Sometimes you really have to wonder at the intelligence of some of these bubble-dwellers. And their delusions of grandeur.
Look at the crazy here.
Just to be sure what she is taking credit for:
Set aside her not too well thought through conclusions about deriding Trump — this woman is on a rant about Leah winning an Emmy and THIS is why the ratings are down. Still, 11.4 million viewers is a BIG audience — the same as last year before Trump was elected. If you wonder about the audience of NW TV these days obviously you didn’t watch the show and see how many awards Hulu and Netflix got and along with Amazon Prime, Sling, Playstation Vue and every other streaming service they are relentlessly sucking the viewers from NW TV.
She is talking about the PRIME TIME Emmy’s — where Leah and the The Aftermath were not even featured, but the newest darling of scientology (Elisabeth Moss) was massively recognized. Perhaps she is trying to say that people did not tune in for the show because they didn’t want to see a scientologist win?
The twisted “logic” of the heavy KoolAid guzzlers is hard to fathom sometimes. To explain the win of The Aftermath she explains that it’s a “small elite who actually select the winners regardless of what the membership voted.” And this is “truth” in her mind, just like the audience number is because of Trump-bashing or more like “all critics have crimes” because that’s what Ron says. But Glenis, did the same “small elite” also pick Elisabeth Moss?
Here are a couple of other thoughts:
Nicole Kidman was also a BIG winner this year. She is also an ex-scientologist. More EX-scientologists won Emmy’s than current scientologists…. And when you get to Oscars, Paul Haggis single-handedly has the current scientologists beat, and add Nicole Kidman and it’s a no-contest.
I bet a million dollars that Glenis Batley has not watched a single episode of The Aftermath.
While scientology’s popularity is on a toboggan slide to oblivion, audience numbers for The Aftermath continue to grow.
There is a new episode tonight at 9pm — please tune in. It is very timely, focused on celebrities in scientology.
I am amazed at your courage and everyone involved in the making of the series.
I’m a little late to the game, but I love your show!!! I’m so glad you guys are standing up to this cult. I remember my mom buying the Dianetics book, I also remember reading a bit of it before throwing it on the fire pit. I have banned any movies or music in my home that is made by a scientologist, I will not be a part of funding their criminal empire. I applaud you both. You guys are an inspiration and my family and I have your back!!!
Leah’s calling out the celebs (and how) along with media people who let it slide was absolutely priceless. If you would put that quote on a t-shirt or bumper sticker I kinda think you’d sell a few.
Glenis, Glenis, Glenis.
She is probably smart about a lot of things but, generally, she’s kind of a dingbat.
She is the ex-wife of the late (and cool) actor, Geoffrey Lewis and the mom of Juliette Lewis.
Definitely still a Kool-Aid drinker.
Still delusional after all these years.
I guess what amazes me is that Leah and Mike beat themselves up over not doing more. Leah, when you were talking to Lauren Haggis, you stopped her, because she was going to say, “I should have done more.” Just as you told her, you were imprisoned in a mindset. You didn’t know anything different. Walk with your head up and your heart high. You have stood up for the victims. You continue to give them a voice. Heroes are made of lesser tings. You give hero a face.
Bless you both.
Much love,
Amazing show tonight!! It’s amazing to witness the taking down of a destructive Cult famous for celebrity involvement- right before our eyes. Can’t thank you enough for doing the show. I’m just a lifetime fan and cheerleader to all of you who have left the ‘church’. Pray your older adult children will come back to you Mike. I have one out there homeless and involved in drugs. It’s tragic. I keep hope in my heart. Miracles can happen. Seeing your fight helps me. Bless you.
Tonight Leah, gotta love you, “they are pussies” says it all. Hmm, can you tell us how you really feel? LOL.
This Laura Pepron is she studying another form of scien. tech than the rest of us, a celebrity version maybe?
How hypocritical that she is playing a lesbian on a very highly rated show and of course this is ok because her money is being donated to the IAS. Why doesn’t the typical scio. act all righteous and ridicule her?
I bring this up because back in the day, I knew scien. that were OUTRAGED that Travolta should play such a despicable character in Pulp Fiction. Which by the way is one of my fave movies and I thought was his best dramatic role ever, brilliant. Oh, how horrible but meanwhile it was ok to collect his money.
Like Cruise now playing an assassin, etc. etc., it’s all good as long as money is flowing to the IAS. Yeah, you are all so virtuous, righteous and holy.
Great show again tonight.
I still feel bad for JT when DM royally messed up the Battlefield Earth movie (if you could call it that). He doesn’t know DM threw him under the bus? or what he knows and does nothing 🙁
I doubt JT has the balls to stand up for himself. God help the rest of this kids. He lost Jett, wasn’t that enough?
Pansy assed jerk.
If you ignore or FF past every part of BE except the parts with JT and Forrest in it, the movie plays as a funny satirical comedy. JT and FW do their characters proud. But then, I didn’t pay to see BE, just found a free copy somewhere. It’s not a movie I would ever spend money on. JT collects his ten million$, much to the chagrin of DM, with an over-the-top portrayal of an evil overlord with problems of his own: Upon learning he will never ever get off his horrible Earth assignment, JT whines “If I had know whose daughter she was…” The actors’ makeup as aliens is amateurish, the earthman hero Johnnie character absolutely cannot act, the love interest is unbelievable, and the plot line is herky-jerky, with odd “huh?” moments throughout. Even worse, everyone, human and alien alike, runs around with goofy grayish thingies hanging from their nostrils that look like giant man-eating boogers – that must have been DM’s contribution.
Dear AA, I couldn’t agree more. My husband and I watched that movie and honestly thought it was a satire of science fiction. Just shows to go ya! Maybe good ole lrh really lost the plot somewhere going up the bridge.
Right. And back in the early 80’s, there was a Playboy centerfold model, Dorit Stevens, who was on lines at AOLA, getting her OT levels. Nobody bitched about how she got her money.
It’s well known that the Las Vegas org (years ago, for sure) had a prostitute on lines because, “prostitution is legal in Nevada”. They didn’t mind taking her money.
On the other hand, KIrstie was told that she couldn’t do a print ad for Tequila.
A world class model in the 80’s was told that she shouldn’t be a model, promoting being sexy and “MEST”. This was so idiotic because she was very connected to other, world-famous celebs AND she was making great money. She told me this herself. It crashed her stats and her career. She’s still in and in training but sees that this was BS. I hope that it won’t be too long before she finds her way out too.
Didn’t Mike also “advise” Travolta not to do Pulp Fiction? I recall seeing this.. but can’t find where.. and he was mentioned it was a “WTF, like I know what is a good movie” kinda way.
I think I said this in one of the “fishing” video with Marty Rathbun. It’s true, he asked my opinion of the script and I was horrified at the thought of him playing a heroin addicted hit man…
Ahh yes, That was it. I remember you chuckling about it in the video. Thanks for the memory assist.
Hey Mike! You all deserved a prime time awarding of your Emmy for sure! Speaking of Emmies, tonight’s episode (S2E6) and the building crescendo of Leah calling journalists pussies who don’t ask tough questions into the montage of high profile celebrities on the red carpet, gave me goose bumps…
I think you are going to have a busy time between now and October 10th (when new episodes are back), me thinks it was perhaps planned this way 😉 BOOM, bomb dropped. Names called out. Aftermath time.
Rest your voice and drink tea, I hope you’ll be doing a lot of press after this episode!
BTW you better put a new page for all the feedback you are gonna get!
Thanks for doing this.
Here’s the deal. Whatever my opinion is about Scientology, Elisabeth Moss is a good actor. I haven’t watched “The Handmaid’s Tale” (because I don’t have Hulu) but it is based on Margaret Atwood’s novel, which is fantastic. Margaret Atwood is not a Scientologist, and the big projects that get produced for the film or TV industry that may sometimes feature a Scientologist, or employ a Scientologist, are also employing a majority of people, (which can number in the hundreds) that are not Scientologists.
I can’t get behind boycotting anything unless it is specifically designed to laud Scientology or one of its shadow organizations. It fucks it up for too many people that aren’t even connected to Scientology or trying to silence Scientology’s critics.
I am so glad that Mike and Leah won their Emmy award. That was totally about the message and shedding truth on Scientology’s abuses and the skill and sheer chutzpah that went into making that show happen amongst legal threats and lying counter websites pushing back.
But I don’t want to live in a world either where a production or a person is denied any justly earned reward for hard and brave work because of their refusal or inability to investigate beyond their own experience. They are brainwashed just as much as the lesser known Scientologists and I feel bad for them. All of the people that have been featured on “The Aftermath” were in that same bubble until they couldn’t be any longer. It may still happen for them. In the meantime, we shout the truth as loudly as possible so that someday they, and the others that are not as well taken care of and coddled as the “celebrities” are, begin to venture out of the fear and realize that we are all out here to welcome them to the real world.
And we do welcome them. All of them. Well, maybe not David Miscavige.
I favor the Faye Dunaway and Natasha Richardson “The Handmaid’s Tale” much better.
Quote: “I can’t get behind boycotting anything unless it is specifically designed to laud Scientology or one of its shadow organizations. It fucks it up for too many people that aren’t even connected to Scientology or trying to silence Scientology’s critics.
The Hollywood industry and the people working within it don’t fall into a complete standstill because a few Scientologists are boycotted. There’s plenty of work to be had. Maragaret Atwood will still keep on writing, getting her books published, and have her literature adapted (I already heard there’s another novel of hers getting made into either a film or a TV series). However, a continual pattern of low box office returns and/or TV ratings for shows starring Scientologists DOES affect the bottom line and DOES affect future decisions regarding casting. The target of the boycott is the FINANCIAL earnings that inevitably end up being donated to the cult. Will Tom Cruise suddenly become poor as a result? No. Will Scientology stop existing? Most likely not. While those outcomes may be wished for, the purpose of the boycott is really to assert the power of the people through their wallets. It’s the general public’s way of saying, “We don’t support Scientology’s abuses and those who fail to hold themselves/the cult accountable”. It seems to me that message is gaining lots of traction if social media reactions regarding the “Aftermath” episode on celebrities are any indication.
The only productions making films and what not “specifically designed to laud Scientology or one of its shadow organizations” are Scientology ones. Boycotting Way to Happiness booklets or Golden Era Studio-made SuperBowl ads have ZERO impact on the larger entertainment community or the monetary infrastructure of the business. Who will be affected by it ultimately? Scientology is still producing its propaganda despite having the WORST PR image. Hitting Scientology in the pocket will debilitate the organization more substantially than simply shunning cult material.
I’m not share why this chick won an Emmy when she wasn’t acting a member of a cult.
He can kill with a smile, he can wound with his eyes
He can read pc folders and spread vicious lies
And he only reveals what he wants you to see
He hides like a child but he’s always Miscavige to me
He can drive you to debt, he can take you or leave you
He can ask for the truth but he’ll never believe you
And he’ll take what you give him as long as it’s free
Yeah he steals like a thief but he’s always Miscavige to me
Oh, he takes care of his cash, he can steal if he wants
He’ll just cover his crimes
Oh, he never gives out and he never gives in
He just changes his mind
And he’ll promise you more than the garden of Eden
Then he’ll carelessly cut you and laugh while you’re bleeding
And he brings out the absolute worst you can be
Blame it all on yourself ’cause he’s always Miscavige to me
Oh, he takes care of his cash, he can steal if he wants
He’ll just cover his crimes
Oh, he never gives out and he never gives in
He just changes her mind
He is frequently cold and he’s suddenly cruel
He can do as he pleases, surrounded by fools
But he can’t be convicted, he knows where to flee
And the most he will do is throw bullshit at you
Cuz he’s always Miscavige to me
Lol!!! Better than Billy Joel’s version..
Excellent! ????????
Oh my and I always sing along, LOL, you the best Moxie
Thanks so much Ms.P.
Taking my husband and kids wasn’t exactly bullshit but otherwise love it 🙂
Earworm activated!
Looks like they boycotted the wrong show and the wrong scientologist? Another rousing endorsement for the “tech” that makes folks so superior!
Meanwhile the latest Cruise film was advertised during Leah’s show on A&E two weeks ago. Time to boycott Cruise?
Mike… I am anxiously awaiting tonight’s episode, as usual. Congrats on the well deserved award! I give a big Ditto to many of your followers as I now boycott Scientology celebrity’s films. You, Leah, Paul, & all those speaking out are my heroes! Against all odds & intimidation you remain strong. Following your every word, I salute you!
I’m confused and so want to understand. What boycott? What’s working? Was the Emmy’s boycotted? And why? I love Aftermath, Leah and Mike. I want to know what this article is about. I read it twice but don’t understand what it’s about. Any insight/explanation would be greatly appreciated! Thank you
It’s the ramblings of a very confused, delusory woman — don’t try to make sense of it. What’s so odd is the scientologists that pile on in support of her insanity!
Hey Mike, are we really still surprised they will bend anything to their advantage? Including reality. I spoke to a woman on Chris Shelton’s channel and she said that Scientologists were even glorifying the awesomeness of the hurricanes on facebook, in an effort to make them stop.
If they start pulling rabbits out of their behinds, will we really be surprised? Because at this point, it looks like they have no choice but to act nuts. They simply cannot help it. But they do make me feel relatively sane. And I will always love them for that.
Congrats on the Emmy Mr. Rindahhh (hehehe) !!! I am so very proud that you ran into that subway 10 years ago. Keep rocking!
Here’s the rundown on Glenis Batley. And it should be Glenis Batsh-t Crazy.
she married Geoffrey Lewis. 1970. Divorced a few years later.
She is Juliette, Lightfield and Brandy Lewis’s mother.
Everyone knows Juliette Lewis And Brandy is married to Ethan Suplee.
And Lightfield is a videographer. And also certifiable and violent. And they are all still in Scientology.
If Glenis was not in Scientology she would be in an institution or maybe she might be sane now if she was out of the cult. Her kids barely tolerate her. She represents the fringe of Scientology and because of her family she survives there. And many of the people still in Scientology are on the fringe. Nutwads and sponges who hang out at the local cult cafés and do little courses so they can stay there.
The fact that Scientology allows wack jobs like Glenis to speak out and do their rants is going to increase Scns bad reputation and speed up the shutdown of the Cherch.
Yes, Glenis keep talking. You have no idea of how much harm you are doing to your precious Hub bubble.
” Nutwads and sponges who hang out at the local cult cafés and do little courses so they can stay there.”
Thanks for the great belly laugh BK!!! Sooooo true!
Thanks for the biography but her FB post speaks to her mental health..
Bit of a random question: how come Sea Org members aren’t required to get minimum wage? Does it have something to do with a religious loophole? Are they legally considered volunteers? I don’t know how much Monks and Nuns make but I know for a fact Priests make more than $50 a week. (My friend is a Priest).
Dave doesn’t want them getting too soft, and thus be accused of being worker oriented. When he does reward them with a half day off every two weeks if their stats are up, they’re so much more appreciative. Sieg Heil!
I should have been more clear. How does the government allow it? Does Staff also not make minimum wage? Because staff at Christian churches make at least minimum wage.
The staff are paid an ‘allowance’ as religious volunteers I believe is the wording. When I joined Nov 77 the weekly allowance was 19.80$ I believe. In 2007 it was 50$. Sea Org work and live dorm style with cafeteria etc. Supposedly Medical/dental is covered but it really isn’t in most cases I knew.
In 1984 my husband was peeing blood and the medical officer (ASHO/D) refused him funds. He got on a plane to Detroit (from PAC/LA) and his parents took him straight to emergency – it was life threatening as his kidneys were shutting down. The ‘church’ would have let him die if he didn’t blow. He had his family ship me overnight a stuffed gorilla and a note not to worry 🙂 … And he is still there to this day 🙁
Thank you Cece. That is awful. I knew there was some type of loophole they were using. It’s diabolical.
Too bad your husband didn’t stay there with his parents and thus blow. Amazing that he would return to a place that wouldn’t let him go to the ER when he was peeing blood. They would rather have him die on post, which is what happened to Gretchen Schwartz at AOLA.
Hi Mike
toboggan slide to oblivion sounds like an awesome song/album title for a Northern European metal band. I’m a musician myself. I kinda want to start a metal band now just so we can use that title!
Yea. JBX. I think some old metal songs would fit Miscavige’s personality. Paranoid by Black Sabbath for starters
Superman, flash, green lantern, batman etc have NOTHING on Mike and Leah. My superheroes.
My little boycott of all celebrity scientologists and their projects is but one drop of water in, hopefully, a deluge against scientology.
emember, for every dollar pocketed by a celebrity scientologist, a significant amount is given to an organization that is a net drain on society, creates immense human misery, and has been practicing human rights violations for far too long.
Most sensible people in the entertainment world realize they just might not want to be associated with scientology in any way. The stench is becoming impossible to ignore.
So please join me in the boycott.
My family and I have also boycotted anything that celeb scientologists are a part of. Glad to hear we’re not the only ones.
There is no debating with that kind of “logic”.
Scientologists would rather berate than debate.
Exactly, there’s nothing to debate with. For all their droning on and on about how they are masters of, and have the guru Hubbard’s breakthrough of life’s true communication formula, one finds out pretty quickly these days when dealing with anyone in Scientology that, “no one’s home” to take your call.
well said!
And talking at is much different than talking with.
I think dm assumed no success for moss because “bigotry” and previous success of you and Remini and not wanting members to see you win and her lose put all his eggs in the basket of telling scientologists not to watch and so they only found out well afterwards that on this occasion one of their members actually did them proud. Maybe that explains EM’s middle finger: she’s probably been baraged by anti-emmy fervour by dm’s cronies and bought it hook line and sinker and is now thinking, ha ha, I won anyway despite the suppression cause I shattered it.
Nothing like giving the finger to shatter suppression; as effective as trying to kill an elephant with a BB gun.
Yeah — it’s funny about the “suppression shattering.”
I flew home yesterday from LA and who was on the same flight? Clive Rabies and his buddy Andrea D’Agostini.
I saw them standing at the gate in the crowds waiting to board.
I walked right over and stood near to where they were. They noticed me and quickly disappeared. Never to be seen again.
Your OT powerz amaze me. 🙂
Me too — apparently far more powerful than the ones you buy for half a million.
That’s cause you da man!
It takes a million to make a moron.
Ohhhhhhhhh, because you’re soooooooooo scary, Mike!
Proving once again that their “Confront and Shatter” tech doesn’t work for shit, but their “Run ‘n Hide” is superb 😉
Shrink and scatter tech.
I wish I could have seen their faces! Running away.
Honestly, I felt a bit sad for Clive. He looked SCARED. He has the answers to the universe and the means to be at total cause over matter, energy, space and time (this is what he TELLS everyone) and yet he becomes terror stricken at the very sight of someone he has been instructed is an SP. Just doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.
Because Mike, deep down he knows you’re not an SP …
Would you expect anything less? Nothing makes sense in this cult.
I’m watching an episode from the first show now. You look very handsome.
Did those two guys Clive Rabies and his buddy Andrea D’Agostini have “monitors” with them to make sure they didn’t attempt to “blow”? Despite the fact they might be trusted…DM seems to have an issue with as he said “checking if day for possible S.P.’s, one of these gentlemen might be on the list?
After all, you were able to get away & so was Claire who sat on her pocketbook on the floor at the bus station?
Seeing what Jackson & JB laid out…the razor wire topped fence, motion detectors, fence shakers, powerful lights…it is a Maximum Security Prison to keep people IN….not just out.
How do they get away with it….the “church policy to recover those who escape or blow the confines because they supposedly are in mortal danger of losing their eternity/souls” if they run off……WOW, that actually is allowed to happen.
But Mike, you are so evil, so powerful and full of evil, that, if they stood next to you, they just know that you’d drain all the theta out of them. You’e a very scary guy!
YEs, I know. I scare myself when I look in the mirror…
But these are two of the OT’s among OT’s. Clive is in charge of getting 10,000 people onto or through OT VII. I wonder if he is going to get there before he takes his 21 year LOA? Still having less than 7,000 after 30 years, it’s not looking good.
And D’Agostini is one of the big seminar dudes who has all the answers for people to become OT (and earn him 10% commission).
You would think these two could deal with just a bit of entheta — though perhaps it was Jack and Shane they were intimidated by? Or maybe Christie?
I think it’s probably your beard.
That’s what Kelly Preston said.
LOL you guys 🙂
They must have had to find a connecting flight. You should have waited until you were in flight and then given their Tee Rs a test.
That’s what I would have done…
Sitting across the aisle. LOL
I absolutely love this. Pay money to see it. I had to sit through some of his pep talks at Flag.
Ironically, Glenis is calling out the “small elite who actually select the winners regardless of what the membership voted”. Hmmmm…..yet once she willing gave her soul to Scientology, any vote she had in regard to her own life existed no longer….who cares about the Emmy’s…Big picture here Glenis !! Synonyms for Hypocrite: pretender, dissembler, phony, deceiver, dissimulator, pharisee, phoney, fraud, charlatan, impostor. Source: Followed your lead on that one Mike ? Replace “small elite” in Glenis’ world with DM. Ironically again that moniker literally fits !!
Are Hypocrites delusionary, or delusionaries hypocrites?
Dear Mike,
I am sure you are right at describing the bubble-dwellers as delusional.
Using the Hubbard approach to labeling, scaling and compartmenting everyone here is the true scoop straight from Hubbard hisself. There is an Awareness scale sandwiched between the training and the processing scales on my 1974, CLASSIFICATION GRADATION AND AWARENESS CHART OF LEVELS AND CERTIFICATES.
At the top is SOURCE at +21, and at the bottom is UNEXISTENCE at -34. When someone starts in Scientology they are categorized at NEED OF CHANGE , which is -4. Our friends at DELUSION are at -14. That is bad. In fact it puts the bubble-dwellers lower in awareness than someone who has not been in Scientology.
If your evaluation is correct then Scientology lowers the awareness of the individual and also lowers their survival potential. Delusional people fit in the category of stupid and they feel life is tough. John Wayne (in Sands of Iwo Jima) said it correctly when he said: “Life is tough, it’s tougher when you are stupid.”
I put the award show on DVR so I could whiz through it to see if they showed a clip of Leah winning which I don’t think they did I don’t watch the award shows anymore because it’s a political hit squad and I don’t want to see a bunch of rich people who don’t have a clue of how the real world works telling me that I shouldn’t do this and shouldn’t do that. However I absolutely loved that you and Leah won the Emmy! I am also a big fan of escaping polygamy which has many parallel universes to your show… not quite so much the money but the way people are treated for sure. But I would really like to see Leah’s acceptance speech I wish they would have shown it.
I quit watching award shows years ago due to the political/radial rants, too. I only tuned in this last Saturday tomwatch Leah’s acceptance speech. Thank God she was like the 3rd award to give. Once I watched, I turned the channel.
“I don’t watch the award shows anymore because it’s a political hit squad and I don’t want to see a bunch of rich people who don’t have a clue of how the real world works telling me that I shouldn’t do this and shouldn’t do that.”
Exactly! and that’s why the average person doesn’t bother to tune in except those that are celebrity crazed.
I bet if Stephen Colbert was a scientologist they would all be watching the awards show.
No doubt about that!
Since we don’t get cable, I pay Google Play so I can watch Aftermath on my phone, over and over. It’s even better this year than last.
Thanks for giving us the satisfaction Mike and Leah
Something Is Being Done About It!
I think it’s great that she knows Leah’s show won. And I know that “Lizzy” won. The difference between Glenis and me is that I’ve seen Handmaid’s Tale and can form my own opinion about the show and about Elizabeth Moss and I’ve seen every episode of Aftermath and can form my own opinion about each show.
Glenis can only watch what she’s told to watch and think what she’s told to think and I guarantee you, that if Elizabeth Moss ever speaks out against abuses in the church Glenis won’t be watching Handmaid’s Tale.
Mary, I re-watched the bridge episode last night and once again thought it was the most powerful episode to date, thank you for doing it. Just when I thought Scientology couldn’t surprise me anymore… that’s how they treat a practitioner of four decades who has reached the top of their spiritual ladder? Jaw dropping.
My biggest hope for a future episode of Aftermath is a special where you are reunited with your son, and Mike with his kids. Never give up hope.
A hollow “victory” rant from this batshit crazy Batley woman. She’s in total denial, trying to spin a calamity into .a win for her cult. Millions upon millions of people have been watching Aftermath. It won an Emmy. The impact its having on the cult is huge. Deal with it, Batley..
Glenis is the mother of Juliet Lewis.
Scientology really has given human robotism a bad name and took it to a whole new level of insanity.
Didn’t Scios just invest heaps in SuMP? When does someone get a chance to rate its content and actors performance? Oh, that’s right, they haven’t done anything.
The world is now watching you closely Scientology, and all you present is criticism of others, extreme ugliness of attitude and criminally abusive control of your own. It could be suggested, somewhat vulgarly, that the best advice you could give a Scio is, “go fuck yourself!”
Wouldn’t that be out-2D?
Hmmmmm…..”go fuck yourself!” Yes, that certainly would be out 2D.
I tried to do that once and found it physically impossible.
You can always sec check yourself later if need be and KR yourself if you really want to be standard. But Solo is a BIG thing in Scientology. That why assigning ownership is such a great justification and the ultimate last resort when everything goes pear shaped (it’s also the pinnacle of the Scientology Bridge) – it wasn’t me!. Hubbard’s biggest breakthrough ever and it all condensed neatly into one single line:
“Solve it with Scientology.”
Like your name, I’ll solve it with a big yawn.
Please give us a correct link to Leah Remini’s documentary Emmy.
From what I’ve read on the various social media sites/blogs I follow, most people are boycotting awards shows in general to protest the lack of diversity among the voting body and the ongoing problematic overlooking of actors of different races and ethnicities when it comes to nominees… so I think Ms. Glenis is a wee bit delusional to assume it’s due to something as trivial as being upset any particular shows were nominated.
On a personal note, I and all my ethnic family members/friends LOVE Aftermath and were thrilled it got the recognition it so greatly deserved.
This year at the Emmy’s was certainly the most diverse year ever. Television standards can afford to be more inclusive and benefit by it. It’s a medium more willing to take chances. The Box Office though is a brutal master but it’s power is fading. In my opinion cable TV is the new cinema (and I am a movie & television industry professional).
The Emmy’s were also up against the 2 episode of season 3 of Outlander, which has a huge following. Annnnd I might be among them.
There was also the 1 elisode of the season for Polldark which also has a good following, though not as big as Downton Abbey.
So there were other things to watch.
Besides I stopped watching award shows about 20 years ago.
‘Look, a baby Eagle’!!! Look, a North Korean missile!!
Look at anything but your $cieno bubble.
You can sell them any time of water, as long as a Multi Level Marketing group is selling it with ‘your’ brand of vitamins or the proper amount of ‘electrolytes’.
It is sad when you have to market ‘acceptable truths’. It’s sad because it doesn’t really work.
From my point of view I wouldn’t watch the show for some reasons; the whole Trump voters shouldn’t watch, Elisabeth Moss and Scientology, don’t like Colbert and the show is gotten to be politics. But I’m not in the states so couldn’t watch anywho. I am delighted to see the you guys won the award though ?
Yeah, but the smell of hardwired vested interest Hollywood Party Liners melting down in the morning, following the cray-cray from the night before is awesome.
I’m watching! Mike I have a question for you and Leah and any other former scientologist. What was your “ah-ha moment” that made you realize that you’ve been duped? Was it one thing, or a combination of things that let you know this was all bs?
Amy Scobbe’s book “Abuse at the Top” (and because a dear friend sent it to me).
A combination of things that finally make you go WTF!?? The final nail was reading, “The Bare Faced Messiah”. I had known many people mentioned in that book and wondered what happened to them.
Actually mine took place when Miscavige ordered every auditor in the world to redo the can squeeze drill because some Flag nit wit didn’t do it to his satisfaction and didn’t pull his withholds instead. I remember asking myself, “who the fuck does he think he is?” Prior to that I was already mystified at how delusional I was beginning to feel about how insane upper management was getting and witnessed how the SO were infiltrating the Orgs for more and more money and stealing personnel. I think you’ll find most old timers woke up sort of slowly at first, then at some point a sledge hammer smacked ’em in the chops!
Yes, I well remember the can squeeze “evolution.” In retrospect, I’m somewhat amazed I was ever a part of this madness.
Oh I hear ya on that one! It is indeed amazing to look at back at what you involved yourself with regarding Scientology. A very surreal kind of nightmare that every now and again shudders through you. Aw well… being free of them is its own reward.
Indeed iYawn.
Yep, a good solid old fashioned 4×4 delivered straight to the reality bone!
I’d pay good money to see that!
It was a combination of things. Especially all the “new found” tech that DM all of a sudden found. Yeah, right. I hate repeating myself here but the day it was plastered all over the news about Leah leaving the cherch, I clicked and clicked on line and somehow found myself on Ortega and then on Mike’s blog and the rest is history.
That is too humorous. Leah’s ratings were not televised. Her beloved Elisabeth’s are.
Maybe the drop in ratings have to do with the fact that Elisabeth Moss feels it appropriate to flip the bird with her Emmy when she wins. Those of us who have not had the privilege of attending Kirstie Alley’s charm school still consider that in bad form.
“Kirstie Alley’s charm school” 🙂
But, Valerie,this is her signature gesture, and an integral part of how she confronts and shatters the Suppressive Press, while at the same time charming her fellow Scientologists with her droll wit. Kirstie flips the bird with such intention! Combined with her Potty Mouth Tech its no accident that her Charm Course places great emphasis on Bird Flipping Tech. Its devasting!
“Devastating”. Have to lay off these vitamins. Going blind.
Devasting, Devastating, what the EVer. Just glad I don’t act like her. It really is a shame she believes she is making friends and influencing people
Kirstie Alley’s Charm School?? Wow, where do I sign up? Would love some schooling in charm, Kirsty style. I’ve done some jungle combat training that would surely compliment such a diploma from Kirstie Alley’s school. Gee, I’m all bubbly with anticipation…
Her charm school costs $10,000 dollars and is sold in 12 1/2 hour blocks.
The gut check litmus test there is: Would you be okay with your kids flipping off the public after their HS sports team won the championship, or some other similar moment of personal triumph?
Obviously not, it’s just plain rude and vulgar, with no discernible redeeming value to anyone but Ms. Moss.
This summer, my grandson threw his helmet down after he got called out on base during a game. Note: his team was losing, he is one of the star players, the call was questionable, and baseball is his life. He hopes to play pro ball someday. Too bad. None of that matters.
When he reacted that way, my jaw dropped, aghast at his action, but before I even had time to react, his mother had run down from the stands to suggest that his coach pull him from the game. The coach had already on his way out to the field to reprimand him. After that tantrum, he was pulled from the game and didn’t play again for 4 games.
He was also grounded at home for two weeks for that action. His mother allowed him to go to practice but strongly suggested that the coach make an example of him by making him sit on the bench for the next few games. The coach gladly complied. After two games on the bench, he made a big speech about sportsmanship to the entire team, which he had written himself, and when he was allowed back on the field, he acted like a gentleman the rest of the season.
If he were to flip someone off after scoring a home run or something like that, he would probably not be allowed to play baseball ever again. If Elisabeth were my child, I would be very ashamed of her. The action is appalling, childish, churlish, and several other adjectives connoting objectionable behavior.
Valerie – it takes a village to raise a child. Sounds like your grandson is in really good hands.
No amount of marketing stunts, from a 75-foot sarcophagus to two VR experiences, could create any want-to-see for Tom Cruise’s latest movie, Universal’s The Mummy, which tanked stateside this weekend with an estimated $32.2M. Cruise’s pic takes second place behind Warner Bros/DC’s Wonder Woman, which will own the top spot for a second consecutive weekend with $57.2M, -45% and with a running cume of $205M by Sunday.
Obviously, people who once were Tom’s fans have jumped ship. The boycott is working!
Mox. Rotten Tomatoes shows Mummy box office at $80m. What number is that? Info would be appreciated.
I believe that was for opening weekend. Here’s more data for you:
I know I. Will definitely boycott all things Tom Cruise, Elizabeth Moss, etc. I refuse to spend my hard earned money to see anything that these stars put out!!!!
Interesting that his latest movie American Made has him running drugs. I guess Narconon won’t be promoting it.
Hypocrisy at its best.
Right there with you, Luanne! As the dwarf said on stage, “Tom Cruise is the most dedicated Scientologists I know.”
Are you alluding to the insane proposition that Miscavige actually thinks? He has a computerised mind that computes only in the destruction of others and stealing their money. TC rates very highly in that regard as he fits neatly as a USB stick that whirls that computer along. Scientology is fundamentally an electro-mechanical type proposition, it neither thinks nor listens with any humanitarian concepts or endeavours unless it profits from using them destructively.
Without being specifically political (ie: party policies), I can see the attraction of CoS members to a politician that communicates in a way very similar to DM and LRH. Authoritarian, strong-man tendencies, low-info supporters, jargonistic and jingoistic, and a predilection toward “alternative facts”, xenophobic and nationalistic.
This kind of leader could be present in any political party – we have seen the phenomena in far-left regimes like communist states and far-right regimes like fascism. It generally involves a cult of personality, blind loyalty and an abandonment of critical thinking or analysis, complete dedication to the party line. Presently, it works well with the religious right in this country as well as CoS it appears. Believe what you are told, don’t trust outside sources, or ask questions, don’t demand details or facts, everyone else is evil or lying, only your fearless leader is credible and reliable.
This strategy works with oppressed people and those desperate for meaningful change. All of these things are understandable, and present in our world and society. And they are also conditions that make people ripe and vulnerable for exploitation by the corrupt.
All valid reasons for the cultees to get behind the lunatic driving our national bus. Then again, maybe they’re just stupid.
Being part of the “religious right” and a Trump supporter hasn’t stopped me from contacting IRS’s Exempt Organization dept. to request an audit of the CoS. I have also signed Jeffrey Augustine’s petition, even contributing to secure additional signatures. I faithfully follow Mike and Leah’s Aftermath and am more than willing to do anything in my power to stop the scourge of Scientology. Having said that, I believe everything you’ve said applies to all of the followers of the last weakest, worst President driving our national bus!
Thank you for your support.
Political generalizations are part of social media, though rarely accurate. Realize that while you object to the admittedly wrong characterization of you by reason of lumping you into a certain political ideology, you do exactly the same thing in return in your last sentence.
And so this will degenerate into an endless back and forth.
I am replying here so nobody thinks they need reply and turn this into a political debate.
My bad. I apologize for inadvertently starting that. I wanted my comment to have more to do with personality parallels than with politics. I should have probably used a more historical example, but went with the contemporary one already mentioned. I have a problem with any form of organized religion that refuses tolerance of others or requires blind loyalty, and that transfers to political leaders and ideologies. But that’s been my own personality profile for forever. It doesn’t mean I can’t see that strong leadership qualities would not appeal to some and for good reason. I just think they require oversight or they can turn out like DM.
Sorry Mike! Cecybeans and Aquamarine just pissed me off! The one thing we all should have in common is the hope to end Scientology’s abuse of both adults and children, their disconnection policy, and their tax exempt status. And I am hopeful not to read any more political bs on your site.
hillary LOST – DEAL WITH IT!
Hillary: I demand a recount!!!
Bill: Bad dream, honey?
To set the record straight, I was referring to Still In Scientologists, not the “religious right” when I remarked about “cultees” having an affinity for Trump.
Thanks for the advice, Python. I’m coping 🙂 Chances are that down the road you’ll need the same advice you just gave me.
But I’ll offer it to you this way: “Donald won – deal with it”.
Scientologists apparently like that he is “high toned,” which I think in part equates to an unreasonable optimism they they consider desirable, like the ability to claim victory in the face of defeat. It’s a potentially useful quality in high-stakes and high-pressure sales, and no accident that many Scientologists make their money that way; but it’s a detriment when the ability to discern and deal with external realities and empirical data is crucial, such as in running and growing large organizations, one of the broader endeavors in which they don’t seem to do very well.
@Cecybeans, all very good points. I might add that some voters simply did not like Hillary Clinton (some also wanted Bernie) and swung to their only option.
That was too comically tragic to even read all
the way through. Nicole Kidman got flack for not acknowledging her children who disconnected from her and praised for calling out domestic abuse. This results in a social media feeding frenzy shining even more light on the subject. I don’t know if she intended that but I thought it was brilliant. She’s had more wins and happiness post Tom – I love her work. Kudos to Ms Kidman. I wonder if she’s been watching the show….
I’m a big Kidman fan also. Both personally and professionally. I liked her way back from when she did “Dead Calm”. A terrific actor, in or out of Scientology, a class act, and beautiful. I’m glad her career took off after Big Being Number 3 unceremoniously dumped her. But then, not too long afterward, Katie Holmes unceremoniously dumped him. Guess he “pulled in it”, huh?
Katie Holmes is WAY more powerful than dwarf number 2.
I think Katie had the advantage of an attorney father who knew what he was doing and created a water-tight exit plan for her, that was probably right out of a Mission Impossible playbook. It would have to be. One of the biggest reasons to allow sole custody of children in many courts is “parental alienation”. Some researchers think it is equal to or greater than child abuse. Parental alienation can be as simple as bad-mouthing the other parent in front of a child, and many courts are very strict about it. I’m sure the policy of disconnection would have not played well with a judge. And I imagine they had their ducks in a row when it came to corroborative evidence, like how CoS basically thinks of and treats offspring. I think they learned from Kidman’s unfortunate experience.
Tom’s real Mission Impossible is to find a wife besides Dave he can stick with.
I followed this as it happened and posted to another board at the time:
For those who follow the tabloids, and things Scientological, you have to give Katie credit. The 33 year old actress seems to have completely out witted, and out maneuvered the entire church of C$S bureaucracy, her ‘handlers’, and Mr. Alpha Male (tom cruise). June 2012
She was using disposable cell phone(s) given to her by a friend for upwards of a year, and thereby bypassed her scientology ‘handlers’ electronic surveillance.
She rented/bought an apartment in NY City over a year ago and visited it monthly to legally establish residency in NY State. Oh, and she got photographed doing public activities in NY city.
She had lawyers lined up in three states for support. Her father is an Ohio Divorce Court specialist.
She timed the filing of divorce papers in NY city, a Friday afternoon, at a time when Tom was in Iceland committed to shooting a movie. Interestingly the movie he is currently working on has the title: “Oblivion”!
Upon filing the papers she dismissed her scientology ‘handlers’ and already had her new-and-improved bodyguards escort the scientos out of her premises. If the pictures published are correct her bodyguards look like they came from working the NY port waterfront, or pro football.
NY divorce courts allow full, and public disclosure of why a divorce is needed, verses California that is far more private. She seems to have successfully blocked any attempt Tom might have used to try to move the court proceedings to California.
And, NY courts allow sole-custody when it is shown that one parent is… ah… not likely to benefit the child’s best interests. It is probable that open court disclosure of Katie’s concerns for her 6 year old daughter might have included sea org indoctrinations, sec checks, etc: All of which would have caused the scientology lawyers and executives to panic.
THUS: Katie’s success is that 11 days after filing for divorce the papers were signed. She got what she set out to assure: Sole custody of her daughter.
Best to you Katie girl!
Plus he looks like her little brother even though he’s 16 years older than she is.
Imagine that, an actress having more personal and professional wins when she’s allowed to have time to rest, relax and rejuvenate instead of doing co$ courses,auditing, etc. during her breaks. (I think the picture of Leah walking on the beach for the first time in Clearwater – AFTER leaving co$ knowing that she lived there when she working at Flag and spent her vacation time there during King of Queen’s breaks – is forever etched into my brain)
What a concept that having time and permission to enjoy life and family gives you wins.
Who’d have thunk it
That’s one of my favorite parts too. Especially when she takes time to speak to the drug addict who approached her. That’s the humanistic/compassionate side of her that is innate…the cult had nothing to do with that trait.
Ridiculous. They’re just trying to search for any reason whatsoever to claim “victory”. It reeks of desperation.
I watched the announcement for Aftermath’s win. When Aftermath was announced as a nominee, the cheers from the audience were the loudest among all the nominees (hats off to the others for graciously congratulating the Aftermath team). And the lady who announced it, who I didn’t recognize (sorry if she’s famous, I don’t get into the whole “celebrity scene”), seemed to be super-excited when she opened the envelope and announced Leah’s name. It’s like Hollywood is giving a big “screw you, we’re not afraid anymore” to scientology.
As for the episode tonight, I’m glad that the celebrity scientologists (who I find just as culpable as Miscavige) are finally being exposed for what they’re supporting. I posted this on Ortega’s article today about tonight’s show and I’ll just copy/paste my thoughts here as well. I’m so happy to see more people like Paul Haggis willing to take on the celebrity scientologists and call them out. It needs to happen. Here’s what I wrote earlier:
Thank God for Paul Haggis taking them on. The celebrities and other wealthy scientologists, who have access to the internet and the ability (i.e., deep pockets) to actually affect change and can possibly contribute to ending the abusive nature of this organization, are an accessory to these human rights abuses. Their money and their endorsement allow this to continue to fester, all while they willingly turn a blind eye to what it actually is they’re supporting. I know we live in a “celebrity gossip” culture these days, but to borrow a phrase that Paul stated in the preview of this show, “they need to be held accountable”.
For these celebrities to continue to look the other way and pretend this doesn’t exist, they’re providing material support to the continuation of this destructive culture. I, for one, refuse to overlook what it is they’re supporting. These people are no “heroes”. There is simply no acceptable excuse that I can think of that can justify any of their claims of ignorance, naivety, or rationalization. It’s time for them to be called out on it.
“There is simply no acceptable excuse that I can think of that can justify any of their claims of ignorance, naivety, or rationalization. It’s time for them to be called out on it.”
Very well stated Mick!
I can hardly imagine the “guts” it takes to ADMIT “Yeah, I was duped by the organization as well & gave them $$$$”., only to find out years later”…… My heart goes out to these so many lovely, caring, kind hearted individuals who gave so much of themselves…including some turning their children over to the organization to be raised by them… have things end so badly with the “disconnection policy” that is denied by COS.
Leahs’ speech was heart warming, the tears welling up in her eyes, Mike’s eyes, & the eyes of their fellow former members could not be missed. So proud & happy the EMMY is theirs, they EARNED IT.
Ballet Lady u said it. Mike Rinder had the biggest smile ..standing on stage. I loved it..!!
Yes, Balletlady, it take guts to admit that one has been scammed and that one has been a fool. But is happens to the best of us and its best to confront it and admit it and then move on. Easier said than done, I know. But if one stays in denial, life gets very, very complicated and unhappy, necessitating pretense…a really tangled web.
Perfect said! I can separate my love for the shows and the people, but with that said, I do look at Elizabeth Moss, (who I have loved since West Wing) with a bit of sadness, and I remember it is a cult. Tom Cruise, I have no respect for, same with John Travolta, they are mature enough and have been in long enough to see that it Does Not Work. But I am sure, they are being blackmailed into staying…can you image what would happen if their “audit” was released? My sadness is that with the use of their star Power, they are bring in other people into the cult…thanks again for a great statement!
They could do exactly what Leah did air her own dirty laundry she had much more credibility for doing that and a whole lot of respect from most of us. There are big boys they could do the same.
I agree, Mick.
Spot on, Mick!
” It’s like Hollywood is giving a big “screw you, we’re not afraid anymore” to scientology.”
That’s exactly what I thought too! It’s like Hollywood is no longer going to tolerate being PTS to $cn’s whacked mindfuckery and evil world domination/subjugation scheme. It’s as if this was Hollywood coming out as an industry against the evil of all cults, but especially against ones like $cn and that other totalitarian fascist regime portrayed in The Handmaid’s Tale.
Interestingly, because these two anti-cult themed series both won big at the Emmys at the same time, it made the ensuing conversations much more interesting and complex, because it served to focus attention on how central the control over women’s bodies and reproductive rights is to almost every high-demand, high-control group that you can think of. Institutional control over both enforced abortions and forced child-bearing are just flip sides of the same evil coin of authoritarian control.
Indeed, it’s a defining aspect of what puts the big “C” in Cult. Controlling every aspect of the 2D survival urge and twisting it to serve venal cult interests — like amassing money and real estate — is exactly how $cn rolls, ever since Elron started conning the rubes with his fast-talk hypno-babble about space aliens, stolen valor and past wives on the hole track 😉
Ms. Batley has also made recent posts re: the network of “FEMA Concentration Camps” that she wants Trump to dismantle and an”eyewitness” account that missles hit the Pentagon on 911 and not planes … former staff member …
Yeah, the boycott is “working ” and planetary clearing is imminent … uhm … yeah …
Wow, she’s ignorant.. FEMA is what’s going to get Houston back on its feet. Amazing, how uninformed these die hard GOP Scientologists are. Reagan would be wincing.
The conspiracy woo is strong in this one !
Bat(shit crazy)ley also posts things about Sandy Hook being a drill and nobody died. Disgusting.
Oh, lord. Well, the whole Clampire is based on conspiracies, from the eeee-vil pharma companies and whole track psychs to the Bilderbergers and whoever. I guess it’s not a big jump to think that 9/11 and Sandy Hook (and the moon landing for that matter) were hoaxes. Gawwdd, what a sorry life.
Sandy Hook was a drill – whatever that means. And.nobody that hurricane…wow. No words. Poor Juliette Lewis. I’d be embarrassed to have a mother like that.
Is Nicole Kidman an SP? I find it curious that she’s working with Elizabeth Moss in “Top of The Lake”. How awkward is that?
Miscavige’s inner circle regard her as an sp but she isn’t a declared sp. The average scientologist does not think she’s an sp or that people at the top privately regard her as an sp. They treat people who leave but don’t speak out like she didn’t speak out very differently from those who do. Miscavige though even calls Scientologists in good standing sp’s sometimes but no public Scientologist would believe he does that if you told them.
Seriously I’m always waiting for the next show!!! You can’t take your eyes off of it, well Mike Rinder is so Gorgeous but yes I do listen to every word, Jackson just had me in tears what a sweet man! Thank God you’re doing this show it’s helping so many!
Oh and FU DM!!!!!!!
I like your style, Shelley!
FYI…Saw a TV movie this weekend called ‘The Scientology Cure’ about a devout member of the church whose son suffered from Paraniod Schizophrenia who ultimately committed murder and will spend the rest of his life in a hospital…all because Scientology disavows the field of Psychology/Psychiatry….produced by the Discovery Channel….keep up the great work Mike and Leahl.
not posting anymore as last post was deleted after the fact….. not cool Mike!
I remember that tragedy. Except for the family member who was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and later committed for the crime, the rest of the family remain in Scn, and therefore have most likely not come forward. I can only guess that is the reason Mike and Leah have not discussed this incident. I found the episode you mention to be factual, albeit sensationalized, in my opinion.
Sir Reads. I didn’t know about the movie you mentioned. .i have every channel that exists. .hmmm. Hopefully it will be on again. ..
It was an hour long documentary on ID Discovery. I saw it on Monday, 9/18. They have also done specials on Marty Rathburn’s & Nancy Many’s Scientology experiences. They rerun them on occasion.
Viewership for ALL broadcast TV is on a long downhill slide. Same for newspapers, books, etc.
However that trend is NO WHERE near as steeply down as is scamology’s membership numbers.
Hey, Mike! Regarding the episode tonight. What time is it on for the west coast?
9pm — unless you can hook into the East Coast feed…
Perfect! Thanks! Nine pm is fine.
Your life has changed in so many ways! All positive!
When the time is right, I hope to meet you…
“When the time is right, I hope to meet you…” Hey OSD, aren’t we all meeting at your beach party shindig when DM gets handcuffed or the cherch implodes? that’s what I’ve been looking forward to since arriving on this blog. You promised.
Fred’s or Duke’s next time Mike escapes to SoCal.
Mike – do you think Katie Holmes or Nicole Kidman will ever speak out? I can’t wait for tonight’s episode!
I read that there was a gag order re several subjects in Katie’s divorce drcree. Some of it expires after 5 years, but I don’t know if she is ever allowed to speak out on Scientology.
Oh, good point. I’m sure he and DM made sure that was handled!
This will never happen, don’t hold your breath.
She likes Trump – need I say more? It takes courage to do what you are doing, this type of nonsense isn’t worth acknowledging. I am delighted that Leah is also returning to broadcast tv. Congratulations to both of you.
“She likes Trump – need I say more?” Agreed. I know a few 1%ers who voted for him for very specific financial reasons but certainly not because they LIKE him, OMG.
Leah is a true force to be reckoned with. This girl does not back down!
Ann, the MAJORITY of people in 66% of the States voted for Trump. Lumping that many diverse peoples into a single category is quite illogical. Not to mention unintelligent…
You’re right, Wynski. I know several people who really held their noses and voted for him, for tax reasons.
Wynski – So hate to give you facts, but the actual numbers are below. Trump did not win the majority, he won the EC. Not the same. It is what is is… for the record, I am an independent. I never like trump, long before the election, just don’t respect a man who thinks his marriage vows are jokes. Please don’t now call me names…
Hillary Clinton 65,853,516 48.2%
Donald Trump 62,984,825 46.1%
This is not a political debate forum. He is going to respond to you telling you that is not what he said as his statement was that Trump won a majority in 66% of the States.
This will never end. One comment about Trump or Clinton and people feel compelled to respond. I tried to preclude this with my statement in the post that it was not the point.
“This is not a political debate forum.” Exactly, thanks Mike I REALLY appreciate that, I have refrained from making comments to many posts here.
There are many on this blog that I love your posts, re: our common scien. experience and I respect you BUT don’t want to necessarily read about your political viewpoints.
And for those of you here that think a scientology zombie equates to a Trump zombie is well what can I say really offensive.
Strategy Update:
Do you prefer to let the friend-of-my-enemy-is-my-enemy Simpletons twist in the wind until your cult implodes under your incompetence?
Or, are you enjoying the process of dragging you through the mud in the public arena, leading up to your incarceration?
Actually Mike, my comment wasn’t about Clinton or Trump (or politics). It was about the compete stupidity of saying that 50 million plus people (of any category) in the USA are “bad” because of voting for a particular candidate.
Their delusions aside, ratings were very high for Ken Burns’ new series, The Vietnam War, and for the second episode of the new season of Outlander. The Emmys had some real competition this year that would affect ratings. And now that people can follow the results online, there is less urgency to tune in the show itself.
Elizabeth Moss! Oh dear. I’ll be watching with bells on as always.
I’ll be watching with conch shells on…
I knew Glenis Batley when I was in the cult. She is the mother of Juliette Lewis.
Yes, I know her too. She’s got Scientology kool-aid in her bones and it would take major surgery to remove all traces.
Me too! didn’t recognize the last name, I guess she’s on hubby number 3. Sorry to say but she was always a flippant wackadoo so her rant doesn’t surprise me, she’s got kool-aid flowing in her veins.
I was just looking at her FB posts and saw some pics of who I thought was JL – now I know it was – thank you.
Glenis Batley, the mother of Juliette Lewis. That figures. A the saying goes, the apple falls not far from the tree.
Edit: “As” the saying goes.
And Geoffrey Lewis is her father. He and I were on course at CC in 1972. Hi Sara 🙂
Hi Sara will we be seeing you on any upcoming shows about the Co$? Hope your son is doing well.
We lived in the same building as Geoff and Glenis back when. Sure thought the world of Geoff.
Mother of his children or not, good for him on off-loading this creature.