Things seem to be falling apart at the seams in LA.
Traditionally, there was a single March 13th event for all of the LA area — including Orange County and the Valley.
It used to be held at the Shrine Auditorium, but that became embarrassing as they couldn’t even fill the lower level, let alone the upper.
So, they moved it to the Dolby Theater. Capacity 3400.
Now they have shifted it to the “Ray Dolby Ballroom.” Capacity 2000.
But it seems they are having inordinate difficulty filling even that venue (this is not much bigger than the Flag auditorium…) in the home of the “largest concentration of scientologists on earth.”
Several people have reported to me that they are getting more than six calls a day for the past two weeks to “confirm” their attendance at the event. And that is just calls. More texts are being sent than calls.
“All are welcome” unless you aren’t. I guarantee there are more people in the LA area at this point who are NOT welcome at this event than the number they get to show up!
Meanwhile, it seems Valley Org has gone rogue. At the exact same time, they are holding their OWN event:
I guess they figure if they hold it combined with everyone else, the IAS and all the other vultures will be able to get at their “prospects”. They want to keep picking whatever desiccated flesh is left on the bones of the valley all stars.
I would say this is a bit of wishful thinking: “Join thousands of Ron’s friends as we come together…” If they get 100 “Ron’s friends” I would be amazed. In this the most important Ideal Org on earth in the biggest concentration of scientologists in the universe.
Hope one of the people who has been getting all these calls actually GOES to the event so we can get a good estimate of the turnout… But I suspect they couldn’t stomach the bs.
Yo! Just wanted to let everyone know that the head honcho of hell has packed up! I took a mouthful almost bigger than I could chew and the soul sucker almost broke me. Thank god for the internet and the needed ot data. And thanks for the birthday wishes! This year I engulfed myself in all the hate I could possibly process, a little depressing, but oh well. It’s too bad what’s happened, not only in the church, but the mess left across the planet. We keep surviving… Hopefully for a while, and for many generations to come… And though aliens may invade, and atmospheres may be pulled, there is spiritual freedom available that never existed- the cycle of heavenly regurgitation… It’s different now. Thanks again everyone.
Hi RonReincarnate, It is good to meet you.I am so happy you made it out and can be free in the Sunshine of real love and caring.My heroes list of escapees is getting long and I love that!!Love,Ann.
So nicely said! Ann B Watson, cool meeting you! (this username will self destruct.)
Correction: I looked up cool. The urban dictionary came close to the meaning I intended. A better way of saying it: our meeting was warmly felt. That is where it’s at! Ok, end of RonReincarnate for obvious reasons. Big Brother is not watching you. Everyone go enjoy a salted carmel ice cream atop honey saturated Zimbabwe toast ya hear. Love y’all little whimpersnappers, warriors, wizards, and wisdom seekers!
Ron, May you join your “100 friends” in a good place my friend.
Yes, exactly. People are being turned away from the events because they “don’t pass the security qualifications.”
I have a friend who’s whole family got their handy dandy photo ID approvals to be at the event, but he didn’t.
Another friend of mine was turned away from another event. They both left. Bye bye.
I think this is evidence that there is some sort of understanding between the church and its members, whether they are full-on or Under The Radar, The people putting on this farce have to know that venues like these are designed to accommodate a small crowd, so even in a best-case scenario, they’re going to get very few people. That brings us to the calls and texts. It’s been said that the party that cares the least in a relationship has more power. I can presume you’re not in any kind of trouble for not answering their calls and texts if they keep sending them out. They know they’re not getting new people, and they want to avoid losing the few people they have left to declares, so there’s this middle ground: don’t make a stink about our constant calling and we won’t make a stink about you not showing up to the events.
Valley is having their event in the chapel! I assume the chapel isn’t all the big judging from the others I’ve seen.
The chapel at the NEW Valley org is pretty big. Here are a couple of pics that show how big the stage is and a bit of the room.
On the first one, you see the crowd; times that crowd size by about 5 and that’s the size of the room. I think it used to be the chapel of the building before, but I’m not sure.
On the stage with the gold crew:
An excerpt from Dave’s 2015 birthday spiel. Can’t wait to hear the next installment of Shermanspeak.
“Never has he been more prominent,” Mr. Miscavige told the gathering of Scientologists. “Never more manifestly evident. Never closer to the consciousness of seven billion people on Earth. So not to overstate it, not to stretch the point, but, the fact is, LRH is everywhere this evening.”
LRH is not everywhere, they didn’t scatter his ashes that widely.
Well, I understand that his ashes were buried at sea so one could say that he now sleeps with the fishes.
Hi everyone. I am getting sick and tired of all this going on forever! I mean, it is an no brainer to see that in order to improve, the Church of Scientology just needs to correct its outpoints. Yes, we can discuss the way they approach and deal with the public which is quite an embarrassment. But there are obvious pink elephants in the room that just simply keep getting not-ised by everyone, and l mean everyone!! Being able to care for the senior Scientologists, those who dedicated many years of their lives in organizations, is of course a must! I think, finally, something is being done in that area. Now, the biggest outpoint, the one which is a herd of pink elephants in the room, or dinosaurs, if you will, it’s the Second Dynamic. This is what explains this obsessive must-have on bodies as we see in the way they deal with their dwindling public. When l say Second Dynamic, l mean of course, be able to marry, but most importantly, being able to have children and rear children in the Sea Org.
When LRH started the Sea Org, it was in war-mode, where there’s no time to care for children in the battlefield. The Sea Org ceased to be in war-mode long time ago. Therefore any Scientologist, including Sea Org members, should be able to have and rear children without any constraints of any kind. If war gets declared again, that policy would, naturally, be reinstated.
This is so obvious, that you can trace the decline of number of public when children became prohibited and abortions frequent, and more recently, marriages became almost impossible in the Sea Org. This, of course, reflects in the public itself.
This explains the growing “end-of- the-world” feeling on the part Sea Org members. Naturally, children is the future. This explains that and this explains much more.
I am a Scientologist and you would think that by talking to you, l am not. But l am. I hope you accept my viewpoint. And l hope we can have real Scientology organizations in the future!
I don’t blame you if you can’t see this as a herd of pink dinosaurs in a small room. It has been not-is for so long.
Phillip R Anderson
Phillip, please clarify what you mean by “The Sea Org ceased to be in war-mode long time ago.”
Hi Philip Anderson, Nice to meet you.I respect your viewpoint and understand why you feel that not having children in The Sea Org has changed the team in that respect.The thing is Phillip when I was Sea Org in the 70s the treatment of SO kids and actually the whole second dynamic tech was so so messed up.So I would never want to see kids and men & women treated the way they were.And for old time SOers still in with diseases that will not respond to auditing only like cancers etc,I can’t see how the treatment of them will change.
But you see I was badly hurt by the elephants in the room run by a rougue Go and how the Tech was applied.This unit did their own thing – I do not want to see anyone hurt by cos anymore.Take care,Ann.
There are outpoints in the church of scientology such as not allowing children in the SO and not caring for senior infirm members. There are other ‘outpoints’ which you haven’t mentioned. Disconnection, bankruptcy-regging, claims to have aims to save the planet but having no actual intention or means of doing so, smearing people who criticize the church and litigating them to ruin, making claims of efficacy when there is no such efficacy (scientology does not work as it claims to work) …you get the picture.
Talking about reforming scientology and the church is a cocktail party sport unless you actually sit down and look at it squarely. If you set scientology on the straight and narrow you don’t have scientology any more. Scientology requires your ignorance in order for it to have authority. The only thing that dissolves ignorance is knowledge and that’s the EXACT reason why communication and inquiry are restricted in scientology. It isn’t to spare a person from “entheta” it’s to keep them from acquiring knowledge. It is my opinion that scientology doesn’t have outpoints it IS an outpoint.
I like your comment enormously. You’ve hit the nail on the head. Scn cannot afford for people to have knowledge. Scn IS the lie. End of story.
Your argument implies that the Sea Org is worthy of existence. They’ve shown since 1967 that they’re not. Some dyed-in-the-wool Indies and Exes have said, straight out, that L. Fraud’s biggest mistake was the creation of the Sea Org. Hubbard wanted the Sea Org to be the equivalent of the Jesuits. They turned out to be the equivalent of the SS, with their own little Hitler Youth program to get ’em while they’re young.
What I say is something that a lot of Exes and Indies have also said: if you think Scientology can be reformed (I can’t), Step One (or Step Two after the eradication of KSW) is the abolition of the Sea Org. There is and has never been a purpose to it. And if you think that they’ve been “corrupted” by Miscavige (the standard excuse for anything wrong in Scientology according to the Indies), just read what our wonderful, lovely Ann Watson has to say about her experiences in the Borg during the mid-seventies. She’s revealed some stuff that’ll curl your hair.
Hi Espiando, Thank you to one of my all time Heroes.My hair actually did curl during my fun and games in SO,it is stick straight usually,and it it still taking years to uncurl as I recall more.I leave Indies to whatever,as long as no hurt or harm is ever involved,but Old Ron I do not love him at all anymore and dm well nuff said.I love U though always,Ann..
“Your argument implies that the Sea Org is worthy of existence. They’ve shown since 1967 that they’re not. Some dyed-in-the-wool Indies and Exes have said, straight out, that L. Fraud’s biggest mistake was the creation of the Sea Org. Hubbard wanted the Sea Org to be the equivalent of the Jesuits. They turned out to be the equivalent of the SS, with their own little Hitler Youth program to get ’em while they’re young.”
Wonderful description!
“Being able to care for the senior Scientologists, those who dedicated many years of their lives in organizations, is of course a must! I think, finally, something is being done in that area.”
Phillip, could you please tell us what is “finally” being done to help senior members? Last I checked, once someone became useless to Miscavige (no more free labor, no more money to give) they were just off-loaded. 1) When did Scientology suddenly grow a conscience about elderly members? 2) If they are now taking care of the elderly members, does that include them being able to see the people they love before they die?
Dude, what are you talking about? Scientology doesn’t work and never did. It is a system of self-deception designed to get people’s money. It uses some basic psychological techniques to achieve some minor positive results (like how to talk to people) and then, in getting you to describe your success or gains, reinforces them. It is a well known fact that publicly taking a position on a topic (even just saying it to yourself) will strengthen your commitment to it. Additionally, your belief in a topic strengthens over time even if no new evidence comes in! As practiced, Scientology uses both of these.
Scientology is not scientific and never was; in fact LRH went out of his way to avoid testing that would check to see if he was on to anything. Scientologists claim that you test it by trying it out; to see if it works for you. NO, this is exactly the wrong way to go about it. Down that path lies self-deception because the easiest person do deceive is yourself. You need a randomized, double-blinded, placebo controlled trial to find out if it has any effects. Where are the scientific papers? It’s been decades. (And don’t tell me there’s no way to use single or double blinding or a placebo – we figured out how to do it with ~acupuncture~ for crying out loud and that involves sticking needles into people!)
And lastly, here’s something to think about: the e-meter. Why do people hold the cans? Any electrical current is going to be affected by the variation in the area of skin as they are being held. They should be rings not cans – or better yet, clips or adhesive patches. Or even more, they should be patches on either side of the head! You’re looking for the electrical charge of thoughts, right? Why transmit through the body with all the possible interference from dozens of muscles in between each hand when you can put a couple of contact patches on the temples and only get interference from a handful of muscles! Scientology doesn’t even pass a basic smell test for practicality.
When LRH brought his ideas about human psychology to scientists working in the field, they asked him to show his work. Since he hadn’t done any, he got all butthurt about being called on it and demonized psychiatry instead. And that’s where we are today.
Anxiously awaiting your response Phillip.
Omg that reply was epic, amazing and so true. Thank you!!!
Dear Mr. Anderson – I feel your pain and disheartenment at the situation.
I’ve been around the subject (and was super dedicated) since 1976. There was a time when SO COULD have kids. They would just route out of the SO til the child was 12, I believe, (correct me if I’m wrong on the age). They would go and serve at a class V org until that day and would route back into the SO.
Then the child would be put into the cadet org and groomed for the SO. It was quite a feeder system.
Then that system broke down. I don’t know exactly what happened, if SO guys weren’t allowed to go to the Class V orgs anymore or what, but nurseries were being set up for the babies and the sh*t hit the fan. Horrific care, not clean, kids kept in their beds all day…and then, when the kids were 8, 10, 12, 15, they were running loose on the streets while their parents were on post.
I was there and saw this personally. The kids were basically in a gang (not violent “gang” gangs, but hanging together all day) and had nothing to keep their minds occupied and no schooling was going on at all. From what I heard at that time, these kids were getting into all sorts of trouble.
Then, sometime in the ’90s, I saw an order that the SO guys could NOT have kids if they were in the SO. The first thing I thought was, “Oh, that’s where the CI on the 2D is coming from, the top.” I also thought that that was the stupidest thing ever because the SO guys’ kids, if they stayed in the cadet org, were really great SO members. Right then, I predicted the shrinkage of the SO from there on out.
Ron had written, years ago, that he didn’t mean for the SO to be a block on the SO members’ second dynamic so didn’t want to forbid having kids. He had his own.
But, as we know, little Davie doesn’t have any kids and HATES people to be in a 2D. He separates them at any chance he gets.
This explains a lot of ethics handlings when you try to put someone’s ethics in for doing completely out-ethics stuff on the 2D. “The 2D is so insane, that you shouldn’t even try to handle it” the old man said. Boy, did that open a pandora’s box of men AND women doing out ethics stuff on the 2D because they knew they’d never be called on the carpet, pardon the pun.
That’s my 2-cent’s worth.
I liked LRH when I have heard about his works in 1973 .. but at this time were all books in english .. so I have read about his works from Ruth Minshull .. and I liked what I have read .. made good sense to me .. could use it in my daily life ..
It is not the same when I read Hubbard works later in original .. Hubbard said to often Yes and No at the same time .. it was following confusing to go with that .. and now after all this yeas it is clear to me that a lot of scientologist made the same experience .. only they used themselves the Yes and No at the same time too .. but is basically no tech in this .. no religion in it .. basically is nothing in it .. If I or Ruth has known before that LRH goes later to hunt BTs .. it were clear that LRH tried to handle his own case .. his own case about fear of enemies .. fear to be wronged ..
It used me a long time to get this Yes and No philosophy together .. but there are million words given from LRH .. so it is not easy to find that this Yes and No condition did never end for himself .. he did never handle his own case .. his target ..
Miscavige rewrote the books of LRH .. and he eliminated a lot of this Yes and No states of origination .. he calls it originally intended by LRH .. no, not, the original intention from LRH was to handle his own case .. not yours .. not mine ..
If LRH went on target 2 .. and calls it an OT process .. it is silly .. it is silly, because there was never at any time such a process to handle OTs .. .. it is a process for introversion and never for being OT .. I mean the only thing you can get out of it is fixed attention ..
Happy birthday to LRH ..
Hi Friend, Thank you for your interesting post. Yes, It was the do as I say not as I do,that I began to see which permeated Ron’s Sea Org World.Dm may be similar but I feel he is so mean,Ron too but had a way of making me think I was the best Sea Orger ever,even when the other hand was slapping me into Ethics.The use of the tech standardly applied that is.Aso heading toward the OT levels started a crack in my thinking about those too.There were Sea Org OTs who loved me and those that loathed me.I really could not see how being OT about it changed their minds either way.
This is just me,but I can’t wish old Ron Happy BDay anymore because honestly I do not know his age,wherever he is and whatever he is doing.Dm lip services the anniversary of Ron’s B Day because it justifies all the crap he has done with the bridge etc,…keeps the sheeple asleep- deep asleep.Always,Ann.
Sometimes I wonder (or ponder) if the people at “Valley” who seem to be mostly older, longer-term members, are just staying in mainly because it’s like a social club that they have invested many many years in, and have life-long friends there, and don’t want to lose that.
I’m thinking that if they just could form a side-club for social purposes… move all the members onto their “friend” roster for the club, and plan outings, meetings, card-parties, movie nights out (or in) visit with each other and have lunches at restaurants and members homes, see plays, go bowling, go to cultural fairs, events, etc., all with this core group of friends so they won’t lose them, but just lose the ‘scientology” part of it… that would cost a whole lot less than the big donations they give to “Valley” where the money seems to just vanish after being donated and they don’t have anything to show for it. Wait.. oh right, I forgot.. they can’t do the whole “friend as a side club” thing, because of that little thing called “disconnection”. If someone leaves the rest have to shun them… so it would never work unless they all agreed somehow to leave en mass, as a group. Or maybe if a few brave ones could just say they are done with it and got others to leave too.
But anyway, I’m thinking (or more like pondering again) that pretty soon it will be a moot point, it will be decided for them, when Miscavige declares the Orgs defunct or Scientology itself as non-viable and declares bankruptcy or says that they just aren’t going to be having some places like Valley anymore… didn’t they close down some Scientology places already or fold them into others and so forth?
What happens when there is no more Valley, and they will have to start their own group or be cut-off from their friends… better to start now, with whatever money they still have than to invest more of it into a sinking ship, or dying movement. Late night pondering. – T.J.
by the way, what is this called: … ? those 3 dots of english language punctuation. I tried looking it up but couldn’t seem to phrase the question right and couldn’t get an answer. apparently, late night pondering makes you use them a lot…
It’s called an “ellipsis”.
Thank you Espiando! I thought it was something with an “e”. It’s nice to know that. – T.J.
Hi T.J., I enjoyed your post. I think your comments on the oldsters still in ring true for me.You picked a twisty complicated subject to ponder,and you succinctly pondered it! If they could just open those eyes and see that leaving is one of the hardest thing ever, but having friends, family and a life outside the bubble is not only possible but body mind and spirit healing as well.If they could only step back for one second and see the truth about cos!Maybe they do not have any $ or family on the outside and are petrified of that,so they stay dm’s slaves year after year.Sad sad.
On a happy note Espiando is an encyclopedia of fascinating facts.I use…a lot and never knew the term for it.Oh those 7th grade grammar courses!Thank you Espiando.Thank you T.J. How about a huge toast to what was once my holiest day of the year 3/13 & now I toast Ron’s Un Birthday long may the numbers go backwards!To zero and beyond.Ann get your coffee before you ponder that fact all morning!! Love U T.J.?Ann.
Hi Ann B 🙂 Yes, Espiando answered the question, he’s a smart guy. I have been pondering a lot recently, mostly on human rights issues all over the world, and mostly on things I can do nothing about. Sadly.
As far as Valley, I remembering seeing photos that someone posted of looking through the windows at huge photos of the donors and the even larger sums of money they had donated, yet it was still closed most of the time, and they were still asking members for more money. It sounds like after the event they are asking for even more, and I was thinking, what if it all shuts down, they will have nothing, and no chance of getting that money back.
Ann, I love hearing your stories about your times with LRH, I find it fascinating and your recollections often make me smile, you have such a lovely way of recalling those times no matter what you experienced, please never stop telling us about them. I hope you have a happy day, remember today starts daylight savings time so set your clock ahead one hour, same for everyone who lives in the states, except Arizona and Hawaii. Lucky people outside the U.S. don’t have to deal with that twice a year. Love to you too! – T.J.
“Shrine: 6,300
Dolby Theater: 3,400
Dolby Ballroom: 2,000” —- COOL!! Standing O! I hope Valley will have….what….12 people? LOL.
Jose’s Chung’s closet: 20
the COS has now graduated to straight up desperation, it’s like every parody of the overly possessive and grabby ex-boyfriend/girlfriend who is constantly texting and calling “where are you? are you coming over?”
Even Carrie and Ross mentioned it, the texts, the calls.
No one likes a desperate person – hey COS, we’re just not that into you. ?
The news about $cientology paints a picture of a failed organization, desperate to hold on to the very few people they have not yet offended or chased away. An incredibly greedy and evil organization that destroys families, practices slavery and child labor (Sea Org), forces young women to have abortions (Sea Org), and constantly cheats, lies, and steals. In short the most UNethical group in the world.
To those of you under-the-radars who have to attend this event to keep up appearances, I feel for you. Being forced to listen to Miscavige blather nonsense for hours should be classified as cruel and unusual punishment.
Also, good luck avoiding the regs. They’ll, no doubt, be desperate for your cash, credit cards, jewelry and/or your organs. I hope that next year you won’t have to attend any of these events.
KSS – Keep Scientology Shrinking
KSS– Keep Scientology Shrinking. Now THAT’S funny!! It should be adopted as a slogan by all who have escaped the Co$.
KSW = Keep Scientology Wanking
Seems reasonable as they’re a bunch of wankers anyway…
Right, and lil’ Davey is doing a great job of Keeping Scientology Worsening.
The desperation in South Africa is strong too. People have reported up to 5 calls a day (and more) trying to get them to attend the event – many have not set foot near an org in years. As for Valley OTC, when an org resorts to asking the OTC to do call-in, you know things are bad. It means they do not have the manpower to do it themselves.
Is the main LRH Birthday event at Flag or in California? Even if they have 2,000 people at the event at either place the halfof them are going to be Sea Org members, 25 percent probably local Scientology org mission or group staff and hardly any public. I remember the crazy times when e were not allowed to leave the base until we made a sales quota on something…
Flag. Drove by Ruth Eckerd Hall an hour ago on way home from a trip to the children’s museum in St. Pete.
There was a police SUV stationed at the entrance with it’s lights flashing. Large potted shrubs have been installed, along with a “Welcome to the Event” sign at the corners of the entrance drive to make it difficult for anyone to stand there with signs…
The fortress has been carefully erected to keep everyone not invited out.
So much for the “welcoming” church of scientology they tout.
There is some minor SP leakage here:
This is fantastic news. People who are left in this cult in the LA area are bound to see the shrinkage. Keep up the great work miscaviage ??
Wise words from one of my favorite bloggers:
Seth Godin’s Blog : Self awareness in the face of marketing
Self awareness in the face of marketing
“I know that this expensive herbal tincture homeopathic remedy is merely an expensive placebo. But I’ll take it anyway, because placebos work.”
A friend used to wear a fur coat in the winter, telling me that it was the only thing that kept her warm. Of course, if the goal was warmth, she’d probably be better off wearing it inside out.
We buy luxury goods, take placebos and engage in all sorts of actions that aren’t going to hold up under the rational analysis of a double-blind study. But they work because we want them to. And often, we want them to because of marketing.
We end up conflating the things we believe with the powerful marketing that got us to believe those things. We feel like questioning the role of marketing is somehow questioning who we are and what we hold dear.
Mostly, marketing is what we call it when someone else is influenced by a marketer. When we’re influenced, though, it’s not marketing, it’s a smart choice.
Do you use that toothpaste because they ran ads that resonated with you, or because you think it actually makes your teeth whiter?
It doesn’t have to be this way… The thing is, placebos work even if you’re smart enough to know that they’re placebos.
Are there primary voters who say, “I know that he craves attention, hustling and manipulating to sell emotional promises, not realistic action, but I’m going to vote for him anyway, because it makes me feel powerful to do so…”?
As soon as that self-awareness kicks in, it’s possible to be more discerning about what you believe and why.
Or are there mindful people who say, “there’s no clear right answer in this conflict, but my people, my folks, we have always supported this side, so I’m going to keep doing that, because breaking with them is too painful…”?
As soon as you ask that question, it’s a lot easier to have a civil, productive conversation, because instead of wearing yourself out arguing tropes, you can talk about the actual issue, which is belonging to a tribe. We can talk about how we work through the cultural change to get to a new place, not have an argument about history.
Marketing works. It’s powerful. We’re able to acknowledge that and see it for what it is without giving up what we choose to believe.
We can create better decisions and more amity by being clear with ourselves and others about how marketing is changing what we believe (and vice versa).
It’s a lot harder to be manipulated if you accept that there’s a manipulator, and it’s a lot easier to see a path forward if you acknowledge that you weren’t looking for one before.
Reply to all:
No Secret that I have been smeared by the COB
for everything except clubbing baby Harp Seals.
Next year the LRH Birthday event can be held in my closet
at my new digs, really! catered by Dominos.
See no hard feelings !!!!
Considering mandatory attendance for staff and crew, the number of public actually expected has to be under 1000.
I will comment after the event because
it’s impossible to predict the mind of
David Miscavige. But in any case
it’s either bigger downstats or
massive crash of all times.
David Miscavige? Downstats? Massive crash? That is reality as we know it, not Demented Maniacs reality as he would have us know it. To quote from the Lego Movie: “Everything is awesome.”
Ah yes, of course! Or: “booming stats”, “massive expansion” and “Straight up and vertical!” as it will be reported internally!
You really do have to read between the LIES, eh? 🙂
Kinda looks like the the Valley is ‘out to get you’ for using your cold cash to create an ‘opposition terminal’ in Orlando.
Question for MIke:
On the Underground Bunker today, Dennis Holt is doing some influence work on behalf of Scientology, it appears, that is if this story is on the mark.
My question, who on the Scientology COS side, does the contact to Holt, to get Holt to relay such a message as was apparently relayed by Holt to Regency?
How in OSA, or does Moxon do this, or does one of the hired COS lawyers do this?
What’s that chain of players on the Scientology side who try to get Holt to do this message errand stuff for Scientology?
ChUck. No idea. Never heard of him before Tony mentioned him
I was talking to my never in husband about the billboard and he just said “Their entire lives are spent putting out fires that they started and looking like idiots because they do that. People would leave them alone if they weren’t so childish. They can’t stop themselves from making more bad press because they think they are so smart. I doubt anyone voluntarily attends any meeting they have these days.”
Last night at dinner, my never in son in law commented when I said “She wrote an anti-scientology book”. He said “No one could possibly sell a pro-scientology book.”
That is basically the worldview of scientology from people who don’t read anti-scientology blogs and who have never been in. Scientology dissemination won’t help at this point. It appears that most people have heard of scientology now and that is NOT a good thing. They have only their fearful aging members to support them.
I am not a bible reader nor have I been a member of any religion for over 35 years. However, there is a bible passage I took to heart as a young child that still applies:
Matthew 7:16-20 King James Version (KJV)
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
Valerie, that’s a really good section to reflect upon. Thanks for sharing that. Whether or not one has strong religious beliefs of any nature or not, it’s always good to read teachings, scriptures, thoughts, ideas, beliefs to evaluate them and compare or contrast them to your own, or just reflect upon those ideas and beliefs. The worst thing is to close one’s mind off to other thoughts, refusing to even read other viewpoints (or ‘entheta’) or whatever one chooses to call it. Keep an open mind, explore viewpoints, refine your own, admire those things you have found to be true and have value. Ponder and thing about everything. I enjoyed re-reading this, thanks again for sharing, this is an interesting forum.
that should say “ponder and think about..” obviously, I should ponder and think about proof-reading my posts for spelling errors before hitting that “post comment” button. 🙂
Good post, Valerie! Unfortunately it will never be used by the hundreds of steeple because they don’t read or believe in the Bible.
That’s going to make for an ugly graph that won’t be featured at the next New Year’s Event.
Shrine: 6,300
Dolby Theater: 3,400
Dolby Ballroom: 2,000
47X? Please contain your laughter until after the event. Thank you.
Dang, they seem to put a lot of emphasis on attendance confirmation. I’d love the see the stats on arrivals over confirms. Is it above or below 50%? I think there’s a diminishing return on the multiple confirmation attempts, such that for example: With across the board single confirmation contact they would get 50% actual uptake, but then as they up the ante by making 5 confirm contacts, the target audience may be intimidated by the idea of their increasingly solidified commitment so that the uptake reaches 65%. But then as the confirm contacts increase toward 10 or above, the target audience will start to realize that no matter how much they assure their attendance, it will not stop the calls. They then start to move to the ‘fuck it’ stage, and determine that they will promise and renege, dropping the uptake down to 40%.
Next stage: Hire PI firms to personally visit Public at home, and escort them directly to the event. I hear that next year they’re going to rent out the Sal Mineo Salon at the Culver City Ramada Inn, capacity 185.
What do L Ron Miscavige and Marco (T) Trump have in common?
They say it’s Ron’s birthday
I’ve had it, I’m through, yeah
They say it’s Ron’s birthday
Ain’t gonna be a good time
Not attending his birthday
You’ll get no more loot
Come on
Come on
Yes I’m going to a party party
But it ain’t your party party
Yes I’m going to a party party
I decided to blow (Birthday)
Took a cha-cha-cha-chance (Birthday)
I decided to blow (Birthday)
Blow yeah
Come on
I would like you to blow (Birthday)
Take a cha-cha-cha-chance (Birthday)
I would like you to blow (Birthday)
Oh blow! Blow
They say it’s Ron’s birthday
I’ve had it, I’m through, yeah
They say it’s Ron’s birthday
Ain’t gonna be a good time
Not attending his birthday
You’ll get no more loot
Happy Birthday!!!
Hi Gadfty, What a treat! I had some type of song running through my head about 3/13 too,You had the lyrics perfectly.I well recall Ron’s birthday gifts from Asho D & F. He sure got the loot! One year I remember two big motorcycles they weren’t Triumps or Indians, I cannot recall the name,but very expensive rides.Sent them off to the Apollo who was out sailing the seven seas.Looking back all this seems like a long ago movie gone bad! Love,Ann.
Thanks Ann – seemed appropriate re all the Hubbard hype.
He’s not a COB that misses much,
doo doo doo doo doo doo
oh yeah
He’s well acquainted with a row chairs that are missing any human butts.
A soap impression of person of his wife which he ate and donated to the RPF.
He needs a fix cause he’s going down
Down to the empty auditorium down town.
He needs a fix cause he’s going down
All of the scions have jumped the shark
All of the scions have jumped the shark
All of the scions have jumped the shark
All of the scions have jumped the shark
When the sea org’s, on the phone,
And they hear nothing but a busy signal.
They know no bodies gonna be at home
Our happiness is his warm glum
Our happiness is his warm glum
Our happiness is his warm glum
Our happiness is his warm, yes it is…. glum…. oh yeah.
There will be 5 S.O. members assigned to each public person there to reg reg reg!. That’s why people do not want to attend, They can not stand to hear a Sea Org member say you must buy this new release! And intend, cause if I do not make my quota I will be punished. Please buy,please! Its enough to make you hurl.
I already did.
I did twice. I feel much better now.
Mail it to Dave with your Success Story.
Actually the crush reggers won’t ask the public members to buy multimedia or services, which are being phased out anyway, but to up their IAS status by donating at least five figures before flowing more energy to the other Sea Org members in line for planetary calming programs.
Of course the Front Porch of infinity is just a metaphor and not an actual place where you can have a huge LRH Birthday Party but after David Miscavige’s New Year speech about unprecedented expansion I was sure this year’s event would be at Dodger Stadium. By all rights that’s where it should be held but the psychiatrists have stood in the way of making this a world where man can be free.
Fortunately that profession is about to be wiped off the face of the earth once the scientologists , with their smear campaign, annoy them out of existence! Until then we will celebrate in a more modest venue with literally DOZENS of Ron’s worshipful friends, check books and credit cards in hand, poised to turn ours into the first GALAXY OF TERROR! I mean, FREEDOM!
So, what’s the deal with this LRH Birthday Game? Is there a home version so we can all join in? Can you play it outside on the front porch of infinity if it’s not too windy? I’m feeling a little bit left out.
Chris, if you can get attendance in Los Angeles or Clearwater below the make break point of 100, you win.
Birthday CELEBRATION? More like SELLabration. They are heading for the “trash can of eternity”.
Into the dumpster of delusion.
The reason Dave’s not using the Shrine anymore is because it’s not really IDEAL™ based on RTC guidelines for safepointed locations. For the future, this will include the Dolby as well, due to the downstat element in the surrounding area. The only reason for the test center a few blocks away is to have a presence in Hollywood and good PR for the church as evidenced by Winter Wonderland.
For GAT 3, he’ll be announcing plans to build an ideal facility for events (IFFE) bigger than Dodger Stadium.
It’s always gives the warm and fuzzies to see the masters of communication plying their trade.
The contraction of Scientology has never been starker or more exposed than at recent Birthday (reg) Events.
However, if you’re into other’s birthdays for group gatherings there’s always Christmas – that’s popular with family and friends plus you get pressies and stuff.
The one way flow of Scientology is just so… boringly criminal. Nothing good comes from being a member of the Cof$.
It just dawned on me that there are probably more technically efficient people with Scientology’s tech that have been declared than are actually practicing it… You’d have to be some sort of cretin to be a HGC auditor under the present regime anyway.
“Nothing good comes from being a member of the Co$.” I Yawn, I couldn’t agree more. But, I would like to add something. Now only does nothing good come from being a member, you’re saddled with guilt, and surrounded with extreme negativity. All in all, it’s a lose lose situation….
But where else do you get to write success stories with no real success?
Trump University apparently. It was compared to scientology on Zbill Maher last nite for taking money and demanding “success stories” like scientology.
Time for the cobster to play his trump card.
I’d like to see the COBster and Trump in the octagon…..
Or Trump could clobber the cobster….
Go clobber!!!
Only two places: Scientology & the Trumpster.
Gadfly, it’s the dumpster on the front porch of eternity. You thinking of another dumpster.
You may be right, but I’m sure the toothbrushes can be used for the both.
Hi Gadfly, You are so good these posts,I can’t resist one more comment! Yes those toothbrushes have a unique ability To become the tool for whatever condition one is slogging through! Magic toothbrushes indeed! Also I had the thrill of waxing some corridors at Big Blue with one, lay down the wax and scrub it off at the same time.That is KSWing all the way! Xo, Ann.
“Valley All-Stars”…yes, I know that’s what they call themselves in the Birthday Game stats, but surely “Valley Porn Stars” would be more accurate, for more than one reason.
Why bother renting out a place? Why not have this disastrous little get-together at the SuMP? They’ve got soundstages there large enough for the expected crowd, they can dress the set any way they like, they have the audiovisual equipment right there for filming, they have the capability for live feed to the morgues if they desire, they have the editing equipment right there for creating send-out DVDs, and they can show off the place to prospective whales. This makes sense, doesn’t it? The SuMP is supposed to be their tool for worldwide dissemination, and a key part of that dissemination is creating a hagiography around their “founder” (Protip: take a cue from the Catholic orders; they’ve known how to do this for over a thousand years). Show the damn place off and try to get donations for “turning it Ideal”.
I don’t mind giving them advice here because it’s too damn late for them to do anything about it. But I’ll lay you good odds that they’ll do this next year, and they won’t even send me a thank-you for this good advice.
If you managed to get an undercover agent in there, just remember the poor fellow will need the Shermanspeak rundown afterwards.
…and a good stiff drink.
…or three
Rookies! I can go through two bottles of wine in an hour.
Question: What means bs?
Friend, bs is Bullshit.
No, seriously flyonthewall. bs is Bullshit.
Ok, but, I’d rather think about it then ponder….
gah! :p
think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion.
synonyms: think about, contemplate, consider, review, reflect on, mull over, meditate on, muse on, deliberate about, cogitate on, dwell on, brood on, ruminate on, chew over, puzzle over, turn over in one’s mind, overthink
to consider something deeply and thoroughly; meditate (often followed by over or upon). 2. to weigh carefully in the mind; consider thoughtfully: He pondered his next words thoroughly.
to consider something deeply and thoroughly; meditate
ponder, meditate, muse, ruminate, to consider or examine attentively or deliberately. ponder implies a careful weighing of a problem or, often, prolonged inconclusive thinking about a matter “pondered the course of action”.
v. pon·dered, pon·der·ing, pon·ders. To think about (something) with thoroughness and care. To reflect or consider with thoroughness and care.
Sometimes you want to think about something, sometimes you just want to ponder…
Well done, TJ! Pass on the words! Now go and wordclear ‘bullshit’.
“bs” is short for “bull shit”, as in: “that’s a bunch of bull shit” or “you’re full of bull shit” – either of which is the appropriate response to any of the endless lies, nonsense, and crazy talk spewed by LRH and his loyal subjects.
“BS” is an American slang abbreviation for “bullshit”, in this context meaning “nonsense”.
We’re slingin’ a lot of shit around here.
Keep it away from the fan.
Way, WAY too late…..
BS is the initials for r the natural organic waste product of cattle husbandry.
Sounds like bullshit to me.
I like the way you say that, Leslie. So gentile…
Yes, but I let that R in there. To err is Human but to Arr is to Pirate.
Arrrrrrgggggg! My lady, you be speakin’ the truth.
Regarding the LA event, it would be fairly easy for some enterprising sort who lives in LA to park across the street on Burbank Blvd (and maybe a second person on the cross street in case that entrance is open). A GoPro behind a tinted window will easily be able to capture the people arriving from 5:00 to 7:00. If you get out of the car and go have a nice dinner in a nearby restaurant (there are restaurants on this part of Lankershim right around the corner, but they’re not as nice as all the redeveloped part further south towards Magnolia), it wouldn’t arouse suspicion like sitting in a car would.
Then we could get an exact count of the number of attendees. It would certainly embarrass David Miscavige to have the “exact time, place, form and event” of a massive fail on one of the most important fundraising days in the Scientology year brought home with details. While it’s certainly reasonable to believe that fewer than 100 people will show to this, it’s harder for fence-sitters to argue with an actual number, especially if it’s backed up by a YouTube video.
Any thoughts on whether this is an officially sanctioned event or whether this is some sort of renegade event? If it’s officially sanctioned, why would they think that having a separate event is optimal, when it might cut 50 people out of the “crowd” they’re going to get on the other side of the hill?
I was also surprised by that. Why would they have an event at the same time? Are they that disorganized that no one thought to coordinate with the main office or whatever it’s called, or that thoughtless that they just planned it on their own, or did they intend to have their own event and pull people away from the main event? It does seem strange and perplexing. – T.J.
Someone who has been getting calls in LA sent me the following:
The OT Committee person that called me was very clear. After the event there will be “a special message about Valley” which is “exclusively for valley attendees.” She was clear that there will be more demands for money.
So you have it right. This is why Valley is having there own event. MONEY.
Ah, the smell of desperation!
I love the smell of desperation in the morning. It’s smells like victory! Apologies to Apocalypse Now.
“Enchanting”, “thrilling”, “incredible”, “biggest”, “winners”.
Lets see if the enchanted, thrilled, biggest incredible winners have enough positive postulates to pick the winner in the Kentucky Derby and thus picking a favorite I’ll have little to donate to the IAS.
Outflow equals inflow, unless the outflow is crap, then you need to mop up the outflow before someone slips.
Great post, Pete! That sums it up PERFECTLY! And with all their ‘outflow,’ I hope they remember to put some signs around stating, “Caution: Slippery when outflowing.”
I stopped outflowing to Scientology as my flows got stuck – applying the tech just the way Ron intended.
Too late.
“…from this year of incredible expansion…”
-entheta up 2000%
-ex’s sharing their heartbreaking stories higher than ever.
-knowledge spread via “Going Clear” and Leah’s book… Monumental!
Yes a year like never before!
Cult Parents Without Partners (and/or kids) …Upstat at 47X!
One day, attendance will be so small they will have to hold the event in Miscavige’s office, saving a ton of money thereby.
It’s time to recruit Justin Bieber.
Noooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! Please!!! Anyone but Justin Bieber!
Now that’s a fight I’d like to see, Scientology versus Scooter Braun and Patti Bieber for control of Justin. Scooter’s like a rat in heat when it comes to things like this, and he won’t lay down and die. As for Patti, she’s so focused on her son’s career that at the beginning, she used the YouTube Pedophile Brigade to get Justin some attention. Google “YTASK” if you don’t believe that.
Scooter and Patti will expose Scientology for the amateurs that they are.
Imagine Eminem rapping about Scientology:
I ain’t fallin’ for L. Ron
And end up a brain dead moron
They be money grubbin’ with hard ons
And suckin’ your dollars like Exxon
Gadfly, it’s time for us to get ready
Just like our cousin Freddie
We’ll take on the cult
And whip it’s butt
And then they’ll know we’re ready.
As far as I know, Patti Bieber is actually Patti Mallette as she and Jeremy Bieber (Justin’s dad) were never married.
Good idea if you’re one of those that wants to end Justin Bieber’s career.
Hah, that’s a funny thought, recruiting Justin Bieber. But just think if it really happened, what a huge boost that would give the Church, generating interest in millions of young girls – it would be amazing. But of course, it will never happen, they’d have to fight with the illuminati for control of him… lol. :p
Krickey! I’m no fan of the Beibs but I don’t dislike him enough to wish that on him!
There is another whale who likes to build big buildings they could set their sights on, wouldn’t wee Davey and Donald Duck make a great pair? It would be Huge, they could share a barber.
The Don & Dave show.
They could call it “oh-no-don-and-dave”.
Amazing, eh? Plus who will have the courage to sit there for two+ hours and listen the mumbled bombastic words of Mr Sherman?
Now, if you make it through that, then it is enough motive to give you a commendation, a huge one!
Does Aaron Mason still write anything for david miscavige? Where is Aaron Mason?
Last I saw him he was in the Hole in late 2006
I remember him from the PAC RPF. He had an attractive wife. His mother soon followed him into the gulag. This is some sad shit!
Wait…..what??? I thought everything in the cult was ‘sad shit.’ Did something change?
Some shit be sadder than others brah.
Now that’s just way sad…..
Somebody check casting calls for audience members for the event.
amy, that’s the best idea I’ve heard in quite awhile! They’ve used extras before. No reason for them not to use extras again.
This would be sad if the CoS weren’t such a cruel, damaging organization.
Cruel and damaging. And that’s when they’re trying to be nice…
Scientology’s party is over….and ours is just beginning!
I wonder what mechanisms those self righteous Koolaid drinkers dream up as year after year the audience is fewer and older.Maybe:The people on this Bridge are crazy.Everybody is going in the wrong direction.There must be an sp somewhere under the bed.
If the were held in a small place like the Ray Dolby Ballroom, and the fliers read:
LRH Birthday Event
By Special Invitation ONLY
See Your Birthday Consultant at CCLA
The doors will close forever thereafter on the possibility of any future church expansion.
Even a Psychiatrist is more of an auditor than that. 🙂
“All” better be welcome at Ruth Eckerd Hall also. I doubt it but if Tampa Org has their own at the same time, david miscavige can claim that REH wasn’t full because thousands went to Tampa.
At any rate I’m on a david miscavige lookout. Is Tiny Fists in town?
YEs,he will be just down the road from you tonight! But security will be extra tight, no doubt teeming with PI’s and off-duty cops as there is a film crew in town….
Oh Geez! Tiny Fist’s head must be imploding – paranoia setting in hard and heavy. I drove by and did notice the shrubs (to obscure any protesters) going up around that intersection at REH and a big square sign that says, “Welcome To The Event.” Lol.
Too late for this year, but maybe next year some nice large signs with the headshots of:
Mike Rinder of course
Marty Rathbun
Debbie Cook
Leah Remini
Nicole Kidman
Katie Holmes
Paul Haggis
Tony Ortega
Jason Beghe
Tom DeVocht
Jenna Miscavige
Ron Miscavige
Add who ever you think would piss off Miscavge the most, and have them line the way into REH. Permits would be needed of some sort of course.
All with appropriate memes.
Would be Toooo much fun.
All around REH on streetlight banners.
Now. wouldn’t a nice big billboard with those faces on it plus a caption something like, “The rejected of Scientology… Whose’s next?
Actually more to the point..”those who (wised up and walked) rejected the Church of Scientology”
There are Objectivists who do celebrate Ayn Rand’s birthday but it’s more a buy a present for yourself thing.
A bit selfish of them I suppose…
I got a telepathic reply from the skipper: “Hey what’s with all he mud around here?”
Hmm, seems someone was right after all…
Ah the memories… Getting those event event confirm phone calls 6 or more times. Certainly is nice to be out of that loop. Nasty old SPs don’t get the privilege of being reconfirmed a dozen times for a 3-hour cruise on the love-boat from hell. Skipper happy B’day bud. How’s it going circling that star?
So, despite the fact that the cult “won” in Brussels for mostly delays and some errors of the 18 years instruction, very few scientologists were there? What an eviudence that your work and the works of many others are getting great results against the scam.