Here is an interesting item sent in by a special correspondent.
One of our favorite “ideal” orgs is the Colorado Rockies overflow parking lot in Denver.
They continue to hold regular IAS “briefings” there, though it is a wonder they can cover the airfare it costs to get there. It is touted by Miscavige and his PR minions as one of the “50 ideal orgs that PROVE the massive international expansion of scientology under the brilliant leadership of Mr. David Miscavige.” Everyone inside the bubble is pretending this (and all the rest of idealish orgs) is a functioning, ongoing, viable activity.
This report comes after our correspondent received the latest issue of Integrity (hah…), The Magazine of the Church of Scientology of Denver. This is what he found:
I opened the magazine to the completions page and compared the list with the lists from the previous two magazines. I discovered for myself the exact definition of “Ideal Org”, which someone has probably already noted before.
An Ideal Org is a building which has:
Zero Processing Completions
Zero Academy Completions
Zero Congress Course Completions
Zero Golden Age of Knowledge Course Completions
Zero Extension Course Completions
I know now that when you enter an Ideal Org, you get exactly the kind of personal attention described in the Oh No, Ross and Carrie series.
I’ve gone through the entire list of completions and every one of them was listed in one (or both) of the previous two magazines. Oh, except for a couple of nuggets. Two people were lucky enough to receive a “CONFESSIONAL”. And two others submitted themselves to a “STUDENT RESCUE INTENSIVE”. Talk about personal attention!
Not a SINGLE NEW COMPLETION ON ANY SERVICE IN THIS GOLDEN AGE OF TECH AND ERA OF STRAIGHT UP AND VERTICAL EXPANSION. (And even if everything listed on this page WA S new there is still not a single Grades, Academy Level or Dianetics completion. Would Ford be able to convince their shareholders things were hunky dory if they did not manufacture a single new car, truck or van but only a few bumpers, wheel assemblies and transmissions a year ago?)
Here is what is still says on the website about the ribbon yanking conducted there in 2012:
The greater significance of the inauguration was prominently underscored by the presence of Mr. David Miscavige, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center and ecclesiastical leader of the Scientology religion.
Addressing the thousands of Scientologists, Mr. Miscavige said: “The moment you elected to take responsibility for Denver—to become Denver in the most meaningful sense—you invoked the very essence of that word responsibility. And consequent to that, it now becomes your responsibility to bring all our programs and technology to bear: To not just teach kids how to read, but to read with such passion it sparks a cultural renaissance. To not just cut drug consumption, but to end the misery once and for all. And to not just provide a moral compass, but a full-fledged technology for living based on a reverence for life. So, yes, some might say our goals are impossibly high. But as all great things must begin somewhere, then let it begin mile high—at your Ideal Church of Scientology Denver!”
Even after 4 years, this org is not only not “Going SH Size” — it is going NOWHERE. It is doing NOTHING. It is EMPTY. And this is more proof.
And you can be sure, this is precisely what is happening in “ideal” orgs everywhere.
I love the work of comparing lists to show that the same people have made the same services in other times. I suspoected this since years, but I don’t have enough time to check all the lists I knew.
Zero completions??? In TWO months??? In my Class V Org experience, I saw things get slow, but never THAT slow. I know this audience has a lot of first hand experience. Has anyone been staff or public at a Class V Org where there were zero completions in two months?
hello roger give me look at list we can work it out with the help of anonymous friends …
>I know now that when you enter an Ideal Org, you get exactly the kind of personal attention described in the Oh No, Ross and Carrie series.
Yes, because there are no other students. IDEAL = EMPTY. LA Org claims to body-route 600-700 people per week and be booming, but Ross/Carrie report empty course rooms.
David Miscavige = 47X fail!
On a side note: I’ve noticed the $camology gloomy little cave…sorry, church, for Launceston is now a “Mission” and seems to be closed more and more. I thought with the huge!, colossal!, massive! 47X increase that the joint would be open 24 hours a day and the crowds would lined up around the block.
With failures like Denver and other Idealish Orgs, the whole concept of building big buildings to empress the parishioners has got to be wearing thin. The Super Power building is empty too.
Seeing all these empty big buildings has got to make His Dwarfyness nervous. After all, he had rolling thunder applause from full buildings in the 90’s, now the only rolling thunder 25 years later is from a Helicopter with Mike Bennitt and Mike Rinder at the opening at Super Power opening in 2013.
SLAPPY Miscavige has destroyed is own C U L T!
In the promo piece cited, the photo is of Dave Kline, an OT8 who, as far as I know, still lives in Arlington, VA. If you look closely at the background of the photo, it looks the Virginia side of the Potomac River, viewed from the corresponding area on the DC side of the river(Georgetown, or thereabouts). So,Pro TR’s and Upper Indocs allow an OT 8 to be productive without the restimulation of case? Reeeeally? What the fuck…He now knows who he isn’t and is ready to find out who he is (paraphrasing the end result of the current OT 8) and can redo a lower bridge step to keep him productive and free of restimulation ?
It angers and frustrates me to see that quote, because underneath all of that scientology mind-fuck and cult gibberish is a good man with a good heart and a ton of musical talent, musical talent never fully realized in the real world because of his commitment to Dead El Con and his whack, evil philosophy.
He was the C/S for FCDC Day Org when I walked off my “post” (DTS). That place, staff-wise, was the embodiment of phony enthusiasm, back-stabbing, and the usual scientological “universe-salvaging” hubris.
I hope that he “cognites” and walks away from that toxic group.
Thank you Mark for your comment which shows how poisonous the well of cos was and is for Sea Org and staff.It is sad for me to see people who had good intentions when they went in,become so wedded to Ron’s Mind-World they cannot exist without it and dms spin with it too.Toxic group it is and I hope Mr Kline does leave also.Always.
Dave Kline sounds like somebody that ought to go get his head examined by a professional in the true field of mental health for announcing a major stable win like that! Shame on you Dave. 🙂
“And to not just provide a moral compass, but a full-fledged technology for living based on a reverence for life.”
It’s a wonderment that lil davey the savage didn’t spontaneously combust right there at center stage for uttering that savagely ironic statement!
From a man whose own moral compass always tracks Satan, I’d say that this malevolent miniature f*** weasel has a whole lotta nerve to even utter the words “reverence for life” in any context at all.
I love your comment.From what I have gathered and I do really appreciate hearing what it was like being in SO under dm.I just realized he has been Head Big Being of the outfit for 30 years! He must be a miracle unto himself!After reading that infinitely ridiculous obnoxious moral compass quote,I am with you.Lighting can strike anytime dm.xo
where the hell is this ideal org?
Well, I live in Boulder and most of my family and friends live in the Denver area, so I find myself downtown near this mOrgue several times a year. There is a nice brewpub-restaurant across the street that gets plenty of business, and provides an instructive contrast to the dead zone around this org. You would think that a vibrant and growing group such as the cult claims to be would appear — oh I don’t know — maybe vibrantly active? and more so with each passing day? Not at all. It is usually dead quiet, blinds drawn on most of the windows, and no one to be seen coming or going. On game days, there is a lot of activity in the parking lot, but that is true of every available parking lot within a two-mile radius of Coors field. What a waste of a fine old brick building and a nice corner location.
Dallas Org exactly the same….
Johannesburg, Joburg North (not “ideal” yet) and Pretoria exactly the same…
I liked your description of this Denver Ideal Org,Chocolate.It appears that the trend for empty echoing spaces devoid of any human interaction is just the look dm prides himself on.Screwing all into believing he is saving them and the planet.Creepy because with all his $ he can keep on creating his fantasy playground.I so hope all leave him to it and walk out.xo
I see some of the people listed in the SRD are at least 3-6 months old. A lot of these names are old timers on staff. I like the name “History of Man” to get the stats up. These people have read those books about 5-6 times unbelievable what counts as a stat.
Oh, the stories I could tell you about the stats I had to fudge to get into a higher condition when I was a staff member!
Thank you,a good comment.Once around with History of Man in Sea Org did it for me with that tome.Five six times and to think one gets to eventually do this with every one of Ron’s books considering the number of times up and down the twisted bridge they go.Always
Excerpted from Miscavige’s speech at the ribbon yanking of the Denver Ideal Org:
“…To not just cut drug consumption, but to end the misery once and for all…”
Since that ribbon yanking, Colorado has legalized the recreational use of marijuana and has become not only a haven for local stoners, but a destination for drug seeking tourists from all over North America. Thousands of people now flock to Colorado to buy and use marijuana…and that trade is subsidizing a growing problem with more serious drugs.
Scientology has almost zero positive effect in the area where it “operates” but the damage it does to its tiny number of adherents is considerable.
Good to meet you.So ironic dm totally missed that one! Great point about Scientology having zero effect on areas it operates in but damage to those once in and currently in will ripple and hopefully will cause a shift in the perception that cos is still this benevolent religion that needs protection.That ship,sailed eons ago.Always
Denver Org has gone belly up no matter what words are used to prop it up.
So many Elephants in the Scientology PR Room and nobody to shovel elephant poop
at any price.
Hmmm, just caught something that seems mysterious to me. They list the single PTS/SP course completion under their Academy heading. Since when has that been a part of the training route up the Bridge? Yes, it’s a minor quibble, but Denver Idle Morgue has literally given us nothing to work with here. It makes you wonder what they’re telling their superiors at WUS vis-a-vis their stats. The people at WUS have a full hour to digest the stats from Denver and Salt Lake City before the rest of the “continent” comes in each week, so they get some special attention during that period. It must make for dire reading.
Espi, the PTS/SP course is a “major” course, like the Student Hat. It is thus done in the Division 4 Academy. Rather than the Division 6 Course room where introductory courses are done.
….and consequent to that. And therefore and thereupon for all eternity and beyond even that which has remained forgotten but never once have we entertained the existence of a Tech that has produced that for which no one can deny therefore and there upon for all eternity and given the task laid before us we will not forsake those who have entrusted mankinds only hope for salvation wherefore and there upon……
S’been a long time since I have read anything with “wherefore and there upon” used in a sentence. O.K. I lied, I have never heard them used one right after the other. How about and so waz-cuz and such and so forth?
Exactly! If I was in Sea Org now having to listen to this drivel I would be comatose!xo
Nice to see the ‘mile high city’ knows the joys and happiness of $cientology. Keeping away from $cienoland is the best thing anyone, members included, can do. Nice parking lot in the pic. Can it keep the lights on and toilet paper in the building?
I have noticed that the Buffalo mOrg has 2 small parking lots on both sides of the building. Spaces for about 20 cars in each. I wonder how much they make off of them? I doubt that they own both ‘lots’, but that area has lots of on street parking and those spaces are so often empty. At least Denver has a baseball field near enough to rent parking spaces. The triple A baseball field is about 1 mile away and there is good parking around there. The hockey arena is near the baseball field and likewise has decent parking.
Why can’t the clams see what is in today’s post? They have tight blinders, but have voted with their wallets to keep away. The blinders aren’t working in Denver. Collapse is near, unless some higher authority keeps pumping in money for electricity and staff pay. Or is the staff paid?
Or is the staff paid? Doubtful at best. They gotta be moonlighting just to survive. It’s tough being on staff…
Ain’t that the truth!
The sense of sadness is strong with this one. Whichever way to look at it, regret lurks in every Scientology shadow. For all their mighty words and intentions, sorrow is their only true product.
Further to this thought: As you know my extended family contains 2 top of the Bridge wonders of “mind, body & soul” mechanics. They once again insisted on rejecting the medical treatment offered for the serious diagnosis of organ failure for their niece. The reason being was the “psychotropic” drugs used to represses a seizure (which by the way was successfully implemented by emergency medical intervention last week) will bar the Bridge. ??? WTF! What a load of crap. Luckily we were able to bypass the idiots and talk sense to the patient directly. She is now under constant care away from such ridiculously dangerous advice, (so we hope). Those Scientologists brought up to believe in today’s Cherch need constant monitoring when involved directly with life. What they do to their own heads is their problem and good riddance.
Scientology’s mindset is a dangerous cult of the highest order.
I remember that, during my time on staff, most staff members had to moonlight. In fact, the reason I left staff after my contract expired was to find a good paying job so I could actually flourish and prosper. That’s how poor staff pay was at that time.
The Staff fund raise to purchase the building. Then turn it over to the Int.
landlord ( drum roll here) then they pay rent to the Int. Landlord including
all utilities, Staff pay ? including food stamps, handouts from parents, part time pizza
delivery, ( overtly change subject here/change to perky upbeat elevator music )
“Why can’t the clams see what’s in today’s post?”
I’m going to answer that question for you, zemoo.
You’re asking why they can’t see that their orgs are empty. Well, its because they don’t look. Why don’t they look? Because if they looked, they would see. Bear with me, please as I’m not being cute or funny here.
1) If they looked, they would see.
2) If they saw, they would know.
3) If they knew, they would have to do something about it in some way, because with knowledge comes responsibility.
4) If they knew and didn’t shoulder the responsibility of doing anything about it, they would be violating their own intregity. Very uncomfortable at best and
5) If they knew and took responsibility and did something about it, their lives would change dramatically.
For them, zemoo, it is so much better to not know, which means make sure its not seen, which in turn means, “Don’t look!”
But the dirty little secret is that they’ve already looked, and seen. They’ve had the barest, briefest glimpse and it so horrified them that they blotted it out, denying to themselves that they’d seen anything, dubbing in some overt or withhold of THEIRS to explain away what they briefly saw of the enormous fraud. “I didn’t see anything bad. The Church is not wrong or bad. That was me. I mustn’t do that again.”
And so from that point on they make very sure not to look. Like carriage horses in the middle of a busy city, they like the blinders on their eyes which allow them to be driven, without distraction, to the intended destinations.
I’d like to add one more opinion to what I’ve just written based on my own experience.
There isn’t any better way to screw up and ruin your life than by violating your own integrity.
I’m not talking about little lies we tell for the sake of social politeness or because you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings or the dissembling we do with one’s bosses, seniors or others upon whom we depend for a livelihood. I would not classify any of this as a violation of one’s integrity.
I’m talking about continually operating in life, of living and operating within a framework, a context of major falsity to oneself.
That’s the way you destroy yourself.
You can lose everything you have but your “self” and be still be OK. You can lose everything and still build back, and come out ok,
But if you lose yourself, you’re done for, and the only person who can do that to you is you.
Once you’ve done that to yourself, to go on, you have to be someone else.
Being someone else is, at best, no fun and an incredible bore, and at worst, intensely painful.
People who have destroyed themselves this way, in my opinion, frequently have a “Must Have” on money and possessions. There’s NEVER ENOUGH money, never enough possessions.
Such people, in my opinion, are obsessively trying to “have” what they cannot “be” because they have already effectively destroyed their own “selves” and are “being” someone else. Their “haves” will never fill the emptiness of their not being able to “be”, and so they must continue to have have have have…you get the idea. This is a terrible trap, but “never enough money”, never enough possessions” are just two of the “must have” traps. There’s also a”never enough admiration” trap. Actually, for whatever can be “had” in life, for whatever desirable thing exists to want or need in life there’s an accompanying “must have” trap for it, just ready for someone to fall into.
So, I’ll wind up this Sunday Sermon 🙂 with this closing thought: anyone who is truly “being”, can do, and can have, and anyone who is not truly being, is dead, and this latter would include the group within the Church of Scientology who, if they already KNOW the truth, by staying in and going along with the program with their blinders on, have effectively killed themselves. They will not come alive again until they take responsibility for what they know.
My two cents, and its been therapeutic for me to write this, so thanks for reading it, if by any chance you managed to get thru it.
For those on this blog and elsewhere who kept their integrity and did not kill themselves, it may sound corny, but I salute you. I admire you.
Thank you Aquamarine,very sensitive and spoke to me.xo
This looks like a small failing org from the 80s. During my time on staff (late 80s/early 90s), we would have 10-12 Div 6 comps and at least 3-4 Major Service comps each week – and we were not a big booming org; we were just getting by. Fast forward 25 years, Denver’s production looks like a mission – not an org.
Now that they have their “ideal” org, I wonder what their FP looks like? Clearly, given the number of completions, they are probably not making enough money to pay the utilities, much less building maintenance or staff.
Since everything the church does these days is about APPEARANCE, I would expect the unmaintained white elephant to be showing some age. I suspect it is slowing degrading and eroding away. What a slap in the face of those who donated millions.
No the people who donated are just morons who do not see with their own eyes and hear their own ears.
The last ones left are so invested they still would rather be right than face the obvious.
It is very good to meet you.I do agree that those big money whales who still keep dm in the style to which he is accustomed,either are so drunk on lies that the truth will always elude them or have so much money what is a few million to make them feel special and apart from the rest of the planet.That in my opinion is one thing the cult does so well.Make people feel above everyone else who are not part of the scam.Some just cannot break away.Always
I still say they should be offering free personality tests to the bar patrons of the huge sports bar across the street. Maybe even offer them a free ride home in the Volunteer Ministers van if they agree to sit through the Orientation film. Then you would massive expansion in Denver, just as Ron intended.
They’d all fall asleep watching that shit! Either that or start laughing..
But either way the stats would be up for the day
After a free personality test and a ride in one of those vans,I would need more than one wine at the bar,thank XO
“So, yes, some might say our goals are impossibly high.” etc.
Scientology has always been about wielding THE TERRIBLE POWER OF WORDS! So many words, MIGHTY words! They used to read like poetry when Hubbard issued them and we believed them. But you can lie only so many times before those words lose their intoxicating punch.
Today the words pouring forth from David Miscavige have all the same poetic meter of Hubbard’s “…world where man can rise to greater heights…” but nobody believes them any more. As a result they reflect badly on the speaker of them. Cruelly and mockingly they spatter Mr. Miscavige as though they were shit he had flung into a fan. I think it’s one of God’s devilish ironies that out of vanity one will end up debasing himself.
Very insightful Roger…. excellent observation too
Roger, ever do the Group Process about the “Terrible Power of Words”? That is the one where you put your hand in front of your mouth and say something, then observe that the terrible awful damaging power of words is just a barely perceptible motion of air against your hand.
I think it is a Hubbard process. We did it at the Int Base once, when they got on a kick of doing group processes for Saturday night “Source Night”. The Int Base equivalent of a Sunday Service, lectures by Hubbard and sometimes Group Processing. All very spiritual except it was after a day of hard physical labor and most of the audience was very shy of sleep. So the effort at “Source Night” was to remain conscious so the ever vigilant RTC goons did not pick you out as a dissenter.
The terrible power of words may not be much in terms of air displaced, but some words do have some power. Like “Honey, I got the lawyer to write up our divorce papers.” Or “We’re sorry sir, but you son was hit by a drunk driver.” Words can enlighten, hurt, surprise, horrify, transcend. But their power is in their context and meaning. The hapless Shermaized words of the Dear Leader Miscavige are so far removed from reality that they have less impact than a fresh breeze through the park. Despite all the horsepower of the elaborate sound systems he employs.
A techie caveat: the plosives, the terrible P or B, especially when spoken by someone who has the habit of “popping their P’s” can have a terrifically powerful effect on a poorly set up sound system. Blown cones, popped fuses, escaped smoke can all result. That is why the Shure SM58 with its huge globe of anti-pop wind screen foam in its metal mesh container is so perennially popular with pop performers. You can practically swallow it and it will never pop. And if you are a guy who “works the mike” you will sound like a super low voiced manly man because of the proximity effect, that pumps up the low end. That is what tempts the lecturer to lean into the mike, he knows it will get loud and low. If he does that with a mike that does not have a pop screen on it the sound system will suffer.
Nicely put Bruce
Thank you,another really insightful comment for me on the world in which dm spins.Like your thoughts about words.Ron used them his way and dm his.All cons use words very effectively I think.Sure roped me in back in the Sea Org day.Always
This is the closest thing I could find to an automatic Shermanspeak generator. But it’s pretty close. His days may be numbered if the Diminutive One discovers it.
“The modernist paradox abundantly contexualized in pre-exclusive and normative hypotheses effectively counter-balances all opposing cultural contradictions. Madonna in her “Material Girl” exposition makes this irrefutably clear. If Madonna stands then Kant falls.”
This is a send up of post modernist philosophy from the Post Modernism Generator. A lot of intellectuals were taken in by this pretentious philosophical trend. People who had PhD’s, even. ESPECIALLY people with PhD’s! Then some clever guy wrote up a bunch of deliberate nonsense, submitted it to a post modernist publication where it was published. It sent shock waves of laughter and embarrassment throughout academia when he announced his essay was a prank.
Ron Hubbard enjoyed great success with this sort of gibberish just read his “axioms” or “Fundamentals of Thought”.
A model of the terrible power of words may like this.
I’m so excited to be going to see a Rockies game with the grandkids on September 18. Looking forward to checking out the much ballyhooed ideal parking lot while I’m there. We are walking from our hotel and won’t add to,Scientology coffers by parking there.
When a “church” makes more money from overflow parking than “donations” you might be in scientology.
That’s good Valerie. We should do a Jeff Foxworthy comedy stick here. Let’s all add a line or two to the list. We start with “When a ‘church’ make more money from overflow parking than ‘donations’ you might be in Scientology.” or
“When you’re hit up for donations at a free dinner and the clergy line up in front of the exits and doors, you might be in Scientology.” Can you all add more here?
When you want to leave the most dedicated ministerial group of your ‘church’, are given an excessive (and unefforcebal) ‘bill for services received’ which is affectionately called a ‘freeloader bill’, you might be in scientology
That darn freeloader bill.Sent one for $ 26,000 when I left SO.I wrote treasury at Asho and basically said F off I donated more than that while in plus bought every single book Ron ever wrote and the first of his cassette tapes and I was going for my e-meter too when I was stopped from that.So I owe you nothing.You owe me.Never heard back and this was 79.XXOO❤️
When you’re excommunicated, and still receive weekly requests for huge donations and invitations to fund-raising events, all to “up your status”, you might be in Scientology.
When you’re told whom to marry and whom to divorce – and why – you might be in the Co$.
When your church yells at you “You don’t have the f***ing RANK to ask!” you might be in the Co$.
When you’re afraid to leave your garbage on the street for fear your church will steal it to sort through your discarded documents, you might be in the Co$.
When your neighbor’s birdhouse is spying on you, you might be in the Co$ – or just out of it.
When you receive a dildo you didn’t order at your office, you might be in the Co$ – or just out of it..
When you’re the only one cheering a Super Bowl ad about “becoming more you”, you might be in the Co$.
When you have to show a photo ID and check your cell phone at the door to get into a church religious gathering you were specifically invited to, you might be in the Co$.
If you think philosophy is a big empty building with potential appreciation value, you might be in the Co$.
All of the above apply to the Church of Scientology. The big problem as I see it is that Scientology is a philosophy, not understood as such. No matter how much Scientology an individual takes in and understands, he still has to live his own life, and determine his own ethics. Ethics is, I believe, the core of philosophy, as it goes to the source of causes and effects: the individual himself. Ethics is the philosophical subject virtually every great philosopher and religious leader have addressed. It is not the limited organizational ethics any organization, profession, or group has for its members.
Aristotle spoke at length about all the activities of men. He spoke of different men in different callings, of their products, of their dispositions, of changes in their ages. He spoke of goals and products and purposes and the interrelationships and hierarchies of these, and how all these relate to the good. He spoke at length, with logic like a vise.
Yet it took Hubbard to come up with the admin scale.
Someone posted about the power of words. An admin scale is very arguably the most powerful collection of a dozen words or so in any language. All I have to do to get someone to never want to see me again is explain to them that you can use an admin scale to determine the goals and purposes and expected products of their next communication, their next series of communications, and the interrelationships of those with their weekly, monthly, annual, and lifetime goals. I suspect some do not want to look at that, because their goals in communication include such things as establishing themselves as superior to another, lying to another, manipulating another, confusing another, dominating another, and so forth – perhaps all summed up by Hubbard in the mechanisms of a service facsimile.
Those communications, their purposes, their intended products, reflect the ethics of that individual. All product for exchange is carried on a communication line. An admin scale has policy as one of its items: the policy of an individual can be defined.
Hey, a free dildo is nothing to be sneezed at. There’s a visual for you. For someone so determined to slaughter the Second Dynamic Mr. Miscavige sure is sex obsessed. Too much or not enough?
In the interests of visuals we all love, and in the interests of distinguishing between humor, sex, and PPM (Purely Puritanical Morality, but it sounds like E.D. somehow) … there’s an act in this called “The Dancing Dildos”, with an orchestra of kazoos, IIRC.
Of course I do not support nor advocate pornography nor other sinful acts which lead to higher taxes, V.D., blindness, and frying in Hell.
C’mon, guys! Let’s do it! We’ll call our first book “You might be in Scientology if……..”.
Superb comments, Nickname – both hilarious and insightful.
Not to gush but I just read what you wrote again and there’s so much truth in all your points. You’ve made my day. Thank you.
Thank you, Aqua. Your reply to Zeemoo is very insightful as well. Jogged my brains. (A loss of integrity leads to self-imposed inability or unwillingness to assume responsibility. People know this intuitively, but identification of the precise mechanisms, the interplay of motivations of affinity and responsibility, and all, are necessary for remedies.)
“Such people, in my opinion, are obsessively trying to “have” what they cannot “be” because they have already effectively destroyed their own “selves” and are “being” someone else.” (That’s very insightful!)
Also in particular, “Once you’ve done that to yourself, to go on, you have to be someone else.” Hubbard’s sense of humor is so vastly underappreciated. He said (somewhere), words to the effect “The only horror of it is that you can never be anyone else.” That’s been so real to me so many times (cringe). “I didn’t eat the cookies … SHE did it!!”
It’s always a pleasure to read your comments, but with these, you really got a roll going! The aesthetic band.
When you get a knock on the door at 3 AM on Wednesday morning and the person at the door is wearing a silly sailor suit and begging for money you might be in $cientology.
You might be in scientology if you pay $500/hr or more for counseling and have your counselor close the door and ask you for money for Books.
If you try to leave only to find the door locked or blocked, you might be in the church of scientology.
You say no when you’re asked to attend a briefing and get a report written on you and you have to go see an Ethics Officer about the report who then wants to know why you don’t want to go to a briefing to donate money, you might be in scientology.
All of these “You might be in Scientology’s” are very funny to me. You started something, Nickname.
… I THOUGHT that was the police knocking on my door …! (Joke.)
Based on first hand reports like this over the last 12 months, it is safe and accurate to state that scamology is dead in the USA. Yes, there are a few (very few) “parishioners” & Indies left in dark corners services a few of the deluded left over but the subject here is dead.
Sorry, but what the fuck does this mean:
“to become Denver in the most meaningful sense”
Is this like The Invasion of the Body Snatchers?
And, this one:
“but to read with such passion it sparks a cultural renaissance”
What was the last cultural renaissance sparked by passionate reading?
Confusing. From checking out some of the ideal org grand opening speeches l thought cultural renaissance can only be caused by vigorous yanking while 10,000 watch from their less than 1,000 seats.
I passionately read once, but, I never got a Cultural Renaissance. All I got was a bottle of Mad Dog 20/20…
They need to make up in hyperbole for what is lacking in substance. Their problem is not how they write their news but that there isn’t any.
Hemingway had good reality on that.
If there’s nothing to say about something, or, if there’s nothing further to day about something, don’t obscure the fact with words.
His genius was in crafting simple, declarative sentences that communicated, powerfully.
Appalling that he was into bullfighting and other blood sports, but I digress.
This is irrefutable evidence that Scientology drives people away from their orgs. Denver was a thriving org back in the day. They’ve shrunk to posting an “Upper Indoc TR’s” as an academy completion? Imagine the cheering all the way up the line on that comp.
The emptiness points to dramatic incompetence on many levels.
I’d say crush regging, stat pushes, disconnection policy, and an ethic of brutality made simply walking into an org tempting fate. Once you piss off enough people and no new people are coming in, you get the Denver Ideal Org…empty.
Denver was NEVER “thriving”. It never made enough to pay staff a decent salary. With the price of services even back then it would have been able to if it were “thriving”. I monitored the production of EVERY Class IV (V) “back in the day” (North America) and no org EVER thrived for more than a few weeks, (or months) at the most in their entire history.
Scamology has just never been popular enough to do so.
The one completion they had, the guy with the white hair and jaunty hat is Dave Kline. He is an old OT who was trained all the way up the Bridge in everything, maybe even Class VIII. And now he is there re-doing his lower Bridge lemming style, following everyone over the cliff. So even their completion is not anyone new. They are just recycling the old folk until they die. But then what? When the old timers die off, and no new young ones are coming in, the church will be even deader than it is now if that’s possible.
I was just gonna say … when I got into the cult in 1978, Dave Kline was already an experienced, classed auditor on staff at the NY org. This is seriously pathetic.
Absolutely, Cindy! Scientology is now made up of old people! And they’re eventually going to die. Who’s there to replace them?
I’ll say it again. Scientology is going down the same path as Christian Science.
Just when was Denver a thriving org? My wife and got there in Sept 1974, and Chic Chicacolos (spelling?) and the mission he had was doing fairly good….but after Braans, who were starting a Forming Org in an out of the way house) had him declared, stole his building and all that went with it to become the New Forming Org, it was never the uptil we left Colorado in June 1979. It was the worst org we were ever in. Places we had been before that Toronto, Saint Hill, AOSHUK, 3 missions in the Midwest, The Manor, St Louis Org, AOLA, Chicago Org, Cinncy Org, Columbus Org and 2 Narconons.
Off topic, I hope Mike will allow this.
For a few months there has now been a list of accounts of the disconnection policy, put together by Anonymous.
You can find it at
By now over 300 documented accounts from people speaking out about it using their real name.
If you want your story to be added, please see the page. If you edit the wiki directly, please ALWAYS provide a link. There MUST be proof of the disconnection case elsewhere on the net, that’s why it has value.