Oh, what could be more fun than a David Miscavige Film Festival? Sitting for hours (punctuated by the obligatory standing ovations to prevent dozing off) watching Mr. Mickiewicz spout Shermanspeak proclaiming the great accomplishments of scientology taking over the world.
I can imagine those who show up (perhaps because they are doing lower conditions?) feel this vibe:
Back in the “good old days” of scientology this would have been “L. Ron Hubbard tape plays” or perhaps showings of the Hitchman Interview and Clearing Congress Films. These are the only visual presentations of Hubbard talking that could be shown publicly — the Clearing Course films are confidential and batshit crazy and the Granada TV interview is so damning (“I had no second wife” and “Do you ever think you are quite mad?” “Oh yes, only a madman doesn’t think he’s mad”) it could never be shown to scientologists.
Just for fun, and in case you have never seen it — below is the Granada TV World In Action interview with the Commodore. David Miscavige channeled him in doing his infamous Ted Koppel Nightline show.
Clearing Course Lectures and History of Man were the best bat shit crazy parts Mike!
Maybe I looked at it wrong, but once your down the rabbit hole, how is one thing more insane than another?
At least you can be entertained.
According to sources on China Town ( Toronto) the ill fated Chinese balloon final destination was …..yes its correct …it has tons of Tek in it…damn.. Pentagon destroyed it purposely.
OMG Mike where did you find that picture?
That picture of that crazy guy is what my mind WAS before, during and throughout events.
Those events.
Those events, to which we were “invited”.
And invited. And invited and invited and invited, non stop, for weeks preceeding these things.
For weeks preceeding an event one’s name went ON the list and NEVER left it.
The calls never stopped because one was called until one said, “Yes”, and then once one said “Yes” one was placed on the “Confirm” list. One was then confirmed, re-confimred, re-re-re confirmed…it never ceased right up to the event itself. Easily 8-10 calls per day.
Insanity. Utter, total insanity.
Out for 10 years now I look back on these times with wonder. Did I really put up with this for 28 years? How did I do it? I know today I could not.
Just reading down the list here of “epic, historic COB briefings” was mildly stomach clenching.
That’s from A Clockwork Orange
LOL, thanks. I was out of the country when that came out. Still haven’t seen it.
Recap of FLORIDA VMs IN ACTION (spoilers)
9 AM Camera operators (2 people) set up
9:15 People (3) begin to arrive at the Org parking lot
9:45 Everyone on phones threatening others to get their hiney down here
10:15 More people (4) arrive
10:20 Test photo taken – Decision made – still need more people
10:30 Back on phones screaming at others
11:00 One more couple (disgruntled) arrives
11:15 Staged photos taken
11:20 Shirts taken back
11:25 Everyone pats self on back and leaves
Can David Miscavige swim?
It would be a nice scenic ending if David Miscavige was swimming to the horison with a sparkler in his behind. Fzzz!
and then end meets end as the obligatory applaud.
David Miscavige ~~ Self adulation
***WARNING*** The following post may contain images that are unsuitable for human beings. Please be advised you may wish to avoid reading this post.
Seems to me his most “fun day” would be the day that Shelly disappeared.
It’s so reassuring to know that he is using all of his resources to look for her and he will not stop until she is found. What a man among men! What a cockroach among the cockroaches!
Oh for the good old days! When a suitable punishment would be insisting that for the rest of her life, Shelly would be mandated to use his mouth as a toilet.
Wouldn’t that be fair? If not fair, would it not be at least what he deserves?
Perhaps we could take up a collection to ensure that he would have all the toiilet paper he would need? Please allow me to contribute the first fece. I would be truly honored.
If you take your date to this festival, do you think it will end well?
Lol! I always loved a good science fiction date movie

How many people does Leb Hall seat?
Oh. My. God. Seriously? A Captain Mickiewicz film festival? What a horrible fate.
Instead of going to the International events at Ruth Eckard Hall I would stay behind and watch the events from the Flag auditorium where I didn’t have to keep jumping up and down and clapping after every sentence. I used to wonder if all the “trained” Scientologist realized that the way the statistics were presented (no quantity or time frame), they were useless. Lots of smoke and mirrors but no meat. I visited a “St. Hill size org” less than a year after it was announced and realized the events were lies. I had already done OT 7 and knew the “OT levels” were BS. It was time to exit stage left….
I guess Davey’s chronic tone is now Hiding.
Well, I knew he couldn’t stay up at 1.1 forever …
I can almost picture the tiny toad doing a secret runner before the end of the year.
Watched the video .
Now we know why Ron didn’t do interviews
He could bullshit, but was embarassingly bad at it when challenged.
Any David Miscavige Film Festival worthy of the name would surely include screenings of ‘The Sinful Dwarf’, ‘The Incredible Shrinking Man’, ‘Little Evil’, ‘The Terror of Tiny Town’, ‘Midgets versus Mascots’, ‘Darby O’Gill and the Little People’, etc.
Scientology is Hinduism with crazy person rules.
“Scientology is Hinduism with crazy person rules.”
That denigrates hinduism. scientology is Crowleyism as seen through Hubbard’s awful eyesight.