Another thought-provoking essay from our old friend Brian Lambert
It seems every time I write an essay I think “wow, this one is a big deal.” My sentiment speaks to the many mind distorting doctrines that have had devastating effects on all of us. Each deranged doctrine is singularly significant in the deprogramming process.
I am not affected by scientology any more
I know an ex-Scientologist who feels there are no left over subconscious effects in their minds. They’ve got it all under control. His “never in” wife does not agree. She knows beyond a doubt he is still under some influence.
Think about it: Hubbard taught us that there were bad people everywhere who were responsible for our condition. We agreed to this.
He blamed SPs for accidents, bad stats, getting sick etc etc.
When we bought into the doctrine of the SP we actually created a new category in which to hate, fight, judge and blame for our condition. Fighting the SP also made us feel powerful. It made us feel we were doing something good!
We all did it
We all labeled others SPs. We always talk about others doing it, but we did it. We were once them.
I would like to share what I have observed in my mind regarding how this doctrine stayed with me in vestigial form, secreted in my subconscious.
I remember the feeling of condemning someone to this category when I was in the cult. It was a complete dehumanizing of them. They became non-people. They were put into the mental prison box that Hubbard built for them. They became pariah, they became dangerous people to be shunned and ruined.
SPs have magical powers
The SP can cause cogs to vanish as if stolen by a thief.
This creature of Hubbard’s malignant paranoia was given evil magical powers. The worst effect of this doctrine was that we felt SPs deserved to be destroyed for the greater good.
And there is were the real evil comes in:
This doctrine of the SP, in my opinion, is Hubbard’s most evil. And the one that has caused so much human suffering.
Are there bad evil people? Of course, but just as all things Hubbard, there was a little piece of truth in it. With that little piece of truth we just let the rest of it in our minds uninspected. And with that, critics became satan; the ultimate evil that hates goodness.
Do you realize that Hubbard actually taught us to hate decent people and feel that these bastards can take away our wins? That these people deserve to suffer and be ruined utterly? That it’s our job to destroy them to clear the planet?
What can be the effect of studying and applying this doctrine for years and decades? What did dehumanizing decent people do to our minds and quality of life.
There is a very deep soul corruption that occurs by letting this doctrine in our minds.
Source of disconnection
Do you realize, that all of this devastating and heart wrenching family disconnection policy comes from the doctrine of Hubbard’s SP?
Absolutely every tear of a mother losing their child, child losing their parents, friend losing friend, spouse losing spouse, can be blamed squarely on the doctrine of the SP.
In its name sacred family love connections have been crushed.
In its name Hubbard almost killed Paulette Cooper.
In its name, the mad Caligula Miscavige spews the vomiting words of “you SP bastards!” to those he violently belittles. In his depraved mind he is punching and beating the SP out of them.
This is key. This is a major psychological implant that makes us see through the same paranoid schizo world view of Hubbard.
Dealing with negative people
I have brought many uptight, negative people, that would have been labeled an SP in Scientology, through their negativity, simply by being nice to them and not taking their issues personally. If I were to view them through the SP doctrine we would have become enemies and I would warn others about them, causing more social upset and misunderstanding. It’s a domino effect of hate.
Such an ugly doctrine Hubbard created out of his delusions.
Even when I left Scientology in the 80s, I still had this thought in me that could blame others for something happening to me. That is how this SP doctrine stayed with me, minus the labels of Scientology; I still had that “us vs them” and blame tendency.
My self inquiry revealed to me that this us vs them tendency partially came from the SP doctrine.
We agreed that the SP can affect us negatively, so in my mind I still had this mindset when I was engaged in a challenging interaction with others. There was a feeling of a need to protect myself from their negative effects. I judged them in a very negative way.
We can leave Scientology physically but still retain subconscious Scientology. Lingering tendencies in the mind that we are not aware of.
The SP doctrine is Ron’s most evil because as a result of agreeing with it, decent people can justify despicable acts.
The SP doctrine transformed Miscavige into a slimy Gollum.
Look what we agreed to folks. It was not pretty. This man taught us to hate our fellow human beings simply because some people did not agree with Hubbard.
The doctrine of the SP was a major psychological attack on our innate conscience.
The doctrine of the SP is the doctrine that gives reason and justification to every damn violent act of the Scientology Gestapo. The SP gives them a purpose.
The doctrine of the SP is a basic basic soul destroying doctrine that makes hostility against critics a religious sacrament.
When people are negative I default to kindness, compassion and love. I destroy hate with indifference or love. To not react in kind to people’s negativity is real power.
It’s easy to hate, not so easy to overcome the need to defend and retaliate with the light of truth and soul power.
Only cowards and mental weaklings can’t see the power in love to heal in harmony.
When we blame others for our condition, we surrender our power to change.
The SP doctrine is pure blame. The SP doctrine was damaging to our psyche.
Love thy neighbor as thy self is real power.
The SP doctrine is for cowards and mental midgets.
“I am not affected by scientology any more.”
IKR. I’ve come to the conclusion that that statement will be true for me IF, and only IF I don’t care enough about the subject to check these blogs. IOW, my curiosity of what happened to the friends I left behind has somewhat trapped me into continuing to be affected by the cult. The depth of my emotions as I read the posts indicates the level that I’m letting “them”(DM) affect me.
Hey Bro. Great essay.
Hey George! Thank you. I also appreciate your interviews with Ron Miscavige about OT8. You are a unique lone voice who experienced the original Lucifer OT8.
For those interested here is a link to Ron Miscavige’s interview with George.
Hey Bro. Great essay.”
It’s a shame we can’t simply upvote sometimes. I’m torn between saying something like “Ditto” or saying “Thanks, Brian.” Upvotes take no time, but the poster gets the same message.
Agreed. Would be nice.
I really miss getting the notifications! It makes it so hard to have ongoing conversations. Especially when it’s a great article. Please bring back the notifications!!! ☺
I agree, though I’m not quite sure what happened to the notifications. Is this a WordPress problem? I reset my whole WordPress account and still get nothing. I forget to check the site. FB is mainly a drag with it’s wonky algorithms. I’ve been weaning myself of the nego stuff which tends to make me crazy thinking about it.
Can something be done, Mike?
“Congratulations, you are now subscribed to the site Mike Rinder’s Blog ( and will receive an email notification when a new post is made.”
Ann Davis – The best you can do is scan over the last few topics and look for current date entries. Occasionally if you mention to whom you are replying it shows up in “Recent Comments” and someone will see it.
Thank you Brian for the piercing truth! Brilliant analysis.
Brian, thank you for the insightful article. In my case the SP indoctrination immediately impacted my musical career that was skyrocketing. It instantly destroyed my band momentum and crashed our career.
Hubbard preyed on the selfish, childish, irresponsible quality’s we all possess to some degree. His “tech” amplifiied the worst in us. And today 50 years later Scientology is worse than ever. Fortunatel once discovered that hideous brainwashing can be reversed. it’s taken me some effort and time to deprogram and it’s been worth it.
Hey Geoff,
I would love for you to do an essay on how the ethics and SP doctrines helped destroyed your band.
Likki, my x wife who was an Incredible Stringband member thought that the admin tech helped destroy their band.
There were issues already with the band, but when they put in the Org Board Likky’s said the demise of the band began.
Please tell your story. It’s incredibly cathartic to write. You are a creative guy. Add your voice, tell your story bro.
Dear Suppressives (LOL!),
Who’s the dude in the photo above attempting to look like Clint Eastwood on an off-day? Now he looks really suppressive to me! That cultivated mean and sophisticated no-nonsense “cold chrome steel” stare and valence learned by watching RTC staff on the other side of the meter shield missing one’s withholds, really says it all. Or Brian, perhaps this is your calculated and posed attempt with an RTC-type look to scare the audience into reacting?
Now it is somewhat true that the Church under Dave have politicized the labeling of SPs (but which also did occur before the advent of Dave, but far more rarely and was correctable), ignoring Hubbard’s (original) guidelines and list of characteristics on what makes a true SP. And it is also somewhat true that whoever invented this “cold chrome steel” attitude, whether Dave or Hubbard, made a big mistake PR-wise. And it is also somewhat true that the ignoring of Hubbard’s policies and the running of the show based on executive whim and idiosyncrasies and personal likes/dislikes became the de facto means of running Orgs.
But to throw the baby out with the bath water here is taking the other extreme. Especially when Brian states “When we blame others for our condition, we surrender our power to change” and spends the whole article blaming Hubbard, followed by Roger Larsson’s feral and vicious comment that Hubbard should never have been born through the means of his parents wearing condoms. Nice eh?
So here we have another “it all ought to be re-written” article of Brain’s re-defining the word “suppressive” or “suppressive person” to suit his cloth as in his Clint Eastwood poncho above, but then Brian states Hubbard said that there were “bad people everywhere”, which is an implied untruth – Hubbard actually put it down to 2.5 %, which is less than that Sociopath book’s level of 4% and society’s general assumption that they are indeed, “everywhere”. So that much-vaunted “Sociopath” book has more SPs in the world than Hubbard but that’s alright then eh?
What I also find interesting is that Brian somewhat admits to personally treating and thinking about people labelled as SPs badly, which again shows a literal interpretation of the material and is in stark opposite contrast to my attitude and also most of my peer’s attitudes in the 70s and 80s towards SPs. We mostly left it at that and got on with our jobs. The only real “punishment” as such for such people was denial of auditing and training until they mended their ways so it was always totally unnecessary to add personal chagrin and vitriol into the punishment but it seems that Brian and some of the people commenting on this site have done just that and are now trying to atone for the overts that they committed by now blaming others for doing that which they did. There is not much more to say than that. Well, there is, but that will do for the moment.
Foolproof lied (again): “Now it is somewhat true that the Church under Dave have politicized the labeling of SPs (but which also did occur before the advent of Dave, but far more rarely and was correctable),”
Wrong dipshit. Hubtard ordered and approved large numbers of people labeled SP who were not in ANY way criminal and it was NOT “correctable” by anyone else. He KNEW huge numbers of his original St. Hill staff were labeled SPs and he allowed it.
You WERE NOT in senior management and don’t know ANYTHING about what Hubtard did or allowed to be done. Why do you intentionally lie about it? The only explanation is that you are criminally insane like Hubtard was.
Unless you have a more probable reason why you intentionally lie about this kind of stuff…
Not true Wynski, I personally undeclared several staff and public. And such occasions were relatively rare before 82.
You PERSONALLY undeclared staff members? On whose authority? Or was it only in your mind?
Take everything he says with a large grain of salt. He claims great knowledge and experience. I think it’s just made up.
FP is not an actual person, he is a function of black ops.
The black ops functionaries of Hubbard’s 3rd and 4th dynamic “tech” all have the same web presence:
1) They hide behind made up names
2) disruption is their stat
3) they only show up when Scientology and Hubbard are criticized
4) they believe in the SP doctrine
5) when we respond to him he simply sees an opportunity to disrupt, deflect and try to emotionally upset.
On some level I am honored when he shows up. Substantive criticism of Hubbard causes true believers to war against SPs.
FP always seems to demonstrate the truth of my essays with his style of communication.
Any lurkers not familiar with Scientology black ops can understand Fool Proof by reading this link Mike has provided.
You can find the source of the Fool Proof’s depraved personality here:
Fool Proof is a reactive hypnotic mess of Hubbard’s commands on how to treat critics. It’s how his personality has been formed. He was educated to be like this. His personality is simply a learned behavior from studying Hubbard.
He is a wonderful example of aversion therapy. This is your mind on Scientology. This is your mind after studying and agreeing to Hubbard’s paranoid SP theories.
Fool Proof is our community clay demo for the negative effects of study tech and how Hubbard’s words can create indecent nasty people.
We are grateful for his service.
Brian said, in part:
“FP is not an actual person, he is a function of black ops.
The black ops functionaries of Hubbard’s 3rd and 4th dynamic “tech” all have the same web presence:”
Is that just another way of saying “FOOLproof ain’t nuttin’ but a TROLL?
I concur, but he’s fun to play with sometimes. Maybe if we stop feeding the troll, it’ll go away? I’m still trying to figure out what kept it so uncharacteristically silent for so long. Did we offend the poor thing by bullbaiting it?
I do! (with a HUGE grain of salt (actually the entire salt mine)!
Well, IJC had the final say of course, but then I received no arguments. So there’s your large grain of salt. Bit salty now eh? Do you really think that I could post the stuff I do without having the experience and the knowledge? Nah! Not really eh?
As for Kat, you really should engage your psychologist brain before putting pen to paper and asking silly questions. Or spend years in a movement that you know nothing about. Pass the salt please!
Or Kat, was it you sneakily trying to find out who I am? Oh! How foolish of me eh? Fancy not realizing that a forensic psychologist would be sneaky! So you have a choice: 1. You don’t know what you are talking about. 2. You were being sneaky. Alright, 3. Both!
I dont care about your identity at all. You matter to me about as much as a mosquito.
Do you really think that I could post the stuff I do without having the experience and the knowledge? Nah! Not really eh?
Absolutely. In fact I am convinced you are another Steve Fishman type. You make up stories, experiences and knowledge and simply assert them without any basis to do so other than you asserting them and using scientology jargon and attitude.
But as I have said many times, what you DO provide is an insight into the thinking of a scientologist. The condescension, ad hominem, deflection and illogics are classic Hubbard taught traits. So I will acknowledge that you do act like a real scientologist. As for what you have or haven’t experienced, I don’t believe anything you claim. Because that is another trait of the true believer — lying for a “just cause.”
He is lying again Kat. HE was NOT in a position to do any such thing. He is a pshycho
Wynski said:
“He is a pshycho
Somewhat agree, nut FOOlproof ain’t that pshy (shy)
OMG, just noticed the time. Was having too much fun, obviously.
Well, g’night all. sweet dreams, or at least hope you don’t have nightmares of ending up like FOOLproof.
[Which is a bit like saying:”DON’T THINK OF A PINK ELEPHANT…,
with bright red nail polish on each of her toenails … , unsuccessfully trying to hide in a BIG vat of cotton candy.
Kat —
If FP honestly had people “undeclared”, he could have at least named the person who authorized him to do so.
After all, he claims to be an Indie who left the CO$. So naming that person would not affect him in any way.
But again… grain.. or vat… of salt…
Look up IJC – stands for International Justice Chief. I stated this above but in your haste to try and find something wrong you post the drivel you do.
FP —
I know what IJC stands for. Doesn’t have much to do with my question.
Again, why won’t you name the person who authorized you to do so?
ACTUALLY KatherineINCali, he should name the people LRH had declared or approved being declared (as THAT is what we were talking about up-thread) that HE had IJC undeclare. And WHEN that happened.
Unlike Fool I DID have access to that information and I could tell you what is what if he puts out the names Which he won’t because he cannot.
While I still don’t agree with anything you say, I am glad you are ok. I was a bit concerned when you didn’t show up.
BTW, when you castigate people on how they look, it shows a decided lack of ability to come up with actual intellectual argument against the words. Its very unbecoming and the fall-back for internet trolls. I know that you have objections to what people write about here- please stick to the words if you can. personal attacks cheapen any argument you may make, and frankly, its childish.
I get that people speak about Hubbard’s appearance in his final days. That is generally to illustrate how unworkable his theories are- that he was NOT able to heal people, all was NOT psychosomatic, and scientology could NOT make all healthy and happy. His health and appearance are directly relevant to the argument being made. It is a valid argument. It may not be an appealing argument, but it is relevant in the context.
Yeah. Pretty typical of FP. He posts under a pseudonym and we never get to see his visage but he is happy to sit on the sidelines and take potshots st how someone else looks.
A coward through and through. It’s a Scientology hallmark. Just look st the troll accounts that take potshots at me and anyone who speak out about the abuses of Scientology. Most are afraid to show their faces or give real names.
It is definitely a common denominator in the way they attack, which is pretty stupid on their part. most people that I know think that personal attacks are a sign of weakness.
ANd ad hominem attacks are’t just a sign of weakness, but often of no imagination or inventiveness and usually a sign that the attacker can’t debate the subject using reasoned, logical arguments. weak, weak, weak, and LAZY.
Firstly such comments are a joke and somewhat based on the story – and yours and Kat’s comments act as deflection from what I state. As for how someone else looks – you always post the worst picture of Hubbard you can find to try and set some sort of scene and never censor people like Wynski with their very trolling remarks about “Hubtard” and others who state similar things.
Your usual whataboutism.
Any time you are called on something you deflect with how others are worse than you.
How about you give your name and a photo of yourself? Then you can start criticizing others who put their name and photo on the line (no need to mention I’m not afraid to so, so I think if I wanted to I would be more entitled to comment on the looks of others).
The photo of Hubbard I use was taken by Jim Dincalci and is not copyrighted by scientology. I don’t comment on his looks.
Over half of the commenters on here are doing so incognito and yet I am the only one who is asked to do otherwise. The deflecting started with your demand to know who I am as if that makes any sort of difference, followed by the totally trivial side-tracking and making a mountain of a molehill of my jocular remark over Brian. Why don’t you ask for photos and full names of nearly everyone else posting here? Or did you want to deflect and engage in what-aboutism?
No, you are asked because you sniped at his appearance while remaining anonymous yourself.
I believe your anonymity is because you fear if people knew your name they would also be able to discover you4 history in scientology and it would undermine your assertions of great knowledge you routinely offer here.
No, I am asked or rather you attempt to side-track, because what I state cuts out the nonsense that you seem to rely on to feed the trolls that are posting here and wish to character assassinate me accordingly. So which previous statement of mine is an untruth then?
As to your “knowledge” of Scientology this seems to extend to believing the Lucifer nonsense of George White’s “OTVIII”, and that Solo NOTs is “all your imagination” (running away with you – tra- la!), as two rather sublime examples.
Almost 3,000 exes are speaking out using their real name.
I’m replying here because I’ve tried to reply to your post about all the people here being “trolls”.
In the benefit of word clearing, you need to look up the definition of troll.
Please & thank you.
“The photo of Hubbard I use was taken by Jim Dincalci and is not copyrighted by scientology. I don’t comment on his looks.”
Just checking my recall: Was Jim Dincalci the MLO at Flag in the late ’70s?
?????hey use some yo OT powers or some shit to clear the entheta on this thread an shatter me some suppression and eliminate this PTS and disconnect from this SP dialogue. Fucking idiot….
No no, you carry on, you are doing a good job. (Even ex-Scientologists will get the joke and the irony.)
Firstly ? Lol
There are no good pics of Hubbard
Where’s secondly?
FP is nothing but a TROLL
So if I am a coward then over half (if not most) of your “inwognito” (sic) commenters on here are also “cowards” then?
Hang on, I know one shouldn’t laugh at one’s own jokes and all that, but “inwognito” is pretty good I thought! Hahaha!
FOOLproof tried to defend himself with:
“So if I am a coward then over half (if not most) of your “inwognito” (sic) commenters on here are also “cowards” then?”
not ME! I don’t have a decent picture to post anywhere, but my ID is my actual name, and I’ve correctly stated I was CF back before ‘August ’80, when I was released from my servitude.Another piece of IDing me was my ‘clear #’:5875, which an old acquaintance now at Flag verified.
Well, bully for you. Write yourself a commendation.
FP —
I’ll gladly put a picture of myself on my avatar.
I’m not afraid of $cientology in any way whatsoever. They can go f**k themselves for all I care.
They’re far too busy fair gaming people, following and stalking people, forcing women to abort their unborn children, forcing disconnection over the slightest thing, telling endless lies per Hubbard’s policies, and re-writing history to bother giving a damn about seeing my picture.
I don’t know anyone here personally or otherwise, nor have I been lurking around here for long so I am not as intimately acquainted with frequent commenters as others may be. I have been doing a lot of reading of blogs, including Mr. Rathburn’s (side note: I did not know until reading them that MR’s “opinions” had *ahem* changed). I could be totally out to lunch on this but after reading MR’s posts I wondered if FP was really MR. Has anyone else ever thought this?
Smokkee911 said in part:
” I could be totally out to lunch on this but after reading MR’s posts I wondered if FP was really MR. Has anyone else ever thought this?”
I’ve read MR’s posts, and FOOLproof’s. FOOLproof ain’t nuttin’ but a troll, IMO. Mike, at least doesn’t DO word salad like FOOL proof’s usual drivel, at least not that I’ve noticed.
Thank you Jere! Like I said I’m new(ish) around here, y’all would know better. lol. There are definite differences in writing style but I thought maybe that was intentional so people wouldn’t realize it was really MR. But I agree that they could also be a well versed troll. If so I admire their tenacity, most trolls quickly get bored and move on…one reason why I started wondering who they really are.
Wouldn’t it be a hoot if it really was MR?? lol
Why don’t you direct your remarks to the dozens of others here who do the same towards Hubbard and other Scientologists? Just go to the Thursday funnies and you will see them. And these gloating and even vicious remarks directed against Hubbard in his final days are also (probably deliberately) misconstrued as people seem to think that Scientology proofs a body from ever dying.
And I am sure Brain or as I should say Brian, is not that upset about them. You see, I am not such a vicious bastard as some of the people are on here, in fact my remarks are very mild in comparison.
So please don’t try to get an angle and make out that I am so.
BTW I have been working so I said I wouldn’t have so much time to post a couple of weeks back, but thanks for your concern.
Ooooh the scientology mental patient is all butt hurt about pictures of the whack job Hubbard ??? this is just tooooo good.
Hurt? No, just pointing out the bias. Let’s ask Mike to be “fair” (ha!) and post one of the more used pictures of Hubbard every time some sort of “story” is posted with his picture. How about that one where he is resting his chin on his palm? If there is no bias then surely Mike will do this eh? Once in a while anyway.
And as for your observation that I am butt hurt, this immediately exposes your incapability of observing anything. Why don’t you toodle off to your local bar and have a few beers to calm you down, I am sure an unwilling audience for your “observations” awaits you there. Or is it vallium at home?
No bias dipshit; aka Foolproof. Mike is using photos of Hubtard that were not posed. How he normally looked in everyday mode. IF you had the experience you lie about you would know that. But, as you are a pretender you have no real knowledge about Hubtard other than what he spoon fed you in his writings.
I was referring to your attempts to argue with someone while sniping at their appearance. The Thursday funnies remarks are not in response to an argument or a personal reflection, they are usually satirical regarding the self important gobbledygook they are espousing or their overly pompous attitude in general. As for Hubbard, he put himself out as the gold standard for everything. He claimed he had the cure for it all. The fact that he didn’t is obvious from his failing health as well as his deteriorated mental health. As to your contention about the “kinder, gentler” Hubbard years, I must remind you that the policies are directly from Hubbard and were just as evil and underhanded as they are under Miscavige.
The fact that you refuse to acknowledge any negative against your idol is just sad. The man was vicious and a liar. I don’t think Brian is attempting to “rewrite” anything. I think you are attempting to rewrite history and refuse to see it the way it really was. You made the comment about throwing the baby out with the bath water. There is no baby to throw out. Just dirty scummy water that should have been drained a long time ago.
Well, I actually experienced those “kinder gentler years” unlike you who have only constantly read and digested the vitriolic blather issuing forth from web sites like this and with the bias based on your job as a psychologist no doubt. Your pathetic attempts to juxtapose Scientology with Jonestown and the use of “wog” as a “racist” term are simple evidence of your swallowing all of the hyperbolic nonsense you read. The irony is is that you think your constant and voluminous utterings will prevent people becoming Scientologists but all it does is arouse interest in the body of knowledge that is Scientology and filters away those who belong in a lunatic asylum and/or who can’t see the wood from the trees which you are attempting to erect. In actual fact OSA should pay you an FSM Commission.
As to the policies you mention, which are these then? And don’t come up with Fair Game, was cancelled decades ago. Have you actually read them? Let’s see!
Take a look at the post on this blog
What do you say about those policies?
And Fair Game as a practice was never canceled, only the “term” was no longer to be used as it caused bad PR. Most explicitly the handling of those determined to be SPs was not changed.
Once again, your “experience” isn’t bearing out. But you have learned the rehearsed lines of deflection.
Mike —
It’s telling that FP never answered your post.
“..Fair Game was cancelled decades ago..”
Now that right there says it all. Another lie. Or “acceptable truth”, which is also a goddamn lie.
I’d like to know how he can sit there and say it’s been canceled when people are fair gamed TO THIS DAY.
Oh wait, that’s right.. protect Hubbard and $cientology’s cruel & horrid actions at any cost.
Yes. Anyone who has read the “cancellation” knows it says the “term” is no longer to be used because it creates bad PR. BUT, nothing changes in the handling of SPs. All the “tech” of destroying enemies is still to be applied, we just don’t use the word Fair Game.
It’s just like when Hubbard “canceled” disconnection — nudge, nudge, wink, wink, eh, eh…
It ‘s not “telling” at all that I didn’t answer the post above. As I have said twice now I am working unlike you freeloaders so don’t get much time to reply to the drivel posted here against my comments. I will answer Mike’s comment next (about the critics of Scientology).
Still waiting apparently. You have plenty of time to respond to plenty of comments except the ones you don’t want to answer…
FP —
So, Kat’s posts cause people to seek out $cientology’s “body of knowledge” and join the cherchy cherch? That’s cute.
To emphasize the point: have you any idea how many people have watched the last 3 seasons of $cientology and The Aftermath?
Millions. Look it up for yourself.
If people criticizing $cientology & talking about the physical, emotional, or psychological abuse that they suffered at the hands of $cientology and Hubbard’s vile policies, then why haven’t the orgs across the U.S. been overwhelmed with a flood of new suckers?
Riddle us that, please.
Yes, and many of them – what percent I don’t know – for the first time in their lives will suddenly become aware that there is a movement like Scientology with auditing, e-meters, past lives, self-help. courses in communication etc. etc. You must learn to think through the usual presented nonsense.
FP —
For some odd reason, there isn’t a reply button on a couple of your latest posts to me.
So I’m replying here.
If people are flooding into orgs, why don’t you go to at least 3 or 4 of the orgs near you and take pics of all the people??
We’ll wait…
FOOLproof said
“Why don’t you direct your remarks to the dozens of others here who do the same towards Hubbard and other Scientologists?”
Hey FOOL, why not direct your drivel TO the person to whom you’re venting? AND Do WHAT same towards Tubby, etc.?
ETA: SORRY, ALL for improving FOOLproof’s stats yet again, but it’s late and I really have nowhere else I have to be … Though my wonderful wife just cleared her throat, possibly in my direction. AND there’s a comfortable bed awaiting alongside of her.
Hubbard renamed a lot of things. If Suppressive Person is a synonym for a Sociopath then I believed in that. He said 2.5% of the population were sociopaths and that seemed reasonable. Another percentage of the population were influenced by them and that also seemed reasonable. I wasn’t one of them and I didn’t bother to evaluate the numerical statistics.
If “all Scientologists” believe in the “SP Doctrine” and other abusive Scn doctrines then maybe they are “non-people” and deserve eradication. The problem is that most Scientologists become ex Scientologists or Indie Scientologists on their own.
People who write books on cults note the extraordinary number of control methods used in Scientology. There’s no denying that the SP Doctrine is one of the worst for people who follow it blindly. My 2 cents.
Yes, Richard, that is my point – one shouldn’t attempt to read and then interpret if one is “blind”. And if one is “blindly following” this implies literal interpretation, or confused ideas, much like Brian’s essays.
Oh hell I’m loving this! We’ve got what appears to be a bona fide Whack Job from the Scientology cult actually posting on Rinder’s wall, complete with all the bullshit jargon. Mr. Fool Proof! This is like a field trip to the mental ward! Please keep posting you diseased brain freak. As a psychiatrist you’ve given me a major hard on now. Observing folks such as yourself trapped inside a delusional world that can’t break out of is utterly fascinating. It’s like watching a house fly crawling across a pane of window glass desperately trying to find its way outside.
There are no BT clusters, no Wall of Fire, no Hubbard tech, no bridge to freedom, no state of Clear, no OT levels … I could go on ?? Hubbard was just a fucking lunatic end of story.
Don’t let this Foolproof freak yank any of you ex Scientologist’s chains. It’s probably a drunk Miscavige trying to get his chops in.
Anyway, off to make some more ??
And I’m supposed to “discuss” or “debate” with cretins like this? Ha! Seems from the use of the silly symbols that he is posting under 2 names as well in his haste and urge to spew forth. Mike, why don’t you ask him to name himself and post a photo or two?
No requirement for you to discuss or debate anything at all. You are free to ignore anything you wish. It is you who chooses to debate those you claim are beneath your lofty pedestal.
I don’t think that poster has any interest in “discussing” or “debating” anything with the likes of you, mate. Looks more like to me he’s excoriating and ridiculing you. But since you are responding, how about let’s have you provide us with a quick overview of the problems associated with those invisible BT clusters clinging to our souls, and how we can make them “blow” using “word clearing” in combination with staring at a needle on an “E meter” all for the low, low price of Kaching! (however many hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars the reg vampires can drain out of your bank accounts, credit cards, second and third mortgages, etc). Go ahead, mate, we’re all ears.
“Don’t let this Foolproof freak yank any of you ex Scientologist’s chains. It’s probably a drunk Miscavige trying to get his chops in.”
MIGHT BE, AT THAT…. I hadn’t considered that possibility. And now Dwarfenführer’s alerted to my presence, and I’m not THAT tough to find, since there are so many orgs trying to get me to do SOMEthing more in the cult. The only one who isn’t seems to be the local one who is, AFAICT, dying or dead because DM forced them to move into a too-big/expensive place, then buy/renovate a WHITE ELEPHANT not even Flag could hope to utilize effectively.
Foolproof, you’re back! Bashing us! So glad.
This is a huge win because I now have total certainly that my postulates stick, and yes, I am going to write a Success Story 🙂
Some of us were worried about you, FP. And here you are, batteries recharged, shooting from all guns and taking it from all sides 🙂
I woke up to this! How fun. ☺
Yep – I was 2 Gun Tex in a previous incarnation!
I am working Aqua, so I don’t get much time – only at weekends for the next few months. Mike will have to somehow fiddle with his comments stats every Thursday 2PM but I have heard that the WFMH are very demanding seniors! Even worse than Dave! Perhaps he can hold some back for the following week?
“Foolproof, you’re back! Bashing us! So glad.”
Well it IS fun to toy with trolls occasionally, but I prefer “chatting” with literate posters who can string together a logical, rational discussion of the issues. Sadly, once FOOLproof’s comments get past a certain size, they seem to get tossed into incoherence, as if his browser can’t handle the volume.
Method 9 – cures all your sins.
Would you like others to have similar gains to yours?
I am working Aqua, so I don’t get much time – only at weekends for the next few months. Mike will have to somehow fiddle with his comments stats every Thursday 2PM but I have heard that the WFMH are very demanding seniors! Even worse than Dave! Perhaps he can hold some back for the following week?
Those Intensives won’t pay for themselves, will they?
HEY! SOMEone woke FOOLproof again. Seems he wasn’t quite fully awake as he threw his … hat or whatever … into the fray.
After reading this chapter from The Road to Xenu
I have to say it’s unfortunate Mr. Hubbard didn’t die before he began writing his science fiction reality of Dianetics and Scientology.
This shit is just *sick*.
That photo capping this article of
a rubber faced, rheumy eyed Hubbard
with his
bedraggled hair and big gut
smoking his 100th cigarette for the day
should tell you *everything* you need to know about “Scientology” —
it’s a big, fat crock of rancid shit covered in blow flies.
I can’t say I agree wholeheartedly with a lot of this “we”,(eg “We all labeled others SPs. We always talk about others doing it, but we did it. We were once them”) well, not personally anyway. But I sure saw lots of people jump on the “make wrong bandwagon” that Hubbard used with cunning all the way to the bank.
One of my biggest frustrations with Scientology was the “group mentality.” Like the whole group was always all dressed up, but with no where to go. How I stayed on staff for a decade is something that I will always regret but I truly thought the people above me were intelligent and experienced enough in this new technology, enough to make a difference. They weren’t, the organizational policy is all a scam, it had to be for the results it created, and in retrospect, auditing didn’t work either or even come close to producing what was expected from it – that was one big fucker of an elephant in the room that no one drinking the cool-aid could see.
I tire of being lumped into a “we.” Time to jail the bad guy and/or get on with life. Hubbard is long dead, is a good place to start.
Yawn said, in part:
“I can’t say I agree wholeheartedly with a lot of this “we”,(eg “We all labeled others SPs. We always talk about others doing it, but we did it. We were once them”)”
I wish I could agree with you, but, like a sheep, I sheep-ishly accepted the SP characterizations which were made while I was in, including Paulette Cooper “back in the day”. What did *I* know then? They didn’t declare anyone I knew and could compare to the tales that were spun. It wasn’t until Hana Eltringham was RPFed that I started to figure out something was wrong.
Other than her, I was clueless about the victims of the witch hunts and false reports
There was no way to check the facts — or even hear the other side of the stories — IF I heard anything at all about these things. These days, we are much better-informed and that’s because we’re not “IN” and can have an external viewpoint.
The enormity of evil contained within the core beliefs of Scientology requires constant and meticulous concealment. This is the actual raison d’etre for the existence of OSA, HCO, the RTC, and the plethora of self-serving, phony virtue-signaling Scientology Front Groups.
Early on in the Scientology indoctrination process, most people realize that the “ethics” system devised by Hubbard is a rhetorical justification for fascistic thuggery and demonization, that ultimately produces spiritual suffocation. They listen to that inner voice; they heed the flashing warning signs and sounds shout “STOP!” and they manage to exit, or flee. I honestly envy them.
For the less fortunate (myself included) who saw those same flashing warning lights and treated them like speed bumps on “the road to total freedom” – rather than the dire warnings they were…the road out of and away from Scientology has been more difficult but also, I suspect, more fulfilling.
And for those who remain in that netherworld of the Scientology matrix, I hope you someday allow yourselves to choose freedom…your own very real freedom.
Great comment Len!
Len: When you wrote “virtue-signaling Scientology Front Groups, my dyslexia “helpfully” supplied”virtue-stealing Scientology Front Groups”, which seems more accurate. AFAICT, there isn’t anything noble or moral about any of them. They SOUND good and that’s all they are supposed to be. The poor folks who go get their pictures taken are TOLD what a good, noble job they’re doing, so they keep doing it. They have no way to detect the truth except by leaving, and we KNOW how tough that can be. Getting a good REASON to leave can be a long time coming.
Hubtard created the SP myth for three main reasons. 1) To shoot his enemies and silence them (people he scammed won’t listen to them anymore). An enemy was anyone who disagreed with Hubtard or who might become too powerful.
2) To be able to have as a scapegoat when his scams went awry (which was always).
3) To hold over the heads of his followers so as to retain control of their actions and thoughts.
“three main reasons. 1) To shoot his enemies and silence them
I’d amend that to 1) To shoot people who annoyed him somehow and destroy them utterly. Totally asymmetrical, using an atom bomb to swat a fly sort of thing.
The “or who might become too powerful” stuff IS , as I see it, Dwarfenführer’s big bugaboo.
The “Scientology Enemies List” (SP List) from 1992 (the names are scrolled down for over 9 minutes).
Surely the number of their declared enemies and ‘SPs’ today is much greater, and there are many more former members than there are current members of the CoS.
Scientologists can’t be communists or psychs. They have to pick a side. People being able to be all sides are funny and not any people but all populate the planet even the odd having fun.
We have all arrived to the world through a mother a father made it into and we are all the owner of a planet to do the best of in our common best.
If Ron Hubbards parents had protected themselves we had all boomed.
Brian Lambert has a nice way with words.
The SP is the most powerful being in the universe. They can destroy everything $cientology stands for and destroy your brain and take all your ‘wins’. Only the ‘psychs’ from Farsec have more power. They are the only other beings, besides a well programmed Ronbot, who can avoid the Implant Stations.
We are all SPs, only Lron can fix that. Guess who stole the concept of ‘original sin’ and repurposed it?
Great article. However, the “us versus them” mentality is alive and well outside of Scientology. We live in a culture of outrage, and people expressing wrong opinions are routinely liferuined. Banned from social media, fired from jobs, bank accounts closed, basically unpersoned. Whatever happened to “shine on you crazy diamond”?
It is definitely true that us vs. them is alive and well, and free in the non-scientology world. But a big difference is that most of us ‘never ins’ choose who to belong to and who to blame based on our own determinants. These factors are not dictated by an arbitrary rule based on someone else’s definitions. Even when we do ‘follow the leader’, we are free to resume friendships and change sides if we wish. We all have made bad decisions and must live with ourselves for our choices, but generally, we can forgive and forget if we can resume communication or if we uncover new facts and viewpoints.
Many of us have our own quasi-disconnection policies. We may have a falling out with a friend or family member. Some of us may never kiss and make up. However, the option is open if both sides are willing. Scientology doesn’t give people that option. it is a lifetime disconnection that – according to the cult- could go on over millions of lifetimes, or until the disconnected returns contrite to the fold.
When you are forcing someone to disconnect because of a perception of harm to the cult, and when that is taken to the extreme as it is with scientology, it becomes toxic to the soul. It may only become apparent once the blinders are removed. Sadly, some may never really see that clearly. When never ins choose the ‘wrong’ side, we usually accept the consequences of those actions. I don’t know if the life-ruin you’ve described is common- I’ve never experienced it. I’m sure it is possible, but the extreme you are describing isn’t a common thing for ordinary people. Maybe a celebrity or a politician, but I don’t see it on a grand scale- nothing like the systematic destruction engaged in by the cult.
I think the bigger issue is learning how to make the decisions for the right reasons and not the ones that have been indoctrinated by the cult. Learning to weigh in on different sides, as well as how to successfully execute those decisions for the right reasons, may be harder for some. I think it would be the constant questioning of yourself on why you are choosing a specific path that would be difficult. Trying to decide if it is something you personally believe to be true, or if it is a residual teaching from the cult has got to be mentally exhausting.
This is just my opinion, and may not be relevant, but I thought Id share. I enjoy originality and hope that we all shine on like crazy diamonds!
I agree that the Disconnection policy is the worst one of all. I am a living it every day until my two kids come back to me. The kids loved me and had no intention of ever disconnecting from me. And my daughter even adamantly said to me, “Oh mom, I would NEVER disconnect from you!” Yet about three weeks after that statement she did, as did my son. Just think of the horrible Black PR things the church must have said about me to the kids to get them to turn away from their beloved mother? That is a real crime in my book.
Ron was inconsistent in his writings. In “What Is Greatness” he says that we should continue to love our fellows despite all reasons we should not.” That is in direct conflict to the Fair Gaming policy that gives you the right to harm and hurt anyone the church has declared as an SP, Suppressive Person. The leader now says if you don’t want to be in the church anymore, if you have uncomfortable questions, if you say anything critical of the church or its management, that is enough to get you labelled an SP and excommunicated and shunned.
It breaks my heart every time someone talks about the families and children that are still in and disconnected. I sincerely wish I could do more to help, but I don’t know what. Until the day you are reunited, just know that there is a community of people who honestly care for you and all of the others who have loved ones still in. If I can ever do anything for you, please let me know.
Based upon recommendations on this blog, I recently read “The Sociopath Next Door” by Martha Stout.
It is an excellent read and clarified many things for me.
The book says that about 4% of the population in the USA are sociopaths, meaning that they only ever look out for themselves, lack any empathy and treat others with extreme malevolence.
There are quite a few parallels between sociopaths and what Hubbard described as an SP, although she certainly did not claim that sociopaths are stuck in past incidents. There are many anecdotes about sociopaths she has encountered in her work in psychology.
Hell, I have met people like she described, not too many Thank God, and I would disconnect from anyone like this this in a flash.
The big problem in Scientology is this.
Hubbard gave a list of attributes to identify SPs and said that this was to prevent witch hunts.
These makes a certain amount of sense but are never used in practice and so this is completely useless in preventing witch hunts.
This is because there is a second definition of SP meaning anyone who is critical of or attacks Scientology.
There are many different categories of PTS defined in Scientology but only one definition of SP. There should be at least 2:
SP Type A – Anti-Social personality. Sociopathic.
SP Type B – Antagonistic towards Scientology.
Of course, this distinction will never be made because it serves Hubbard’s and Miscavige’s agenda to muddy the waters. They liked to turn the full force of this “tech” against anyone who criticized them, whether the criticism was justified or not.
And so, many people have been mislabeled as SPs in Scientology and it is this that makes the practice so destructive.
There should have been a scale of “SPness”. Many years ago a prominent Scio came up with the idea of “Dinging”. This would be lesser degree of SPness. Getting dinged is common in the workplace and in life in general and needs to be differentiated from true suppression.
For awhile my wife got into the habit of dinging me. For example, “As long as you were cleaning (whatever), why didn’t you also clean (whatever)?” DING!
After a bit of explanation, whenever she would say something like that I’d reply “Ding!”. She got the point and now she reserves her dings for the times when I really deserve them.
“Ding” is an old military term. Hubbard might even have used it on the ships. You can’t trust anything said or heard in Scientology – and most everything has some earlier “source.”
The infamous “de-dinging” that went on in some of the missions, either takes the term on a real tangent, or is based on a somewhat different use of the term to begin with.
More blather from Peacemaker: Kingsley Wimbush used this phrase in his mission, and had nothing to do with Hubbard who when he (or Dave) found about it stopped it.
Do, er, all the Grades Processes then have an “earlier source”? Or Expanded Dianetics? Or the L Rundowns? Or, or or… I’m all ears!
Foolproof – Thanks for the clarification. There was a cassette tape which a lot of people listened to on which Wimbush explained his “Ding Tech” (joke). To some extent it explained corporate warfare and people out to “get you” in the corporate workplace. One of his quips I always remember is, “What SP put me in coach instead of first class!!?” laughter – He was a proponent of “flowing power to power”.
The “de-dinging” of Winbush is based on the LRH “tech” of Roll back. Different name, same basic sh!t.
This is from memory of almost 40 years ago so it’s verbal tech. Part of the Ding Tech was that rather than confronting you directly, an SP would walk around the org or mission dropping off little dings. For example, “The other day I saw Kinsley order steak and lobster at the restaurant. I wish I had that kind of money.” Ding!
The little dings add up and pretty soon you might have a mutiny on your hands. If you track back the dings to their source you’ve found your SP and shitcan him or her in a hurry!
No Fool, most of the insanity Hubtard pulled out of his ass and wrote has no prior source. It wa HIS insanity.
FP, even “Xemu the Merciless” and the “Invaders of the Fifth Dimension” showed up in a pulp comic years before Hubbard introduced Xemu/Xenu and the Fifth Invader Force:
Except for, in some cases, relatively superficial details of form and presentation, pretty much everything Hubbard introduced had prior sources – plus in many cases it was others who actually came up with the material, such as Otto Roos for the Ls (under Fellowships):
Possible origins for Dianetics and Scientology
And please, spare us snide ad hominems about Atack (or Roos) – let’s hear about substantive issues.
Cavalier said
“Hell, I have met people like she described, not too many Thank God, and I would disconnect from anyone like this this in a flash.”
I *worked* for a guy like that. Among other things, he fired me while I was on my first vacation with that company: 8 years at the Company without one week off because I was “too necessary”. I found out about my firing only because I was calling in every day to make sure things were OK with a recent software release’s Beta and Gamma tests. They were, but he was LIVID that I ‘gave away’ some bug fixes the users had asked me for the first week I worked there which SHOULD have been fixed 8 or more years prior, before I even got there.
That firing was one of the best things for me. Released a TON of guilt he’d been piling on because I didn’t worship him like a GOD for deigning to allow me to straighten out the mess I’d been presented with. Went to a more sanely-run company which paid me what I was worth, then gave good bonuses & merit raises and pretty much FORCED me to take all the vacation I had available. Ran into another sociopath at the new company and we had a falling out. He left, I remained (unusually, I believe).
Both sociopaths were kinda sad, really. BOTH would have done better to knock off the 1.1 bull and let us get ON with what needed to get done.
Was in 30 years. Been out about 17 years. I’m still in the process of regaining my sanity and assorted mental faculties. In a lot of ways I haven’t been able to perceive what was lost until I got it back. And then the light bulb goes on: “Oh yeah, that’s how I used to be.”
Creating an SP was just a demonstration of the low level of responsibility that LRH, we that may have done it and the ones that now do it, have had.
That gave the excuse to attack, destroy and harm another person (s). That showed the deep narcissism LRH and his replacement have: no one is to criticize them, no one should say -no- to them…they felt insulted (that is how weak their soul is).
Sociopath, paranoia and narcissism are some of the ‘ingredients’ these leaders have used to maintain a position of (pretended) power while destroying those who see the truth of the crimes and abuses these characters perpetrate.
That is another great article with amazing insight into the mind-set of the scientologist and Hubbard. The us vs. them mentality is a classic cult mechanism to keep people in, and make the outside a scary, unfriendly and dangerous place. This mentality can take years to change, and sometimes it never will. Once people are indoctrinated to play this mind game, it can be impossible to completely relinquish. Its easier and less harmful to the ego if someone else can be blamed for what happens to you. Refusing to gain insight into how you have contributed to a problem is extremely limiting and stunting- I think Hubbard had the emotional age of a toddler- where everything revolves around “me” and nothing is ever your fault. A classic example of this thinking is a child who has chocolate smeared all over his face but swears he didn’t eat any chocolate. Then, when confronted, he explains that it must have fallen into his mouth- or someone else told him it was ok to eat the chocolate. As you said, Hubbard attacked those who didn’t agree, and his methods were ruthless.
Miscavige has taken that ruthlessness to another level, and he may have created sociopaths in the process. Only time will tell if the ‘still in’ bubble dwelling cult members are able to come out with an intact ability to be empathetic and understand how the real world operates- how to emotionally mature. The good news is that people have come out and are able to heal and grow. If Mike Rinder can come out of the cult and display the compassion and empathy he does- especially compared to when he was in- it shows that it is entirely possible to mentally heal from the abuses and depravity (although I think his indoctrination never fully changed his innate kindness and empathy- it may have been hidden but it was always there- as it was in the others who have fought for the members still in). If you look at the comparison of how Mike interacts with people versus how Marty Rathbun interacted with people, the differences are stark. That’s why I wasn’t completely surprised that Rathbun went back (although I was holding out some hope that it was to get back in to gather some dirt so he could be the ‘hero’ again).
Hubbard was the master at blaming others for his shortcomings, every slight was turned into a personal vendetta. Its ironic that he didn’t see that this may be the ultimate downfall of his self designed kingdom. That fair game/SP treatment has resulted in most of the scandals and outrage the public has for the cult. With information so easily gained through the internet, everyone can witness the harassment, the lies, the smear campaigns and the hate spewed by the cult- it paints them in a very negative light and outrages many of us- myself included.
This article is excellent, and as always, unerringly informative. sorry for my ramble.
Thank you!
“. . . with amazing insight into the mind-set of the scientologist and Hubbard.”
Once again not all Scientologists bought into it. Brian is giving a broad-brush criticism using “us”, “we” “our”. I’m not including myself.
THE scientologist=ALL scientologists
I know that it may not be true for all Scientologists, but the indoctrination is probably pretty standard for all in the bubble. If you escaped this mind-set, you were very lucky. I do know that it is ongoing out there- look at all of the families that are shattered as well as the sustained campaign against Mike and Leah (and all of the other ‘declared’ people). This is bone deep indoctrination that permeates throughout the cult.
Kat – As much as luck it might be that the authoritarian level of control and demand for obedience didn’t extend to the rank and file in my pre DM Scn experience. It probably always existed in the sea org and over time it extended across the entire organization and membership. People adapted and current members have no memory of how things used to be. The public rightfully looks at Scn as the current Church of Scientology and it’s easier to categorize “all Scientologists”.
I guess it’s futile to try to convince anyone I wasn’t a fool or a dupe for once participating. Oh well – laughter
I dont consider anyone a “fool” or a “dupe” for getting involved in this cult. (even foolproof- although he pushes it sometimes). Hubbard used some classic methods to ensure that people were lured in slowly and weren’t given a full view of the man behind the curtain until they were fully committed.
The people who were in the cult, even the ones still in, are operating under false promises and an entirely different set of coping skills. He (Hubbard) made sure of that with his indoctrination practices. It isn’t the individuals fault for getting involved and believing in the cult. Ive listened to some of his taped ‘lectures’, and the overall cadence of his voice and the words are classic cult conditioning.
I think that most of the people who started down the path were genuinely attempting to either help people or to better understand themselves. That is admirable. The only issue is that the cult lied to everyone in order to gain control. You got out. You recovered yourself. Many who are still in are being lied to still, or are staying because of fear. That is not foolish.
I think you are correct in your assessment that the control and demand for obedience evolved over time. It has clearly spread from the upper echelons to the lower rank and file, although it may not be as obvious to the ones that are being controlled. The cult has created multiple fake web pages and twitter sites, and likely point followers to those specific sites to ‘convince’ the followers that such methods are necessary and right. They also pay a lot of money to ensure that those sites come up first when someone googles the cult or its detractors. This is a false front so they can say “see- were saving the planet and all these people you are hearing about are just liars”. It will gain them some time, but I think the cult is losing control quickly.
Kat – What I meant was that I could explain to someone that many of the concepts on the lower Scn “bridge” had validity. When translated from sciospeak back into King’s English they would be recognizable descriptions of human behavior for most people. For example, if Suppressive Person is translated as Sociopath it has validity.
I didn’t experience any suppression or abuse which is how FP regards himself and his group as they follow and practice Scientology.
Current rank and file Scios seem like a subset of the sea org, being in lock step with “Command Intention” from the COB. Lock stepping – the 1984 Apple Super Bowl commercial, always a fun one minute watch and a remembrance for anyone who was ever in a cult!
So well said Kat!
Brian, I really appreciated what you wrote and saw a bit (maybe more than a bit?) of myself in what you said. It’s not just scientologists who suffer from the blame game and it’s something I have had to shake off, forgive, move on from these past several years. At any rate, it’s a work on progress and it’s worth the journey.
I agree Peggy, not taking personal responsibility for your life traps many people making it impossible for them to change and be happier without that first step.
Peggy as a never in I completely agree. The clarity in life just keeps on coming, ex scientologist or not. I find benefit in Brian’s words and other unexpected places as well! ☺
I know Sarah, it’s sort of self-imposed loop if you can’t find a way to break free.
Ann, as a never in also I do find a lot of benefit from Brian’s words and also from the words and good works of the people here.