They are promoting the empty new AO in Africa as a bargain basement alternative to the traditional AO’s.
These prices are (believe me, even though seem ridiculous) WAY lower than anywhere else.
You can bet the other AO’s are less than thrilled about this as they struggle to scrounge public…
But more importantly, it says loud and clear that there are nowhere near enough public in Africa to support an AO, so they have to poach from other areas. That was clear from the outset. They have a few small, struggling orgs like Joburg and some that are completely non-existent like Bulawayo, Harare and Port Elizabeth. They might produce one Clear a month between all of them. And this AO, manned with important Sea Org members was announced as SH Size the day it opened…
The Walmart AO was another vanity project, like Dublin, where there was not even an existing failing org, but Miscavige poured millions of dollars into a real estate scam that truly has no purpose other than as an investment of excess cash in real property and a PR stunt. If they need public from “other” AO’s, then they clearly don’t have enough public to support the operations of the organization. Just like Dublin.
The “new AO” was a PR pitch to those inside the bubble to keep them believing that “scientology is expanding all over the world” (meaning anywhere you are not — because if you visit your local scientology organization you will see it is NOT expanding).
Next we will see “tours” from AO Africa in other Continents trying to poach their few remaining public.
It’s a dog eat dog world inside the bubble.
Has anyone ever seen the Captain out in public? Guess he cant go out into the public?
A list of the prices over the years would be interesting. A good marker might be the cost per hour of auditing. When I started in 1976 it cost $25/hour. A round the price increases blamed on inflation almost doubled cost and the cost stabilized for a few years. Another round of price increases began around 1981 or 1982 which caused the Grand Exodus of scientologists in Los Angeles which I joined. I didn’t follow where the prices went after that.
Jesus, Budhha, and Jethro! It floors me that, in 2019, with the mountain of data about scientology and Hubbard and the international criminal history of the organizations, ANYONE can assert that ” parts ” of scientology have value or ” workability “! Ditto with Dianutty.
Fucking unbelievable.😎
Mike you would think the bubble would break when they see Miscavage has, if you’ll pardon the Scientologiise, Overt Products! So much for KSW when they discount services…not a thing you should do according to LRH policy. Great Job Davey…. You should be ashamed of yourself. Can no one left in there like Leserve assign this guy a condition appropriate to his incompetence? It’s got to go belly up soon if no one gives them anymore money. Before you and Leah did the show and I found out the truth I attended an event at the nearest Org and found the OT committee trying to scrape together the money for Miscavage’s outrageous spending. How much more can they bleed for him….People were proud to give up their Christmases for goodness sake just to build these Orgs!!
This “exchange rate” scam is easy to spot.
Any Scientologist who purchases cheaper services at the African AO is begging for trouble. RTC will revoke whatever certs they were awarded at Kyalami Castle due to gross out tech that will inevitably be discovered there.
The Scientologist will then be ordered to report to Flag and spend huge sums of money to fix the damage done to them at Kyalami Castle, the home of cut rate tech.
There is no such thing as a free lunch: Cheap tech will cost you 10x more in the long run.
Arghhhhh so that’s the scam they are running!! Offer discounted fake tech then charge you 10X to undo the mess they created… Sounds like the rebuy your LRH library scam they tried to pull on me a few years ago! Soooooo strange that anyone within the COS can’t see the holes in all this like Swiss cheese! 🧀
J swift:”There is no such thing as a free lunch: Cheap tech will cost you 10x more in the long run.”
In the short run, it’s grossly overpriced, even if you were to get it for “free”.
Hey J Swift, but wouldn’t simply offering the tech at discounted rates be considered “out tech” for the AO offering the tech? Shouldn’t all Orgs be using some sort of Scientology Big Mac Index, and then repricing to a standard rate daily? So no one org will be offering the tech at a premium or discount?
There will be interesting IF someone from Scientology in USA read these “prices” for religion. Maybe they will discuss on their meeting because they say that everybody should think and say clearly and freely.
It looks like the Africa and Ireland orgs are poaching public from all over Eurasia. Does that mean that the local orgs are left delivering little more than introductory services?
I noticed a reference that the Firhouse AO has some sort of satellite compound, where it sounded like people coming there stay. Does that mean that increasingly, Scientology has members receiving significant services under 24/7 control – perhaps particularly in case they go psychotic, become suicidal or have health problems?
Peacmaker, the ‘local orgs aren’t much more than ‘missions’ these days, but without the independence they had in the ‘good old days’ when each could have a distinct “personality”, AND were allowed to treat their staff with actual, living wages.
Glenn – excellent post. THAT is exactly what Scientology is… is a total scam. Extortion, lies, Fraud, deceit and manipulation are the tools $cientologists get trained to use to milk people out of their hard earned money. It needs to go away forever and bury all of that shit in Xenu’s volcano and blow it up with an H Bomb. The body thetan theory was simply L Ron Hubbard’s version of exorcism and they don’t exist except in a Scientologists delusional mind.
Thanks BradAnon,
Sounds like you’ve been there too. Knew a girl who gave it all to the cult and wound up losing her home and having to move into her car. True fact and fucking despicable just how brainwashed one can get while in the mess.
I’m waiting for AO Tahiti …
I’m waiting for AO Hawai’i.
I’m waiting for AO Siberia.
Whoa! AO Siberia. I hear the mountains are very beautiful! And Russia has been a big help with their orgs…closing them down.
It will herald the brand new Ice Age of Tech.
That gives me shivers.
It’s a dog eat dog world and Miscavige is the Rottweiler of religious leaders.
Great! Go to Johannesburg for auditing and get killed. It has a murder rate of 36 with over 20,000 murders last year.
Perfect place for the Dwarf!
I’m not the sharpest knife in the chandelier, Wynski. Not sure what FTW is about. Can you enlighten me?
FTW usually means For The Win
OSD, I believe Wynski was commenting on your,
“Perfect place for the Dwarf!” comment, with
Win (FTW)
I second that designation. the Munchkin™ in South Africa would be instant Karma for the dweeb.
Thanks guys!
Cool, a “new” scamology psycho for the blog. In reality it is just a Foolproof sock-puppet. In between collecting and producing child porn WINNING_ON_ALL_DYNAMICS posts here.
For The Win
Well done, Wynski. Great find!
The area where the AO is had 12 murders in 2018.
South Africa as a whole, 9 states/provinces, had 20000.
Johannesburg is a city……..South Africa is a country…..
R2 Johannesburg.
Shouldn’t it be R245?
That’s the connection 😉
Well, if you’re being made to redo mundane stuff like purif and SRD, why wouldn’t you shop around for the best deal? lol…
So low long before the other AOs start competing with them by slashing prices?
Purif & SRD right here folks? Come and get ’em! Lowest prices in the region. For the Purif, it goes for $5. The SRD is $7. You can’t beat these prices! Oh! I almost forgot. The Student Hat is $2.50.
It’s worthless at HALF the price.
Yep! Its the new ‘Game of Bones’, the only game in town where your groupie friends get to pick yours clean.
The church of scientology is over.
I wonder what would happen to the church of scientology if all went quiet around them – there were no more lawsuits, no more blogs, no more books, TV shows, documentaries, FB, internet, etc. Would it even be possible to turn itself around. I don’t think so. It would need a Reformation in which case it would have to cease to exist as it is and david miscavige would have to go away and someone who was sane would have to step in at the top (if THAT is even possible). Interesting thought.
BUT! the church of scientology is over and all those other things DO still exist. Back to reality.
They eventually were overcome by the one thing they can never change about Scientology – it’s false.
You can lie and deceive for a time, sometimes a long time, but the world eventually affirms the truth and exposes the false.
Trying to resurrect Scientology now that everyone knows its a bunch of nonsense that was made up off the top of Hubbard’s head would be impossible. They may be busy trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube, but the internet eventually brought about their demise.
Scientology is busy trying their 1960s ways of controlling people that don’t work in the information age, but the ‘entheta’ is all out there, for all time. You can’t un-ring a bell.
It reminds me of what wise people say about the Internet.
Do not feed the trolls! It just encourages them.
Mary, I agree that what had been scientology (never a church) is gone, carved up by Dwarfenführer to create ‘hissown’ little cult.
Not much of what Hubbard created remains.
“It’s a dog eat dog world inside the bubble.” And it’s really a dog eat dog world outside the “bubble”. Please excuse me while I pop a hole in my bubble so I can get some fresh air. Just remember this one thing – “IF YOU KNOW THE TECH, IT WILL PROTECT YOU.” Thank you, you may return to your nattering and daily dose entheta. Seriously I think some people here are more addicted to the daily entheta than they are addicted to their daily Starbucks coffee. Just sayin’…
Just sayin’ much ado about nothing.
When Scientologists say they “know”, remember this:
They have collapsed reality and delusion, lies and truth, objectivity and imagination with the justification of having…
I don’t know much about nothing.
Hi Foolproof 🙂
Hi Aquamarine! Sup?
Hey OSD!
Always great seeing you here.
Never-in here. Protect you from what exactly? All human beings seem subject to the same vicissitudes of life. Not sure I understand.
Just Wondering,
There are fervid Still In Scientologists and Still Practicing Ex-Scientologists who believe they have some kind of superior consciousness or knowingness or a reliable rudder to guide them safely thru the vicissitudes of life. Well, maybe some of them do.
On the other hand, most of the Upper Bridge Scientologists I’ve known have or have had the same kind of problems and issues as Lower Bridge Scientologists and non=Scientologists, i.e., chronic health issues, chronic financial problems, bankruptcies, obesity, divorces,
marital difficulties, nicotine addiction, to name a few off the top of my head. Now, these 7’s and 8’s would behave as if they had some superior knowledge, and it used to impress me, the mystery of it all, while at the same time I wondered why they were still struggling with which I was struggling. Today I’ve come to the conclusion that if one is reasonably smart, reasonably healthy, reasonably self disciplined and ethical with a modicum of common sense, the Upper Bridge can assist you in being smarter, healthier, more disciplined and more ethical. On the other hand, it you don’t already have any of these qualities, , if you’re by nature kind of dumb, lazy and self indulgent then none of the Bridge, upper or lower, is going to do you much good, if any at all because the Bridge can’t give you qualities that you don’t already have or that you don’t have the self discipline and desire to develop in yourself.
I know Scientologists who are convinced that the reason they’re still fucked up and unhappy is because they’re “mid-level” on some Bridge action, and once they complete it, all will be different. OR, they think they’re still fucked up because they need the NEXT level on the Bridge, and if they could only just get this next level, everything will change for them. What they don’t realize is that the Bridge is not going to give them what they don’t already have OR what they are unwilling or for whatever reason unable to develop in themselves. Its sad because they spend a lot of money to get the kind of personal power they long for and the Scientology registrars sell them expensive courses and auditing actions which promise to “handle” what they don’t like and want to change about themselves. They get addicted to Scientology because there’s always the next thing, the next course, the next magical auditing level that’s going to be THE thing that effects the change. What they don’t realize is that millions of people have changed what they don’t like about themselves and changed their lives for the better by first deciding to DO it and then, with doing it, which entails HARD WORK. That’s where the common sense comes in. The Scientologists with common sense never expect their courses or auditing actions to magically change their lives. Instead, they take what they learn and uncover about themselves and USE these things VERY pro-actively. The dumb, lazy ones expect the Bridge to do it FOR them, much like an addict injecting a substance that he knows will get him euphoric – for a while. The pain will go away – for a while. He/she will feel “strong” and “powerful” – for a while. (At this time you can expect the glowing, magical, “I am so powerful and nothing can ever strike me down again” Scientology Success Strory.) But this euphoria doesn’t last and everything that sucked before soon sucks again. And then need their next fix. And the Reg is right there to help them get it. Only its called, “Your Next Action On The Bridge.” And the latest twist is that if they don’t have enough money for their next action on the Bridge they can always DONATE and “move up in status”. This gives them some attention, some acknowledgement, some concept of achieving their personal goals. Sad, really.
Thank you, Aqua. How disappointing and discouraging for someone truly trying to be a better person. Sounds like one gets sucked into a self-absorbed vacuum, where nothing really matters but oneself. Everything purported to be done for others is actually to make oneself feel better. A good heart can’t tolerate that forever because caring for someone else is really what makes us happy. I am honored you replied to me. You do have a good heart.
Good post. Aquamarine. Liked your viewpoint and explanation.
Well said!
“Scientologist with common sense”. That’s an oxymoron!
There is nothing on ” the scientology bridge ” to work on,
It is not a path of self improvement or self-discovery. It is not a course in cognitive skills development. It does not make people more intelligent or more emotionally grounded and empathetic. It has no scientific basis. It was designed to fuck people up, by a narcissistic, lying manipulator. The overwhelming, currently available empirical data supports the bold assertion that scientology and dianetics are highly toxic and predictably and consistently fail to deliver the abilities and states of being they promise.
Don’t join a cult or engage in cultic practices to ” work on yourself”.
HARD WORK in scientology= intense delusion, always. It’s the nature of the beast.
” ‘Scientologist with common sense’. That’s an oxymoron!”
Mark, I hear you but I don’t think it applies to every Still In Scientologist. Or, at least, I believe other factors are in play besides the influence on their lives of their Scientology auditing and training. I know a few, far up the Bridge, who are doing well. They’re doing well (I believe) because they have marketable skills and twork hard hard, and are honest. On the other hand i know a number of Still Ins, also far up the Bridge, who are not doing well ( I believe) because they have no marketable skills and poor self discipline along with an over appreciation of their own limited talents. These are the ones who puff themselves up because they have a certificate on the wall that says they are “Cause Over Life” or some such nonsense, meanwhile, they’re broke, unhealthy and at the same time convinced of their own superiority!
Now, the Still Ins I know of who do well (3 of them, to be exact) don’t HAVE this attitude at all. They work, they do their jobs, they take care of their families – all the common sense actions of success in life – so they’re successful.
They MAY attribute their success to their being far up the Bridge but I don’t believe that’s the reason.
They MAY be giving the cult too much money but they don’t get into extreme debt or go bankrupt, they don’t stiff their creditors, their employees are treated well and get their salaries with no excuses. They’re disciplined, skilled people who work hard and honestly at selling products/ services that are needed and wanted by the general public. THESE reasons, in my opinion, are why they do well. These reasons are why ANYONE could or would do well, whether they’re in or out of Scientology and in fact no matter what they personally believed or practiced religion-wise.
Hey Aqua,
Sounds like that very small sampling of folks are NOT rabid, KSW-observing, fundamentalist cult members, and are doing well IN SPITE OF entrusting their time, minds,and material and spiritual resources to the cult.
There is also the issue of defining ” benefit “gained from the practice of scientology beyond the anecdotal and personal; we are still talking about the real world reality of no clears, no operating thetans, etc. Empirically and objectively, scientology is a bricolage of lies, contradictions, and intentionally confusing theories, pronouncements, and fantasies…that employ a crude skin galvonometer to “confirm” their veracity.
Hence, my comment about common sense. On the other hand, if someone straightforwardly
acknowledges that Hubbard lied and that dianetics is NOT a modern science of anything and that scientology is just a game of make-believe that he chooses to play, minus the fair gaming and the family disconnecting and utterly ruining ” enemies ” and gay-bashing and psych-destroying and the quack medicine( purif/ narconon deaths) and the “always-attack-never-defend” stance and…and…and…well, I guess he can
” work on himself ” that way. Yes, I am being snarky and sarcastic about the utter futility of trying to cast the toxic turd of scientology as a useful tool for self improvement.
It’s totally cool if you disagree, I just hammer the point here for the new readers or the random person who might see what I’m writing and “cognite” that rampant
fuckery is hard-wired into scienbollocky.
Cheers, and thanks for the dialogue.👍
Mark, thanks. I get your point, totally, and we don’t actually disagree.
I wasn’t attempting to make the point that the 3 successful Still Ins I know are successful BECAUSE of their actions in Scientology.
Instead, all I was sharing was that I observe them doing certain actions that almost always result in success in anyone’s chosen field,
Now, these successful Still Ins might ATTRIBUTE their successful actions to Scientology and I’m not opining on that, one way or another.
My other point was that I know a number of Still Ins who are not successful. They DON’T do these actions. They do pretty much the OPPOSITE of what successful people do.
To illustrate with a mundane example:
I have a terrific dry cleaner. I also give her all my dry cleaning and the ironing is perfect. I give her my laundry too because her people do a great job, quickly, and I like the way they fluff and fold :). Her prices are reasonable. She’s polite and pleasant. Her helpers seem to like her. They’ve been there for over 5 years. She’s there 6 days a week from 6:30AM until 7PM at night. I know nothing about her personally except that she’s of Chinese origin. I don’t know her religion. She could be a Buddhist or a Taoist or a Catholic or an Atheist. I have no idea what she believes. She could be a Wiccan for all I know 🙂 All I know is she’s a good dry cleaner. I don’t know WHY she does the right stuff, or why she BELIEVES she is capable of doing the right stuff. All I know is she does the right stuff! I don’t know why 🙂 You see? SHE may believe that she’s successful because she’s a Buddhist or a Protestant or a Born Again Christian – I don’t know what goes on in her head. I only observe what she does.
Anyway, thanks for reading this long thing.
Its always great to dialogue with you, Mark. I appreciate your intelligence and that you respect my experiences and I’m glad that you know that I respect yours.
I don’t recall feeling fucked up and unhappy while I was a scientologist. I focused on auditor training and every day I was on course I felt like I was learning something new and everyone I audited made it to the examiner with a floating needle. Life inside the bubble wasn’t so had if you were unaware of overall picture.
On the video of the Montreal fundraiser mwesten posted the other day, all the scientologists looked “Happy as a clam”.
The phrase most likely started as the longer phrase “happy as a clam at high tide,” and was popularized in the early 19th century, particularly in the northeastern United States. Clams can only be readily dug up by humans when the tide is low; in high water, they’re almost impossible to find.Oct 27, 2012
“IF YOU KNOW THE TECH, IT WILL PROTECT YOU.” NO it won’t. If you know the ORIGINAL tech from yesteryear and bring up how the squirrel tech of today is totally altered, then you get your ass thrown in ethics including sec. checks, etc.
Get your head out of your ass and breath some fresh air. This might help your little grey cells and you will wake up to reality.
ONLY from the MISUSE of the tech, I believe. Of course, any use of the tek by the Munchkin™ is going to be misuse.
OOps, that should have been “any APPARENT use of the TEK by Munchkin™ is by definition misuse.
.. said Hubbard. By Xenu! … he was not protected by his own Tech and tried to get rid of his Body Thetans till the very end.
If you know the dreck it will upset you.
I drecked once. I didn’t realize that a dreck was an animal. The scars are still healing.
I trekked over mountains of Hubbard’s dreck and stepped off his bridge to death. Am I happier? You bet!
ROTFLMFAO! Now that’s some funny shit! Very well done!
Scribe:”I trekked over mountains of Hubbard’s dreck and stepped off his bridge to death. Am I happier? You bet!”
Succinct, and dead-on.
If you know the tech … it will protect you?
Did it protect that asshole? Not much.
“I will protect those who trust in my name.” – Psalms 91:14
“Indeed, Allah defends those who have believed.” – Surah Al-Haj 22:38
You’re not saying anything new.
Different text, different lingo.
Same old shit.
I wouldn’t knock faith.
I knocked up Faith once. She wasn’t happy.
Because you have it?
We ‘SPs’ had faith in LRH and his tech once. We were deceived. BIG TIME! Faith is fine…but it’s not necessarily truth. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice…shame on me!
Have the kind of faith that led to the Wright Brothers getting man off the ground.
Rheva Acevedo, are you related to Bob Acevedo who used to be a course sup at ASHO Day? If so, is he in or out?
A few years ago I decided to read the Koran. I found it in my local library and was surprised to see it was a small paperback written in plain English. There were lots of do’s and don’t ‘s and Allah loves those who love Allah, but if you don’t love Allah you’re in BIG trouble. I read about thirty pages and took it back to the library. I suppose Muslims have accompanying literature which expands upon the text.
It’s one of the worst pieces of fiction man has ever produced. It’s up there with the Bible, DMSMH and Harry Potter.
WOAD, so you concede that even inside the bubble it’s dog-eat-dog?
Is that part of why all the missions are closing, leaving Scientology with fewer and fewer locations still open? AOs poach the orgs’ PCs, orgs poach the missions’ PCs, and with almost no new “raw meat” coming in anymore, the CofS is slowly eating its own?
And what “Tech” are we talking about. The unworkable PTS/SP tech. The fake TRs tech, the mystical Reactive mind tech and the NOTs tech. Nice to have a version of Foolproof chiming in with predictable platitudes. I
From 1972-1988, I went to OTVIII on about $110,000. Almost half was OT V,OT VI, OT VII, and OT VIII.
It was not worth the money. Hubbard was playing a bluffing game. He put his science fiction into a religion and dressed it all up. I had doubts about Hubbard all along the way but people around kept me going. When I did OT V, my FSM said “It is weird stuff but stick with it because Hubbard has the route out”. Very much a lie and said mainly for the 15% commission. When I got onto OT VIII, it took one sentence from Hubbard’s Student Briefing to see that he was a fraud. When I was in Korea during the Viet Nam War, I studied original Buddhism in depth and met with monks on my R&R for 30 days. There is no way that Hubbard could make the statement that Buddhism and Scientology were in any way similar or compatible. At that point on the Freewinds in 1988, I saw right through Hubbard as a fraud.
You wised up and jumped ship.
Well, of course you jumped ship. That was the logical thing to do.
Your experience is so, so similar to mine. I spent 40+ years in the cult rigorously following the “path to spiritual freedom” and like you finally saw the truth and walked away. I I lost over $200k in the process. I attested to clear in the early 80s only to be told 10 years later “there was still more to do” and my state was rescinded. 10 years later I popped the bubble after witnessing the increase in fervent demands for money (one of the reg cycles even used some information from a recent auditing session of mine) and I finally faced the truth that I was NEVER, EVER going to get true spiritual freedom and would wind up broke and destitute if I remained “on the path to nowhere”. I agree; Hubbard and his tech were truly just a fraud.
When I finished all the work that goes into becoming a “Clear”, I realized I had been had. I talked with the ED for awhile, got up, and left. Why, you may ask? BECAUSE NOTHING HAD CHANGED! NOTHING!!! I was still the same person that I’ve always been. Just $4,000 lighter.
FUCK YOU, Scientology!!!
OSD, what you are and who you are is very kind, and very special. A happy lighthearted person who wants to be happy and make others happy. That’s who you are and its all you need and all you’ll ever need and no one, no auditing action can take your “beingness” -0 if you’ll forgive the Scientologese – no one can take this away from you, nor give you anything that you don’t already have.
Now, having said all this, OSD, would you by any chance happen to have a spare $4000 lying around that you could send me?
Just kidding just kidding just kidding just kidding x !000 except for the first paragraph which was wholly sincere 🙂
Thanks, Aquamarine! I so appreciate it. What I really like is your posts. You’re a very well read person. And I just really like you!
“…one of the reg cycles even used some information from a recent auditing session of mine…”
When I was in, there was a LOT of information in my PC folder about not helping someone when I should have helped, not being there, not even being aware that I SHOULD have been there. There was this huge loss and I was immensely guilty and sad about it for many years…anyway, later on, when I was regged for whatever was being sold at the time, this “button” of mine would get pressed. Not paying attention to something I should have been very alert to, not being aware of something happening right under my nose, not knowing, not being there when I could have been, not helping when I could have helped, with tragic consequences…I had, in those days, a kind of low level, chronic, ever present grief and regret going on about this and it didn’t take much, in those days, to tap into it and have it flare up, just like it had just happened! And tap into it they did.
I would always give something, when this button was pressed. Always. Sometimes a lot, sometimes a little, everything in between, but always something.
Of course, they knew exactly what to say to me and how to say it so that I never suspected that this button was being lifted from my auditing in order to get me to buy something. All in the name of help. My org was tiny. They were reading my folder or being fed this information. I see that now. And I’m sure they justified it as “greatest good”.
Sorry you went through that, Aqua. Same thing happened to me. Only they were overt enough about it that I knew my pc folder data was being passed around to everyone including the IAS registrars.
Pulling on your heart strings to activate your purse strings, the epitome of vulture regging.
Thanks for all that you told us.
Yes, it is totally true. In the cult there is no “priest-penitent” confidentiality at all. All you give up in what are supposed to be private sessions can and will be used to the cult’s advantage.
Mary Sue once ordered the GO to find the person who was planted in and was destroying the org. PC folders were collected by the hundreds and information collected therefrom. And, like you said, it was all under the bullshit allegation that it was in the greatest good despite the fact the “plant” was never found. But boy I will bet you the information expunged from those folders was turned over to staff for use in any way necessary.
And all that took place at the mecca of technical perfection otherwise known as the “friendliest place in the world”. Makes me want to puke.
Wow. What a story, Glenn. In the end she was treated horribly by her husband. She was his worst victim, certainly, but in no way was she innocent, an innocent victim! Totally complicit, a knowing accomplice in, and orchestrator of, his crimes. She deserved to go to jail. Of course, so did he. ESPECIALLY so did he. But she was knowingly, 100%, both in the dirt with him, and dishing it herself, all along. Wow.
I made friends with a girl who was an Examiner and she showed me a video recording taken by the “Look In System” once. Later when I heard about DM and his whiskey drinking buddies rolling around on the floor while watching Tom Cruise’s session videos I knew just what the fuck was going on. k
SOP, and one would think that an enterprising investigating magistrate could make a convincing case for organised criminal fraud (like the Co$ was convicted of in France). OK, it might now make a case in the US of A, but in a legal environment less tolerant of frauds with “church” in the sign over the door…
Well done Glenn.
It’s hard to know which is more difficult:
1) Throwing good money after bad. … OR …
2) Cutting your losses and walking away while you still can.
I am absolutely positive you made the right choice.
Well done Glenn.
Thanks Skyler. Agree completely.
George, thank you for serving. I too have an attraction to Buddhism. It makes the most sense.
You are welcome – Old Surfer Dude.