The press gangs are swinging into action for the upcoming March 13 LRH Birthday Celebration. Of course, this is going to be the LARGEST, BESTEST, EXCEPTIONALEST, UNPRECEDENTEDEST EVER (since the last event).
ALL public are “welcome” PROVIDED you have have a NEW IAS card. Not one from last year, they are no good any longer. You must have a new one. And a color tag so they can tell what sort of person you are.
The email below has gone out in all Continental areas.
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014
From: Scientology Events <[email protected]>
Subject: Xxxxx, your selectees and LRH’s Birthday!Dear Xxxxx,
This is our first LRH Birthday Celebration since the Launch of Golden Age of Tech Phase II! The Standard Tech results coming off the lines are exceptional, people are moving up the Bridge at unprecedented rates! Thus, we are going to have the largest celebration to date for our Founder!
EVERYONE is invited – veteran Scientologists, brand new Scientologists, and even people who may not have been on service at an Org or Mission for many years.
We need your assistance!!! Contacting and inviting EVERYONE. We’ve culled a list of all those we have record of you selecting for the last 10 years. Your communication to all of these people is vital!
Your selectees that we had records of are listed below.
To better service you as FSMs, and to increase the quality of the experience for your selectees we’ve created “Birthday Stickers” with color demarcations. This allows our staff to know who they are approaching, and also how to best greet and service them. I’ve attached a flier on this, so you can see what each color means.
This is LRH’s Birthday. In 1981 he put out a letter to be posted at ALL of his Birthday Celebrations around the world:
“Welcome to my birthday party and thank you for all the wonderful good wishes you have sent along. Tonight you and I are celebrating the highest ever expansion in the history of Scientology. Please one and all have a good time at my party. The birthday cheer is because of you.” – LRH
This Birthday Celebration is going to be huge, appropriately so with the recent expansion!
Please forward all or portions of this to your selectees and friends. Thank you for your help to reach ALL those who should attend, and make this a huge and successful celebration of our Founder and his Legacy!
ML, Tashania
[ Selectee list removed ]
Interesting quote they used. The hype about “Highest Ever expansion in the history of Scientology” is not a new invention (though as I recall, there were some big affluences in this time period).
*********** Event Details ***********
DATE: Saturday, March 22nd
LOCATION: Shrine Auditorium, 655 W Jefferson Blvd, LA 90007BUSES
Buses will start shuttling at 3:30PM from LRH Way and CC Int.
The Event Reception begins at 4:00PM on Royal Street (at the entrance to the Auditorium).
The entire street will be decked-out as a very classy out-door Birthday Party with balloons and party favors and hosts in bright-colored tuxedos with silver platters. Food trucks will be parked on the edges, for those who want to purchase a full meal before the event.
Royal Street will be lined with booths of all our Social Betterment Groups and Activities in the LA Area as well as our Orgs and Missions. This will give everyone an opportunity to meet and greet each other and even sign-up for these activities.
At 4:30PM there will be an “LRH Tribute Concert” & Awards Presentation. There will be a large stage on the street and some of our best LA talent have been chosen for the occasion – Hana-li, Mimmi Seigel, Pierce Diressen and Ashleigh-Rae Johnson!
Between music acts, the Greater LA OT Ambassador I/C, Claire Taylor, will present commendations to those who have been exceptionally active in the various campaigns – having given LRH what he wanted most for his Birthday!
For fast-flow sign-in, bring your IAS card!
ALL guests will receive a festive “Ron’s Birthday” sticker at sign-in. The different colors tell our staff whether this guest is new to Scientology, a staff member, or a veteran Scientologist.
The doors to the Shrine building will open at 4:30PM, so you can utilize the indoor facilities. Doors to the auditorium will open at 5:30PM for seating.
The event presentation itself will start at 6:30PM SHARP!
NO ONE will be allowed into the auditorium without a ticket – not even the Staff. Make sure to obtain yours from your local Org or Mission. The tickets are also assigned seating, so the best seats are going first – don’t delay!
$10 Parking is available at the Shrine Structure and USC Parking Structure.
For those with sensitive hearing, there will be a Low-Volume Showing on the 2nd floor of the Expo Hall. This is accessible by elevator from the Main Lobby.
Childcare will be located on the 3rd and 4th floors of the Shrine. This has been separated into age groups with different activities, and sugar-free, healthy snacks in each space. There will be a big screen TV with the event showing in the baby room, so mothers can nurse, and don’t have to miss the event.
There will be live translations into Spanish & Chinese, and the headsets can be obtained in the Shrine Lobby before entering the auditorium.
The Shrine Expo Hall will hold the after-event activities.
There will be a large LRH Birthday Cake (just like the one in the photo with LRH!), as well as plenty of other refreshments, music and activities.
You can hang-out with you friends as long as you’d like, talk with the staff, schedule your next course or auditing action, and enjoy the LRH Birthday Party experience!
Funny that they now have to have a “low volume” showing.
Miscavige has a fixation about having these events LOUD. Like way over the top. He wants to make sure he is “impinging” on the audience. Every sound technician who has ever been involved with the events he puts on tells him his levels are too high. But he knows best.
Clearly the public ALSO know and so many have complained they had to do a special “low volume” presentation to keep them coming to the events. May be the ONLY thing that has ever been done internally based on public demand (and I would guess nobody cleared this with Dear Leader, but just did it out of self-preservation as they are slaughtered if event attendance is too low).
I have been told that events at the Shrine no longer fill even the bottom level. Maybe someone can go along to this event and report in on attendance.
And here is a message from the “Dir Success” FSO about your “ID card.”
Last year’s card is no longer valid (the one used for GAT II, IAS Event and New Years)ALL Scientologists need to pick up their new cards. And no, you do not need to take a new photo (unless you really want to). Hundreds of these cards have already been produced and are sitting at the North Reception on the first floor of the Flag Building.
All YOU need to do is:
a) come and pick yours up and
b) spread the word about this so that ALL Flag Scientologists come and get theirs!
With the live LRH Birthday Event now only 6 weeks away, don’t wait! Get your card TODAY!!!!!!Ml, Scott — Dir Success FSO
As a “never-in” (whose own religion has it’s fair share of oddball phrasing, for sure), I must confess to sometimes getting the giggles over some of the standard boilerplate $ci-official lingo. Case in point, “This allows our staff to know who they are approaching, and also how to best greet and *service* them.” What are they—parishioners or 1978 Buicks? Keep posting, & keep shining a light. Religion should be freely chosen, & cults of (psychopathic) personality suck. I hope the spiritual Berlin wall comes down, & you someday get your family back. 😀
TO, I love the data about you’re getting emails 🙂
Isn’t it a really wonderful time to be soooo out-ethics ! 🙂
A little off topic but relevant. References to the current Golden Age refer to it as phase 2. We all know there was a phase 1. So I had to ask myself; does all this mean there is going to be a phase 3? Wouldn’t phase 2 be more correctly titled “Final Phase” if indeed it was the end? Hmmmm Anybody else have this cog?
Very good point, Glenn.
Mike, here’s my version:
In honor of our first Scientology Pope Group Seance since the Gleeful Ache of Tech Phase WWII, with Standard Tech thrown out the window, people are moving on the Bridge in an unprecedented number—zero. Never before have so few gone nowhere. Thus, we are going to have a celebration for our Pope!
EVERYONE is invited – veteran Scientologists, brand NOI Scientologists if there are any left, and even people who may have been in prison for many years and don’t know what’s going on.
We need your assistance!!! Contacting and inviting EVERYONE. EVERYONE is invited!
Each person will be X-rayed, strip searched and have their cavities probed. Cell phones, cameras, clothes and jewelry will be confiscated. A number will be tattooed on each person’s arm. They will then don orange jumpsuits with the words, “PRISONER” on back and special GAT WWII handcuffs and leg irons to help staff know who they are dealing with. Any gold fillings will be pried out of their teeth. They will then be transported in boxcars to the event hall where they will want to take a quick Zyclon-B shower before popping into the RTC ovens.
To better service you.
(No offense to the survivors and their families of WWII extermination camps).
Steve, you crack me up!
Uncomfortably hilarious! How about, to better force you to go “free” against your will. (because you’re a db and your will is really counterintention)
Really funny, Thoughtful!
Fantastic stuff, really.
It’s great that Scientologists welcome people in with open arms. I wonder if so few people will reply that the event will be cancelled.
Please oh please oh please someone take some video using a phone and post it here!
Actors Wanted: Extras. Must be willing to purchase a $5000 admission card and attend a 2 hour sales presentation in order to take advantage of this great employment opportunity.
I have always thought that Int events Miscavige invented were very bizarre.
They are simply loud attempts to overwhelm people and put others at effect….the exact opposite of the purpose of the subject of Scientology.
The purpose of the subject of Scientology is to free people and gently bring them to states of greater cause in life.
Ideal Org in Africa turns into brothel. What does the Sea Org do? Sends a mission into South Africa to declare all of the Scientology OT’s and opinion leaders.
I think I have gone beyond a point where I can be serious about this anymore. It has become too funny. My ribs hurt from laughing. The only Org building delivering pleasure and providing shelter is the one abandoned and taken over by hookers and homeless people. It’s got bodies in the shop, new starts, and people that have found a “home universe” without paying 2 million dollars.
If you just take the Scientologists out of these buildings, people will use the property to help themselves!
Stop..stop……your making my ribs hurt!….. ( contagion of humor )
It must particularly irritate Dave that people are having sex in his crib. This just can’t happen. Maybe another Sea Org Mission can be fired off to see that anyone who is pregnant on the property is forced to abort the illicit love child.
Oracle and KFrancis,
Please stop this joking and degrading at once about an Ideal Org which for the past seven years has been delivering the Happiness Rubdown and the Happy Ending Rundown.
(Disclosure: Got those from a Bunkerite post at Tony’s, and as well a shout out to Robert A that “still-ins” is not my original either 🙂
At least now the premises are being used to actually deliver a needed and wanted service at reasonable price consistent with market demand. Compared to the RCS modus operandi, it’s an upgraded form of prostitution.
I’m now out since 1,5 years. I understand that people are pissed with this “religious” motivated robbers and highwaymen lurking at every corner of the so called “service orgs” instead of providing service but my question is: “What CAN be done about it?” Just tell me, of what this “something” consists, I’ll do it. I mean we are Scientology, we do improve conditions. Isn’t that so?
There is all sorts of stuff to do. Just look around and make some friends and decide what you want to do. You no longer need orders. LRH wanted you to be an independent thinker didn’t he? Let us know what you decide to do. 🙂
Well, in our group in Berlin we made 2 Purifs, several objectives and grades , 1 drug RD and 6! Clears since December. Another PC starts Monday on CCRD. Guess, with this we topped idle Org Berlin.
Maybe I did not express myself clearly, I know what to do, I help where I can. I work night and day to get the funds for opening a mission. But shouldn’t we use our common potential in a shoulder to shoulder action? “No Man Is An Island” or woman in this case. I would love to do something about it. What I need is a bright idea, I feel uneasy just sitting and watching as the Church slowly succumbs. We should speed up the process so everyone involved has no longer to suffer. A horror without end is worse than an end with horror.
“Hitler died on Miscavige’s Birthday”
Holy Shit Cat Daddy, I didn’t know that! It’s true. Miscavige was born exactly 15 years after Herr Schickelgroober’s demise!
The only question is what was he up to during his 15 year LOA? 🙂
I smell desperation. Traffic in the orgs must be incredibly low for them to be so nice (sounding). Since when do they care about whether nursing mothers are comfortable, when the entire 2D is dev -t?
“A very classy out-door Birthday Party”
Yep, nothing says “class” like food trucks from which you can buy a “full-meal”!
“The walls are closing in.
The room is getting smaller.
The world of Miscavige and his acolytes is shrinking.
I really thanks god to open my eyes and get out of the Church of Scientoogy specially from Flag…finally I have a new life and thanks god very happy life without the Church of Scientology
The Shrine sound… That brings back some memories. Nothing beats the “routine” around DM as far as sound in my 30 years of doing audio and music – before, during or afterwards – and I’ve seen some “crazy” stuff.
It starts by having to submit the mix of a video to DM. If it gets rejected you have to go up to his “QC Room” which is set up with about $1,000.000 worth of speakers, audiophile equipment and acoustic treatments. The sub woofers alone are about 8 feet tall and weighs about a ton each.
DM makes you sit down in the center seat to listen to your “atrocious” mix. The video starts playing and out of the speakers sound is machine gunned at you at about 125 decibels – or 20 decibels above safety levels, or the level of standing next to a jet plane… It is so loud you cringe and have no attention on the details of the mix but wish you could somehow exteriorize out of the room…
Despite the two tons of sub woofers the room has a huge dip in the bass frequency response (despite hundreds if not thousands of hours of Luigi “tuning the room” with his demanded-by-DM acoustic computer program which is based on a perfectly rectangular room which of course a room with tons of equipment, couches and two one-ton speakers are not.)
To compensate for this lack of bass in the room sound, one has to put more bass into the mix for it to sound balanced. So you go back to your mix room with the ears ringing for the next three hours and you add a bunch of bass and the mix gets approved. For anyone who has experienced live sound, especially in a concrete echo-box like the Shrine, “big”, boomy soundtracks will sound like Apollo 13 landing at the Shrine (or any similar hall.) It is just one big rumble, which is how event videos have traditionally sounded at the Shrine.
Knowing this we would do a mix that would get “approved” and another mix for the Shrine which we never submitted but brought along with us and played live so that there would be any hope of hearing any instrumentation and narration over the echo rumble in the hall.
Then came the event rehearsals themselves. DM is the only speaker in the world who has a pair of rock n’ roll speakers positioned right in front of him blasting out a near 100 decibels of his own voice right back at him. This is the only way he can apparently comfortably speak to an audience – by getting his own voice fed back at him at a loud volume. You don’t see this at a Presidential speech, the Academy Awards, Grammy, Super Bowl, etc, etc. You do see it however at a rock concert where the singer is using a dynamic microphone which he/she sings into at a very close distance.
But DM needs rock monitors and he needs the best and most sensitive (probe to feedback) microphones available for his sound. To prevent feedback in such a circumstance dozens of expensive mixing and restoration equipment is employed to try to get the sound LOUD without feedback. Tons of pro audio consultants have worked with us at events and they all fall into a state of utter disbelief.
In 1999 the American president’s personal live mixer was employed at great expense to “handle” DM’s sound. His name was Patrick Baltzell. He had quite a bit of integrity and refused to do what was asked as it is physically and technically an oxymoron. He told DM straight in his face that this is not the best approach for him. DM knew best and ordered myself and my senior to put “ethics in” on Patrick. I ended up mixing the show as Patrick refused to do what he considered crazy – the only sensible person in that entire event venue.
With sleepless nights and hours after hours of tweaking the sound we had achieved LOUD sound on DM’s rock monitors and LOUD sound on the hall PA. But the quality was despicable. We had the most expensive microphones – the same used for the Academy Awards. We had one of the most expensive preamps, We had some of the most expensive sound restoration tools(yes, you read that right) to reduce feedback on the podium mix line made by CEDAR – one of the most expensive audio equipment company in the world.
And after all was said and done to prevent feedback and making it loud, the quality of the sound was worse that $100 worth of radio shack equipment.
DM wants things loud to make his voice impinge like God coming down from the heavens – his own stated ideal scene. His hearing is vastly impaired at best after 30 years of listening to sounds at a higher level than a jet plane plus the daily screaming which approaches that sound level as well… So for things to “impinge” on him, he puts everybody else through torture by having them listen at his level.
If things are mixed properly and the hall sound system is set up properly most people can enjoy loud sounds because they just have impact without hurting the ears, This is however not the case with the Scn event sound as it has been so processed to cater to DM’s insane utopia with his rock monitors on stage as well as the way he wants to hear mixes in his $1,000.000 “QC Room” which sounds worse than my $3,000 home setup!
Wow. Thx for the inside view. Another guargantuan waste of parishioners money.
Very loud volume forces one exterior and thus makes any content act as an implant. That’s DM’s underlying reasoning, and why sound quality and fidelity are assigned little or no importance. “Impinge” is a euphemism for “implant”. The no-expense-spared with respect to the equipment is so that the implants can be done with a howitzer.
“The friendliest place in the world”?? WTF! So, What we can expect from other orgs?
Jeremi – they are the NOT friendliest places in the world. (Understatement of the century).
Oops, please ignore all the post after BTW, I was copying Mike’s text.
Is there any way to leak the word to OSA that what the Indies really fear is Tommy Davis being assigned to Bulawayo to “handle” this situation on a permanent basis? It would be like the musical the Book of Morman!
If anyone has not yet read the marvelous story about the Bulawayo Ideal Brothel at the .
Let’s suppose DM is deposed. Will it be via telephone, teleconference or does He has to be present at RJ office?
Off topic, but I’m so jazzed; VF article on Shelly is out. Can’t wait to get my hands on it! Hope it goes viral!
Yes, you can read it online if you are a subscriber. It’s making its way to newsstands.
Important post coming on this in the morning.
Oh goody. It was a quiet day today. I figured there were probably some conferences going on. Looking forward to tomorrow,
“EVERYONE is invited – veteran Scientologists, brand new Scientologists, and even people who may not have been on service at an Org or Mission for many years.”
Especially those who have not been on service for years, since there’s at least a small chance of getting some bucks from them, as opposed to new public.
Hard to believe the EVERYONE is in caps.
“Translation will be available in Chinese and Spanish…” What about Russian? The church is mining Russia and there are large numbers coming to the U.S. to get beaten-up. ( What a surprise huh!).
“I have been told that events at the Shrine no longer fill even the bottom level. Maybe someone can go along to this event and report in on attendance.”
This particularly gets my attention. I remember going to events at the Shrine back in the 80’s when it was not only full but people had to sit in rooms outside and watch on monitors. Some times the people having to watch outside the main room seemed to be almost as many as were in the main room. If anyone can verify that they can only fill the lower level it would be really revealing as to what the state of the Church of Scientology is today.
The amount of new people who get my email address from my sign in profile has risen to an all time high. They are “still in” and “under the radar”. Some of the stories I have heard this week have frankly become so nonsensical they are funny. The fear of people being stalked by a locaL MAA and the ser facs are unreal. PLENTY of people have been declared that are not making a fuss of things because of thier family / friends. I am beginning to think the stat of the MAA is number of people declared.
I am beginning to think the “WHY” is ETHICS. The “WHY” for our woes and set backs.
How did David shut down the mission network? They were all “out ethics”.
“You’re out ethics” is a ser fac.
“I’m so in ethics” is a ser fac.
“We are to put ethics in on the planet” What the hell did people think this meant?
If people understood ethics is a THOUGHT Contemplation process, they would know anyone on the planet could be accused of being “out ethics”.
The Sea Org and most of the orgs have become “Thought police” in this wise.
Ethics is “Contemplation”, “Contemplation”, “Contemplation”, “Contemplation”.
It is NOT being the dick police or the Internet police or the finance police or the Office of Special Affairs or cops or spies or terrorists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or sec checking people to death! Or PUNISHMENT! It is NONE of those things!
Get real!
The culture has some major bad habits built on confusions!
Right on Oracle! I especially hate the dick police. You made important distinctions, what they are doing has nothing to do with contemplating optimum survival which anyone with a conscience does without the need for harassment.
Careful! You may have fallen into the Exclamation Point Fog generated by our “still in” friends! And don’t forget that if you did attend the event, you’d have the opportunity “to hang out with YOU friends. LOL
Correct Oracle. LRH started that insanity at S base. He wrote than anyone who got FB’ed off the base had to get declared S.P. It was quite an insane order.
Why the colored stickers? It’s simple really. The LRH Birthday event is heavily promoted as an event that raw public can attend. The idea is that you can bring your “wog” mother and that venders that service Scientology orgs can attend. But the staff are of course told that they will not be able to sleep or eat till they have made their sales quotas. So they leap on any warm body like money sucking vampires and bang away in scieno lingo as hard as they can. Poor mom or the owner of the local food supply company is suddenly up against a wall, a canape stuck in his/her throat, a little juice spilled down the shirt, while three staff bang loudly away at him to “max his credit cards for the MarK Ultra Super Socker only 5 grand a pop after he has paid 5 grand for his IAS membership to get the 10% discount on the latest tape lectures….do it now for the sake of mankind…do you want to spend the coming eternity blind and in pain and in the dark … give us whatever cash you have in your wallet,….we can up the limit on your credit cards..” and so on. When they finally choke out that they are not actually a Scientologist but just came to the event with a relative all the staff look pissed off and rush away to find someone else. The impression this leaves on a non-scientologist is indelible. Never to be erased, never to be forgotted. “These people are stark, staring, MAD!”
As for the “eligibility to attend events”, this is the decoded message “David Miscavige, the hero of our religion and the ONLY ONE, is going to get up there and tell some huge whopping lies. With our PR standing now on par with Satanists, we cannot afford to have Mike Rinder doing some kind of fact checking on the whoppers that Dave is going to tell. We need to make sure that NOONE who is not deepiy inside the scieno-bubble gets to see this event or we will be, once again, BUSTED. So, only the most faithful, most sec checked and most subservient will be allowed in.”
Well kiss my ass, I will not be attending. In fact, anyone with an IQ over 100 will be staying far aways. Just a small flock of dazed sheep will be there for there quarterly deep hypnosis treatment. People throw the term “brainwashed” around too freely. Those still attending do not need brainwashing, their brains are already squeeky clean and free of any original thought. They just need to “refuel”. A little hot air pumped in and they are good to go for another 3 months.
That’s funny Roy… Thanks for the belly laugh.
Roy, you’ve totally cracked me up, thank you.
Requiring access cards and locking the front door are futile attempts to keep the ongoing Ponzi scheme from being exposed to Church members the next day on the internet.
The problem with feeding the clapping seals yet another pack of outlandish lies about expansion, (to keep them cheering Dear Leader and paying more money), is that it is getting easier and easier for the outside world to prove Miscavige is lying through his teeth because the exact opposite is painfully and obviously true: Scientology (Co$) is visibly shrinking around the world.
I have heard that Miscavige believes that if you tell the most outlandish lie, it will be believed because no one would believe you would tell such a big whopper!
Lying about expansion in the face of contraction is really “burning your bridges behind you” because your previous lies force you to tell even bigger whoppers to cover up your original lies. Of course you could have told the truth in the first place and handled the contraction, but Miscavige chose Ponzi scheme because he is incapable of any self criticism of his failed leadership.
EVERY Ponzi scheme ends up in a rapid decline and final implosion relative to the time spent and the money collected to create it, In this case it took about 30 years of income growth (IAS, etc.. rip off) to $1 billion. And, maybe the last 2 or 3 years of income decline? Anyway, Ponzi schemes cannot be maintained without continual expanding fresh new people, not even with $1 billion in cash. Its a law. Like gravity, you can’t fall up, but you can briefly defy gravity by being shot from a cannon! Miscavige and RCS are well on their return trajectory to earth. The screams you hear up in the sky are for colored access cards to break their fall. Ha, not a chance.
Wow, I can remember when org staff were thrilled to get any new non-Scientologist to an event, no matter who he/she was. I recall there was a dress code there for a brief while – black tie – ridiculous, but that’s what it was, we were told that semi-formal attire was necessary at an event to show respect for LRH. The dress code did not apply to Non-Scientologist guests who could and did show up in worn jeans, tee shirts and scruffy sneakers, yet they were embraced and literally dragged in, surrounded and love-bombed by the staff who were so happy to get new people in. Things have changed indeed. Seems like all they want to do now is close ranks around the still-ins. .
These still ins are like the carriage horses I saw in Manhattan’s heavy traffic – very stiff, tight harnesses on them so they couldn’t move their heads from side to side, blinders on, getting flicked lightly and regularly with the buggy whip as they clip-clopped briskly thru the city’s heavy traffic.
Aquamarine: “Still ins”… is a great line… probably been around for awhile and I just noticed it, if not, you coined it… anyway tight harnessed carriage horses is a perfect analogy!
When did IAS cards start having pictures on it?
Hitler died on Miscavige’s Birthday
“The walls are closing in.
The room is getting smaller.
The world of Miscavige and his acolytes is shrinking.
Scientology, the North Korea of cultist scams.
I had a lifetime HASI membership. Used to REALLY piss off the IAS reges with that one! Wonder what they’d do if I showed up?
Last event I attended at the Shrine must have been towards the end of 1996. First level was full and second level was 3/4 full. If hald the first level is full, they are back to the 1989 level when I attended my first event. If that is not a clue to those attending, I don’t know if a good clobbering will do it.
Hey don’t forget about 0ne security agent for every 10 people attending. Gold screaming at each other back stage and the pac RPF cleaning the green room. Yes one hell of an
event it will be!!!
If anyone has not yet read the marvelous story about the Bulawayo Ideal Brothel at the African blog yet, check it out here.
Not sure whether to laugh or cry.
Just have to include this comment from the African blog. Rod Keller kindly retyped some text from Impact #120 (I think this was in 2008). It so typifies the LIES told by the IAS:
Zimbabwe, formerly rhodesia, is a country where LrH lived and worked in the 1960s and whose people he cared for deeply. In recent years it has been one of the political hot spots of the planet with runaway inflation and one of the lowest life expectancy rates in the world, making it a flash point for an entire continent. Zimbabwe is in dire need of the full spectrum of LrH tech that can only be delivered by a Church of Scientology, which is exactly what the new IAS-sponsored Ideal Orgs of Harare and Bulawayo will deliver.
The new Harare Ideal Org building is located in the center of the financial district, two blocks down from Parliament.
Its 45,000 square-foot building combines traditional African with contemporary cosmopolitan style. Two floors of Public Information Displays will answer any questions about Dianetics and Scientology and include a section on LrH, giving the full story of his stay in the country.
A special WISe unit providing LrH administrative tech will help jump-start domestic firms. VM and Book One facilities will likewise be extensive.
Located in the southwest of zimbabwe, Bulawayo is the country’s industrial center and second largest city.
Once known as the breadbasket of Africa, the nation has been crippled with economic crisis and its social structure is at the brink of collapse. This new Ideal Org will play a vital role in restoring prosperity by providing the full scope of LrH technology.
Bulawayo was the first Church of Scientology to be established in zimbabwe and with its reopening as an Ideal Org there will be new hope for the entire country.
• LRH came to zimbabwe, formerly called rhodesia, in March 1966 to search out an OT base in Africa.
• Zimbabwe has become one of the most volatile countries on earth and recently one of the foremost political hot spots of this planet. Only LrH tech will reverse the dwindling spiral of this country.
• These IAS-sponsored Ideal Orgs will fulfill the LrH dream for this nation.
Mike – can you imagine what flap this must be for Dear Leader, and whomever he decides to blame this on?
Oh yes. I well recall the nuclear meltdown when squatters took over the Brussels “Ideal Org” building…. He wanted to send in commandos to evict them.
No, they did not just say that! They did not just say: “Please call everyone you used to know but haven’t talked to in ages who’s royally pissed off at the CoS and ask them to tell you everything that’s wrong with Miscavige and his CoS!”
Brilliant! No wonder they’re the world’s fastest shrinking cult.
The Gestapo officer checking this poor couples papers pretty much says all that needs to be said about the Church of Paranoia.
What’s next?
Inserting a tracking chip or just slapping a bar code on the foreheads of what is left of their membership.
It brings to mind a quote of Martin Luther” with your pomp and ceremony and your three cornered hats”! What a pile of crap! I wouldn’t go if you paid me!
“Hundreds of these cards have already been produced and are sitting at the North Reception on the first floor of the Flag Building.”
With straight up and vertical expansion
shouldn’t it be thousands or even tens of thousands already produced?…just saying
Incredible story about the in-good-standing auditor and OT being denied entrance to the building. I’m considering doing an experiment of having many local Clearwater non-Scientologists approach the Super Power building….I’m sorry…I mean the Scientology Cathedral, and request a tour from whoever they run into first and record them being turned away over and over again. We’ll see how long it takes OSA to figure out a solution to this.
How would any new people actually get onlines at Flag? Who am I kidding? The Church stopped caring about new people getting onlines many years ago.
But really, it’s not TERRIBLY surprising that these people were denied entrance to the building. It’s totally stupid of course, but not surprising. For the big GAT 2 events, there were many TAMPA STAFF MEMBERS who were not even allowed to attend because they weren’t “okay” to be on the Base. I mean current, veteran staff members. Any Tampa Staff who were deemed “not in good standing enough”…which means they had incomplete Comm Ev recs or had been assigned lower conditions by Flag were NOT GIVEN CLEARANCE TO ATTEND THE EVENTS. It’s not like they were on post at the Org holding down the fort or anything like that. Oh no. The orgs were completely closed down for the events. These staff members simply weren’t allowed on the Base and were not granted cards to attend. Of course they were only told about this the day before the events started.
I mean come on…currently-on-post veteran Tampa Staff members not allowed in the event tent at Flag? WTF?
Yes indeed the walls are closing in.
This reminds me of a discussion I had with the MAA about the term “In Good Standing”. We determined there was no official definition for this phrase, which is problematic and subject to abuse.
On a related note, I’ve been reading DM’s 1990 deposition in the Bent Corydon case, and DM provides a definition of “In Good Standing” – in his words…
Yes, there may have been some affluences in those days. Also, verifably true is that LRH was off the lines from Feb 14, 1980 and late (November) 1981. And when he came back on the lines the shit hit the fan. Int Reserves had crashed under the watch of Donna Robinson who was WDC Reserves, the 10 tech films that had been released earlier in the year got a fairly negative review (about a C-, is my guess, maybe a D+) and David Rosseau was toasted, the Survival Rundown issued by Melanie Murray was blown out of the water (only to be resurrected by Dear Leader recently) and the entire base was put on an FP allocation of 5,000 dollars a week. Everything, food, utilities, purchases, everything. Pay? That was the first to go. Maybe LRH did indeed write that birthday message but I doubt it. Sounds like the work of Laurel Watson Rock Sullivan who was LRH PR at the time. Just a little context for those interested. Of course things were better then than they are now, which tells you how bad things are today.
Thanks Dan.
Valuable information as usual.
Yes, I agree, I bet that was written by Laurel or Vaughn Young.
The only problem, for OSA and Black Heart, is that, no matter how many check points they build in, there are several willing public that are more than glad to take photos, film the event, report on the number of attendees and so on. Evidence: all the end of last year celebrations were immediately available in various webs, blogs and You Tube despite the huge security points, color cards and warnings to not film anything…
Ah…and this is being done internationally, not just at Flag or WUS…so, figure that out, how are you going to “absolutely control” this aspect?
One last point, the first e mail has this phrase: “unprecedented rates”…I don’t know why, but this ‘unprecedented” sounds very, very familiar, wonder why!!
It has really boiled down to an us vs them for the CoS.
Goal- to clear the planet-to make clears and OT’s, to save the world etc.
Us= CoS and DM- Terminal
Them= Independents and others than read the internet- Op/Term
= GPM forming or attaching to one already formed
No need to mention about the overts being committed that provides the glue. Now all we need are some indys to go back on staff and some staff to become indies with more back and forth and we really have a rock solid mass.
End of lesson.
The “low volume showing” made me laugh as that was one of my biggest complaints about the events. It would not surprise me if more people showed up to that space than to the regular seats.
“ALL public are “welcome” PROVIDED you have have a NEW IAS card. Not one from last year, they are no good any longer. You must have a new one. And a color tag so they can tell what sort of person you are.”
i.e. Wether you are worth bleeding dry or already broke.
And God forbid anyone gets in who “interested” or not already cleared….. Got to stop those “leaks ”
Bet more people want to be in the quiet room than the Shrine!!!………roflmao
It all sounds so innocuous. Warm, friendly, expansive. New people. This is a recent theme I’ve noticed in communication half a world a way. It must be the new party line: we have new people. Well, if you happen to be going, could you confirm that new people are flooding into Scientology?
I’m impressed they’ve provided a room for people with “sensitive hearing” – and they managed to say it almost without any make wrong. Very impressed indeed. Generally, for all the outpoints, these have to be the most friendly-sounding e-mails I’ve seen from the bubble for a long time.
And that poor Scientologist in good standing? I wonder if a Cornerstone Member could’ve just walked in. For all the fluff, Scientology is and remains utterly paranoid.
Has anyone checked to see if there are ads out asking for paid extras to be hired by the church?
I must say, if I was a new person, things like this and all the bad PR lately about Miscavige stalking, harassing, beating people and locking them in “The Hole” reall, REALLY makes it almost irresistible. I mean, it really makes me so interested I can hardly wait to arrive and pay $5000 for a card that allows me to attend weekly high-pressure fundraisers. This is one fantastic opportunity. Where else can you get this? Nowhere, thats where. I hope they are prepared for the massive tsunami of Div 6ers. Are they drilling? Are there some new GATII Div 6 drills? What to do when there are ten new public handing you their credit cards at once? How to route and direct the flow of bodies for maximum production?
Can they really fill the seats with extras?
These colored stickers make me shudder as they represent the status happy frame of mind and the shame for those who do not have the right color. Yuck!
This is trending further and further into the bizarre. They are hemorrhaging members, and meanwhile are making it harder and harder for existing members to even get into their event halls or their buildings. What a tremendous breakthrough in maintaining good relations with the public and in creating ever higher BIS – all thanks to David Miscavige. Hope when he goes into depo finally that one of the lawyers makes him show an ID.
“Trophy obsession.” Trophy buildings, trophy events, trophy tents, trophy awards, trophy meters, trophy status, trophy stars, trophy ads, trophy lawyers … trophies are for display purposes. The Scientology definition of “Insanity … 6. the best definition of which I know would be: the person widely believes that the symbols are the thing.”
Spot on!
Shrinking indeed, Mike. Your analysis is again completely correct and most welcome to my ears. The paranoia is really evident at Flag, where they are obviously deathly afraid of anyone getting in there and taking pics and putting them out on the internet for well-deserved ridicule. I used to wonder when I was still in why people in the “wog world” thought Scientology was so secretive and deceptive. Now that I’m out, I don’t wonder about that anymore.
GP — yes, good point. “Secretive” is a word often used to describe the church.
And with good reason….
Don’t forget, “sinister” too, Mike! Once again, I got out right after the slaughter of all the mission holders, several of which were friends of mine. I watched many staff at the Tustin Org in Orange County leave as well as many public. In my opinion, this was the start of the decline which continues today. Miscavage’s guide is the book “1984.” He’s ramped up the insanity to levels I’ve never seen.
Wait, can you come if you post on Rinder’s blog?
Love the colored stickers! Label the bait to make going in for the kill faster.
Same thought… Attend the event and you become a mark, in every sense.
“To better service you as FSMs, and to increase the quality of the experience for your selectees we’ve created “Birthday Stickers” with color demarcations. This allows our staff to know who they are approaching, and also how to best greet and service them. I’ve attached a flier on this, so you can see what each color means.”
^^^ Shouldn’t it say, “This allows our staff to know who they are approaching SO THEY KNOW HOW to best greet and service them.”?
Well, what other reason would they need to know “who they are approaching”?
These nonsensical PR lines, clumsy and unwieldy as they are, result from the inability to come up with euphemisms for what those stickers really mean.
I have been in plenty of reg meetings where these stickers are coded and delineated. (That was something that always, always bothered me and I said so – though very timidly).
Make absolutely no mistake. These stickers are not to help you, your selectee, or anyone else other than the registrars to quickly deduce who they should or most importantly, should not, give the time of day to.
A small example of how these stickers are often used:
Red: Hot prospect. Tag team reg cycle with (hot reg names here). Finish Patron Meritorious and close on 2nd Meter. $157,000
Blue: Sell event release, appointment to see reg at mandatory seminar tomorrow. (GI/Reg line-up a mile long on what prospect will be closed on when he/she can be gotten into a one on one with the only person left that the individual still trusts. Now screw him/her over. Destroy that trust now — give promise of ARC break session later that will never happen because it’s your fault. “We tried, you were never session-able. What are you hiding?”)
Green: Mid staff/SO recruit cycle, route to …. (staff recruiter name here).
Orange: DB who comes to all events just to eat the food — ignore.
Yellow: PTS situation / Illegal / Ethics bait — ignore or get to donate big to “make amends for” (think major non-Scientology sanctioned sin committed here).
Blah, blah, blah.
Time cannot be wasted. Quotas MUST be met. Reg meetings are ruthless, cocky and rather heartless. They are all about the conqueror and the conquest, not the conquered and his/her continued well being. They are very uncomfortable. They leave one feeling dirty and compromised but that feeling is overridden by fear of not meeting the quota.
Getting past all the human barricades without getting KR’d and hauled into ethics, is job one for almost all public.