I happened to pick up a copy of the new edition of Freedom magazine in downtown Clearwater (there are a number of stores that have an over-abundance of scientology promotional items on display — not sure if they are hoping to curry favor with the few scientologists that might stop in or if they are intimidated into thinking they will be put on a “blacklist” if they don’t accept them).
This “special edition” is not the usual “Posse of Lunatics” or Anderson Cooper is a poopy-head or Lawrence Wright’s mother wears army boots. This one crows about the accomplishments of scientology and especially of its most esteemed and fearless leader, Mr. David Miscavige.
I’m going to pluck just a few of the pages of this 180 page lie-fest and note some of the most egregious falsehoods.
It’s sort of CSN in print.
And it’s kind of remarkable that nobody challenges their assertions. But then again they never appear in any forum where that would be possible. No representative of scientology even talks to the media on the phone any more, let alone live interviews. And when they are invited to appear, their only response is to have lawyers send threatening letters. This is why. Because it is impossible to defend the bold lies they assert in their internally printed and produced propaganda so they stay out of any circumstance where they may be called to do so.
Following are just three of the 180 pages of unadulterated bs.
I plan to do more in this series as the whim takes me.The first huge lie.
Scientology cannot get 100 people rounded up for a cataclysmic hurricane in Puerto Rico or Houston. A “network” of 1.5 million people… if they were asked to provide proof of this they would no doubt come up with some contrived stories about “training 200,000 people in India to do assists” and how their “network” includes the Red Cross because there was a Red Cross person who said they were helpful at 9/11. Whatever it would be, this figure is simply a huge, brazen lie.
And they go on with more on the following 2 pages:
“One of the world’s largest independent relief forces” couldn’t muster any visible presence in Houston or Puerto Rico. A couple of photo ops. An NFL player single-handedly did more for relief in Houston than this supposedly massive international force of relief. Scientology is still fund-raising and promoting their “ideal org” in Puerto Rico — that is where their energy is directed, not disaster relief. It’s “self-relief” that always takes precedence in Scientology.
As for 22 Natural disaster sites — they may be able to come up with some photos of a person or two in a yellow T shirt in some of these places, but if anyone challenged them and checked with the communities concerned, this lie would shatter.
So too the claim about teachers in 69 nations. There may be people from 69 nations who have studied Hubbard’s Basic Study Manual, there is no way there are teachers using this in actual schools in 69 countries.
And as for 34 million educated on the truth about drugs — they might have printed a few million of those free hand out booklets about drugs and left them on a shelf in libraries or local stores. It doesn’t mean anyone was educated. But truthfully, this is probably the least egregious lie they tell. They DO actually make an attempt to educate children about drugs and anything that is done is a worthy endeavor. But humility is not their strong suit This is ONLY done to generate goodwill. Their good work is not done for the purpose of helping others, it is only engaged upon when it’s thought it will help scientology.
One of the all-time, Hall of Fame Lies is the idea there are 95,000 Governments, Organizations, schools and groups “in partnership” with scientology. They could not even get 95,000 people in the world to publicly state they are a scientologist. There may be 100 minor government organizations around the world that use some form of Hubbard technology. No more than that. They fudge this number by including “groups” and there is NO definition for this. 3 people reading Dianetics once a week is a “group” in scientology parlance. No matter how you slice it, there aren’t even many thousands of anything “in partnership” with anyone associated with scientology.
And as for 6.6 million “helped” – just a figure plucked from the sky. Like 10 million scientologists. Sheer idiocy.
Love the photo of the 2 guys in the yellow tee shirts next to the fire , I know this is supposed to represent Scamology helping humanity ( Cough – Gag , nearly choked on that one ) but to me it represents Scamology burning to the ground and the 2 yellow tee shirts are the management throwing more fuel onto the fire every time they open their mouths hence the dust or should we say BS masks ( the masks don,t seem to working at all ) .
The only time they can get a picture of a full course room is at a facility where the inmates are forced to be there and bars on the windows to prevent escapes. I wonder if we could see the faces of the those guys, how many were even awake or paying any attention what so ever.
That is probably why the photo is taken from the back of the room…no one is paying attention!
In over forty-five years of Scientology watching, the common thread has been the assertion that Hubbard made when he said that the “tech” would achieve a result if exactly followed. Many such as Miscavige have died on those words. In the 70’s, 80’s,90’s and from 2000 till the present, members think that if all of Hubbard’s words are properly defined and if only he could truly be followed, there would be spiritual progress. But nearly a half a century has proven that despite computer data bases of Hubbard’s words, they amount to a meaningless pile of confusion. This is easily demonstrated by the OT VIII narrative in which Hubbard rambled and ranted about the Buddha, the anti-Christ and his famous statement that Jesus was a pedophile. In addition, Miscavige failed with his golden age of tech. All of the meaningless phone calls to me for over thirty years were nothing more than a desperate religion trying to make itself legitimate. I have been reading some of Hubbard’s Philadelphia Doctorate transcripts from the 1950’s. I struggled with these in the 80’s because I did not know that he was copying a lot from the many Theosophic authors who were popular from 1910-1925. So now his millions of words can be reduced to only a few. It is not surprising that Hubbard took the right handed good of Madame Blavatsky and turned it into the left handed black of Scientology. I left Scientology when I realized from a very primitive viewpoint that Hubbard misunderstood all religion and formed his own personal religion that was seriously flawed. Even if one looks at Dianetics from a positive standpoint, it is obvious that Hubbard evolved it into a trap when he added in body thetans. In all probability Hubbard had a backwards view of spirituality which he deduced from inferior sources and which he further stained with his mind. So he ends up saying Jesus was a pedophile but has no clue of the Kingdom or the many mansions.
All to keep the rusted on minkeys in the rhuem of Skiontmotology.
“And it’s kind of remarkable that nobody challenges their assertions. But then again they never appear in any forum where that would be possible. No representative of scientology even talks to the media on the phone any more, let alone live interviews. And when they are invited to appear, their only response is to have lawyers send threatening letters. This is why. Because it is impossible to defend the bold lies they assert in their internally printed and produced propaganda so they stay out of any circumstance where they may be called to do so.” You hit the nail on the head, Mike. And THIS is what you and Leah should do a show about on the next A & E Series. Keep putting out articles about the lies and exaggerations they put out to the faithful yet don’t dare put out for the world at large.
Was just reading an article about empty buildings in the NE of England and how many people list themselves as scientologists. The UK national census 2011 (Govt. document all citizens are required to fill out) list 62 scientologists in that region. Interestingly 100 people claim to be satanists. Perhaps the devil should start buying properties.
I believe you noted this once Mike, that all this parade of success is to keep the inside Scn blind members believing that the expansion is beyond epic and, above all, that the source of this success is because of David Miscabage’s ‘leadership’.
If he can keep the insiders believing that all is expansion and many millions are responding, then, he can keep control of the stolen millions, the ideal org. buildings and feeling he is the ‘only one’ that is admired and respected because of this epic evolution.
But again, Miscavige is incapable of creating something on his own, he is nothing without all the admiration he receives from the blind followers and is worth, as an individual, nothing at all
Pretty much sums it up in a nutshell, Sylvia!
I remember going to events and being given Freedom Magazine and being told how awesome we were doing. I’m sorry to say that there was a time that these events bolstered my certainty that I was doing the right thing. That I was part of a movement to help others.
Ouch. I was so wrong.
CnC, I can relate. To this day I can still be stunned when facing a “big lie”. To this day I continue to be amazed when I encounter this, which isn’t often, but in my work I do occasionally encounter this, and I am always surprised! Because I don’t have the NERVE to tell BIG lies. Little ones, sometimes. I admit this. Small social lies, to be polite, that sort of thing. But a huge, outright lie? I don’t have the nerve! And people who do never fail to amaze me.
It would make Fatso proud how they’ve turned lies tech into an art form. My favorite is the credit for yet another approving testimonial: “Advisor, Ministry of Education.”
Of course, there is no name given; there never is. But note the comma in the title
That avoids the prickly issue of “of” or “to”; whether this is a government official or someone who claims that they were “advising” said government. Sort of like Hubbard writing advisories to various government agencies that they annotated as “guy appears mental.” Indeed!
Mike, “in a new unit of time” I just want to express my thanks for your excellent, excellent work.
I guess if you’re still in the bubble you might actually believe this crapola. Most folks have to know by now that this stuff is a bunch of codswallop. I have to believe this or my head will implode.
Take the lies out of Scientology and what are you left with?
*** thinks hard *************
*** thinks even harder *************
That’s it, comple silence.
Great question!!! I’d say “not much.”
Cntoogy. I took out all 4 letters. ?
Divide by zero error…. Shutting down
After Hubbard killed the golden geese (the franchise network) in the early 1980’s, and memberships and revenues dropped: After Anonymous rattled Scientology to its core by turning social media spotlights into their dark corners and forced them into siege mentality: After the St. Petersburg reporting and numerous books and exposes of their inhumane activities proliferated without lawsuits from them : And, after Aftermath showed their merciless behavior on national TV: I had begun feeling like kicking back and going easy as they continue on their path to self-destruction.
Your reporting on the boasts of their mega-incredible feats of humanitarianism from the hard-core die-hards put me on notice that the evil that they do is still happening, that the lower that they go the more desperate/insane they will act, that their covert incursions into education, addiction therapies, real humanitarian organizations, etc. continues unabated, and that all they have left is to fight the entire world. Now is not the time to ease off. Thanks for revitalizing me to continue the work of shining the truth on the church and david miscavige.
Superb comment, Jim.
Jim, spot on. One thing that is surely happening at an accelerating pace is the intense stress and pressure that those still in must face. It is like the proverbial slow boiled frog. I just hope more scientologists hop out of that slow boil of scientology before it strips them of everything.
The thing that gets me is that Scientology still gets away with the “big lie” propaganda of claiming “millions” of members. Hubbard was right that “incredulity of our data….is our finest asset and gives us more protection than any other single thing” – apparently the media can’t fathom that a supposed “church” would tell blatant falsehoods about the basic facts of their existence, on the order of magnitude of 100 times overstated, and so gives Scientology a pass on fact-checking their membership claims, not being willing even to cite the figures that the US census published in 2008:
ARIS updated those figures to show Scientology down to 25,000 members as of a decade ago:
I hope that the unwillingness to fact-check membership claims ends, as if I think if it were known that Scientology were down to fewer than 20,000 members worldwide, all the other grandiose claims would start to be recognized as the North Korean style hysterical propaganda that they are.
Take a look at the excellent fact checking project by Jonny Jacobsen
I really want to see the fact-checking of Scientology’s membership “big lie” propaganda make it into the mainstream media, though. The information has always been out there, but hopefully Jonny’s efforts along with some others (various pages that Mike has done rank in Google searches) will make the truth easier to find and harder to ignore.
As Tubby’s “messenger” in ’82, Ms. Cabbage took it upon hisself to dismantle the WW network of missions which had been bringing in the new meat and sending loads of payments upline Result: system-wide crash resulting in no missions, only “mini-orgs”, all mismanaged by Dwarfenführer so they could only do as well (poorly) as the official orgs had been doing all along, and continue to this day. The reason? that the missions had somehow managed to flourish and prosper under Tubby’s dictated franchise system, paying the staff relatively well and keeping their premises presentable so wogs were invited in, unlike most orgs. Back in the ’70s, I stopped by DC org…. SCARY place! and as I walked away, a DC cop stopped me and asked if I had a weapon on me (sounding like I SHOULD in that part of town.) All I had was my swiss army knife; hardly a weapon, though it was wicked sharp. It’s now on my desk next to my keyboard. I keep it for sentimental reasons: It’s helped me fix cars enough to get home a few times. (Mcguyver’s my hero.)
Just thought: Prehaps one reason he disappeared Shelly: Wasn’t she a couple of inches taller than him? In the pic I saw a few days ago of her modling a new hand-crafted suit, she looked REALLY tough. Sounds like she could stand up against him, and may have, which would enrage him beyond control, not that he ever feels the need for control. What Davey boy wants, Davey boy gets…. WHEN he wants it, if not before. OR heads roll.
“in ’82, Ms. Cabbage took it upon hisself to dismantle the WW network of missions which had been bringing in the new meat and sending loads of payments upline”
Jere, which Ron Bot told you that lie? What it some nut job Indie scamologist?
That was Hubbard’s direction and approval.
Wynski, right now I am reading The Defector. I’m about 80% though it, mostly because by the time I sit long enough to read I fall asleep or I should have finished it a long time ago. Anyway, where I am right now in the book the author is speaking to Scientologist, and ex members, who are really giving a history lesson on LRH way back in the day. It is really interesting to read the history of this man, what he did, the “legacy”, and also that the couple the author speaking to at this point are convinced that DM is a psychopath, which was also how they referred to LRH.
Also, that LRH didn’t get through OT VIII? at one point. It seemed that LRH was in control longer than some think he was, DM just picked up where he left off and made some changes on his own.
Hi Peggy, LRH was the absolute dictator of the church until his death in ’86. At a mere utterance he could have any member removed or raised (including DM). He could order anything and have anyone bring him evidence of it being done.
He never finished OT 7. He tried to commit suicide because he went insane and thought doing so would remove his imaginary BTs. He lied about having written up any OT level above VIII (which was released with all the Jesus, devil and spontaneous combustion insanity)
Thank you for your reply Wynski. Not that LRH, according to those who knew him, was all that sane … ever… but it sounds like his climb up his self built ladder sure didn’t help his mental health at all. Maybe that’s what happens when someone starts to believe in their own BS.
I have this picture of a small group out on the deck of the Titanic, celebrating, drunk, oblivious and drunk, raising their glasses, toasting, boasting, congratulating one another, as the water seeps in around them, as they sink…at some point the ship will capsize, and yes, some of them will then wake up and grab a life jacket but at this point I do think there will be those, still in denial, who will deny to the end, even while going down, down with the ship…I have this picture.
Same here, but my picture includes a fully enclosed luxury lifeboat with Son of Schicklgruber inside, drinking scotch and laughing as he heads for his Refuge – already built using the millions from the Faithful. *Poor doomed bastards.*
Will wonders never cease….so called “touch assist from the organization”….
Could it be “borrowed from” (ahem…)similar to:
HTI is certainly on to something! Very, very interesting. Thanks for the link, BL!
One of my neighbors has been a Certified Reiki Master for Decades, takes a lot of training & time.
I became a Reiki practitioner in 1987. My wife at that time had become a Reiki Master after a 5 year training period. Her talent was incredible and she did a lot of distance healing. On several occasions, when she was really busy and was asked for distance healing, she had to tell them she didn’t know when she’d be able to do them, but that she would work them in as her schedule peermitted. More than once, her client was able to tell her EXACTLY what time she had begun the session. She was truly phenomenal.
Though I did not practice for many years, in recent years I’ve discovered that the energy flows again when I do the proper preparation. Quite fascinating stuff.
Yes indeed Peter it is……my neighbor has been as mentioned a Master for years & still moving forward to better herself to help others. I know she’s helped me….. This “organization” stuff of what they do……I shake my head in disbelief……
All those numbers are supposed to make your head spin and gain some ‘acceptance’ in your brain. ‘It’s got numbers, it must be sciencey’….
Four out of Five Dentists agree, L Ron Hubbard should have seen a dentist more often. The fifth dentist was away at a WISE convention on the Fleecewinds.
The Clams need to build their bubbles out of Titanium. The truth can get through almost everything else.
If Stan Freberg were still alive I’m sure he could do a fantastic spoof of COS-style advertising. I’m reminded of his print ad from the sixties for Chung King Chow Mein. The headline claimed, “Nine out of ten doctors prefer Chung King Chow Mein.” In the photo, you see ten doctors, nine of which are Asian with one white doctor sitting front and center.
That sums it up: Lyin’tology. If they’re not lying, it’s not Scientology.
Here’s one of my favorite quotes:
“One falsehood spoils a thousand truths.”
African (Ashanti) Proverb
No wonder DM works so hard to keep those that remain isolated from the outside, free world. If they only knew how many lies have been fed to them maybe a thousand who believed what he said were “truths”, and the walls started to crumble, they would gather the strength to escape.
Another favorite of mine is, and I think it applies to all of you who did escape:
“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man.”
― Heraclitus
You are not the same person you were when you were in that cult! Please don’t feel guilty.
Heraclitus, one of my favorites Peggy!
All true, Peggy. It only took one lie to shock me and make me start questioning. One lie the cult told me, that I didn’t even doubt myself, didn’t even think to question it, but ACCIDENTALLY found out a few days later was a total, bald faced lie! And I was shocked because it had not occurred to me that anything the cult told me was anything except truth, absolute truth!
But that one lie…it woke me up. I thought, “Whoa. Wait a minute. If they would lie to us like this – “us” because this lie was told to a group of us at an Ideal Org fundraising event – if they’re OK with telling this HUGE whopper to us, flat out, with a straight face, then, what ELSE are they lying about? Indeed, what else have they BEEN lying about, all along?”
You’re right. It cancelled out what might have been a lot of truths. Once someone trusts you its so easy to slip one in. There’s so much trust. You won’t be questioned. You can get away with it, for the time being.
But uh, oh, if you get caught, lying and deceiving like that, after having built up a huge amount of trust! Because that one lie can make that solid wall of trust crumble.
PS: When I confronted one of the OTVIIIs about this huge whopper of a lie that was told to us at this Ideal Morgue Fundraising event, he said, “Well, if we hadn’t said that (told that lie) no one would have given any money.” Yes! He admitted the lie was so we would donate!
This was an OTVIII, admitting having defrauded us. Today, I am totally clear that the Church of Scientology is a training ground for criminals. I thank all the powers that be that I didn’t have the money to go OT. Because I might have ended up like him!
Well, I guess there’s something to be said for not having a lot of money Aquamarine. 🙂 Look how it’s gotten a lot of people who don’t have that issue deep into denial.
I have a file with quotes Henni. Some just funny and some that make me think, all worth reading every now and then though.
The Heraclitus was one that had me thinking about my life Wynski. What’s done is done and to just keep on keeping on.
Exactly Peggy.
Aqua…..that lie was the BEST thing that ever happened to you because it caused doubt in your mind, heart & soul & had you realize the truth. Therefore, because of that huge whopper of a lie…you got OUT……I am sooo happy for you!
Love the quotes…
Actually, if one has an account, there are scientologists responding to SP’s such as me over at the change.org website, where the petition to get the Aftermath show banned is still failing.
Please come help me sowing seeds of doubt 🙂 :
Wow! Leah, you really struck a nerve with Scientology! Way to go! “…showing a totally negative side of Scientology.” I didn’t realize Scientology had more than one side!
Actually, the cult is criminal, immoral, greedy, litigious and ruthless, but you’re right, OSD there is a negative side.
Just today I saw a poorly dressed guy who was distributing anti psychs CCHR brochures near psychiatric clinic in Moscow. I don’t remember him being in the org, maybe some new guy in a middle of his ethics circle.
Yeah of course 1,5 million force.
I think I can catch on to this way of thinking.
I drank some Puerto Rican rum. I single handedly saved the PR economy. Where would they be without my support?
My bank account had 3,500,000 units of currency go through it last year!!!!!! Thank you CoB! I feel so much better about my finances with this cognition.
They were pennies, but still….
I’m going to fix a sandwich, which should boost the Midwest U.S. grain profits to all time highs. Then I’m going to work on pushing the Puerto Rican economy into G7 status.
Whoa, Kyle! You really do have Super Powers! The only thing I have is Pooper Powers. And even then I have trouble with that. It’s an aging thing…
You are a big being! KSW!
This year’s freedom medal of valor goes to…KYLE!
“You’re a CICS to have so much on your bank account. That money, uhm, you, should forward my bank account, uhm, the Scientology objectives. Please see the registrar for your next donation to the IAS. Don’t take auditing or something. That’s overrated. 😀
Co$ Twin Cities Open House & BBQ. No one showed up…
Wow – The Twin Cities Ideal Org is empty just like our Class V Org has been and still is ….and we just had to buy a bigger building now, now now….over one decade ago.
So many members gave all and are experiencing financial ruin and hardships.
The Ideal Org is still not open.
Talk about financial fraud!
Can anything be done about the deception of bankrupting members for a building never opened?
They lit a fire for nothing. Sad.
Interesting that the lighter fluid is so very close to the open flame, appears no one is monitoring this. Perhaps this is the new ploy: allow building to “accidentally catch on fire” then tiny DICKtator can claim the insurance money. Little chance of anyone being injured, as building is empty.
I still can’t believe they took over the old Science Museum building. Booooo.
I’ll bet the guy flapping his arms at the end of the vid just came in for the ‘cue.
“The Emperor’s New Clothes” comes to mind.
No matter how much they lie to themselves…they are creating a false reality that can’t last much longer and when it POPS (and it will) the truth will rise up like a Phoenix.
I just hope that those tricking everyone are held FULLY accountable and responsible for ruining so many lives.
It took some confront but the longer I am away from Scientology – the more I am able to confront Scientology.
Scientology should be renamed….”Scien-LIE – ology” – because it truly is a science of LYING.
To think I wasted all of those years on staff and paying for the Bridge to Total Confusion.
I reached the EP of Scientology though….
“confused and in fear of everything” Oh… and….”Being Nothing”.
Then I started to look at what the Church told me NOT to look at…the internet
It was one of the hardest things to confront – the fact that we have been totally lied to about L Ron Hubbard, the tech, the growth and expansion, the psychs and David Misavige.
It is one hell of a hoax indeed.
There is a feeling when you know you have been bilked by someone. It’s horrible sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach.
Someone you trusted. Someone you trusted, utterly. That runaway-Drano feeling in the pit of your stomach. Nothing quite like it.
What did LRH say in the CS Series? (#11?) Oh, yeah, false report = doubt as a person is not sufficiently certain of the subject to use it truthfully …
Now Ron did in fact START the PR train on its journey with his wild exaggerations in DMSMH.
And now the inevitable result of decades of continual lies … The entire church of Scientology cannot help lying with every single communication it makes as a group.
They take lying to a new level. It’s actually ingrained in their DNA.
You said it well.
Volunteer Ministers is a total sham. This is from personal experience. After release from hospital the C/S told me to get 3 assists per day during my follow up weeks in home recovery. After many unanswered phone messages left to the person in charge of the VM organization in Clearwater I got an answer telling me I should simply get a non Scientologist neighbor, train the person on the procedure and have them give me the assists. WTF? They can fly VMs around the world to give assists to non members at various catastrophes but can’t drive a few blocks to help an actual member? Yep! It is all truly bullshit. That’s the only certain thing.
That sucks Glenn, especially when you are in and believing. Happened to me with a person I needed help with urgently. Couldn’t raise one person.
Thanks for the acknowledgement pinklegs. The end result of the fiasco I experienced was it “opened the door” a little wider. I walked out about a year later.
Your comment reminds me of a time was giving assists to an OT3 who was fighting cancer. Did it every day for about two months after work and on weekends. During free time I reached out to others in the cult and even the VM I/C at the local org seeking a some help. The OT3’s c/s recommended 3 assists daily and I could do only one as I was full time employed in a job. Well, NONE of the mother fuckers I reached out to lent a hand. Not one! I continued to do my part but in the end the OT 3 died. Fucking, totally useless, self-serving, heartless cult. Even the fucking VM I/C at the org did not a fucking thing. Bitch!!! Sorry, there’s still some by passed charge; don’t you think!
Glenn, I’m sorry for your loss. Thank you for helping that person in spite of all you had going on. In LA, the land of the most Scns per capita, there was an OT V or VII. (I forget which he was). He was semi famous from the band he played in and everyone liked him. He got cancer. They couldn’t raise anyone to help him amongst the Scns. I volunteerd to give him TA’s and was told that he didn’t want TA’s, that he wanted and needed someone to drive him to the Dr and stay for the 5 hr intravenous chemo drip. I couldn’t do that cuz I was working full time. But found it interesting that a sick OT did NOT want Touch Assists. And also interesting was that amongst the huge population of Scns in Los Angeles, no one was volunteering to help him. He died. And maybe he would have died even with the assists. But the being would have loved to know he wasn’t alone and there were others there to help him. Unfortunately from the “church who cares” he didn’t get any of that.
Cindy. Thank you for writing. It’s nice to hear from someone who’s had a similar experience. I too think it strange the guy didn’t want TAs. Makes me wonder a bit if he was already leaving the cult.
You’re right; the church only cares about itself. In my reaching for help I even made an appointment with the ED of the org. Pleaded with him but all the dolt did was try to recruit me. So, yes, no help FOR members; only FROM them. I wrote a many page KR on the whole debacle and sent copies to everyone up lines. Never a word back. Sadly I was so brainwashed then I remained in the cult anyway.
Oh my, what a surprise. I wonder where DM learned how promote lying as advertising?
Let me think deeply……… I can’t seem to get it……… oh wait……… I remember.
He got it from daddy Ron; the greatest liar I’ve ever come across.
On page two of The Fundamentals of Thought Hubbard turns up the voltage on his implant machine’s brain reprograming feature:
“Tens of thousands of case histories (reports on persons who have been processed, individual records) all sworn to (attested before public officials), are in the possession of the organizations of Scientology. No other subject on earth except physics and chemistry has had such gruelling testing (proofs, exact findings). Scientology in the hands of an expert (Auditor) can restore man’s ability to handle any and all of his problems. Scientology is used by some of the largest companies (business organizations) on Earth. It is valid. It has been tested. It is the only thoroughly tested system of improving human relations, intelligence and character, and is the only one which does”.
What a load of lying horse shit!
Hi Bro!
Brian wrote:
“On page two of The Fundamentals of Thought Hubbard turns up the voltage on his implant machine’s brain reprograming feature”
Agree, Hubbard was an “implanter”. I wish the internet was there in 1972 when I looked up at that Grade Chart with his picture near it at the New York Mission. Many of my friends passed because of the stress and strains of Scientology. I work daily to uncover information proving that Scientology is nothing more than a pimple on the ass of the history of religions. In the final days of the Roman Empire, cults from all over the known world flourished only to die in obscurity.
Hey George! Nice to hear from you.
I can see scholars in the future studying these space cult religions. It’s also possible that Hubbard will be acknowledged for applying therapeutic techniques to the spiritual problems of life and death. He was a pioneer in that regard. Of course he will be acknowledged for being bat shit crazy also.
Though Hubbard never truly connected his Scientology to science, the sentiment was truly foretelling.
We are at a time where science and consciousness are intersecting so naturally. About time.
He was right, but he was not very emotionally evolved. For a man to lie all of his life about himself is truly pitiful.
Roll on Brian, Nice insight.
Yea. Right. I get the sense that david miscavige ran out of options as to who to be the public rep for the church of scientology, so he either hired a PR firm or he “figured this out” all by hisself. HE HAS GOT TO CLEAN UP THE CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY’S IMAGE. No don’t do a mea culpa. Geez. Then david miscavige would be pilloried by his own remaining sycophants. NO! Try and make david miscavige look like a stand up guy. Try and shine up the turd that he created in this church and TRY and make it look like it is nothing but humanitarian – just trying to do its best to help the planet in any way it can – even if He has to use lies to do it.
Yo Dave,
Whaddaya thunk about a late nite talk show. You could host it good buddy, get You out in the lime light where You belong! You could do some chats with all of yer lovable starz and show the world how warm and cuddly the cherch has become.
Give em one of those winnover smiles Dave ….. and hold the camera on it just for You!
I don’t know why he ever smiles. The cracks appear all over his face.
You have to wonder how he can maintain that smug smirk on his face. Unlike his minions, he has the actual statistics and case files. He knows he’s lying. I wonder if he still manages to convince himself that he’s doing something worthwhile. I doubt it, actually, because I think he’s another sociopath who has no desire to do anything worthwhile. The smug smirk is about getting away with so much loot.
The injustice of this world is a lot to bear, where creeps like DM have whatever they want and honest people are ripped apart from loved ones. I don’t believe in Heaven or Hell, but people like him sometimes make me wish there were such things, just to get some justice in the end. Unfortunately, I think there’s only the justice we make. The only answer is to bring this criminal organization down.
Hear Hear
” I don’t believe in Heaven or Hell, but people like him sometimes make me wish there were such things, just to get some justice in the end.”
Well Cat, I don’t ‘believe’ in it either but my observations tell me it is for sure a truth. Become a $cientologist and experience Hell first hand. Leave the Cult and experience ‘Heaven on Earth’!
Yo Dave,
You are getting just what You deserve good buddy. A shrinking Hell Hole surrounded by incompetents. Whenareyagonna make the frickin thingy go right Dave?
I do believe in Hell. It’s call the Church of Scientology. Years ago I read C.S. Lewis’ “Screwtape Letters,” an imaginary view of hell from a Christian perspective. I’m always struck by the similarity of Lewis’ imaginary hell, and the very real one of scientology.
yea Cat,
Like the smirk on the face of Martin Shkreli (Pharma Bro’)? If only DM would follow in Shkreli’s footsteps.
I didn’t know that guy had ended up in prison, so thanks for bringing him up! Would be nice if the authorities did something about DM, too, but I’m not holding my breath. For now all we can do is keep getting the word out.
For those new to this blog, there is a super duper, double secret Axiom that most Co$ members never got to read.
It is: “If it isn’t a lie, it isn’t scientology.”
Or “If it’s not true for you…
(A) don’t tell anyone
(B) find your MU”
I found my inner MU. Now, all the cows come to me.
It’s a gift…
A handful of cookies fr OSD! To go with his milk cows. 🙂
Yes Mary, the axiom in action!