Miscavige has sent the storm troopers to lower the boom in South Africa.
The big question is whether the boom is going to crash right through the hull and sink his ship of fools down there.
The newest post on the African Scientologists Getting Back in Comm blog is reproduced in full below.
Long term CO Africa (Ken Kreiger) and CO CMO Africa (Alex Faust) are now cleaning dumpsters with toothbrushes in Clearwater and the new “Command Team” has taken over.
It is going to be very interesting to see what happens over the next month as there are LOT more disaffected South Africans than the 18 Opinion Leaders (and 6 OT VIII’s which has got to be a large percentage of the OT VIII’s in South Africa) they just turned into active enemies of the Corporate Church. (And he just put an end to his Ideal Org fundraising).
Can Miscavige and his jackboot tactics get this continent back under His thumb?
Stay tuned…..
The Golden Age of Rod (UPDATED)
UPDATE: We can confirm that the following people have been declared by the Church of Scientology: Welcome to the first wave of the Golden Age of Rod.
- Gaye Corbett – 42 years in Scn, OT VIII, Cl IV, 3Ls, Data Series Evaluator, Triple Cornerstone Member, Silver Meritorius
- Ernest Corbett – 42 years in Scn, OT VIII, 3Ls, Data Series Evaluator, Triple Cornerstone Member, Silver Meritorius
- Tracey Henley (nee Corbett) – 40 years in Scn (all her life), OT V, Flag trained CL VI, Patron
- Guy Henley – 12 years in Scn, Patron
- Lisa Goosen (nee Corbett) – 35 years in Scn (all her life), Patron, Ls
- Warwick Goosen – 20 years in Scn, Patron, Ls
- Rodney Corbett – 40 years in Scn, OT V, OEC
- Karl Kroeger – 35 years in Scn, OT VIII, Ls
- Sandy Kroeger – 35 years in Scn, OT VIII, Cl IV
- Molly Jelly – 46 years in Scn, Cl VI, OT VIII
- Dave Jelly – 46 years in Scn, Cl VI, OT VIII
- Craig Howarth – 20 years in Scn, 8 years on Durban Staff
- Shirley Wartski – 20 years in Scn, Flag trained CL VI, OT V
- Cameron Wannenberg – 15 years in Scn.
- Kim Downing – 42 years in Scn, OT VII, Cl IV
- Ueli Gostelli – 35+ years in Scn, OT V.
- Carol Krieger – +- 20 years in Scn, CL IV, OT V
- Wendy Bowman – 45 years in Scn, CL VI, 12 years on staff
Not one of these people received so much as an official phone call to inform them.
If the rumours we have been hearing are true we are about to see the launch of the Golden Age of Rod. We refer of course to the issue of Goldenrod declare orders.
There are a large number of people, approaching twenty names, who are long standing South African Scientologists that are to be imminently declared.
This coincides with the arrival on Monday of a 7 man Sea Org command/management team. No doubt this will stamp their “authority” on the local scene.
From a church standpoint it makes sense in a way. With the launch of the GAT II on the 23rd of November it would be able to “clean up” a very dirty field then launch GAT II and say “you see, when we win the SP’s go wild. But we’ve got it all in hand”.
In truth it is going to be a calamity of catastrophic proportions. They are trying to cut out a “cancer” that has become way to big to operate on. Attempting to do so may well finally kill off the patient.
Even die hard believers will begin to question the efficacy of church management. Perhaps not overtly but it will certainly start them on a journey of doubt and questioning. Especially since there has not been even a whisper of standard justice procedures such as a Comm-Ev.
This list of names, between them, are connected to at least half of the entire South African Scientology community. That’s a huge line in the sand and Scientologists will soon be forced to make a serious decision about disconnection.
It doesn’t have to be this way. Open up the lines of communication! Let Scientologists discuss and debate the future of the movement to which they have contributed so much.
A statement of fantasy. But really, if this were to happen it would at least begin the process of healing that is so desperately needed.
Of course these rumours may just be a ruse to try and scare people straight. That’s a tactic that has been used before. The coming days will tell.
Lastly, the new seven man team will be paraded at the Joburg graduation this Friday. Feel free to go along and then pass on the news so we can report it.
This is the tipping point necessary to get the Tech back on Track!
I loved working with new public in Div 6 and did pretty well in it. But I eventually could not bring myself to handing over these beings, that were just beginning to wake up.
Christie, some of my fondest Div 6 memories have you in the background; always smiling, always supportive.
Funny this is that the org staff at “Jobur” Org have been living in two houses owned by our family for over 2 years at NO CHARGE!!!! big slap in the face, what’s the org gonna do now?
Hi to all who are looking!
I am also one of the 18, who have been so unceremoniuosly cast aside as an “untouchable”!
Little do they know the joy in my heart that I am experiencing to be free to think, do and express how I feel without the shackles of the church limiting all.
Luckily I decided some time ago to operate independently.
With the help of some wonderful terminals that I have found outside the church who have given me the most incredible encouragement, validation and guidance, I have gotten myself back in the chair after 25 years of suppression of my Class 6 ability, and am having the most remarkable wins as an auditor, and my pc’s wins are spectacular.
It is a joy to be winning in my newly created theta environment with such wonderful friends and family around me.
I am currently OT V and am about to embark into further discoveries of the upper Bridge with happy anticipation. I see the future full of growth and prosperity.
Thank you Mike and all those who have sent the “famous 18” such good postulates and well wishes
With love to you all and excitement in my heart, Wendy
I’ve just spent considerable time catching up on all the posts here, and I am overwhelmed by the camaraderie and outpouring of ARC being communicated by everyone.
On behalf of all South African SCN’s, I thank everyone for their words of encouragement and support for the “Joburg 18” and everyone else affected by the recent turn of events. The ripple effect of this is being felt by many.
Thanks very much to Bela, Idle Morgue, Hallie-Jane, Aquamarine and KRC Jenny for specifically welcoming me to this blog, and of course, thanks to Mike for providing this platform so that we can all be “back in comm”.
Love BP
“Amazing how we are given the data for increased self determinism and then told never to use it.”
This is exactly what continues to blow my mind; the helpful content (tech) within the suppressive context (RCS).
Welcome Lifelongfriend – great to have you here!
I too am one of the Joburg 18. I am neither in shock nor awe! It is what it is!!! Evidently the church’s attempt to instill fear in the field. Only the brave will survive!!! Amazing how we are given the data for increased self determinism and then told never to use it.
Bravo to you and your 17 brethren….
Never forget that YOU are the ones who intimidate THEM. They are TERRIFIED of you. You must be stopped at all costs! Stopped from what is immaterial. Just STOPPED.
It is forbidden to think for yourself. Or not march in lockstep and spout the party lines.
Good luck. You are going to find more freedom and more REAL friends than you ever imagined was possible. The world of Scientology outside the Vampire Emnpire is more alive, more vibrant and more REAL.
You have brought good fortune upon yourselves by being unwilling to blindly accept authority.
Thank you Mike. I am so excited about the future and am looking forward to the many adventures and wins we will have using true LRH tech. We South Africans are tough cookies!!!!! Love Lisa
Hello Life long friend,
Glad to see that you are confronting it pretty well. I was on Solo Nots and Humanitarian when I was declared an SP. This was about 4 years ago and it is a bit surreal. It gbets better and better, because it is always better to see things the way they are rather than looking at them in an imagined way. Dm is a suppressive person and he tries to manage through overwhelm and manipulation. I think this latest act of his will hasten his downfall.
Congratulations for having a back bone.
I came across this the other day ……. “To learn who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize – Voltaire”. Very apt!
Another wall being built to hide behind. The commandos will find themself alone and failing in the future. Those with integrity, those who can think, those who can see and those who seek the light in the future shall rise up and leave. I do believe this is just the beginning for that continent. Any person who has set foot in South Africa will understand the independence of that area. From the smell of the earth to the beautiful experience of Kruger. Freedom is once more coming to the southern areas. And now for a song:
The Shittith hath hittith in South Africa. I came up with 555 years cumulative for these long term Scientologists. The gasoline and a match approach is Dave’s tool of choice for handling anyone who doesn’t go along with his brand of spiritual freedom.
Eventually the Tiny Terror will be down to a handful of celebs left in the Co$ and no one else. Although that is likely his plan as he can suction more money per pound from them. Is he even around anymore or is he already hiding in quarters on Freewinds? Kinda funny how we don’t hear much from the Cruise or Travolta camps anymore.
Wow Mike..that is very important news I think so. I worked in South Africa many years for the Corp Church and I know I can tell all of them the big fish who put money for the Ideal Orgs, the Corbetts was one of them. And the list is very big of decleare people. I guess they open their eyes and see the real truth. Poor Ken and for the CO CMO AF, well his brother the CO CMO latam maybe is going to clean toilets also….poor people…they should leave!!! on Ken the CO CLO AF as you say is a long term SO…I dont know what to say..but I am sure you also know a lot on this
Hi Everyone, newbie here. I am not one of the Joburg 18 but I do live in their neighborhood. Have been quietly out for years and I read this blog every day along with Tony Ortega. I know that if anything exciting happens in the scn world, it will be posted here! Thanks Mike Rinder for this blog and for keeping us all in the know.
Welcome Draco!
PS…Mike, I love that we now have the name “Jobur”. It’s up there with FART, GAG2, etc.
Yes, Jobur it should be from now on.
This made my day with coffee this morning
Cash Cow on life support, shoot all the Doctors !
D.M.will have update his resume pretty quick.
This makes me think DM really is going to kick most longtimers out and reinvent the COS as a smaller group. He’s got the money to stop fundraising at such a pace and live like a king with a couple thousand slaves to maintain his lifestyle. Sell an org every few years, recruit just enough to keep the staff stable and teach them the “new” Tech…with only as much LRH as he allows them to read. With the old guard gone he won’t have to deal with so much pushback.
David Miscavige is quite a busy man these days. Mired in court cases and troubles from all corners of the planet, where nobody appears to like him, he has a lot to tend to. Therefore it is understandable that a bit of confusion occasionally sneaks in at Flag. I for one also received an invitation to come to the big events at Flag, despite the fact that I am not eligible since I have resigned from the church. The invitation told me to confirm now and immediately start making reservations for hotels and flights – from Denmark. I would later on be informed as to the exact dates for when the events were actually taking place. – That right there put me into a state of confusion. Until I finally started laughing out loud. I guess that was an FN without a meter.
The church is in a condition of CONFUSION – and it is going viral!
Any news of Mark Corbett? Noticed that he was not on the list – I hope he has not disconnected from the rest of his family.
Looking at it on the bright side:
That’s enough trained people to just have a group right outside the org doing real delivery of the bridge without the crap.
I wish them a speedy decompression and go for an out-create of this farce of so called
Hi Mike I was trying to comment when I somehow lost the comment. If you have it, ignore it and I will retype it.
Hi Mike
I awoke to a beautiful Highveld sunrise on a windless morning on the southern tip of Africa only to be directed to your site to discover that overnight I had developed all the characteristics of an SP after forty eight years in the church. No comm ev,no letter and no comm of any sort.
I console myself with the fact of the illustrious company I keep!
What immediately occurred to me is the value of the combined contribution of these declared SP’s over the many years that we have all been loyal Scientologists.
If I were to single anyone out it would be the Corbett’s. Their contribution in personal time and money to both the group and to individual Scientologists is probably unparalled on this planet .A group that would declare such people in not worth being part of.
I will not talk for the others but as regards me let me tell you what these Corporate Scientology arseholes have done. I run, from above, with partners, as a contribution, an academy for university and school students. This year we will graduate one thousand five hundred young people who we have put through LRH’s basic study courses. This is a record year for us but we do it every year and we invite and fly in CO ABLE and other Scn Execs, all at our expense, for graduation. (Please note these invitations are now withdrawn.) We are in possession of thousands of success stories where lives have been changed for the better. One top school has given us a letter with the prior stats and the current stats showing that the average pass mark has moves from around 60%to 80%.You will agree this is all very suppressive.
I do not think that ALL the Scn churches in Africa have that many students pass through their combined doors in five years let alone one year!
We will certainly no longer do this in the name of a church to whom we are anathema.
If the C of S was interested in the ideals laid out by LRH they could not possibly declare these people with the level of their various contributions.I think it clearly indicates
that the intention is to keep the cash cow alive and get rid of those of us who have been around for long enough to be able to recognise the departure from the scene when LRH was around and when the purpose was to make real OT’s. not fill coffers.
You do a great and necessary job with this site Mike .Thank you.
Oh and before I forget, I Kim Downing in my personal opinion, hereby declare the management of the Church of Scientology as suppressive when evaluated against the criteria as laid out by that man ,L Ron Hubbard who has my gratitude and respect.
Kim — thank you for coming here and sharing your story.
Wow — you probably accomplish about 10% of the total Applied Scholastics stats internationally! And along with Sonja Botha, they have pretty much just ended the social betterment programs in South Africa. But they don’t care as they are not income making activities.
Sorry you had to find out about this by reading a blog. Corporate Scientology and Miscavige try to pretend they are tough. Really they cower in their bubble, afraid of anyone and everyone who doesnt just fall into line.
So, you and the others who are able to think for yourselves put the fear of God into them.
Good on you.
Oh..no thank you for making this space available Mike. As Gaye said your site has been an inspiration and certainly been of vast assistance to me and those close to me. As you know it takes a while to just get to the point where one believes what one is seeing with regard to the corruption in the C of S. Your site makes that a much easier journey. I certainly hope to meet you and your lovely wife when you visit us.
Thanks again
Thanks Kim.
That is a lot of help and contributing that you have done. I am happy to welcome you to a group of people that have been similarly treated. It is exciting to know that dm has had to stoop to another new low by trying to exterminate all of the key upstats in your area. This I am sure will backfire on him and he will be even closer to the point where HE will have to run and hide and give up the game he has been playing in such a corrupt fashion.
Here’s to a NEW and better South Africa!!
Hi Tony,Yes I don’t know many South Africans who are willing to just agree to roll over and die! There are a lot of us who are all really pissed off at the magnitude of the betrayal and I don’t mean the declares, I mean the destruction of Scientology.
I think Mr Miscavige is not immune to the overt motivator sequence.
Thank you for your welcome.
Well said Kim! “The magnitude of the betrayal” was well hidden and is indeed shocking. But it’s hidden no longer, thanks to a lot of brave souls who came before me. Congrats! Add yourselves to the Indie 500!
I would just like to add to the impact of this ‘collective think’ declare. I’m sure everyone can see that the names mentioned above are without a doubt stellar Scientologists in their own right. But it even goes beyond that. Working in Durban Org was like being pinned down in the trenches. One of the SA 18 Cameron Wannenburg was on staff with me and I recall him as the OES with a new wife and young children whilst handling his post and the CLO suppression. In fact his wife was also on staff. With no staff pay this is quite a feat. He wrote a full manual hat write up with tabs and content list that was used for many years to help anyone trying to run treasury without any training. Together we kept the doors open after we had been left for dead and had been robbed by the CLO. some may not know the amount of stress, invalidation and heartbreak these unacknowledged staff endured and whilst putting their own lives on hold, keeping the flag flying helping others for LRH. The corporate Scientology Death Battalion in SA has been carefully removing these very loyal and able beings who have demonstrated by their selfless actions their worth and value to mankind.
The church in Durban is left with the fringe lunatics, the not-so-able and the drones. I hope they wake up.
Who needs the picked-over old oak when a new money tree awaits.
Best to have 18-25 work themselves into exhaustion and/or hand over the trust fund. Best to reg the drug-addled and messed-up kids of the affluent. Many would gratefully pay just to get their nasty little bastards out of the house.
They’ll have status ceremoniously conferred upon them. Instant enlightenment achieved by memorizing quotes. Instead of “go away kid” they’ll have juice. Young females get to meet wealthy clients. Both get to wear a uniform and scream at adults. And they’ll have fun, fun until Daddy takes his checkbook away.
Too bad the declared veterans do not band together, make a criminal complaint and cause the police to seize the folders at the Idle Morgue and the building itself.
The Scientology community is waking up at a higher and higher rate. They are seeing Miscavige for what he is. The betrayal has been HUGE. The destruction has been HUGE.
Miscavige fears the real world and yet his little bubble of delusion is drying up. He has no where to run. He has no way to prevent the inevitable. His future is bleak.
Holy moly!
Wonder about Enid Byrne’s Mother Lottie and her sister and brother. Surely there are connections there and to James Byrne at Int last I knew….
Wow! Good for these guys and all that go with them.
Hi Cece, Lottie at 90+ is still in the Sea Org here. Her Son, Jonathan is on the ship and her daughter, Sally-Anne, is drinking the cool aid proper. She recently redid her purif at flag while there for her six month check.
It’s the Cult of Scientology that is the cancer that needs to be cut out. Miscavige may be the chief surgeon.
If those 18 had been in comm with Rinder, Rathbun, et al … or indicators parroting back what’s been posted on those blogs, they’re gone, no mercy, whether such data is true or not. Same will go for anyone else who rears the same “ugly” head. Don Larson clearly illustrated in a Youtube vid that DM makes no deals, and that’ll go on until there’s no RCS is left.
One could could go and complain at the local org about fundraising, altered tech, Int abuse, and down the highway you go pretty much automatically unless recanted during a “Dead Agent” handling … all done by the numbers, they won’t allow such feet into the door — EVER.
All I can say is praise be to COB. It’s actually part of the GATII that he personally discovered a transcriptionist error that switched the actual percentages of SPs. It’s actually 97 1/2 percent AND GROWING (It may actually be closer to 99.999 percent). They are all suppressive and are trying to destroy the golden Big Beings who are the actual 2 1/2 percent. Unless they are stamped out it is curtains for this universe.
WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Had something like this happened in Philly then I’d have a LOT of my friends here with us!!! I’m kind of jealous of you all down there in SA!!!
Tracy and Shirley I would really love to hear from you. There have been many others of us who were on the receiving end of some really f’ed up shit that left us spinning only to find the insanity ran all the way up the Flag pole.
my email is philadelphiagayle@yahoo.com
do well ALL of you, stick together, be real friends to each other and know that 100s down there are going to need you in the coming days, weeks and months to get through the turmoil that comes from confronting the magnitude of betrayal that all this is a part of.
You go girl… (Gayle)
I agree – this is really a VERY good thing – note that at the core of it is the extended Corbett family – that were the foundation of the funding for the new org in J. and so many other things…
This will shake the tree in SA and I think will destroy any remnants over there, which is of course a GREAT outcome, especially if it becomes the tipping point we all so dearly would like to see.
My prescription for all of the 18 (if they haven’t already done so is to buy in lots of good treats, hunker down and READ – all of the mainstream press, starting with the TRUTH RUNDOWN and come forward in time, and, as a result, up to present time
It’s not just exterior to the Church.
I had an SO member whom I trained and loved very much, walk up to me on the street and openly flirt with me, hugging me and touching me, staring at me very suggestively. She had obviously been busted from her previous post in OSA and was on some menial post by her uniform.
She asked me if we could hang out together on her CSP day. While I’m sure those activities would get her beached, and I’d be in trouble, she might just be worth it. She’s obviously not happy in the SO anymore.
Corporate C of S tearing apart at the seams. People with money and power and SCN certificates are leaving in droves!!!!
This is treason beyond belief, all those years of dedication and suddenly a big slap, no thank you, no ‘lets work it out’, just treachery – the hallmark of the so call leader.
He is caving his own grave, getting rid of the good guys and keeping himself surrounded by only sociopaths who carry out actions as above gestapo style.
But his grave is ready even if the soil is not to happy to receive such a disgusting body, but fortunately it won’t take much space; his body is small and the being is just a molecule of insanity, even though a molecule is bigger than this character.
Excuse my French but that is just fucking insane! DM is just wasting everyone around him. I guess this whole action is to scare everyone into subservient slaves, South Africa needs to rise up and kick their mofo’s asses the hell out of the country. And somehow kick the little midgets a-hole into the hole where he truly belongs.
Well said! He’s busy doing himself in, it is insane.
that is some funny stuff right there, otviiiisgrrr8. lmao
Its kinda like watching a lava lamp since I have reconnected to Scn after a 20 years hiatus. blobs of crap going up and down and coming to a boil. In the mean time Iam out here making real OTs and Auditors.
Dude, that is friggin’ funny!
SPOT’S!!! Brilliant!!!
South Africa is going be fine.
Scientology is going to be fine.
Mi$cavigology sinks into the violent confusion it created.
Scientology rises into a new dawn.
The future is ours.
The spell is broken.
Great news! More declares = more disaffection. Just what the RCS deserves. I love watching this shit storm unfold.
Back in the somewhat standard days, a Missionaire had the right to refuse Mission Orders if he felt that were destructive, not an easy right to pull off, but I did this I recall one time in the 50 + Sea Org Missions I did. Ah those days are long dead and gone. Those 7 Missionaires in this Commando team are idiots for accepting this Mission a guarantee failure that will likely end themselves in the hole or RPF, but they likely had no choice. Wonder if Dave sent Marc Yaeger or other similar subjects there. CLO AF from my recollection was a place one was sent as punishment, or to give them a second chance.
I am sure the 18 victim’s are in a bit of shock and awe right now, but believe me it’s the best thing that ever happened to you, I can attest it did for me.
Yaeger, Heber, Mithoff, Starkey etc…There is no way in Dave’s Hell would he let them off the base for such an affair. Geeze… these guys aren’t even aware there is a double yellow line down the middle of Highway 79.
— Jackson
Secret RTC studies have shown that 93% of Scientologists who reach OT VII are declared SP’s within ten years of reaching this exalted state.
This is a shocking datum!
When surveyed, fully 86% of declared SP OT’s (SPOT’s) disingenuously claimed the cost of Flag’s six month sec checks refreshers was too expensive.
This is impossible for we in RTC to accept as a real objection; $50,000 per year is a very small cost to pay for OT refreshment.
Moreover, these SPOT’s further nattered and complained that the ever-increasing costs of IAS Patron statuses added up to more than $1,000,000 over ten years.
One thing these SPOT’s consistently noted was the fact that they were very happy with their Church of Scientology experience up to the level of Clear.
Thinking with the correct data and at the correct orders of magnitude, we in RTC have decided to offer Clear completions the option to purchase their statistically inevitable SP Declare for $250,000, this to save them the higher costs, time, and aggravation of being declared SP’s ten years after reaching OT VII.
By purchasing an SP Declare for $250,000 immediately after attesting Clear, future cost savings of at least $1,500,000 can be realized.
If you are a Clear, the odds are against you — and indeed you are at risk as you have been warned. Therefore, you should immediately act upon this money-saving opportunity and donate $250,000 to the IAS to get the new money-saving IAS SP Declare Patron Status.
Your IAS SP Declare Patron Status will free you to read your precious Scientology-hating websites on the fringes of the internet and go into mutual out ruds with whomever you please. You’re a declared SP and so we in RTC no longer care what you do!
My $250,000 check is in the mail. I want to be a SPOT!!
Brilliant! If only DM were so generous.
“Pay me $250,000, and I will treat you like shit, threaten you, call you a degraded being, and kick you out of my church.”
This would save people lots of money, time, late night regging visits, crappy meals at Flag, seasickness on the Freewinds, and useless leather-bound copies of books they have already bought five times before. What a bargain!
Then they’d have more money to spend on their families, homes, and independent auditors who might actually help them out without begging for money every session.
Yes, me too! Until now I’ve had seriously considerations about selling my mother’s jewelry and dumping my kid in the Sea Org, but tonite it will be on E-Bay and the kid’s stuff is already packed. I want to be a SPOT!!!!!
Well done all you South Africans—may you wear your ‘Rod with great pride! Congratulations and I hope your “transition” goes well and quickly and you set up shop the way you want to. If this 7-man team of goons scare you or your family just realize where they are coming from and how truly unhappy they are in their own hearts at this point. I bet you they would rather be anywhere else but on this mission, being ordered about, threatened and degraded in orders and comments from His Lowness.
Does anyone think this all might presage a run to the Castle Kyalami by DM and a small cadre?
Nah — too many SPs within 100 miles.
My feeling is that Miscavige is getting ready to consolidate scn, to “expand our reach, by closing the door on squirrels.” (read: letting South Africa go). He probably doesn’t care too much about SA because I imagine they are not sending huge amounts of loot his way.
This 7-man command team is probably a last-ditch effort and if it works, well, then SA gets to stay in the RCS network. If not, he’ll declare the whole continent and say “fuck em”. He’ll sell all the buildings out from under the orgs, de-authorize them, leaving the debts and taking the money.
Miscavige is not thinking too clearly these days – terrified of having to get deposed and then charged with perjury. No doubt he’s spending a lot of time reading these blogs trying to get some clue as to when he should up and leave for Columbia.
NOW!! Please! You jerkoff….just GO! Be your naturally sweet and pleasant self to the lizards and insects residing in the Colombian foothills.
Sounds like I’m joking but it is getting close.
Gulfstream G 650 has very long range and a thrill to fly.
Once Der Bozo is over International airspace Columbia
will get a new Pope. Probably purchase one of Pablo Escobar’s former strongholds
It’s going to be soon.
Getting money out of South Africa is NOT EASY!! The IAS donations made there stay mostly in the country. You’re right, John Doe, maybe he will just say “fuck ’em” to the S.Africans.
This is AWESOME news! S Africa is near and dear to my heart. Wendy M is my sister-in-law, and I personally had a hand in waking her up.
My postulate is for this to be the end of RCS in S Africa!
Bruce, another OT VIII (USA) who saw the truth.
ps. lets get more people on the Indie 500 list.
Awesome job Starman 8 for helping her wake up!! THANK YOU! Scientology is so dangerous it is much safer out here and you helped save lives!!
Hi Starman – big hugs and big smile
Eyes Wide (Not) Shut !
There ya go.
Ethics or their concept of it goes in way after its all gone up in smoke and has turned into a raging brush fire.
Joburg in my opinion will probably go the same way Denmark Org went back in ’05 which was straight into the arms of Ron’s Org.
Happily for the Joburg 18 (don’t you just love how that sounds), it’s better out than in.
Wow…look at all the years of contribution and experience these great people have. End result? Get Declared. Heck, I can do that now without spending all the time and money to get that cert. I hope and think there will be many who will be snapped out of the koolaid induced coma with this shocking news. I wish them all good luck and a much happier future.
The Pope of scientology sends his inquisition forces to quell the heresy with the fire and brimstone of the golden rod.
All shall tremble in their presence.
Silly boys in sailor costumes pretending to be important; believing in their divine right to wreak havoc.
Sounds like a good one for Monty Python to spoof.
For starters, I would be happy and satisfied to have Him simply parked permanently without any power off the lines. As to His punishment, because it is my personal belief that we are, each of us, immortal beings who have minds which in turn operate our bodies, and, because, believing this, I am able to take a long view of situations – I believe that DM’s unavoidable eternity will very adequately contain his punishment, and that simply isolating him for the rest of his life albeit with adequate food, and so forth, isolating him so that he has lots of time to think about what he’s done, would be the correct action. I don’t think that the focus should be on His punishment. I would advocate the usage of “Ignore Tech”. Park him/ship him somewhere, feed Him, lothe Him, house Him and otherwise ignore Him. My 2 cents.
Oh, I forgot! And promise Him that we’ll always capitalize the “H” on His pronouns.
Putting DM on display, in a huge clear plastic box, cleaning dumpsters with a toothbrush as a tourist attraction on Hollywood Boulevard for the remainder of his life would be WAY, WAY too kind.
It may be too kind, but is the kind of thing that starts a tourism trend – even in Hollywood…
I would travel to LA just to stand and watch such a spectacle.
Why doesn’t Davey just kick everyone out? Look, DM and TC are the only Big Beings on the planet. No one else is good enough. They should discard their bodies and go to another planet.
… to Target Three…
DM and TC handling Target Two together forever. Ahhhhh how cute.
It’s a great time to be an SP. Had an awesome solo session this morning. I deemed my own self eligible. No unneeded sec checks. No IAS, No Ideal Org. No library donations. No “get in here right away.” No worry about having to redo the Student Hat, Objectives, Purif, etc.
I love to hear it! You go boy.
We need to let the world know that the real tech is on the outside of the church walls. Isn’t it a blast to get case gain without all the distractions?
I absolutely love it! Solo auditing was always my favorite thing in Scientology. Getting regged for BS was always my least.
Beatiful, Sheldon! Just reading this gave me a nice surge in tone. My stable datum now as re the Bridge is that it is all waiting for me in the Indie Field. This makes me so happy! Thank you for posting this.
Hello to everyone on this blog. I have never commented here before, but I have contributed towards data that has been reported by Mike and he does know who I am (Mike, sorry for being out of comm – I had to lay low for a while but have come up for air again – long story which I will fill you in on shortly).
I have decided to comment for the first time tonight because the subject matter of this post is near and dear to me. I am a “still in good standing” South African Scientologist and have spent some time now on a heart-wrenching journey of truth seeking regarding the sordid subject of RCS.
The latest turn of events to hit us is going to have far-reaching consequences. A lot of these 18 people are very highly regarded in the SCN field in Africa – they hold an enormous amount of sway with a lot of people in high up places – and I’m not only talking within the Church. I am utterly bereft of words to explain what the hell DM is thinking with this action – if this is not proof that he is actively trying to destroy SCN then I don’t know what is. The fallout from this is going to be huge.
I concur with Wendy M about Christie – she is an amazing person and I really admire her. She played a key role in building Joburg Org to St Hill Size (sadly a distant memory as it is now a stellar example of an Ideal Morgue).
And by the way – the child that fell to his death was Ken Krieger’s son Max – it was a tragic, tragic incident – I was there when it happened.
It’s certainly going to be interesting to see what transpires here in South Africa over the next while. It’s like watching the Spanish Inquisition or similar.
Thanks Mike for all you have done and continue to do.
Thank you for all you have done…and to R2D2 too.
We are with you guys as we watch this all unfold. Interesting times for sure!
Black Panther – WELCOME! Thank you for your post!
BP — thanks for writing. Good to hear from you again. Look forward to your email.
Welcome Black Panther and thanks for all your efforts!
Black Panther,
Welcome! And thank you for all you are doing for “The Resistance”.
“if this is not proof that he is actively trying to destroy SCN then I don’t know what is.”
That was exactly my thought reading this post. There was much speculation in the last few years about just how “accidental” His reign was, and whether he was being supported from another source – which I still don’t believe – there is no “conspiracy” as such. But when you read day after day of this combination of incompetence and outright thuggery you just shake your head in disbelief. Surely NO ONE – even DM – can THIS stupid accidentally.
It isn’t stupid. It is his purpose.
Black panther, here in the states we have a phrase ‘death by cop’. It’s basically when a fellow loses his shit and get’s himself bypassed by having a standoff where the cops end up shooting him to death. This flow with the mass declares seems similar to me, in that DM seems to play “poke the bear” until the whole of Scientology will rise up to anger and finish him, since he’s incapable of putting ethics in on himself. What say you?
This looks like Miscavige’s scorched-earth-on-steroids version of the “LATAM Strategy” for handling “external influences” and “disaffecteds” from the early 80’s. The problem with this, as you observe, Mike, is that once the earth is scorched they will find that they are within the heavy fallout zone of the nukes they are firing off.
RTC High school graduation photo,so touching.
Thank you Mike for this Blog, I’m one of :”The 18″ from SA and I must say I think it’s a huge compliment. They must really be sh*t scared of us.
I spent most of my 10 years on staff heading Div 6 in Durban, I sold hundreds of books, I audited hundreds of hours and really helped many people (Many who have even written letters of appreciation). I literally kept Durban open when I was there.
Krieger, Lipsitz, and Bokkelman (known as the “terrible trio” to Durban Scientologists) did nothing but try to stop me from the moment I showed potential.
I was Comm Ev’d twice and actual SP declares written but never quite carried out. The second one took 4 days and was later (2 years) squashed by Mike Ellis after I wrote a very comprehensive report on the actual good I’d done for Durban and out-ethics and insanity of CLO AF.
There is a broader more detailed scene around these events, but I’ll leave those war stories for next time. .
Welcome R2D2!!! So happy to have you here. Thank you for your post and letting us know what is going on inside the walls of the insane asylum called The Church of Scientology! BIG HUG to you and all of the others!! You have reached the EP of Miscavology!! An SP Declare is a badge of honor – it means you can think for yourselves and speak freely!!
Thanks Idle Morgue, its great to be free. You won’t believe how my life has started to do better.
A warm welcome to you! Its thrilling to have you sharing here as one of the 18. Simply telling the truth is what will vanquish the dragon that is the RCS. Thank you.
Is R2D2 real?
He gives data about himself, so that OSA knows who he is. But still he won’t tell us his name.
Let’s see.
Yes, he is real. He is one of the 18.
Hi there Barefacedmessiah, OSA already know who I am, (No.12 on the list), R2D2 was how I started so I just stuck with it. ……….interesting though, the ex CO OSA AF was the chairman on my first comm ev and pushed for my declare in the days when I was just a clay pigeon. Coincidental to this whole affair, he just moved into the office next door to ours, and at some point burst into our office asking my opinion on the Corbetts. I told him what I thought,knowing he would be reporting the data to OSA. The next day he was absent and the following day the declare came out.
What was interesting is how he nattered up a storm about management.
Hey Craigy, you ROCK! Always have, always will.
No bad management will ever try and break you again!!
Wow, thanks for your personal integrity. We all paid a high price for saying what we believe in or not.
Welcome and congrats R2D2! You are now a Special Person, who is someone who has tried to help others with scn, despite the megalomaniacal “help” of radical church management. Join the Indie 500!
Hello R2D2,
I would like to get in contact with you.
Please drop me a note: ts(at)sured.info
Perhaps SP declares are the only way left to save people from the RCS?
Or from COB who only handles “ecclesiastical issues”.
Stomping in with guns blazing no doubt while the ship ablaze slips ever deeper beneath the waves. Thats the way to manage the exodus, MORE DECLARES !!!! Scientology, putting fires out with gasoline every day. Classic.
Some may not know that Christie was a senior Sea Org exec who put the Joburg Ideal Org there. It was a needed new org because the old premises were in the centre of town and it was (and is) a dangerous area. One SO member was murdered on the streets in the last ten years (John Plumb), and another murdered some twenty or more years before (Jeff Murray, if memory serves). They were killed by common criminals – not related to Sea Org activity. I believe a child fell to his death from the top of the old org building – an accident due to being unsupervised.
So Christie (now the so-called big SP) had this place humming and going Saint Hill Size, while Alex Faust presided over the largest landslide in recent history.
They have their lines crossed somewhat up at Int Management. The new missionaires are in for a treat!
Thanks Wendy. Christie LOVES Joburg and it breaks her heart to see what has happened…. We keep special track of happenings in Joburg and South Africa in general. There are no doubt more declares to come as there are some other OL’s that I know of that are not on this list….
You are right about that Mike . There are many many more that Tiny Tim( our new name for DM) does not even know about or suspect. I think they will faint when they know of the extent of this new movement. Anyway the first stone has been thrown, now we will watch the ripple effect in the water. I love your blog Mike and it has helped me through many times when I felt we were all alone in the wilderness. I remember Christi well and I am sure she will remember us please give her our love.
It is quite liberating to be free at last and no longer subject to the” now I am supposed to” AND the incessant regging. We have had letters from all over the world congratulating us on our declares, how funny.
We will give the full story in a few days and will publish on our own Africa blog.
Hello Gaye.
So nice to see you posting here and I am very happy to know that you have been reading this blog. It is EXACTLY why I devote quite a lot of time to keeping it going.
Christie absolutely remembers you and the rest of your family. She was SOOOO happy when she heard about your family she cried.
The people who have been keeping us informed about what has been going on and connecting the dots down there are heros. There is more to come into public view as you know. But you and your family and the Kroegers and the other luminaries that compose the “Joburg 18” (really the South African 18 but Joburg 18 has a nice ring to it) have paved the way for a lot of others and made it safe for them to start thinking for themselves.
The first stone has been cast — believe me, the ripples are ALREADY reaching beyond your shores.
Someday I am going to visit South Africa, Christie has made me promise. I look forward to meeting you all….
Wow! What can one say? Their loss is our gain!
Dear Gaye,
You don’t know me, but you do know my wife and sister-in-law, Wendy M. My wife and I are both OT VIII, and live in the US.
I wholeheartedly congratulate you on this outcome. I got my wife and Wendy out in Feb-Mar 2012 after reading Debbie Cook’s email.
We visit Joburg every Christmas to see Wendy and family. It would be great to meet up with you when there. I have heard your last name from my wife for years as OLs in South Africa. Well done on getting out!
Congratulations Gaye!! There is an army of people out here that are behind you guys in South Africa. Enjoy your freedom.
To ALL the Corbetts: Hallelujah brothers and sisters!! The most up-standing family in South African Scientology history has done it once again and this time the leaders of the pack will be taking the SAffers to true freedom from suppression. You have more support than you can possibly imagine – from all corners of the globe. Thank you so much for standing together and standing up for LRH and for true human rights. Now THAT’s integrity!! POWER TO YOU ALL!
Gaye, so special to see you guys making this move. I remember like yesterday, around 1978, when you and Ernie had just gotten back to Durban academy, after completing the newly released L’s. That was the real start of big things coming your way. Fabulous to read about your much vaunted Golden Rod.
Now THAT is a real accolade to be worn with honor!! True freedom from the mind control of Depraved Mestcavige. Welcome back to SANE Scientology (out of CO$)
ML, Calvin & Dorothy
PS. regarding Mark, I’m sure this is just a comm lag running it’s course! (out soon)
Christie was an angel! She protected me and allowed me to help many others. I will always admire her for her kindness, integrity and beingness! Joburg lost a wonderful thetan the day she left! When I heard she had been declared it made no sense. Doubts crept in and im glad it opened up the door to see the bigger picture. Thank you Christie!
What an awesome bunch of quality Scientologists, and there are more,. More theta power in this group than what is actually left struggling in the the Orgs of SA…
I’ve met 15 of those 18 people (not that they will remember me, I’m a nobody in the Scn world). All of them are decent, smart clued-up folks and rather successful in life in their own right. They would have achieved success anyway with or without Scientology.
This is going to get real interesting, huge chunks of the Joburg field are tied into those 18 in one way or another and all of them are going to be expected to disconnect. Will they? This is going to get very interesting.
The End Times. They are here
Oh my God! This is unbelievable! What is the tone level of this church?
0.96, Terror.
Hysterical! ^^^ 0.96 Terror!! “The Golden Age of Rod” is very clever and quite funny. Those jokers and degrader’s are a good bunch of sane people. The SP Declare is the EP of Scientology – congrats to them all!! Welcome!
Read the latest:
-31 Criminality
-32 Uncausing
-33 Disconnection
Tone level reply
Its damn low, you will discover secret reports ( guarded and concealed) that are chock full of horrific lies to justify the also secret S.P. declares.
0.96 terror is correct
If this is true, then I suppose DM does not believe he can roll out GAT2 with the old guard in the way. I anticipate similar actions around the world prior to release, whether ordered by local missions or by uplines.
DM thinks he is Napoleon, firing cannons at the crowd.
Yes, DollarMorgue, I think you are exactly correct: Napoleon fired grape shot into a crowd of 10,000 killing 1,400 to successfully break up a loyalist Paris mob. That’s what it seems DM is trying to do in South Africa.
But, if you use Scientology to make “able people more able” and then shoot the ones you made more able, then they just turn around and work against you because you didn’t actually kill them… Instead, they end up in an independent field, quite alive with plenty of internet connections, associates and friends to carry on with Scientology. It sucks to be Miscavige because you can’t run a cult in the internet age..
” they just turn around and work against you because you didn’t actually kill them… Instead, they end up in an independent field, quite alive with plenty of internet connections, associates and friends to carry on with Scientology. It sucks to be Miscavige because you can’t run a cult in the internet age..”
David Miscarriage and the Sea Org Commandos will need to redefine the term ‘WE COME BACK’ to the truly SP lingo of “oh fuck, THEY have come back”.
Cheers little shithead ……. it will be over soon.
Cooper, recall the phrase “Wake Up Call”? It finally rings true. They just had the terminals swapped. WE are their wake up call now. YEEEHAW! (a bit of cowgirl emphasis)
Mike, in the above names are there any equivalent names to Debbie Cook, Marty, Amy and yourself that Clearwater cos members would know of?
Within the South African context, this is apparently more the equivalent of purging the Feshbachs, Bob Duggan, and Nancy Cartwright.
Another purge, another sweeping SP declare of long duration staff and supporters. A mentality of power and humiliation. Cleaning dumpsters with toothbrushes…cosmic psycho-politics, master /slave domination and the beat marches on…
…and another tragic loss of people trained in Scientology who can talk about Scientology with a straight face and without getting something caught in their throat. The teenyboppers being sucked onto staff in Idle Orgs cannot possibly replace the OTs and Class VIIIs and other really experienced people.
Nor do the teenyboppers have anything to compare it to. They weren’t around in the earlier days when orgs were booming and things were run differently. So they can’t see the outnesses. The older and experienced and trained people can SEE and they KNOW and thus he must wipe them out, wipe them from the face of Scn, which he is systematically doing. It makes your blood run cold.
Right on, Jane Doe. This is Missed Withold Phenomena in living color. Out of control, send in the wagons.
“sinking ship of fools.” good one Mike!
S. Africa is just A Microseism of the “Straight-up-and-Vertical” Disaffection world-wide!
The Royal Dwarf has yet proven once again that he is DEFIANT & RESOLUTE in promoting his own personal brand of squirreling and technical degrades.
Heads on pikes to scare everyone else into submission. It is Nazi Germany all over again.