Here is a new email laying out the priorities for the Flag OT Committee as directed by the clown in charge of the FSO.
A couple of comments:
The FIRST priority for the FSO is “Ideal Orgs”? Bizarre. More evidence that “Command Intention” (ie Miscavige orders) has taken the place of all other policy/programs/orders in the RCS. Believe me, this ONE thing alone would be enough for Miscavige to be declared by LRH. There are enough old timers around who can recall the wrath that rained down on anyone who cut across the FSO’s main line business…
The SECOND priority is the IAS. And the same old lies keep being perpetuated — they are “paying the costs of our vital 4D campaigns”. Perhaps one of the Narconon plaintiffs should test out this theory and name IAS as a defendant on the basis that they pay for all the “4D campaigns”. Watch how fast the IAS files papers unequivocally stating they have NOTHING TO DO with funding Narconon and its campaigns (and that IS more true, as anyone who has ever tried to get money out of the IAS for anything can attest)
But the THIRD priority is a totally new one on me. Getting PUBLIC to recruit people for the SEA ORG! Because they need 170 NEW STAFF in the next couple of months for “Super Power”.
Just how long can the lies keep being told?
So, the top two priorities for the “Flag OT Committee” is regging for Miscavige pet projects and the next priority is recruiting for the SO (and irony of ironies, there are quite a number of people on the OTC who are EX-SO).
And then finally the lowest priority is getting people on SERVICE. But even here, the priority is “Purif and Objectives Review” and “basics study”…. apparently the mainline business of the FSO these days.
Oh, how the mighty have fallen….
Harvey Jacques would be more suited to the circus than defiling the once important and dignified position of Captain FSO.
Dear All Flag OTC Members,
I want to thank you for attending this past Monday’s get together with the Captain at the Flag OTC Meeting.To reiterate what the Captain brought up as priority needs & wants from the membership, they were:IDEAL ORGS – Support the Flag Ideal Org Alliance. Through whatever creative involvement you can muster, that is; helping to hold events, making phone calls, doing promotion, cooking, costumes, prospecting, fundraising or whatever. This is a current, priority guiding strategy for all of Scientology. We have targets in progress and a bunch of healthy targets in front of us. So join in the fun. Contact Kaye Champagne, Jim Bridgeforth or Susan Freilich for direction in this regard or to discuss you would be best at.IAS – Always and forever, help to advance, support and protect Scientology through the IAS. The best way to assist is to set aside time to sit yourself down in an IAS office, in either; the Oak Cove, AO or Coachman, and ask these seasoned professionals what you can do to help. IAS pays the costs of our vital 4D campaigns, as well as costs for vital new Ideal Orgs which, having no existing local field, require an additional funding source, namely the IAS. It’s You, It’s Me. We are the IAS. Contact Kathy Feshbach for more information on how to get active: Cell 946-1514Recruitment – You know tons of people and you are listened to by people we have never spoken to about joining the Sea Org. You have an idea that for some people the very best place for them is in the Sea Org. You heard the Captain and his need for some 170 new Sea Org recruits to get in, trained up and becoming members of the Super Power Team in the next 1-2 months. Call any Reception point at Flag and ask to speak to a Sea org Recruiter and explain your prospects and ideas. Don’t wait another minute – CALL Today!100% On SERVICE – Make it the BUZZ all over town, that is: Getting everyone’s Basics in for Super Power. Simply ask everyone you speak with, put it in every email, etc … “Are your ready for SuperPower? Purif & Objectives Reviewed?” Direct them into the Any Org Reception to find out if they are ready or not! It’s really simple, really. And exciting!!!AND AS ALWAYS … Get & Keep Bridge Flow moving. Advise all your friends to keep moving on their full Chronological Study as well. Fill up those course rooms! STAY ON SOURCE EVERY DAY! SURVIVE BETTER!Please let me know you got the message. And of course any wins you have had doing any of the above now or in the future.And please be respectful to the LRH policy in operating as a group and do two general rudimentary things every Flag OTC members should do each week:a) Make it go right to turn in your weekly report via email to the Flag OTC on time, andb) Attend every Flag OT Committee Meeting, every Monday in the Ball Room in the FH at 6:15 pm for the best coordination and momentum to carry these targets to dones as a group! See you there!Sincerely,Wig Adams, Group Officer FSO
I’d appreciate postings from this blog as unable to repond
why I don’t know meaning I am unable to subsribe and no emails have been replied
when I sent a message to the mail address on the front page of this blog and ask why ican’t suscribe?
any one can clue me in? email [email protected] thks Neverend /
Is he doing non-e as he is new on post or is he coming up through the conditions?
Oh come on, Mike, he had to have delivering auditing and training auditors somewhere on that list of priorities. …didn’t he? Are you sure?
Do this, do that, hand in your report, go here, go there……………….
That is to their very best customers. “We MUST be CONTRIBUTED to”.
I just LOVE the customer service!
I tell you Mike, I don’t understand why DM doesn’t open a new Ideal Org in Nevada or on a reservation somewhere and put in slot machines, black jack and poker. He’s already made Scientology into a total farce, why not go all the way? Besides, he’s only about money — the common denominator to Krusty the Klown’s priorities. For that matter, I’m surprised he hasn’t already put in gambling on the Slavewinds complete with topless waiters and waitresses. Looking at the trend, the idea has got to be coming. For the first time ever, public on board would be allowed to do something besides getting sec checked or getting regged. Spiritual gambling casinos where you can win 125 hours of Objectives or even a Sec Check.
Like a state government that raises taxes, causing the populace to move, which reduces the tax amount collected so that the state raises taxes again and again on a dwindling population, the Dwarf will continue to suck every last dime that he can, any way he can, out of any remaining public. At this point, I don’t think he knows how to do anything else..
I see that Miscavige has got a replacement for Debbie Cook that has the “correct” viewpoint. Flag is still the Mecca but instead of a safe space for auditing and training, it’s the Mecca place to have the shit regged out of you for Ideal Orgs and the coffers of the IAS.
And in the meantime Debbie Cook looks the very picture of health and happiness on her husband, Wayne Baumgarten’s blog. Good for her!
So they build the super power building for years and years and years and years and years………and NOW they think about the 170 people they need to recruit in the next two months to staff it up. The staffing of the Superpower building seems to be an afterthought! And what about “You have an idea that for some people the very best place is for them to be in the Sea Org.” Whatever happened to self determinism? Now public are being asked to decide for other people what they should do, and get them to do it. Have they gone into the valence of slave traders? Whatever happened to recruiting the right person for the right job? No – they spend gazillions building the building, and any old person with nothing better/else to do can deliver the tech for thirty dollars a week (plus no leave, no retirement, separation from family and zero gratitude as added “incentives”). God help them – I don’t think anyone else could (help them)!
Wendy, as re: “You have an idea that for some people the very best place is for them to be in the Sea Org”, please allow me to translate.
This means, “You got kids? Might as well hand’em over now. Easier for everyone this way.”
That is beyond sad. Poor kids – no power of choice. Pressure from all sides, and few, if any, options…..
“And please be respectful to the LRH policy in operating as a group and do two general rudimentary things every Flag OTC members should do each week:”
In other words “Report Back, Report Back”, Report Back”, the implant is still in progress, and we are NOT DONE with you yet.
It is just repulsive.
It really is that these people no longer have the subject of Scientology even on their radar! The CofS no longer exists, not really, being replaced by the ‘Scientology Religion’. I guess getting rid of the subject was the next major target.
K Francis, are you the same person who had a business selling sheepskin products in kiosks in malls?
Not sure if there is a joke in here I missed but to answer your question, no that was not me.
Very good point about the BIG LIE that IAS funds all Ideal Orgs, Sylvia. Here’s another one I just spotted out of what what you quoted:
“…vital new Idea Orggs, which, having no existing local field, require an additional funding source, namely the IAS”…
HELLO? Why would a “new, Ideal Org” having “no existing local field” be “vital”, or even necessary?
Oh, wait! I forgot that its “Have, Do, Be” now!! Sorry, this keeps slipping my mind!! And now, yes, it makes total sense that an org with no existing local field must first have an expensive new building which it can’t maintain because it wasn’t producing anything before it went “ideal” and isn’t producing anything now that it is ideal, so naturally the IAS has to subsidize it until some kind of field is created, so that there are people who want and need Scientology services… yup, got it now.
Wow, I don’t envy these people their eventual, rude awakening.
“…cooking, costumes…fundraising or whatever…
current, priority guiding strategy for all of Scientology…”.
Have to laugh on that.
If they really wanted to “Be respectful to the LRH policy”, as she states at the end of the letter, they might start by actually reading it and then asking where these insane orders are coming from?
LOL, I can actually hear LRH: “To hell with “respecting” policy!! How about following it!!”
Nothing sadder than a sad clown.
The look on his face is the recognition that the joke is on him for playing a fool for too long.
I wore the same hollowed out stare at Flag when my auditing turned badly due to overrun, IAS regging between sessions; being asked for money at Exam, Knowledge Reports written by Accommodations because I wasn’t staying on Base, Knowledge Reports written by the IAS because it was discovered that I was a “consumer Scientologist “and not fully on-board with command intention. (Decoded that means I wasn’t willing to give money)
I was happy with many of the Flag auditors however and felt they were doing their best to help me and they did.
The bulk of the remaining 30,000 or so people still in the CoS fall into two main groups. The “oldies” who need to be bled dry of all their money and pushed to their debt limits (thus the Idle Orgs, IAS scheme and the continual, but never ending setups and sec checks, getting set up for Super Power and OT levels, and then once you’re done, being told you haven’t made it and need to get your objectives or grades or clear status reviewed AGAIN), and the “youngies” (almost always children and now grandchildren of the oldies) who need to be recruited into the SO and staff as slave labor – they are easily brainwashed and molded into soldiers for the fuhrer …. I mean COB. And now the youngies can turn on and help bleed the oldies. Ah, what a wonderful group of lovely, free thinking and helpful people! Come and join the fun.
Joe P, this is the scene as I observe it too. “Your money, or your life”.
Joe. Not-isness reduces understanding. Actually there are many types on the gradient of people still in.
Some get a service and avoid the IAS Ideal Org material sales people. Sorry, no money for that stuff. Many do this.
Many go to an AO and come back Clear. I saw 3 recently. None of them paid for the other stuff.
Then there are those you mention.
The big hitters definitely play a big roll in keeping it all going though. I don’t hang with those types.
There a quite a few who just make an appearance, do not leave, pay minimal amounts but definitely give sustenance to those who play harder.
A common refrain I hear is the danger to their eternity if they do otherwise.
One of my favorite LRH axioms is “The practice of not-isness reduces understanding.” So how stupid do veteran Scientologists have to make themselves to agree that periodic (and always paid for of course) “Purif and Objectives Reviews” have anything to do with standard tech? When a being has agreed to this scam over and over, he/she is getting bankrupted because he/she has decided to. Miscavige may indeed be a money scamming genius in inventing all these new “services” that have to be paid for, but he couldn’t do it without the full support of the sheeple. Keep coughin’ up your dough, suckers. I’m happy to say I’ve still got mine.
Mike you take the gilt off the gingerbread!
Off LRH policy, SQUIRRELS.
LISTEN (to Miscavige and his minors) – DON´T LOOK.
Miscavige is Source in the eyes of the naive “Scientologist”.
Not-is is the order of the day for an old timer who knows LRH policy.
Miscavige goal is total stupidity=total control.

Creation of Human Ability:
… There are two types of machines those that mock things up, and those which unmock things….
The process of making a machine is to make a postulate, fit it into a machine, hide the machine, and forget it. The machine is keyed against something the thetan may think.When the thetan thinks something, the machine goes into action….“
Coerce someone to make a postulate and let him remake this postulate every day. Reduce his havingness that he forgets about it. If he thinks a thought that questions the postulate the unmock of himself automatic starts. If he thinks the right thoughts (aligning with the postulate) the mock up automatic starts. This mockup includes his further reduction of his havingness.
“AND AS ALWAYS … Get & Keep Bridge Flow moving. Advise all your friends to keep moving on their full Chronological Study” —-per her above notation she sure has a hughe MU on Bridge Flow…
. And what about her statement of: “IAS pays the costs of our vital 4D campaigns, as well as costs for vital new Ideal Orgs which, having no existing local field, require an additional funding source, namely the IAS”…since when the IAS, which cash is carefully guarded by the madman COB, covers costs for Ideal Orgs??
And then she says: “And please be respectful to the LRH policy in operating as a group”…well this is beyond belief…no words to express their delusion and insanity.
I would have some sympathy for Harvey and the impossible predicament he is in, as any Exec is these days, except that I know Harvey both from his time in the UK Sea Org, and later as the Captain FSO. He was always from the “Why use ARC when shouting will do” school of management, and I found him abrasive and confrontational. I remember well as a new SO member walking past an auditing room and hearing him screaming at his auditor at St Mary’s in Rottingdean when being asked a question he didn’t like.
Many many years later and now as a public I saved up and bought 4 intensives of case-cracking and was excited to finally get moving on the Bridge. I was being assigned a Class XII!. After 50 hours of sec-checking at Flag (at my own expense of course) all the hours were used up and I was just about at my lowest ebb, crushed and bewildered.
On routing out (needless to say I couldn’t wait to leave by this time, not least because it my was my new wife’s first experiences of a service Org and I didn’t want her to get negative impression of the service), I found myself in front of the Reg, as you do, as one of the last points on the routing form. The Reg earnestly told me that I “needed to get up the Bridge NOW”. I tried to explain without mis emotion (I just felt like crying by this time), that that is exactly what I thought I would be doing on this trip, and that’s why I’d taken a month out and spent in excess of $10,000 to be there. Harvey Jacques was walking by and the Reg asked him what could be done? “Has he got any money?” asks Harvey – “well.,,, not right now but…” Harvey just shrugged and walked off. That was it. I was maxed out financially so I simply wasn’t any use any more until I got a new line of credit. That’s the Church these days – that’s Harvey Jacques and he fits the mold to a tee. So while I wish him no ill I have no sympathy for him. Nor the wretched squirrel outfit calling itself Flag. I just hope and pray that for the sake of the public AND staff that this horror show will be coming to an end soon.
Martin, I’m sorry for your horrible experience. But you learned from it and that is good. Harvey Jacques is a little man just like midget Davie. I think they both have the short man syndrome also known as the Napoleon Complex. (No offense to short people who are social personalities). DM is SP and Harvey is either SP or in the SP’s valence but it is the same actions and same outcome, so no distinction is necessary.
Oh, the hypocrisy!
Let’s just totally disregard what it says in the OTC *POLICIES* and co-opt it by coercion as a slave labor pool.
Harvey Jacques has always been a bully. He was before he became CO FSO and he still is now. He is just a dwarf’s pawn who reflects the mannerisms of his boss!
Well Sir,
Stupid is as stupid does!
Mike, There is one plus-point on the scene there at Flag, and that plus-point is that someone is reporting this stuff to you so everyone in the world can read here how completely off the rails Flag has gone.
Why those that are still in cannot see this is beyond belief! I think the “merchant of chaos and fear videos and promo”…”The Psychs are out to get you! The World is coming to an end”! etc…is what gets those that are still in – to shift their viewpoint slowly into buying this bill of goods!
Why do they still stay? How much can they take?
The answer, Blown SP, is that they have to be right about the RCS being right.
They have justified enough, “not seen” enough, dubbed in enough, gotten invalidated and thrown down the tone scale enough so that now if any spontaneous doubtful thoughts flare up they are immediately doused by the cold water of their own self-inval. They are fused with the RCS.
They = the RCS; the RCS = them. There is no distinction being made, they and the RCS are identical now, and the must – have on the RCS being continually right is their own must – have to be so.
Nice spotting, Aquamarine.
Yes Aquamarine, I think you spotted it. A being will try to be right right down to his last dying breath, and sometimes even death is a make-wrong of those loved ones that survive them. And the snapping in and becoming the same identity or beingness, which has to be right, this is bank mechanism at it’s most unholy. The poor bastards.
And guess what? OT Committee Clown in Charge Kay Champagne will comply with no questions asked. She is a Queen when it comes to drinking the kool-aid. Oh Wig! I was so hoping that you would have defected by now! Damn!!
Sick, sick, sick, sick, sick; oh, and did I mention SICK!
Bert, you are too kind. This is beyond SICK. Both Harvey & Wig used to be really good guys — I am sure that basically they still are but my God, what the hell are they not seeing!! Open your eyes gentlemen. Remember the old S.O. adage — what would LRH do? Guess where little Davie would be if LRH were here?
Truly disqusting how off purpose they’ve gone.
The two products of an org are audited pcs and trained auditors. For all the times they shift it to “Ideal Orgs” let’s repeat the true LRH manra which was audited pcs and trained auditors. Well Done Auditing Hours and Completions and auditors made.