This is a follow up to my previous article, Scientology and Status.
virtue signalling
noun [U]
UK (US virtue signaling)
/ˈvɜː.tʃuː ˌsɪɡ.nəl.ɪŋ/
An attempt to show other people that you are a good person, for example by expressing opinions that will be acceptable to them, especially on social media — Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus
To take a conspicuous but essentially useless action ostensibly to support a good cause but actually to show off how much more moral you are than everybody else — Urban Dictionary
New research by Ekin Ok, Yi Qian, Brendan Strejcek and Karl Aquin (University of British Columbia) has found that those who frequently engage in virtue and victim signalling are more likely to have “Dark Triad” personality traits: narcissism (entitled self-importance), machiavellianism (strategic exploitation, duplicity) and psychopathy (callousness, cynicism). [1]
In their paper, Signaling Virtuous Victimhood as Indicators of Dark Triad Personalities, the authors suggest such behaviour is ultimately rooted in the quest for social status.
NB. Factors that reflected genuine victimhood were controlled for.
Key findings include:
– Those with higher Dark Triad traits were more likely to have high virtuous victim scores
– Virtuous victim signallers were more likely to make “unethical” decisions (the end justifies the means)
– During a coin flip game, signallers were more likely to lie and cheat in order to win
– Signallers were more likely to smear a perceived competitor in order to advance their status
– Of the three Dark Triad traits, narcissism proved to be the most significant in predicting virtue/victim signalling behaviour.
Whilst real victims obviously exist, they are not typically driven by the desire for status.
Those who openly crow about their moral superiority and/or fake victimhood are far more likely to have sociopathic traits. They are more inclined to lie, cheat and manipulate others in their quest for social dominance and advancement.
1. Ok, E., Qian, Y., Strejcek, B., & Aquino, K. (2020). Signaling virtuous victimhood as indicators of Dark Triad personalities. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Advance online publication.
3. Pratto, Felicia, James Sidanius, Lisa M. Stallworth, and Bertram F. Malle. 1994. Social dominance orientation: A personality variable predicting social and political attitudes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 67, no. 4: 741-763.
4. Sidanius, J., & Pratto, F. (1999). Social dominance: An intergroup theory of social hierarchy and oppression. Cambridge University Press.
Yo Kathy,
Check with Dave on this and do it per the GAG III new and improved tech right after you M4 and *rate ‘Gradients and how they apply to learning’ ……….
Take a paper cup. Carefully fill it up to the brim with air. Make sure it is totally full. Have Dave look at it and verify. Now using intention (the kind you use on ash trays) lift that sucker up. If you have difficulty try this:
Note that it is full of air and have Dave check the temperature. It should be hot air and if not have Dave fill it up with some of his. Have him breath on it. Hot air should be lighter than normal air and you probably can lift it up and take yer win.
Now go to success and heap praise on all of Dave’s hot air and your new found Oh Tea abilities and send it over to Advance Mag and don’t forget to pick up yer commendation.
If yer still having trouble …… try adding a helium balloon.
You will be expected to come on stage at the Eye A Ass convention this Fall and show yer wins and gains all due to the correct application of tech and gradients. remember, none of yer good fortune is Mike’s fault.
If all else fails, she can always try to run around in circles for a while.
Kathy is skin and bones. She is dressed to hide it but it looks like a skeleton in the pant legs. Maybe too many months/years in The Hole or maybe cancer. Another ruined and wasted person that started out just wanting to help make a better world.
From all I’ve read about life in the Sea Org, from all that ex-SO have shared about the insanity of life in this organization and especially in DM’s orbit at Gold, I’d say that “Have Never Been Assigned To The RPF” would be in the HIGHEST status for any Sea Org Member to strive for and for anyone in longer than 8 years, almost impossible to attain.
This is what I’ve thought too, ever since I Mike posted that yard picture of mother and daughter gardening. Cathy has some kind of wasting disease. Taryn looks quite well fed. Her mother does not and its not because she’s thin. She has a kind of scarecrow look. I’m not being funny. I’ve seen that look before on people who had cancer.
I guess that makes Kathy PTS? Oops. I guess the tech didn’t work on her? It’s been years since that episode of the scratch on her arm? The tech can’t heal her??? If she’s lying she will “pull in” a withered useless arm in the future! Does she not believe her own organization tech? She is setting overt motivator sequence for her and her daughter! Tsk tsk tsk
She’s still harpin’ on that arm thing? She needs to update her routine. Really re-invite her “the lady doth protest to much/uber victim” skit.
So poor Cathy can’t hold a full glass of water anymore. Parkinson’s maybe? I don’t know but she doesn’t look well and it has nothing to do with her ex husband. Its just so disgusting that she and her daughter are blaming him for some disorder she has – if its even true. And if its not true, well! I happen to believe its REALLY bad luck to lie about being ill. I’m leaning toward it being a total lie because if she is unable to even cut her own food that means she’s unable to work and the Sea Org would offload her. There’s no way the Sea Org would keep her around if she’s really as disabled as she says she is.
Makes ya wonder why Dave wouldn’t want to have her get some Dianetic auditing and run out the incident to a full EEE PEE ……………. and git er back to work.
Yo Dave,
Allow me good buddy ………… to offer up the long answer…………
“because yer frickin shit tech doesn’t change a thing, especially a withered arm connected to a brain dead cult member.” No wunder ya don’t use it.
and Kathy ………….. beware, soon you will believe the old right hand side of yer slave labor meat body really is broken ……… and it will be! Remember that ‘power of postulates’ crap that is also routinely tossed out by the feeble minded! You believe it and you own it. Now ya git to live with it. Enjoy!
Lethal. Still laughing.
Hello Aqua, I seem to have discovered that lying about being sick is more than just bad luck. It does bring bad luck but that is because of the laws of Universal Justice or Cosmic Justice that most people refer to as Karma. Lying about an illness is definitely bad Karma and if she is lying, I would encourage her to admit that and apologize to Mike et all as soon as she can.
I seem to have also discovered that once someone brings bad Karma onto themselves, if they then proceed to admit the truth, apologize and take definite steps to reverse what they did, they are often rewarded with good Karma – usually in a much larger amount than bad Karma.
People may laugh at this. I have never read any “experts” who said this. It’s just something that seems to be clear to me in my life.
I hope Cathy will think it over and do the right thing – whatever that may be.
Skyler, I couldn’t agree more with the points you made. “People may laugh at this.” Not me.
” I hope Cathy will think it over and do the right thing – whatever that may be.”
Skyler, What are the chances of that happening? !!!!!!! It is a nice thought though, one I have shared down through the times of:
1) Kids joining the SO and still seeing them once a year.
2) Reg cycles somehow ending
3) Auditing somehow working
4) $cientology becoming mainstream and benefiting people
5) Wife placing more value on relationship than being in a cult
6) Cult telling wife to donate because she is the big being
7) Cult telling hubby to donate because he is the big being
8) Cult not lying cause they are the most ethical group on the planet.
9) Counting on the cult or any of its members to do the right thing…..
I’m finally over it!
Yo Dave,
Howz about you good buddy? Nother day in paradise for sure ……. as only a true psychopath could appreciate. Do the right think Dave ……………….. end it!!!
Newcomer, You ask a very poignant question; “What are the odds of this happening?”
The truth is that I have no idea and I don’t think anyone else can pretend to know either. The reason is a concept called “Free Will” and it is described something like this. Everyone has the choice to do something or not do it. The decision on what you choose to do is called “Free Will”. Everybody has the right to choose what they will or won’t do. I forget where I first heard about this but it is one of the strongest arguments against time travel. I do not believe that anyone can claim they have travelled to the future and will know what will happen because if they went to the future a second time, people who have chosen to do something the first time are absolutely not bound to make the same choices a second time. They have free will.
I know this seems quite impossible when someone is pointing a gun to your head or when you are being threatened with disconnection or “fair game” tactics in one way or another. But even in those cases, the choice you make may be incredibly more difficult. But you still may choose to do what they demand or to not do it.
I sincerely hope that Cathy will one day discover the true nature of this criminal cult and realize they have been lying to her for her entire life. They are absolutely NOT the most ethical organization on this planet – not even close. In fact, they may very well be the most unethical organization in this universe. That is far more likely than them being the most ethical.
For anyone who may not be a member of this fake religion, please allow me to sum it up. This scam is NOT a religion. It is a business that is worse than any organized crime loan sharking or protection scheme. These people will attempt to get all your money and then force you into huge credit that will bankrupt you. If you are a member, please leave immediately. If you are not a member, do not even think of having anything to do with them. If you join this cult, your life will become a living misery and the strongest aspect of that is financial. They will force you to give them all your money and then force you into bankruptcy. Stay away from this scam. Stay away – all the way away!
This is a very important research. It applies not only to cult leaders, but also to certain politicians. The public is better to be aware of such personalities.
Politicians, actors, popstars, sportstars, journalists, celebrities, the twitterati…
Lol moderator deleted my perfectly legitimate comment. I know little buddy, sometimes truth is painful and scary. Best just to pretend it isn’t there.
If indeed Kathy ‘Victimness Maxius’ is dramatizing a withered arm on her own, regardless of a scripted show; then I fear it will most certainly fester and fall off her shoulder in time. Such is the nature of obsessive compulsions.
In the early 70s and in talking with old timer auditors I asked about auditing Dominant Valences (like Charles Manson) and any successes they might have had. The takeaway was: Don’t ever try it, you just might get attacked, and the auditor does not stand a chance again such certainty and power.
“…dramatizing a withered arm…” Yes, that’s exactly what the cult would say to any of their K/A drinkers!
Off to Ethics you go! Time to become, “slight, gentle cause”.
OMG I can hear the E/O’s voice now: “So, what part of a withered, disabled arm can you be responsible for?…Oh, I see. Orders, huh? Direct orders from COB? Hmmm…well, Ok, let’s take another look…is it real for you that you pulled this in? Take a look, Cathy.”
Will SOMEONE please apply LRH Ethics Tech and ask this woman what part of having now a useless, withered arm she can be responsible for?
Cult members, heal thyselves!
Hey Aqua, it’s been ages since I’ve seen you in such a great and happy mood.
It looks good on you! Whatever may be the reason, I hope it keeps on happening for you!
Thank you, Skyler 🙂 Appearances to the contrary, I haven’t been in a bad mood per se, just really busy, in that my job description since March all of a sudden expanded to include the necessity of continually assisting various young people in sorting out their financial concerns (due to Covid) as they relate to matters concerning my business. By vocation I am not a therapist nor am I a financial consultant! These kids though, they just need someone to listen to them and make suggestions and in that way help them sort out their own essential concerns so they can decide what they need to do. They are dealing with uncertainty; they have to make decisions not knowing what the next year will bring. That said, I’m very glad that I myself still have a job (2 actually) even though my own business has been impacted. I’m in an area that initially was very hard hit and we are doing the mask and social distancing thing very strictly here. We are not opening up irresponsibly. The good news is that pre- vaccine, our efforts are working, and my area, once the worst for Covid bad news, now leads the rest of the US in Covid good news. I’m optimistic by nature and in that its obvious to me and to anyone paying attention that the economy tanked because of Covid, a safe and effective vaccine will calm peoples’ fears and allow us as a nation to begin to safely reopen our businesses and withal permit the economy to begin to viably recover – a recovery based, hopefully, on real production and not the artificial juicing that our government has been giving the stock market. When I walk around and see practically everyone with a mask, when we bump elbows instead of shaking hands and smile because we are experiencing the same connection a hand shake gives, I feel really happy because I know that we are going to come thru this and when we recover it will be a stable recovery because we’re applying discipline and common sense to the situation now. And then, to experience a different world, I come on here to read Mike’s daily article, and I’m both amazed and encouraged and dare I say inspired all at the same time. Mike writes an article every day. He’s not only an excellent wordsmith but he cares and his ability to persist on a given course is very great. (Stop blushing, Mike.) And then there’s RB every Friday, and Brian and mwestern’s articles and then there are the comments from The Regulars on the blog I can read and learn from the experiences they share and get laughs sometimes (no small thing and very healing to me) and I can comment too and people actually read what I write (I think 🙂 ) I can joke, I can be pissed, I can be sarcastic, I can be however I happen to feel at any given time provided I don’t violate Mike’s basic and necessary rules. Coming here to read and post is therapy, in brief. And OMG this has gone on way too long, so Skyler, my friend, thanks for reading this if indeed you have managed to do so.
I have definitely read it and want to tell you that here – in the land of ice and snow – we no longer even bump elbows. Now, we just wave elbows at each other. Unfortunately, it seems there are many so-called “covidiots” who seem to believe that a good party where everyone gets drunk before the night is out is to be valued above contracting this disease. I’m talking mostly about young people.
They seem to believe – and I’ve heard it said, “If I die, then I die.” But these poor souls don’t seem to take into account the intense suffering that people endure when they come down with COVID. I’ve heard people say it was the worst pain they have ever felt and they now endure some major health problems that will be with them for the rest of their lives.
So … NO! A good party is not worth getting this disease. If I was in government I would hammer home that message. Most of these people seem to believe it is just not worth worrying about. That is a completely misguided attitude.
But I’m happy to hear that you are feeling fulfilled in your job. Helping others is always a good source of enjoyment. Congrats to you Aqua … ***waving elbow at you***
I answered Aqua’s post above and this post contains some follow up info about that. I hope they get published in the right order. But if not, this may explain why they may seem out of order.
Above is a link from an NFL quarterback who has a life that most people would die for. He will earn millions and millions of dollars and never have to work again. Yet he says such an incredibly stupid thing. “If I die … then I die”.
This relates to Aqua and the kids she is helping. So many don’t care if they have the chance to attend a big one night party, they have the same attitude. “If I die … then I die”. But they don’t consider that for most people who get this disease, they don’t just close their eyes and peacefully die. They spend a few days in a hospital bed suffering the most intense pain anyone ever feels in their lives. Then, in case they survive, they have serious health problems that last for the rest of their lives and make their lives a living Hell. So how stupid is it to go to some big party saying, “If I die … then I die”.
It is the most stupid thing I can imagine. So Aqua has a big job ahead of her with the kids she is helping and she will have good reason to feel like she has really done some good if she can help convince them this “covidiot” attitude is really a big mistake.
When my right collarbone was fractured in Vietnam I had to learn to eat and drink and other necessary cleanings with my left arm only. Took about a week but I could carry coffee and eat one arm without the need to publicize it. The other thing I noticed is ask almost any veteran who saw action in combat and they will downplay it or not talk about it at all. Most never wear their rightfully earned medals. Such a difference when compared to the wee little one getting a fake medal in front of his captured quests.
First, thanks for serving. I did my three (1957-1960) and it was a very fortunate time.
Second, my dad fought on Iwo Jima, and was at the Little Rock VA hospital when
a civil servant was trying to get services ahead of my dad. One shove of my dad and the civil servant went down with broken jaw and 3 ribs. Hey, he was already at a hospital. I cannot imagine what happened to anyone claiming stolen valor in the 40s or 50s.
Scientology/Hubbard also has the “captive audience” thing going on with it’s/his-rules.
Scientology is a captive audience.
That’s got to be mentioned I think relating to Hubbard and Scientology.
They have the captive audience thing going on.
Kathy should be careful of what she wishes for. If she really wants justice she will end up in a world of hurt due to her lies and attempts to falsely harm Mike. Real justice will bite her and the creepy daughter hard in the butt.
So true! Great comment!
OSA/Cathy, if Cathy’s arm would be as damaged as you claim, you would not hesitate to sue Mike Rinder.
So why don’t you? Because it’s all drama and fake and lies. Pathetic!
Another great point! Mike would be legal toast if he had caused lasting and/or substantial injury to her arm The cult doesn’t fund Cathy in a lawsuit because there’s absolutely zilch evidence in the police report of any the injuries to her arm, nor has she shown any doctor’s report since which assigns any disability of arm motion to the cult’s parking lot ambush of Mike.
O/T. A quick addendum to my post yesterday.
2018 Scientology Dianetics Auditor of the Year and Scientology Classed (i.e., E-Meter) Auditor-in-Training Nation of Islam Sister Charlene Muhammad also says:
“The white man was born with lying and murder in their nature.”
Whenever I see a picture of Hubbard talking it always looks like he’s sneering with those purvy lips of his. He simply doesn’t look like anyone I would follow in 75 million years.
And all I’ve got to say about that supposed arm injury is “Ohhhh Puleeeeeze”
An interesting perspective. I have always found the basic archetype patterns that Jung speaks of to simplify these personality demonstrations. Caroline Myss does a wonderful job expanding on his work. The Victim is a powerful mindset many use to become special and use it to gain control over their designated Victimizer. Hubbard loves to play the Savior and the Hero while Miscavige relishes the Dictator/Ruler. In working with these over the past twenty five years, they were all deep compensations for the self loathing and fearful self image they held deep inside themself which they repressed and denied.
Great descriptive article. While it’s obvious who, in the scientology, this refers to, I also couldn’t help but make a direct line from what’s presented in this article to the behavior of the president of the U.S.
and the Democrat P and VP candidates. They lie too.
I’m not saying they don’t. Many politicians lie at times. However, the point of this article and the association I make is that The Dark Triad — all three parts of it — fits the current U.S. president precisely. Beyond this comment I’m will not get into a pissing match about U.S. politics since I find it a waste of my time.
I wonder if researchers took into consideration undue influence factors.
Scientology enables these traits when perhapes under better circumstances the person would improve themselfs.
I’ve read several places that it is common for mental growth to be stunted when under abuse or recovering from trama.
When Mike’s daughter and X speak, I don’t attribute it to only them so I can’t judge them as per the above.
Unless I’m not reading something correctly here – I didn’t read all the references.
Correction: Ha, missed a paragraph
“Factors that reflected genuine victimhood were controlled for.”
Thank you for the artical
An important point/distinction, absolutely.
If I may ramble for a wee while… One thing I took from this, and previous research on SDT/SDO (social dominance) is that in a group built on such extreme hierarchies (and esp as the advancement of status is scientology’s central religious practice) it is perhaps inevitable that those with dark triad traits would excel more than most. This is true in any hierarchical structure. The risk of tyranny is ever present. And sociopaths love hierarchies. In scientology, however, Hubbard’s “winning valence” is both the destination and the journey. Forget the ARC Triangle. The dark triad is arguably the greatest predictor of scientological success – especially within the SO. If you throw in social compliance and the fear of punishment (ie. loss of status) it isn’t hard to understand how people are driven into adopting these traits.
One thing the study highlighted was that narcissism appeared to be a significant variable, suggesting that whilst ppl may demonstrate psychopathy and machiavellianism, it is the additional presence of narcissism that enables the most successful prediction of attitude and behaviour. Whether Taryn and Cathy are themselves narcissistic is not for me to say…but you don’t need to look far to find the nest. If nothing else, their behaviour exposes scientology’s institutional dark triad. Sociopathy by scripture. Created by Hubbard. Perpetuated by one of his biggest victims. Adopted by all, to varying degrees.
Yes Westen, so true.
I guess I also realize that in my 40 years under the spell and 20 of those in the SO, I never wished for status. It wasn’t what I was there for.
However, in the Sea Org I did wish for status in that I was in fear of RPF or expel.
That is the status I daily strove to attain ‘Ethics Protection’ LOL
The status of being allowed to do my 100 hour week post.
Imagaine that.
I laugh about the foolishness of it all now.
Again, thank you for the artical. Scientology is such that I don’t know how, once in, anyone can get completly out without understanding these mental phenomena. Gaslighting, cognitive dissonance, learned helplessness, undue influence etc.
I hate like hell learning a new language but some of the concepts are hard to fathom and relay without them.
From all I’ve read about life in the Sea Org, from all that ex-SO have shared about the insanity of life in this organization and especially in DM’s orbit at Gold, I’d say that “Have Never Been Assigned To The RPF” would be the pinnacle of achievement, in truth the HIGHEST status for any Sea Org Member to strive for and as regards a long term SO member virtually impossible to attain.
Thank you again Westen,
I don’t see how a person once ‘addicted’ to scientology, can get himself out without understanding what it is and does.
I’m not talking about the promoted gains of awareness – with TRs, Clearing and OT levels. I’m talking about the exact results that are accomplished as one moves up those statues.
TRs – the ability to get high without drugs effect (addiction)
Clear – the ability to feel you have regained your own self (whether you have or not)
OT – the forever belief that your hard earned OT abilities are why you can have parking spaces magicly appear (confirmation biases)
While learning all this new jargon, I’ve had the task of self-correction so it’s all well worth it.
Perhaps for others leaving a small study program could be done and sent to the Aftermath for their website help.
We are all different but I’ve met several persons who don’t even know what gaslighting means.
Understanding cognitive dissonance, learned helplessness, confirmation biases helps enormously.
And about statuses – yes, in the SO my primary goal for status quickly became just not getting in trouble so I could remain on my 100 hour a week post. Seems so foolish now.
This is my second reply in case the other similar shows up.
“I guess I also realize that in my 40 years under the spell and 20 of those in the SO, I never wished for status. It wasn’t what I was there for.”
You didn’t want to go “up the Bridge”?
“I don’t see how a person once ‘addicted’ to scientology, can get himself out without understanding what it is and does.I’m not talking about the promoted gains of awareness – with TRs, Clearing and OT levels. I’m talking about the exact results that are accomplished as one moves up those statues.”
Agreed. Just this week I was engaging with a long-time ex who had seemingly done little to no research into the psychological phenomena he was exposed to – well-researched, established phenomena that Hubbard redefined as religious/peak experience. He had no alternative proposition for what he went through and thus had no option but to take Hubbard at his word. It boggles the mind. So much for KRC…
“…the ability to get high without drugs…”
I’m more anti-drug than pro but at least with psychedelics the imagery is metaphorical; one can analyse its meaning on any number of levels. With scientology its taken literally, without any abstraction; preconditioned by Hubbard’s ubiquitous narrative; a piece of a puzzle one mistakenly believes is one’s own.
Very interesting. The simple fact that they believe to be the elected ones (they have the only tech and solutions) makes them to fit fully in this dark triad.
Even if someone after 20 years made just a few services, but is enough.
Totally deluded. They are so far away from truth.
There are certain injuries like back pain that are just impossible to prove. I was very lucky because my back injury is clearly shown with an MRI. But a large number don’t show any evidence at all. So, as far as I know, anyone can claim pain in their back or pain in their arm but it is often just impossible to prove or disprove that.
Some insurance companies hire private investigators to follow around people making these claims and they often can prove they are not as injured as they claim to be.
I would just ask people to consider and compare the character of Mike Rinder and his conduct since he left the scam. Then compare that with the character and the conduct of this phoney religion. There are mounds of evidence of them harming people with their “fair game” ploy but all the claims they have made they help people after natural disasters turn out to be just drumming for financial contributions.
Who would you believe in this case? I would believe Mike without any doubts or reservations. His character is such that he is truly a very fine and moral man and I just hope and pray that “time will tell” insofar as this arm injury goes.
You’re correct about it not always being possible to prove, or disprove, back and arm pain. However, as a “good” Scientologist wouldn’t Cathy (or is it Cathi?) have audited the injury away? Get her into Ethics P.D.Q.!
That never occured to me. But it is most excellent thinking and with any luck, people who are thinking about joining this cult will understand that means it is all just a big lie designed to rob people. Excellent idea Miss Dutch!
I reached the OT VIII height of the Scientology Bridge about two weeks ago. To test my new OT VIII fascist powers, I tried a little experiment. In a business deal a man offered 12 months of zero interest on $3,500.
He called and said that he could only allow 6 months at 0%. Using my newly discovered OT VIII fascist powers, I said “I am going to let the air out of your truck tires”. He said “I was reading from the wrong column, you have twelve months at 0%”. I said good. You see Scientology works.
George we can conclude it works! Damn. I will apply immediately with my building administrator. Recently he is starting to be less willing to listen my points. . Laughing.
That sounds just like one of the stories that Hubbard would tell during a lecture…..and everybody would “Oooohhh & Aaaahhhh”.
So just for you George: Oooohhhh………Aaaaaahhhhhhh………..
I love that picture of miscavige receiving his self-procured medal in a ceremony that he had set up. He looks appropriately like The Joker.
There are no words that go low enough that express the picture of your ex and daughter in an interview also set up by miscavige.
It would be fun to have PI’s follow Cathy around and take pics of her using her right hand to hold glasses of water, cups of coffee, carrying things. And then post them on her site and everywhere else too.
Wonderful idea Cindy. Now that would truly be “Justice for Mom”!
I wonder how they would feel about having “fair game” used against them; or whether they are even capable of having any kind of feelings anymore after living in this criminal enterprise for so long.
No doubt she has done a couple rounds of dumpster diving with her right handed toothbrush. Taryn was probably supervising the affair.
I was thinking of this exactly. There are PI’s who investigate insurance fraud and false disability claims. I know of person who spent a day golfing just to get a video of someone swinging a club, carrying his bag, slamming his trunk shut…all while claiming to be bedridden. Not sure if Kathy is allowed out in public to observe.
Wouldn’t that truly be justice? If she thought she would make up this phony story as a way to hurt Mike and the scam then decided she must be confined to some place where she could never be seen doing anything with her arm.
I suppose they would also have to assign her a “minder” or two so she could be monitored around the clock. I have often thought having a minder watch me around the clock would be one of the most creepy things I would have to suffer. But then again, that would truly be …
Justice for YKW (You Know Who)
Such a great point!