Dear Members, Please read this from Scott and do all you can to get this done this week. ML, Kaye
To: All Flag OT Ambassadors and OTC members June 3, 2013
From: Dir Success FSO
“PROJECTS: The sequence of steps written to carry out ONE step of a program. Project orders often have to be written to execute a program step.” – LRH (HCO PL 29 FEBRUARY 1972RA II)
This project is hereby issued in order to help carry out Major Targets #1 and #2 of the OT AMBASSADOR PROGRAM 2012/2013:
“1. Help Scientologists in your field to move up The Bridge to Clear and OT.
“2. Help Scientologists in your filed onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures, and through the complete Routes to Knowledge, and further services.”
This project is for you to personally execute and complete. As you were briefed at Flag Graduation over the past two weeks, EVERYONE needs to get ready for what’s coming. What do you need to be ready?
1) You need to do your Basics Books and Lectures
2) If you need a Purif or haven’t had the full Objectives Rundown, then you NEED TO DO IT.
1. If you yourself need to complete your Basics, get with your supervisor in the Coachman to target yourself to complete ASAP.
2. If you need (or are not sure if you need) to do your Purification Rundown or Objectives, get with your D of P to find out. Come to the AO (for Clears and above) or the Oak Cove (for lower level pcs) for a free tech consultation. Let Wig Adams, Group Off FSO, know exactly when you are coming 24 hours in advance, so he can notify the correct terminals to get your folders pulled ahead of time. E-mail him at [email protected] and info me at [email protected] so that I also have the data.
3. List out all selectees, friends, family members, co-workers, etc. that need (or if you’re not sure if they need) to a) complete their Basics and/or b) do the Purification Rundown and/or Objectives.
4. Contact each one of those people, one by one, and brief them on what you’ve heard at Flag Graduations recently and the importance of them moving right now.
5. Get them scheduled to come IN. If they need to do their Basics, schedule them to come in and see their supervisor to get targeted out. If they need to do (or are not sure if they need to do) Purif and/or Objectives, schedule them for a free tech consulation in either the Oak Cove (for lower level pcs) or the Flag AO (for Clears and above). Once again, let Wig Adams know at least 24 hours in advance the exact time they want to come in, so our tech staff have a chance to pull the folder and have an R-factor ready ahead of time. E-mail him at [email protected] and info me at [email protected] so that I also have the data.
6. Once they find out their next step, help get them arrived for that service. Make sure to turn in your selection slip to your FSM I/C so that you can receive your commission.
7. Receive a commendation for each person you get scheduled.
The Circular Bridge
Some interesting information escaping through the cracks in Miscavige’s dike.
Word is going around now that all OT8’s have to re-do their Objectives. Most are stripped of cash from decades of 6 month checks and so the “OT Objectives Co-audit” was implemented. But there are some who will still pay Class IX rates to arrive once again in Present Time, or incredibly even go exterior. How the EPs of Objectives have not been achieved on the OT levels is the eighth wonder of the world. But of course, these are the “new” “GAT” Objectives.
Meanwhile, the FSO is apparently desperate to get people “off the level” back onto auditing on OT VII (still trying to make the 10,000 on or through OT VII after 30 YEARS….) so they are apparently going through folders and “finding” hours or “recrediting” so they can be called in for “free auditing.” Of course, when they get there, they use up the “free” hours and then cannot leave without buying more. Flag has reportedly also been offering a discount “pilot” for those who have bought packages of intensives at the highest discount, they can buy additional intensives as they go, at the same discount. But only if they are at Flag.
This, and the “new EP” are all designed to get people “through OT7” so they can then be “prepped” for Super Power. That is, redoing their Purif and Objectives!!!
Below is a new project the Flag OT Committee is working on — it confirms the demand for all OT’s to get through “Basics, Purif and the Full Objectives Rundown.”
Be thankful, be VERY thankful you have stepped out of this hamster wheel to mental and financial exhaustion. The only way out is to JUMP OFF. You can keep running, but you never get anywhere and eventually you will expire on the wheel, utterly spent.
I would think that a coup could be implemented by a group of Scientologists to overthrow DM. I don’t think this will ever happen because I think most of the people who might be capable of running Scientology know that it is probably too late to save the original Church anyway. It will be up to the independent Scientologists and field auditors to do whatever Scientology auditing and/or training remains to be done. As far as the technology of Dianetics and Scientology having a major impact on the world at large, the numbers don’t add up. It will never happen.
Barfly, that all makes sense. However, if you factor in the ever growing likelihood of major planetary collapse via bleeding economies, (or the doomsayers predictions of “the Bilderberg takeover”) then this could/would certainly result in a re-prioritization of populations as a whole. I believe Auditors would have crowds queuing on their doorsteps by the hundreds, anxious to make sense of it all. My belief stems from a broadly recognized “datum” held by much of the human population ;-…..”It’s all in the mind!”
Oh, Barfly yeah…almost forgot —that real LRH gem…” Hope – is man’s link with the future..”
PS:I need a clarification. Is that a hamster wheel or a squirrel cage?
Yeah, Get a commendation that won’t mean a G-damned thing (like all of the other commendations all of these fine people have) if someone wants you out. Oh, hell no, thank you.
If I was a victim of disconnection I would go absolutely berserk. I would make it my life’s mission to protest in every way possible. Every Scientology email address and online resource would be dev-t’d up the wazoo.
The two main products of the church today:
“Here’s what you need to do, now do it. Or else.”
Mike, we in RTC wanted to update you on COB’s technical breakthrough that explains everything:
Funny term! An OT8 can’t be anything but stalled until now when the ingenious cob introduced the hamster wheel.
Dear OTVIIIisGrrr8!
You crack me up,Ahahahahaha !sorry but what you say is true and funny! Thankyou
Eric Alexandrou
Brisbane Australia
Any OT or trained auditor who re-does his/her Obj’s on this program is either brain dead, brain washed, has not duplicated and understand practically anythiing he/she has ever studied in Scientology, or a combination of the above. In any case I have no sympathy for such a person who deserves to be bled dry of money for being such a freaking fool and idiot and paying no attention at all to the actual tech materials of Scientology auditing procedures (while asserting one has been trained and processed).. Too bad. You choose your own games. We have all been taken for Miscavige and the CoS for SOME period of time of course. But sooner or later you have to open your eyes. Probably some folks just haven’t suffered enough. I am still stunned by how stupid these people are.
Here’s an idea for Davey’s squirrely Objectives re-do.
Put the OT VIIIs on the Objectives co-audit until the following cognition is obtained:
When the pc gets this EP and attests to it at exams, declare him.
Poof! In a year, there’s no church left!
“The basic nature of a human being” = he’ll try one way or the other to get his ethics in and therefore invite others to shoot him. But what, when they stay too slavish to follow the inivtation? He has to try it harder and harder. It’s interesting to watch whatelse he will come up with.
His tech qualification is not even questioned. Nor does anyone ask where this guy is on the bridge that he might have such an insight.
My Objectives were checked at AO and then at FLAG … they’re flat. What “unknowns” could possibly exist that would require me to do them again before or mid-Solo NOTs? Yes, the NOTs series talks about them in a few places, but not about running them again, or using them as any sort of handling for anything. So I wonder where this mystery data comes from to run them on OTs again.
My own personal sentiment on the Purif is to do it every 10 – 15 years again. It works well for me, and one wouldn’t need to twist my arm, although I’m not aware of any LRH reference which says so.
“The Basics” is a 100% pure unadulterated arbitrary. Objectives I would refuse, since no reference exists why I would have to do them again. Add to that 6-month cherry-picked requirements for Sec Checks, this is the path to La-Laland.
… and that is even moreso important today than any other time.
The bridge line-up is as follows:
“Anyone who is Clear but not OT III is to get through OT III immediately so he can receive this special rundown. After OT III, one does New OT IV (the OT Drug Rundown), then New OT V, Audited NOTs, followed by New OT VI (Solo NOTs Auditor Course)
and New OT VII (Solo NOTs Auditing).
The EP of the full special NED Rundown for OTs is CAUSE OVER LIFE.”
Dianetics Forbidden On Clears and OTs (HCOB 12 Sep 78R)
Nothing here about “Basics” or “Objectives”.
A great way to put it is simply that everything Miscavige does is an arbitrary.
Even canceling his own arbitraries.
Then there’s really no problem. If, as Ron says, the OT7 comp is “cause over life”, then that person has full power of choice over ANYTHING the CoS commands. Because that person is cause …… over …. life, capisce? And LRH has never exaggerated or just imagined any powers that comps get ….. has he?
Yup, I couldn’t agree more.
Some Youtube vids exist where several pre-OTs on their VII felt they kept getting more and more introverted on that level as they progressed through, despite getting nicely 6-month sec checked and handled to Kingdom come and all that. When I first heard of “Objectives for OT” it struck me as a rather off-beat solution for such scenarios, since a suppressive heavy dono/regerama STOP-environment such as FLAG is more likely to bring about such conditions. Handling OT suppression by overrunning them into über-PT. Next time I run into a real screamer I’ll just go about touching walls, feeling books and bottles, giving people hands … lol
Regarding the idea of redoing the Purif, you said you weren’t aware of any reference that takes up the notion of redoing the Purif once it’s been properly done of course. There isn’t one. I’d like to know where this practice of doing so started though as it’s a notion that I’ve seen many times over the years. Judgement on the matter and case by case study like you say is valid and standard but have these OTs being put back on their purifs all had major surgeries? anesthesia? long term drug treatments? drug/alcohol reversions? really, all of them??? If so I could see this massive overhaul of the cause but somehow I doubt that’s what I’d find if I looked at these folders.
In my SCN track I was witness to, I have never heard of anyone having been C/Sed to redo their Purif unless of course it turned out the Rundown wasn’t flat in the first place (None of the folks were OTs though). But quite a few people incl. myself had from time to time requested to do it a second time through often decades later and it was always OK’d by the C/S as far as I can recall (around 1997). For me … I could again feel the build-up effects of smoking and meds I was on from time to time since the original Purif. The gains the second time through were even better than the first because a lot of case ended up being blown and auditing went way smoother subsequently. I’ll yet do another one again in a few years.
I guess LRH had better check in with DM on the EP of OTVII. He obviously had it wrong the first time. I guess DM should set him straight since he is obviously the “blind one” that was leading us all in the wrong direction before DM came on the lines…LOL
I took it in Gradients.
Stop giving money to anything Scientology.
Observe and take notes.
Then came Debbie Cook E mail and Debbie Cook on the stand in Court.
Cut com lines with Orgs I was not at that wanted boatloads of cash wanted me to move in next door .
Dont purchase any Door Knobs for the ORG (I Shit you not)
Then JUMP OFF the Hamster Wheel.
Payoff and destroy all credit cards
Resign from the IAS send IAS card back to Saint Hill with resignation note.
Headless chickens. And another week of needing bodies. Ah, well, there’s always next week’s cross order on its way. Who needs policy and an org board when you’ve got bright initiatives like this coming down the line every week?
How many non-existence formulas do these Ambassadors have to write before they cog they’re actually in Treason?
WOW, and UTTERLY BULL SHIT is all I can think!
I recall being OT V and getting ready for OT VI & VII, getting some handlings at Flag and being told I needed to redo my purif. Based on what? I objected, and persisted, and didn’t redo my purif. Now comes Objectives – If I was still in I’d be bolting for the door as fast as I can.
It was bad enough hearing for years about setups for OT IX & X. Come to Flag or FSSO for setups. DID NOT INDICATE. I finished OT VIII in 2004 and I FELT DONE! FINISHED. So just to get them forever off my back, I went to visit my wife while she was doing OT VIII in 2011, knowing full well I’d do a D of P. I did, case closed – left me alone.
These idiots that back COB, I’m talking the FLAG OTC, are mindless robots. I seriously wonder what training they’ve ever had, yet what MU they’ve gone passed. RIDICULOUS.
Hold your position in space is one datum well learned.
Hmm. I wrote this some time ago. Not far off the mark.
1. LRH dies.
2. DM takes power and now embarks on a program to secure that by gradually removing any threats to him.
3. During the removal all the OT levels above OT8 are lost, hidden, stolen, destroyed, never existed (though LRH stated they were written and I have no reason to believe they were not)
4. The top execs freak out and devise a lie to tell the public.
5. Public are told that LRH left his body to go to Target 2 to not scare off existing public and keep the income sources and hope alive.
6. Plans and Programs are thought up to keep Scn going but not allow anyone to get high enough to start demanding the upper OT levels at 9 and 10 etc. These programs always have unobtainable goals. IE 10,000 on OT 7 all Orgs Saint Hill Size (changed to all orgs Ideal).
7. Put stops and brakes on the bridge.
DM devises GAT for OTs. End result is sec checks on OT7. redoing the level for both OT7′s and 8′s. People protest blow off the level ect.
7a Golden age of tech.
Now every Scientologist is out tech so they have to redo the entire bridge. Repurchase of materials, repurchase of entire bridge, retraining of bridge. Result is many people (old timers) rebel and leave. Now DM has less people that remember the real LRH and less people to call him on his out tech.
8. Golden Age of Knowledge.
Now every scientologist has to restudy every basic book as they were the “blind leading the blind. Further degrading of LRH. More slows on the bridge. Every scientologist stopped dead in their tracks to read basics and no one getting trained or audited. LRH stated that one learned on a gradient and read it, drill it, do it. Violation of the study tech pretty much guaranteed to send most students into a spin.
NOTE: In the sea org old timers are removed and younger more easily manipulated people are given positions of power.
9. Top Execs are removed. All the key execs are gone. Heber, Guillame, Rinder, Rathbun, Debbie Cook, ect.
9. The ACC’s.
Now getting every person to buy and study the ADVANCED CLINICAL COURSES. Out gradient another $5000 purchase and more stops to actually going up the bridge. I was even told that once I had the EP’s of the objectives I would cognite faster !!
10. Objectives. After the ACC’s came out we had the redoing of objectives. All public were ordered to do them. Further slowing of the bridge and stopping people going to OT.
11. IDLE ORGS. Now the game is to get all orgs ideal. Not LRH and it degrades OT ambassadors to becoming regges and playing degrading games like holding caberet events to raise funds, keeps the paying publics attention off the real goal of going OT and training and auditing.
12. Super Power.
Never released. Suppressed into a money raising activity. Witholding of a powerful auditing action.
13. IAS.
Keeping the public from buying the bridge by paying out for out exchange activities.
14. Heavy Ethics Programs.
Top protect his territory DM enforces heavy ethics, Disconnection, tells people not to look or listen. Ethics interviews take on a more sinister nature, 2D activities now a crime, introverts public and puts them in fear.
15. Negative PR.
Seems to me that the church is encouraging negative PR in an effort to show they have a worthy enemy. This is right out of the PTS SP course.
Oh and one final and critical point. Thousands of Clears invalidated to a not clear R factor
I missed the changing of the FN to three swings. Of course that will invalidate any and all wins and stop and slow all progress UP the bridge.
I think the key here is that Dave has found himself another problem to blame when Super Power is inevitably delayed again.
First it was construction delays.
Then it was testing the processes.
Then it was training.
Then it was more construction delays.
Then it was more training.
Then it was getting more recruits.
Then it was more construction delays.
Then it was more training.
This time it will be because not enough OTs are “getting ready” fast enough, so sorry, we need to wait until next summer until 10,000 OTs are on the level and are “gotten ready,” or some such bullshit.
“1. Help Scientologists in your field to move up The Bridge to Clear and OT.”
The best way to that would be to direct them to their nearest Independent Auditor. Looks to me that people still in are going down the Bridge, not up. Find an auditor outside the walls of the church and get the standard tech that you deserve.
Oh Jesus, gotta wonder if they’ll half a mind left after going through that grinder once again.
This reminds me of the time in the RPF in 1978, XDN which was part of the RPF program then, was suspended. So all of us had to do 50 hours of OP PRO BY DUP co-audit. OT’s included.
Mike, That sounds like the “Fumigation program” out of one of the refs regarding handling QandA to be done 25 hours giving/receiving.
What a hoot! Nothing has changed in 30 years. I can recall getting programs sent down to the org that sounded identical. You know – “Contact everyone in your field and get them signed up now!” It’s almost as if they feel if they just add more words and exclamation points to the communication it will get executed.
Here’s the condensed version of their two page program:
“Contact everyone you know and tell them to get through their Basics, oh and check to see if they need to redo their Purif and Objectives.”
Too simple, eh?
Not only is it simple, but demanding people who have fixed ideas and can’t communicate is expecting some kind of MYSICAL MAGIC.
Miscavige should M-9 and DEMO HCO PL SECTION III OT PREREQUISITE (HCO PL 11 April 1967)
It is just David arranging the next “mass exodus” from the Church.
He blew out a large percentage of public when he took down the mission network.
Then he split the Sea Org with conflict. A mass exodus followed Mayo.
Then he set hundreds to do OT8 and put them back on OT Vll.
GAOT cancelled the certs of every auditor on the planet.
Now he wants to put the OT’s back on Tr’s and objectives.
Refusing to clean up an ARCXen field provokes enough out P.R. to keep new people from being curious at all.
You have to give him credit for making decisions that wipe out mass populations of Scientologists.
“You have to give him credit for making decisions that wipe out mass populations of Scientologists.” T.O. this is exactly what he planned to do and is doing. Or maybe he isn’t smart enough to plan it, and he is just doing it haphazardly and this is the result of it. Maybe years from now in schools they’ll teach how to spot and handle SP’s, sociopaths, psychpaths, whatever term they use for it, and will have a study in David Miscavage and the church of Scn as their prime example of it. Maybe DM will be infamous after all.
Don’t forget “mass declaring of anyone who wanted to follow LRH or who asked to know what policy was being applied.”
Those that meet and work out how to actually DO these targets are amazing. My head hurts trying to figure out how they do not see the BS. Two people I know who do this on their OT Committee are both ON VII. They seem to have to keep playing the game to not get into trouble on the level.
A dear friend of mine had to do a bit of this inane ‘playing’ to get through. Once through, that was that.
My last visit to our local OT Committee was interesting. The CO CMO, Mike, no kidding, was addressing the group and ALL he was doing was explaining how we arrange automatic bank payments each month for members of the field. For Ideal Orgs.
Once a person agrees to a monthly debit, Say 200 a month for 2 years, the full amount is paid in cash immediately by an OT in exchange for a commission. This person pays the church the full amount less comm and collects the monthly payments from the original person, for the next 2 years.
It is like discounting your accounts receiveables at a bank to get immediate cash. The CO CMO did the sales pitch for this financier OT sitting in the same “OT Committee” meeting.
I left.
On the way home I thought of LRH popping in and listening to this crap.
Your post today and the declare sequences all confirm in so many ways the descendance of the current strange church into more and more ridiculous depths of depravity.
“Once a person agrees to a monthly debit, Say 200 a month for 2 years, the full amount is paid in cash immediately by an OT in exchange for a commission. This person pays the church the full amount less comm and collects the monthly payments from the original person, for the next 2 years.”
I have to ask, who takes the tax deduction? The OT who “fronts” the money (that would be illegal since he/she will be paid back), or the donor who gives $200 a month? (I think that would be illegal as well since the money is paid to an individual, not the church (and there is that “commission”).). Also, on its face, to the church it would look like the person isn’t a steady donor, and I imagine the donor would “regged” constantly to keep setting up more payments.
What a mess! And, it looks suspiciously like a Ponzi scheme with tax fraud implications…..
When I went back on Solo Nots in 1998 all staff handled me like they knew more about my universe than I did. I was treated by every C/S, auditor, supervisor, D of P – hell, ANYONE who was on the tech lines – like I had no knowledge of my own universe and I should just do what they told me to do. I knew I wasn’t in Kansas anymore.
Good Points, Silvia.
Of all of the crimes of the RCS It is the willful and knowing squirreling of the tech which i find not forgivable.
“Be thankful, be VERY thankful you have stepped out of this hamster wheel to mental and financial exhaustion. The only way out is to JUMP OFF.”
Objectives are about as fresh as this video.
“Be thankful, be VERY thankful you have stepped out of this hamster wheel to mental and financial exhaustion. The only way out is to JUMP OFF. You can keep running, but you never get anywhere and eventually you will expire on the wheel, utterly spent. ”
I am! Three Student hats, three pts-sp courses, 2 Pro-TRs, 5 purifs, 3 clear attest cycles, FPRD (3 lists) and much, much more. Some of this was fantastic and wonderful. All that I did not need was painful and left me, worse than berfore. Thank God I am out of this trap.
Jeez, Penny, glad for you; what a relief!
I don’t know what to make of the quote below because if I had stopped on my first F/N I would have missed out on a lot of gains from other objectives. However, the quote is accurate and I can think with it. It makes me wonder if there’s any intention to kill the guy?
27 Jul 65 #428
Pg 154. “But you can just crudely group all lower-level processes as just one type of process. So there’s the objective, there’s the subjective, there’s this, there’s that, there’s the other thing. We know all about that. But all of those processes, of course, are just skimming the top of the case. Cases go to many levels.
And the first level off of it is, “Is there a room?” you know? Where am I? You know, that kind of thing. Just a recognition of the environment. So if you just ask somebody to look around and spot where he was, you have more or less gotten rid of the Objective Processes.
Now, if the individual was asked to look around to find out where he was and that needle at that moment floated, you’ve had it! As the auditor you’ve had it right then! You can’t run any CCHs. That’s it. All Objective Processes are now ffftt! Gone! You follow? That whole class of processes is now null and void. Now, it isn’t that it isn’t nice to run them. It’s that you’ll practically kill the guy if you run them! Do you understand? Because you are cleaning a clean.”
At the very least, they should check each objective process for read before running it, or running it again. In the old days (early 70s) Op Pro by Dup was sometimes run for many hours on preclears and unrecognised dianetic clears who up to that point had been flying on the other objective processes, F/Ning after a short time on each and often exterior.
Duplication is no doubt a stumbling block for many cases, and heroic efforts are needed to get some new preclears into present time, duplicating their environment and the commands. But no-one should forget where objectives sit on the grades chart. And cases are not all the same, since each thetan is a separate source and has had different travails along the track. Some preclears have no trouble with duplication and aren’t going to get much gain from duplication processes because it’s one thing that they already do well. Autistic people, for example, use duplication all the time in lieu of other skills – it’s a sort of ‘Swiss army knife’ to us.
But I think LRH had something else in mind in the quote above: the need to run the processes of a grade in the right sequence so the pc doesn’t go release on the whole grade before running the processes leading up to the big cog of the level. That could mean something is bypassed. Anyway, a pc who goes F/N with VGIs on looking around and locating himself is probably in very good shape to begin with.
David, Objective processes are never checked for a read before running them. Checking for reads only applies to subjective processing. However, what I’m sure of based on what I’d heard before I cut my ties is that they weren’t applying HCOB REHAB TECH wherein by folder documentation formerly run processes are checked on the meter for having gone release on them earlier. Running the same thing twice on a case can stall the case, it’s invalidation and evaluation and instead of moving the person toward more and more certainty and cause over themselves and life it will do the opposite. Most of the OTs are unaware of the fact that the Objectives processes evolved during LRH’s research in the OT level band. They’re factually very powerful processes for a case and the orientation it gives so duplication of the auditing command and answers to THAT auditing command are given. This “oh it’s just objectives” or “how much harm could that be to do those cute little processes again” is a misguided idea. Any time a pc is audited on something truly against their will and best informed judgement they are opening the door to major troubles ahead both in and out of session in many cases. A CS can be removed from their post and certs cancelled for doing so. An auditor who executes a CS over the pc’s objections – same thing, culpable and open to cert cancellation.
Thanks, Gayle, that’s an interesting datum about the objectives never being checked for read. And yes, they are powerful!
Thx for posting that reference, Forrest.
and tell me ANY of you above Objectives on the Grade Chart – how’d that indicate? is you’re needle floating? thank GOD than god that we’re here and not there people I am particualarly feeling really lucky at the moment.
Re-doing Objectives never indicated to me in the slightest and i refused. I also asked for whatever HCOB was being applied to the auditing I’d had and was told that “everyone”, even OTVIIIs” were having to re-do their Objectives. This non-answer was given in a tone which inferred that “If its good enough for the OTVIIIs it ought to be good enough for you”. I knew this was not an answer I should accept because everyone’ case is different, but I decided to pretend to accept it while at the same time filing it away as one more thing which was making no sense to me. And those things did add up.
The level of invalidation and suppression that this is to all of us is so huge – it has given me an upset stomach. cob’s inval of this objectives bullshit is so unbelievable that it’s the harder part of his evil to confront. He’s invalidating every auditor every CS and every pc attest at the examiner and evaluating that no one re-doing their objectives has actually been running the auditing commands that they’ve EPed, in fact those EPs weren’t real because YOU weren’t in present time. The re-do of the objectives as wholly applied as it is IS saying that all who have been r-factored to re-do them have been and ARE stuck in past masses of the bank and so it wasn’t really a true EP ever achieved since you first did your objectives. So listen all of you OTs – tell me how this indicates to you eh?!!!
You are so right on this Gayle. I had a friend of mine C/Sed for redoing more objectives awhile ago. This person was extremely unhappy about it as he/she did not think there was anything wrong with the first ones run. As a trained auditor, in trying to help, I informed the C/S of my friend’s indicators and made the observation that at the earlier time, the pc, auditor, C/S and Qual all agreed this person had achieved the end result of objectives…so, what “ability gained or product would they have this person attest to this time?…”I did more” ???
Right Bela, Unlike the CCRD data and evidences of attainment of Clear all the data any pc needs to know about Objectives is in the tech vols to know what’s expected and what the purpose of these processes are. There’s no hidden data lines. PCs have been getting through this step of the Grade chart for decades. It’s obvious that the change is being rammed in on the Tech/Qual lines of the cofs as good CSes have been getting people through this step. ANY time a pc on the lower Bridge needs a repair program there is an evaluation based off of FESes of their priorly attested GC steps. SO delivery org CSes have the FES units comb through and RE: FES the folders for the sole purpose of verifying all lower Bridge steps before they are programmed for OT Preps or Elig. EPs are tabbed missing EPs handled before they move UP the GC. THIS is why it’s so disappointing and disturbing that more of the CSes in Scn aren’t raising the hell expected of them when they find out-tech per the CS Series. They’re going further and are apparently fine with perpetrating it. cob’s plan seems to be to create the mass over and over, how could any of them feel free from overwhelm when the whole experience inside the church occurs because they USE that to operate on a daily basis.
These pcs, preOTs and OTs will attest to being in PT AGAIN but in this case we could say that means “Perpetual Trap”.
The bottom line is that he knows if he continues to invalidate peoples’ gains they will quickly begin to doubt everything the tech is supposed to do. It causes the person to hang at doubt every time they pick up the cans at the examiner. Add to that the arbitrary 3-swing f/n rule and it just compounds it. They begin to introvert and make up wins to convince everyone that they are getting case gain and the downward spiral is therefore forced into place. This hang up at doubt = PTSness…and the only way to “handle” this is to blow. What a PTP to lay on someone!
This whole business smells like another DM “Finder of Lost Tech” maneuvers. This guy just does not understand “context”. I think he stumbles upon these things, maybe a lecture from the 50s where LRH says, in passing, “…150 hours of objectives can do wonders for a PC”. But to DM it is the missing piece of the puzzle! Eureka! He’s discovered the bit that is going to turn everything around. Of course, he completely ignores all data LRH may have mentioned AFTER that statement was made. Really, when it comes to technical matters, I don’t think the guy really “gets it”. It’s obvious HE thinks he does. But that is not enough to make things work. So he ends up forcing a square peg into a round hole. And if that doesn’t work, well, everybody is against him, or complete incompetent fuck-wits. Meanwhile he will continue to search for the next magic bullet that is going resolve the case known as RCS.
Thank you! This is absolutely STUPID! I hope this gets more OTs outta there. It’s truly stupid.
Let’s get ready to ru…
So more “auditing” on uncharged/flat items (implanting) so we can strap you into our machines to…
more implanting. Yay!
this is a testament to the power that dwarfenfuhrer has over the ots, never mind the staff and lower level scientologists. one would think that an ot, who has already previously completed the purif, would not need a further purif. assuming that no further ingestion of drugs has incurred with the ot since the last purif, what, exactly, are these poor people supposed to be getting out of themselves? the absolute last vestiges of independent thought and resistance to cob? didn’t know that niacin and sweat were good for that. further, what purpose is the additional objectives? i mean, i know the objective for the co$ is $, but what do these ots tell themselves? for being so at cause, how could they possibly make themselves believe that they would need the objectives again? how strong the cognitive dissonance must be…quick question: has anyone ever witnessed a current co$ ot’s head explode? in my mind, it has to happen all of the time!
But only if you guys promise me that I won’t remember anything after.
Wow, I think that I’ll finally be able to achive total amnesia and oblivion.
Thank you COB!
1982 the first action after Clear had been Objectives. For any Clear after attesting. Maybe only for a short period in time in 1982.
But now OTs are put on Objectives. Lets do straigt talk. The intention behind it is not primarily to make money. The basic intention is to make shure that every OT loses his OT abilities.
Thus I suggest that any OT or anyone that has OT abilities runs away as fast as possible. Those Objectives run the Miscavige way are a very good, fast and reliable OT abilities killer.
Mike, this is not to be believed. You keep pouring out the truth, thanks so much. I’m fervently grateful I’m no longer on the hamster wheel. What a mess for the K/A drinkers, case-wise.
Thank God, I’m out of that endless loop of crazy orders. They have lost all contact with the world we live in.
For anyone still drinking the Koolaid, I’m offering a free Expanded Confusion Formula session here in Norway. Email me, and get scheduled today! (Fjord view included.)
Longships ( Definition)
Longships were naval vessels made and used by the Vikings from Scandinavia and Iceland for trade, commerce, exploration, and warfare during the Viking Age
What a great offer Anette!
I am bringing my longship out of dry dock and will prepare to sail once I gather all my stores. I can’t think of a better place to do my conditions than from the shores of a Norwegian fjord in the summer-I think I just went exterior just considering it. Thanks!
(BTW were you possible born in Stavanger, Norway and had two younger sisters and a mother named Margarite and a father named Harold? (A real long shot I know)
I was born in Fredrikstad, Norway, where I lived for 18 years, then I moved to Copenhagen, Denmark for 16 years. Now, I just returned to Oslo, Norway.
It’s worth going to Norway just for the “Fjord included” part! You go Annette!
How much is it?
Both the Fjord visit and the Expanded Confusion session are offered for free. The Expanded Confusion formula is very powerful. I think that formula alone (all steps in it done, included the processing session) would wake up the sleepiest koolaid’er.
A free session with no strings attached?
Nice Anette – you absolutely have parted ways with DM.
I’m sure he wonders how you pay for your liquor of choice or designer shoes. One has to have these things of course-that’s just the way it is. Right?
Insanity. Definition: extreme foolishness or irrationality. And, as in golf, current par for Davey Dimwit’s course.
Dear Mike,
Pls stop sending out this entheta. More you report more weirder it gets.
I just ask myself how weird that will become at the end.
A never Ending story.
I don’t don’t have anymore adjectives to describe what they are doing !
There is no sense, no reason, no explanations for what they are doing.
What is this what they are doing ???????????
I just don’t understand it anymore !!!!!
Weird !
Nor do they.
In “Memoirs of a Scn Warrior” Marty describes the problem Miscavige faced with no more OT levels after OT VIII, but believing he needed to make use of the marketing rules about always rolling out something newer and bigger and better to keep everyone coming back for more. The invention of all these extra unneeded expensive auditing actions now makes sense in its own extremely aberrated way.
But LRH didn’t say to invent new things for people already up the Bridge to do as auditing. He had already described time and time again what the next step for such a person would be….to start a mission or some other 3rd or 4th dynamic activity or join an org’s staff. Or complete the training Bridge as far as they could go with or without a committment as a staff member. That is the natural progression of expansion across the dynamics.
If that had been properly implemented over the last 20-30 years how stable would the Int GI be now? How many missions and properly-administered feeder groups would there be now? And with all those “whales” who would still have their own money to throw at grass-roots groups to start them up we’d have the 1950’s all over again several times over.
“Memoirs” made me feel a little bit for Miscavige and all that he faced, but there is so much other personal garbage of his own in his own way that took him down into the dark side. If he’d been a little more observant of what standard tech is, and allowed some of it to work on himself and then worked so others could have it too, he’d be a very happy, fulfilled man. And personally rich too from legit staff bonusses.
I am curious to read some day how he managed to enforce his own control over all those millions (billions?) that really does belong to the church, yet he uses it for himself and per “reports” is poised to use it if he needed to leave the country for many years. If the expansion plans already laid out by LRH had been pushed forward all these years he would have no need to freeload with his expensive tastes off of the church and no necessity for an escape plan. Or al these lawyers. Or PIs….
I too, after reading Memoirs, had a better understanding of DM. In the past, Marty has been accused of op-terming with DM, but I felt Memoirs was quite balanced and honest. Given the situation at the time, both DM and Marty and others rose to the occasion and handled a lot shit, and for that we thank them. However, that was then, this is now. The last “battle” was fought and won with the IRS settlement. Now what?
DM may be and may have been a brilliant soldier, ruthlessly executing orders from The General. But, what is a soldier to do when there is no war? Lead? But requires you be a leader. DM is not. But he pretends to be. Reason is abandoned and force is applied, the iron fist. I am certain he feels what he is doing is completely on-source and on-purpose, ruthlessly applying LRH. Unfortunately, its all the bits LRH wrote that don’t work.
Leaders need followers, and that is pretty much what you have in RCS today. The best thing that could happen to Scn is to have no leader at all; then maybe the “followers” will start to stand on their own two feet and do some walking for themselves.
Reminds me of the adage “When the only tool you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail.”
good one on “when the only tool you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail.” And guess what? I saw on FB that there is a total huge upsurge in the number of George Orwell’s book, “1984” . LOL I bet most who are buying it are Indies and under the wire Scns. It is a good book to read as it is a demo of what is happening right here and now with DM and the church.
A Warrior is not necessarily an effective Statesman. In fact, a Warrior is probably NOT an effective Statesman. I was just studying up on what happened to Sparta. Same thing. The Warriors won the battle and lost everything, because they had no effective Statesmen. They would not adapt to the times. They were just Warriors whose lifestyle depended on keeping the slaves from uprising. Once the slaves discovered that they could be Free Men…the Spartans faced the end of their culture. They were too rigid to correct course.
Yes Statpush! And also when I read that excerpt from the Simon Bolivar policy in Marty’s book, it came to me that this is what DM is doing right now: amassing dirt on all his enemies (and anyone who wants to leave or speaks out is an enemy to him, hence the pc folder culling of embarrassing overts and out ethics sits on the said enemy), and then amassing tons of money so that he can leave at a moment’s notice with dirt to blackmail or control would-be foes and money with which to litigate them into the stone age as well as to live in luxury on as is his wont.
Totally tracking with the Simon Bolivar theory as re DM. Just last nite it occurred to me also that he’s applying this PL as re (from memory), “When the game is over there someone else is going to start one or the game will be ‘getting you'”. And I thought, “Yeah, that’s why he’s always altering the tech, because there has to always be a new game and he doesn’t want the game to be ‘getting him””.
Well, guess what, Dwarf? Your altering the of Tech has totally insured that the game is “getting you”.
Yep, you’re totally right on the money Aquamarine.
He’s an SP. He destroys things. Loves to see good people struggle and fail. That’s his gig. He’s playing it full out.
That circle bridge is just Perfecto! What country or state is it located?
It is the Hureai Bridge. Built in 1998, it’s a circular pedestrian bridge located at the foot of the Hiyoshi dam near Kyoto, Japan, and is part of Hiyoshi Spring spa resort. It was designed by architect Norihiko Dan and known as “Friendship Bridge”.
>>Be thankful, be VERY thankful you have stepped out of this hamster wheel to mental and financial exhaustion. The only way out is to JUMP OFF. You can keep running, but you never get anywhere and eventually you will expire on the wheel, utterly spent. >>
I am thankful, I am. Such truth you speak, Mike. Jump, guys, jump!!! You will discover you REALLY can fly!
“Receive a commendation for each person you get scheduled (to come IN)”. And this is how the church turns member on member, so that the person you thought was your friend, now becomes the disseminator to you, the puppet for Command Intention, and if necessary, the Enforcer of that same command intention. So instead of golfing, fishing, shopping, lunches out, or whatever you used to do, now you are in the cross hairs and your friend will stop at nothing to get you IN to the church to start on the hamster’s running wheel. And all this just so that your friend can get his/her own commendation, get their own eligibility, and of course, above all else, follow command intention. Be very glad we have all jumped off that wheel. It is a circular Bridge leading nowhere. Great graphic Mike, great article too!
Ms. Doe,
This is exactly how the Communist Party operates. Turn in any disloyal neighbors.
Yes Axiom. And it is exactly how the Nazi’s operated with the Jews and even the Jews themselves turned in other Jews to save their own necks. History repeats itself and the contagion of aberration goes on and on.
I know a family of Scientologists who turned in their 74 year old father because he questioned what DM was doing to the tech. They disowned him, threw him out of his own house (that he bought for them) and won’t talk to him. That’s when I was done with Co$. It was Hitler-ish. He now has to start all over with nothing, plus the heartache of never seeing his children or his wife of 38 years again. Plus never seeing any grandchildren. All I could think of when this happened was that it was too much like the young Nazi party. Time go leave.
And one more thing…….
” And all this just so that your friend can get his/her own commendation, get their own eligibility, and of course, above all else, follow command intention.”
I would add that they also need to have filled out the FSM slip so they can receive their commission” but perhaps that is really ‘command intention’ on a via !
Good one Cooper! And the money motivation of the church trickles down to the public who fight each other as to who can FSM who on the Bridge and thus get the commission. DM and his money motivated vultures have turned our church members into bounty hunters, bag ’em, tag ’em and bring them in to the org for the reward money, oops, I mean FSM commission.
“2. Help Scientologists in your filed onto and through the Basics Books and Lectures, and through the complete Routes to Knowledge, and further services.”
Oh dear, spot the typo 😉
I had to read it twice, I though I had an MU.
Yuk, I finished Ot 7 in 2008. I am soooooo happy I do not have to put up with this bull shit anymore. When I arrived to do Ot 8 it was the worse experience I have ever had this lifetime.