I have been otherwise engaged for a few days and am catching up on the emails and messages that have been sent in since Friday.
Trying to get up to date on everything and I will attempt to respond to everyone as quickly as I can and post the information of interest.
The goings-on at the Ideal Pacifica Bridge are generating considerable buzz. And not of the good variety.
Someone who was in PAC orgs over the weekend told me they saw a lot of Sea Org members and virtually NO public, particularly in ASHO. And apparently the heavy-handed ethics actions have gotten rolling. Of course, the “reason” the orgs are not doing well is the out ethics field in LA. The public are in for a surprise — their commendations for handing over their hard earned cash aren’t going to mean anything when they are accosted by the MAA and dragged into an interview to “get to the bottom of the CI to moving up the bridge.” Happily, there will be a new flow of public departures coming in the near future, you can take that to the bank.
Some of the postings are:
AOLA: Captain AOLA is Salone Padva, formerly D/Captain Flag AO. Carlos Colon is the new Public Officer.
ASHO: Captain ASHO is Sandra Colon. D/Captain is Jessica Baxter to oversee field activation; she used to run recoveries and call-in at Flag (she is the long-estranged daughter of Kate Bornstein — they have not spoken for more than 30 YEARS).
LA Org: Heather Huff is the new ED; Roxanne Mele is the PES. Approximately 1/3rd of the new LA Org staff are posted in Div 6.
Jason Hemphill, who became D/Captain for the Flag Building when GAT II was released, is on the new post of CO PAC Base.
Former LA Org EDs, Mel & Chel, are going to Pasadena to become the D/ED Day/Fdn.
PAC base sheeple sing this song,
Doo-da, Doo-da
The PAC base bridge is way too long
Oh, de doo-da day
Goin’ to run all night
Goin’ to run all day
They bet their money on the Sea Org nag
Somebody lost in LA
The PAC Eval that sent these AOLA, ASHO, LA Org missions to PAC was simple: If DM’s GAT II Tech will not go “in”, then PAC field must be Out Ethics. So send in the jackbooted, ice cold, screaming henchwomen that DM has used over and over… cold chrome steel. That is sure to work.
Yeah, that really worked for him on CNN International with Anderson Cooper! (“Yes, we know every square inch of husband’s bodies, and there are no bruises and no beatings!”)
That was the event that was the turning point for me, that made it real how much the church was lying. It led to the program that got my son reconnected with me, which included a letter to Monique Yingling, DM’s personal attorney, which basically said “Free my son, or get sued!” Eventually, my son got freed, and we are reunited! It was Tommy Davis’s lies about disconnection which made me realize how criminal things had gotten! It made me realize the beatings of church staff by DM really did happen!
Followed by, “STOP 2D FLOWING ME!!!” lol
That picture made me laugh out loud. I’m so proud to be part of the wildly out ethics LA field.
Steve Draben left LA Org a long time ago and has been working in the wog world. I think he does business consulting with LRH admin tech. I saw him at the Sunland Msn about a year ago giving a talk to promote his biz.
Thanks. Steve was one of the few people I actually liked.
Few words on the AOLA new Captain Solange Padva. She was the Deputy Captain of AO at Flag during my Solo Not’s D of P days in the Solo HGC between 2003-2008. She fought, yelled and degraded anybody and everybody: from Solo Nots C/S (fist fighting), Solo I/C, Tech Sec,Dept. Heads down to tech page. All she was capable is to create a screaming scene and enturbulation between staff. She definitely has NO stats and will drive the AOLA down to pieces. A micro manager and really a person without any cloud or leadership. RTC ignored her whenever they came to the Solo HGC. She tried to run the AO5 lines and the EP check lines. The auditors ignored, the Solo Not’s C/S would occasionally blocked her card from entering the Solo Not’s C/s room. She is a walking disaster. Now is up for another big failure. Someone was very smart at Flag to get rid of her. I remember one time somebody told her they stayed up all night and haven’t slept. Her answer: “Do you think COB sleeps?! He is busy Clearing the Planet”. Poor thing didn’t know he does sleep.
Matt Wolffe brings the harsh and unreasonable ethics straight from being AO staff MAA, that grew up in SO. Quite a robot and knows which quote to use to counter “disaffection”, which is every person. He is a perfect match to Heather. She was the deputy on the External Influence Committee at Flag AO and was the right hand of Kathy True. Around 2007, he married a sweet girl that was training to be an Auditor. I bet she was “out-ethics”.
This team is extremely lame and they did NOT have good stats at Flag, therefore got demoted. Their next “promotion” will be RPF.
Very bad and sad news for people in LA. It’s time to wake up and smell the “roses”.
Sounds like an absolutely charming couple of folks. Remind me not to invite them to my birthday party.
Thanks Yossi. This was illuminating and heartening for me. People like this who are sent to run the show at PAC will hasten the church’s demise. Can’t happen fast enough in my mind.
Very interesting to read what you had to say about these people.
Very enlightening Yossi, thanks. I felt all that at flag but never witnessed it. That can be introverting and confusing and caused added time to figure things out. First hand reports are so important.
Does anyone know if Steve Draben is stall at LA Day?
Doug, don’t know the answer to that one but I think most people have been “stalled” on the Bridge – for the last 33 years! (Sorry – couldn’t resist the joke from your typo.)
Or “still” “stalled”, on staff?
Off staff but is an OSA operative on Facebook. If he’s on your FB he is watching you. No joke.
The USA had The Dream Team. Looks like PAC now has The Scream Team.
“The Scream Team” Good one!
I remember firing into laday mid 80’s to put a couple of proven hot shots to make the org successful. Jens and Jeannie Bogvad. They were highly trained and proven scn professionals. Jeannie was the tech side as snr Cs. Jens the CO administrative side of the team. They were put on post. If we failed we would be RPFed. The staff were not offloaded, they were simply put on different posts. We trained the staff in hgc and academy to get public really well handled to move up to clear and then had so many execs learn their role
. There wasn’t a big ethics threat. New leaders who cared and had charisma and people skills were the reason for our success. Within 6 weeks we built the hgc and moved up from about 150 hours in hgc to 350 or 400. It took them 6 more months to get class 4 and NED auditors crash trained and onto post in the hgc to get to 600. That’s right we simply did some basic things. They didn’t have a long training runway. Some were just doing intro auditing, some objectives, some grades. It was all about caring for the individual and help them learn some of the good basic self help things that scn can and does offer. It got lots of people sending their friends in and resigning because they liked it.
this new command team comes from the wrong line of work, its like having plumbers put on a carpentry job. Ethics and admin folks can’t disseminate and care about people with good basic caring delivery.
Hell we even developed seminars to help new people with life problems and learn to make a better life.
oh yeah another thing we had to stop all the constant weird management from fb and cmo ixu and cmo Pac and folo. They were all walking in to give orders. EVERY DAY!! And u wonder why la org has had so many troubles, constant cross orders. Well telling them all it was off w allowed the staff to just do their jobs. I got to b the bad guy to tell them all it was off limits. This lasted for some months after we were gone.
quite a story. I have some others about command teams into asho. Just need to get some more time to send it in.
Thanks mission guy, but you realize that’s very old school. Clearing the planet today is like that held down seven, except it’s all the held down riff raff around the orgs which is about everyone. When they’re all gone, clearing will become a reality.
Just in time for Holloween.
Sheep-dip and pumpkin pie.
OMG the “heavies” are going to drive people even further away! DM never learns from his blunders!
“I never blunder, bitch.” – DM
Could it be that the idea IS to drive people away? Hands up all those who think it is the case! Ha!
Yeap, in Real Estate you don’t need that many people. You don’t need all of that ‘public’ and just very few staff to show the buildings to a potential buyer.
Mike, this is way off topic but I would love to know why the Great Super Powered Thetans can not HANDLE or STOP the Ebola Virus that is threatening the world. This should be something they could easily handle, am I right ? Concidering they (the OT’s) brought down the Berlin Wall , handled hurricanes and sunamis ? WTF people I was under the delusion that the OTs could handle anything. Or, let me guess the Ebola victims ” Pulled it In” right? It’s because they have some pissed-off BTs and they are just doing what BTs do , correct ? Therefore if the cult were to send about 500 vulture ministers to Liberia and Nigeria the virus would just – POOF – disappear, and what a great opportunity to Turbo Reg the public . Any thoughts ?
I am sure there are some people that buy this kind of scenario, but I think this is too simplistic. But I don’t have the time to spend articulating it. Too many things are easy to pigeonhole but really are not as black and white as they are made to sound.
David Ebola has taken 30 years to permeate every nook and cranny of Scientology: its organs are now liquefying and bleeding out of every orifice.
Thanks for making me laugh. Very good! It can also be transmitted by human contact i.e. slaps as well as spittle flying from the mouth from near facial contact. The only cure is a special copper grounding rod and the shining of blinding white light on the “disease”. Oh! And a Comm Ev where the F&Rs can be legitimately written for the first time in history before it is even convened. The disease carrier should be locked in a mountain cage for eternity.
It is always good to have a group or a person the “fun” can be poured at.
Hilarious Thetan-X. Probably the same reason(s) that El Wrong didn’t “Come Back”, in defiance of the Sea Motto BTW. LMAO
Warning to all ARC Xen, fence sitters and all others who are not whales stay as far as away from PAC as possible. You are a desperate stat and you will be hunted down. Do not answer your front door and watch out when you go out back. And lock up your credit cards.
Change your phone #, email, bank account and move to another neighborhood without leaving a forwarding address. Or just tell them to go fuck themselves as loud as you can. See how flat their bullbait is.
Yes, MJ, I think it’s time for the ARC Xen fence sitters and all others who are not whales to “tell them to go fuck themselves” as loud as they can. It’s definitely time.
Just take what they’ve learned on TR-8 and apply it as follows: “GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE NOW!” They’ll have a real success story to write about.
I wonder if the posts of Chaplain and ARCX Reg are still extant? Or are they double-hatted now as IAS Regges?
A chaplain in the current church sounds like an oxymoron.
Their idea of handling an ARC Xen field is sec checks and ethics handlings.
Act One (intention to do something for the guy in front of you) is GONE.
The standard way to handle an ARC Break is to ARC break the guy so badly in a new unit of time that he will no longer remember the former ARC X 🙂
May sound stupid but that is what the handling was since a loooong time.
That way you get fond memories of the “good old days” – when you still only had the original ARC Break 🙂
This gives me the greatest mental image picture: the Buttcrack Commando Team.
That’s why two of them have the last name of Colon.
Plus it takes a lot of intestinal fortitude to be near them.
The CO LA Org is Heather Hof. That is her maiden name. She is currently married to Mat Wolfe, who is also part of the Comman Team. No idea what his function is. In Flag he used to be the AO MAA and Heather used to be the Snr Dir I&R FLB. Before that she was the FLB Justice Chief.
She was most likely chosen for that post, because they needed someone, who has a good command of Scientology Ethics, is unreasonable and who knows Justice well. Getting Ethics In with a “ton of bricks”! That is her.
Total contrast to how she used to be: She was a doll as a teenager, when she came into the Sea Org age 13 or 14. In CMO she didn’t cut it, because she was just too sweet – so she was transferred to Flag and moved up the Org Board. For a while she was a Board IC in the Flag AO and was the cutest little girl you ever met. Lively & funny. The public loved her!
Once she hit Snr HCO she was under the wing of Xavier Montez, RTC MAA at that time. Once she became Snr I&R, he made sure she isn’t reasonable. Got her Sec Checked drilled and everything! and turned her into what you see today.
She was a failure as a Reg. During the “Selling of the Basics Evolution” in Flag, which was just gruesome to put it mildly. She managed to be one of the few who didn’t have to sell Basics, but was the enforcer of penalties & did “debugs” on people who didn’t sell.
Because she was the one who pulled the “ethics trigger”, people in Flag were scared of her. She has the “Ethics & Justice Knowledge” to throw you under the bus faster than you can say “jack-rabbit” and will do so, if she thinks its warranted.
We’ll see how she manages on this new post … I’ll keep watching!
I can just imagine her on a date. “Get your fucking hands off me. Now!!!”
So funny. 🙂
🙂 LOL 🙂
or…”What were you thinking?”
Wow, that sure sounds like a workable plan….send in a senior Flag ethics terminal as CO LA Org to bang heads in the ARC Xen LA field. What dolts. They deserve what they get: some temporarily forced up stats and then a more thoroughly ARC broken field.
From my experience it’s obvious why they are sinking. I would have been a recent OT stat and paying them plenty of money except for the following outpoints: IAS, the CS changing my next action frequently, and disconnection requirements annoying me. Without that I would still be in since I really enjoyed Scientology services. They should fire the people responsible for inflicting those on the public.
While getting services IAS harassment is required. It’s on the routing form and they camp out in the HGC to get you. I heard they finally realized there are problems with the IAS lurking like toads in the HGC and that stopped but I haven’t been back. I’ve refused to watch the events for years because expecting busy people to sit for hours while you drone on frankly pissed me off with the blatant disrespect and disregard for our time. But the first thing the IAS does is make you watch as much of the latest event as they can get you to tolerate. It cost a lot of money to fly there plus accommodations, time off work and limited schedule I don’t have time for indoctrination propaganda! Then comes the two or three people sitting with one blocking the door while others lurk behind the wall panel listening while they interrogate you for money. The Columbian police reversing the crime wave always comes up year after year same old story it was getting me mad just listening to it like I’m too stupid to realize nothing new happened with all the money they got and they don’t even believe their own press because they didn’t carpet bomb the place with WTH after the first news story. They are milking old news clips because they got NOTHING. Plus the MAA already blackmailed me for $1000 holding OT eligibility up with a smile but it actually looked to me like she had a knife to its throat. That was my first encounter with MAA money shakedown I felt really shocked and betrayed.
The IAS interrogations push the “Ideal orgs will clear Earth” thing hard. At that point I’d never read any internet stuff but my own analysis was the mest obsessed expensive Ideal org push was damaging and going to be an anchor around Scientology’s neck. They have a hard time absorbing that reality so it’s round and round every time I went to LA. Last time I outright yelled at them they are going to destroy Scientology! Their response was “Have you watched any porn?” lol Apparently if under attack that is their approach to try to make you retract? Finally when I really just wanted to get to bed I gave them a couple thousand to shut them up. It was too late for my ride back to the manor so an IAS worker drove me home. They had a very nice brand new electric car. I was surprised I figured they must have a day job? Nope IAS was their job. That really struck me to the core. The people actually giving gain the auditors and tech staff can hardly afford a pencil and this IAS bridge troll is cruising around dripping with money? I went to bed mad and out ruds for session the next day. But actually relieved even under interrogation I did not reveal my bank account balance. It felt so good to get out of there with only FU money lost!
With no additional case action my CS has changed from FPRD, to CCRD, to just a few intensives to clear things up, to purif and objectives. OMG I think I’ll just read Way to Happiness and have a beer.
And no corporation has the authority or moral altitude especially if they are infested with parasites like the IAS to tell me what humans I am allowed to speak with. I’m not afraid to talk to anyone why would I allow an institution to put reins on me like that? I’m fully versed in PTS/SP tech I can decide for myself. It seems to me the church case level is pretty far down the awareness characteristics made even worse by a severe case of “we know best” blinding them to actual observation and ability to recognize that most problems come from within.
That was the last straw for me. I had several thousand on account so I liquidated it by just buying books which is another point of annoyance if this tech MUST be spread across the Earth then the materials shouldn’t be so blatantly overpriced and instead of cassette tapes why isn’t it on a freaking thumb drive? They can talk about clearing Earth as much as they want its actions that speak not words.
Very good points sunnymorning.
My husband was talking in front of a grocery store to a fellow SP and some stupid Scientologists came up to the fellow SP and told him he can’t talk to my husband because my husband is an SP. She didn’t know they were both SPs. What a horrible world to be a part of. So glad I’m out.
Perhaps in Dumb and Dumber 3 they’ll do a scene about it. Jim Carrey’s already poked fun at them.
I find it hard to believe you could encounter more than two scientologists in one place. What are the chances of that? One in eleventy billion?
W. Martin, It was outside Natures Food Patch which is frequented by many public and staff.
Awesome post, SunnyMorning!
Exactly Exactly Exactly!!!
Great post SunnyMorning!
I exited pretty much the same way as you…
Good to see another person that didn’t loose his/her self respect in a cult of invalidation, evaluation and money grabbing.
OMG Sunnymorning – you summed up the public experience beautifully. Bravo!
Yes, I get the feeling that a lot of people feel this way.
Sunnymorning, auditing is a pleasure, without any of the vulture culture. Find a great indie auditor and finish what you want on your own terms. You deserve and have a right to it.
One reason why ASHO is empty of public, in my humble opinion, is that the public really do understand that combining Day and Foundation was not per LRH and was a confession of failure.
I’ll take it either way. If the long time adherents like sunnymorning below finally get frustrated by the financial rape, or the techies find fault with management’s tweaking of hubbard’s nonsense or if new public are just smart enough to get suckered in, as long as it is empty, society is better off.
Should read “not to get suckered in”. Does that mean it was a missing solo “not”?
I think ASHO was empty before this unusual solution. It’ll just get emptied. 🙂
Yes, and ASHO was a training org that used to produce a lot of SHSBC graduates. So obviously auditors are not being made, at least in LA.
As Mike once stated, ‘the only people who would actually go into a cult org are those who don’t know how to use Google’. That’s probably the main reason they’re empty. And it’s just going to get a whole worse…
Google’s motto is ‘Don’t be evil.’ Doesn’t quite align with Dave’s dynamic.
David Miscavige may be brilliant in being able to take over a “religion” the way he has done over the past thirty years, but he is colossally ignorant in thinking he can apply heavy ethics and financial pressures and have parishioners hang around. He has an insane think that the parishioner OWES the church (him).
I have some trepidation in letting the fools in OSA reading this blog know this but imagine what would happen if David Miscavige had the capability to cognite and end Disconnection and other abuses inflicted on his own parishioners and just concentrate on good works. Yea. That’s hard to imagine.
I don’t think you have anything to worry about.
In the corporate world this is called consolidation a nicer word for downsizing.
FLAG is the one getting downsized; LA Org staffs are the collateral damage. And more to come as FLAG is surely running below 25% capacity.
The recent “stats” showed 22 L’s completions at an average of 21 hours would translate into 462 hours in the HGC. 50 Ls auditors is a capacity of 2000 hours in the HGC. So roughly they are running at 23.1% of capacity in the Ls HGC.
In average 10 clears per week (CCRD) is about 100 hours = 2.5 auditors doing CCRD fulltime I would say FFSO has more than 10 as capacity. So another 25% utilization at best
10 clears will take 5 years to OTV, that is estimated 1250 Nots hours over 5 years = 5 hours Class 9 per week added in future demand. I would guess the Class 9 deliver more than 5 Hours per week, so they empty out the HGC soon and are probably operate also below 25% of capacity.
Highest GI FSO ever was 2.2 Mio per week, average numbers around 2006 were 1 Mio per week, I would say we are now being very generous closer to $400k per week. That is quite a Shrinkage any corporation would be in serious trouble and surely in chapter 11 with such a trend.
No wonder they need to ship FSO Staff to LA Org. They are in a world of financial hurt. No matter what they say, this is about FLAG.
Regarding Mel&Chel this is not good news, LA Org will soon be declared an overwhelming success. So the model can be rolled out to all locations with close by existing Sea Org berthing. Pasadena, Valley and OC are next one can easily bus Sea Org from Hemet and Pac as FLAG can easily spare another 500 staff.
The implosion will accelerate with harsh ethics and people being offloaded and staff and public disaffecting at an ever accelerating rate.
I would estimate the Year 2015 will see the demise of the CO$ as we know it.
They are still spending heavily on legal and started a new wave to assert copyrights and trademarks they cannot defend. The more they hemorrhage money on this nonsense the better.
The bad news for anybody affected by disconnection is the demise of the COS will not be automatically the end of their sorrows. Anybody coming out of the CO$ at this point should be expected to require 5 years of decompression, until they can start to re-orient themselves on reality.
For a long time they will consider DM a martyr and the evil SPs being responsible for the troubles of the Church, before they can confront and discover the depth of lies and deception that are building blocks of the CO$.
Great data… and useful. Thanks, GW!
My personal guess for the end game will be a class action suit against the IAS. Just imagine…
A class action against the IAS. Oooohh – love it!
Taking ALL of Dave’s cash and requiring him to liquidate his Real Estate. Massive. What baracuda attorneys would not want to take that case on contingency?! Giving new meaning to the Cornerstone Club.
International World Court, crimes against humanity
Very interesting information Gerhard. I have been thinking a lot about Flag of late and was wondering how the lowered public and GI of Flag may fit in to the current scene in LA. There would be a connection. Thank you.
Gerhard, you are right on the money, in my opinion.
Plus it make leaving (or fleeing) the SO easier for those transferred (including the LA troops) (aside from the fact that it never is easy to leave – because one believed in the cause and wanted to help and it always requires duress to the point where it simply is too much).
But it will be easier. Why?
Because those Flag staff will feel DEMOTED and DEGRADED.
Because SO members are also “homy” people and like at least some stability in their lives. They may hate the daily routine at Flag but they got accustomed and adjusted to it to make it bearable. Now they are thrown out of their “home” (against their will, I am sure, no matter what they have to say). Everything is different, small amenities and friends are gone …. and one doesn’t feel the same “bond” with the new place yet.
I was at FLO (now ILO) and sent to CLO EU in Copenhagen on some “important” “strategic” bla bla and know how one feels from personal experience (and many others). (OSA … who is it? LOL. There are MANY 🙂
I have seen other “transfers” from FLO, Gold, CMO INT and yes, from RTC, arrive at CLO EU. Same story every time. And a good number of them quit the SO – shortly after arrival to the outpost. Many others took longer … but the vast majority is out.
Interesting post Gerhard. I certainly hope the disconnections resolve sooner, although decompression will be difficult for those so immersed.
Another major thought I just had that DM hasn’t factored in. Yes this will be another story about me, sorry. Every time I went on Decks, the public would ask about me. I was on decks 3 different times. They would always say I was on a “project”. Then I would come back to the courseroom and all the public would say how much they missed me, and I know that irked the FUCK out of the rest of Department 11, because I was just an out ethics scum bag who was constantly in Doubt.
Then when I got RPFed it was REALLY bad for them. Actually one of my former seniors made a point of coming over to the RPF to yell at me to tell me what an ASSHOLE I was because people were CONSTANTLY asking about me and it was annoying.
Then after I left the Sea Org all together I would bump into public and they would be shocked to see me, not in uniform. They would ask, “Are you not in the Sea Org anymore? (Sad face) and I would say yes and they would tell me they never did well on course after I was gone. It was never the same, etc. One student left the course room and never came back after I left.
I felt horrible. Like I had ruined everything. But I was FRIENDS with these people. I loved them. I actually had feelings for all of them. They were the children I was never going to have. All of them. I helped them with their life problems and dating and work issues. I was a counselor and confidant. All from the measly post of Word Clearer.
And that was just little old me.
Now imagine that you are a died in the wool public from LA Org, and EVERYONE you know is gone. Just poof. Like they never existed. Imagine you have been working with Cal Cole for 20 years while you toil away on your Solo courses and get yourself OT and he is just GONE.
It is going to be too be a shock for the public. They will rebel. They will ask too many questions. It will be overwhelming. And then the REAL heavy ethics will come down. They will put ANYONE on the meter who dares ask about the missing staff again. Then people will divide in two, the too scared to leave, and the OH HELL NO people who will get the fuck out. It will be brutal.
Additionally, I am sure this CRACK command team has had the FEAR OF GOD put into them. Because of course they aren’t good enough to make it at FLAG and have to be sent to the scourge of the Earth PAC, but at least they are better than those out ethics Scum Bags who can’t make anything go right. It is the pee on of the pee on contest. The command team is shit in FLAGs eyes but GOD’s in PAC’s. And the public, well they are just the money. They don’t count at all.
Keep the stories coming! All ex-SO have a unique experience and it’s illuminating to hear the stories.
Agreed, scnethics!
Staff stories often contain the information people need to know to make informed decisions about their own involvement in Scientology.
These stories contain the REALITY of what you are supporting when you are a Scientologist.
I agree, Alanzo, the staff and SO stories break it all down what an extremely suppressive, evil, malevolent, money grubbing church this is.
The church is really good at getting rid of people that actually cared about the people in front of them. You should consider it your badge of honor BBJ.
BBJ, you are awesome! But, you really never had a chance. You see, you really did want to make a difference in people lives! You actually cared for them! immensely! And, in turn, they all love you! Well, that was your mistake. You became a target after that. The cult always seems to after the smartest and brightest staff members. I guess misery really does love company!
Keep up your great post!
Don’t apologize for another story about you BBJ. Your stories are most welcome here. I always enjoy to hear from you and like the insight into the cult within the cult: The Sea Org.
BBJane, something tells me your life would make a good book, and contextually, your writing has vitality and reach. Just saying.
Ditto, good stuff bbj!
I agree!
Unmock is the stock in trade of the radical church BBJ. It sounds like you did a lot of good and cared for people. Good for you, be proud of that.
A friend told me that he’d heard from a friend who is forwarding that the GI immediately went from 15K per week to 200+ K in one week.
Some of these people will believe absolutely anything with zero personal inspection.
I was also told that staff were given the option of joining the SO and staying on staff as SO members. The current staff who chose not to sign the next billion years away may stay but at the end of their contract will have to leave. Of course, it’s now a Sait Hill sized org which will obviously have the universe corps there to get all the staff up to OOOOOOOT. So that carrot is now in place to entice some to join up.
Yep, these guys are tough, dedicated, on-purpose, ready to rumble with the wog world and clear this damn planet once and for all. Too bad they’re all brainwashed and utterly oblivious to what’s really going on in the world. That kind of dedication toward something useful might actually make LA a better place to live.
If it was true (highly unlikely) then they hit up on a whale to “get things moving” for the new Org and write a check for 200,000. The next week’s downstats will be forgotten.
Sounds like Bart needs to make another appearance and do some sort of match game!
I think Nancy should tell Dave to eat my shorts. I know Bart would.
Yep Mike, shit rolls downhill. They did a massive purge in :LA almost a year ago and ongoing. Now is the next new purge of both public and staff. I think the heavy ethics will result in massive public exodus and/or many becoming UTR. And staff exodus too. The church is their own worst enemy.
And this just in, an UTR friend of mine said in her org there are NO LONGER ANY GREEN VOLS anywhere to be found. Not int he course room and not in Qual. She went looking for it to find the reference on how it is against policy to combine Day and Fdn into one org. She couldn’t find any OEC or Management Vols anywhere, not even in Qual. That sent a shiver down my spine. It is so bad. Not only do the KA drinkers not know their own church policy, but now they can’t find the books to look them up in.
Green volumes? There have never been any green volumes. Surely you are mistaken. Perhaps a short visit to “the room” will ensure you are recalling the correct past, absent any green.
I heard Red Vols are being collected, too. Probably the big announcement at the IAS event this year will be new release of corrected Tech and Policy volumes and then, of course, the release of the new BC and OEC.
It’s amazing that the years I spent doing the Briefing Course and other courses and several internships are meaningless in the Church these days. Good thing I don’t give a damn.
Thing is – is this being done just to sell the “new” sets or is it a plot to burn the books and replace all those LRH policies and HCOBs that make life uncomfortable for COB.Or for both reasons? I read at St. Hill they did actually burn the “old” OEC volumes in furnaces.One can’t believe these things are occurring but then the “old” policies advised and taught one that such could occur. Even with a high confront of evil this is still somewhat galling. I wonder if all the many HCOB references to what is a floating needle will be “retired” as “not written by LRH”?
Well, we’re always willing to help UTRs out that are in a bind.
Tony De Phillips on the 10-3-14 THURSDAY FUNNIES gave an appropriate ref. It’s HCOPL 7 APRIL 1969
P. 916 OEC VOL 7 OPRG REDUCTION OR ERADICATION. Tony gives the various options there.
Maybe now that there are no longer green vols in the orgs we should do an Indie LIBRARY CAMPAIGN…
Red volumes next to disappear?
Might as well take LRH totally out and make a clean sweep. They’re mighty close.
Good one Greta. We could do a library campaign to donate original LRH red and green vols to the sheeple inside the church. Can I get an FSM commission if I sell you all a set?
Well the only way to make sure you aren’t violating policy is to eliminate policy all together. Then there is nothing to violate!
BBJ, you’re being funny, but that’s exactly what David Miscavige is doing. That is his solution. First eliminate it, then rewrite at his leisure. He’s still rewriting the Admin Dictionary, going on 20 years now, and counting.
Is Winston Smith a new member of the crack command team?
Joseph Goebbels is also there! If the intent is to further ARCX the LA field (and of course it is) then they should just send old Harv from Flag – it’ll be all over in a flash!
Well, I say good riddance! It’s not like they were following them anyway. And besides, when did having them and applying the data result in any significant, sustainable expansion?
“there is always someone to blame below me.” that’s the motto of the world since a long time .. but it is the way to go down in stats .. nobody should do that this way .. not good ..
This “blame” mentality is actually written into Hubbard’s Ethics “tech”.
An exec is only “safe” (or a while, that is) from being blamed for an alleged failure of a junior if the exec applied (preferably heavy) ethichs/justice on that junior. Not doing so shows “agreement” with the junior and so the next higher-up senior has to apply ethics on that more junior exec for his/her own protection. It’s a self-devouring system.
The LA “man up” stunt is such a stupid move on David Miscavige’s part (from a pro-Scn viewpoint) because with it he publicly confessed that what and who was there before the stunt was inefficient, incapable, wrong … i.e. it didn’t work (despite all the great things DM did that would guarantee planetary clearing). To make things worse, I bet that he will make a big thing out of it at his next event so everybody know what a great dude he is.
So the poor souls sent to LA aren’t merely expected to do a good job but MUST proof that DM is right – and if not, which is a no-brainer to predict, the ethics “tech” will come in and eat them and many publics alive. Many will blow of course but many of those willing to hang in there will be kicked out and declared as well.
By this system they HAVE TO decimate their own numbers even further at any costs … just to be “safe”.
All in all the LA stunt is another giant step in “planetary clearing” (wiping) Scientology from the face of this earth.
Yes, I think Miscavige speech at IAS event is going to be a real hoot. I’m pulling up a chair for that one.
Sorry to see that Cal Cole bit the dust. Was a dear old friend of mine. When we were on staff together in San Francisco in the 70s, he was the tours reg and I was the Director of Correction. There was an LRH ED to “cram a reg for every failed close.” So I would do a cram on Cal almost every week.
My stat was money paid for training, so I was always bugging him “training clams.” That’s really dating myself back to when dollars were sometimes called clams.
He began calling me the clam man and I called him calcium. Even up to a few years ago, when I last saw him. Now he would probably call me shithead, but I still have a warm spot in my heart for him.
He’s about 65, and having worked for the SO most of life, he probably has 0 retirement and 0 social security.
So, his only option is probably to take whatever medicine miscavige is dishing out.
With LA, the “largest concentration of SCN” in the world going through upheaval, it really can’t be too long before miscavige’s empire really begins to unravel.
I really don’t know what kind of actual good news could occur for SCN. New big time celebrity?, ringing endorsement from US president?, GAT III, miscavige hanging himself?
But I can think of a number of bad things, like more law suits, more press articles, more people waking up, more people realizing they are broke, etc.
Hi Sheldon,
I think there is only one piece of actual good news that could come out of the “church”, and that would be Miscavige confessing his actual crimes. Could this happen? With enough force, pain and duress, and fear, (he is a big coward) it could, if there was someone to apply the force, pain and duress.
What do you think a mind like David Miscavige would come up with as a crime, Morris?
You are right Sheldon… I never looked at it that way, but there is no chance of significant good news on the horizon for Scientology. There is only bad news and worse news.
In the old days of actual expansion, there was always the hope of “recognition” by governments, celebs, etc… But today, no one of any status in life would knowingly associate themselves with this nutty group.
” But I can think of a number of bad things, like more law suits, more press articles, more people waking up, more people realizing they are broke, etc.”
Seems like these would be the ‘good things’! And there will be a lot more of them from now on out. As the ship goes down, be careful of the suction from the backwash. It will be especially strong around Hemet.
Dave is hereby assigned to clean out the cesspool until Shelley returns.
It just staggers the imagination how perverted this whole game has become. Heads on the chopping block as public flee the parking lot.
I’ve heard those still in eat their young…
I think it is more like ‘the young still in are trying to eat their parents.’
EIther way …. is there ANYTHING else to eat???
Back in my day, Jeanie Ibert was ED of LA day and her husband Mike was FR of CC Int, which beach did they wash up on?
Either before that or after they were at Joburg. I was auditing a PC once who told me about giving Mike a handjob. She then said she wanted to do the same for me. Yup, that’s what happens in session folks. Well, that proves my ethics level is higher than that of the ‘most ethical group on the planet’!
I wonder how Miscavige feel about the Internet knowing the Org boars almost as well as himself within a week.
Mike, when they talk about the ‘field,’ are they talking about cult field auditors or indies? And, how do they know they’re ‘out ethics?’ Is it because they’re not sending their PCs to the complex? I know they’re empty of students there, but, how is that the ‘field’s’ fault?
Everything is the “field’s” fault when it comes right down to it. As of now, the new Crack Team is not to blame — they can shift it all over to the public. Once they have had a bit of time and don’t produce any results then the blame will start shifting to them for failing to “handle the out ethics in the field.” It’s the motto of Scientology Management “there is always someone to blame below me.”
When the music, costumes,”‘parties”, and 7 color lithograph commendations have run their course, count on Scientology to dust off that most favorite of chestnuts, ETHICS.
Trouble is, Miscavige has squeezed the field so hard and for so long that the current situation resembles that of of a jockey beating a dead horse.
Oh my… what a sickeningly horrible scenario.
Reminds me of sitting in front of a young and completely life inexperienced MAA at Flag. The report from my sec check on the desk in front of him.
“How in the hell does this kid know what it takes to run a business in the real world?” ran through my mind. And here he is chastising me and expecting me to make amends for my actions which produced the money so I could be sitting here getting grilled about how I got the money to be sitting here. And that was after more tailor made sec check questions than a IRS document which cost me $7k an intensive to be interrogated with.
Talk about biting the hand that feeds you… Geezes!! I’m no criminal, just a person with the balls or silly enough to hang out an ‘Open for Business’ shingle.
“How in the world did I buy that crap for so long?”. That is the true question that needs to be addressed for sanities sake. But sanity and corporate $cientology is akin to oil and water.
The blind leading the blind has morphed into something extremely ugly but I’ll be kind right now and say the dumb leading the dumber (the wrong leading the wronger works too).
Ok, I guess we’re talking church auditors in the field. OR, is it that indie auditors are doing so well in their practice that the church feels it’s infringing on their turf? But, I guess that’s the easiest way to shift any blame is to place on this concept that is the “Field.”
Thanks, Mike
Thanks for sharing your story BasketBallJane
Do you know what happened to Cal Cole?
I think he went to Flag with the other CICS Lundeen and Norton.
Perhaps Ms. Norton is due for her RPF refresher course.
And LA Org will become the new “Buffalo Org” with all of its actions to be duplicated and followed by all other orgs. The other Class V orgs will be made wrong for being so weak and unproductive compared to the “all powerful LA Org.” They will receive orders and programs to duplicate and follow the “successful actions” of LA Org. Of course, there will have no comment nor solution about how to first get 230 SO staff into each Class V org…that is beside the point. “Just make it go right…We did…We are the Sea Org!” Oh yes, LA Org production will also be awful, but they will somehow promote it as God-like.
The Church is way to easy to read
just curious; Why would anyone need 230 staff just to man a cl-5 org? (I thought that so called “ideal” would require about 120.)
And 76 staff are in div-6?
Well, 23 is a prime number and 0 represents a static. Clear?
perfect explanation 🙂 🙂
Thanks, Mike.
Yep, no doubt things are rapidly sliding down to the “too many rats in the cage”, syndrome.
Don’t be in the least surprised if the next stage turns out to be self consuming ‘cannibalism’!
Be assured though, that insulated King Rat wouldn’t turn a hair!
The behavior you describe is referred to as a “behavioral sink.”
What a remarkably good description of the cult’s going down the drain.
T’enk yoo verra motch! 🙂
Does anybody know if Julian Schwartz is still the chief MAA at aola?
Last I heard he was and he was also the handler for my exes cycle which I think is still going on. They want to declare her because she still occasionally communicates to me directly about some of our settlement agreement particulars. I guess Julian wants her to hire an attorney and do everything on a via because I have been declared and she may get some of my kooties on her with direct communicatiion.
Yo Julian,
Think about what a fucked up mess you are promoting here. If you let Sheri communicate directly with me (especially since she has done your stinking PTS-SP course about four or five frickin times) and should be able to handle any suppression by now for christs sake. But the bottom line is that she would have more $$$ to give to you thieving criminals if she didn’t have to spend it on attorneys fees. So whatta ya gonna do now? Declare her a suppressive person or give her a bunch of sec checking to get her to see the light?
Thank you Cooper. He did quite a bit of damage to my family as well .
Sorry about yours though , hopefully not for too much longer.
Same Story different decade. When we fired back for GAT1 in 1996, we got the hoopla and the parade treatment and all that. We talked to people at the event and everything was roses for about a month or two. Then when people weren’t BREAKING DOWN THE DOORS to get this new improved tech, we of course threw everyone on the meter. Public mostly but of course the staff. Including the GAT team. Mostly me, lets face it. I was a CI bitch and everyone knew it. (Not really. I was the only person from the team who had any actual stats. But I was the easiest target. The most popular with the public and I was a target of CC management specifically the Chief Officer Rene for YEARS. That is another story for another time though.)
So of course I blew. That was really fun. Especially after GAT release. People lost their SHIT. I mean you woulda thought that I had stolen the crown jewels the way they came after me, barging into my parents house and searching it, like I was hiding under my mothers bed or something. Truth was I was tired, and sick, like actually sick so I blew and did the HORRIBLE thing of taking myself to see my grandparents and a doctor. HOW out ethics. Then when I came back and turned myself in, which in retrospect I should have NEVER done, it was utter hell. Nothing was the same again. I was damaged goods. It was awful. from that point forward I was a pariah.
So I can only imagine the type of heavy handed ethics that is going on right now with the remaining staff at AO, ASHO, and LA Org. The public will get a dose for sure. But they can’t go all Spanish Inquisition on them like they can on the staff. I predict not only a massive Public blow off from this but a MASSIVE staff one as well. Everyone has their breaking point.
BBJ — yep, its deja vu all over again. See answer to OSD about this which I wrote before I read your comment.
Thank you for sharing Jane, I always enjoy your comments.
BBJ. You have quite a hellacious story. Glad you got out.
They do go Spanish Inquisition on public. I was lucky recipient of that type of auditing and sec checking and then MAA handlings. Real mean stuff and shocking to me. It was shocking.
I am sure it was McCarran. Everything they do is over the top. The difference being when you are a public, they eventually have to let you go home or to work. People would miss you. Someone could file a missing persons report. When you are in the SO they control everything. You are under 24 hour guard. At one point, for me, I was under CONSTANT supervision. Like I had to go to the bathroom with someone watching me. I had to take a bath instead of a shower so someone could watch me do it. Someone was staring at me 24 hours a day. What I ate was regulated. My ID was taken from me and I wasn’t allowed to touch my own money. If I started to speak I was screamed at into submission. I was held against my will on the base and off the base. Trust me, although your and other public experiences are disgusting and things from nightmares, the Sea Org Experience cranks that to 11. Past 11 back around again and again until you aren’t even sure who you are any more. It is much like being a POW in war. Physically and mentally they break you. They own you.
Horrible. I can’t wait for it to be over. Such an evil group.
BBJ – your description of being held by the SO sounds like standard Human Trafficking. It’s illegal to hold someone hostage like that, even a “volunteer employee”, which I believe the SO are legally called.
My son was held in a locked room with the door barricaded by 4 adults for over 4 hours until he signed a Sea Org contract. He was only 12 at the time, several months before his 13th birthday. Lucky for him, he had an advocate. I can only imagine how much worse it is for the SO member.
Lucky for those recruiters some irate and physically inclined parent didn’t punch their teeth down their throats.
The really, really good news is that despite all of the Titanic deck chairs that were thrown at you, you were able to tell them to stick it. I admire your resolve! VVWD by the way! You get a pass with honors.
BBJane, thanks for a great post. History repeating itself, indeed. I’d love to hear your complete story someday if you’re in the mood.
You are one incredibly strong woman to put up with that much crap! So very glad you’re out and living free.
So if Melanie Lekas and Chel Stith, former ED’s of Day and Fdn at LA Org are moving to Pasadena to run that place, what happened to the Pasadena D/ED? Did they just kick that person out? Who was that anyway?
Rona Bowles (Tim Bowles wife) and Sara Jonic.
Where did they go?
I’m a huge fan of Kate Bornstein’s. Did not know her daughter was a Scientology exec. What a drag.
It’s so beyond a drag (just speaking for how I see it).
it’s so f-ing sad to me=(
Kate’s daughter is missing out on DECADES that can NEVER be replaced.
Sad… that’s how that makes me feel.
And, Yes.. I know the Kate details.
I am pretty sure Kate also has a granddaughter whom she has never met. VERY sad indeed.