This is one of the more amazing pieces of bubble-think…
It was sent to me for the Thursday Funnies, but this little piece of Facebook genius deserves its own post.
What a HUGE accomplishment this is — they got 2 new people doing OCA’s! The Cult Shopping Network is clearly flooding the orgs and missions with curious people. OMG, 2 OCA’s is a “Win, win, win.” If that is true, and these people are not overwhelmed with new public, then the CSN is a complete failure.
But even more interesting: Sunland/Tujunga, according to Lydia Hopwood, consists of 30% scientologists. The population is 60,000 or so. Meaning Lydia believes that in this small enclave there are more than 15,000 scientologists. More than scientology even claims for Clearwater.
If this were true, or even partly true (and obviously it is not), then one failing mission and exuberant announcements about getting 2 people to do OCA’s would be even more telling. How could this be the state of affairs with 15,000 flourishing and disseminating scientologists within 5 miles? None of those scientologists are actually reaching any new public? The failing Foothills Mission is open about 3 hours a week.
What a stark admission of failure. Clearing the planet is such a joke, even with an “ideal Southern California” (at least south of Santa Barbara). Pasadena and Valley ideal orgs are both within 10 miles.
Just out of curiosity, I looked at another group intent on “clearing the planet” (at least in their style of saving those everyone who will then survive Armageddon). If they were actually going to make any progress they would need to be at least as pervasive as the Jehovah’s Witnesses — a group scientology considers “fringe”.
Here is the yellow pages for Kingdom Hall Los Angeles:
There are 73 entries:
Here is the yellow pages for “Church of scientology Los Angeles” — there are 18, including the second one which is a Christian Science Reading room, the Golden Era offices, Bridge Publications and CSI.
So, in fact, in the stronghold of scientology, there nearly 5 times as many Jehovah Witness “churches” as there are scientology “churches”.
Imagine what the ratio is like in Jehovah’s Witness stronghold in NY? 50 to 1?
And the Jehovah’s Witnesses claim 8 million members wordwide, less than scientology claims! But the JW’s seem to have more basis for their numbers — they claim to have 120,000 congregations, which would be more realistic at less than 100 members per congregation than scientology’s bizarre figures of 10 million from 500 orgs and missions or 20,000 per.
Just another reality check on the ludicrous “Big Lie” that scientology is expanding at record pace and planetary clearing is being made a reality.
Oh Lyin’tology.
Scientologists are so cute, really. Can I adore little simpletons, or does that make me a bad person?
If you admire them enough, they will as-is 🙂 That’s a Hubbardism – not an exact quote and in fact, verbal tech. Okay, I’m officially keyed-in 😉 Give me time. I’m still running it out. Well, the way out is the way through.
The very first lie was that Hubbard said he created 270 clears in the book dianetics!
Who are these people? Were are they?
I’d like to hear from them. Anybody?
Do we have any case studies? To verify? Did any of us when we first read that book ask ourselves, ok, prove it, I’d like to see a “clear”, and then later, I’d like to see an “OT”?
I know I didn’t ask those questions, my bad.
“…he created 270 clears in the book dianetics!” They were all fake because he created then in the book and not reality. If he had really created 270 clears, 260 of them “cognited” (no idea if I’m using the word correctly) they cleared out of $camology with any luck as fast as their little legs could carry them.
Cognited: The act of having knighted a cog for services to clocks and other mechanical devices.
Mike, no need to be sarcastic about those two folks doing OCAs. Their stats are up!
Those two ‘raw public’ that created such a buzz of hopeful salivation for fresh meat, were probably just two unlucky souls out of a group of friends that lost a bet.
Two frat boys having some fun. I hear it is a thing.
This from the same group that CONTINUES to refer to the Idle Morgue in Ventura as a Santa Barbara org. May not seem like a big deal to many, but I’ve lived in Ventura since 1982 and we are NOT Santa Barbara.
We even have our own city council, police dept and everything!
Hey Davie, is Flag in Tampa or St. Petersburg.. I always get them confused.
See you at the ribbon yanking here in Ventura you little geographically challenged midget.
More like they’re circling the wagons.
Boy, you don’t need the New Student Hat to understand these glaring facts of how disastrous the empire of Miscabage really is.
“If it isn’t written, it isn’t true,” has been convoluted to “If DM writes it, it is true.”
Although he really knows it isn’t. And never will be.
No truth is permitted within the Scientology organisation, only a bunch of twisted words mouthed by some very frightened individuals.
The real meaning behind one of life’s most essential fundamentals is completely lost to Scientologists, and that is based on the importance of courage. It is sad, but in Scientology’s bubble there are no heros, none! They all left or were throw out some time ago, and since it’s hostile everywhere for them, especially inside the bubble, they either accept the lies or they know they will be thrown out into the real world. Instead they comfort themselves with lies and false excitement.
Fear is used as motivation.
Scientologists should start calling themselves the Exclusive Brethren.
Isn’t that another cult?
Her “Scientologists are everywhere” observation is so far from the truth, you would think she is lying, but she is probably not. She is just disconnected from reality. As a group, Scientologists have lost their grip on reality which means they attract people who have also lost their grip on reality. It looks like Miscavige’s Scientology has progressed from a Tom Cruise “nutty cult” to a modern day bat-shit-crazy assylum.
Yes, so true, Matt and Robert: “the only Scns are fooling is themselves.” I remember when I first came out of the church (was declared), and I broke it to my siblings who were thrilled to hear I’d left Scn behind. We all met for dinner at a restaurant and they started grilling me about Scn and my leaving. I remember being scared that someone in the restaurant would be a Scn and would turn me in and write me up etc. This is because at that time I bought into the idea that Scns were large and booming and were everywhere. That shows you how deluded I was, just like all the rest. Now you would have to look far and wide to find a Scn in the general population. I talk freely about Scn anywhere, and if anyone overhears me and asks, I tell them all the cold hard facts about it just to get the word out.
I so agree with the above. I am always excited when I hear someone else is lead out or escapes as many have. It is like a big light has been put on……
The only thing Scientologists are fooling are themselves.
And they do a job great of ignoring what’s right in front of them.
“And they do a job great of ignoring what’s right in front of them.”
What springs to mind is the way Stella Kowalsky in “Streetcar Named Desire” handles her sister Blanche’s accusation of her rape by Stella’s husband Stanley.
“I couldn’t believe her story and go on living with Stanley”.
Notice she ddn’t say, “I don’t believe it”. She said, “I COULDN’T believe it.”
BIG difference!
Stella knows that her sister has gone off the reservation mentally but she also knows the KIND of lies her sister tells, and knows, deep down, that her sister is a kind, honest person who would NEVER tell this kind of a huge, harmful, malicious lie.
Plus, her husband has denied raping his sister in law: “I never touched her!”
Stella knows that to believe that her husband Stanley raped her sister Blanche is to end her marriage. She must not, cannot.
Her friend Eunice backs her up 100%. “Don’t you EVER believe it! You have to go on living!”
And Stella does not. She goes on with Stanley and her new baby. Blanche gets taken to a mental institution.
But right there, when she made that decision to not know what she knew, as her sister Blanche had done long ago, Stella, the realist, the pragmatic sister, made the same kind of decision to live her life based on lies instead of truths and started down the the same road, to insanity.
Anyone involved in the Church of Scientology has had, is having or will have this moment of realization, and the decision made afterwards will determine that person’s sanity.
$cientology and numbers don’t get along. Just look at their unlabeled graphs and you can tell that smoke and mirrors are the treat of the day.
Besides, bodies in the shop is poor way to run a scam. Just do what Miscavige does, count the money coming in and plan your next vacation.
“Scientology and numbers don’t get along.”
So true. Great article, Mike.
The inconvenient truths that are the actual statistics of the Church of Scientology have long been classified as “entheta” and as such off limits to any of its members.
The only people who are permitted this information are Miscavige and, of absolute necessity, I would think, his tight inner circle of SOs and lawyers.
No one else is allowed to know, question or discuss the evidence of the actual statistics without being accused of “forwarding entheta and enemy line” – which is Scientology’s nomenclature for being a heretic!
For a member to insist on a clean and unbiased perusal of the actual statistics of Scientology is heresy!
In other words, if the Church of Scientology says something is true, then its true, that’s all. Question this, and you’re a heretic!
And anyone who refutes what the Church of Scientology says about itself, who points out actual facts and observations, is an enemy of the Church of Scientology.
Scientology long ago joined the ranks o doomed religions and spiritual practices past and present in their use of fear and punishment of its members as the means of controlling them and maintaining power.
Unless Scientology wises up and drops its toxic policies mandating the persecution and punishment of its heretics and instead begins to actively confront, understand, tolerate and truly help people, it will go the way of all the rest.
Just another case of “Scientology LIES.” Constantly, and for no discernable reason, about things that are TOO easily fact-checked; just like the founder. The worse things get, the bigger lies Dwarfenführer tells. Why are we surprised?
I have to wonder what level of detachment from reality if not outright delusion that may represent, among the remaining membership. At some higher level, management that is in possession of the actual numbers, knows that members are being lied to – I suspect it’s justified as their being misled, for the purpose of the greater good of keeping them on track to actually make Scientology that large someday.
Not too long ago someone reported going to a large, mostly empty org and asking and apparently relatively young and new staff member there, how many Scientologists there were – and the answer was 20 million, a number that has apparently been floating around inside Scientology (Kirstie Alley has cited it, and I think it’s come up elsewhere as well). How could someone in a metropolis of several million, at an organization’s sole location that serves only handful of people, think that the organization had a worldwide presence larger than Judaism, much less Jehovah’s Witnesses? And yet the sort of people who are attracted to or who remain in Scientology, apparently fall for that.
Hubbard said lying is the lowest order of creativity so she’s just applying the tech.
The Sunland/Tujunga mission came up the other day, hosting an event at someone’s house, after the mission long ago ceased to have its own premises – it’s no longer even listed on Scientology’s website. I wonder if they are actually doing the PE course out of that house?
I’m trying to figure out whether the claim of 1/4 to 1/3 of the population in their area being scientologists, is just a very wishful if not even delusional view of reality, or if reflects their having such limited circles of contacts that they mistakenly assume that their “bubble” is reflective of the world around them – when it’s not.
JWs are indeed a good reality check, for the number of locations and visible presence that a “church” would have to have, if it actually had a million or more members.
Jewish synagogues are also a useful comparison, of a religion that does actually have millions of adherents in the US, and across the world – and a much more obviously visible and widespread presence, to match. I checked, and there are well over a dozen synagogues within 15 miles of Sunland/Tujunga:,-118.7647921,10z/data=!3m1!4b1
…shows the current “active” address for Sunland/Tujunga Mission. It’s Gary Brown’s house. Another scilon that I onced worked for outa’ that same house once upon a time. If course time is being held there, it’s at the dining room table, his office/converted garage, in the horse corral or the storage huts.
Thanks for that bit of information. I hadn’t initially been able to find where the mission, which years ago had been in some commercial space, ended up – it seems typical these days that they downsize into in an aging mission holder’s home, or the residence of someone who tries to pick up the pieces when the mission holder blows.
Last week’s Thursday Funnies including a promo piece for a Sunland/Tujunga Mission event being held at Richard and Susan Stewart’s house ,10700 Hillrose Circle in Sunland, which looks to be about 3 miles away.
Interestingly, in a post on a WWP thread, a 2009 letter from the mission HES was posted, claiming that Sunland/Tujunga had the highest concentration of scientologists (another item says OTs) anywhere in the world:
It could be that they do have the highest concentration anywhere – but that’s still not saying much, even in their stronghold in Southern California, where at most their members are about 2 in every 10,000 of the population. If the population of the area is 60,000, and they have a dozen members there, that would actually be double their average concentration in the region! (for comparison, in the US overall, the average is about 1 in 20,000; in the Tampa Bay area including Clearwater, it could be as high as around 4 per 10,000, excluding Sea Org, though it might just be closer to what it is in SoCal)
The cult facebook nazis are falling down on the job … allowing “parishioners” to post about cult stuff as a “public” post, where any SP can see it, is actionable. Oh wait … maybe they’re all under the radar now.
Tsk, tsk; you’re questioning again…
I questioned once. That got me in a ton of trouble.
This is what happens when the prefrontal cortex goes offline. Lydia’s kool-aid habit is ten times more addictive than heroin and extremely hard to kick. Withdrawal can be agonizing.
Ya know, whenever I think about the CoS I think of just a very long version of this:
Me: Your boss is quite a card player Mr. Rathbun, how does he do it?
Marty: He cheats.
Robert Shaw was great in that. So was everybody else!
I’m really struck by the question of what would cause a Scientologist, even a blinkered nutbag of one, to think that 1/4 to 1/3 of the people in their area are Scientologists. I know that people do statistical citation by the rectal extraction method all the time, but this is especially goofy. Is Lydia Hopwood a shut-in? Even if it were the case that 1/4 to 1/3 of the people she comes into direct contact with were Scientologists, she would have to be able to factor in that she has a biased view due to her deliberate association with those folk, that she personally knows all the Scientologists within her roaming range, and ergo 99.99% of the rest are muggles… or wogs, or whatever they call us.
I’m familiar with the Sunland area. 30% of the population Scientologists?. Is this women nuts? More like .0001% scientologists. I know some clams who live there. Not even close. What planet does this women live on? There is no city on the planet has 30% of its residents scientologists.
I know Lydia personally and besides being a big KA drinker, she is not very sharp.
She goes back and forth from Earth to Target 2. You’ll have to catch her on her way back.
Yo Lydia,
By now these two have no doubt received their results and been pounced on by the Div Sixer In Charge. After pointing out why each is having such a shitty life, they are watching one of Dear Daves videos and every staff member still around is watching with baited breath to see the magic cognition appear and the registrar waltz out to sell them a $50.00 Comm Course.
Severe Reality Adjustment Lydia ………… the marks go home and discuss the Oh Cee A with (anyone) and then they are directed to the internet. END OF STORY Lydia!
You get to add two more addresses into your central files and state that $cientology is booming. Then the cherch gets to send bulk mailings to them forever, costing the planet valuable resources for absolutely nothing in return. WAKE THE FUCK UP LYDIA.
What did you guys do with Eff Pee. He dropped like a rock ……….. and I thought the Are Pee Eff had been disbanded. Daveshit ……. meet the FAN! Take the rest of the day off kids.
I would ask her what her weekly pay is and if that tracks well with the vast number of Scientologists in her area.
Okay, two raw public is a celebration? While claiming a quarter to third of the population are scientologists? They suck either way. They suck because they lie or they suck because they do a horrific job getting new people with that number of scientologists in the area. We know they lie. But in the message, per se, shows they suck regardless.
Imagine if they had 3 raw public! They’d lose their minds!
They would be on overload. Probably haven’t had 3 raw public over the last 5 years.
I am personally familiar with the Tujunga / Sunland area and there does seem to be a “group” of them in a few block radius.. but maybe 3-4 houses.. total
That’s what I call clearing the planet.
If erasing your reactive mind results in the state of clear, ridding the world of Scientology gives you a cleared planet!