Look what St. Hill is promoting…
The wonders of the (empty) Briefing Course — the greatest course ever taught by L. Ron Hubbard. In the halcyon years of scientology in the early 60’s he delivered more than 400 lectures to students who had come from around the world to learn at the feet of the master. It has been promoted since that time as the most complete and comprehensive study of scientology that made the best auditors. You truly were not a professional auditor of any stature unless you had done the “BC” and became one of “The Dukes of the Auditor Elite.”
Yet, since GAT II there has been NO Briefing Course offered to the public (or SO/staff for that matter) because Miscavige asserts it needs to be “redone” and of course, only HE can do this as everyone else is incompetent. And of course, he has no time because he is having to do EVERYTHING as everyone is incompetent.
But this is the “legacy” of “St Hill” in England, so they are caught between a rock and a hard place. The usual scientology method is to pretend things no longer fashionable never existed. Like Key to Life (the “breakthrough that would save a “world out of comm”). Or the Life Orientation Course. Or the Class VIII Course. These were all great “discoveries” of Hubbard at one stage, but are now no longer talked about (or available). Disappearing historical facts is a specialty of scientology. Hubbard did it with his second wife (Sarah) of whom he said “I didn’t have a second wife” and nowadays all his wives have disappeared from scientology history including Mary Sue — who featured prominently at St. Hill and was mentioned numerous times by Hubbard in his lectures there (she has been “edited out” of all of them, along with dozens or perhaps hundreds of others who subsequently fell into disfavor).
Given that pattern of “nothing to see here and there never was anything here in the first place” it is a little surprising to see this promotional piece.
You would wonder at the sanity of a restaurant owner who promoted “Famous for our Clam Chowder” but clam chowder was not on the menu and not available at all even by special request or offering $1000 for a bowl.
Now, here is ASHO — which was set up ONLY to deliver the Briefing Course (every other St Hill Org is combined with an Advanced Org — even the original “St Hill” now called AOSHUK). It was a unique org in scientology. A single purpose entity created to fill the demand for a single course. Back in the day there were 200 FULL TIME students on the Briefing Course. When I first went to ASHO on Mission in 1975 when it was still located on Temple St students would show up 30 minutes early to be sure they could get a seat in the course room rather than in the hallway. Roll call sounded like a disclaimer at the end of a radio ad — so fast you had to pay careful attention or you would miss you name and be marked absent — and it still took what seemed like an eternity.
ASHO have not been able to deliver the course they were established to specialize in exclusively — so now they compete with LA Org next door (also now a “Sea Org Org”) to deliver Objectives. Only to those who have already moved up the Bridge and are ordered to “redo” it because it was “out tech” when it was sold and delivered to them the first time. Of course, they have to pay again. New public go to LA Org (though they also compete for the repeat business marks).
They’re trying to find 500 people. This is as doomed as the 10,000 ever started on Solo NOT’s target.
A hopeless dream.
As opposed to most of the preceding commenters, I got a lot out of Scientology – the philosophy, not the Church. I did not get very high up the Grade Chart as I never had the Time or Money, but what I did do (the Comm Course, the Student Hat Course, some Levels training) was quite useful to me personally. I also think Hubbard was probably a genius. I do have some doubts about upper level claims, and am not in a position to comment upon them, but from my comparatively limited experience, I credit Scientology (again, the applied philosophy, not the org) as having greatly assisted me in many practical ways in life. I bemoan its loss to the world through mismanagement by Ron’s successor. Greatly contributing to what doubt I have about Ron and the veracity of Scientology is the fact that he was apparently worse than America’s founding fathers in devising a system of succession immune to corruption by evil forces.
To Bob Gokay, I am right there with you: I enjoyed every service I ever did. I was only ever a public. I did Levels training up through Level IV, and received auditing up to Clear, including Super Power and all 3 L’s plus some other Flag rundowns. I genuinely enjoyed each service and consider that I have walked away with lasting knowledge and stability.
I still have many years of debt to address. I left because I could not stand the rising tide of bullying (even for a person who is so-called “upstat”) and, of course, ridiculous demand for a person to keep going into gargantuan amounts of debt they will struggle mightily to pay off. Also, agree to go into debt for others, even though that is “off-Policy.” At one point, I had a handful of complete strangers (Flag public) across credit cards of mine, absorbing many hours each month to track down, negotiate how to keep their payments coming in, tabulating, and communicating their interest and principal amounts to them.
It’s a real tangled mess and, to me, such a shame because there are highly useful things there, which do transfer to other areas of life, such as being able to duplicate someone. I improved my capacity to listen to and duplicate others. I quickened my mental ability to come up with solutions. Those things help me in both personal and business activities.
While in, I wrote many reports. My gosh, if that was a salaried job, I’d be a millionaire. The time and care I put into writing reports—noting which reference, by page and sentence, was being violated. Only a few times did a report I wrote affect a change; mostly no change. That, too, got me to see this group, particularly on the fundraising and rege-ing, is firm and fixed. Bizarrely, all that disastrous unhappy behavior is by design and BY DIRECT ORDER. It is written into the principles and policies by founder Hubbard himself. This to me is confounding.
When we leave, to one degree or another, that is what I find a person needs to recover from. I call this “twisted pretzel logic.” You are convinced you are becoming “more able,” but you can’t really afford to eat well or visit a dentist or keep your home or car in good repair, because (instead) your debts are so mountainous and you are a slave to these, if not outright ending up in court with bill collectors or declaring bankruptcy. Moreover—which is not the result of a sane group— the volume of your debts correlates NOT to your earning capacity or what can be achieved in your current profession. Instead, it’s all speculative, to take on all this debt with the hope such behaviors (because it is in the name of Scientology) will “open up your flows.”
This reality is devastating and deeply humiliating. Yet when you next show up at your org, there are registrars or an IAS or ideal fundraiser lined up to do it all again. It is financial rape. You are studied, targeted, strategized, stalked, and completely overwhelmed in a way that is, in my opinion, criminal.
So sad how much these sordid practices, and their devastating outcomes, eclipse the gems that are there.
Good points. Though I got a lot out of Scn., I suffered and caused others to suffer from my crazy monomania while “on lines” at the San Francisco org. I had recently gotten married and had my first two daughters and was working in SF. I was on a “Foundation Schedule” so M-F 7-10 and often also Sat and Sun all day. This worked a lot of hardship on my wife who was left with the young kids while I pursued my “eternity”. Such crap. And the registrars. We had one bull reg in SF in particular who would call to me just as I was about to exit after class (sending a chill up my spine) and pitch me my next service and I would more often than not dutifully pull out a credit card and run it up some more. Adding to my wife’s concerns was this financial burden and we had to declare bankruptcy 10 years into our marriage, with now 3 daughters and a home. Finally, I finished the last training I could do at the SF org and breathed a huge sigh of relief when I walked out that door for the last time. Perhaps needless to say, despite her almost limitless patience, my wife and I eventually divorced – and who could blame her for wanting to leave? I had paid for the SHSBC some years prior. I did honestly want to do that action, and even bought the 400 lectures and listened to them multiple times. However, when I finally retired from my job and could do the BC, poof, it was gone. I asked for my money back and was refused. I then actually sued ASHO in Small Claims Court in LA and their atty. convinced the judge that I had waived my right for a refund based upon some really fine print at the bottom of one receipt I had signed for something at ASHO that said by signing I was waiving any future claim on the CoS. Tricked even at the end. Too bad the Church got so corrupt – as stupid as some of LRH’s policies turned out to be, maybe had they been implemented by ethical people, they might have worked, but in the hands of borderline criminals, they were weaponized to extort.
Very interesting story, Bob, including you took ASHO to Small Claims Court when they disappeared the Briefing Course. Yet still C of S won. Makes me think of a casino where the motto commonly is, “The house always wins.” So sad and bizarre, how in the end NOT ethical this is. Well, it keeps catching up with C of S. The group is living its consequences.
Yes, I think the church is headed to oblivion. I don’t so much mind that as I do that I continue to think that the philosophy and its applications are sound, certainly needed in today’s world, and have no real organization to promulgate them. The “Independent Field” is mostly a scattered collection of, frankly, squirrels, for lack of a better term to describe individuals who went by innumerable M/U’s in attempting to study and understand Scn., and who also probably had many W/H’s they never could communicate for the most basic reason of all – the only crime in the universe being to communicate – and so they blew eventually and now miraculously “discover new tech”. Of course, that behavior was given plenty of motivation by – as you put it, merciless bullying by egoistic org terminals who (just a hunch here) could be nothing but abject failures outside an accepting and empowering group, be that group the church or Hells Angels or Nazi SS or Trump’s base.
Copy that (all you say).
Just came upon this thread many months later. No change to any of my preceding comments, but one observation from news today of Danny Masterson’s conviction for rape and his looking at a prison sentence of 30+ years. I can’t say that much interests me, except that the women who accused him are now headed for civil court to sue him for monetary damages plus sue the C of S, which they claim forced them (as they were members of the church) to not take Masterson to court but use internal justice procedures. They eventually reported him to police, anyway, but the judge did not permit them to introduce evidence of the Church’s blocking them from reporting Masterson as prosecutorial evidence of rape. However, now that the legal case is settled, the Church is hugely exposed to monetary damages in civil court from its insistence on these women using internal ethics lines and deferring their legal claims while that avenue was being used. I bet a jury awards them gazillions – and the church might take them back if they were to buy services with that money.
$cientology is very clever. I watched several people get “regged” for the Briefing Course in our mORGue.
Then they would start it..come home and get roped into something else. I check on them years later and they are off on many other directions within the $ciendollatry cult. It is musical chairs in $camontology and the sheeple can’t even figure that out. Didn’t the old turd say something bout low toners can’t finish cycles of action. $cientology can’t finish anything they start – it is a dilettante panty waist namby pamby evil group disguised as a religion hurting people every single day. Well…. the only cycle in $ciendollatry they finish is the “REGG CYCLE”
The whole “ideal org” scheme is also a massive case of inability to “finish cycles of action.” How many of the buildings purchased have sat derelict for more than a decade, deteriorating while racking up costs for taxes, etc.? Then the final push to make an org “ideal” reveals more inability to function like they’re supposed to, such as central files that haven’t been kept up as required (though pointlessly) for years.
And of course there are infamous examples at at the upper levels as well, like the Super Power building that took two decades to complete, Kyalami Castle that sat for a decade before finally being turned into the Africa AO, and the Canadian resort that’s supposed to be another AO but sits rotting in the wilderness.
Ya know…
Here’s the thing to deal with, whether you were in the cult for 1 month or for 50 years:
That time is GONE. And, yes, it could be argued that you wasted it on complete, utter bullshit. Use that shit to fertilize a new awareness and a healthy curiosity, eh?
That’s my conclusion, anyway, as an ex-kool-aid-guzzler.
What Miscavige does or doesn’t do with the toxic shit blown out of Hubbard’s ass
are just variations on a sociopathic, abusive theme.
The details and bric-a-brac of sciloonology and its history are similar to the creases and crevices in a turd; it’s still just SHIT at the end of the day.
May this fucked up cult crumble sooner than later!
I like what Mark said!
Love it! And yes, that shit we came away from can still be used to our advantage now, if for no other reason than as a lesson to never again compromise our knowingness or relinquish control of our own thoughts and actions.
But you said it so much better Mr Foster.
He’s already conquered the sex magic trick of making his wife disappear.
oSD:”Face it Dave, you don’t have a chance in Hell. Everything and everybody is against you.”
Even DM is against him, systematically dismantling the con that Tubby built.
Ms. B. Haven said:
“The task of “disappearing” everyone of note mentioned in Hubbard’s lectures will be a Herculean one. My bet is just “editing” the Briefing Course alone will take longer than it will to see the release OT IX & X. But there is one person up to the challenge. SHELLY!!!!!!***”
Hey! Isn’t Shelly one of the incompetents he has to always clean up after?
And IX & X can’t EVER be actually RELEASED! There’s too much CA$H that DM has to amass, too many execs to abuse, too much scotch to guzzle like Boones Farm ‘wine’ back in the day.
And WHY am I continually going on and on about the squirrel, Dwarfenführer, SHSBC, ETC?
NONE of it WORKED according to the promises, though it DID seem to work as DESIGNED. Note that I did say SEEMED to work, as it only SEEMED to work in the carefully controlled environment (Bubble) of scientology.
Ms. B. Haven:”Fleet Admiral Capt’n COB RTC Mr. David ‘Blackheart’ Miscavige.”
LOVE IT! That’s about as accurate a description of the munchkin® as I think can be given so succinctly.
Oops! Ms B. Hain should have been Ms. B. Haven. Danged auto-correct!
Zee Moo said:
“I am glad Marvin Dockstadler likes life. The alternative is depressing.”
The alternative is DEPRESSION, a definition I became all too aware of at Flag when I honestly looked at my future prospects there: Poverty, degrading conditions, firmly suppressed 2-Ds, personal experience that there were no ‘clears’, no OTs; realizing that all their promises were there to be broken, only; never intended to be kept. ‘Twas SCARY to leave Clearwater — “better the Devil you know”, but it was for the better. REAL life is so much sweeter than what they offered, and there was no comparison to what they delivered instead of the promises.
Gus Cox offered:
“He Who Shall Not Be Named, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center, Pope of Scientology, Mr. Captain David Miscavige is hereby declared a Suppressive Person. lol.”
no LOL needed there. Dwarfenführer ™ IS the most successful squirrel and SP ever in scientology’s history. Anyone who truly understood KSW has been tossed out of scn, leaving only DM’s toadies in place in DM’s cult. scientology is no more. Only a similar-sounding name connects what was to what DM’s peddling — when he’s not shaking down his flock for ‘pure’ donations to a non-existant association of his own design.
That picture reminds me of the story I heard fairly recently, perhaps here, that one woman took a look at Tubby and reasoned that if he can’t take care of his body better than THAT, there was nothing he could offer her.
OH, if we only could have known then what we know now.
Oops, missing the “edit”option. Gotta remember to review my work twice more before punching “post”.
“tanks” should have been ‘thanks’, but things HAVE tanked due to Dwarfenführer’s obsessive tinkering, haven’t they?
Documenting all of DM’s obsessive tinkering would be a challenge. Gimmee that Old Time Religion! (joke)
OMG, Ferrograph tape decks being promoted. They haven’t twigged that antique electronics, particularly antique tape decks, are mostly unusable? They’d be more likely to damage tapes than play them. I gave up using equipment THAT old about 30 years ago. Didn’t they transcribe them over to cassettes, then CDs years ago? 60 year-old tapes of the quality they used at the time don’t last, either.
Still, I was truly saddened when I first read that the little squirrel had trashed the Briefing Course. Those Class VI auditors WERE really a cut above; the 8s and 12s were up in the stratosphere, compared to the standard Class 4s of the day. Now, no longer can even the pedestrian class IVs be created, tanks to DM’s meddling in things he knows nothing of.
Dave is just doing what Stalin did in the USSR after he expelled Leon Trotsky. He took Lenin’s ideas and twisted them into his own delusional version of them(yes, Ken Delusion, I called them DELUSIONAL!).
This is all that the toxic dwarf is doing with Scientology.
Trotsky, like Hubbard, was an authoritarian who had no problem being ruthless and persecuting his enemies in pursuit of his theories and ideals, believing that the ends justify the means. Both set the stage for successors to take it to the next extreme.
Miscarriage is in BiG TREASON to LRH.
All the old scientologists in the Church who know what he has done to LRH are also in TREASON.
All the young are brainwashed by Miscarriage.
Who cares Up? Hubtard was a criminal psychopath. Who would want to be in good with him?
Up proffered:
“Miscarriage is in BiG TREASON to LRH.”
There IS no ‘little’ treason, but I get the idea. Everything he does is to cement his diminutive derrière into the throne 17 sizes too large for his teeny, tiny body.
To UP:
Fuck Hubbard and Miscavige.
EVERYONE in scientology is unduly influenced, more or less.
Let go of the fantasy of Hubbard’screations possessing any
therapeutic or humanitarian value and educate yourself…
To each his own. I got a lot out of basic Scientology courses like the Comm course and student hat and had some amazing experiences and gains on very basic auditing still think the basic spiritual philosophy is valid. Obviously, you did not have the same experience. I eventually ran afoul of some bad terminals – enough of them to leave the CoS, but still value the religious philosophy of Scn and its applications.
As one of the SHSBC Supervisors at ASHO LA on Temple Street back in the day, I can say it was fun. There was a certain camaraderie with that many people all crammed into the course room. At the time, we SO members were actually allowed to mingle with pub and would sometimes go out to coffee with students after course.
Fun facts:
The wall of tapes was listened to on a bunch of reel to reel tape recorders lined up on tables against one wall of the course room.
More than 50% of my time as a supervisor was spent listening to tapes trying to help students decipher what LRH was saying. Another 25% was spent checking out clay demos.
The wall of tapes was the biggest bottleneck in the SHSBC. Even though there were lots of tape players, there were more students than tape players.
Mimi Spickler (future ex wife #1 of To. Cruise) was the intern supe.
A celebrity who paid for the briefing course (name withheld but she is still in) did not take it. She bought it because she thought it would be brief based on its name. The reg who shared that with us got a good chuckle out of the fact that our stats were in affluence because of her. Even then, I had a certain twinge of conscience (well suppressed) that people should be told what they are getting themselves into.
At the time, the SHSBC was one of scientology’s Biggest cash cows.
Ok, all of that aside, it’s my bet that the SHSBC will never again see the light of day. Besides the fact that David Miscavige probably considers it a waste because it takes too many resources to deliver and it takes a long time to complete, it would be impossible to edit the wall of tapes just to take away any references that don’t conform to the current definition of the 3-swing f/n much less any other thing he has altered.
He is finding it harder and harder to pretend he is keeping a fiction writer’s fiction “pure” when he continues to alter the fiction to suit his purpose.
PS MIMI Spickler is now known as Mimi Rogers to those of you wgphi are scratching your heads, especially since I typoed and said To. Cruise instead of Tom Cruise,
Aww c’mon tell us the nameless celebrity’s name.
I dated a sea org gal for about two months but she always had a lot of “attention units” back on the job. I guess I wasn’t the man of her dreams.
Valerie, I think it was really more about that camaraderie, and the well-intended people attracted by the ideals, than the “tech” of Dianetics and Scientology, that made it fun and resulted in anything meaningful gained. Plus the effective auditors seem to have just been people who were naturally good listeners – that’s what I always hear when people talk about their favorite auditors.
Something like the SHSBC and the related higher-level auditor preparation may have done more to serve as a means of selecting people who were naturally the best counselors, and giving them practice honing their innate abilities in a structured format of one-on-one talk therapy, than really training them or cultivating new ability.
Then, it occurs to me, perhaps one of the reasons for effectively letting the SHSBC die out, is that Scientology is no longer attracting people with the ability and dedication to become effective counselors, so there’s no point in keeping up the charade.
Peacemaker, I agree. The camaraderie and fun was a byproduct of a lot of people with a common ideal, nothing to do with the tech. It was disappointing that the common goal we believed we were reaching by being there was a pipe dream.
I was thinking after I wrote this that Miscavige only focuses on the easy stuff because he didn’t ever make it very far in auditor training. Kind of like a kindergarten teacher usurping the role of a graduate school director.
The difference is that Miscavige has no patience to learn the hard stuff. He also has no desire IMHO to create counselors or people who care. The people I supervised on the Briefing Course did care about people, the people they were on course with, and the people who supervised them.
Mind you, it wasn’t all flowers and sunshine. When Quentin died, there were whispers for a day or so then a staff muster where we were ordered to not speak about it. No explanation given. We lived in substandard housing, 3 triple bunks to a room in the old Hollywood Inn before it was remodeled. We were always too hot or too cold and we didn’t get paid regularly.
Things were bad enough back then that when I left, I disappeared overnight. More than 30 years later, I was old by one of my students that he had tried to find me to make sure I was ok and offer me a place to stay. If someone disappeared from scientology these days, that would be unheard of. There were just times when people were a bit more human back then.
It wasn’t just camaraderie. The lower levels addressed improving abilities in communication, problem solving, and relieving regrets as well as eliminating negative and unwanted attitudes, emotions, sensations and pains. As long as “preclears” were claiming results there was no reason to be suspect.
People attested to “Clear” and continued on giving reason to believe there was something there. Obviously stories from people who became disaffected were never presented. The internet changed everything.
Look in the upper left corner of the first Saint Hill photo. Those appear to be original green cover editions of Dianetics. The ones with a foreword by Dr. Joseph Winter, the doctor who eventually became one of Hubbard’s earliest critics.
Yet another example in proof of the statement that the Church is the biggest squirrel group of all.
“Yet another example in proof of the statement that the Church is the biggest squirrel group of all.”
DM is still the champion squirrel and SP of all time; his cult representing itself falsely as a church, bears little resemblance to what LRH created, other than a similar-sounding name.
Well, I say good riddance to the briefing course. And its wall of 400 tapes. And having to listen to LRH go on and in about 3D criss-cross, only to have it cancelled. It is “old and not used anymore”, though you can’t say that because that would be a High Crime!
So you do the Briefing Course and suffer through “walking LRH’s chronological path of discovery of the Tech.”
Newsflash: the dude was making it up as he went. And there’s ample evidence that he co-opted many of the more successful elements of “his” tech from others.
And when folks likely started grumbling about that, he beat them down into silence or departure with the utterly holy Keeping Scientology Working.
So yeah, tah-tah Saint Hill Special Briefing Course.
One of the things cults do is keep you busy busy busy so you don’t have time to think too much. The SHSBC fits that bill.
But to be fair to those that did it: I think anyone who sincerely works hard at ANYTHING can derive some or a lot of benefit from that. And in a room full of sincere believers, it can become quite a bit of fun. And with the hours a day of practical application, you’re bound to become a better auditor. Or a better ANYTHING that you practice that intensively.
But for those of you out there who still consider yourselves Scientologists, notice how the lack of the SHSBC, Class 8, Key to Life courses hasn’t hindered the Unprecedented Greatest Expansion of Scientology in History??
One of the thing a cult does is keep you confused.
I knew an old timer very well , who was at St Hill when the lectures were going on live everyday , he told me , in a moment of clarity , that the students came out of these lectures having understood nothing , completely confused and scared because they had to apply whatever LRH babbled about the next day.
Scared of LRH bad temperament .
If I understand it correctly, newbies are required to buy and read an LRH library. Same difference.
Marie, that’s an interesting and telling anecdote. It sounds like “confusion technique” at work, with students left uncertain and intimidated even when Hubbard himself was at the helm in the supposed “good old days” – and it’s the responsibility of a good teacher or communicator to leave people clear about a subject, not muddled.
Fear seems to be a major plank in the platform of most every cult.
It may just be one opinion, but I’ve always found that as the fear plank grows larger, the cult becomes more evil. I would recommend that anyone who is evaluating a cult, should consider the size of its “fear plank” (the amount of fear used to control its members) and then decide if they do not consider the amount of fear is usually proportional to the degree of evil used in the control of the members.
For what it may be worth, my general observation has been the worse the cult, the more they seem to use fear and intimidation to control their members. And along with fear comes all kinds of cruel punishments and deprivations.
It may be difficult to measure, but I’d suggest the larger the plank of fear, the worse the cult becomes in most every way. In the long term, fear is a terrible way to control any organization. It may work out in the short term. But in the long term, it results in all kinds of misery.
Just consider the very worst cults in the history of this world and I think you will see the worse the cult, the greater amount of fear was used to control its members.
I use the terms “fear plank” as a kind of pictorial of a wooden platform constructed with a bunch of wooden planks. I refer to a major policy component in that cult as a “plank” in its platform. I’m not sure whether other people use these same concepts. But that has always worked for me. I know that people refer to the components of a politician’s overall policy as their “platform”. But I’m not sure whether people extend that image to include one or more “planks” in that platform as a kind of picture of wooden planks used to build a wooden platform. I’d really like to know if that may be a common kind of 19th century image used to describe political parties and their policies.
John Doe:
“Newsflash: the dude was making it up as he went. And there’s ample evidence that he co-opted many of the more successful elements of “his” tech from others.
In my opinion, the ONLY elements that ‘worked’ were stolen from others without attribution; IOW, plagiarism, pure and simple. Sadly, too many of the ideas he stole he didn’t actually understand, so screwed them up.
Ohhhh Gawd! That photo! 🤣🤪 … this is the REAL face of “Scientology” — a bloated, ailing, nicotine and barbiturate addicted con artist FREAK! And this photo was snapped YEARS before he “dropped the body” to head on over to Target 2 to continue his sagely pursuits such as penetrating the Wall Of Farts on Fire and living to tell about it. His final snapped photo just before he died, sitting on a bed with his bedraggled mop of hair and massively bagged, bleary eyes really says it ALL. This freak is your DEAR LEADER! Yes, everything he said or wrote is GOSPEL. 🤣
This carnival barker looks like a beached walrus that waddled out of an all you can eat Burger King … stuffed to the point of terminal regurgitation with several hundred undercooked and slightly rotten Whoppers.
Omitting and lying about their historical Inconvenient Truths is what cults like $cientology do to serve their own evil nefarious purposes and general deceptions for the gullible. Unfortunately it never turns itself into the updated real reforms needed – that would require empathy and humanity which Miscavige and other Scibots are bereft of or removed from. As a result the Scion scorpion is sinking to it’s watery doom atop it’s initially trusting and soon regretting frog.
Peter Blood:
“As a result the Scion scorpion is sinking to it’s watery doom atop it’s initially trusting and soon regretting frog.
Make that WHALE, and I think you’ve nailed it.
The task of “disappearing” everyone of note mentioned in Hubbard’s lectures will be a Herculean one. My bet is just “editing” the Briefing Course alone will take longer than it will to see the release OT IX & X. But there is one person up to the challenge. SHELLY!!!!!!***
***I hereby give my full permission for any OSA net nanny (including our old friend FOOLproof) to pass this shore story tip on to Fleet Admiral Capt’n COB RTC Mr. David ‘Blackheart’ Miscavige. Since it’s an all-hands, Hill 10, gung-ho effort to handle this goddamn flapping flap that won’t quit flapping “Jane Doe” lawsuit these days, there won’t be a reward of a decent meal or good nights sleep, but a brief commendation chit can be slipped into your ethics file and that will surely provide a warm glow of appreciation and create VGIs for a few seconds. Now back to work boys, we’ve got to slam ethics in on this lousy dirt clod of a planet.
Ms B. Hain:
“there won’t be a reward of a decent meal or good nights sleep, but a brief commendation chit can be slipped into your ethics file and that will surely provide a warm glow of appreciation and create VGIs for a few seconds. Now back to work boys, we’ve got to slam ethics in on this lousy dirt clod of a planet.”
Hell, those guys (and gals) won’t have enough ENERGY for VGIs. At most, GIs for an instant, if you catch them in exactly the right light.
The Mission Holder in the Toronto mission in the early 1980’s was a Saint Hill Grad. He left Scientology when the pressure from top management started. It proved to me that the course was worthless.
I was shocked to read that the SO is editing out every mention of Mary Sue Hubbard in the Briefing Course tapes. This is a big job as he mentioned her many times, almost daily. She was so very instrumental in the BC’s early success and he knew it and acked her for her hard work. So to edit that out is a huge no no in KSW and Scn. No one calls DM on this gross squirreling of the tech and re-writing of history. Just think, as the older Scns die out, the ones who studied on the BC and heard him talk about Mary Sue, that piece of history is gone forever because it dies with them. The younger, second gen Scns never heard mention of her at all on the tapes, so they will be none the wiser. Thus history is re-written. It never existed. Nothing to see here. Just move on.
Cindy, this is how just about any cult or religion has gone mainstream. History is rewritten and inconvenient facts are forgotten. The founders and early leaders are then made bigger than life, mythologized and deified. scientology is still a fairly new cult as cults go. They are just ramping up the process a bit as a survival mechanism. If they can clear this hurdle, they will be around for a while. In fact, they will be around anyway. There is always some fool that will buy into the ‘tech’. Despite all the facts being available to anyone who actually bothers to look, Charlie Manson still has followers fer christsakes. We will always have flat earthers, young earthers, climate change deniers and birthers no mater what evidence is presented to the contrary.
So true, Cindy. Except that you HAVE called DM on his gross squirreling. So, keep up the good work! You can inspire others to do the same. And yes, Miscavige has been the epitome of “The Psychopath Next Door” for way too long. But his day of reckoning is coming. As a matter of fact that day is already here. He is just to blind in his narcissism to know that his day in the sun is done.
Karl, what is the harm in “squirreling” complete and utter bullshit?
When you compare the size of The Monster’s ego to size of the depth of his insanity, how long do you think it may take before the Dirty Little Rat decides to eradicate every mention of The Big Con Man from every single place it can be found?
Where is Jimmy Cagney when we need him?
Oops. I meant to say “to the depth of his insanity”. Pretty deep. Ain’t it?
It’s crazy, just editing one of the Fatman’s lectures is in itself a high crime. He Who Shall Not Be Named, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center, Pope of Scientology, Mr. Captain David Miscavige is hereby declared a Suppressive Person. lol.
Cindy, same thing happens with countries.
George M White opined:
“The Mission Holder in the Toronto mission in the early 1980’s was a Saint Hill Grad. He left Scientology when the pressure from top management started. It proved to me that the course was worthless.”
“My” franchise holder in ’71 was a Class 6 grad. Actually, it was more a hippy commune ( minus the drugs), following her from South Jersey to Northern NJ, to Maine and studying the mysticism of Bahai instead of scn, NOT that the place was ever an scn stronghold to speak of. AFAICT, I was the only mission public to head for more advanced courses in NY, then LA, (with a detour to Flag). I’m not even certain she offered any processing above co-audited objectives even though the franchise paid to have two staff do their Academy Levels, so were able to deliver to grade IV
Jere – Really? People do like to follow charismatic leaders, don’t they?
I am glad Marvin Dockstadler likes life. The alternative is depressing.
Every clam who had anything to do with $cientology from its beginning to 2002 must know that Miscavige is a Squirrel. Dropping the sacred word of Lron is a high $cieno crime. Now, who is going tell him that and give him the Wayne LaPierre/Oliver North NRA treatment?
DM better come up with very public turmoil with the other members of the boards that are supposed to oversee his work. Otherwise the IRS might see the violation of the ’93 agreement. Yeah, that could happen.
Moving “up” the bridge on the SRD?
No matter where you’ve ever reached on the bridge, you next step is the SRD! Come one, come all! OT VIIIs, OT VIIs!, Class VI! Class VIII! OEC FEBC veteran staff!
YOUR next step is the one we serve up right after purif comp.
Wet behind the ears or so old those ears are dragging your shoulders, it’s all the same. Your money is good here and there are no discounts for re-does.
Thanks for this post, Mike. I’ve been chortle-bitching about the disappearance of the SHSBC since November 2013. 🙂
(and while in, I DID the new SRD and loved it, loved doing it as an OT and had massive wins daily – the depths and hold of the mind conditioning is no effing joke, whatsoever)
I did the SRD shortly after it was released in 81. I was on staff at FSO.
It quickly bogged and the Class VI C/S personally gave me a correction list. She got a read on ” Has someone told you these processes are not necessary? I looked and thought “Oh shit, I cannot tell her that”. But, as any good auditor would; she steered me with the recurring read until I said it; ” LRH told me I did not need any more of these processes”. She sent the folder back to the C/S and they sent me to attest to the rundown. Nowadays, they would probably have me shot for denigrating LRH.
They do not believe in their own Tech any more.
Just for fun:
“If you can communicate to somebody, or with somebody, and get that person to answer your questions, even somewhat laboriously, and so forth, you have no business using the CCHs. That’s about what that amounts to. And the CCHs can be categorized in that fashion now only because we can get rid of hidden standards. …
…Now in view of the fact that we have Problems Intensives, you can relegate the CCHs back to where they came from, which is processing in the absence of verbal communication… you can process somebody you can’t talk with. And that’s where the CCHs belong. Well, therefore, they are important.”
LRH lecture VALENCES, CIRCUITS 18 October 1961.
LDW, thank you for the reference on CCH’s. So if that’s true that you only use them on pcs you can’t get into verbal comm with, then what the heck are OT VIII’s doing re-doing the CCH’s on the SRD??? Davey has some ‘splaining to do.
Captain Tiny Tot. Frantically arranging the last non submerged lounge chairs on the Titanic
Xenu’s Son:
“Captain Tiny Tot. Frantically arranging the last non submerged lounge chairs on the Titanic”
Ruining his tiny custom-made shoes in the process.
This quote has been circulating on th web recently. It fits with what you wrote.
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”
George Orwell, 1984
Poor Mr. Dockstader and his (probably soon to be ex-wife) must have been very lonely as the only two people taking this course…. what will happen when the little man has removed every single original course? Hubbards “tech” isn’t aging well, and eventually it will all be so ridiculously outdated that people may start waking up from their self induced lobotomies.
St. Hill is such a ghost town of an embarrassment that “St. Hill” as a word will need to be erased from Scientology history. Eventually “L. Ron Hubbard” will just be a footnote. The guy that incompetently outlined Scientology before it was corrected by Dear Leader and made into its many golden ages, each smaller and more pathetic than the one before. Scientology now specializes in “whales” and real estate scams.
Always love reading your posts, Mat. You say it so succinctly.
Pretty stunning. The fact that there is no more Briefing Course and the members still IN, ESPECIALLY those that joined in the 60’s thru 80’s, don’t call bullshit, is a pretty clear attestation that those still IN are willing for david miscavige to do whatever IN or OUT Tech he wants. The Ideal Org scam is another blaring example of “OUT Tech” that they willingly overlook. david miscavige can pretty much do what he wants at this point.
I see most of that as rather compelling evidence.
The fact that people who have been in so long do not call bullshit is evidence they know what awaits people who do that.
But the fact that they have heard or somehow know what kind of punishments awaits those people who call bullshit is evidence that people who are still in have some way of knowing the truth. They must talk with each other in whispers when the lights are low or they may say or do something else to learn the truth. Therefore, they are not so brainwashed that they cannot tell true from false. So, I believe they know the truth but do not act for fear of the terrible reprisals awaiting them and their families. It seems to me that very few people know this or have suffered worse reprisals than Mary.
My conclusion is that they are not so brainwashed that they cannot perceive the truth (that is also evidence the tech does not really work because if it did, there would be no such truth).
Fear of reprisals. Yup, good point.
Which is pretty scary.
It looks like Miscavige has a habit of disappearing women. First Shelly…where is she? Now, he orders that Mary Sue disappears from the Tapes. I wonder what is he hiding?
And pity he destroyed a great course, the SHSBC, like you said Mike, it was unique indeed and now…also disappeared thanks to miscavige. Maybe he is practicing Magic or whatever.
I admire people who fight against evil and when they fight, they know exactly where to stick the pin.
Well done SILVIA!
“And pity he destroyed a great course, the SHSBC, like you said Mike, it was unique indeed and now…also disappeared thanks to miscavige. Maybe he is practicing Magic or whatever”
YUP, “Watch me make this bottle of scotch disappear before your very eyes.
How can they “edit out” things from Hubbards lectures and other materials? I thought his word was holy writ, and can NEVER be changed?
How can they edit out things? Do you remember the reason why everyone washes windows with newspapers?
It’s because that is the way The Big Cheese wrote they were supposed to be washed.
Since personal computers and tablets and laptops and other electronic editing devices were never known to The Big Cheese (because he died before they became known), he could never have written to make changes using any of those devices.
So all changes must be made using rubber erasers because that is the only way he knew how to do it.
That is also why so much of the tech does not work. The reason is that he wrote how to do things. But he lived in a world without all our modern devices. So the tech is limited to a doing things the way they were done in the Stone Age (so to speak). I think that is a major reason why this scam has become obsolete.
He was never smart enough to think that things might change in the future? But he wrote the only way to do things was the way he said to do them. But the only way he knew how to do them was in ancient times. So, the poor fool wrote failure right into his foolish scripture. The whole thing has been destined to fail all this time.
Well, I’m certain they must use a rubber eraser because laptops were not known to the Big Cheese. He died before they became indespensible.
This brilliant man built “failure” into his brilliant science.
He wrote that whatever he had written may never be changed. Then, he also wrote the way the said to do things was the only way to ever do them – both now and in the future.
So as the future unfolded, this scam was relegated its place on the back burner of life. He guaranteed that it would be certain to fail in the future because as the future changed, his scam never would. A sure fire recipe for failure. Not nearly as brilliant as he thought he was.
“Wins” = “Stupids”
Face it Dave, you’ll always be second fiddle.
Face it Dave, you’re to stupid to play the fiddle.
Face it Dave, the fiddler just played your swan song.
Face it Dave, you don’t have a chance in Hell. Everything and everybody is against you.
Zee Moo said:
“I am glad Marvin Dockstadler likes life. The alternative is depressing.”
The alternative is DEPRESSION, a definition I became all too aware of at Flag when I honestly looked at my future prospects there: Poverty, degrading conditions, firmly suppressed 2-Ds, personal experience that there were no ‘clears’, no OTs; realizing that all their promises were there to be broken, only; never intended to be kept. ‘Twas SCARY to leave Clearwater — “better the Devil you know”, but it was for the better. REAL life is so much sweeter than what they offered, and there was no comparison to what they delivered instead of the promises.
Face it Dave, you’re just the fiddler’s bitch.
Now that’s some funny shit!!!
Face it Dave, you’ve been defaced.
The “wins” are “thoughtless” in that nothing new ever comes out. It’s all “canned”, the same statements repeated from person to person, never varying much. Adulation for LRH from most who never met the man. And of course, adulation for Tiny Tot, less the writer/speaker be hauled into ethics for failure to include the tyrant. What a sad lot!
I completely agree with you. I think many, many success stories are simply attempts to placate.
From personal experience I can tell you I chose to write many of them purely in an attempt to stop the waste of hours/money spent in session while NEVER attaining the grade chart promised results. I’d fool myself thinking “maybe the next level will deliver something truly valuable” all the while suffering under the delusion that the tech couldn’t be wrong; it had to be me. Gawd, what an idiot I was!
My best success story wasn’t ever written as it might have been used to declare me. It would have said, thank you (me) for finally garnering sufficient confront to see the truth that there is no truth in the tech, no results at all, and take personal responsibility for having wasted decades of time and many hundreds of thousands of dollars all for nothing at all. I had to confront the fact I’d allowed it all to happen and take full responsibility. For only then could I be free. I walked out quietly and NEVER looked back. And I am happier than ever before. Now THERE’S a real result. 🙂
And best of all, no visit to the Reg for your next “bridge step!”
Go directly to the reg. Do not pass go. Do not collect any money.
Congrats, Glen! And well done for confronting the truth, not white washing it, and acting on that truth. The way out is the way through the door.
Thanks Cindy. True indeed; the way out is the way through the door. Blubbard’s advice was definitely lacking those last two words. I will smile broadly every time I remember the now completed phrase. Thank you much. Glenn
The way out is out the door.
I couldn’t help myself :o)
The way out is through the front door.
Now those are words to live by.
Glenn, Your needle is floating…