L to R: Heber Jentzsch (former President CSI), Greg Wilhere (former Inspector General), Guillaume Lesevre (former ED Int), the True Leader, Norman Starkey (Trustee of Hubbard’s Estate), Marc Yager (former WDC Chairman)
Why is there no President of Church of Scientology International?
Heber Jentzsch, after being “disappeared” years ago is now represented as being “retired” — but there is no new President. In fact, there isn’t even a spokesman, let alone a President (who is supposed to be the lead spokesperson). Heber, once a very public figure, is no longer seen outside of the razor wire topped fence of Golden Era Productions. I last saw him in late 2006 in the Hole. Sleeping on the floor and eating slop, guarded 24 hours a day.
Who is the Executive Director International?
Guillaume Lesevre held this position for many, many years. He too has been vanished from the scene. The position of Executive Director International was established by L. Ron Hubbard — in fact, this post was specifically denominated by him as the “missing hat” that he had always worn to run scientology. He said the lack of this post being held is what kept him from being able to do his “further research at the top of the bridge. It was that vital. There is a lengthy policy describing the duties of this position. And the famous LRHED 339R is all about the ED International and his team of “Senior Executives” (“Exec Ints”) that are supposed to direct the scientology empire to take over the world. None of those people exist either. Again, I last saw Guillaume and his Exec Ints in the Hole. (As a reader pointed out, I did catch sight of Guillaume when he participated in the parking lot ambush in Clearwater in 2010). Greg and Debbie Hughes escaped the Sea Org but were paid off for their silence. Everyone else is still there as far as I can tell.
The Senior C/s International?
Ray Mithoff, Hubbard’s personal auditor at the end of his life is nowhere to be seen. Mithoff, despite being given the role of continuing to “protect the tech” by Hubbard himself was also in The Hole. There is no Snr C/S Int today. All “tech” development and research is now done by the True Leader. Ray Mithoff is a Class XII C/S, the highest level of training there is in scientology. True Leader? Nobody is quite sure if he is a Permanent Class IV auditor or not, though it appears he may not have completed the internship. Either way, he is the scientology equivalent of a high school graduate while Mithoff has a Doctorate degree. Why is Miscavige inventing and announcing new tech instead of the senior technical terminal?
WDC Chairman?
Another position specifically created by Hubbard to “take over his hat”. Marc Yager held this position off and on for decades. No longer visible, no longer on post. Nobody else is holding the position. Yager also last known to be in the Hole.
Inspector General?
Greg Wilhere was the last to hold this position. Again, vanished from the scene and NO Inspector General on post (another position mandated by Hubbard). There are no Deputy Inspector Generals either.
The other person in the photo above, Captain Morgan Norman Starkey, was formerly Captain of the Apollo, the head of Hubbard’s literary agency, Author Services and then the Executor of Hubbard’s Estate. He was also hand chosen by True Leader to be the minister for the “wedding of the century” — though he got drunk and hit on Brooke Shields. He was then returned to The Hole in disgrace. Apparently he remains there to this day.
The command structure of scientology that Hubbard established has been destroyed by True Leader. These people were not really “public figures” until Miscavige began putting them in his “international events”. There was no such thing when Hubbard was around, but in the late 80’s Miscavige began holding these events as the means of controlling the flow of information to the scientology world. Initially, he was the Master of Ceremonies and introduced the other speakers — many of them the names listed above. Before those events, the scientology world was not aware of the people that held the positions at the top of the scientology hierarchy. Phyll Stevens, Kerry Gleeson, Tony Dunleavy, Jill Carlstrom, Dede Voegeding, Terri Gamboa and many others came and went without anyone outside of the top echelons of the Sea Org really noticing.
Why doesn’t anybody in scientology notice these missing executives? If the College of Cardinals all vanished, a lot of Catholics that would be asking questions and demanding answers. It is a measure of the cult-think and control in scientology that nobody dares ask such questions. They know it would results in them being sent to “ethics” where they would have to pay for a mandatory sec check interrogation.
But there is another question — why has the senior management echelon of scientology been dismantled? Hubbard constantly railed about how the problems with scientology expansion lay at the feet of incompetent management. They are no longer incompetent, they are now non-existent. The reason for this is because Miscavige fears every one of these people is a potential threat to his position.
Anyone who is popular with the public (like Heber Jentzsch) or has established a measure of respect with internal management (like Guillaume Lesevre) or is seen to be a “tech” opinion leader (Ray Mithoff), or someone who could step up and really persuade people that True Leader has gone rogue (Shelly Miscavige) — all of them, and many others, had to be neutralized so they presented no threat. Most ended up in The Hole.
The trail of dead bodies strewn in the path of Miscavige clawing his way to undisputed True Leader of scientology is lengthy. He began with the original RTC executives and David Mayo, through the Broekers and anyone aligned with them and ultimately to the entire international hierarchy of Scientology. And apparently nobody notices.
You have to hand it to him. He is a master of self-promotion and control. A true sociopath who has risen to the top on the backs of those who supported him and the were destroyed by him. Today he stands alone as the “only one” in scientology. The self-proclaimed True Leader.
I really don’t care how many “religions” or “sects” there may be. To be honest, if people want to be believe in Scientology, God, Allah, whatever I don’t care. What gets to me and really angers me is how many lives are destroyed to please ONE person. Or a tiny few. Having grown up in Scientology I had a nice enough childhood. Really. It was the Sea Org that destroyed all my illusions. Mean people leading blue eyed youngsters dreaming of a better world. Fear fear fear everywhere.
A religion that sells “happiness” but persecutes its members unless they pay and pay and pay.
What I am trying to say is: I don’t care whether Scientology stays or not. People can audit and help all they want the way they find best. But for the love of mankind: get rid of Miscavige. Put things back as they were. Stop enslaving poor SO members and selling them the end of the world horror. Then it will die, or not. As long as families and lives are not destroyed.
I suffered from Post Stress Traumas for YEARS. Nightmares of waking up in the SO again. Stuck. It has to end.
Heard from a friend of mine that they shared this post on a Scientology Twitter feed. And the tweet was promptly deleted and they were blocked by that particular Scientology feed. It seems like even mentioning Mike Rinder to a Scientologist is enough to anger them.
Times are changing.
At the first IAS meeting in Copenhagen in the 80’s Heber as a president said “psychs do things to people” on stage and I got a reaction. He was more a victim than a victimmaker. All the victims he made makes it, why isn’t he making it? What psychs do is nothing compared with what psychopaths as LRH and DM do to them.
Off topic but I just saw on E News where COS responded to them about Leah and Katie Holmes and her recent interview.
“While we would prefer to ignore yet another of Leah Remini’s over the top rants aimed at getting attention, she unfortunately continues to incite waves of anti-religious hate crimes. Ms. Remini’s ridiculous rants are unending, and the myths and tales she and her co-producer spread are growing more bizarre by the day”
Bring on Aftermath Season 3!
As somebody who has never been a part of Scientology but finds the topic extremely interesting to study, this blog piece really spoke to me. I am still shaking my head wondering how this has happened, and so many people who I would consider to be rational, and able to recognize a sociopath, are able to turn a blind eye to such irrational decisions.
If LRH’s policies and decisions are gospel, how is it that these roles (as set forth by LRH) have been eradicated by a dictator, and nobody is questioning it? The insanity just goes deeper and deeper.
I almost wish somebody would swoop in and study Miscavige as a true narcissistic sociopath. He’s an incredible specimen.
PS Thank you for this blog Mike Rinder. You are doing an amazing job. Keep it up. We are paying attention.
Jennifer, the reason scientologists don’t respond to DM’s evisceration of the command and control system put in under Ron’s name is because they can’t SEE the people dissappeared, and “out of sight, out of mind”, ala “1984”; effectively erased from history, from ever existing. They didn’t DO anything seen by the rank-and-file other than the brief, easily ignored public appearances. Those in middle management who WOULD notice their disappearance are too cowed by Dwarfenführer’s predilection to severely punish ALL who notice that anything’s not as it should be in McSavage’s “church”.
Thank you for the eloquent response Jere. It does help me to better understand this level of total control that is required to maintain on both sides: miscavige’s ability to control, but also the level to which individuals will allow themselves to be controlled, to eradicate their desire to learn or question, just boggles my mind.
But I do try to understand. It’s fascinating, and more than a little depressing. Congratulations to you and your ongoing recovery. Your patience with the likes of me is also very kind and appreciated.
That’s exactly how I feel jennifermcp. Everyone here has been so patient and kind in helping me understand and it is so very much appreciated. All the exes and the never ins that truly care.
I remember the last name now. Scotty Ervin or Scotty Erwin, was the guy who was there and saw the whole flap unfold of David slapping his pc and the subsequent coverup. Scotty KR’d David more than once then because he saw through the guy.
ctempster: I bet that guy isn’t amongst the ranks of those in good standing.
Was just thinking the same thing! I wonder what happens to anybody that tries to do a KR on miscavige. (yea, I write his name lower case. on purpose 😉 )
Jere Lull, you’re right. Scotty told me that years later when DM had gained power from his hostile takeover, he saw Scotty on some pass through or inspection, recognized him, and immediately had him declared an SP and ousted.
These disappearances and others in the same time period were a big factor in my decision to leave.
Yeah, looks like all the chief enablers who kissed Miscavige’s ass for decades and helped him get and keep power, have gotten their due exchange … except Debbie, who got real mucho moolah!
Warning signs saying “$cientology kills” on buildings owned by a cult picks down by the brainwashed. “$cientology increase the risk for blindness” is a much better warning sign.
Today’s article has really adversely affected me. The realization that prominent and regular members of Scientology can be and are sent to “the hole” or incarcerated some other way by COB is insanity to me.
And they have been there for Years!?!
And if hypothetical FBI rescuers freed them the probably is extremely high that they would want to stay in the hole.?!?! [All my empathic abilities are on overload here.]
David Miscavige is a hard hearted narcissistic demon in a little human form.
Thank you Mike for sharing your insight and truth about Scientology’s dark and oppressive inherit nature.
Deborah, I love your comment. I guess I’ve become numb to the fact that these people have been “disappeared” because I’ve known about it for so long and just assume everyone knows. The fact that you didn’t and Mike’s post got to you makes me so happy that Mike made this post and that he’s making people aware that people are being “disappeared” by Miscavige.
Valerie, Thank you.
I kinda-sorta knew but the depth and breadth somehow escaped me. I’m serious about having empathic overload yesterday, I experienced immediate dispare after reading Mr Rinder’s ‘Disappeared’ article yesterday. So-so sad that Scientology has stolen the Lives and Souls of so many.
Valerie I felt exactly the same. Heartbreaking! Still can’t stop thinking about it.
I certainly hope that this disappearance of all the exec strata from Scn and into the Hole goes on the upcoming season of Scientology, the Aftermath on A & E.
Oh, boy. Here we go! It’s…….
(Today’s adventure starts with Bob and Mary driving around running errands)
BOB: A lot to do today.
MARY: I know. The market, Wal-Mart, car wash……
(Bob turns the corner and drives down the street on which the org building is located. The demolished VM van from the police debacle several months back is still in the parking lot in plain view. As Bob and Mary approach the org they notice several Ryder trucks parked in front of the building with several young people scurrying around them)
MARY(laughing): Look at that! Let’s hope it’s moving day!
BOB: After all the negative publicity we’ve given them, it wouldn’t surprise me if that were the case!
MARY: Probably an executive order from the mayor!
(As Bob and Mary drive past the vehicles they notice that all the young people are Sea Org and that they are unloading filming equipment from the trucks while singing ‘ we stand tall’ at the top of their lungs)
MARY: Ahhhhhhhh! That damn song!
BOB: And it doesn’t look like they’re moving, either! What the hell is Gold doing here?
MARY: What in the hell are they going to film? The trashed VM van parked out back?
BOB: I don’t know and I don’t care.
(As they continue driving past the trucks they see Shaheen wearing her unique NOI/Sea Org uniform directing traffic. When Bob and Mary pull up, she directs them to stop then walks up to the drivers side and motions for Bob to roll down his window)
SHAHEEN: All right, you two SPs! What are you doing here?
BOB: Hi, Shaheen. When did you get out of jail?
MARY: Hello, Shaheen. So not nice to see you.
SHAHEEN: Shut up, both of you! Like I said, what are you two doing here?
BOB: Oh, just running a few errands. Is that a problem?
SHAHEEN: You’re damn right it is! Golden Era Productions has sent a team here at the request of our Dear Leader, David Miscavige, to make a film on the prosperity of our org to show at the next event so everyone can see the great expansion of Scientology around the world! All orgs will see the massive numbers of raw public flooding our org and routing onto services! Too bad you SPs will never get to be a part of our glorious future!
MARY: Now how come when we were on lines at the org we never saw that?
BOB: Will the footage include the trashed VM van and the wrecked front gate?
MARY: Will the clip also talk about when the police came here because you locked the gate and wouldn’t let us out unless we forked over $50,000.00?
BOB: How about the number of times you and the ED got locked up in jail?
SHAHEEN: Aaaaagghhhhh! That’s it! I want you two out of here right now!
Get this broken down piece of shit out of here!
BOB: Fuck you, Shaheen!
(As Bob prepares to drive off, he hears the back door open then close. Looking in the back seat, he sees a young woman around fifteen years old and dressed in a Sea Org uniform lying on the floor)
YOUNG WOMAN(In a slavic accent): Drive car, please! Please to hurry! Must to get away now! Before bad people know that I am to run!
(Sensing what must be going on, Bob accelerates the car away from the org, nearly running over Shaheen in the process. After driving three blocks Bob pulls the car into a parking lot and motions for the young woman to sit up)
BOB: What’s going on?
YOUNG WOMAN: Please to forgive me but I need to for you to help me in to flee escape from the mean Sea Org association bad people. I am to called Natasha and I am here from the Lithuania.
MARY: From Lithuania? How did you get to the United States?
NATASHA: The bad Sea Org members put me in cargo container and then it was put on ship. When I get to America, bad Sea Org members take away my passport, make me sleep on dirty shit smelling mattress and give to me for food only rice and beans.
MARY: That’s terrible! Honey, I am so sorry.
NATASHA: Thank you. The bad Sea Org members tell me I am joining Sea Org to………what is means ‘love slave’?
MARY(angrily):What? Those fucking bastards!
BOB: Honey, let’s get this girl home and help her recover. I’ll contact the Lithuanian embassy in Washington to check on her passport and tell them what happened to it.
MARY: I’ll call the Aftermath Foundation and see if they can help.
BOB: Then we call Dan Phillips! Boy, have we got a story for him!
NATASHA: What is means ‘Dan Phillips ‘?
BOB: Natasha, after we get you settled, you’re going on television!
(Bob pulls the car out of the parking lot and drives down tbe street)
The IRS allowed the tax exemption based on a non-monolithic corporate structure.
All pretense of autonomy by the different corporations has long gone out the window to be replaced by a single dictator.
If anybody cared at the IRS and considered collecting huge back taxes, they would review the infamous agreement and rescind the exemption.
Home Run.
What would happen if friends or family called the Adult Protective Services and Elder Abuse Hotline?
Absolutely nothing. Those still in would say how fine everything is and that would be that.
Mike, I have seen comments on other blogs about you should write a book. And here you are doing such a thing or your memoirs. I tip my hat to you.
As I read the description of this coward’s tactics, Stalin immediately came to mind. He did all the same things this little twerp does! The only difference is that Stalin killed anyone that was smart or popular or rose too high. This evil, insecure, nasty, poor excuse for a man has slightly less lethal methods but just.
I tried to make a really bad Trotsky joke in the comments yesterday but Teh Internetz ate my comment. I blame the psychs, obviously.
” Again, I last saw Guillaume and his Exec Ints in the Hole.”
I thought your last encounter with Guillaume was when he and some other Scientology executives ambushed you in a clinic’s parking lot:
Good point. That is correct. Fixed.
Mike, this might just be your best article yet. Its a tough call, but it might be. Thanks so much for all that you do.
In response to, “And apparently nobody notices.” Actually years ago, the increasing number of absent Int Execs was one of several concerns that were catalysts to my eyes opening, and at that time there were others for whom it was the same. So I’m betting more notice than we might think.
Same. Everyone on stage disappearing and being replaced with some one guy was a key outpoint that helped expedite my exit. That, and how everyone was chicken shit about speaking out because we had been programmed to fear ethics. Outpoint, meet outpoint. Classic post, Mike.
Excellent post. It should be sent out to all active Scientologists.
It really should!!!
………it is my fervent hope that the attorneys for Rathbun are investigating and making a case to prove that the asshat bully took the money and screwed everyone who tried to help him……
It’s all been quiet on that front … but since we’re talking about the various execs and wondering … I thought I’d throw my penny into the pond and make my wish.
The New Years Eve Event of 2000 was the first one where I saw that there were NO execs or anyone else on the stage except for DM. While watching it I missed them, wondered when they’d come out, and then as the event wrapped up, I decided that there must have been huge flaps and un-met targets.
It was weird to just have the Midget up there, on and on about the whole history of DN and SCN and the fights, and how we ended up where we were – and…then the BIG PROMISE – that we would “eradicate Psychs THIS YEAR.
I knew that THAT was BS… I allowed myself to think that. and kept expecting to hear about how the shit-show of an event was due to a shit show of failures leading up to it.
Instead, all the bright-eyed-clipboard-wielding staff slaves tried to get me to do the after-event-survey and breathlessly importuned me for my huge wins and life-altering decisions made as a result of the Mind Blowing Event.
I kept telling them that it must be a huge fiasco and I was glad my head wasn’t on the block. They were confused. There was ONLY DM ON STAGE…COME—-ONNNNNN…what the hell happened?
I didn’t know it was shades of things to come… that it was to be just Big Mouth on stage from here on out.
I only went to “the major events”, and skipped all IAS/Ideal Org events – if I can claim I attend the Big Four, I’m good. (NYs, LRH BD, May 9th, and Auditors Day) These days I’m not close to an org and can claim distance as an acceptable excuse. But I can and do attend an event here and there, and there was only one event I’ve been to in years that trotted out some execs.
I went to a Bday event, and another one… in the last years…and at one of them…there was one of those guys talking…I think I saw ED Int… ? I don’t recall.. it wasn’t grosss Mullet (always hated him talking) or Starkey….I think it was ED Int and maybe another fella…. some newer exec face….
But it felt like DM was relinquished the stage only to purposefully trot out an exec, to make a point or to prove that he hadn’t just killed them all.
I know that they’re all very guilty… but reading about the hole just puts me on their side. Even if deluded … they’re like abused spouses or children. They get a pass until they’re cleaned up and fed at least…..given a chance to make things right… (BY TELLING US YOUR STORY SO WE CAN TAKE THE CULT DOWN)
Hi Rip! Glad to see you are pretending to be a still-in, and attending the occasional event. I wonder how many of the “still-ins” are just like you, just pretending. Nice to see that criminal organization imploding with attacks on all fronts, especially from the inside.
thanks. I’m not willing to give up more than I have already, hence the UTR. I’m also hoping that I can get my friends out. I plant seeds as best I can.
Love ‘ya Rip. Keep up the good fight!
Thank you for posting this . The forgotten men !
When we read Debbie Cook’s email , it was the thing the most resonated with us , the disappearance of the execs.
And when we were trying to get our daughter out of the fog she was in , the hole resonated with her ! Go figure.
So maybe it will make some sense to the people still in but reading this blog.
And with luck , one or two osa volunteers ….
When I got in, in 1990, there was an “apparency” of having checks and balances, which I regrettably took at face value, because I give people the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.
Unfortunately, it turned out to be pretty much worst case scenario: the “checks and balances” were a bunch of BS and it was really DM as dictator all along, who was forcing his minions to kill their babies so as not to impact his bottom line.
The CofS uses a lot of data compartmentalization, “need to know”, so it takes some time and getting a look behind the scenes to understand what is really going on. By the time you do, they have you. All of your “friends” (there is no such thing in CofS) are CofSers, you may be working for a CofSers, you are probably married to another CofSers.
While you may be wise to the truth, they are not, and they are perfectly willing to hurt others in a “just cause”. CofSers will never admit that anything bad happens and in fact count themselves as the most “ethical beings on the planet”! Because when their teammates have the out ethics idea that little degraded beings like them deserve some of DM’s precious money to go towards a baby, they “put ethics in” on those 1D and 2D oriented DBs who wanted a baby by forcing them to have an abortion that they didn’t want. Babies are so unproductive! Kill them in the name of making Ron’s postulates sticks! Kill, kill, kill! Death to babies in the name of Ron and getting the stats up!
Getting one’s “stats” up is one of the bases of what passes for “ethics” in CofS (in actuality, part mind control, part behavior modification to reinforce evil corrupt behavior such as baby killing – anything that results in more money or slave labor for CofS is cast as “saving the universe” while anybody who opposes human trafficking or forcing their teammates to kill their babies because DM doesn’t want to spring for decent child care is cast as an “evil doer” in the topsy-turny world of CofS “ethics”.
At my org, the “ethics” officer appeared to have the moral compass of a pit viper, but he apparently hadn’t done drugs and had a decent IQ so that made him “Qualed” to help people with their “ethics”, so they could see that by having a baby they were letting down the team and allowing the destruction of the entire universe.
You see, this is why Co$ is doomed. Its a religion that mandates the killing of its own children (in the womb) as a SPIRITUAL survival measure. Not a physical survival, this is done in the name of SPIRITUAL survival, for themselves AND mankind!
. All the religions that practiced infanticide – the ancient Hebrews, the Incas, Mayas, Aztecs, the ancient Hawaiians and Tahitians and other Polynesian peoples (just off the top of my head) – these groups killed their own children as part of their religion.
No matter what good things they might have been doing, no matter how brilliant or artistic or inventive or whatever that these groups were, , their “scripture” mandated the killing of their own babies and children, to please their Gods, to appease their Gods, or whatever. They doomed themselves, they just did themselves in!
And so will the Church of Scientology.
When the edict came down in 1000AD that all RC priests had to be celibate the Vatican AT LEAST had the presence of mine to urge all Catholics to get married and have LOTS of kids. Having a lot of kids was considered godly by the RCs. Of course, its not necessarily godly AT ALL but the RCs were no dummies, they wanted MORE RCs so they made it godly to have lots of children! The RCs expected that out of a large family of sons and daughters AT LEAST ONE of the kids would become a priest or a nun, and there’d still be PLENTY left to reproduce like beds of oysters! Very godly! They all believed that! Never mind how you were going to feed them,NEVER interfere with life. just have kids. That’s what God wants you to do. That’s what Jesus wants you to do unless you become a priest or a nun.. So that’s what they did, for many centuries.
The Church of Scientology, oddly enough, makes is “godly” to NOT have children!
The ancient Mayas and Incas and Aztecs felt it was ‘godly” to sacrifice their first born, when they got word that nothing else would please their gods. Killing their kids was “godly”.
Not conducive to long term survival.
As I recall in HCOPL ” Ethics , Justice and the Dynamics” LRH talks about a society which kills it’s children and how that society as “almost disappeared”.
LRH had 6 children. Can you imagine him ordering Mary Sue to get an abortion?
I hate to say it; but it is DM who should have been aborted.
Was just watching a Law & Order episode. The prosecutor had a defendant on the stand who sold fake flue vaccines. The defendant simply did it to make money and people died because of it. He asked him if had ever watched a movie with Orson Wells titled The Third Man. Wells was a blackmarket salesperson for (I think) penicillin. People died. The man asked him why he did it and Wells said “for the money”. I guess it reminded me of LRH’s motive and his complete disregard for the people who bought his fake religion. He just wanted money.
I watched an interview, I think it was at Chris Shelton’s site, with Marc Headley. I’m not sure exactly what he said but it was something like if you were doing a great job then you became a target of Miscavige. That explains a whole lot of the named missing person’s fate.
When I was watching Leah and Mike’s documentary and Mike was telling what happened to him (I think it was the Fair Game episode), one of the things that went through my mind was that Miscavige must have thought Mike was too smart to keep around.
If no one in their family wants a wellness check then there isn’t anything LE can do? Can just anyone report they suspect harmful living conditions for seniors? HSS?
Peggy L
Define “doing a good job”
When you really look at the big picture and put it all together – human beings helped Hubbard create the evil cult of Scientology
Unknowingly for most people
For those that knew people were getting destroyed by Scientology and did not do anything about it ever – not sure if they were too brainwashed to do anything about it or did they flip to an evil valence
All this is Just my opinion. In the beginning, LRH and those who assisted him creating this cult were doing a good job of learning what would attract people and then implementing those ideas to create the belief that this could solve their problems and solve problems globally. That’s an attractive lure. He figured out how the eek out the vulnerability in those who walked through the door and used that to keep them and get as much out of them as possible. I doubt that he gave a hoot for the ones that decided not take him up on the offer. They were too much of a risk anyway.
LRH used what he learned to then kicked it up a notch in order to dodge the IRS. He wasn’t a stupid man. Insane, greedy, void of a conscience, but that doesn’t mean stupid. I think he probably studied what attracted people to any belief system, used that information, and made it seem as if he thought of it himself.
I think that people sincerely wanted to improve their life, give it a purpose, and LRH knew how to show them how to do that. Those who entered early invested a lot of their life, a lot of their resources, trying to accomplish that. At that point, even if they had doubts they were too heavily invested to make an easy decision to blow. It’s not like they didn’t see what happened to anyone who did try to escape.
Those born in to this cult didn’t have any choice, just like children born in to any family. You follow your parents. What other choice did they have? When they came of age to leave meant leaving the only family you have ever known. That’s an almost impossible choice to make, especially when you have no idea what’s out there in the free world.
I have to wonder if what scared him the most when he knew he was dying was the realization… what if he was wrong.
It just occurred to me how genius sea org’s heavy recruiting of children in the 2nd and 3rd generation is. People who’ve seen a lot may have doubts, but if you have their children they’re going to hesitate about leaving for fear of losing them.
You are so right on the mark Cre8tivewmn. Children are hesitant to leave, so are their parents because they know they run the risk of disconnection. I sure can’t blame them. That’s a huge decision.
Mike Rinder and Mary Kahn are doing more on the outside than they could ever have done had they stayed to try to reunite with their children. I’m sure there are others in the same situation too. Mike would have been sent to Timbuckfreakinto and Mary probably would have been sent to the hole if she had stayed.
You know…Mike….if you hadn’t bolted in London that day…..I firmly believe that your name would be on this list. Well Done…My Friend.
Too sad & angry to comment on this with any clarity really. Destroyed lives because of betrayal are no joke from any perspective and justice is always too late for the fallen and the accompanying misery for the family and friends they leave behind or have been rejected. Revenge… now that’s another matter – some like it, some don’t, but it’s a work in progress nonetheless. Lest we forget.
If anyone really thinks the organizational structure of Scientology supports a religion or is a benevolent activity which has been lead astray, well… there’s a major part of the problem right there – smash it I say! Use its information if you want but erase the structure and faux loyalties it conjures up from the face of humanity.
100% agree with you Yawnalot. Revenge is oh SO sweet. I wonder if Miscavige loses sleep? Silk pajamas are no comfort to a snake like him, caught in a mess of his own making.
Hmm . . . The “disappeared” . . . Let us not forget Shelly Miscavige, either.
Dave F.
What husband comes home and disappears his wife? This asshole is beyond the pale. Unfortunately, I doubt we’ll ever see her again.
Well, a glance at the headlines on any given day reveals that people do try to disappear their spouses. Difference is, in the real world they usually get caught. And punished.
The sad little man is going to preside over the death of the whole enterprise. And what then?
Then we go on a two month constant party.
A party so good, we’ll not remember why we’re having it and we’ll forget Scientology ever existed. A slate cleaner of a good time because we’ll get our families back.
Why don’t we party all the time?
My girl likes to party all the time……
Him and the money and the properties will do a bunk and head for the nearest non-extradition country he can bribe to stay there.
Mike, hypothetical question…do you think if the FBI were to storm into The Hole and say “anyone who wants to leave, go now, we have people to take you away from here”…..do you think people would leave, or would most choose to stay?
They would stsy
Yeesh! Sounds like Jonestown!
Worse than Jonestown, I think, because not everyone voluntarily drank the Flavor-aid and the only person inside the compound to survive was an old woman who hid under the bed and was overlooked, if I remember correctly. So, even at Jonestown there were people who didn’t blindly follow their leader, even if they still died.
And stay they did…save for a few people. And, of course, they murdered the children too. That’s some powerful Kool-Ade.
It’s easy to shoot women and children. They don’t run as fast so you don’t have to lead them as much.
Most would stay because mentally and emotionally it’s all they know. They at one level accept they are at fault. It’s the cult mindset.
It makes me think about the “welfare check” they did on Shelly Miscavige a few years ago. She hasn’t been seen in very long time and when the police came, she didn’t run screaming to be freed. So, I can believe they would all stay. I would like to hope maybe one or two might leave but I doubt it.
I wonder if Shelly didnt say much because she was thinking of her mothers “suicide”.
You have to wonder that! I hope there’s a day where she clues everyone in on what she knows. Or at the very least gets out if she can.
Shelley may be afraid DM will order to have happen to her the same thing that happened to her mother. And her mom didn’t even speak out. She just wanted to quietly leave and live her own life. If he thought Shelley would speak out, OMG, not only would she end up dead, but probably in a horribly painful death. Just my opinion though.
Apparently law enforcement was also asked to do a welfare check on Heber Jentzsch recently, and Scientology is all bent out of shape that they put him in the back of a police car by himself, presumably so that he would know he could talk freely and could leave if he wanted.
Christy, when the police checked on Shelley that one time, they did not see her. It was all done by phone.
Seriously??? Oh I am sure she was able to speak quite freely and honestly with all the guards, DM, etc standing behind her or listening in on the conversation which I would bet my life was exactly how it was. Yeah, that was a good welfare check and how do they even know it was her they were talking to? It could have been anyone on that phone.
A very accurate description of the situation. I remember seeing Leseuvre and Heber at events in Paris. Corporations are more interested in profit than in the well being of personal, but in Scientology this attains new heights formerly unheard of.
I wonder whatever happened to Tommy Davis? He was the spokesperson for awhile but always seemed to come across a little bit unhinged, which is probably why he isn’t a spokesperson anymore. Most likely he hasn’t left Scientology but I am curious if he has voluntarily distanced himself.
He left the Sea Org (or as he said he is “on a leave of absence”), was doing work with James Packer’s company for a bit, and I think he went back to working for a friend of his daddy..
Thank you! Well it is probably safe to say that there is a “story” behind why but it is doubtful we will ever know what it is though.
The story is he’s on a “leave of absence” for the next billion years.
Mommy Anne “Do I look brainwashed” Archer is taking care of her Little One.
(And while I’m at it, let me answer her question: “Yeah, you do.” )
LOL Aqua! She totally does look brainwashed! I take it Tommy is still a scientologist tho?
I actually don’t know but so long as Mommy is In, he probably is too.. Though like the other whales and celebs she hasn’t been exactly vocal in defense of her wonderful cherch of late.
Re Tommy Davis. I don’t know & I don’t care. Tommy was a thug.
Tommy Davis didn’t do himself any favors on that BBC Sweeney doc. He painted a very ugly picture of himself.
I suspect that this statement on camera that “if it’s true that Mr. Hubbard was never injured during the war, then he never did heal himself using Dianetics principles, then Dianetics is based on a lie, and then Scientology is based on a lie” was a Freudian slip of sorts, allowing his own doubts to show through. He has made himself scarce since then, apparently after having been let leave the Sea Org and trying his hand at private business, and if I recall correctly the only event he’s been seen at was one put on by his mother’s Scientology front group. I think it’s anyone’s guess whether he is just taking a break, or is really UTR – but due to his mother, he wouldn’t dare be seen as being disaffected.
I wouldn’t call Tommy’s comment on LRH a Freudian slip. It’s like suggesting that if a Roman soldier raped Mary and fathered Jesus, then there goes the whole virgin birth thing. Or if an angel called Moroni didn’t lead Joseph Smith to the golden plates, then the Book of Mormon is just fiction and therefore Mormonism is a complete fraud. Certain beliefs require that certain things happened and Tommy was just citing an example.
LoL. He “misspoke” as they say in legalese. A WHOPPER of a misspeak, Tommy!
Yo Dave!
Are you sorry yet?
Are you sorry you were so mean to Mike?
Do you regret the way you behaved, the way you pushed him away?
Do you miss him, Sir?
Do you miss Mike so much sometimes that its like a knife in your heart?
Do you have to fight with yourself not to pick up the phone and beg him to come back?
Why don’t you call him, Dave?
You know you want too!
Much love,
Hope it’s kosher to cross-pollinate here, but Tony Ortega posts updates on Tommy Davis from time to time:
Thank you for the information because the site looks really interesting. I’m surprised I haven’t even there yet.
Hi Christy. I’m always talking about Mike’s blog on Tony’s Underground Bunker. I do hope no one minds. All for the good fight.
Sad commentary, Mike.
I am happy though that you are NOT among the “Disappeared”. If you were still in it is likely you would still not be seeing your kids, or anyone that would resemble a ‘friend’.
Stay well, live life, and love to the fullest.
Miscavige won’t be needing the disappeared executive strata. The NOI has multiple layers of militant male and female operatives to “make it go right”—to meet NOI’s own objectives.
NOI executives speak publicly to large, fervent public audiences of devotees throughout the country. Leaders are active on Twitter. They confront. They shatter. They are a force to be reckoned with—and even feared. Farrakhan hobnobs with Obama, Clinton, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.
COB does none of the above. He does not speak publicly. He hides behind attorneys and can only cobble together small crowds of adherents in Clearwater and Los Angeles by coercion. He has no known lieutenants. He has no political allies. He hobnobs with neither the Pope nor the Dalai Lama nor Franklin Graham. Miscavige is unknown in the larger world.
NOI has 2 Billion reasons to get their disciples into executive positions in CO$. The only question is…how quickly will they “get ‘r done”?
Corner, I’m not sure what koolaid you’re drinking – there are other brands than CO$’s after all – in brief, I don’t know where you’re getting your information – NOI PR literature perhaps? – but insofar as the NOI’s “confronting” and “shattering” and being “a force to be reckoned with” , this is delusional thinking at it worst, rivaling the level of delusion that Co$ members spout about their “impact” on society.
The ex-Presidents you mention, i.e., Clinton and Obama, are SO not in any way shape or form “hobnobbing” with Louis Farrahkan, These two are MAINSTREAM, moderate Democrats with a broad coalition of supporters of all races, religions and ethnicities and as such would slit their throats before being linking themselves publicly to the violently anti-Semitic and otherwise hate-spewing Farrahkan. The NOI is not even a dependable Democratic voting block, unlike the Evangelicals who vote 80% Republican in this country. The NOI are, many of them, quite poor and don’t vote at all. To moderate Democrats Calypso Louis is POISON- courting him to get the NOI vote would be political suicide as it would alienate many Democrats who love Obama and Bill Clinton. And, as for Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, when was the last time you got any indication of their relevancy? Suggest you come into present time, Corner.
The reference is to Aretha Franklin’s funeral, where Farrakhan was invited because of friendly interactions with Aretha decades ago (from when “Calypso Louie” was a musician, and from when Aretha spoke out against police harrassment of black activists including NoI). He was seated in a row of prominent guests next to Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Bill Clinton (but Obama was prepping for McCain’s funeral and could not make the Aretha all-day event). I watched a lot of it on TV and was amused that while Sharpton and Jackson chatted a lot, and Clinton interacted with them sometimes, nobody, and I mean nobody, said a word to Farrakhan, and Sharpton even seemed to jostle his chair a little further away from Louie.
Yes, understood. The Queen of Soul knew Farrakhan a long time and the family accorded him a place of honor on the dais. Ditto Bill Clinton who got photographed shaking hands with Farrakhan. . Kind of what people do at funerals while they’re paying their respects. I wouldn’t call it “hobnobbing” but, whatever…
Is it that he clawed his way up, or did no one really opposed his takeover?
I have not read of any schisms in the ch$ch, or major defections of orgs. Just about all I read is how people ‘escaped’, blew, faded away, dissapeared, or submitted to being placed in the ‘hole’.
As much as I’m happy to see the scientology organization disintegrate, it is just so sad to see these able and dynamic and well meaning individuals driven into degradation by their maniacal ‘True Leader’. They are so tangled in the web of mind control and thought conditioning that they can’t find their way out of the maze, and even if the door were wide open, would they have any sense of self left to walk out? Or are they now mere shadows. Seriously these men could have died and no one would know.
Mike do you know whatever happened to David Starkey, Norman’s brother?
The “old timers” know the church is a shadow of its former self and also know that it sucks compared to its “former self” but what are they going to do? Leave? And go where? To whom? With what? Start over at 65, 70, 75, 80?
I know the whistleblowers have affected david miscavige to try and change the perception of the church of scientology but …
You can’t stop who you are, dave and the buck stops with you. As much as you try to convince your sheep that the problems within the church are because of the latest SP’s, Leah and Mike. Sooner or later everybody will figure out where the smell is coming from. It’s too bad you, dave, have an inability to self inspect and get yourself cleaned-up, maybe a bath to kill the smell but then you’d have to kill the gangrene coming from your insides.
Mary Kahn,
I know your above questions were intended to be rhetorical.
They answer themselves, right?
But let’s consider from this angle:
Why NOT “start over” at “65, 70, 75, 80”?
YOU did.
You and MANY here others did PRECISELY,without the physical, mental and emotional benefits of youth and with all the drawbacks of advanced age.
Why not them?
After devoting decades to Scientology,after devoting perhaps the preponderance of their adult lives, or in some instances their ENTIRE lives, to Scientology, in their senior years, you and many others decided: “Enough. I’m OUT.”
You took responsibility and dealt with the consequences of that decision, without the benefit of chronological youth, with only the ability, of being “young at heart” at 65/70/75/80 years old.
Where did YOU go? To WHOM did YOU turn when YOU left? With what wherewithal did YOU start over?
You see where I’m going with this?
Why NOT them?
I think some old Sea Org members don’t have anywhere to go but also I do believe many if not all of them are in their own prison of belief.
Having said all of that I do believe the right thing to do is to get out.
True and agreed, Mary.
Mary, The “former” upstat eras, nonetheless, were any real “OT” superpeople even at the “up” periods ever produced or even present? I know the answer, since the answer’s been no for all of human history. Scientology doesn’t produce “OT” supernaturally improved people at any better era. To me, that’s the biggest crux of the whole movement, it’s a long term con job, no “OT’ supernaturally improved persons produced at any time.
If any of the former leaders were really “OT”, including Norman Starkey and Ray Mithoff, they’d have done something “OT” to get themselves out of their situation.
The only “OT” Scientologists are those that get out and get back to life, and they finally transcend their “OT” status for real.
Yes. I agree. It was just an apparency even for me that times were better in its earlier years. There was just no internet and few whistleblowers.
chuckbeatty77 – THAT is the hardest thing to convince people of, even after they leave.
It’s FAKE; a FRAUD; BS in the extreme.
It’s always intrigued me, which of these guys were the inventors of the shore stories, the lies, and which were simply the enablers of the shore stories.
We know Hubbard invented a so-called “science,” but how did he end up himself? I can only go by the actual outcomes it produced in him.
Hubbard was very physically ill on and off from about 1968 to his death in 1986 (ages 57 to 75). Much more so than most people his age. He suffered from multiple bouts of pneumonia yearly at one time (admitted in a personal letter), heart attacks, strokes, pancreatitis (taken to hospital in early ’85 for a very bad attack . . . could not walk by himself), among other things.
From age 64 on, he exhibited early signs of dementia or senility. I’m not a doctor so I can’t exactly describe it . . . but he had it. Something going on there. (From my readings of posts and discussions with people who worked directly with him face to face. Also, his personal doctor, Denk, has said as much, as corroborated by Bill Franks.) He suffered from an uncontrollable temper and rages as he got older.
He wished to die in 1985 and attempted to take his life in November, so we’re told by his close friend and confidant, Sarge. In 1986, he volitionally withheld proper medical treatment at a hospital for a stroke or two, so he would die.
By 1988, Marty along with Monique Yingling, Greg Whilhere, Miscavige, six PIs, and quite a few others had raided LRH’s former ranch at Newbury Springs and absconded with a treasure trove of LRH’s auditing folders and research notes. Marty and the other senior execs pictured above would have, should have known by then (with total certainty I’m guessing) that OT 9 & 10 didn’t exist in any way, shape or form. That the promises of the upper bridge were essentially unachieved, so essentially a fraud, and that LRH came to ignoble ending.
Can you share with us who were the originators and perpetrators of the lies and false mythologies post-1986? These events and stories did not just “happen” out of the blue. They were caused and invented by somebody(s). The bridge turned into a volitional false act and carefully orchestrated fraud at that point. Who are the liars and who are the enablers here? Who were the members of the secret cabal that knowingly lied for decades?
Otherwise, we have only a conspiracy of one, David Miscavige, and no one else knew a thing. Some have said as much.
Who invented the LRH achieved OT, LRH invincibility, and Target Two disembodied research stories after LRH’s death? DM? Broeker? Cooley? Who knew better but covered up the truth? Ray Mithoff?
Who invented the story that OT 9&10 existed and would become available? That one cost me about $30K in a donation for a future imaginary level. The RTC that Marty was the head of at the time sent out a letter about it in the early 90’s and I paid up.
Who wrote the Original OT 8 and which of the guys in the photo knew that it was not LRH? Who just went along to get along but knew better?
My theory is that these guys are locked up because they know way too much and are too dangerous to be on the loose and free. If any of them talked and told the true details of the steps that were taken post-1986 to perpetuate the con, the COS would collapse pretty quickly. The easy solution then would be to keep them locked up and incommunicado until they pass away.
I believe that all these stories and lies were invented by specific individuals and then others hid the actual truths they knew. It cost me a ton in cash and personal grief. I’d like to know the “who” or “whos” behind all this.
Mike, what can you tell us?
Sorry. I don’t have time right now. You’ve asked a number of good questions here and each is somewhat complex to answer.
That I’m aware of. Would be a great topic for an article one day then.
Or a book or segment of the Aftermath program. People deserve to know the who, what, where of how this all turned from one man’s imaginative fantasy into a an ongoing fraud, the genus and secrets of which were so successfully held close to the vest for decades by a small circle of DM’s servile minions.
Whether “New OT IX & X” was ever researched and written down by Hubbard, depends on your interpretation of “research” and the development of the “tech”. How did he develop the other training and auditing levels? By inventing absurd processes, creating endless lists of questions adressing imagined mental conditions, scribbled randomly on sheets of paper and then assembled by devoted staff and put into a somewhat logical form.
I am sure when he died, he left reams of paper with scribbled notes behind. Didn’t he say in one of the latter Ron’s Journals that he was researching in the upper realms of OT? So, when you look at the pile of notes he left behind, there must be New OT IX & X somewhere!
In 1981, I received a green on white letter from Flag which stated the NAMES of OT 9, 10 and 11. I can no longer remember what the names were. It was a short piece, signed (?) by LRH. So far, I’ve never met anyone else who saw that, but I did. I never heard anything further to the that and by ’82 I was gone for good.
Forever Lurker “My theory is that these guys are locked up because they know way too much and are too dangerous to be on the loose and free. If any of them talked and told the true details of the steps that were taken post-1986 to perpetuate the con, the COS would collapse pretty quickly. The easy solution then would be to keep them locked up and incommunicado until they pass away.” Good questions, ones that are on everyone’s mind. I agree with you that the ones who know the answers and then some are the same execs who are held prisoner at Int Base. They can’t come out because they know too much and he will keep them there until he dies. Shelly too. She may have put two and two together about her mom, Flo Barnett’s, death which may be why he banished her, has her under lock and key and watch and probably has her sedated. There was a Shelley sighting that someone talked about on the blog and they said she looked horrible, emaciated, like a bag lady. This doesn’t happen by accident in my opinion. Forever Lurker and others, I recommend you get Jesse Prince’s book, “Expert Witness” and read it. Some of what you ask is in that book.
Don’t forget that these people can be and very likely are, driven insane by “processing” and “auditing”. I have no doubt that the older ones have undiagnosed diseases of all sorts that they suffer from.
Don’t fall for the lie that they are “OT” and possess some kind of superpowers that allow them to “rise above” the average, normal human being. They don’t.
In fact, they’re in much worse shape physically and emotionally, thanks to the abuse they’ve suffered. I imagine them just like I would an elderly lady or man with, say, diabetes or COPD or cancer, with some level of dementia.
Rena Weinberg?
Louis Swartz.
My wedding photographer called this pose “The Fig Leaf.”
Heber and I were friends. If he were to escape today (I know, he will not do this), I would take him in and keep him comfortable until his dying day. He was a good man with a good heart who was turned into a puppet before he was squashed by Miscavige.
And as long as we are talking about the disappeared:
Where’s Shelly?
Brilliant Post Mike. Thank you.?
This lack of a governing corporate structure is a violation of the ’93 IRS agreement. Why no complaints about that to the IRS? Why no auditing by the IRS? And the IRS don’t hold cans.
Of course Miscavage is an angry thug.
Per the tone scale he has to be half a point above the last remaining suckers
Which puts the last remaining dupes at fear.
Disappearing others (dedicated staff, wife and anyone else that could possibly restrain him) is one item in a long list of ‘how could he possibly get away with it?’
Outside the bubble it seems so obvious that David Miscavige is a diabolical, narcissistic dictator…but inside the bubble, he just farts a little more fairy dust and the followers breath deeply.
This blog post is going to piss off that little, uneducated, asthmatic, sociopathic dwarf. The OSA lifers who read this have no choice but to pretend that it is all lies but they can never ever ask – not even each other. The system is set up perfectly to not be able to share your thoughts with others. Until Miscavige croaks there aren’t going to be any positive changes anytime soon.
Mike – I agree with all you stated above. I have come to believe the bottom line is that Davey doesn’t give a crap about anything scientology, the tech, auditing, etc. It’s all about power and money (I know I’m stating the obvious). I wonder if he ever believed about the tech and if so when did his disbelief kick in? Maybe when he saw LRH deteriorate before his eyes and decided the tech was all BS and then to take over.
I was one of the few publics that asked and wondered where all these execs disappeared to, especially Heber and the Brokers (who vanished after the big event). And of course always got this pat answer, “oh, they are up in the higher echelons of the church doing whatever”. Hmmm never sat right with me. I guess that’s why I’m one of the few out and here on this blog, I started to look and not listen. This is why the still-ins drive me nuts, especially the old timers like myself. I know there are a lot of excuses given for these idiots BUT there are people that were willing to do the right thing even if it meant losing their loved ones like Mary, Newcomer, Aaron, you, to name a few. This takes integrity, courage and the balls to stand up.
I don’t see how people can stay in scientology after you see this! And knowing about the hole and trying to survive in this fear driven environment is insane! The FBI needs to go in and dismantle the hole and people being held against their will. I wonder if we will ever hear from these people or Shelley Miscavige?
There ino KSW anymore. Now it is KDMW
Working? Can’t be. Worshipped? Wealthy?
It takes no policy or effort to Keep him Wrong.
Dear Supporter,
At some point, a Scientologist will realize that KSW was LRH’s “service facsimile” to blame the followers, never accept blame, and have the followers double down doing KSW when they fail, and continue to always blame each other.
One day, KSW will flip in your head, and you just burst out laughing when you realize KSW was LRH’s never accept blame, ever, policy, and always blame the followers, and even blame the followers for trouble the followers get from the outside world, LOL.
So, don’t worry, KDMW will always be a dull echo of Hubbard’s never accept blame KSW.
It’s all someone else’s fault, not the con man’s fault, per the con man’s policies for how to run the con.
Supporter, some of Hubbard’s fiction stories nail Hubbard, and were almost Freudian slip premonitions of how bad Hubbard was. “Typewriter in the Sky”, and “One Was Stubborn” (which has a cult leader as the central bad person in the story even.
LRH’s output was never to blame self, always blame others, and he institutionalized his con false promising spiritual goodies cult with KSW.
“It’s all someone else’s fault, not the con man’s fault, per the con man’s policies for how to run the con.”
I remember these Execs as very fine and caring people. I wish them well.
Regarding the training of Miscavige, I have only evidenced twice how RTC Reps at FSO trained themselves. Miscavige may have done something similar (or worse).
It was Mrs Tucker. She had a full time student, one way flow to do all the drills, practicals, etc for the Class IX. Then she did send a couple of videos, as part of her Internship, and in a matter of 3 days tops she was a Class IX!
There was another RTC Rep, I believe was Ty Webb, not fully sure, but was a man. Same process: one way flow by a students on all drills, etc and maybe 2-3 videos send to RTC as part of the Internship and boom…he became a Class IV in a matter of a week and a half or so.
I always wondered about it as, even the full time outer org. trainees required at least 3 weeks to do an honest to god Class IX. To this add the experience of many hours of prior auditing on the prior levels.
This may have contributed to the collapse of the Org´s tech lines…among other reasons.
At ground level, class V staff – trained and drilled to the hilt in both Admin and Tech … going to “an upper org” and seeing the quickies and stat pushes, hearing Hidden Data Line crap, it’s soooooo hard…to wrap one’s wits about it and to still the cognitive dissonance that clangs in ferocity.
The only way I clung to Scn so long was because of my utter devotion to LRH. Oh, to have been privy to the real truth… I could have had a life.
Hi Silvia. I’m trying to understand your meaning, but I can’t get all of it. What do you mean by sending a couple of videos as part of an Internship? I take it “send a video” and “internship” have different meanings in Scientology? You seem to be saying that the standards became lower for becoming certain classes of auditor — is that right? On the other hand, DM also kept raising the bar and nullifying people’s purchased “tech” for other things, like Clear and OT levels.
(That one thing puzzles me a great deal. He nullified the very thing Scientology had sold them, and instead of providing refunds or the corrected tech free of charge — as should be required to not be “out-exchange” — he charged them again for the supposedly corrected tech. How anyone remained in after that con is beyond me. Not even a con. A con fools people. This says openly, “We fooled you into buying crap. So buy it from us again.” Perhaps that’s the moment it turned from a con into extortion.)
Excellent analysis Mike. Why don’t the normal, everyday scientologists ask these questions? Blows my mind. Wake up if any of you are reading this. If scientology in the “old” days was even a tiny bit, considered a cult, it is now a full blown cult. I hope & pray every day that one of these people manage to get away and blow the lid off of this charade. Scientologists are blind sheep.
Thank you for this article, Mike. It needs to be known. And the picture of the banished execs is good to put faces to the names for those who don’t remember these iconic leaders. Besides putting away anyone who was popular with the public or had respect of other int staff, or who is a tech leader, or who can attest that Davey has gone rogue or mad, DM has also put away anyone who knows of his overts and could testify against him in court if it ever came to that. These are the people he has banished to hell. Jesse Prince’s new book goes into some of this.
Heil Hitler
I’m pretty sure Corn on the COB, if he had been alive back then, would have paled around with him.
Right on Mick, ditto……………………I wonder why the FBI isn’t concerned about all these missing people. It’s concerning that police, FBI or any legal organization will not look into all these people that turn up missing within Scientology.
Mike – Great article! You mention Miscavige as being a Class IV, but according to his campaign bars from a recent photo Tony Ortega showed on his website, Miscavige wears a campaign bar indicating he is a Class XII auditor and CS. I would assume he awarded this to himself because he read the materials to ensure he corrected any typos and wrong placement of punctuation marks LRH might have made.
More like, “he read the materials to ensure that they weren’t offensive to the IRS, then pretended that there were “editor errors” in order to get away with editing them. Those CofSers will swallow anything DM gives them!
My DSA was happy to whitewash Lisa McPherson’s death, didn’t even mention the neglect let alone DM’s involvement in it. She may have been lied to herself at the time but she has had decades to understand the truth – as OSA she gets access to the real story. Unfortunately, she has no fear to hurt another in a “just cause”, especially her own teammates, if it will support DM in his baby killing, junior abusing ways. I found many CofSers are like that. They will happily go “picket” somebody’s home and hand out smear flyers to his neighbors if they dare object to DM taking part in the Lisa McPherson fiasco, while happily exploiting slave labor for their own “benefit”.
This is the sort of evil stuff you have to watch out for in CofS, where they will force their teammates to kill their babies to save costs for DM then brag about how “ethical” they are for getting in “ethics” on those evil doing baby wanters. Hip hip hurray! Three cheers for mankind’s greatest friend Ron!
I used to stick my neck out and KR shit like that…. (and then reap the consequences but survive with my inner sense of right/wrong) ….
I can’t imagine being the Qual terminal…who sees DM just reach across to the pile of insignia and hear his BS explanation….
Makes one pull a muscle gulping, …just thinking about the KR I’d be writing….
PS: thanks for the books. Book 2 is queued up on my kindle. I have purchased both in softback and then took the offer of the kindle version at at discount as a result. I feel a quiet satisfaction in supporting you in this way. <3 I can't do much but I can at least pay for this aspect of my therapy.
Thanks for your support. If you liked book I then I know you will like book II even more! A review on amazon would be helpful.
🙂 Janis G-G.
DM is NOT even a Class IV auditor despite that his uniform insignia says he is Class XII. He was on the Class IV auditor internship as a teen at St Hill, and he got mad and hit his pc. It was a huge flap and it was covered up, but he was taken off the internship and never completed it. Scott, his roommate and handler at the time (babysitter was his word for it cuz David’s parents were not there then), confirms this and he was interviewed for his knowledge of DM at this point in his life in the Going Clear Book by Lawrence Wright.
Wow. This systematically dismantles the false data that there is still a Hubbard sci-fi cult called Scientology based out of the Dianetics movement. It is now a Miscavige ‘New Era’ corporate-driven cult-like entity rather than the ‘Old Era’ of a sci-fi mythology driven, alternative self-help group. Still ego-centric around the true leader, but now apparently driven by profit at all-costs rather than any other mantra. There are no new discoveries. There is no self-promoting hype about a movement. There is only a redefinition of the word Scientology into first dynamic authoritarianism while retaining the synonym of capitalism and the antonym of free-thought. #ruthless
No one has the rank (except Dear Leader DM) to ask the whereabouts of these poor, lost thetans. Leah Remini found that out at Tom and Katie’s wedding when she asked where DM’s better have was hiding!!
“…on the backs of those who supported him…”
Maybe that’s just so people can see him from behind the podium.
LOL! A classic!
Yeah, yeah. That’s got to be it.
But as scientology continues to break, true leader will blame everyone but himself for this. He will portray himself as trying evrrything he could do to save it. He will be no where around when the ship goes down. Not a real captain, no way is he going down with the ship.
Do you notice how people pretending to be leaders who “lead” by bullying and talking tough are in reality not leaders at all, but cowards and liars who invariably blame others when things go wrong?
Yeah ! Just like Barack & Hillary……..LMAO
Like the sociopath that he is, he will save himself and let the ship go down and everyone else drown. And he will not care about anyone so long as he himself is safe and comfortable. And he will never feel sorrow for causing anyone any pain.
Hopefully soon he will truly be the only one in all of scientology (Sea Org, staff, or public), ruling over a bunch of empty, desolate, and crumbling buildings that serve as the only remnants of his ego-driven empire, all the while wondering what the hell went wrong (hint: check the mirror, pal).