sad to see how much they hurt people while saying they are a religion.
I agree. Scientology could have been a force for good had it been in the right hands. Unfortunately, that never happened.
Not just saying they are a religion, but given tax exempt status by the U.S. government.
Essentially being financially rewarded for human trafficking and all their other horrific acts.
I’ve learned that when you are being facetious on the internet you better say that you’re being facetious or someone will damn sure take you seriously. I’ve landed in more than one scrap for not doing so. At least post a silly emoji to convey the intention. Lol 🤩
So true. Advice heeded.
In Scientology mentality mode, were I them, I’d push the LRH tech films.
In the tech films are quite a variety of LRH’s longer range ideas.
With a tiniest bit of extrapolation, a dedicated and trained (and going the Grades/Levels 0-4 of the “lower levels” of the Bridge) a trainee would see the tech films over and over a lot.
Trained Scientologists, when you get to the Class 6 course, the Briefing Course, you see the long into the future goal that LRH gives the Class 6 Scientologist.
People who are Scientologists will ALL be coming back, and the more trained you are in this lifetime with the LRH tech, the better you will be able to remember it by heart, so that when you find yourself on another planet, in a decayed civilization out there in outer space, and NO Scientology there, LRH gives hints you will want to have studied MORE when you were here on earth!
LRH in the Tech Film for the Briefing Course, expects the grads of the Class 6 course to have the basics of the “TRs” (the auditor basics of auditor plus pc is greater than pc’s bank, the two vs one, the two being the auditor and the pc, and the one, the target is the pc’s bank/reactive mind, the “case” of the pc’s).
So the long missing to me, is Scientology isn’t selling LRH’s full mentality, and his long range mentality, ties directly to having ORGS everywhere, conveniently, so that people “coming back in future lives” can do more and more training, and really get up to the level of the character of the young TR Course Sup in the Tech Film for the Class 6/Briefing Course.
Scientology’s just not selling their members on training, and becoming the higher level auditors that do learn of this hugely more dedicated level.
Anyways, were I there, I’d be warming up the LRH tech films, and Miscavige is just horrible at not selling the bigger longer range foundations for WHY the orgs are so long range important.
A lot of lifetimes, likely, of trained Scientologists, will be needed to be made, to develop “auditors” and persons to be as competent and have as good memories as the kid TR Course Sup in the “Why TRs” movie from LRH for the Class 6/Briefing Course.
That’s the biggest reason for the orgs, long range, and it’s right in the Tech Films, to be extrapolated quite easily, but no Scientologists are getting up to Class 6 to see this LRH important tech film.
That’s on Miscavige. I guess good for him.
Nice! I enjoyed my time on the BC where I learned a lot about life and some usefull techniques to help myself and other people to free ourselves from various unwanted mental and spiritual situations and conditions. Too bad Hubbard took a weird left turn and started instead teaching people to apply those techniques to the BtSnipes you have described so succinctly whose end phenomenon is usually to blow session. To bad those wonderful and useful techniques are not put to good use actually helping other people more. If they were, Scientology might be making a lot more friends than they are…..but the little sociopath is not very interested in making actual friends.
Only “friends” he wanted were dead presidents.
True. But, Chuck, you forget that what you just laid out Miscavige doesn’t give a crap about. He doesn’t want to expand Scientology. He doesn’t want to clear the planet. He just wants to line his pockets with as much cash as he can carry. So as long as sheeple pony up the loot that’s good enough for him.
Re: “To save lives. Improve eyesight. Cure cancer. Solve everyone’s problems. Guarantee eternities.”
For every life that scientology claims to have saved, a life is lost every time a Sea Org staff member is forced to get an abortion.
Every time scientology claims to have cured cancer, they force a Scientologist to disconnect; to cut all ties forever with a spouse, parent, child, friend or co-worker.
With each eternity that scientology claims to guarantee for every man, woman and child, someone is Fair Gamed.
“For every life that scientology claims to have saved, a life is lost every time a Sea Org staff member is forced to get an abortion”
is more likely stated:
“For every life that scientology claims to have saved, a life is lost” — to an illusory world which makes Alice in wonderland seem reasonable and logical.
We hardly ever seen any PR pieces from Albuquerque, so they must be very small and failing badly. They are also one of the orgs that went through the strange iteration of buying an historic city center building, that was then somehow deemed to be inadequate, and instead ended up with a cheap old office park building on the outskirts, that they still can’t manage to do anything with after many years.
That’s also about the ugliest possible middle 20th century building, rather brutalist and seemingly designed to be packed in between other structures in a city center, with no windows on the sides, and so built in the wrong place. And it appears the renovation is not going to add windows and bring more light into the space, just camouflage the barrenness of the sides with some decorative elements.
Agreed. My first impression was that it was quite the ugliest building I’d ever seen. Just downright ugly, there’s no other word for it.
This, no-aesthetic-at-all insult to the word architecture is the cult’s concept of an “ideal” org? And to add even more insult to aesthetic injury, Serving Scientology in the majestic Southwest? God.
To: Aquamarine
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: criticizing Scientology property.
You dare to call a building that I myself picked out and approved ‘downright ugly’? Who made you an authority on architectural esthetics? Who are you to insult a structure that I, the most theta being in the MEST universe, have chosen to fleece as much, I mean, to spread Scientology across New Mexico? Report to me immediately for induction to the RPF!
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: butt ugly buildings.
Boy, did you pick a lemon.
No love at all,
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Aquamarine
Re: Your Bad Taste In General
Dear COB,
I calls it as I see it “Sir”.
After years of gazing with astonishment at your atrocious Int Event sets I long ago wrote you off as someone with no taste.
I mean, those sets – if one were to label them I suppose “Long Island Mafioso Meets Renaissance Nightmare” would do.
The unfortunate Sea Org slaves charged with carrying out your Int Event set design horrors must still be cringing mentally, as once they cringed physically.
As to this building slated to be New Mexico’s Ideal Morgue, well, congratulations because it actually can pass for an Ideal Correctional Facility, Morgue and High Rise Mausoleum – a perfectly depressingly gray Ideal Ugly building in which the Southwest contingent of your cowed unfortunate Still Ins can made wrong in, lose their health in, die in and be buried in…but never mind, none of this yet!
First things first, right “Sir”?
New Mexico Scientologists still have some use for their lives. After all they need have to first be bankrupted to pay for the building, right? And then, you have to show up to cut the ribbon, and the video has to be made…THEN they can be made wrong, etc. Got it, “Sir”.
Much love,
To: Aquamarine
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: being insolent.
So you call it as you see it. Well, I am going to call it as I see it! You are a rude, insolent SP who shows no respect to the most theta being in the MEST universe! For that, you will definitely be receiving a visit from Midshipman Shananay Muhammad! That should straighten you out!
Now to get Minister Farrakhan to pony up her bail money.
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From : Alcoboy
Re: paying bail.
You really are something! You spend all that money on scotch yet you expect the Nation of Islam to bail a Sea Org member out of jail!
Get your priorities straight!
No love at all,
To: Aquamarine
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: criticism of Scientology buildings.
Who do you think you are calling a building that I picked out and authorized personally ‘downright ugly’? Who made you an authority on architectural esthetics? That building is the most beautiful building in Phoenix because I, the most theta being in the MEST universe, chose it personally! So I will tolerate no further criticisms of my beautiful building or you will receive a visit from my faithful minion Midshipman Shananay Muhammad!
You have been warned!
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: downright ugly buildings
First of all, the building is in Albuquerque. Second, I think that Shananay Muhammad is still in the lockup until you bail her out. And third, Aquamarine is absolutely right. That building is downright ugly. Needs to be blown up or something.
No love at all,
I thought the first comment didn’t post that’s why I wrote this duplicate one.
Oh, well. Twice the laughs, I guess.
I just gave COB hell, Alco.
I’m feeling really brave today.
Of course I know you have my back 🙂
Always, Aqua!
Hey, here’s an idea! Let’s all give COB hell!
LOL…I actually believe that we do 🙂
Peacemaker, Albuquerque is being held up as a SUCCESS!
That's the best they got.
Yes Mike, the cult is all about MEST isn’t it. Overwhelmingly so. There is no effort whatsoever to give any benefit to folks they snare in and financially suck dry. Nope! PR image is ALL that matters.
I have decades of experience in commercial construction and when I compared the before and after renderings of the building in your post I see the cost of just the external “facelift” will run at least $1.5 mill. Also noticed the building is about 84,000 square feet which will dwarf the Clearwater Bank building which is a mere 43,000. And that building is located at the Mecca of Technical Perfection!
Ah yes, MEST is best, so says the Dwaftinator.
Yeah but if you’re going to be all about MEST, at least make it BEAUTIFUL Mest, you know?
I mean, its the wrong emphasis, surely, but if its ALL you’ve got, or all you THINK you have, at least make it attractive or at least don’t let it be ugly!
Couldn’t they at least buy land and BUILD a beautiful building on it?
I would think land would be rather inexpensive in that area of the country.
I would think it would be because there’s certainly plenty of empty land!
“Mining in the head,” a term used around the opal fields in Australia. It means the conditions are so harsh in the desert country and the ground so hard that over a few beers most wanabe fortune hunters rave on & on eternally about how much opal they’re going to get and all the things they’ll buy. Oh, how sweet it’s all going to be when they hit the “motherload.”
Reality is, well… Scientology is a good example – all sizzle & no hamburger.
What was one of Hubbard’s favorite terms? Be, do, have… Scientologists are forever head stuck in Be, their form of do starts & stops with always handing over money and then more & more money, just the way Miscavige likes it. You’d think after many decades the scam of it all would be obvious. Scientology – the religion of fools.
If I ever said that Catholicism is the religion of fools, I would expect to get hundreds and hundreds or thousands and thousands of thunderous twats!
It just ain’t right to call another person’s religion “the religion of fools”. You shud be ashamed of yerself! Are you ashamed of yerself? If not, you shud be! And that’s fer sure!
You may not like another person’s religion. But one of the hallmarks of a free society is that everyone has the right to make the choice of whatever religion they like.
It don’t matter whether that religion support pedophile priests or the destruction of peoples’ families or cannibalism or parricide or necrophelia or necrophilia or free gaming or any one of a thousand and one other delights.
It is just a travesty to call another person’s religion dirty names.
Fer shame on you.
Sorry! I meant “tweets” – not “twats”
Both “Tweets” and “twats” work for me in that context. Dwarfenführer® and his minions/followers are not quite up to being Human. MEST is the best they get, not even particularly appealing MEST, at that. The proof is how utterly his diabolical plans have failed, time after time.
Is Scientology a religion? Is it a fraud? Is it a cult? Does it rely on fooling and conning people?
I’m not certain about that.
But I am certain that it does not stoop to mocking people.
Why would it bother doing that when it can force people to engage in obstructing justice? Like it did with Lisa Marie Presley.
In any just universe, she should have to pay for that. But in this universe, the cult can just laugh in our faces because it has billions of dollars and the Feds just don’t have what it takes to put up a multi-year fight about it.
She will just skate and so will all the people responsible for destroying families and breaking all the other human right laws that we seem to think apply to everyone. This cult is just laughing in our faces and there is almost nothing we can do about that.
Breathe, Howie. Plenty is being done about it, and has been being done about it for many years. The cult will come down. It is coming down. Stay tuned. Stay patient. And just a suggestion but respectfully, maybe you should do something about it yourself. Think up some way that you can do something about it. Contribute in some way, some small way, that’s possible for you.. Maybe if you do something, even some little thing, you’ll feel more at peace with yourself.
I wish we could send private messages on this board.
Then I could tell you what I have done about it. I would tell you out in the open here. But I really think that is just too gauche.
I will give you the email address to one of my disposable email accounts and if you want to know, you are welcome to send me an email to the following address:
[email protected]
In case you may be interested,
is a very nice free disposable email offer.
You can get a free email and if you find that it has been compromised in any way at any time, you can just delete it. No trouble and no cost. They give you a free email account in the hope that you will upgrade to a paid version. But they do not blast you ever few minutes to upgrade to a paid version.
Thank you for your response.
My bad – my bad TOTALY for assuming that you have not contributed.
I should NOT have made that assumption merely because your comment sounded like a comment from someone who wouldn’t even attempt to do anything against CO$ because of their billions in the bank, etc.
Well I was completely wrong to assume that about you.
I totally take your word that you have been active in contributing to the movement.
Perhaps when you wrote that comment you were experiencing a sense of futility, a wave of despair, a feeling of sadness and grief that NOTHING will work, because Co$ has so much money to fight back, to make ANYTHING go away, etc. etc.
If that’s what was and/or still is going on with you, then please call to mind that phrase, “Death by a thousand cuts”, and don’t be discouraged!
Please accept my apology for my bad assumption, and for what you are doing and/or have done to help, my sincere thanks and gratitude as well.
YES, it is — other than the religion bit.😇
Well I’ll be, you are alive.
I’ll keep my reply to you short as possible. Scientology is a religion of fools and you are most certainly one of them, a very BIG, FOOLISH, STUPID one. Shame on you for being so stupid!
Why don’t you do what LRH says then if you’re such a good Scientologist. Obviously you’re trained with auditing internships under your belt otherwise you’ve been too stupid to follow what LRD says to do, hence you’re even more stupid than you even realize – you’ve just condemned your own eternity if you’re not trained – man, that is extremely STUPID and FOOLISH of you if you’re not at least a CL5 interned auditor. You should be however a CL6, preferably CL8. Oh! but hang on, the course LRD said everyone should do is no longer delivered by your foolish religion. Pretty stupid religion to not deliver a major bridge step insisted to be done by everyone by the founder, don’t you think? Oh, you can’t think, sorry about that, I forgot, you’re stupid.
Anyway, get a meter, go to disgruntled Scientologists off Scientology lines and assess a CS series 53 and indicate to them the longest reading item. Then take them in to see a Chaplin or to Qual to get handled or maybe give them a free ARCX session. That’s what LRH said for YOU to do! It’s standard recovery tech! Hop to it!
Bet you’re too stupid to even handle an emeter (do you even own two?), do you have good TRs and you are of course very good at 8C, aren’t you?
Oh boy, you truly do belong to a stupid and foolish religion. BTW what is you’re training level in that stupidity?
Please take this personally, you deserve it!
If you don’t want to be perceived as stupid, perhaps you should learn how to use the “Reply” button.
Then people could know who you are talking to.
These forum boards are strange to deal with concerning time lags between countries and the moderator’s busy time to get around to checking and allowing entries to join the conversation – it can become disjointed. In other words, it’s a strange way to keep track of things if a lot a people join in. If perception of intellect is weaponized to include “Reply button use,” typos, minor grammatical errors it resolves itself into a similar situation to a school yard exchange of who can shout the loudest wins.
I’m old and tired now, but I did, like a lot of others dedicated myself to Scientology once upon a time. Over a decade as staff as a technical terminal in a Class 4 org with the Sea Org involved daily in my duties – which was way off policy, I did what I thought was the best for Scientology’s goals. I also did many years studying Scientology when not on staff. I truly thought it was at least a chance for mankind to end the insanity of war, something of which I happen to know a little about. I call myself stupid quite easily, especially when I look back and realize I did notice the evidence of abuses, but initially ignored them.
The final understanding for all that effort was that I was betrayed, lied to and had my life, for some time reduced to the level of poverty, after they extracted everything of value I had. It leaves a bitter resentment to those who come later and clearly to me, haven’t a clue what they are talking about. The entertainment value of lying or guessing is their greatest online accomplishment regarding engaging in conversation with those that were punished the most by the fraud that is Scientology. Most victims don’t post here, they can’t be bothered and prefer simply to forget that crap.
I just happen to regard Mike’s tenacity in exposing Scientology’s abuses and the crippling damage that organisation has done and continues to do to people’s lives worthy of my time to comment from time to time. I don’t particularly like to say this but I’m sick of being a veteran of abuse and burying family and friends who sure didn’t deserve the misery they received at the hands of corrupt organisations like Scientology. I hate funerals, especially with that sort of sorrow attached.
I’ve been a member of this board for some time and have seen many Howie’s come and go. I’m of the opinion personally that those that defend and stand up for the ‘rights’ of Scientology or any other so called religion which have long documented history of abuse, plus have the distinction of having living victims still out in society for which they do nothing to relieve their misery, are human garbage. “Stop the abuses” means what it means, not moderate it into an opinionated social competition. Hard jail time is due to the perpetrators of systematic corruption and criminal abuse of the innocent. If anything is serious in life – it’s this!
I don’t know who you are, nor do I care. Opinions are cheap and to me are meaningless if used to ridicule so as to keep your mind occupied or entertained.
Ah, there’s a space between I & Yawnalot = two words!
I’m sort of flattered you would attempt mimicry of me. I’m of no importance to anyone really, but I will say it’s quite dangerous to share a shadow with me.
However, it’s such a low life trick to impersonate another so as to tell a lie on their behalf. I’m not sorry, far from it. Obviously you are very much the asshole and qualify as a Scientology activist.
You have a miserable life you hear and I hope you get ass cancer.
Also one of the hallmarks of a free society is that everyone has the right (I Yawnalot included) to express their opinion. As you have so succinctly shown you do not agree with that opinion and that is also your right.
Honestly I cannot tell if you are a troll or someone with a strange sense of satire.
Now what was that you were saying the other day about spelling and grammar? One can hardly decipher what exactly it is you are trying to convey in your screed. Sorry I’m being unnecessarily facetious.
I have never indicated I’m particularly scholarly or indeed sane. I will however apologize for the sake of being civil to compliment your hallmarked view of life, I agree with you in principle we all should have rights.
I detest people like Howie though, and in a street fight I never signal my next move – for even I don’t know what it is.
My message was focused for Howie.
I honestly don’t understand why those still in are going along with all this Ideal Org nonsense. “Having to have before you can do” is basic, basic Scientology. Kindergarten level.
The STCC promo film (the one with Michael D. Roberts as the ED) refutes this whole program. Do they still show that film? Or has half the cast been declared by now?
Because COB says so.
If I got promo sent to me to donate to this Ideal Org or any other one, I’d send back the LRH reference that Debbie Cook included in her email: something about we don’t need buildings and don’t concentrate on buildings, and when buildings become more important than people, then blow up the buildings. Also he says not to have bake sales to raise money. If some of you good people have this quote word for word, can you please post it here. It is so apropos.
Capital City org, if I recall. Yes they do still show it, I think I last saw it in the mid 2000’s.
I’m convinced now that they go along with it out of an actual extreme apathy. They’ve had so many losses – so very many losses in going “Saint Hill Size”. Miscavige, in his brilliance, with the Ideal Org Program has given them a way to hope, a way to “win”. And that word is in quotes because of course raw public are NOT ever going to “flood in” to Scientology and “clamor” to be audited and trained because there’s a new building there. I mean, if that were a workable solution to getting in new people, then other religions would be doing it. Visit Paris, walk thru Notre Dame Cathedral, experience its magnificence, the breathtaking beauty of it and in so doing, become a Catholic! Go to Westminster Abbey, experience this building, and of course, you’ll have to become a member of the Church of England! And on and on with endless examples of gorgeous religious architecture – synagogues, mosques, endless examples around the world. Well, religious conversion doesn’t work that way. And so these poor, mentally exhausted, physically exhausted and financially squeezed Still Ins, with years of failure behind them, were given a gift by Miscavige. Forget going “Saint Hill Size” ALL they have to do is get a new building bought, renovated and furnished, and the rest will just HAPPEN. And of course this is delusional thinking – utterly delusional but they have devoted their lives to this – many of them – and failed, time and time again. Beaten down people tend to be delusional – they’ll grasp onto anything that will keep their hope alive. Because hope is all they CAN have, and without hope their dream dies and they sort of die too. Listen this is my take on it, totally, for whatever its worth. I’ve asked the same question over and over for many years myself. This answer that I’ve formulated (and again its taken me years) makes sense to me. I’ve made parallels of beaten down people in other areas believing, latching on to utter nonsense that makes them feel better and gives them hope and supporting fervently the person or people that give them hope. In this country this is going on right now. The Qanon believers – utterly delusional, but Q gives them hope and something to live for. And a long time ago I lived in a country wherein the majority of the people were desperately poor and downtrodden and ignorant who believed the most amazing rubbish about their dictator. Well, he gave them hope. Utterly delusional hope but still hope. He praised them and made them feel good. And they kept him in power – a total crook who cared nothing about them. In brief, the Ideal Morgue program gives the Still Ins hope that they actually can clear the planet and that their lives have not been lived in vain. IMHO 🙂
Very astute and well put, Aquamarine. I can’t think of any other reason why people who have been in the church for a long time would continue to buy DM’s BS. I knew that there was something not quite right with that guy the 1st time I saw him on stage, but I figured that with all the experienced class 8’s and 12’s around up lines that he would get handled. Boy was I wrong. Apparently he had a habit of simply RPF-ing anyone who offered him auditing.
So now, after years of dashed dreams and broken promises a scientologist who is “still in” can only blindly believe that he is infallible and follow him blindly.
My hope is that most of them soon will decide that it is OK to wake up.
Karl, you have a similar situation in Mormonism. Mormons have been shown numerous times how Joseph Smith fabricated things that he claimed were from God yet they explain it all away as ‘Well, none of that so called evidence can be true because I had a burning in my bosom which tells me that Mormonism is true”. I thought that the news that the LDS Church has stashed away $100 billion dollars in aid for the poor would wake people up but it affected only a few.
Thanks, Karl. Your instinct was laser spot on. I’ve learned to listen to those flashes of feelings, or instincts, or whatever one wants to call them, when they occur. Frequently they don’t “make sense”, i.e, they don’t jive with what are the current, known facts. But that first flash you had, i.e, you knew there was something “not quite right” with him – wow. You “knew” but it didn’t jive with the facts RIGHT THEN, so you mentally argued it around, tamping this flash of knowledge down because it didn’t fit into what was the current framework of known facts at the time. I’ve done that too! But then, at least YOU got out. WE got OUT. Think of the dwindling number of Still Ins, having their flashes of knowledge and yet denying, denying, over and over, tamping the knowledge down, year after year. Personally I’d rather KNOW and ACCEPT that I’ve been wrong and a total fool (which I was) forgive myself for it rather than twisting and turning away from it, rather than continuing to kid myself, delude myself, year in and year about something.
Edit…”year in and year out about something.”
What can I say? Scientology appears to be in a different universe.
Appears to be? No, Les, it IS in a different universe!