This is one of those Hubbard statements that is used by registrars and fundraisers to convince people they must hand over their money now. And of course, as you can see, to persuade people to join staff.
This is something a lot of cults do — predict the end of the world to impress upon their followers the urgency of their mission.
That Hubbard said this in 1965, announcing just 5 years left to get the job done, is ignored by the sheeple. If Hubbard said it, it must be true. The fact that he was proven SO wrong in his prediction is immaterial. His words are immortal, immutable and always right.
It is a phenomenon that such pronouncements, even when disproven, serve to reinforce the resolve of those under the spell of the cult. When Jehovah’s Witnesses’ predictions of Armageddon proved untrue, they claimed it was God “testing them” and “testing their faith” and they became even more zealous in their conviction. Hubbard has predicted a LOT of things that are untrue — not the least of which are the most fundamental claims of dianetics and scientology such as the attributes of a Clear or OT. But these things are explained away in the minds of the true believers, or they simply ignore them.
Even the final statement on this poster is a blatant lie. “Help us Clear This Planet” — they are doing no such thing and never will.
We have lost everything that we once had. Our kids are now going to Public School!
Can you imagine ….. the horror? It’s Public School! How in the world are we supposed to live with that?
Can you tell me? How are we to live with that? Public School? Oh, the HORROR!
How can you go from day to day when your children are in Public School ?
Can you explain to me just how I am supposed to live with that?
Oh! The Horror! Public School? Public School! How in the world can any parents ever show their faces when their kids are attending Public School? The shame is just too great to live! How are we to live with that? It’s just …… It’s just …… It’s just …… PUBLIC SCHOOL!!!
How can anyone ever live under a regieme like that? It’s enough to just turn your stomach and barf! Oh my poor darling kiddies. How in this world will the ever be able to survive such a terrible humiliation? All the little hoodlums walk around asking, “Know what I mean?” “Know what I mean?” “Know what I mean?”
PUBLIC SCHOOL!! I just wish we all were dead!! How can anyone live with such terrible shame?
Oh … Poor Darling Betsy! How in this world can you ever accept such a humiiation? Believe me, Betsy.
I unnerstand just what chew are going through. I sympathize with you. I truly do wish that I had some helpful words of advice to give you. But with your kids in PUBLIC SCHOOL, I just don’t know what to say!
Please believe me. I really and truly do unnerstand. I cannot think of hardly any humiliation worse than having your kids in PUBLIC SHCOOL! I cannot imagine how things could ever get worse than that.
I truly do hope that you will be able to find some solace in the fact that your kids have really and truly not been bounced from private schools permanently. It would have been so much worse if your children had to return to another private cult school. I can only imagine the horror and the same involved with your acceptance of such a humiliation.
I just hope that I can send along a few hundred dollars so that you can at least make an appearance as if your world was still right side up! Who knows? With any luck you just may find a gift and you may be able to scrounge some buckers so that you can restore you natural order and your place in this world. I know that you surely do deserve that and all of us are waiting patiently for the day when you are able to restore your position in this natural order what we share.
Good Luck darling Betsy! I can feel it in my bones your place in the Natural Order will be restored unto you in just a few days or so. Then ….. we will all be able to rejoice while you being proceedings to dump that loser Craig. After all, everyone knows that it’s all his fault.
So, stay strong Betsy and don’t do anything rash. Go for a few auditing sessions and you place in the Natural Order will soon be restored unto you!
Yes indeed! Yes indeed! Yes indeed!
Maybe we could find some volunteers right here on this board who would volunteer to get this children educated right with some Hubbard Basic Education? That would be the way to go!
Way to Go!!!
If new staff are ALWAYS needed, that indicates much “turnover” at the very least. Where exactly are well-staffed orgs? Target two?
Hubbard’s remarks just don’t make any sense in terms of our understanding of a global nuclear war today. Clearing the planet will not have any effect on who will survive that catastrophe.
Forget about it.
Hubbard was the lead on this.
HCOB Purification Rundown Series 1
Hubbard’s threat that World War 3 was on the horizon (a nuclear war )
I remember Hubbard claiming that the planet was going to run out of oxygen in just a few years. Maybe he thought that would be due to all the methane gas he was blowing out of his port hole.
In every Cult there is dooms day prediction…we seen what happened with James Johnstone , Golden Gate , Raliens etc etc
This ultimate fear of losing every thing in life and then insurance from the Cults to get eternity by offering every thing they have leads to some of biggest tragedies of human history.
But still, ( cult) show must go on on as it employees obsessed people for ulterior motive by political / waring forces.
Cold War era was not new in human history, there were several like that before in various forms giving birth to various Cults for hidden objective.
Bottom line Fear is the ultimate weapon and what could be worst then fear of gone for ever.
The pattern among cults is textbook. If only the public and private school systems would teach classes on how to see the warning signs, developing minds would have a better chance to be more discerning and to make well educated choices.
“Deadline Earth” and that Hubbard quote from The Auditor sounds just like something the Sea Org recruiter hoisted on me in order to get me to join their ranks. The one thing I do remember is the photographs the recruiters showed me of the Apollo as well as the other SO vessels used.
This recruitment cycle took place in mid-1977. The ASHO Day recruiters had convinced me (emphasis on “con”) that the Sea Org still sailed the open seas. Imagine my surprise when I arrived at what would eventually become PAC Base in Los Angeles. There, I found the old Cedars of Lebanon Hospital surrounded by a fence designed, apparently, to keep people IN.
In 1970 I was attending Holland Elementary School in NE Minneapolis.
In 1970 I was 13, so going by Tubby’s “…whether your kid will ever see sixteen…”, it’s been a lllloooonnnngggg 3 years to being wiped out. I would have been a bit ticked off as well because I’d only discovered Science Fiction (and no, Hubtard didn’t get a look in until that horrific, mind destroying and bloviated bookshit Cattlecar Manure came out) a couple of years before.
It has taken years of being out of this thing to see that your post is 100% factual and easily visible