Since he separated from his wife, Trish, there has been some speculation as to whether Bob Duggan remained a scientologist.
While Trish has been visible handing over more and more cash to various scientology “fundraisers,” Bob has been relatively quiet. He got himself a new, younger replacement for Trish and they have a son. She appears to have never been a scientologist, but given the above, I assume she is being groomed as one now.
Obviously, he remains a fully committed cult member.
The pitch on this promo is pretty sickening. They are touting him having done Super Power as the reason for his success as part of Big Pharma. He owned a company that developed a cancer drug that was bought out in 2015 making him hundreds of millions. He has subsequently donated stocks in Big Pharma companies (including AbbVie) to scientology.
Now, when it suits their purposes to try to squeeze some cash out of people, Big Pharma is the vehicle to “significantly better health conditions across the planet.”
But this is NOT the usual party line for scientology. Big Pharma are the willing partners in crime with the psychs. CCHR repeats this message over and over.
A blast from the past — take a look at this classic from the now RPFed Fast Eddie Parkin calling us “big pharma whores.”
What I’d like to know is how on Earth did Ed Parkin get one of those fancy blue checks on Twitter? I thought you had to be at least a bit famous (or a journalist) to get one. As far as I am aware the only people who have heard of Ed Parkin are those of us who read this blog.
I Just realized that it’s a waste of precious moments of my life to read about Duggan, Miscavige, Shelly, RPF, etc. I don’t really care anymore. Bypassed a release point? Maybe when they die, I’ll want to know about it.
I have a whole history with Bob Duggan. It is a story for another day. Bottom line, he was my friend (or so I thought), and then he betrayed me.
Isn’t the betrayal of friends the hallmark of a Scientolborg in good standing?
Throw those you care about under the bus so as to improve your standing with the Cult of Slimeology.
Scientologists are hypocrites. In the late 1970’s Hubbard was so much against Big Pharma you could not use it. I worked for a specialty Chemical company with connections to the New Jersey managements. The attitude was against Big Pharma and I missed good contracts. Now Duggan makes Billionaire from something that Hubbard kept us away from. Hypocrites.
I’m guessing there will be pretty good attendance.
When a guy has his amount of wealth, all of the sycophants, yes-men and lickspittles will certainly want to be in close proximity. Even if the chances are low they still hope to either join the orbit around him or ingratiate themselves somehow.
The funny (devious?) thing would be everyone signs up to come (“Ah-ha, so you can come to seminars when you want too.”) and then at the last minute they substitute some SO know-nothing in his place.
Phillip, its true what you say. I can recall when Matt Feshbach came to our little org to do some sort of Finance Seminar. Oooh, were we impressed! The greaaat Matt Feshbach, come to enlighten Little Us. He was a big deal back in those days. I took copious notes, didn’t want to miss a word. Too bad he was too “out-ethics” to follow his own advice! Tax chiseler, convicted of tax fraud. I have such contempt for him.
Jay Spina also came to lecture and enlighten us about what LRH tech to apply to get rich and rocket up the Bridge. Jay Spina…need I continue?
If I were a wealthy Scientology Whale, the LAST thing I’d agree to would be to do finance seminars for the cult.
It appears to be bad luck 🙂
Bob Duggan acquired the rights to proselytize psychologist Alfred Barrios’s “24 Characteristics of Genius.” These 24 characteristics, apparently, are ones LRH himself encountered and helped to bring them and Dr. Barrios to notice.
To this end, in Clearwater, Bob Duggan founded a business education and consulting firm called “Genius, Inc.” With his managerial team, he set about establishing this firm. Their efforts naturally included hiring a team of hardworking, well-trained Scientologists. Some of us reading this blog may know (or have known) some of these hardworking Scientologists that went to work for Mr. Duggan.
We can reasonably estimate, this was a usual crop of middle class Scientologists: needing to work and earn very well because each is carrying loads of debt for all their expensive Scientology donations. Few or none being hired were of a Bob Duggan’s level of affluence or financial security. The two that I knew, I would say, were quite the opposite. Close to $300,000 of credit card debt between them.
Unexpectedly at some point (2019), all staff were let go. Change of direction, new plan, any existing promises cancelled. I do not know any were given a severance.
This type of stunningly dismissive business leader behavior is one most people do not encounter in their “wog jobs.” This speaks to, ultimately, the distinctly non-caring attitude some Scientologists, and some Scientologist-run businesses, demonstrate toward labor. It breaks my heart.
As someone who was a public only, I never appreciated how poorly org staff and Sea Org members get treated, the kind of capriciousness to which these professionals are routinely subjected.
The move by Duggan and team seems to fall into that category. I think a lot of us will remember, as soon as the early 2020 pandemic conditions were realized in the US, Grant Cardone laid off 80 of his 180 employees. They got about three weeks of severance pay, with little or no carryover of benefits.
What odd practices and points of view on “the greatest good for the greatest number.” To me, these actions sound like “the greatest good for just a few” and definitely not including the people doing the frontlines, boots-on-the-ground work.
I had a look at those, and they don’t include the prime characteristics of good leaders and managers, which typically have at the top things like communication, empathy and caring – and taking care of your people. So they completely leave out a key side of what’s important to actually running an organization, and turning brilliance and ideas into practice and products.
Loved both your comments, Peridot and Peacemaker.
Ed Parkin got RPF’d?
I guess he pulled it in. 🙂
Any details?
Parkin is in the RPF???
The only aspect of scn left is endlessly doing amends for supposed transgressions, along with running EVERY which way at random to “complete” whatever’s the big upset on the plate that day. Sounds like the RPF to me! (Re-education Project Forced on all).
Bobby will speak from 11am to 12 (only about an hour).
Maybe Bobby is there for commissions or he has to close an ethics cycle.
Brunch or food will be available from 11pm to 2am. So one can apparently listen to Bobby, eat, and do other things.
In reality it is the usual organized slaughter. Where one is pushed gradually into increasingly narrow compartments from which there is no turning back until the final attack of the regges. As I said, the usual ‘standard’ slaughter till one pays out.
“…the usual ‘standard’ slaughter till one pays out.”
That’s the truth. Or, even more literally, slaughter until one pays one’s way out – only way to get out the door.
@Loosing my Religion and @Briget: I agree. It is a rege/fundraise occasion, plain and simple. No one will be allowed to leave until they agree to pay.
Peridot. It’s absolutely as you say. Now that the world is ‘rolling around the edge of oblivion’ any hardsell and crush sell can’t be never enough.
I liked Ed Parkin, he was kind to me, he was my semi “first watch” and one of my last “watches” on the RPF in PAC from Nov 2000 to Dec 2002, were Ed’s direct involvement, sleeping literally in the bunk below me, in case I blew, and he would hear me jostle the bunk on my way to escaping, LOL.
He’s polite, and he was not top rate, but he was educated slightly okay, he hobnobbed with UK lawyers for the lost cause loss case against Bonnie Woods, wasn’t he Mike?
When I was a “threat” legally, when I threatened to go to police and media, in my final final months on the RPF’s RPF in PAC, Ed was was my first “watch” and he is intelligent and was interesting talking with.
His wife’s okay I had good impressions of her. She’s RTC or was, and they maintained their marriage despite she being uplines and him downlines in PAC.
He’s kind of an older gen OSA who are among the OSA staff who lived their “in the know” lives of exceptions to the rules.
For instance on the PAC RPF, when I transferred there from the Int RPF, the OSA spouses in OSA would come visit their OSA staff spouses on the PAC RPF. OSA Int LA staff went to the PAC RPF and not to the Int RPF, even thought OSA Int staff in LA are all Int Cleared, plus the OSA Int staff know all the dirty laundry of the blown Int staffers in many cases when things get totally weird.
OSA anyways on the RPF PAC would meet their OSA spouses during lunch one day a week, during lunchtime in one of the hallways near to the PAC crew dining room, the OSA RPFed spouses would come and chat and meet their OSA spouses. I know, since my then OSA spouse met me there, over several weekly meetings, in that near the dining room area, for a few minutes. I think it was Sunday lunchtime, in a tiniest window of time to briefly say hi to your spouse, even though you were on the RPF in PAC.
OSA staff totally were doing this as a group, even. It’s the kind of exceptions to the rules, even the highest players in LA played, against the rules.
What to say, there are so many more stupid details dodging all the damned horrible rules to life in Sea Org, in the RPF, etc, etc.
Anyways, Ed to me, wasn’t the complete fanatical type. For him to repeatedly go to the RPF is actually a sign of his humanity, in the degree that he willingly goes and goes, time after time.
His wife, I believe, in a way, is what keeps him going, and also this shows actually that the bond of marriage and those traditions, even prevail over the damned Hubbard extremist rules for doing Ed’s job in the first place, and then this backlash demonstration when one fails to do the STAND smearing up to snuff, causing the RPF penalty for Ed.
And his wife, in RTC or wherever she is faithfully working at Int today, is what keeps him, I’m sure.
If Ed’s or her parents wished for a Steve Hassan style intervention, my two cents, is try get the both out, when they have to visit for a reunion or funeral,
I liked Ed, despite it all. As I did most OSA staff, they all were quite living a strange life violating the rules, as they did their jobs, as I witnessed.
Oh MY! OSA spouse got to see each other over LUNCH one time a week. What use was it to be married ffs.
It seems that EVERYONE got RPFed at least once
‘back in the day”, didn’t it?
yea, when I first heard of the RPF, I thought secretly, great news, at least you get to RDD (read it drill it do it) train on the tech up to Ex DN which would have been the RPF program wayer backer in the time I first dreamed of doing it.
For sure, i the later half of the 1970s, Flag Clearwater had ebbs and flows of RPF legions. All the biggies went, that old dirty needle mistaken to be a budding rock slam and needing to be RPF sec checked to determine if those dirty needles would develop into rock slams, that sure got loads RPFed didn’t it?
And I did two stints in the RPF, I didn’t think that was too bad, 7 years of my total 27 in Sea Org, in the RPF.
(I secretly didn’t mind the RPFs at all, they weren’t drudgery to me. I wasn’t demeaned too much, just for a very short time period at the Int RPF when I wanted to quit it, and then got the backlash screaming and demeaning you get or got, but that doesn’t always happen at all RPFs, but happens enough to make it dreadful. Always best to blow and never return. “Blow for good” for sure is the right path.).
Makes me wonder about when Miscavige and Shelly are going to be divorced so Miscavige can hook up with Laurisse offficially.
I mean, Miscavige doesn’t go visit Shelly monthly, does he?
What do you think Mike?
Where’s Laurisse these days anyways?
I mean all Miscavige’s urgings for RTC staff to dump their non RTC spouses, it’s come around to him, and he’s for sure worked out something for a new partner, I’d have thought, years ago.
Laurisse wasn’t she the most logical partner for him?
Shelly I feel is wedded to her duty to LRH, and CST work is endless and eternally important in the long range scheme of Scientology/Hubbard dreams of the “legacy” of what CST contains, all the LRH originals, and artifacts. it’s historical that people who are in the top entourage, and they fall from grace, they do the upper most “foot stool for the King/Queen” jobs of trust. CST Hubbard artifacts and LRH originals upkeeping is right up a top entourage player’s long term loyal mindset, which is why I speculated that’s where she went, as soon as we heard she’d vanished from Int Base. CST work is for just the type of fallen top in the know person like Shelly, and particularly Shelly, that’s right in line with her deeper loyalty to LRH honestly.
Anyways, my question, what about Laurisse. if she’s left top entourage life around Miscavige, is she around or gone and paid off, or what?
Some religion. Spending more time in the RPF than being out of the RPF. He’s even done stints in the RPF’s RPF and if he was ‘over’ you then that means he’d been there for a while as he worked his way back through the steps to be in good graces. I would hate to look at my life in any organization and the bulk of my time having been spent in ‘religious’ prison.
I am guessing that Duggan is being made to do this seminar. Either as an ethics action or working on steps. How do we know? One measly hour with the ‘Super Big Being’ Bob Duggan? Get real. I would say that this came straight from COB himself and Duggan had no choice but to do something to appease him. I mean what can anyone learn in an hour. He’s been incognito since the divorce. Now poor new wife and innocent child will be into Sci too. I had hopes he’d at least wised up but nope…sad. I guess a one hour seminar is a small price to pay for all those juicy tax write offs each year. There’s no telling what kind of grift is going on there totally sanctioned by COB.
I’ll bet you are right. Miscavige sure was wishing the OT 8s would “DO” something, get active, be participants in the movement’s expansion in some way. WISE seminar ra ra talks for sure are one thing he was obliged to do, if he does nothing else but all his millions in that steady flow setup that was talked about he’d set up to make montly contributions. More is demanded, even in policy by Hubbard, which Miscavige and any “leader” of Scientology, and all Sea Org do think that the OT top people ought to be moving and shaking the world in some positive way, they are OT 8s by gosh, so act like one and do something bigger to make the world better, etc, etc.
Yea, really, if you could squeeze into your attention span enough of the Hubbard goals for “Clears” and goals for “OTs” to transform the earth positively, what it comes down to is be great role models, do good in their fields, and also push more of the “able” up the bridge to OT 8 and expand the OT 8 pool making a positive dent for real in the world.
Sounded all good to me, when I was the lower level cult bureaucrat trainer and I held the goal of wishing to work in the office of the Exec Strata, and help dig up Hubbard solutions that the Exec Strata and WDC could implement, to make it all work better.
It is more than a person can get into their attention span though, and so much backfiring Hubbardisms blaming every which way when things go wrong ,and the quackery lack of results just was backfiring left right and center all the movement’s history.
You just can’t sell quackery successfully, it backfires on even slave dedicated cult bureaucrats trying to make it all supposedly “work.” Keeping Quackery Working is futile.
Bob Duggans and Tom Cruises and etc, etc, the “big” beings still in the big sucker category of membership of the movement, can’t overcome the quackery hurdle Hubbard left everyone holding the bag.
Hail Xenu.
People’s natural short attention spans and zones of responsibility, are naturally too limited to take in all the Hubbard mess at one time and really solve it. Even if they could, you get hit with the unsellable LRH products.
False claiming, lying, hyping, those Hubbard policies only work short term. People hyped and lied to and falsely promised, will backfire.
Officially, unofficially. It SEEMs Davey and Laurisse are already a 2D. Dwarfenführer® don’t need to pay no attention to no RULES. There ain’t no one who could convene a comm-ev on the little prince. And who would DARE, other than that one guy I like to read on Tony’s site, since declared by McSavage?
Who’s the “….one guy I like to read on Tony’s site……”?
Keep in mind that Duggan was already a successful investor before he got into Scn. What most people don’t know is that he and Trish got their start at Westwood Mission in West LA. For a brief time, they were the darlings of the Mission: good-looking, fashionable, and affluent. Like most successful Scios, he achieved success not because of Scn but in spite of it.
That is truly what successful Scientologists factually can bank on. Their own innate ability. It won’t be Scientology’s placebo pseudo-therapy and Xenu’s “body-thetans” exorcism that improves their lives. It’s them, and their innate capabilities, which they had pre Scientology.
That is so clear to me today. Nothing that Scientology does for anyone is greater than giving them a framework in which they would have naturally “bloomed” on their own in life. Scientology is at best a wacky alternative hang out place to have been suckered into, with really oddball “good” intentions at best, from the Scientology staffs.
You are a prime example, your innate abilities are your strengths. Some people have more ability than others, etc. etc.
Didn’t Duggan GET Superpower because he’d been so successful in Big Pharma and contributed so much cash?
Didn’t Duggan GET Superpower because he’d been so successful in Big Pharma and contributed so much cash to Dave’s slush funds?
That was a Feshbach.
Wow. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds. But with the Internet it’s getting more press thank you Leah Remini and Mike Rinder! So ED Parkins is in the RPF? Hmmm?! 🤔 whose the big pharma whore now ay?
If it contributes to the “greater good” of the lesser cob, it’s all good. He’d accept cash from any of the thousands he’s declared/RPFed/Holed.
Bob Duggan seems to be a fairly private person. How did he get induced to shill publicly for Lron? Do I see a Steps A thru E or did flattery alone do that job? Nah, shilling at the CC is not that ‘public’ and only the most groomed will be in that audience.
yes, the public attending will have to “qualify”. At Author Services Inc, for ASI events, like readings, and so forth, the ASI legal guy Ryland Hawkins screened all guests, and only in good standing and no weird past Scientologists were even invited to come. CC Int is the same, they screen attendees.
If anyone’s a “Big Pharma whore” it’s Miscavige…who:
– Held stock in Pfizer and Ciba Geigy (now Novartis) [1]
– Took hush money from Eli Lilly and bragged about it [1]
– Has received well over $360m from pharma billionaire Bob Duggan [2]
– Held $48.8 million in AbbVie stock [3]
– Forced mRNA injections on SO members – demanding they lie about it, if asked [4]
Criminal Minds Hubbard policy followers must blame others for their own crimes.
Excellent links, thanks.
A Regg is coming to you SOON! (I had to say something,)
To: otherles
From: David Miscavige COB RTC
Re: the regges are coming
YES! The regges are indeed coming and you are well advised to pony up whatever funds they ask for under whatever reason they ask. Most especially the IAS. Everyone needs to increase their IAS status. The future of Teegeack, I mean, planet Earth, depends on it!
To: David Miscavige COB RTC
From: Alcoboy
Re: Giving money to the IAS.
Forget it. I am not helping you to buy yourself a new yacht. Use the one you already have.
No love at all
Not even som ARC, too, I bet.
Nope. None of that. Hear me?
That’s all tiny boots is getting out of me!
Seriously, the MV Freewinds needs to be replaced by the Sea Org.
Better would be if it were impounded by some banana republic dictatorship.
That would make headlines on Fox News and CNN!
He got 2 likes..One from COB and the other from Tanzania!?
He got two likes?
Wow. He’s upstat.