The unholy marriage between scientology and the Nation of Islam continues, and things become stranger as time passes.
This is some recent promo sent in by our longtime reader and commenter ISNOI News
Sister Nayyirah Tivica Muhammad is Clear, a Super Power Completion, a Cause Resurgence Rundown Completion, a PTS/SP Course Graduate and an Auditor-in-Training.
David Muhammad is her husband. He has done the PTS/SP Course and some Basics courses. He may have done more.
The reference to the Fall of America is taken from a book by the same name written by Elijah Muhammad.
I wonder what Ron would think about his book getting a little box and the implication that it might be useful in helping to deal with Elijah Muhammad’s prophecies?
It is amazing that scientology continues to allow this “mixing practices” to continue.
To cement the insanity, Bro David and Sister Nayyirah are doing the same thing AT the local scientology org, but they omit direct reference to the Muhammad book… So, the same shit being peddled to the NOI members if peddled to scientologists.
Waiting for the day of the big fallout….
Over a year ago before the pandemic hit Sister Niyyirah had a Repair of the Black family event on a Saturday afternoon in a nearby town. I drove over to see what was happening. The NOI has a small office in a strip mall and from what I could tell only five or six people were attending so I guess it was a flop. The Survival advertising may be a new approach to stir up interest and replace the Repair of the Black Family events which may have run out of gas.
Sister Nayyirah is an energetic person who does events all around the country and also does one on one Life Coaching. Maybe she could recruit Brother Rizza Islam to headline with her which would draw some interest from the younger crowd but he’s probably too busy doing other things to spend any time on promoting the NOI and/or Scientology.
HOW many times has the end of the Earth, or civilization, or America been foreseen?
And the marks just keep lapping it up.
Love it.
As they go prepare for anarchy, etc, I’ll keep watching in amusement.
When you look at the artistry of the SCIENCE OF SURVIVAL book cover and the tasteless mess in the rest of that “promo poster” you see the PR gap in the cult. Corporate stuff looks great, the local stuff looks awful even though they must have done the Communications Course.
I love how horribly lo-fi the first it and how it was obviously done in MS Paint with images that are too small a resolution but have been dragged out to fit the page as a background. It looks like the top half of it has been saved and reformatted as a different image type (probably from a bitmap to a jpeg) which has fudged the ‘WEATHERING THE STORM’ text and its glow slightly, then the bad cut/paste at the bottom left and the text in red at the bottom was added last. The lesson here is always save as a png or bitmap until you’re done otherwise it comes out looking like ass.
One thing that always strikes me about this is that at the same time that the Church of Scientology is trying to infiltrate Evangelical Christianity, the religious right and the MAGA community it is a partner with a group, the Nation of Islam, that literally wants to dismember the Uniter States and prophesizes its demise.
NOI is neither Islamic nor a nation, just a rabble following the insane rants of a con artist who was just saying things that made them feel good, feel superior to those who had figured the “game” out and were prospering.
It makes me sad the people are so desperate to ‘belong to something’. This feels like the greatest human tragedy. Nobody in their ‘right mind’ would stay involved in Scientology or its creepy associations.
Many religions have End of the World prophecies. Fear is one way to keep people engaged in a religion.
Many people believe the world will end because of global warming. The earth is emerging from a four century long cooling period and in the last 220 years since 1800 the earth has warmed 1.5 to 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit by most accounts. The dinosaurs, cold blooded creatures, were quite happy walking around when the world was much warmer. Chin up.
Religion is a human necessity. We cannot interact significantly with the world around us without a religion of some sort; it is what determines how are own hieracrhies nest together within us to inform our values structures. Fear has something to do with it, but it’s far, far deeper than that, and I don’t think anyone really knows how deeply rooted we are in religion.
For some, it’s the teachings of Jesus. For others, as you have correctly pointed out, it’s Mohammed, or Moses, or a particular university, or even sports teams. Unforunately, lately “the science” is achieving religious status, and being agnostic or atheistic towards “the science” is becoming dangerous. I wonder what Ignaz Semmelweis would say about today’s “science.”
I find it the ultimate irony, that a pursuit of truth through systemically questioning the world around us, has turned into a dogma that will be extremely hostile if you ask the wrong questions.
Human beings are inherently tribal, that’s true. That’s why we should be wary of all forms of ideological attachment and dogmatism – religious, political or otherwise.
“The science” is a propaganda term used by ideologues to stop thought and silence debate. Actual scientists don’t give a toss about consensus; they only care about reproducible results, falsification and discovery. When one has to rely heavily on “consensus” to support a proposition, it usually means the scientific data is weak.
Religion is simply a stopgap; when they don’t understand reality enough to explain something, they can proudly say “MY God did that!” Sadly too many of them have gotten to the point where if someone CAN explain WHY something happened, if it interferes with their god’s “accomplishments”, they reject that as heresy and want to stone the heretic instead of celebrating his advancing human understanding of the world and its processes.
I think you would be hard-pressed to find a real psychologist who will agree that religion is “just a stopgap.” A stopgap has to bridge one to another; what are you bridging, exactly?
Religion is inevitable in humans — whether it’s a deific religion (meaning has a God figure) or another kind, such as humanism. Fundamentally, as human beings we HAVE to have a way of coping with what we don’t know, such as, well, life and everything in it including death. If someone wants to attribute a perceived miracle to a god, why do YOU have a problem with that as long as they don’t expect you to do the same? And what makes you so certain that the isn’t a god? Can you really be that arrogant as to think you know everything?
This cultural trend we are currently experiencing, that you are participating in by attempting to reduce the single biggest foundation of human existence to merely an interim step in some undefinable progression, is to denigrate traditional religions as outdated and obsolete. The problem is that it has to be replaced by something, some cause, some philosophy, some sort of “soyburger,” It’s niether healthy nor satisfying, and one has to choke down far more of it that otherwise would be needed to satisfy the need.
This anti-religion is in itself a religion, and it’s far more insidious than even than the Crusades butchering millions of Muslims, Mary I burning protestants for not being Catholic, and Joshua pulling Jericho down. Just as most Christians believe that sinning brings about punishment from God, “No religion” is on its own militant crusade to remove all religious overtones from all aspects of life. These woke crusaders are not satisfied with having their religion and letting everyone believe according to their own conscience. They will demand that everyone believe the way they do, and enforce this using the law and, when the law fails them, social and physical violence, as is evidenced by the wrath of the LGBQ community against wedding vendors who feel it violates their religious beliefs to participate in a gay wedding, and have their livelihoods and businesses destroyed — when the couple can easily find someone who WILL take their money instead.
The heretics who are being stoned these days are those who believe.
An aside:
Looney Dumbarse…oops, Leigh Dundas, is well and truly in line for a visit from the white van with the nice heavy jacket with all the buckles that do up at the back.
“Leigh Dundas, who cheered on the crowd who attacked Congress during the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, warned the crowd that a plot launched by former Soviet Premier Nikita Kruschev to replace the U.S. government with a communist dictatorship was coming to fruition.
“This is how a communist totalitarian takeover starts. They make divorce easy. They want to normalize deviant sexual practices. They want to get rid of obscenity laws and frame anyone who opposes that as against free speech. They want to get rid of prayer in schools,” Dundas warned.”
It seems Leigh is behind the times: Khrushchev died in 1971. Unless he had/has an AMAZING ghost, he couldn’t have done it.
Still, if it makes her feel better about herself… who am *I* to burst her bubble?
Elijah Muhammad, the author of the book The Fall of America, led the Nation of Islam from 1934 until his death in 1975. He is revered in the NOI. Everyone in the NOI will know that the reference to “the fall of America” in the promo refers to Elijah Muhammad’s book The Fall of America.
The NOI members who attend the event intend to use the Scientology book Science of Survival to help them survive the actual fall of America prophesized by Elijah Muhammad.
If we look at last 50 years of history, they kept very low profile. No one knows about them unless they read history of Malcom X or Mohammed Ali.
Majority of followers by birth confined to Chicago African American community.
As mentioned earlier post , their teaching and beliefs are different from mainstream Islam.
Though they have used material from Islamic literature but they never engaged in any sort of debate with any main stream Islamic groups about their teachings.
At present they are known to Scientology and Ex Scientology community as a group which opted material from Scientology.
May be tomorrow they may support Yoga for healthy body and Zen meditation for healthy mind, as they produce guranteed results compared to the books of LRH.
Yup! Another batshit crazy predicting something that never was in danger of coming to pass. He’s the complement to Charlie Manson’s “Helter Skelter”.
This relationship between NOI and Scientology is one of the hardest things to understand. Who is using who?
They are using each other.
Scientology gets manpower (e.g., NOI members have led CCHR protests), at least some money, and some credibility in, and entry to, the Black community
Seriously, who would have thought that the only demographic in the US (if any) where Scientology is growing would be the Black community?
The NOI gets tech that they sincerely believes “works,” from what I can tell. Minister Louis Farrakhan publicly endorsed Dianetics and to a lesser extent Scientology. That is enough for NOI members. (The COS later obfuscated and erased any difference between Dianetics and Scientology, leading NOI members up the Bridge.)
Also, some NOI members (e.g., Sister Nayyirah Tivica Muhammad; Minister Tony Muhammad, at least in the past) get FSM commissions. Indeed, Sister Nayyirah has created her own 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit, Repair of the Black Family.
My limited understanding of NOI scripture is that credence is given to the existence of the devil or possibly devils within. This might “translate” to acceptance of the Hubbard/Scn concept of Body Thetans. There is also credence given to a Mother Plane (spaceship) which might allow the acceptance of Hubbard’s “visions” of intergalactic spaceships.
Here is a brief excerpt from the Wikipedia article on the Nation of Islam.
Eschatology and the Mother Plane
The NOI is millenarian,[97] believing that humanity is living in end times.[98] It propounds a distinct eschatology drawing on the Book of Revelation.[69] Central to its view of the apocalypse is a large spaceship, known as the Wheel, the Mother Plane, or the Mother Ship.[99] . . . teaches that there are also smaller vessels, “baby planes,” docked inside the Mother Ship and that these travel to visit Earth.[105]
The Nation teaches that a period of deteriorating inter-racial tensions will culminate in the apocalypse.[106] NOI members have repeatedly claimed that this apocalypse is imminent; . . . According to Nation teaching, the Mother Plane will appear above the Earth and transport the righteous to live upon it.[108]
As with any religion, the total literal acceptance of all scripture would be an individual matter.
While the NOI’s credence of the existence of the devil and devils may in the future “translate” into acceptance of the Hubbard/Scn concept of Body Thetans, I can tell you from my review of NOI materials that it currently and explicitly “translates” into acceptance of Engrams and other “Case” (e.g., Ser Facs). Minister Abdul Malik Sayyid Muhammad (aka Tony Muhammad) and others have stated that quite clearly.
That makes sense to me. When Farrakhan started promoting Dianetics in 2010 he presented it as a scientific or psychology type discovery by Hubbard which would benefit his flock. Current spokespersons promoting mixing scn with NOI may end off on the lower level aspects of the scn Bridge, possibly up to and including Clear, while disregarding the OT cosmology.
As a lower income demographic, few NOI would be able to afford the entire scn bridge. IIRC on an earlier post you made there was a picture of a Clear bracelet with the number 79,000+ imprinted on the back which is supposedly the total number of official Clear Certificates issued over the years. Also from memory the NOI keep their own record of scn Clears and a year or so ago the number was 19.
“Sister Nayyirah has created her own 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit, Repair of the Black Family.”
Mystery solved.
Great question; I’ve been trying to wrap my head around that and what the end product looks like here.
If you crossed a skunk with a porcupine would Frankenstein’s Stinker stick you THEN spray you or vice-versa? In this case I bet it shows up on your front porch demanding money at 11pm.
Thanks for the visual image and good laugh.
IMO, NOI saw in scientology a stronger control mechanism. Davey saw more MONEY for his coffers.
“mixing practices” is allowed until the money runs out and the mark has only fealty to offer.
Well Dianetics and Scientology sounds good enough to someone with a religious backgroundad as their psychological education.
It sounded good enough to me to try. And there is some attack value in the tone scale especially if you are tryig to make an army. As someone who came out of the real Army you become really, really dangerous when you get some of these tone levels and ideas down. You don’t really have a choice untill you break your affinity for the tech.
My fixation only left whe I tossed all my commendations from “my friends”, when I did a review of all that happened in Sydney Org and how people treated each other and how I was treated I couldn’t do anything except toss them. But that’s the trap as well, the commendations help keep you plugged in at a distance and hide the crappy situations. You end up with this rage and hate neatly coverd with a happy personality.
I like the way you set things up as if you don’t know the answer about why Scientology would allow this mixing to get the ball rolling. Dianetics is the secular inroad. For moody violent peoeple who are racist and part of a extremist religion this is the only way in and there is the hook. At leas as far as I coud figure it out. And since the deal gets book sales it’s a win for Scientology. I think there is a part somewhere in the Ethics Book that says competence trumps case gain, I always took it to mean getting it done trumps policy and dogma. The other policy which I think was an LRH Executive Directive is Purpose of Orgs which just says the purpose of orgs is to sell products and services. So allowing this mixing is well within the policies of the church.
And if you really look at it, Scientology gets NOI converted without having to do the hard work and gets to keep whoever stays.
I guess Leah woud have the data on that from what she has said on the podcasts.
“You end up with this rage and hate neatly [covered] with a happy personality.”
The closest to a “happy personality” *I* got was one devoid of any HE &R. Blank, uncaring, unfeeling.
I think maybe that’s what you get when you mash a persons happy future dreams with the prospect endless misery of fundraisers and SecChecks or endless busy work. But ya, the happy part becomes an act eventually, it certainly felt like that for me after a while since you constantly go against your better judgment of knowing something is wrong.
If you looked at if from a tone scale side only then all I think I did was compartmentalize the thoughts into whatever tone they fell into, I did it automatically like Dianetics says you do because it’s your reactive mind and its your mock-up and it’s all automatic. All your misery is on one end and the happy stuff is on the other, and you are trying to break apart mental energy that shouldn’t perhaps be split like that so you get sick or confused, then you go earlier and now you have a chain which makes you sick or confused. You self Audit, which is basically just you thinking and get paranoid about that because only an Self-Auditing is a no-no and now its all one big F’n chain of engrams and overts, which by the way you have just installed in yourself as an implant… You now have something to audit out at OT8, congrats, now how only to uninstall it to go Theta Clear… LOL. That damn carrot is so big that you don’t even see the stick has turned into a bat.
Throw in some long hours, bad food, financial pressure, or not being able to say anything about what is happening and your brain comes out your nose or you feel like your head is gonna explode. And this abuse is how we retain the data, that’s pain hypnosis.
I think what I stuffed into Tone 40 was real to some degree, it kind of had to be to go that far even if it was a lie. I wouldn’t kept holding on so long if the motivation wasn’t real and so the happiness is real, but so is the misery. If that makes any sense.
Wow, I like the different pictures of Sis. Nayyirah and Bro., All white directed at NOI members and street cloth for Scientology. And how for scientology they says “Sis” rather than Sister. Thank you ISNOI news for showing us how crazy the collusion of NOI and CSN is.
The NOI is hilarious. Islam has been the worlds LARGEST enslaver of blacks in Earth’s history. Outside black people themselves. Yet they willing align themselves to it. And scamology now does too.
To set the record straight ,NOI is not part of main stream Islam.
You would have never seem any of their leader visiting Holy places Makkah and Madina in Saudi Arabia.
Nor , there is any picture of them out side Chichago not even in East coast or West coast of USA nor existence in any African or Middle eastern country.
It’s just a very which included some material from Islamic literature.
They are not endorsed by any Muslim country as religion.
As per First Amendment of US constitution ,which guaranteed freddom of expression encompassing religious freedom, they are covered as religion but localize to Chicago African American community.
Although I agree that the NOI is outside of mainstream Islam, Farrakhan has done Umrah, a pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina apart from the Hajj season. The NOI has mosques outside Chicago and membership that extends internationally. While not a large organization, they also have influence beyond the group itself.
That said the alliance with Scientology is one of the stranger developments.
As you have acknowledged in your first paragraph that they are not part of mainstream Islam.
For others who want a detail comparison may refer to Wikipedia
Question is not whether the total population of 50,000 is comparable or not.
They are very private in their affairs and do not interfere nor involve with any religious debate or discussion.
They never sought endorsement from any mainstream Islamic scholar or any country.
They are contend with what they are and where they stand.
They are more against racial discrimination and social injustice inherent in Western civilization.
About your question about their alliance with Scientology answered in Wikipedia ( link mentioned above).
They have taken influence from various other religious, cultural and philosophical teachings over the years.
That’s their choice and maybe regular feature of their religious belief.
Arnold, NOI members are not considered Muslims for the purpose of doing the Hajj. Farrakhan and a very few other select higher-ups were given special treatment by the Saudi government, likely in an attempt to woo them to convert over to accepted Sunni Islam – just as the Muhammad’s original NOI, which Farrakhan’s group is actually a splinter (albeit a larger one) of did, following Malcom X. I believe that a couple of years ago around that time there was talk of regular NOI members being able to go, but that nothing came of it, probably because Farrakhan and the lead eadership rejected the Saudis’ overtures to adopt mainstream Islam – and instead are embracing Scientology.
And come to think of it, the rise of Farrakhan’s NOI splinter, while the original group of Elijah Muhammad and his son has dwindled and virtually been forgotten after going mainstream, shows that the dynamics of high control and extreme groups can have a certain effectivness in keeping aging organizations and ideologies alive, compared to following a ‘kinder, gentler’ path. It’s what I think we see at work in Scientology, where DM’s authoritiarianism and (relative) orthodoxy have kept a dated ‘space opera’ cult going, growing in wealth if not membership and maintaining outsized influence, while many other groups from the same era have dissipated almost completely.
NOT relevant Mark. It IS part of ISLAM! Hence the insane irony of it being a mainly black movement. What ARE you going on about the 1st Amendment and location for? I never challenged their RIGHT to be part of a stupid religion nor stated anything about where they are or aren’t located.
What little of the Koran exists in NOI is carefully cherry-picked for its controlling effect.
POWER is their leadership’s goal and sole motivation.
As it is in scientology, except Davey also lusts fine whiskey to guzzle.(poor liver…)
Logic is not one of their long suits. Don’t expect it to make sense at first. Just BELIEVE until you’ve word-cleared it sufficiently to kinda-sorta tease some “truth” out of it. If you try hard enough, EVERYTHING will become clear to you.