Not much need be said about this, it really does speak for itself.
She no doubt believes they are “Clearing Los Angeles” and it is a sad reflection of the mindless belief that is the hallmark of scientologists.
And, on top of that, she has the inculcated “tech” of Tone 40 that she has been told is her right as a member of the Sea Organization. Thus, she can order lesser beings about, and use exclamation points as if they were cracks of the whip compelling compliance.
Her “OT Universe” is the fantasy land of Alice in Wonderland — or perhaps more accurately the dystopian world of 1984 where fiction is fact, inconvenient truths are forbidden and the word of Big Brother is absolute…
Set aside for a minute the abuses that are often talked about — the bankruptcies, fraud, child abuse, human trafficking etc — and consider the destruction of free will and minds of Sea Org members. They are “willing volunteers” in the same way the people of North Korea are the happy members of a utopian society. It’s all they know. It’s what they have been taught. And it’s an environment is created where there is no apparent alternative than to “go with the flow.”
Reading this “command intention” letter is sad.
And motivation to do more to end this senselessness.
Aquamarine says
I shuddered reading this. She’s probably young in chronological years but God what a mean, spiteful, utterly fed up with life old lady she sounds like, emotionally and mentally. Orders spewed out contemptuously…the inevitable “Much love”… yeah, right. Shuddered, I tell’ya. So glad I’m out. Speaking of mental, what in the name of Xenu is “EPIC” child care?
Paul J Salerno says
Do they not know their public machinations are merely comedic fodder for critical thinkers at this point. It’s sad that this illusion of being elite complete with affirmatory bowling trophies still looks good to the mentally ill with disposable income.
BKmole says
Paul, u got that right.
Robert King says
When I first began attending courses, I did feel I was getting something out of them… not all of them but some more then others… but the thing that really bugged me was their military style delivery as well as constant bugging me to attest to a “win” . They ask if I want to write one but when I said “no thank you”, they kept pushing me to write it. Constantly pushing to attend some event … which always bugged me or bug me for some money… I felt like I was being harassed by some homeless person . … but thing is I never considered it to be a “church” . I just wanted to do some self help courses.
Richard says
Robert King – I left scientology in 1982. My opinion is that the majority of people who got into scientology back then were interested in their own self improvement. The possibility of developing paranormal or extrasensory abilities was certainly a draw.
Duped No More says
Robert King – the covert enforcing of writing up your wins is part of the self hypnosis and mind control tactics. Not to mention – it is a way for them to keep your money and claim “it works”. The wins are fleeting and don’t last. You can get them for free outside of Scientology from all sorts of books and philosophies.
PeaceMaker says
I’m still always stuck by the unreality of the things they are “going” or postulating, which fly in the face of decades of failure and the reality of their shrinkage.
But then again, fundamentalist religious groups often have bizarrely unrealistic aspirations to save the world or convert mankind – however Scientology was supposed to be a newer, saner model.
Richard says
It was presented as Western science applied to Eastern philosophy and religion. “Your needle is Omming.”
Arnold Grulbelsnichter says
🦇 Batshit Crazy
jere lull ( 38 years recovering) says
Scribe gave us:”Cara, your TRs are senseless and robotic.”
That may be true, but DM’s cult requires that level of TRs or else Dwarfenführer won’t pass them.
Scientology_411 says
The “epic childcare” is probably a Sea Org recruitment event.
Christine Dyment says
My question is what is in place when this organization falls apart and all these men, women and children have no money and nowhere to go? Housing, food, jobs, education, mental health support….. ?
jere lull ( 38 years recovering) says
Christine Dyment opined:”My question is what is in place when this organization falls apart and all these men, women and children have no money and nowhere to go? Housing, food, jobs, education, mental health support….. ?”
IMO, much of that, if only pointing them in the right direction, is the remit of The Aftermath Foundation, as altruistic a group as I can imagine: Think “what scientologists THOUGHT they were doing”, but actually intending to deliver on the promises.
Christine Dyment says
Thank you for your reply. I am glad to know an organization exists.
jere lull ( 38 years recovering) says
Cara might as well have started that commandment with: “To whom it may concern”, for all its welcoming, high ARC content.
[/ Snark ]
BeenthereDonethat says
A good movie to fully understand the mid fuck of S.O. members is The Island. Released in 2005 with Scarlet Johansson and Ewan McGregor. The only difference is these characters no nothing different where SO members with the exception of 2nd and 3rd generation, had a life before the SO. 2nd and 3rd generation fit perfectly into the characters of this movie and show their awakening to their true surroundings.
Mary Kahn says
This is the kind of drivel that would drive me crazy. I don’t know when this insistence started to creep in but I do know that “as an OT” it would piss me off to no end to have some SO member say, “As an OT, you need to….” or “…it is your duty to.” I had an OT friend of mine tell me that she always felt so invalidated as an OT to get these kind of insistent messages.
Nicole O. says
Is this Scout Master also a “Kid Specialist” like in the ad posted on The Underground Bunker yesterday? Creepy……
Jodi says
Isn’t that ‘Much Love’ in her signature so sweet? Is that approved for Tone 40?
After you annoy all of your friends, family, and associates about coming to this ‘event’ that takes up 3 Saturday nights in a row, anybody that tries this will be even more inside the bubble, because there will be nobody left speaking to them other than other Scientologists. I can think of little that would be more annoying than a co-worker calling, texting, and emailing me asking me to attend some goofy thing celebrating their ‘religion’ for the next 3 Saturday nights. Who would even want to do that, other than the Scientologists themselves?!? These things really don’t seem to be things for outsiders, they seem aimed at already-ins. Who else would even care?
Old Surfer Dude says
Every time I see, ‘ML,’ I want to throttle them. Trying to be cute doesn’t work around these parts. So…Please stop fucking around!
Scribe says
You’re so right OSD.
Scribe 😂
Old Surfer Dude says
You gotta remember, I’ve got the keys to the dungeon.
Old Surfer Dude says
The screaming you hear will be mine.
Xenu's Son says
maybe there will not more occasions to celebrate the way the shrink is going.
J.T. Marsh says
So, what is “epic childcare” anyways? Is that a daycare run by Peter Jackson?
Cindy says
She writes, “you absolutely (underlined) must…” and ends with an exclamation point! Here’s to being out and free of all the absolutely musts and all the exclamation points! (oops, I did one last one.)
Todd Cray says
Predictably, the cult is its own worst enemy yet again. No one ever plans to join a cult. But once they have been lured into one does said cult REALLY have to make it that obvious what they are?
So in the name of “religion” and assuring your own self-determination as a person we command you what you ABSOLUTELY ARE TO do to yourself and those around you. We order you around from the TOP of our “church”. And that is our idea of “much love.”
Old Surfer Dude says
So they’re going to clear Los Angeles, huh? Hey Scribe! I think we have some new material.
Scribe says
They’ve given enough material for the length of a Sea Org contract.
Old Surfer Dude says
That’s going to take a lot of Cal-Mag.
Cavalier says
I believe it was in 1979 that the “What is Scientology” book first came out.
I had only recently joined staff.
The part that excited me most was where it said that there were 5 Million Scientologists in the world.
Wow! Scientology is really making progress.
This excitement only lasted a few days, because they claimed that there were about 250,000 Scientologists in the UK. Unfortunately, I knew pretty much how much income the UK Orgs were generating and if 250,000 members were paying in just One Pound per week (which gets you almost nothing in Scientology), this income would have been in a hugely higher range.
Back in the day I considered that Scientology was so important that I was willing to tolerate a great deal of B.S.
I heard much later that these membership numbers were just made up by someone in the G.O.
Scribe says
Maiden Voyage, Made in Hell.
Old Surfer Dude says
Maiden Voyage: Made in Bell. (A town flat on it’s face in the San Gabriel Valley)
Scribe says
Where the preferred music is Iron Maiden. Rock on!
Old Surfer Dude says
Fuck ya!!!
jim says
“Being a solo nots auditor, you are an opinion leader in the los angles field..”
Well, Cara has one aspect of LRH down pat: pulling s **t out of her arse with ease. I would guess NO ONE in the Los Angles area knows or wants to know these tens of people, much less their opinions.
Ever since Anonymous breached the insulated world of scientology they have been circling the drain. hip.. hip… hip
Agreed, she has been lied to and that is what makes it not OK.
And the usual covert way to abuse people, now they are with the ‘Genius Club’ for kids…
A scoutmaster? There is absolutely NO way that any of those kids are doing scouts and if they are, there’s a district executive that better turn around and start looking that direction. I would seriously look into that. If there is even a HINT of abuse, Scouts BSA will shut that thing down in a heart beat and will investigate and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.
Wynski says
The BSA is a MUCH bigger sexual abuser of children than the CoS could ever be.
jere lull ( 38 years recovering) says
“The BSA is a MUCH bigger sexual abuser of children than the CoS could ever be.”
EXCEPT that the BSA actually can and does deliver a valuable product, something that Hubbard never intended.
AND, the BSA isn’t busy covering up all the crimes committed, isn’t denigrating the alleged victims, IS keeping track of and allowing access to the appropriate records of allegations. They ARE responding in a manner which could stem the abuse.
Wynski says
Jere, Irrelevant babble to the subject being addressed. Also, am insane viewpoint. Send you child to learn compass reading and get sexually molested. You think some minor skills are worth getting your child molested mean you are insane. AND criminal
Scribe says
Cara, your TRs are senseless and robotic.
Old Surfer Dude says
Oh, man! I thought it was ‘robotic and senseless’. My bad.
George M White says
I cannot believe how she tries to sell the Maiden Voyage Event. The Maiden Voyage on the Freewinds in 1988 was a total disaster.
TooDangerous says
My parents were on the Freewinds MV in 1988. I’d love to know more about what that was like. One of my parents was (stuck?) there for 2-3 months.
George M White says
My two FSM’s died as a result of the trauma on Maiden Voyage.
1990 and 1996
George M White says
I posted a link which somehow got lost in cyber space.
civmar says
Do tell. George!
George M White says
Old Surfer Dude says
I am what I am, and that’s all that I am.
You guys can finish it up.
George M White says
You might just be the new John Locke.
Guest says
How many “Maiden” voyages does that old whore get?
Scribe says
Until she’s thoroughly fucked which looks to be right around the corner.
Ms. B. Haven says
No old whore Guest, just a very prolific post-virginal young lady.
Old Surfer Dude says
I couldn’t get my mine wrapped around it.
Xenu's Son says
The last remaining Scientology die-hards are denser than the North Koreans.
At least the North Koreans cannot choose.
Scientologist keep on guzzling the kool-aid calmag without a gun pointed to their head except Dear Leader threatening to take away their eternity which makes no sense if you think you lived before.
Dead Men Tell No Tales Bill Straass says
That’s right Xenu’ son. lRH says in “From Clear to Eternity. ” There’s Eternity! And you will be in it. In a good state or bad.”.
Anyone you tells you that your Eternity can be cancelled at the whim of some cockaroach just wants you in a bad state. This also shows that the Church is not above altering LRH when it suits them.
Valerie says
The unfortunate gun pointed at the head of at least a portion of the diehards is disconnection. They may appear to be diehards but in reality, they just can’t conceive of losing their family. I wonder how many of those living that charade are all one step out the door but don’t realize the other people they are afraid to lose feel the same.
Then, too, there are the deluded. Brainwashed, afraid and plodding along, determined to find the fabled light at the end of the tunnel.
Old Surfer Dude says
Valerie, go back a couple of posts. I sent you something just for YOU. Old Surfer Dude
Old Surfer Dude says
You’ll have to go back a ways.
Valerie says
OSD I responded. Now you have to find it. It was yesterday…I think
Old Surfer Dude says
Cindy says
Xenu, not to mention dear leader threatening to take away their spouses, kids, siblings, parents, friends through disconnection