The fools at STAND either:
a) Believe everyone is so stupid they don’t see right through them, or
b) Are only interested in communicating to their KoolAid drinking bubble-dwellers who accept anything and everything they say at face value as if it is unalterable truth, even if it contradicts something they said in the previous sentence.
The drivel they put out is so easily exposed as lies and propaganda it’s hard to believe they even bother.
The image above is a screen shot from their website. Trying to sound like freedom of religion warriors for truth and media ethics they cry out “put an end to discriminatory media coverage of religion,” followed by their own horrendously discriminatory “media” coverage of religion. These people rail against “hate speech” yet that is almost exclusively what they traffic in…
Their religious hate speech is justified because the people they write about (like me) are “bigots” and “haters”, so they are perfectly justified to say anything they like about me because I disagree with their abusive practices and activities. The targets of their hate are exclusively based on their assessment that the person is an “enemy” of scientology.
This explanation for hate is precisely what they complain about. Anti-Semites claim they are justified in their hate and bigotry because Jews control the world and the banks and whatever else. Anti-Muslims claim they are justified in their hate because all Muslims are terrorists. The list is endless. Scientology is justified in its hate and bigotry because everyone who says something they don’t like is a liar and worse. Hate speech conveniently pigeonholes its targets with seeping labels and images. Read through the STAND website — it is a case study in hate speech and they don’t even see it.
Hate creates blindness.
STAND League should put the three blind mice on their masthead.
One of the main factors in helping me finally break free of this insidious cult was seeing these stupid, hate filled posts and sites.
They try so hard to convince the members that, for example, Leah Remini is an SP equal to Hitler or Dilinger. Instead we get videos of pathetic Hubbard clones, crying over how Leah didn’t acknowledge a birthday present because they spelt her child’s name wrong! LMFAO.
And where are the crimes of the South Park people?!!!! Not a single thing was found! Lol.
I could go on and on about how stupid, hateful, inaccurate and hypocritical all this is – and I will!
In Hubbard’s words they are “forwarding an enemy line”! They “pulled all this in”! They should “turn the other cheek” as that’s the “secret to greatness”, they are “nattering”, which indicates they have “hidden crimes” etc etc…
But the biggest point is how it shows what Hubbard truly was – a paranoid, vengeful, narcissistic psychopath.
The scum posting all this crap deep down know they are doing major harm. They just “manufacture” whatever lies they want and think it’s okay because Hubbard said so. They are advertising to the world what this cult really is, even if on a subconscious level, thus warning people to stay away. Warning people that it’s not a “science” LMAO. It’s the opposite of science.
Good for you for getting the hell outta $cientology! I love seeing people post about why they finally decided to leave. I hope you didn’t have to suffer the heartache of familial disconnection. If you don’t mind me asking, how long were you in?
They are just a bunch of nasty, spiteful nonentities and troglodytes who live in a dark dank cellar. Occasionally Demento opens the cellar door and lets them scream at an uncaring universe for a little while then slams the door shut again.
To paraphrase Macbeth/Shakespeare: Full of sound (must be all the beans and rice) and fury. Signifying nothing
Mirror Mirror on the wall who is the biggest hater of them all ?
Scn cult the *epitome *of hate and vengeance name calling calls ex-scientologists haters.
😃 squared.
Their posts and their videos of those they have on 0
People who they title, who-is—— are so biased so bigoted they literally sound like high school kids slinging mud. It’s embarrassing for them! And they think their journalism is somehow ethical reporting. Delusional reporting!
Oh my. Well, got this in an email today that might be appropriate to this drivel from the master drivelers.
It’s best to bear in mind these 2 quotes….
“If it’s on the internet, it’s gotta be true.” – Abe Lincoln
“It’s easier to throw eggs than it is to catch them.” – Tim Russert
When was the last time they held any convention or event ?
Other then Florida ,which country they exist ?
Those countries, how many of them awarded religion status ?
I am struck by their little headline, “The Dehumanization of Mike Rinder.” If anyone has done anything to “dehumanize” Mike Rinder (and many others, including his former wife and his children) as viciously and consistently as the cult and its propaganda organs, it will be news to all of us!
The Scientology cult is a cult of
for exposing their dark secret places.
“The public’s right to information is a fundamental right and cornerstone of a free and democratic society.”
Therefore, we need to adopt the fascist standards of the “woke” and promote “cancel culture.” Otherwise, unfettered information “marginalizes communities, fuels bigotry and incites hate.” In fact, speaking freely even “endangers lives.” Or, as has been promoted, “speech is violence” as well as “silence is violence.”
Let’s all adopt “journalistic ethics” in order to muzzle journalism. Fortunately, largely due to responsible journalism, we all know what “ethics” new-speak really means. Namely, anything is “ethical” as long as it promotes the objectives of scientology. So what is “ethical journalism?” Do the math!
This is what speaking out of both sides of your mouth sounds like!
What is discriminatory media coverage of religion?
And why is Scientology ecclesiastical leader David Miscavige not out in front publicly leading this charge?
Question: Does media reporting on the Church of Scientology helping to cover up the alleged multiple rapes committed by Scientologist — and now criminal defendant — Danny Masterson constitute “discriminatory media coverage of religion”?
I am certain Danny Masterson and the Spina brothers have signed the STAND petition.
I would tell Mike he should stop complaining from the sidelines and go protest in person and bang on windows and demand the cops. But I did that on GUY FAWKES DAY and got nowhere. Ooops!
I feel like Ronald Reagan after the death of communism! I guess podcasting and web blogging is just as effective at this point. Go Mikey!
So, they gave me one a few months back. I was honestly overjoyed at finally being recognized as the upstanding SP that I strive to be. I proudly displayed it on my FB page which inspired amazement and hilarious comments from my friends and colleagues. I was finally able to come out of the closet for creating my snarky music videos, tons of shoops, my (mostly inactive) blog that once hosted a parody novel about LRH in Target 2 and branding Mark Bunker’s run for City Council. But, most importantly personally and professionally, the project I’m most proud of, the creative direction and design of Phil and Willie’s “Call Me” billboard project.
The internet being the internet, we all moved on and I didn’t think about it again until a colleague who isn’t on Facebook called me in a panic. “Have you seen Linked In today? You really need to go search for your name. Someone named Tia really hates you!”
I figured I knew what it was and yep, Kathy Feshbach had posted a link to my STAAD page.
Now, I know all about Ms. Feshbach and her shady-ass family, but she certainly doesn’t know me from Xenu. I’m small potatoes in the scheme of things. So, I figure she was fulfilling some stat for the week (I didn’t check to see if it was posted on a Thursday morning) and I was probably only one of many.
Well, I was thrilled again! I reposted her post on LinkedIn with some pithy comments and a link to Tony’s articles on their grifting lives in the cult. I also sent her a note thanking her for the footbullet, as it was a footbullet that set me on this course of cult studies and criticism back in 1979.
Kathy Feshbach, I salute you! I also hope you wake the fuck up and get out of your self-imposed prison. Come on out, the reality’s fine!
Is it the same Tia that used to post a lot on the Bunker, but then went mental and rage-quit?
-Kat (JaxNGold from the Bunker)
STAAND THE pathetic excuse for truth and fairness IMO is the last ditch effort of a dying toxic, destructive cult akin to the Salem witch trials. Scientologists who think they are the elite, enlightened ones are actually bigots and narcissists who are driven to lie about their blessed cherch. It’s a sinking ship. And that’s for the best.
Hi Mike,
I don’t think it can be said often enough that few people would give a fig about what Scientologists believe, about Xenu or anything else, if they weren’t continually abusing people and ripping them off. I suspect they know this themselves (or the higher-ups in the CofS do anyway).
I read through that “Charter on Journalistic Ethics in Relation to Respect for Religion or Belief”. As with many things in Scientology, lots of statements one might agree with and then, halfway through, you get these:
“A responsible media refrains from reinterpreting, misinterpreting, analyzing, assessing or examining religious beliefs or the expression of these beliefs. Instead, it maintains a strict duty of neutrality and objectivity—accepting what the religion puts forward as its true beliefs without disapproval, contempt, condescension, bias or ridicule.”
“A responsible media does not intrude on sacred matters relating to creed, religious rites and religious institutions. It refrains from encouraging or instigating discrimination, derision, scorn or hatred based on religion or belief.”
“A responsible media avoids religious stereotyping and does not associate any religion or belief with human rights violations or terrorism.”
So, no investigation/discussion of materials, policies, practices, codes, activities, organisations, management or any other aspect of Scientology. Don’t write about “clear” or OT levels, disconnection, fees and fundraising, Miscavige, fair game, OSA, safepointing or any other highly “religious” subjects. Don’t talk about the sea org and human trafficking, because you’re associating Scientology with human rights violations.
A responsible media, in Scientology’s view, is one which simply prints verbatim their press releases.
It’s almost as if they think the media is U.S. centric. In most countries, CofS isn’t recognized as a religion.
Also, does this mean they believe no one should investigate reports of abuse and corruption in ANY organized religion? Or just theirs 🤦♀️
@LisaP – I think you hit on something. For Scientology, it does expect media and any other external entity to vigorously investigate and expose any abuses in OTHER religious organizations, just not theirs.
While I do not profess to be an expert on the traits of narcissism, I imagine that one might be “continuously operates off a double-standard.” For instance, many of us recall the steady PR-ing and celebrating of then-in Isaac Hayes who voiced the character ‘Chef’ on the popular American TV program “South Park” airing on the Comedy Central network.
This program steadily satirizes and pillories [exposes for ridicule] all sorts of beliefs and practices, certainly religions. Nary a negative word was ever uttered in the halls and ranks of Scientology about this, only steady praise and positive celebrity love for the success of Isaac Hayes in his role and for his prominent involvement with this very popular show.
Until, err…. the bubble burst when creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone turned their satirical lens to Scientology, writing and presenting a now well-known episode titled, “Trapped in the Closet.” Huff and puff, Isaac Hayes quit the show with a public statement that it was for ridiculing his religious beliefs.
Observers wisely asked, “Where was Isaac Hayes and the Church of Scientology’s profound concern previously for all the OTHER religious beliefs being skewered and laughed at on this program?”
If I recall, the C of S response was none. No concern for “respecting the religious beliefs of others” or seeking to defend them against seemingly “unfair” examination or ridicule in the public arena.
As many of us remark in this blog post thread, the self-absorption in the group seems, sadly and as ever, at a “danger zone” level.
Why not tell the truth about Scientology?
The site says its name is Scientologists Taking Action Against Discrimination and monikers itself as STAND. But WTF? There’s no “N” in their chosen name! Should be STAAD instead. But of course accuracy isn’t their practice now is it?
S(tooges) T(alking) A(rseholian) N(onsense) and D(rivel).
You hit that nail right on the head! Thanks so much for making me roll around on the floor laughing my ass off.
Mike, I wholeheartedly agree. This is straightforward and accurate, what you write above: “The targets of their hate are exclusively based on their assessment that the person is an ‘enemy’ of scientology.”
That is the sole criterion.
For any of us in this blog community who have either done the Data Series course or other type of cause analysis training, isn’t this so stunning? The people producing this think it is fooling people, when it is just so obviously “sour grapes,” along with speaking/writing in broad generalities. Very far from the “Truth is the exact consideration” principle the C of S team is so keen to say they follow. Along with the “Being a Victim is low-Toned” credo and principle.