So, the next event is upon us. Scheduled for Friday the 14th at Ruth Eckerd Hall.
The routine attendance emails are flooding inboxes everywhere.
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014
From: Meagan Tucker <[email protected]>Hello again!!!!
We are 4 days away until our Commodore’s birthday! The event is LIVE and we want you and everyone else to arrive at five!
Realize that this is the first time ever that we have done an event at Ruth Eckerd Hall including entry with your event passcards. We have only done this drill at the base so… it’s VERY important that you are thinking with this Friday arriving at five at Ruth Eckerd Hall.
One other thing, for the first time ever all of the international birthday game winners in first, second and third place are coming from each continent to be part of this event which means an additional 50 out of town Executive Directors will be here for the event! It is very exciting here and we are flat out preparing so I need your help in really getting the word out about this timing for the event Friday.
Thank you very much and please let me know you received this!
ML, Meagan Tucker, Dir PR
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2014
From: Meagan Tucker <[email protected]>
Subject: LATE BREAKING NEWS about The LIVE Event!Dear Friends,
In 3 days, we have the LIVE LRH Birthday event. This is the day we celebrate LRH’s legacy, and his care and compassion for everyone whose lives he has touched.
Below is information that can help you in preparing for this wonderful
Because the event is LIVE, please ARRIVE AT 5:00pm AT RUTH ECKERD HALL
Event entry begins at 5:00pm, seating begins at 6:00pm, event starts at 7:00pm.
Dresscode is formal, meaning tuxedos and long gowns
If you haven’t already, you must get your brand new 2014 event passcard. If you had an event card from last year then we’ve already made you a revised one ~ it can be picked up at the North Reception on the first floor of the new Flag Building.
Also, there is child care for children of 5 years old and up at Mace-Kingsley.
Please e-mail me to let me know that you have received this and that you will be attending the event.
See you there!!
ML, Meagan Tucker, Dir PR
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2014
From: Flag OT Committee <[email protected]>
Subject: It’s Almost Here – Please Spread the Word!Arrive at five… 2 DAYS LEFT
Hello !!!!
12 March 2014
We are 2 days away until our Commodore’s birthday! The event is LIVE and we want you and everyone else to arrive at five!
Realize that this is the first time ever that we have done an event at Ruth Eckerd Hall including entry with your event passcards. We have only done this drill at the base so… it’s VERY important that you are thinking with this Friday arriving at five at Ruth Eckerd Hall.
One other thing, for the first time ever all of the international birthday game winners in first, second and third place are coming from each continent to be part of this event which means an additional 50 out of town Executive Directors will be here for the event! It is very exciting here and we are flat out preparing so I need your help in really getting the word out about this timing for the event Friday.
Thank you very much and please let me know you received this!
Yours truly,
Meagan Tucker
Some thoughts:
1. With the “flood” of people moving up the Bridge as a result of the miracles of GAG II how is it that the event is being held at Ruth Eckerd Hall? It has a capacity of 2300. The church claims they have 1500 SO members at flag and Miscavige just announced there are “hundreds” of SO members at Flag training to go to “the new AO’s” that are “going to be opened” in preparation for the flood. This does not take into account the Class V outer org trainees — some of the GAG II trainees are STILL there (see the ScnAfrica blog for details about Pretoria trainees). So, how many public could possibly be on services? A couple of hundred? At most? And this is the biggest boom and greatest expansion in history?
2. The paranoia about the photo ID cards is pretty comical. This is a self inflicted stab wound, now creating all sorts of problems in trying to get people into the Hall because they have never done such a thing before. Really mkes it sound enticing to come to the event — get there 2 hours early so you can make it through security in time for your flight event. Everyone LOVES the hassles of flying and the TSA and security screening and wasting time — and they are working to make it as close to that experience as possible.
3. They are bringing in first, second and third place from each continent. Never been done before. Because nobody cares. This is some sort of gimmick. And it is a real telltale that there is an effort to make the “Birthday Game Awards” a larger part of the event. Which is doubly interesting as Miscavige has always refused to present (or even announce) these awards as he considers it is beneath him. This is the one event where an emaciated “ED Int” (not even introduced that way, he always says “Please welcome, Mr. Guillaume Lesevre”) is put on stage to do the demeaning work of presenting the awards. Miscavige derides these orgs and missions relentlessly in the preparations for this event. But more importantly, he is afraid that if he presents the awards it will be used to show how he is in fact “managing” all orgs (which he IS doing but he tried to make it appear to the outside world that he is not).
4. There is no real “ideal org” news. Taiwan. But that has already been milked. AOSHEU — nobody really cars. And now the “Pacifica Bridge”. I was curious about his speech as it was obviously not focused on the building he was ribbon-pulling.
Do not be surprised if Miscavige does not show up for this event. He could palm this off and bring in Erin Banks to MC, have Dan Sherman slither onto stage to present one of his smarmy “Ron Mag” briefings, then show videos of Dear Leader in Taiwan, AOSHEU and PAC (replaying the speech) and then trot out the “Cheese Eater” (Miscavige’s term of endearment for Lesevre) to present awards and then end off with an LRH quote video. It would be an event where he could start breaking the expectation that he appears for everything. There are indicators here. But on the other hand, his vanity may get the better of him and dictate that he cannot miss an opportunity to walk on stage to a standing ovation (led nby the RTC Reps and CMO stationed in the front row to ensure it).
It will be interesting to see what happens.
Either way, this is going to be another massively underwhelming event….
Wow. It’s just one big party after another in Scientology isn’t it? No wonder everybody wants to join up!! Between the parties, lack of boring Sunday services and no magic underwear requirements, they’ve got the Mormons beat hands down!! /s
I wonder when DM will run off with all the money he’s been funnelling out of Scientology
But the flyer says a “Source” presentation on LRH’s life. This means that DM must be there as he wouldn’t assign Source to anyone but himself, would he?
David Lingenfelter
Hmmm, good point David 🙂
It’s amazing that any civilized organization could be led by a 12-year-old bully who never grew up. Perhaps even more amazing that no one has ever tried to have him removed from power. It wouldn’t be that hard — in theory — to simply have security RPF him, and someone else step up and take the reins.
This I think is the main reason (if not the sole reason) for having so many public events is to repeatedly drive in the point that Miscavige -and Miscavige alone- is the heart and soul of Scientology. That’s why the same building will hold a ‘grand opening’ repeatedly: Miscavige desperately needs to make himself relevant to maintain his grip on power.
Redundant irrelevancy augmented by flatulent hyperbole.
The key concept underpinning this is “learned helplessness”.
Check it out. It’s not a happy place to live.
Dave’s an amazing teacher, isn’t he?
Here’s my take on why Miscavige is permitted to stay in power. Its because no-one else WANTS to be in charge. Why?
As Marty Rathbun wrote in his most recent book, “Memoirs Of A Scientology Warrior”, there IS NO OT9 and 10. Aside from Miscavige, the long term top people at Int can’t be ignorant of this.. Who in his or her right mind would want to depose Him and head up an organization which is pretending to have a product is doesn’t actually have? To be the one(s) to have to break this news to the public or, as the new leader(s), say nothing and carry on with this deception?
To embellish a bit more along this line: if it were one of these top people at Int, knowing the truth I would lose all respect for my senior. Real respect is actually hard to fake. Real respect is not ALWAYS deferential, complimentary, etc. It doesn’t have to be. True respect of one being to another is unmistakable.
I think these top people not only don’t want the top position but they have contempt for Miscavige because they know that he’s a phony. Moreover, :), He knows that they know and that they don’t want to be in his shoes, that they don’t want his job and wouldn’t touch it with a 10 foot pole, and that they not only don’t respect him but have an active contempt for him. And, last but not least, He has an active contempt for Himself.. He knows he gets no real respect which is the Why for his insatiable requirements for deference and adulation, etc.
Whew, it certainly does suck to be Miscavige.
“The Show Must Go On”
Baby, although I chose this lonely life
It seems it’s strangling me now
All the wild men, big cigars, gigantic cars
They’re all laughing at me now
Oh I’ve been used
I’ve been taken for a fool, oh what a fool
I broke all the rules
But I won’t let the show go on
Baby look there’s an enormous crowd of people
And they’re all after my blood
I wish maybe they’d tear down the walls
Of this theater and let me out, let me out
Oh I’ve been so blind
I’ve wasted time
Wasted, wasted, oh so much time
Walking on the wire, high wire
But I won’t let the show go on
Baby I wish you’d help me escape
And help me get away
Leave me outside my address
Far away from this masquerade
I’ve been so used I’ve been so abused
I’ve been a fool I broke all the rules
I’ve been so used oh and abused
But I won’t let the show go
I said I won’t let the show oh
Won’t let the show go on
I think it will be an “A” event. It’s his easiest.
A quick “rolling thunder” hand off for an hour of Sherman make believe, introduce some Org opening videos, hand off for Birthday Game awards, a short close and out the door. Same every year…. Yawn
Just once, I would like to see one ounce of humility from this man. I mean it.
Just a question: If Miscavige calls Mr. Leserve a “Cheese eater” (no doubt because he’s French), does he call the Irish “potato eaters” too?
What era is this guy from?
He has some very endearing nicknames. Marc Yager is “Cueball” because he is bald. Also “jewboy.” Jenny Linson is “tits.” Kurt Weiland is “the Nazi.” Heber is “Howdy Doody.” Then there are the generic “c***sucker”, “c*nt”, “fa**ot”. “motherf***ker” etc etc.
He lives in “Miscavige Time” which is part of “Miscavige World” the ever shrinking universe inside his bubble where everything he thinks, says or does is magnificent/brilliant/genius/courageous/hardworking etc etc and anyone who dares to not express enthusiastic enough support for his unbounded talents and wisdom is sent to shovel shit in Louisiana.
Wow – “Jewboy?” That’s shocking.
So I guess he’s an anti-Semite then. Doesn’t he have a clue that this is wrong?
The other names are pretty disgusting too.
He must have been an absolute joy to work with Mike.
1. A word or phrase that has negative connotations or that is intended to disparage or belittle
What a surprise to hear that Dave would find a way to tag everyone in his orb with a pejorative intended to make nothing of them.
However if anyone dared to do the same to him who knows what the consequences might be.
When he was going through Tom Cruise’s folders and having a good laugh with the attending scotch imbibing guests, I wonder what did he tagged Tom with?
And then there is a reason why DM does not like Polish jokes.
So let me guess – no one calls him shrimp, right? Seems only fair.
How is calling someone a “f*ggot” or “c*nt” high toned? Seriously, why do people listen to him? It’s so obvious he’s an SP.
For $5,000. in cash, small bills,you get your picture taken with a cardboard
cutout of David Miscavige.
David who?
FLAG STYLE – photo permission rules
1. ONLY OFFICIAL pictures with COB are allowed by a fully trained RCS picture taker guy are permitted.
2. Do not look at COB longer than your rank allows.
3. Never attempt to touch COB without approval. (Hand sanitizing gels will be provided only for those that are listed to shake hands with COB.)
4. Do not talk to COB after photo. Move the fuck on.
Mike every day I read here I have a moment to think about the Dildo Messenger….will he change his plans and thus be at effect, or has the fortitude to steam ahead with his plans, thus making your predictions correct. What’s a Demented Moron to do?
So how many seats will Friday be needing when he/she/it arrives at 5?
Honestly, does anybody still care about these events? Anyway, I got the message the third time round. Be there. It will be Flag-style (whatever that means).
Flag-style definition – barbecuing your bank balances.
I wonder what the odds are that miscavige is getting the castle in South Africa ready for his permanent residence since they don’t extradite for white collar crimes.
He’s got to know the noose is tightening and that his lying in Texas is going to catch up with him. He won’t be able to hide in the U S of A.
Maybe that’s why they are hell bent on getting rid of any SA whales who aren’t totally infatuated with him.
Just some idle speculation.
The way things are going in SA right now I wouldn’t consider it to be his best flight destination. He’d probably be better off going to Venezuela or Cuba.
I prefer he try Siberia.
Neither the Cuban nor the Venezuelan governments would want him. Russia might.
If this sticks for the remaining years that there is a March 13th event I would wager that “placing” will become the new incentive for all those hapless ED’s out there.
The prospect of getting on a plane for a few hours where no one can get to you is one of the very few highlights if being involved in Scientology management of any strip.
Even if it means being in the same building as Him.
Cris. Imagine how I felt having to listen to it… I missed watching some good paint drying to torture myself instead.
Is Meagan foreign? I hope so, because she language butchers something awful, don’t she?
Shee sure do dawg. What up wit dat? Messed up y’all.
I feel ya Hallie Jane.
Meagan joined the SO at a young age (early teens, I think). She’s been in charge of ‘call out’ for about 10 years. Looks like she’s in charge of emails out now too.
Is that a promotion or demotion?
Her sure does.
I remember an article by LRH called Captive Brains. Sound familiar?
Guess it’s time for the SO members to visit the local “rent a gown or tux” store again. They must be thrilled to have to spend their weekly pay on that.
Just musing here……. Joburg Org normally wins the Africa Birthday Game year in and year out (not hard to do seeing as the other orgs are virtually in a coma). But the ED of Joburg, Albert De Beer is reportedly under comm-ev – so is he going to walk up on that stage and accept the Birthday cup while allegedly in ethics trouble?
Its going to be SO interesting to see how they handle this one. Bet you they lie through their teeth and claim some other org won the Africa Birthday game……… like Pretoria. Or they’ll send the ED FDN for Joburg (who is the most comatose African org of them all). Bets anyone??
Sorry, this whole subject puts me to sleep.
Jesus, I am happy not being called up for this event nowadays. I remember once I was over 1000 km away from the Org, still the call-inner wanted me to fly back to just attend the event!
This is a great excuse to have everyone stand still for long enough for the crowd of staff who have memorized evil faces to make double sure no SP is getting in. Like Mike says – it’s going to be a very TSA-like experience. Go through the trouble of getting the ID card and STILL have to wait forever. Sheesh!
Well, it’s also so they have an exact record of everyone that came in. They are on notice that they will be photographed as they enter.
I see. This along with the ID cards and they’ll have an attendance list for every event going forward. I’m sure they want to detect when someone wakes up as soon as possible, and noticing who confirms and doesn’t show or who is always there but no longer shows might be a good way to do that. It doesn’t matter. Today’s loyal follower could be reading this blog tomorrow.
Wow, Mike! Seriously, they’re going to photograph everyone that enters REH? The paranoia speaks volumes…
This way they will have a list of folks to call in to sec check after the first photos from inside the Ruth Eckard bubble begin to appear on Tony’s blog!
Hey Mike,
I’m sure they have some techie in the back somewhere running some kinda of face recognition software somewhere in background while each penguin in a tux and their date in the high classed call girl gown is being photographed on the red carpet.
scnethics, by the way things are looking, today’s loyal followers are reading this blog today!
Wake up sheeple!
Maybe they are bringing the first three winners of every Continent as otherwise Ruth E Hall will be totally empty.
Your numbers seems right, between Tampa, Flag Land Base and Outer Org Trainees they could gather close to 2,000 to make it look monumental.
I wonder if the public is fed up with all this security cards, some sheep will attend, but not all. Even the staff hated this events at REH as it consumed hours and hours of preparation, being there way earlier and so on.
We do expect an unprecedented disaster in attendance and, above all, in the lack of genuine enthusiasm.
Off topic, but Elizabeth Moss, Mad Men Actress, just gave a media interview and when asked about Scientology stated: “I’m not going to talk about it anymore,” she says firmly. “I said what it meant to me, and anyone can go and look at that if they want to know what I feel. But now it’s private, off limits.”. Over the last couple of years she was one of the very few Scientology celebrities who would say a few good words about the Cof$. She was raised in a Scientology family and I am sure is still a supporter, but it speaks volumes about the catastrophic state of Scientology’s repute that so few few of it’s celebrities are willing to speak up on DM’s behalf.
Celebrities take that approach (refusing to speak about something in their life) when there is a scandal. For example, Mel Gibson could say “I refuse to discuss my bigoted tyrade, it’s over, move on.” Politicians also take that approach, i.e., “I paid the penalty for my breaking the law, I served my time, now it’s time for you to move on.” I have never heard a celebrity or politician refuse to talk about a good thing in their life. Have you ever heard a celebrity say, “I am tired of being asked about my Oscar win and my new husband and baby. Now move on.”? Or a politician say, “Come on guys, yeah, yeah, I won by a landslide, what’s wrong with you that you keep harping on that? Move on!”?
By refusing to speak about Scientology, Moss is admitting it is controversial and that she expects the interviewer to say bad things about the church (and that she probably has been told by her agents to tone it down because it could harm her career). Interesting turn of events……
I just find it very hard to believe that more celebs don’t find out and stand up for the truth and against the abuses.
I honestly don’t get it.
Good point SOYS. It’s not an appropriate response IF you are feeling really good about it or proud of your involvement in it.Interesting that also in a print interview with Beck very recently in the UK’s most broadly circulated tabloid, it was very clearly stated that Scientology was off the table for any kind of discussion. No mention of it or acknowledgements on the sleeve of his new album either. There’s only one message this sends out from where I’m standing.
Paul — this is an interesting thing.
These days the church have NO spokespeople who will talk about Scientology to the media. Miscavige doesnt trust anyone to do it right, and he won’t do it himself, so its silence.
Tom Cruise, the greatest Scientologist I know and most successful disseminator in the history of history says NOTHING about Scientology these days. Though he doesnt tend to say much about anything as his career is pretty much over.
Travolta said some stuff recently about having people with him 24/7 and that blew up about his “minders”
Kirstie Alley says insane thing every now and then and is sort of dismissed as sort of a kook.
Leah Remini gets a lot of press. And Miscavige keeps shooting himself in the foot with his ad hominem responses.
No other celebrities talk at all.
It’s not looking good…
All of these celebrities could learn something from this one:
Five for LIVE. Did you see how clever they are?? I mean, it rhymes.
Entertained by the aces jive, or haven’t they survived?
Will Shelly be at the birthday bash?
I heard she might be going actually, there are just one or two little details to finalize…
Firstly, we just need to confirm how exactly she can evade her minders and then security long enough to get to the fence, and then how to get over the fence, and then the walk to the freeway again along the 30 mile dirt-track evading security who by now will be looking for her. Then there’s the thorny problem of getting 1,600 miles to Clearwater with no money and without being spotted and recovered to Trementina.
Secondly, she’s not sure what to wear when she gets there – dress or suit?
Apart from that, she’s good to go and very much looking forward to seeing her friends again.
You mean to tell me her loving husband won’t come by, sweep her off her feet, tell her how much he loves her and take her to the best LRH Birthday party ever?
Oh to be a Droid, one way trip to paranoid.
“… it’s VERY important that you are thinking with this Friday arriving at five at Ruth Eckerd Hall.”
For me, Friday arrives about 6:30 am when I awake. What is wrong with these people and language? George W. Bush makes for sense, for crying out loud.
I agree, massively underwhelming and getting more so every time. My money is on DM pitching fits, invalidating all and sundry and telling them to get ready for the event without him, then with mere hours to go, announcing he will do it anyway. The guy cannot live without the adulation. He HAS to speak and suck up the seal slobber. Also his jealousy/paranoi is SO intense that he will only share the stage is he is absolutely forced to. What if Erin Banks was a way better speaker than him? What if people enjoyed listening to someone with a normal voice????? What if he didn’t speak and people in the survey after said it was the best event ever????????? No, I think he will be compelled to speak. His grip on power is slipping. He NEEDS every chance he can to put himself out there as still in control, still the leader, still the top dog. And of course Ruth Ekhard hall, where between Flag staff and outer org trainees you actually don’t need ANY public to show up to fill the place. What a joke. I am surprised they are not doing it in the Flag Auditorium. Or perhaps the Sandcastle lobby.
As usual Roy, your comments are informed, insightful and amusing.
I think you are probably right. There are just indicators that it could be a “B Team” event.
BTW — Erin Banks IS a better speaker than him, even though her tone is pretty distracting. But then again, put Elmo in a tux and stand him in front of the prompters and I think it would be easier to take than than the droning, weirdly emphasized delivery of Dear Leader.
I’ve been gone too long —
Who is Erin Banks?
TYhe “MC” in PAC and apparently the only person that is allowed to appear in public any longer. If you look up the Denver and Cincinnati ideal org openings you will see her, she even did some TV appearances and she was not bad. At least didnt come off as a creepy, holier-then-thou robot like Tommy did (the last person to appear on TV for the church in the US before her).
Thank you Mike! You are too kind. I do totally see what you are saying. There are all kinds of indicators that he will not do this event. When I first saw your comment to that effect regarding the LA re-re-re-ribboning, my first thought was – “Of all the events, the LRH Birthday is the one that DM would skip”. DM is SOOO much more important than LRH in his own mind. He is wondering why the big Birthday bash is not held a few weeks later- for HIS birthday!! I can imagine the rock slamming between “fuck doing a birthday event for LRH” and “shit, what if Erin does it and they love her?”. We will just have to wait and see which way the rock is slamming on the day of the event. I will be waiting with bated breath. Also the Ruth Ekhard hall is perfect for him. Because it is so small there is no chance of having any of the unwashed masses in the same auditorium. It will be all whales and staff. What a relief that must be for him to know that there is one blither-blather event where the droll-roll will not be recorded and published on Tony Ortega’s blog! And fact checked! I must say that whereas I used to hate Scientology events I now look forward to them, eagerly awaiting the next massive foot bomb to explode onto the scene. What fun!
I think Erin Banks is the daughter of Irving and Paula Paiewonski.
“One other thing, for the first time ever all of the international birthday game winners in first, second and third place are coming from each continent to be part of this event which means an additional 50 out of town Executive Directors will be here for the event! ”
They are obviously so desperate for anyone to show up, they are now making this mandatory. Some added financial pressure to add to the gag2 training, Golden Age of Warehouse VIII compulsory meters etc etc. AND now all must wear Tuxes and ballgowns.
Bloody idiots.
And what’s with this sentence: “it’s VERY important that you are thinking with this Friday arriving at five at Ruth Eckerd Hall.” I have no words…
Yeah, and how much to do you want to bet they had to pay for their own airfare and Flag accommodations?
You know they will have to pay their own way. They will pay, pay ,pay.
So let me see if I understand this. Everyone needs to pitch up at an event hall at 5pm on a Friday. On a Friday??? At 5pm??? WTF?
I dunno how folks in Florida do this but here at the tip of Africa we’re all kinda like … busy … with stuff on a Friday. Students are studenting till 5pm, some workers are working till 5pm and – OK I admit it, most of us are usually in the pub from about 2 onwards. But we still have to get home, brush teeth and put on the fancy threads, then get to the venue….
But never mind that’s beside the point. WHO THE FUCK SHOWS UP FOR AN EVENT AT 5PM ON A FRIDAY?
I think someone look a good long hard look at events to find every last thing they could to make them go horribly wrong. And now we’re into the long tail (everything else being in place); the last detail left to make sure the event goes wrong is to dick around with the starting time….
Spog …. Florida ….. an “early bird event” …. the IAS whales are in bed by nine ….
At least TSA is trying to thwart terrorism.
All this security is to thwart information.
Good point. Bad analogy.
Thwart information and the possibility of SPs amongst them — even though they have ALL done the “How to Shatter Suppression” course and are masters at dealing with SPs. Except if one or two show up in the midst of their assembled masses and they go into panic mode and run for the exits….
In fact, the Miscavige method of dealing with “suppression” is to try to pretend it does not exist. Put up shrubs. Hire security. Screen everyone that enters the building. OMG, don’t let any of them near me. I might cave in.
I personally thought it was a good analogy myself having experienced the paranoia of the TSA.
IMHO the only thing they thwart is air travel in general.
Much like the Church of Paranoia is thwarting attendance at any of their events.
Maybe they should read the PL “Organization the Flaw”.
Maybe we can just bring this to a close sooner rather than later. Just have Tory Christman or Mike or Marty or any of us better-known Special People show up at the event and watch them all run for the exits! And in their haste to escape the horrible SPs, they will stampede and trample each other to death, including cob. His head wouldn’t show above any other heads, so it would be hard to avoid running over him.
I think your just annoyed because not enough people celibrate your birthday LOL.
I shall attend the IAS event as I know I can donate all my wordly goods to “Shorty Pants” SOB so he can start the “Traction Rundown” with the EP of “5ft 5″ now”.
I wonder how much longer this can go on? It’s hilarious. I wonder if Harvey Jaques will be there? I have not heard him bellow and curse at the top of his voice for years.
It would be nice to see him in action one more time LOL.
Promise you, Harvey WILL be there. And if you make known that your wealthy father just passed away, he will be right by your side. Then all you need to do to get him yelling and screaming is to inform him that you feel the best use of your money is to buy an ideal house, an ideal car and some ideal clothes so you can have an ideal first dynamic, just like COB who obviously practices what he preaches, everything should be ideal, money is no object.
Better throw in an ideal bottle of scotch or two and some ideal instant sec checks for anyone standing in line for an hour with BIs.
I think next year they can dispense with the cards. Just have auditors lined up to do a meter check on all arrivals. They can arrive four hours early and mingle with friends to get their needles freed up. And then……”would you want someone else to wait as long as you have to see COB?”
Offload any who don’t F/N to waiting MAAs for detection,routing and handling.
My very last ever trip to Flag, I saw Harvey in the AO, standing and watching. The man had an aura of evil. I pity the poor folks who are under him.
Who is this Harvey guy?
I have little doubt the OT Committee Convention will be an infusion of tools.
I think the person who wrote this promo was hanging out at Starbucks for waaaaay too long.
Sorta got the feeling that he was promoting some kinda in house blend of special herbal tea or something.
Maybe who knows they might have an *infusion* of originality at some point.
This was a typo. Should have read Confusion of Fools.