This is a sad indication of the level of fawning praise those inside the bubble heap on David Miscavige.
They are so deluded they eagerly lap up his bs and believe he is leading them into a “golden age” of scientology ascendancy on earth. They think under his guidance scientology is being accepted everywhere and is expanding like never before. Truly it is the Emperor’s New Clothes syndrome. Nobody wants to say it out loud — instead they praise his wonderful garments. I think some of them truly don’t even see he is naked because they don’t want to look.
Instead, they believe that it will somehow bring them to a state of spiritual freedom to fall over themselves in adoring the one True Leader.
David Miscavige doesn’t walk down the street…he has litter-bearers who carry him around in a plush navy blue velvet, gold encrusted royal thetan chair who then fight each other over the privilege of being the one to lay on the ground for him to step on when he gets out.
Really happened, uh huh. I saw it.
I just noticed this post. Ad Vulto and his wife Tarja Vulto (or maybe his ex-wife, I don’t know) had a son, Michael Vulto. They worked in OSA EU. Michael was in the cadet org and had a really hard time. Was shortly in the SO and didn’t make it. He also had some mental issues. As it turned out in true SO style, poor Michael was abandoned at a tender age and rejected by his parents and the entire scientology world. He had never known anything else but scientology and he was out on the street trying to fend for himself. Last thing I heard (on FB) he was in and out of psychiatric institutions. I wish I had more details but I don’t as I’ve been out since 2012 (exploited for 18 years on the EU Base in Copenhagen)
Another of those super-sad stories of scientology child abandonment. Way to go Ad, you disgusting sanctimonious hypocritical uncaring bastard.
I too am ever grateful for David Miscavige being at the helm of scientology.
Without him, I don’t think scientology would have ever been so universally loathed and despised. He is single-handedly destroying all the work of LRH.
If scientology had been “poped” by a decent person, the world might have been more tolerant of the organization, and certainly members wouldn’t be leaving in droves.
(Love all those empty orgs, a stat everyone can see for themselves.)
I saw in the “Funnies” that Portland Oregon was going to have a “Big Event,” I went down town in plenty of time before the event, and I saw a ton of Seals trying to give out “personality tests” on the street. The “guests” arrived and I counted about 35 total. Portland is kind of empty, but LRH’s room is still waiting for him to come back.
Somewhere Hubbard said “My own verse is free verse – the freer the better”. This from the author of the immortal couplets:
Well, must be poetry, too much repetition and too many line breaks to be simple random drivel. On the other hand, Hubbard famously bragged that he invented a typewriter with one key per word. Maybe his famous cat sat on the keyboard of his special machine all rigged up with a roll of butcher paper and butt typed the whole thing.
Dashing Ecclesiastical Shrimpy Pimp works the bouffant while taking the piss on the
” parishoners ” whilst chain-smoking Kools and gargling with Macallan Special Reserve.
The beatings and the verbal abuse and the hoovering of bank accounts shall continue;
it’s the realization of a powerful ” postulate ” of propulsive, Hubbardian patrimony that produces millions in blood money and is just too darkly profitable to suspend. Let us all compose vapid, fawning, childish, nut-sack-nuzzling verse that lauds his evil, mendacious, violently abusive leadership of a mind-fucking, spirit-raping, family-destroying, baby-aborting, human-trafficking cult. So wicked! So wild! So tenaciously destructive and fucked up, for 60 years, from sea to shining sea!
They crave
The cave
Of Dave
The knave
The poor fucking slaves…
Hip, hip, fake navy cosplay!
Mark Foster I so look forward to your magnificent prose every day!
Oh, I don’t think it’s too bad, it’s certainly not pretty. Brown nosing isn’t unique to Scientology and people like that cannot be trusted with anything contrary while under the influence of that which they praise in such a manner. It’s better we now know about this person. In other words Ad Vulto just told the world how stupid he is, such is the reputation Scientology has now earned itself and its admirers/followers/members/dupes – whatever you want to call them.
Trust, imo, is something we all grapple with in dealing with people at times. How many misjudgements of people or betrayed confidences have we experienced over the years? Or how carefully we must act at with sensitive information. It could even be considered a facet of applied intelligence or stupidity, or degrees thereof what you do with and put on social media. Marty comes to mind as a weird sort of example, he’s shown all the colors, but the influence within the Scientology bubble can be now seen the same way a bully treats people they know can’t fight back. Ad Vulto might be a nice person but in this context he’s sure saluting the wrong flag.
It pains me deeply I still have family in that bubble, but with the relentless exposure they are getting it gives hope that one day my shoulder might be useful as a crying post.
I tried to read this as an acrostic poem. A MHOOF WTTOIF AOAIF CTWAA AIOWTOO WFWT BYRO A
And I was looking for the rickroll as well (didn’t know that was called an acrostic poem, learn somethig new everyday).
Never gonna give you up, never gonna run around and desert you
Ad Vulto
Hell for thee, cowed Spirit!
Man thou never wert
That from Hemet, or near it
Wearest thy thick chains
In full display, with nose a shit stained brown from Dave
“Triumphant religious leader” has such a nice warm glow to it. I suppose it’s good for the ones already hunkered down inside the besieged castle cult, and it would be good for weakening the resolve of the cowering peasants were he really rampaging across the landscape. But a triumphant religious leader that (next to) no one has ever heard of and with his religion being a punchline, that’s just not going to bring in new membership.
In both religion and politics one sees this craving for a God-figure, a super-humanly strong, powerful, fearless, all-wise, caring, loving and always understanding Daddy figure who will always fight for them /protect/nurture/lead them, love them, etc. When we were small children, didn’t many of us think of our fathers in this way? It would appear that some people never grow out of this need and in their adult years transfer their Daddy-worship to a religious leader or a politician.
David Miscavige holds the reins of a bottle of Macallan scotch in his leathery hands each day.
DM will hold the REIGNS???
Such intelligent ? people in this religion!!!
I’ll never forget the shame of my young life during sixth grade. My brother and sister preceded me through grammar school, shining golden straight A students who my own teachers thought I must aspire to – but, alas, it was not to be.
“Look. Mom” I exclaimed with childish enthusiasm late in my Sixth Grade year.
“I found my old Third Grade report card, and I had all A’s with only one B the whole year!” I proudly noted.
I shudder now, realizing I was about to learn that pride goeth before a fall.
“Well,” my mother casually observed, “Your brother and sister didn’t make any B’s in the third grade.”
Crestfallen, I slunk away to my second rate pursuits, not knowing the real shame, the inexplicable crown to my sadly lacking grade six, except for the time I beat up a bully, well actually he tripped, fell on his nose, and started crying.
My real downfall awaited me a short few weeks later.
My shame, my failure?
I came in Third in the Spelling Bee.
Aaarrgh. Third! Aaarrgh again.
Even Second would have made me Alternate, with weeks of dangerous childhood ahead for Mr. Hoity-Toity Spelling Bee Champion Jeffrey Baker.
That torture inflicted on me by the Scripps-Howard newspaper chain’s annual Spelling Bee has followed me to this day, cunningly forcing me to trip over so-called ‘proper’ spellings.
Bah! Who are they to make the rules, these foreigners of Oxford, these Websters, Funks, and Wagnalls, too.
Nevermore, I swore, from this Night’s Plutonian shore I make my own balm in Gilead!
i hereby claim the rites to invent my own spelings, and punktuashun, and capitalizashuns, two!
Take that, O evil Spelling Bee, thy stinger is pull’d!
I once taught a slower paced 2nd grade class….kids were not up to par to be in a regular 2nd grade, but were above that of a 1st grader. The first day I assigned the students to write three paragraphs about what they had done over the summer that had just gone by.
I advised the children that I would be more then happy to help them with spelling, but that they should try their best first. This would give me a good idea of where each student was grammatically.
One young boy approached me and asked me how to spell the word “I”…I asked him did he mean “the eye you see out of”…”No, he answered…what I mean is “I am going to the store”…..oh boy…..
I feel sorry for ‘Ad’…give it less than 5 years and he will find himself disallusioned, discarded and declared…then off-loaded at the side of some remote and dusty road disconnected from everything and everyone that ever mattered to him…
I’m wondering when those like ‘Ad and others still in …will wake up? Don’t they see that while COB enjoys the praise,…even false praise,…whenever a Scientoligist capitulates to him by kissing up they degrade & diminish themselves at the same time…
There is no such thing as ‘one true leader’, slavery and blind following of a cult leader isn’t freedom. There’s the door…the only way out is thru it…
GO! And don’t even wave goodbye
People like Ad never wake up, or if they do, its temporary. If he ever perceives Miscavige’s feet of clay and becomes disillusioned he’ll just find someone else to put on a pedestal and worship.
When I read this ‘accolade ‘ by Ad Vulto, it was all I could do to not break out laughing.
This same shit was probably said about Hitler back in 1936!
On that topic, Ad will probably undergo an epiphany like many Germans underwent in 1946 when they saw the ruins around them along with the occupying Allied soldiers and had to admit that following the Nazis was not that smart a move. There was disillusionment in seeing your country be made into two countries after you were told by Hitler that he was going to make a united Germany the most powerful nation in the world. Hopefully something will help Ad to see that the Midget Messiah he so adores is nothing but a little man with an inferiority complex.
Except you would think whales and $cientologists living out in the real world would know better having open access to the truth. The celebrity $cientologists are especially egregiously ignorant, specious and foolish not seeing the real truth. I feel sorry for these acting (proving actors are often dumber than the general population) idiots the day they finally realize they’ve been conned and the damage their misguided association caused humanity. I call them the Ostrich People with their heads in the sand or up their derriere.
That’s how I think of Travolta, but I have just realized TC knows exactly what’s going on. He’s truly an asshole. Scientologist or not. Not a nice person, or a good one.
LOL Ann, you nailed it.
TC doesn’t seem to get it that he’s one of DM’s favorite boy toys.
“TC knows exactly what’s going on.” I’m not sure about that, Ann. It’s possible; but no one anywhere in the bubble gets “handled” like he does, waited on hand and foot, every whim catered too, adoring worshippers fawning over him constantly. He has blinders on, and Dear Leader does everything possible to see that they never come off. I’d be happy to be proven wrong about this; just my two cents.
“He’s truly an asshole.” You sure got that part right.
Binx you very well could be right. I have been trying to figure out which celebs know what and to what extent for so long. Lol. Recently I had a flash while reading that TC knows way more than I thought. It’s so hard to know.
On another note I just saw that Nicole Kidman did a recent interview and talked about Bella and Conner. The announcer said I feel like she was sending a smoke signal to them that if they want to leave scientology she’s there for them.
How TC programmed them to believe she is an SP is unbelievably cruel.
He does seem to be completely brainwashed. We may never know what he knows. I hope Nicole writes a book someday.
bixntram, I was reading at the Bunker about TC possibly buying up property in Clearwater. What if TC is doing that and what if, since he feels he and DM (or at least I have read this) are the most powerful people is scientology, he wanted equal billing with DM. I mean, equal power and say so about what happened. He may be delusional enough to think DM would be ok with that, but if that happened, what do you think would happen?
Hi, Peggy, this is all idle speculation, but I think Cruise is pretty satisfied with all the glory he’s getting right where he is. He doesn’t have the headaches of managing the cult (actually mis-managing when it comes to Miscavige). Dear leader is doing a (rare) good job of handling Cruise, feeding his monstrous ego and giving him plenty of cool-aid to drink. My two cents.
What would his motivation be to buy Clearwater properties?
🙁 You are probably right bixntram. I just wondered if there was a clash of the gianormous egos if the cult might end up with a new Dear Leader. Not much chance of TC going the same way as Shelly, but TC might just have more star power within the cult than DM thinks. That would be one heck of a campaign/cage match/power struggle though – almost better than shark week 🙂
I would love to see TC try to take over scientology from DM! Popcorn for that! Lol
That’s what I just don’t get too peterblood. I completely get why the ones sequestered are bumping into walls, but how in the world is it that the ones who are totally free to access anything and everything going on in the outside world don’t. Maybe they do and are too deeply invested they just can’t pull themselves out?
I think here the adage ‘There are none so blind as those who will not see’ is appropriate. Emphasis on the phrase ‘will not see’. There are people who get themselves into ridiculous belief systems that they WANT to be true that they refuse to look at the evidence of its falsity when it is placed before them. Case in point is the destitute person who sends the televangelist hundreds of dollars they can’t afford. When someone points out that The Reverend Ayma Foney is spending the donated cash on big houses and Lamborghinis, the believer rationalizes it by saying that God gave Reverend Foney all that stuff and that you can get stuff like it by sending in an even bigger ‘seed gift’. In my opinion, it’s simply the refusal to look at evidence that invalidates something you desperately want to be true.
I visited my folks, and they were all excited because one of the religious “healers” on TV said that he could see someone who had a right foot that was hurting. My folks took that as a sign that he was talking directly to them, and I found out that they were sending money to this jerk. Sigh**
Jerk is right Lance, and a great example of how someone can take advantage of people who are trusting and looking for answers.
Sorry your parents were caught up in this.
Thank you Alcoboy. I know you are right about the reason that people believe what they are doing is justified. Freewill. And it would be, will be, devastating to find out that there’s no there – there.
Just because
a person
writes with only
a few words
on a line
and does
not use
does not mean
he has created
“Stopping by the org on a snowy evening…”
And miles to go before I ….” Oh, never mind; why did I even start this?
Okay, how about:
“And one day David Miscavige went home and put a bullet through his head.”
I prefer to think he’s crazy like a fox. Sing it loud and proud and then hide under the radar.
Or actually leave?
He’s trying to avoid another sec check he can’t afford?
Years from now he will hope he can distance himself from this ‘poem’, but the internet is forever.
The sad thing is that people actually believe this.
Maybe it’s just me Mike, but your blog doesn’t load fast anymore. Both the home page and the separate blog posts are slooooowww.
With daily posts the sheer volume of the content must be quite astonishing by now.
So… wouldn’t want to ask you to delete old posts or something, but maybe your IT person can put older posts in some kind of archive?
Wouldn’t be the first time a site gets faster this way.
But.. maybe it’s just me, and what do I know. 😉
No slowdowns here – this might be a problem within your computer.
Everything fine here too. ☺
Well, at least he got one thing right. Miscavige holds the REIGNS.
3rd person present: reigns
hold royal office; rule as king or queen.
the period during which a sovereign rules.
I think he meant reins:
plural noun: reins
a long, narrow strap attached at one end to a horse’s bit, typically used in pairs to guide or check a horse while riding or driving.
keep under control; restrain.
Reigns definitely fits better.
Either way, this person is right, he “might not have not fully realized what this really means. ”
That, too is right.
It takes a lot of puckering up to kiss the COB’s ass.
He ‘saved the tech? Now without all those pesky semi-colons.
The words. They’re so bad!
Nice job in stirring up threats against Scientology churches, parishioners, and Mr. Miscavige ahead of Leah’s show. There have been as of yesterday at least 37 threats in the past month that the FBI has deemed credible and possibly life-threatening. Mr. Miscavige now needs a full security detail simply to walk down the street.
Blood will be on your hands.
This is interesting.
How would you know this information? The FBI certainly doesn’t give this out… So, you must be privy to information from OSA? They are the only people that would record this sort of information. I know you have individuals that scour the internet for comments that you can record as “threats”. I bet I have had more to me personally from scientologists than however many you count (I know how you do this — anyone who tweets that Miscavige should be hung, drawn and quartered is treated as a “threat.” Gosh, I was around and helped get Keith Henson prosecuted for saying he was aiming a “Cruise Missile” at David Miscavige’s office. Obviously, it was a play on words, and it was in poor taste, but it was taken as an opportunity to convince a DA to prosecute him for a “hate crime.”
How do you know the threats (whatever they are and however many there are) are not being generated because of your constant advertising of scientologyTV? And mailing endless streams of “promo” to people? I have seen a LOT of people upset about this on the internet. I have also seen them upset about your alliance with Louis Farrakhan. And breaking up families. And forcing people into bankruptcy.
Perhaps you should take a look at what you are doing to cause people to be upset with you? Exposing your actions to the world is not the right target. Your actions are.
Screaming persecution is like the KKK complaining they are being threatened by people for being racists.
But that’s the topsy-turvy world you live in. Scientology abhors “victims” as “low-toned” and “motivating” except when it comes to them playing the victim card.
I don’t expect any reply, but I would love to know HOW you “know” this information.
“CURIOUS” You bet, I am sure there is a whole lot of people who want to know how you got into any FBI files, and as Scientology got into the FBI files before, I can almost bet that the FBI is “CURIOUS” also.
I wonder how many of these ‘threats’ are like the supposed bomb threat made by Paulette Cooper which turned out to be a fit-up by the fake church?
And the idea of Dave Miscavige ever wanting to walk down a street where he might come into contact with mere ‘wogs’? Don’t make me laugh.
Good call, Mike.
James, I am sure that DM will never be seen “walking down the street” with or without any security. I am sure that a lot of “X” cult members would be asking him “What are your crimes.” Like Hitler in the closing days of WW-II I believe he is hiding in his bunker.
What a novel thing to write. Didn’t Hubbard say, rather loudly and repetitively, “what you resist you become?” It always strikes me as both amazing and mind boggling absurd that ex-Scios and those declared by Hubbard’s & now MIscavige’s regime know more about the application of policy & Scientology technology than Scientologists. Let me enlighten you…
Hubbard states, “I know what a group of people will do and how insane they will go in accepting unworkable ‘technology’. How’s the attainment of numerous empty buildings going? How’s the international stat of services delivered compared to say 10, 15, 20, or even 30 years ago? Rising, falling or are they in a non viable range?
At the core of KSW is “the mandate that Scientology technology must at all times be practiced in consonance with official Church of Scientology guidelines. Geezers, lawyers who are not even Scientologists are called upon to act as spokespeople for Scientology? Give me a break…
Or the best of all for people like you: “The only thing you can be upbraided for by students or pcs is “no results.” Trouble spots occur only where there are “no results.” Attacks from governments or monopolies occur only where there are “no results” or “bad results.” You don’t know what that means do you?
Just for a moment consider where you actually are on the Bridge to Total Freedom and for how long you’ve been there or your prospects of getting to the exalted state of OT. Wouldn’t surprise me if you’re not a Scientologist at all as it’s easily surmised you don’t get 2 1/2hrs a day enhancement or do 25hrs a week in the chair. To actually practice Scientology as written is a very busy affair and you wouldn’t be bothered nor have the time to engage in responding to entheta activities. If Scientology worked, we wouldn’t be chatting as you’d be too busy setting yourself and other people free. Maybe you’re expected or ordered to do something else. You do have a master don’t you?
I wonder if the rock you live under has reverse cycle A/C.
Yo James,
Cool it, why don’t’cha?
Slappy is safe. No need to go all Lady Macbeth on us.
We’re just having a little fun with the little plug-ugly.
But, gosh, now that you mention the phrase, “Blood on your hands”, how about YOUR hands, OSA?
You’ve got two VERY prominent Scientologists PUBLICLY preaching for the annihilation of “Satanic” Jews.
Widl stuff!
But wait; just last week 11 Americans were murdered in cold blood in Pennsylvania.
And these Americans were – whattyaknow – JEWS! Exercising their freedom of religious rights. Praying in their synagogue. Just mowed down…murdered in cold blood…because they were Jews…the murderer didn’t know them…
Well, I suppose that, as far as the Church of Scientology is concerned, that’s eleven minions of the devil out the way!
Congratulations on your postulate!!!!!!!!!!!
Will Louis Farrakhan and Tony Mohammed be getting Commendations for contributing to this motion?
I mean, talk about “speed of particle flow”, THIS was EPIC and UNPRECEDENTED!
ELEVEN JEWS out of the way in a matter of an hour or two! Wow! VERY WELL DONE, OSA! Take a win on that!
That was one powerful postulate of yours, Scientolgy!
Must be because you’re so… ETHICAL!
But back to that Blood On The Hands phrase that you threw out earlier, James.
My question to you is::
What about YOUR hands?
Could they use a wash?
Much love,
Brilliant Aqua!
Hey, James od sport, I’m just wondering what would happen if you ever failed to put the “Mr.” in front of Miscavige’s name? I bet that would be one hell of a very expensive sec check. Does he ever address you as “Mr.”? Just asking.
The blood is on miscavige’s hands. No one has to do anything. He will do himself in. The sooner the better!
Did they send out barf bags with this?
Percent off coupons on over-stocked CDs, tapes, and books?
Boxes of toiletries and stuff left over from VMs?
Get Out of RPF Early cards?
And to think that Dr Hubbard gets mentioned only once in this whole accolade. And Xenu not at all. At least 4’13” should be pleased…
Well, at least this blind guy will have his ethics record clean and will save money on Sec Checks.
But the point is that aspect of belief, which in turn is what causes the blindness and the inability to see things as they really are. That is why it is a cult, fully indoctrinated member.
His sentiments are sincere but his poetry is bad.
I’m as crazy as Davy in Hemet
I’m as normal as PR and lies
No need for art I’m a man with no heart
I have found me a suppressive guy!
I am in an LRH mindset
With that RTC steel in my eye
And you will note there’s a hand on my throat
When I speak of that suppressive guy!
I’m as right and as white as the Klan in the south
A cliche coming true!
I’m fascistic and poised for a squirrel happy fight
With those squirrel busting goons!
I’m as crazy as Davy in Hemet
High as the hype on a fundraising night
If you’ll excuse an expression I use
I’m suppressed, I’m suppressed
I’m suppressed, I’m suppressed
I’m suppressed by a suppressive guy!
Rogers and Hammerstein would roll over in their collective graves.
Thank you for saving me from that poem with some clever verses!
Thanks for the ear worm that will follow me the rest of the day.
A cheerful little earful!
Take a bow 🙂
[standing…clapping madly]
Most dictators would at least commission GOOD poetry.
After throwing up I started pondering. I wonder how much of the constant praise is to keep KR away. After all one of the first questions is about ill thoughts of Davey.
I would be in the rpf so fast it would make my head spin.
AAAAGH! So that dude actually believes that?
I can just see the next presidential race: Miscavige and Xenu, what a winning combination.
I’m voting for a third party.
Yes, Miscavige/Xenu is just the team we need for President and Vice President of Earth. The SolarSystemists have been sending Earth’s jobs off to Arcturus and Arslycus so they can pay those workers peanuts. We have to close our borders. Earth is being overrun with space-ship after space-ship of criminals and rapists who either go on welfare or lower our World Wage by taking jobs away from Earth people.. We can no longer permit these extra-terrestrials from shithole planets to pour in here. Miscavige is gonna build a wall around the entire atmosphere of Earth and and make the ETs pay for it. Vote Miscavige/Xenu! Make Teegack Great Again!
Oh Aqua! Great comment. Nice way to start my day with laughter. ?
That sounds like a very big “Well done Sir.”
My dog threw up before I was halfway done with this. I am not kidding. (he’s fine now)
I’m flooring from cracking up. ?
A Kool-Aid stand would do a brisk business at any of their buildings. That is Jonesboro-worthy insanity.
Willful delusion.
Yes; feeling a but queezy this a.m. and reading this didn’t help matters. Where’s the Pepto Bismol?
Sounds like something a North Korean journalist would write about Kim Jong Un.
Uh oh…..what did you do Ad?
Did you not ‘pick up the pen’ when it was passed to you at the last pirate/superhero/conga line reg fiesta?
Part of your ‘making it go right’ (in addition to coughing up the bucks) – writing dreck about the tiny terror
“And right now
Is ABOVE! ANY! political leader
Or ANYBODY! (Meaning all people everywhere)
Who PRETENDS! (Meaning any leader other than DM is only pretending and not real)
To hold the reigns
Of the future course
Of this planet”
This man has learned to be a narcissist by simply being a disciple of L Ron Hubbard whose narcissism was further defined with the word malignant; meaning they don’t mind harming people.
Narcissism is a learned trait in Scientology. Being superior and “better than” is part of the Scientology ego personality. It’s a psychological disorder.
Definition of a Narcissist
The hallmarks of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) are grandiosity, a lack of empathy for other people, and a need for admiration. People with this condition are frequently described as arrogant, self-centered, manipulative, and demanding. They may also concentrate on grandiose fantasies (e.g. their own success, beauty, brilliance) and may be convinced that they deserve special treatment. These characteristics typically begin in early adulthood and must be consistently evident in multiple contexts, such as at work and in relationships.
People with narcissistic personality disorder believe they are superior or special, and often try to associate with other people they believe are unique or gifted in some way. This association enhances their self-esteem, which is typically quite fragile underneath the surface. Individuals with NPD seek excessive admiration and attention in order to know that others think highly of them. Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder have difficulty tolerating criticism or defeat, and may be left feeling humiliated or empty when they experience an “injury” in the form of criticism or rejection.
This is L Ron Hubbard to a T. And now DM and most Scientologists.
Spot on Brian. Great comment
Smells like Mr. Vulto may be trying to work his way up through the Lower Ethics Conditions. Sometimes shiny objects help.
He can’t re-write his own memories. He knows what he has done!
Hold the reins.
Is this supposed to be free verse?
COB.Chairman Of the Braunnosers.
Here is an recent one from an OTVIII:
Double Barf! I think this fellow is no longer drinking the kool-aid, he’s taking in intravenously!