Scientology has produced a miracle in Colombia! The nation has been overcome by the golden glow and concentric circles of the S and Double Triangle and it’s now spreading throughout the world.
So much for the hype.
Truly one of the most insidious things about scientology is the outrageously false claims they make about their accomplishments in far off lands. Funny how the miracles never seem to happen in Los Angeles or New York or Clearwater…
When the peace treaty was recently announced with FARC a few people emailed me wondering how long it would be before scientology claimed credit. Not long it seems.
And for the decline in crime. Murders plummeting. Happier families. Less divorces. Tomatoes growing to the size of melons. etc etc
There is no watchdog from the Colombian government to keep check on their ridiculous claims, and knowing this, scientology just goes to town.
There is no cause and effect relationship between any improvements in conditions in Colombia and scientology. For starters, the only thing they CLAIM to do in Colombia is hand out copies of the Way To Happiness to the military. And according to all WTH promotion, that booklet is NOT scientology. And they don’t promote it as scientology to anyone outside the bubble. In fact they get all but thrust if anyone accuses them of trying to disseminate scientology with WTH. But then when it comes time to pat themselves on the back, suddenly WTH IS “scientology.”
Let’s forget. There is one lonely, small org in the entire nation (albeit in a building bought by the IAS that is 20 times bigger than they need). They are not even the briefest blip on the radar in a nation of nearly 50 million.
The idea that scientology had anything to do with improvements in Colombia (if there are any) could ONLY be accepted by someone in the bubble. It is as absurd as claiming the distribution of WTH in Syria and Iraq is causing Isis to become more brutal and insane than ever because they are rising up against a western religion like scientology. You may remember Tony Ortega’s story from a year ago about the IAS claiming they were bringing “bright new hope” to Syria and had things well in hand in Iraq. In Syria and Iraq scientology is no more on anyone’s radar, good OR bad, than it is in Colombia or Portland Oregon.
Of course, in NONE of these places can you find any mention of these amazing accomplishments other than in scientology publications or at scientology events. Not in the media. Not on Facebook or Twitter. Not anywhere.
But remember, the promotion above talking about the miracle spreading and the demand across South America.
Being the skeptical type, I did a fast google search.
Here is what I found about exports to Peru — Colombia’s neighbor to the south?
So, there is some export happening, but apparently not the WTH.
How about Venezuela, their neighbor to the east? After all, this is a nation that has more IAS Freedom Medal winners than anywhere on earth outside the US. Most of them have been for distribution of WTH.
The most cursory check of the media shows Caracas now has the highest murder rate of any city in the world. Perhaps this is an export from Colombia?
I will not go on with any further boring proof of the lies.
It is one of the most frustrating things about those still in the bubble. They truly believe the church never lies to them. They even accept the reason they don’t see any coverage of the stories they are told is because the media is a conspiracy of merchants of chaos who want to see mankind die in a nuclear holocaust.
But the real tragedy is that 0f course, this is not just a “briefing.” The lies are used to persuade people to give MORE money to generate more “miracles.” The people that hand over their life savings, college funds, and everything short of their gold fillings are convinced they are doing GOOD. That their money will be used to help people. The truth is these things are all manufactured hype.
Wake up people. You are being FLEECED.
Just imagine if Scientology took over the world…..
Our tomatoes would get auditing and go Clear.
I am curious…
What overt could a tomato commit and then from whom could it with hold from?
If they are dramatizing their “cases” – what happens when they stop because they are Clear?
Makes you ponder, eh?
Thanks Ron! By the way – YSTOHB (you suck tomatoes on Hollywood Blvd) LOL
They refuse to donate their gold fillings to save the planet? Why, the off purpose, out-ethics scum. Even the Jews gladly donated their gold fillings to the Fuehrer. I thought Scientologists were the new Master Race. They need a cram on Big League Sales or something.
Dave, consider this blog as your motivator. Despite your lofty position as the ecclesiastical leader of the world’s fastest shrinking religion, you are still not immune from that pesky little law of cause and effect. Mike seems to really be hitting a nerve with you. Perhaps think a little more the next time you want to get physical. If you like to box, I suggest competing at some level in UFC competition. By the way, how’s Shelly?
“Tomatoes growing to the size of melons…” Thanks for a much needed chuckle, Mike.
Should email and link every pertinent government official from Colombia to this. Anyone on this blog from the area and know who would be the best to contact?
Quote: “New Era Publications organized donations of LRH books to select libraries of Syria.”
Note what this does NOT say: The billion $$$ conglomerate “C”ofS spent even a minuscule part of its loot to donate LRH books…
Undoubtedly, what this really means is that NEP manged to sell books–at full cover price or more–to hapless donors who thought they were doing the LoRHd’s work by paying for books that may or may not have made it onto the shelves of Syria libraries. And now it’s time to shell out even more, in order to swell scientology’s coffers just a tad more.
Wait. Bashar Assad is going to let Scientology books into Syrian libraries?
Then again, he is about as suppressive as DM so I guess it makes sense.
Less than 4 months before this self-congratulatory article, the LA Times (7-22-16) issued its mid-year crime report. They reported that violent crime was up 16% from the previous year. The LAPD wanted Angelenos to know that they were “flooding the streets,” no, NOT with WTH pamphlets but with additional police presence. In the city with the highest concentration of scientologists in the world, how can this be happening?
So if this article tells the truth, we must observe:
1. LA with its “enormous” presence of practicing scientologists–crime WAY up
2. Colombia, with little scientology presence–crime almost eradicated
Scientology has a devastating effect on society. Kick them out of LA, and violence will cease–just like it did in Colombia.
If it is indeed true that Colombia society has been single-handedly saved from abject chaos by WTH, what are we to conclude? That spending thousands of $$$ on scientology is a big waste? Wouldn’t we all be better off if instead of auditing and IAS donations, we would invest a dollar or two in a second-hand copy of WTH–or better yet, read it for free online?
The WTH booklet doesn’t mention scientology nor contain any processes designed to effect scientologically induced breakthroughs. The booklet contains no information outside the margins of common sense nor principles exclusive to any school. Therefore one should be allowed to ask a scientologist, without fear of reprisal, by what means does this booklet cause masses of people to spontaneously lose their criminal impulses so as to favorably alter the national crime statistic?
With genuine sincerity, I wonder what explanation a high ranking person, Guillermo Smythe for instance, would give to such a question.
Roger, I’m glad to explain this simple yet magical tech. When you brush your teeth, criminals are less likely to attack as they tend to stay away from those who are clean, especially in the area of dental hygiene. So, it logically follows that the crime statistic would decrease. Hope this clears it up for you.
Well, it how I’ve managed to stay out of jail. After every meal, plus I have a Water Pik for morning and night.
The Church of Scientology’s approach and relationship with the entire world is wrong. If a person wants to be in the business of issuing driver’s licenses, then you find people looking for drivers licenses and deliver what is needed and wanted to them, a true driver’s license. The Church of Scientology has customers (parishioner’s – excuse my French) in front of them waiting to pay to go Clear, OT or become auditors and the church tells them “We are off to Venezuela and the middle east to stop the wars” “We are off to Belfast to restore Catholic and Protestant values”. Did the people of Venezuela, the middle east or Belfast tell the church this is what is needed and wanted from them? So, why then does the church go out of its way to make believe it delivers such things? 🙂
Because that’s how they get their sheeple to keep throwing money into their coffers.
Putting it in song form…..
“Cause it brings a lot of money!
A whole lot of spending money!
Cases full of money!
To make Dave rich, now! “
On behalf of The Pablo Escobar Human Rights Foundation, I would like to thank the Scientologists for making a big difference in our country. The Way To Hotpenis (sic) is indeed an exceptional moral code and we’re so pleased it is being made available to all of our citizens. I know if Pablo were alive today, he would avail himself of this priceless gift from Mr. L. Ronald Hubbard.
Manuela Consuelo-Gonzales
Former mistress and spokesperson
Sounds kinky to me.
Credit where credit is due: At least they spelled Colombia correctly.
I will be sharing the Christmas holidays with some Colombians. (My sister in law married a man from Colombia)
I will be sure to share this wonderful news with them (but they probably already know, right?)
If you look closely at the individual receiving gota a gota payment in the pic from the Insight Crime article, you can just make out that he’s wearing one of those “Scientology, coolest religion on the planet” T-shirts!
That’s because the “gota a gota” name for this spreading organized crime form of loan sharking actually came from the U.S., where $cn OSA minions first devised it and it was named Operation Gotta Gotta, referring to intense pressure that all $cilons needed to feel to contribute more to the IAS.
The reason that it morphed from a straight up religious extortion racket scam in the U.S. to one involving criminal loan sharking in South America is that it’s only within $cn that folks can be convinced to donate large amounts of cash for paper certificates of praise and pats on their heads. Everywhere else in the world you have to actually provide something real to folks first before you can control them 😉
That Venezuela picture is one of the Solitary Confinement area. Everyone in the jail got sent they because they just couldn’t stand to watch another mOrg opening dvd. I understand their pain.
Why all the ‘briefings’? Why all the fake ‘events’? Management is just keeping the minions noses to the grindstone, otherwise they’ll look around and use the door marked ‘Exit’.
MCOB (Miscavige Communication Office Bulletin)
The following practices are hereby revoked.
1. Musical Chair Therapy (MCT).
2. Punching the lights out of any damn Sea Org member I happen to feel like.
3. Both physical and mental harassment of ex-$cn members.
4. Bankrupting and getting any public $cientology members money with utter disregard to their personal welfare.
5. Threatening any one and anybody with eternal damnation and/or disconnection from friends, family, business associations unless they toe the line with threat of revealing personal auditing material or in the case of Sea Org members throwing them in the Hole to rot for as long as I deem necessary.
This MCOB (Miscavige Communications Office Bulletin) does NOT cancel or excuse any previous action on my part.
That is all.
Revision of MCOB above
Should read: This MCOB does NOT cancel or excuse any previous or future action on my part.
Shred all unrevised versions.
That is all.
Damn you,Dave!
I better inform my Columbian friends. 😉
Immediately, I would recommend!
“till next time kids remember this; If it isn’t a lie, it isn’t scientology.
And since you all want to support Scientology, lie as much as you can! Lie about your real motives! Lie about the OT levels. Lie about the workability of the tech. And, especially lie about Corn on the COB! It’s fun to spread lies around! Because you’re the only ones in the know…..
Don’t worry….your lies are safe with us…or not.
Dude, you obviously haven’t “cognited” that the salvation of every man, woman and child is at stake. That’s OK….I suggest you immediately report to Ethics and divulge your crimes. We’re here for you. Remember the door is never closed. Just ask Karen de la Carriere.
A bottle of Pinot Noir and a small bag of cannibis somehow came out of the heavens and landed in my lap. Not sure how that happened, but, I won’t be able to report to the ethics officer. But, if you see him, please tell him from me, Go Fuck yourself! Ahhhhhhh……all is right with the world now.
Sure Miscavage is selling.But these brainwashed fools eh homini novi are still buying.
At the Bucs game this weekend I heard some people mention Scientology. I asked them if they were Scientologists and they said not really. I asked what that meant and they said they were not in Scientology really anymore but because they have family in they have to act like they are. The world is so small no?!
So… saw what happened to the Bears…….
Love it! Next step: everyone who’s in, out or UTR can say so with impunity. Oh Happy Day!
Anyone tell the Syrians that another religion is being brought into and promoted to their Muslim country? … Uhm … I didn’t think so. Probably not part of the “briefing.” No doubt the Catholic church will have something to say about that eventually in Colombia as well, if Scientology ever gets to be popular there, but really … does anyone think THAT is actually gonna happen? Probably the only people in Colombia who could even afford Scientology are … well … you know ….
Thanks Mike,
Those in the bubble don’t know what fact checking is.
In fact the are discouraged to do it as it would immediately lead to “squirrel sites” like those created by those evil beings Tony Ortega and Mike Rinder.
OMG I just realized I’m on one of those sites!
Oh well I always knew I was a closet SP. As they say, if you can’t fight’em, join them. 🙂
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Loyal Order of Suppressive Persons. Our aim is to bring down the Church of Scientology and David Miscavige. Again I welcome you to LOSP.
Grand Suppressor
Loyal Order of Suppressive Persons.
Yep. False and outlandish claims is at the heart of Scamology. Has been that way since the early 50’s. This is nothing more than an extension of that well worn Way to Haughtiness…
I tried being a merchant of chaos, but no one was buying.
You’re not selling hard enough. 🙂
I agree with lesbates, teleny! You need to impinge on those around you! Don’t be shy about it either! Get in their faces and show them you mean business! Now, go out and kick some ass…
Try this one….what day is better for you 2PM on Thursday or 7PM on Monday? Little tricks like that are amazingly effective….and don’t forget: We have a planet to save.
Several, as I understand it.
There ya go! Hard sell!
You need to go to lie school, watch a few Miscavige DVDs and start again – you’ll get there, but hey, we all started out small and diminutive on the money for bullshit scale. Word clear this blog and blame someone else for all your troubles. Imagine you’re going to be evicted, loose your job, family and all your money tomorrow, and it’s the next person you meet is responsible and they are in conspiracy to do you in with everyone else on the planet. Got that? Good, now you’re prepped for some real down to earth merchant of chaosing – go get ’em Tiger. Don’t forget to smile a lot while you’re out there and report your stats by Thursday 2. If it all goes belly up for you I hear the Cof$ is hiring. It’s tough to make it as a dipstick but there’s always religion!
Hey! I’m a dipstick and always made things go right…..well….10% of the time.
Yeah, but you passed your internship. Teleny’s just getting into it.