After more than 40 years, Clive Rabey and his Flag AO have nearly got their teeth on the bumper… even though the car has slowed to a walk due to be being so old, the question becomes: Then what?
We will be “steering or leading” the planet – according to Hubbard.
This is why this target has been announced and pursued all these decades. This single quote from a lecture by Hubbard in 1952.
Of course, 9,851 won’t do it, Hubbard says 10,000 so that is what it must be. And never mind that the population of earth in 1952 was 2.5 billion and now it’s 8 billion (where did all those additional thetans come from?? — they can’t all be as a result of Solo NOT’s auditors blowing off BT’s because that didn’t get going until the 1980’s and even if all 10,000 of them were auditing every day, 6 sessions a day, each session blowing off 2 BT’s, that would still only be 43.8 million new thetans a year…)
So, in the next few months — I predict they will announce “Done Sir!” it at the next Maiden Voyage, be ready to feel a shift in earth’s axis as scientology takes over steering the planet.
Will they put out the list of the 10,000? Not a chance. There are a significant percentages of those names who are: dead, declared or quietly slipped away into the night.
It’s going to be interesting to see how they play this. There is no LRH quote about 20,000 people controlling the planet…
Wow. So near the revered target. Well, I’ll be expecting these 10K OT7s to get busy and strut their powerful OT stuff.
I wanna see Putin have a cognition of magnitude and withdraw from Ukraine with a sincere apology and promise to help pay for the mess that he made. I wanna see all the big world polluters acknowledge that Clean and Green Energy is the inevitable future of this planet. I want to see the Federal Reserve stop printing money so that America can have a real economy again. I want to see Hamas and the Israelis have a kumbaya moment and for Hamas to graciously withdraw from power in Gaza. I want the tiny majority of ISIS Muslims to cognite that they don’t have kill everyone who isn’t a Muslim, that there are other, worthy goals in sync with their religion which has 5 billion members. To have guns in this country out of the hands of the mentally ill. This shouldn’t be too much to expect, should it? With all their much vaunted OTV11 powerz?
And maybe, if together all these 10K OtVIIs are this effective at doing good, maybe at the same time it will occur to them – maybe they’ll also figure out what a disgustingly crooked phony grifter their much vaunted dear leader Miscavige is, and deal with him accordingly.
Here is the super-theta, higher math of “10,000 ON SOLO NOTS” :
10,000 SOLO NOTS = 16,679 Marcabian Butt Nuggets + 47 Arslykan “Ass Cots” + 562 Venutian Marinated Mountain Dingleberries Twerking in A Distant Black Hole
Minus those that have died
Minus those that have been declared
Minus those that have left
Minus those that never had any OT ability
Gives an actual total of 0
Have they reached 10,000 disconnections or declares yet? Let’s get technical about what they are really good at.
Mike I’m happy that everything is going better. Take care.
What will actually happen is celebrating a achieved target by raving about what it all means and immediately giving everyone the new goal to chase for the next coming years.
At this point, the impact of these ‘almost 10,000’ should already be strongly felt. However, scn is in free fall with broken wings, and outside the bubble the engrams of the 3rd and 4th dynamics are having a tough party with wars and conflicts and global issues like never before in decades.
Hmm, I’m not sure it’s gonna work.
Haven’t they been finding new and different ways to game the count to try to push it to 10,000? They had even started to count people who had just promised to do the level eventually, if I remember correctly.
The statistics and completions site shows OT VIII completions down to around just 2 hundred a year for the last two decades, with only around 4 thousand total including the big push of the first couple of years (many of those of course dead, declared or quietly slipped away into the night). However they are getting the Solo NOTs number, it can’t mean much if nowadays few people are completing it and moving on to OT VIII.
And the next question is, when a person completes OT VII these days, where do they go to do OT VIII? I read that the Freewinds Ship is permanently beached and will not be used again.
That was a falsehood that was retracted immediately when the Freewinds sailed. It’s still the home of OT VIII… a dozen or so people a year arrive for it.
Thanks, Mike. If a dozen a year come to do OT VIII, that is one OT VIII per month. Can’t buy fuel on that kind of patronage.
$cientology – the kult that just keeps the laughs and tears going despite any facts that are contrary.
At least every day is one day closer to the last of the death convulsions of this toxic crime gang.
Once again, thanx for all Leah, you and everyone else is doing to shine the spotlight of truth onto this dwindling band of cockroaches and making them scatter.
Oh, and happy Straya Day for last Friday 🙂
Re: “…be ready to feel a shift in earth’s axis as scientology takes over steering the planet.”
And as Earth is driven recklessly into the ground, Miscavige will rise from the ashes and “Clear” the planet in one fell swoop.
It will be a few years yet. Still over 100 to get.
Im shaking in my boots, I’m not sure I’m prepared for the monumental change this planet is clearly about to undergo when they reach 10k. What a time to be alive.
The only 10K number they will reach is the number who left Scn combined with the number who have died.