It is sadly true that many children raised in scientology families, especially those that attend “Study Tech” schools, have a pre-ordained future in the Sea Org.
While scientology and Applied Scholastics claim they are NOT scientology, and certainly are NOT Sea Org recruitment pools — sometimes the truth leaks out.
Here they are, thinking they are safe inside a scientologists only FB group, telling it like it is: Their “product” is a graduate who joins the Sea Org.
And here is a parent laying out her “win” that she “made the decision that I was raising Sea Org members. I made this my stable datum.”
Her son joined staff at Tampa Org at 16 and then got “promoted” to the Sea Org.
Back in Medieval times it was considered an obligation to give children to the church.
Scientology is doing its best to bring back old ideas.
Unfortunately, I know what it is like to bear children IN the Sea Org, which is one step beyond raising them outside the Sea Org to become future recruits. My oldest children had no choices in life other than the ones that were made by the Sea Org and for the Sea Org.
It is so sad to see these kids being brainwashed into a futile, wasted life dedicated to “clearing the Planet” — an objective that not only won’t be accomplished, its a completely unreal, false goal as ridiculous as counting the drops of water in the ocean. But you can be sure that AJ Dale and Jessi9ca Greenwood’s sons are as convinced as their parents that they are on a noble and worthwhile mission to begin counting the water drops, naysayers be damned.
They give their childrens in order to go through the bridge with no family issues
Flag reggies are so familiar with that handlings that they recomend Narconon, Wise or APS groups to do the job at parents cost for their sibblings
But at the end they will have to handle or disconect if one of them blow and even pay their full SO freeloader in order to continue on their OT levels
That means more money bad expended in SCN with a unhandled situation.
Is just a money circle
Yes, back in the day the eldest son was the heir and the 2nd son was supposed to go to the Church.
Spooky article.
I knew 5 sets of parents with this mindset when I was in.
Very creepy.
One father I knew told me that it was his then 7 year old son’s “whole track purpose” to join the Sea Org.
Yes, he actually said that.
His daughter also joined. Dropped out of high school at 16, went on staff full time at the local org, andthen in a few years she was SO. They got her. Married at 19; divorced at 21; she may be married again by now. She may be divorced again by now.
No chance. These kids had no chance, really. Very sad.
While I agree this is a horrible thing (forcing children to join a church order/staffs) and gooming them onto staff/sea org it’s actually a bit more complex.
I was posted at both, and Applied Scholastics and by extension ABLE Int. know they have a precarious balance they have to hold. On one hand we had to ban recruiters from talking to non-scientology students whilst simultaneously letting them recruit the kids of scientologists in only {X} areas near the schools but not on technically on the schools property. As you can imagine this didn’t always work well because sometimes the non-scientology kids were more interested and the scientology kids wanted to be left alone. Also sometimes some doofus newbie recruiters themselves couldn’t tell which kids were which.
Plus one doesn’t want to create a “shore flap” with non-scientology parents because there’s nothing like wealthy non-scientology parent of an APS kid to naively safepoint scientology wherever the hell we wanted to go because Hubbard wanted us to be “Three feet behind the heads of all the charities/social betterment groups” even if they were scientology related or not. Particularly so we could push out the “psychs.”
It was a total clusterfuck.
Why are these proud parents too good to join the Sea Org themselves rather than grooming their kids to join so they (the parents) can just keep dilettanting around as publics?
An even darker (in my opinion) phenomenon: Scientology parents who respond with fury and anger that their teen or young adult child is approached by a Sea Org recruiter.
These parents (I knew a set) are fully aware—and they do not mind—other people’s sons and daughters trapped and being abused. It’s just they will not tolerate their own offspring being put into that situation. This is despite these Scientology parents knowing well how much their group benefits from all the cheap 7-day per week, 365-day per year labor.
Encountering this showed me how much even a supposedly “dedicated” OT Scientologist knows there is something provocative and deeply unpleasant pervading this group.
If a person or married couple has been around for a bit, they seem to know the staff are being steadily drained of life, if not being outright abused. The reaction of “Not my kid!” conveys how much they factually are aware of this.
To stick around ANYWAY and keep supporting this group is (to me) dark and selfish. Maybe a version of narcissism that surprises no one in this blog community.
Its possible the Sea Org doesn’t want the parents. The parents, after all, are probably making MONEY. (On the other hand, we KNOW the SO will take any living, breathing, ambulatory mass of human protoplasm.)
And then, there’s the age factor. The SO loves them some young’uns who know nothing but the cult, who NEVER question anything Dear Leader says or does.
The Nazi’s loved their Hitler Youth too.
So much easier to just pluck them off the family tree at the first sign of ripeness. No baggage, no experience – nothing. Just Scientology. Full Metal Cult.
Just musing out loud here.
Full MENTAL cult? That’s what my duslexia(dyslexia) served up this morning.
“Full mental…”
Yeah, that says it much better
Great point Aqua….like some of those rigid “TV Series Fundamentalist Church Family” whose children are forbidden real contact with the outside world who may influence their thoughts & ideas.
Raised from birth to be Obedient to Male Parental Authority” over them…i.e. OBEY WITHOUT QUESTION the “Head of Household”….they do not & will not QUESTION anything. You MUST comply….or else.
As one can easily see in this particular family….one of the eldest daughters is being “shunned” for not living the life she was taught to live. She has stepped out of the box & decided along with her non compliant husband to live life their OWN way. Thusly this has caused her to be separated from her parents & siblings.
To NOT OBEY means you are challenging the authority figure…you are questioning all that had been spoon fed to you your entire life. You’re not permitted to have doubts, you must believe & swallow it all hook line & sinker no matter what because you know what will happen if you don’t.
YOU have become an embarrassment to your parents & the church, they cannot have you amongst them because your ideas will cause problems & doubt within the inner sanctum of the church’s doctrine/tenet of belief.
You MUST be banned/cut off/disconnected/shunned/disassociated…you MUST GO…..if permitted to stay, others may follow your lead & question the system of belief & the house of cards would fall……when things begin to crumble & collapse in a heap…there goes all the MONEY….can’t have that happen either.
Their ONLY recourse to protect themselves would be to continually BASH YOU, PUT YOU DOWN, CHALLENGE YOU, SMEAR YOU, BAD MOUTH YOU, CAST ASPERSIONS AGAINST YOU & LIE.
Mike is handling it with dignity & grace….standing up for the truth is a hard thing to do, especially when the lies & abuse continue….Mike is amazingly strong….yet even strong people get tired of the same old same old.
Hang in there Mike, the BEST has come to you in the form of Chris & the boys…………sadly we can’t change the past, we can only hope for brighter futures. My hope is one day what has been taken from you….gets returned.
Penetrating, heartfelt post, Lorraine. I too feel for Mike. And although analytically understanding of his daughter Taryn’s “been brainwashed” reasons for having turned so viciously on her father, for continuing to obey Miscavige’s cruel orders – though analytically I DO fully get what’s going on, still, for my own, wholly personal, wholly subjective reasons based almost entirely on my own life experiences I find myself at times utterly FURIOUS with Taryn, and its all I can do, out of respect for Mike to NOT make hugely sarcastic and derogatory comments about his daughter on this blog.
Mike is indeed handling his pain with dignity and grace.
He furnishes the facts, he counters the lies she the cult tell about him, he defends himself admirably, but with total truth, decency, fairness and class.
When I get furious with her, I think of Mike and the depth of his understanding and self control.
I think of something from the New Testament. I’m not religious – technically I’m no religion and there are a gazillion things in the Bible in which I disbelieve – but what pops into my mind about Taryn’s cruelty to her father is “Forgive them, they know not what they do.”
And that says it, really. She knows not what she does.
And one day, she may realize what she has been doing.
Somehow, for some reason, some day she just may realize and understand the enormity of the wrongness she has perpetrated on her father. And if, and/or when she does, its going to be very hard on her. Very, very hard.
I frankly would not wish this kind of guilt on ANYBODY because I don’t believe there is anything worse in this life than having to live out the rest of one’s life carrying this kind of guilt. I do mean that.
But in the meantime, “she knows not what she does.”
oh Aqua you touched my heart…..I too feel Mike’s pain. Although he tries to rise above it, we know deep down inside how hurt he is. Mike’s statement about “I got them into this” says a lot about the burden of guilt he still carries.
Sadly, I once knew someone who had a huge falling out with her father after a divorce. This person would have nothing to do with the father & spoke ill of him all the time. He always kept his heart, soul & door open to her….she like Taryn wouldn’t bend or “forgive”. At her wedding she had someone else walk her down the aisle….her father was not invited to her wedding.
A few years later he passed away unexpectedly, actually suddenly. When she was informed, she collapsed into a heap on the floor shaking & crying uncontrollable & actually needed to go to a hospital for care & medication.
Only after her father’s death, did she find out that it is her MOTHER who was the one who “wronged her father”….she’d been carrying on an affair with one of his good friends & then demanded a divorce so she could marry this once “good friend”….seeing no other way since she refused counseling etc….the then “wife” got her divorce. That marriage lasted a few years & then HE divorced her as he found “someone new to toy with”.
HE was blamed for everything, sadly & hurtfully he took the blame in order for HER to “save face”. She accused him of all kinds of ill treatment, none of it true, even the siblings intervened but this daughter’s mind set on total blame & annihilation of her father’s reputation.
So much time has passed & Taryn is still so angry because her mother continually fills her head with trash talk. One day she may regret it….then again….with her brain be atrophied from all the “washing”….well we know the outcome on that.
Maybe one day his older son may receive his wakeup call….it’s never too late to repair & reconnect the road between parent & child…..we can only hope.
Thanks for your lovely comment, Balletlady. I do agree that Mike rightfully bears responsibility for getting Taryn into the cult from birth.
But look…look…oh, lordy, how do I communicate this concept correctly?..let me try…
We were all “born into” SOMETHING.
Each of us had early training about SOMETHING that was in all likelihood not helpful if not outright wrong and destructive to self and others.
At some point – at SOME point – don’t we, each of us, have to start taking personal responsibility for ourselves?
That was a rhetorical question
I’m sure we all agree that at SOME point in our lives we, to have happiness and productivity and good survival and all that, MUST take responsibility for our own choices, our own decisions, good or bad, etc., and the consequences of those decisions.
The question is: When should that point occur?
The law gives the age of 21 (or is it 18 now?) The law gives a legal age for personal adult responsibility.
But at what age do we stop blaming our parents?
30? 40? 55?
Because if we continue to blame our parents, this is just a nowhere scene. Because then THEY can’t be responsible either, because THEIR parents “did it” to THEM, and so on, and so on, back thru the ages.
I can’t see this being a workable way to operate.
Mike was brought into the cult by his parents at 19 or 20 years old. Now, OK, he had the advantage over his kids of having reached near adulthood OUT of the cult whilst his kids were born into the cult…OK.
But then, stories ABOUND out here on the fringes of the internet
from “kids” born into Scientology who did NOT agree, who DID question what was going on, who DID see what was wrong and say things about it, who DID leave, having known NOTHING about the outside world when they left.
What about THEM? They were also “born into”.
And yet they, somehow, were able to observe, to evaluate, to decide, “This is not for me. I’m outta here.”.
Ergo my whole long winded point is that no matter how brainwashed we are by our upbringing we STILL can be capable of independent analytical thought – some of us, possibly much more capable than others.
I don’t believe that Mike is WHOLLY responsible for Taryn’s atrocious behavior to him. His bringing her into the cult from babyhood certainly contributed to it. But she is who she is as a person, as a being. We are who we are. We are not our parents. We each of us have our own personal core of individuality, of being who we are as human beings and not as mere products of our environment and upbringing.
If Taryn were someone else, meaning “someone else” as a BEING, even with her being born into the cult and brainwashed from birth, she very well could have left the cult a long time ago. As did many others born into and raised in Scientology. There is the unique, individual personality and character of the person at play. Just my opinion.
Absolutely… in my OWN kids…..who weren’t all that much into super religious aspects of the Catholic Church they were Baptized in. I told them when they were 18 they could chose what if ANY religion they wished to part take in…..BUT I was more then willing to let them explore OTHER religions until then. IF before 18 they found another religion appealing…we allowed them to attend a few church services ahead of their 18th birthday.
For me…I am NOT religious, Spiritual YES, “religious”….no. My now adult kids opted out of the Catholic Church entirely….& aren’t “religious” either…..THEIR choice, not mine.
DK what it is with Taryn, you’ve nailed her down pretty well… YES, full of HATE & unforgiveness…absolutely. She’s completely filled with rage & hate over the divorce & the spoon feeding of what her mother has told her about her father Mike.
Sometimes people get ideas into their own head, as did the young lady I mentioned in the above story. SHE thought her father the “bad guy”…yet in plain sight was her mother going out having lunch & motel room visits with her father’s then BFF. She was no little kid then, she was in her teens. Her father had long hours at a very responsible job, provided well for her & her siblings. All special things like Ballet Lessons, horse riding lessons, summer camps, lovely vacations…nice upscale clothing etc. There was even a “housekeeper” so her mother wouldn’t “break a nail”. Despite long arduous hours her father managed to take his daughter & sons out for special events, dinners, treats…..
Taryn won’t you so clearly & accurately stated “many others HAVE left COS”…thank goodness for them. YES YES YES….Taryn’s negativity in her own mind replays the same scenario over & over again. One would think she’d tire of it….but she’s got a one track mind….hate for a man who loves her greatly.
I think we can agree (at least I hope so) that Taryn is harming herself more than she knows (and her children too). Spewing forth all this venom & rage & hate allows her to rid herself of her inner turmoil & helps add to the knife stabs she continues to give her father over & over.
If for one am grateful YOU are out & happy! As you said so beautifully…one CAN DECIDE TO LEAVE, which is what I have said dozens of times…..”You cannot save someone who does not want to be save”…..nor do something they are NOT prepared to do”…..for whatever personal reason.
You are very special Aqua! Stay well & happy my friend!
The CofS is already bizarely top-heavy, approaching a 1:1 ratio of members to staff if the Sea Org is included and only regularly active members are counted. Reports from local orgs suggest it’s about 1:4 just at that level.
Supporting all those staff and Sea Org members, even if they’re minimally paid, is a good part of why Scientology has to extract such large amounts of money from public members – plus of course on top of it international management extravagances from Miscavige’s gilt digs to the high-end attorneys and PIs. They indeed desperately need to keep up the number and ratio of public members, especially if the local orgs aren’t to all descend into requiring subsidies to keep their doors open.
For comparison, in a normal church the member to full-time staff ratio is more typically in the ballpark of 100 to 1.
Holy Cow, Peacemaker.
“…1.1 ratio of members to staff if the Sea Org is included and only regularly active members are counted”.
Surreal! And yet wholly believable based on how empty my little former org was, a decade before I left.
Very interesting point also that you made about subsidies to local orgs.
I can tell you that my very small former org’s mortgage was subsidized for years by what was described to me back then as the top tier management of Scientology.
Back in the 90s the then ED told me that. The mortgage then was about 5K a month she said.
At some point much later – in the early aughts perhaps – I’m a bit hazy memory-wise on this but I have a hazy recall of someone, not a staff member, an OTC member, possibly, telling me that the top management had paid off our org’s mortgage and that such was considered a bill to upper management, open and owing but not being actively collected, but still a debt to be repaid someday.
Aqua, thanks for confirming int management covertly subsidizing orgs – and framing it as long-term debt.
I’ve run across other cases of them bailing out struggling local orgs in one way or another, though nothing quite like taking over a mortgage, so I wonder just how much of that there is that has gone on. My guess was that they were booking such things as loans/debt so that Capt. Davey’s critical “stat” of total assets would continue to rise, even though there’s really no chance of ever collecting except when there’s a real estate asset that could be sold.
It seems inevitable that more orgs will fall into needing some degree of subsidy to keep their doors open. I wonder if the pandemic didn’t create an “emergency” that opens the door to that becoming more the norm.
Thanks, Peacemaker. It would appear that you are incapable of posting an uninteresting comment
To it I would only amend the tense of the first sentence of your last paragraph, i.e, “Its seems inevitable that more orgs will fall into needing some degree of subsidy to keep their doors open.”
I would phrase this sentence in the past tense…”It WAS inevitable, etc.”
If upper Scn management was paying MY org’s mortgage as far back as the early 90s its that other tiny orgs were being so subsidized, mortgage-wise. Just my hunch.
Edit: “…its likely that…”
I’m not sure whether Ms. Greenwood is just blowing smoke or is seriously deceived about her own parenting.
So she’s NOT manipulating her offspring into the SO? But she’s instilling a “higher standard of ethics level.” This may sound innocuous enough if one fails to understand the cult re-definition and total double-speak of this term. It has nothing to do with anything that the term has ever meant before undergoing its Orwellian overhaul. In the hands of the cult, it simply means “forget what anyone else may recognize as right/wrong, lawful or not, conscience, etc and do what’s best for the cult–regardless of how illegal, immoral, conniving and dishonest.” It boils down to “the end justifies the means and no one dare ask for justification of the end as ‘you don’t have the rank’ to do so.”
Claiming to raise 3rd/4th dynamic awareness without coercion or at least manipulation of a child’s life vision is equal double-speak. It’s like saying “I’m not pushing my religion on you. Nor am I saying that you ought to become a professional in it. But face it, the only meaningful life goal is to become a missionary for and disseminate my ‘religion'”.
Now add to this her obvious disparagement of a “real education” and allowing/encouraging her child to drop out of it at 16, before even achieving a basic high-school education (low as THAT bar is in itself). This alone sells out her child to a life trajectory that will seem insurmountable if he should later develop doubts about a decision he made (if you can believe that part) in his mid or early teens. No child is equipped to make such a monumental decision at that age. Even less so, one who’s been purposely brought up in an extremely myopic view of the world and life itself.
True, his mom is shameful and myopic!
However most of the kids I’ve known unfortunate enough to join young even without a HS degree go and get a college degree or trade qualification afterwards. While I was lucky enough to have a degree and some odd quals before scientology – we should put NO shame on going to college/trades later in life or re-training later – be it due to an unwanted pregnancy or cult bullshit or idiot family members or previous youth career (often showbiz) getting in the way. If anything we should encourage people to get it for themselves and expand their worldview.
When you call it “insurmountable” that’s precisely what you’re doing, regardless of that clearly not being your motive.
Great comment and especially your last paragraph. Very, very sad, what is perpetrated onto these unsuspecting kids.
It is like sending or allowing your child to go into a hole that has no exit. Where he is implanted with a truth and a vision of life that is completely ramshackle.
As usual, Scientology policy is short-sighted. Religions maintain and grow their membership in one or both of two ways:
1) Recruitment.
I’ve read that the Church of the Latter Day Saints (i.e., Mormon Church) has a high attrition rate. However, they make up for it, in part, by being successful at recruiting.
For all of Scientology’s rah rah and self-delusion at the lower levels, high level execs, and certainly David Miscavige, must know that the results of their current recruitment efforts are abysmal.
2) Sexual reproduction and subsequent retention.
The Mormon Church also makes up for their high attrition rate by having families with a lot of children.
More crude examples: There is a saying that demography is destiny. I recently read that Catholics will soon be the majority in Northern Ireland, which will have significant political ramifications and may lead to Irish reunification, because they have larger families than Protestants. Similarly, Muslim Palestinians have a saying that their greatest weapon is the wombs of their mothers.
The first problem for Scientology is that you cannot retain a child who was never born. The second problem is that Sea Org members cannot have children. The third problem is that most Class 5 staff members cannot afford to have children, or at least not an average of 2.1 children ( i.e., replacement level given infant mortality), much less educate them in well-paying professions.
The Church of Scientology is creating a situation akin to the Catholic Church having all of their children become priests and nuns, and thus unable to have children themselves, or join a low-paying lay religious vocation such that they cannot afford to have children.
As usual, Scientology policy may maximize the return in the short run, but only at the cost of destroying the future of the church. In this, and in so many other ways, the Church of Scientology is consuming its deed corn.
Superb comment. Nails on heads all over the place. I had these realizations after doing LOC. I realized how Scientology was ITSELF putting “block” on the “2nd Dynamic”. Groups that block their reproduction PERISH. I realized this, back in the day. This was not a “WIN” that I wrote up btw.
The Roman Catholic Church “blocked” their 2nd Dynamic when back in 1000 or something they all of a sudden forbid priests to marry or have children. All the priests had to leave their wives back then.
BUT! The RCs made up for that 2D block by making it holy and Godlike for people to marry early and have LOTS of kids!
They were no fools
“The Church of Scientology is creating a situation akin to the Catholic Church having all of their children become priests and nuns, . . . ”
It was required that I read a book on “The Great Religions of the World” or some such and go attest and get “ordained” as a “Minister Of The Church” before I could audit paying “parishioners”. Thank God, Praise Allah celibacy was not required.
Jessica Greenwood says she “never pushed Sea Org or staff” on her children. She doesn’t have to do so, because Sea Org recruiters will do that for her and any other parent. Mike has written prior posts about the tricks recruiters will use, such as the infamous “Briefing” that combines Scientology and conspiracy theories into a mess that even Alex Jones would doubt.
I feel bad for Jessica’s son and for AJ Dale. They probably have no idea what’s waiting for them the moment they show up for the EPF. I’ll bet the farm the recruiters promised and told those two everything they wanted to hear, just so the recruiters could have a stat by 2 pm Thursday.
I agree with you, Mike. That’s exactly what’s happening. It’s most likely the only way the Sea Org can get any recruits anymore — thanks to the work you and so many others are doing to get the truth out. It’s incredibly sad.
I need a way to explain to people I know that abc mouse and Applied Scholastics are the tools of scientology. They received software for free from our school system and just rave about how wonderful it is and I must be crazy to think that these are scientology gateway programs .
Actually, I don’t think that they are “Gateway” programs i.e. I doubt that they have subtly implanted suggestions that the kids using them should go check out Scamology. What I DO object to is that their profits (hefty, I’m sure) go to swell Scientology’s already obscenely overstuffed coffers, none of which are out to any humanitarian use.
I would venture to say that Applied Scholastics is a gateway program, in that they use scientology’s study tech.
APS can be a gateway, is designed to be so for certain desirable people. For others it’s just thought of to get them into a shape good enough so they won’t get in the way of us being able to “clear the planet” or so they’ll safepoint our bullshit in their non-scientology groups.
ABC Mouse has buried Hubbard “study tech” in it so they do have to give money to APS which then goes to ABLE which then goes to main church … but is mainly just to gain their C-Levels money which since most of them are scientologists of course the church takes a hefty amount of via regging.
Ironically they’re the main competitor of a thing I’m trying to build.
that I and/or others trying to flood the market with better more neuroscience based competitors and beat them soon. 

Not just for the sake of my wallet, but more so for the sake of not having a lot of people unknowingly running around with less effective study tech when more modern proven theories exist.
I’m not as familiar with ABC Mouse. Good luck with your new venture.
Since when are children ‘products’? Only in the $cienoverse can you sacrifice your family for the Lron’s good. And that bastard has been dead for 25 years.
At the time, parents whole heartedly believe they are making the correct decisions for their children…..sometimes it’s of their OWN accord…other times it is because the “religion EXPECTS them to dedicate their children to the Church”.
Hindsight is 20/20, sometimes we fully regret our decisions & we relive that bad decision over & over again. It’s an internal dialogue deep within our souls we can’t seem to let go. The “IF ONLY” replay like a badly scratched record….self incrimination….why why why did I decide THAT.
Sadly we can’t change the past. We can only look forward to the future & not make the same mistake. It’s human nature to make mistakes, it is how we LEARN not to do it again.
The THEN children are now Adults, with free choice IF they decide to leave COS or any OTHER religion. We can’t wave the magic wand & try to re-do our past choice.
Life’s a lesson, history repeats itself if the error in judgment is not corrected. In some cases the damaged can be healed….in other cases it’s a lost cause. We can only TRY to repair yet that works only when BOTH parties can agree & then move forward.
We already KNOW, that in some religions to LEAVE the Church is the greatest SIN of all…you are shunned, disconnected, disassociated from your “church & church family”….a bitter pill to swallow especially when the Church’s “promise of redemption” is sudden cut off…..a hard burden to carry for someone deeply committed to their religion.
Be grateful for what you have NOW…….keep your HEART & SOUL OPEN & maybe….just maybe…what has been TAKEN from you shall be return.
O/T. International Journal of Coercion, Abuse, and Manipulation (IJCAM) Special Issue: NXIVM & Scientology
Table of Contents
Foreword to the International Journal of Coercion, Abuse, & Manipulation Special Edition
Rod Dubrow-Marshall ……………………………..1-2
Comparative Reflections on Scientology and NXIVM
Stephen A. Kent ………………………………….. 3-26
Preventing Predatory Alienation by High-Control Groups: The Application of Human Trafficking Laws to Groups Popularly Known as Cults, & Proposed Changes to Laws Regarding Federal Immigration, State Child Marriage, & Undue Influence
Robin Boyle-Laisure ……………………………27-40
Narcissistic Sexual Predation: Keith Raniere’s Grooming Strategies in NXIVM
Susan Raine ……………………………………… 41-59
Reinventing the Self: NXIVM’s Promises, Secrets, and Lies
Susan Raine ………………………………………………… 60-81
The Eternal Commitment: Scientology’s Billion-Year Contract
Phil Lord ……………………………………………. 82-97
Scarred: The True Story of How I Escaped NXIVM the Cult That Bound My Life by (Sarah Edmondson)
Reviewer: Robin Boyle-Laisure ………………………………….. 98-100
Abstract Translations
Translators: Dolors Gironés (Spanish) XavierLéger (French)……………………… 101-102
“Creating a beautiful ‘product'”. What the hell? It is a human, not a product. That’s sad. And she really believes most people aren’t aware of the 3rd and 4th dynamics? You don’t have to be a whack-job scilon to be aware of other things in this universe. Most people are VERY aware of their environment.
Among the many Catholic Saints who were brought in by their parents, was Jean-Baptiste de La Salle (1651-1719.)
He was canonized a Saint for his great work in developing programs to train lay teachers.
Cannot ever see a Sea Org member canonized a Saint.
About scns handing their children over to the S.O:
In scientology, Nothing good is new; nothing new is good.
In the pictures of the new recruit walking under the sword arch and the fan fare of all that, the woman on the right holding up the sword looks so malnourished that she looks like she’s starving. She is so skinny that she doesn’t even have boobs, just like anorexic girls. The only way I could tell she was a girl was to use a magnifying glass where I saw her hair pulled back in a low bun in the back. I think she has had too many bouts of rice and beans in the SO. So sad to see malnourished SO memers.
To say that I’m appalled is putting it mildly.
Sea org museum? They have a museum now? What for? What do they display there, rice beans and declares?
Pictures of LRH on the ratship Apollo w/ all the SP’s blurred out.
Otto Roos, the Gilhams’, Captain Bill Robertson, the usual suspects…
To display photos of LRH with his former messengers blurred out….