The latest from my daughter Taryn Teutsch…
Much of the same old stuff, but here is a new addition. The rendition of this story has evolved over the years, despite the fact the clear evidence contained in the Pinellas County Sheriff and EMT reports has not changed.
It began with claims that I “attacked” my ex-wife (when she and 6 others and 2 PI’s) had followed me and approached me screaming obscenities, all the way to “permanent neuorological damage” to “I could hear the bones breaking” and now “gouged flesh pouring with blood”. None of these things are reflected in the reports filed by the Sheriff’s or EMT’s. But this fish story has now reached world record proportions. The reality is they purchased a goldfish in a bowl and it has morphed into them landing the largest sailfish ever caught. The evidence is all contrary, but never mind that, it’s a helpful story for their cause.
You can see the Sheriff’s report documentation here and a full analysis of the EMT report here:
And then there is this.
Without irony “her” website is now headed #LoveNotHate.
All this website contains is hate towards her father. It is the entire purpose it exists.
And the reason I continue to monitor and post about these hate sites is that my blog gets far more traffic and thus when someone searches for information about her, my ex-wife Cathy Bernardini, my brother Andrew Rinder, the scientology “executives” Jenny Linson, Dave Bloomberg, Guillaume Lesevre and Sue Wilhere, these articles will pop up on search engines. Because there is no audience for the bs they peddle, it is only intended to smear me.
This makes me hurt for you. I know a lot of people who would love to have you as a dad. What these people are doing is inhuman and disgusting. And they’re not even good at it! You would think that with all of the practice & tone crap they’d be even slightly convincing.
I just hope that some day her eyes are opened like the rest of the world’s are.
Mike, I am so sorry you are on the receiving end of this malicious lying BS. It’s so ludicrous it’s almost humorous, but it only makes me sad – for her and for you. I know she is just a puppet and pray someday this will all be over and you will have your daughter back.
They are slandering you Mike because it’s lies. It hurts that it’s your daughter but I bet she rarely knows most of this stuff unless she’s posted in osa. She’s a puppet. She may be a puppet for life. That’s sad. But you can see how well lived you are. Can she say the same in that hateful environment? I don’t think so. Their vindictiveness knows no bounds! Horrible cult!
It seems that with her propensity to exaggerate injuries, Cathy Bernardini may have a career as a soccer player.
I know it would be hard, but I think the only way to end these out and out lies would be to take your daughter and X wife to court, and show the video of exactly what took place on the fateful day of THEIR attack on you. I am sure the media would love it, and everyone who has seen the attack (which includes your hospital staff, the ambulance drivers, etc.) would make good witnesses. At this point, you do not have a daughter (nor son), and the truth perhaps will set them free. Enough already.
Their stories have kept developing over the years. Sometimes i wonder how this woman, in question, can still be alive. 🙂
It may have been mentioned previously, however, is court action possible/viable, especially given your strong evidence to the contrary. Seems likely to show the group as dishonest and harrassing and another step towards revoking any religious priveleges?
Am truly sorry.
If there’s anything I can do, please let me know!
I am listening to Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s memoirs “Infidel” and “Nomad” and find many similarities with Co$.
Perhaps there are no religions where cruelty, abuse and violence are not part of the underlying foundation (despite advertising otherwise!) One has to ask themselves, if their religion is “the truth” then why is violence, abuse, judgment, cruelty, fear, conditional love, intolerance, hate, etc., part of the very fabric?
Scientology continues to demonstrate their true nature: taxpayer supported destruction and lawlessness hidden behind deception.
Take courage, take heart. Those who love truth and humanity are listening to you and every voice speaking out against religious abuses.
Many talk about “the truth” yet to me, there is no greater truth than a person’s own experience. I for one am listening and am being changed for the better. Thank you.
Thank you for breaking the cycle of religious abuse and the stigma of speaking out against unspeakable acts of cruelty and hate in the name of religion.
Do you want one tissue or do you need the whole box?
Have a good cry on Aunt Aqua’s shoulder.
Feel better?
Now, show us on the doll where Evil Daddy hurt Mommy.
Dear Taryn,
Better yet, show your helpful friendies where on the ambulance report the medico specified the horrendous nature of those injuries, and/or the police report where L. Mommy signed off on the terrible incident as part on the incriminating docs. That deluge of proof will equal or exceed any deluge of blood caused by Evil Daddy.
Or maybe post the audio recording of the incident so all your friendies can hear the horribibble manner in which E. Daddy kept calm and responsible when a tiny group of only six or eight people stalked him to his parked car and surrounded him with the cursive sounds of their form of love and endearment. Perhaps his entreaties to not have the keys stolen from his car, which could only serve to keep him immobile and allow his calmness to simmer to super-calm levels, are what the public should know. Then of course there is the evil conspiracy in which a medical doctor had L. Mommy and her few half-dozen friendies trespassed off the property, showing she understands nothing about the nature of spousal abuse.
I suggest you sue the local PD and the cops on the scene personally for failing to arrest E. Daddy on the spot at the time L. Mommy’s crowd was hanging around, those that did not flee when the doctor’s office called the police. Doubtless L. Mommy was so shook up that she just forgot to call the police herself and report whatever it was she had to report. The PD’s defense that the facts showed mere incidental contact, alluding to the unfair allusion that L. Mommy had some responsibility for her terribly minor injury, should be thrown out of any court as religious bigotry of the worst sort.
Now, it is a sad day when shoulders crack and a deluge of blood flows, but perhaps you could point to a medical report with proper diagnosis, or treatment schedule, or maybe just a report with the name of the injured bone or bones, since “shoulder” is a body area composed of several bones. I’m certain that a certified doctor, nurse, veterinarian, or dog groomer will be happy to write up supporting docs describing these disabling injuries, as long as they are members of the world’s most ethical group, and have their TRs in.
I’m also sure a simple emergency medical services report of the injuries, supported by a police report where the investigation was conducted at the time of the incident, plus perhaps an audio or video recording of the event, together will fully exonerate L. Mommy of the cruel hoax that her moniker of L. Mommy stands for “Lying Mommy.”
Good luck with your campaign, I’m sure L. Mommy rewards you fully for your part in her recovery, though perhaps she might better simply avoid those tacky parking lot Fair Game raids in the future, it so demeans such wonderful, kind, loving people as herself, and you, my dear.
P.S. There is an open letter for you on this very website, totally un-censored by anyone at all, yours free to read and study and act upon as you wish.
Great points and wonderful irony in this post, Ammo. Now if only Taryn could read it.
Add to that, if Cathie AGREED to go to the hospital for treatment for her “horrific injury”….& if during an examination… the medical personnel noticed any “mental instability”….they may have called in one of the “Shrinks” to give Cathie a mental health evaluation…& you KNOW where THAT would have gone..
LOL! Yeah! They might have slipped her a little Xanax along with the standard emergency room antibiotics. Or skipped the antibiotics , handed her a prescription for anti-psychotic meds and pushed this whack job right out the door 🙂
Your a good man Mike and you definitely dont deserve this bullshit. It’s terrible to see this charade continue and the co$ using your daughter as leverage. Anyone who isn’t sure of the facts can hear it for themselves. UTUBE;Mike Rinder ambush.
Thank you Mike for all you and Leah have done to bring these abuses and ongoing torment the co$ has and is doing to it’s own members or anyone else they see fit.
You’re such a brute, Mike. (Just kidding).
I just checked on Taryn’s YouTube vid. My comment is still up, so I added a few things to it, gleaned from today’s post here (hope you guys don’t mind). As to why my negative post is still up, I have no idea. Someone at OSA asleep on the job? Or, maybe that didn’t want to be too obvious, figuring I’d check back, and seeing the comment still there would move on, and then they’d remove it in the dead of night so to speak. Damn, when following scientology the suspicion and paranoia can start to wear off, even on a never-in like myself.
This is your own daughter saying and writing these things. I’m so very sorry, Mike.
Susie, I felt the same way, pity. If that child only knew that her father has unconditional love for her, that he would welcome her with open arms, and he understands more that she knows what’s behind the hateful words.
As someone else posted, I also wondered why if her mother was bleeding and had broken bones, why didn’t they rush her to the hospital? Easy answer, it’s all a lie. I suppose she has not choice but to do what she’s told to do, and if she didn’t I wonder how horrible her punishment would be.
“Child”? No argument with anything else you’ve said, Peggy, and with no intention to mince words but I have to take exception to the term, “child” as regards Taryn Teutsch. Let’s please keep in mind that Mike’s daughter is a married, middle-aged, 40 year old woman. Though I’ll grant that her behavior is that of a bratty kid who’s angry at her Dad, chronologically, Taryn is a full fledged adult and LONG past the “too young to know better” excuse. She’s being used and she knows she’s being used by Miscavige. She knows the truth about what happened in that parking lot as well as her mother, Mike’s ex, knows it. They’re both deliberate liars and enablers.
“She knows the truth about what happened in that parking lot as well as her mother, Mike’s ex, knows it. They’re both deliberate liars and enablers.”
No argument there Aquamarine, but isn’t that what they have been brainwashed into believing, that lying is acceptable if it’s to help the cult?
I guess I should have said that Taryn is a child of the cult, never has known anything but the cult. I really have serious doubts that she actually wrote that trash, and if she did she’s so damaged it’s pitiful. And, what choice would she have to just accept what she’s told to sign her name and picture to? Yes, she would have a choice, but the alternative from what I’ve learned here would be to lose everything familiar to her, everything she’s known since a child.
I have to admit that my knee jerk reaction to what she is supposed to have written about Mike was about the same as yours. Then it was just sad to think that someone could be so brainwashed they would actually write something like that. That being said, I can’t imagine that anyone outside the cult who would read that wouldn’t have a lot of questions like “well, was he arrested”, “why didn’t you take her to the ER?!” etc. That whole trash piece discredits every word in it.
Yes, Peggy, good points, important points, that she and the rest of them have been brainwashed from infancy into believing that any and all lying is acceptable if it helps and/or protects the cult. Also true that if she’s ORDERED to write this crap she MUST do it or be severely punished. And last but not least, also true that the cult is all she knows, all she has ever known, and for her to even consider living on her own is terrifying, not the least reason being that she’s been brought up to believe that the Wog World is a terrifying place…all true…thank you for pointing all of this out. Looking from the viewpoint of Taryn now, which you’ve helped me to do – looking from her viewpoint, what we’re dealing with actually IS a child! No life experience outside the cult.
No ability to analyze data as an adult. Emotionally, mentally a child in a woman’s body…OMG.
Aqumarine, right now I’m sitting and waiting (for what seems like forever!) for a biopsy report, hoping that it’s not as bad as I fear, but also knowing that chances, given family history, what the probable results are. I try to keep a positive attitude for myself and my family and the many people who this effects also. I’m grateful for all of them.
All that being said, I know that I’m not the only person on this beautiful earth with concerns about what the future holds, and know that I will do what I need to do, what I can do, and what happens happens. How I handle it is up to me. Good plan but not easy.
Anyway, what life hands us is sometimes out of our control, which for someone who is used to fixing things isn’t easy to accept. It just is what it is.
Thoughts are with you Peggy.
I’ll be thinking of you today Peggy, and hoping you get good news. I have a family history as well so I can relate. Hang in there and keep us posted please.
Well, I have to say my surgeon and his staff are very pro-active. His nurse called me this morning. Not the news I wanted to hear, but they have a plan in place including going to the surgeon my surgeon would go to if he needed the type of surgery this will require. They are organizing everything and got me a rocket appointment with the surgeon this coming Tuesday. He will go over all the tests and I’m guessing the further biopsy testing they are doing to see what type of cancer we are going to be dealing with.
My daughter and my husband are right there with me no matter what. I have a wonderful support (mental – I need that 🙂 ) group.
So my dear friends thank you for the well wishes. I don’t know how much I will be checking in here but please know how fond I have become of everyone here. Stay strong!
Love to all,
We ALL wish you well Peggy.
Peggy, thoughts and prayers with you. Let go of all the kinds of negativity that we each tend to harbor and hold onto… reach for all the laughter and love out there and fill your being with only the positive. Sending love and hugs to you for your bravery and fortitude and if you’ll forgive the Scientologese, my postulate that the news coming your way which you’ll be sharing with us is very good news. But whatever it is, share it with us, please! Hugs to you.
I would forgive you a million times over Aquamarine – big hugs and thank you.
Surgery scheduled to March 2. Things are moving very fast, colon cancer with some other issues, but when did I ever do things the easy way? No more denial but I’ll keep trying LOL. Anyway, just wanted to give you the update. Lots to consider but will for now just to with thinking positive. Have to say I was sort of blindsided because it’s not what I wanted to hear – know what I mean. Life’s like that and it’s still a big beautiful world with more good people than bad thank heaven!
Thanks for the update Peggy. I hope you see this and know I am rooting for you. (I couldn’t find a reply button to your specific post.) I am so sorry it was not better news, but the good news is that medical advances have made it so you have a good chance of beating this. I have a friend who is in remission from stage 3 colon cancer. The chemo is a bear but we will cheer you on and support you. I am really glad to know you have a good support team at home – that is incredibly important. You sound brave and up to the challenge – go, fight, win! 🙂 And keep us posted!
Peggy, thanks for sharing the latest news with us. You have the right stuff to beat this sort of thing, Peggy. You’re going to be OK. I can tell. You’re gonna beat this and come out on top. I just know it. I know what I know – so there 🙂
All it proves to me (apart from the fact that it is not her speaking but some $camology goblin spewing shit) is they are becoming more and more desperate to try and score a hit on Mike in the vain hope that he bites. They’ll jump on it and use in another hatred and vile attempt to continue to smear him. Toothless yappy tiny dogs that can’t help but crapping in their own purse!
I must say you’re being very insulting.
Please apologize immediately to toothless yappy tiny dogs everywhere.
God’s creatures, after all.
Thank you.
I just posted a comment on Taryn’s YouTube vid. No other comments so far. I imagine my comment won’t be there for long.
Yeah, I’ve gone on “comment runs” on many Co$ YouTube vids over the years & the shelf life is pretty short. I figure I can hone my succinct snark literary skills and declare entertaining truth to the OSA minions who can’t avoid reading my Shakespearian gems before pulling them off. If I trigger some cog diss, so much the better…
You got that right. I just viewed the video (yikes) and there are no comments now!
“Watching the ‘gouged’ flesh on my mothers arm, ‘pouring’ with blood.”
Ummmmm….it was a scratch. But, boy you’d think they were on their death beds.
They ARE on their Death Beds. They just don’t know it yet.
True Dat!
I have a feeling that Taryn’s image is being used but the words are not hers. I don’t think OSA would allow her on the Internet. Sorry you have to continually endure this bullshite Mike. Rest assured that they’re not convincing anyone
I hope that one day I will be able to read here that father and daughter are reunited again and that the past is forgiven. I really do.
Heartfelt agreement. I know everyone here would be so pleased to see Karen out of Scamology and reunited with her father. May it happen, and happen soon!!
If the cult is just using her name and photograph to pump out this garbage then, OK but if SHE is in fact, doing this herself, writing this stuff herself, then I’d say “Good riddance” to her – she’s bad news. I’m sorry, that’s what I think. She knows the truth about what happened. She was right there, she saw everything. She knows WHY she and her mother and the rest of them were there too. She knows it was an ambush of her father, a planned ambush. SHE KNOWS THIS. And if she’s actually the one writing this garbage then she is beyond hope, she’s just gone. And good riddance to her would be how I’d think. If she’s spewing this stuff out herself than she’s…well, never mind, out of respect to Mike.
But all of the above being said, its far more likely that she is not writing any of this. Too risky. Why let her post on the internet when OSA can do it just as easily with no worries about her reading something she shouldn’t?
Also it just occurred to me that its likely that the cult is in panic mode in dread of the upcoming ” Mike & Leah” media event(s). Whoo hoo! Possibly an effort to provide damage control BEFORE the damage. In other words, get Mike smeared enough and thought of as discreditable enough BEFORE anything more damaging to the cult is revealed on his next show.
Oh, and how it must be driving the cult wild that Mike is getting another show! Following his LAST show, indeed, his last HIT show, that won an Emmy? Remember that one? And now, because MANY people are interested in cults, its a very interesting subject for many people, now, he’s been given ANOTHER show. Mike and Leah, a winning duo!
Oooh, I can hear the Dwarf’s teeth gnashing. I’ll bet he has to wear one of those dental guards so he doesn’t grind in his sleep.
And, last but not least, remember Taryn’s stupid gloating lie about Mike having been “fired”? Well, yo, not exactly! So sad for you, but NOT quite, Mrs. Teutsch!
I feel for you Mike, it is starting to happen to me now, too.. they just make stuff up.
This is wrenching and sad, but also absolutely infuriating to anyone who has endured actual domestic abuse.
I endured 13 1/2 years of abuse at my late husband’s hands and feet, and thiss enragges me! Sorry for typos I’m recovering from surgery on my right [dominaantt] hand
The thing she says that strikes home with me is how we all have friends and we all depend on them. But she fails to say anything about family. She does not say that she depends on her family more than her friends and if she believes that her friends are more important to her than her family, it indicates to me that something has really gone wrong.
But of course she cannot say that she depends on her family more so than her friends because this cult puts more importance on members’ friends in the cult than they do their family. In fact, because of the perverted view The Scam places on family, the need everyone to believe that the traditional meaning of family plays no real importance on people who are enslaved by this cult.
After all, if members have any money at the time of their death, The Scam needs them to give every single penny to The Scam. From their POV, it would be a travesty for anyone to leave some money and/or property to family members because that would mean it would not be left to The Scam.
Talk about a world that is turned upside down.
At this writing, Taryn’s website shows an Alexa traffic rating of 6,050,478. She’s a lost voice crying out to nobody. With that kind of number, not even her friends are visiting the site.
I think it’s important to remember that, as a whole, Scn has an online reach that is close to zero. While these kool-aid drinking zealots bask in their grandiose delusions, the real world hardly knows that they’re there. Taryn and her online compatriots are tiny gnats creating an inaudible buzz.
To paraphrase the memorable logline from the movie “Alien,” “In Scientology, no one can hear you whine.”
That seems like a high number, Chris. I think there’s something I don’t know here.
Can you clarify? Thanks
It means that Taryn’s website gets very few visits relative to the other websites on the web. Google ranks #1 because it gets more hits than any other website. This website ranks #97,493 in the world and #20,958 in the United States, which is fairly good when you consider that ranks only at #174,141 in the world and #42,202 in the US. Many more people read this website than read any page off of Scientology’s main website. And some of Scientology’s web traffic could be paid bot hits to inflate their horrible stats. website is even worse, only #114,427 in the US. The figures don’t lie.
Good clarification, WW. I misread bix’s question as a humorous dig at Scn’s poor web traffic, implying that it’s actually worse than those numbers indicate.
I sometimes mistakenly assume that everyone knows what I know and therefore know what I’m talking about. No wonder people look at me funny.
Hey, nobody likes a wise ass. At least that’s what my dad used to say.
Alexa ratings are upside down. The closer you come to #1 the better. A bit confusing i agree.
Maybe the cult just does her website so that any unfortunate still in caught reading the internet with inconvenient questions originated at their orgs can be directed to Taryn’s lies. In cult parlance her website can serve as a Dead Agent pack, or part of one, in order to “terminatedly handle” any questions or dissent by discrediting Mike via his own daughter.
And she could very well not be writing any of it herself.
I’d like to believe this is true. I’d say only 20% is wishful thinking on my part. It actually makes far more sense to me that some internet OSA goon is churning this shit out and not Taryn herself.
I just realized that I don’t have to react with regard to Taryn and her poisonous lies. There’s missing data. We don’t know if she’s writing this stuff herself. She could be.
Here are the possibilities:
1) She is wholly responsible for it per Miscavige’s orders.
2) She is completely in the dark as regards these postings with the cult using her name and photo, etc., and with her being not even being allowed to read it; told nothing about what they’re doing.
3), She isn’t writing it herself but is being SOMEWHAT informed about what is being written by OSA. On a kind of “need to know” basis – drip feeding her info with the purpose of maintaining control over her.
Look, I don’t know, I REALLY don’t, and I could be UTTERLY wrong, but somehow my instinct tells me its #3.
The point is: emotion comes AFTER thought. Possibility #1 makes me furious, makes me hate her. #2 is comfortable to believe but my common sense tells me its unlikely that she’s wholly in the dark. #3 Makes the most sense to me and also engenders some compassion in me for her.
But I don’t KNOW. All I can do is GUESS. So emotion based solely on pure speculation is a waste of time and energy. I only know that I can feel outrage and sadness for Mike having to endure this, (seemingly) from his own flesh and blood.
I’m just thinking out loud here.
Their story just gets more and more absurd. It would be funny if it weren’t so malicious and sad.
Mike, isn’t it about time to re post the audio of the conversation you were having with John Sweeney at the time that THEY attacked you? There are lots of new people coming to this site, they may not have heard it. It’s amazing how they have evolved this non-event to this. #lovenothate my ass. This is pure hate being spewed at Mike.
Yes. Every posting on the subject should have that and the police report.
Fer Christ sakes!!! What Taryn needs is some Dianetic auditing to help her get over the trauma that “has acted as a scar that never fully heals”. Her mom Cathy could probably use some Dianetic auditing too so that she can heal from the physical trauma she has suffered so that she doesn’t continue to Alter-Is the grievous harm she has suffered. To do anything else as a Scientologist is out-KSW and a Tech Degrade. OSA needs to step in and handle this out-PR scene ASAP so that the glories of the Tech aren’t relegated to some dung heap of New Age faith healing. The Tech works 100% of the time on 100% of the people when applied 100% standardly. Taryn, get your ass to Ethics and get cleaned up and stop subtly bashing the Tech so that Tech can go in on you and you can get over your unbearable trauma and move on with your life. You don’t need friends to support you with this. You just need cash (and lots of it) to hand over to the Reg so that you can get into session. Or, if you’re flat ass busted, you can find someone at your nearest Ideal Org to co-audit Book One with and you can both get over your own special traumas together. In Scientology everyone is a winner. If you don’t believe me, just ask any one of the eleventy billion Scientologists who are packing the uncounted Ideal Orgs on practically every continent of our Planet in this sector of the guh-lax-ee.
Any “trauma” Taryn, her mother and the rest of the villains who, screaming and yelling obscenities, descended en masse on Mike Rinder was self induced and CREATED BY THEM and should and probably would get handled by each of them writing up their OWN overts and witholds. In Scientology parlance, the became the EFFECT of their own CAUSE. They tried to overwhelm Mike; it didn’t work, and instead THEY were overwhelmed. Call it Karma or call it (Scientologese) the Overt Motivator Sequence but these unfortunate beings are TRAPPED in this incident and can’t let it go! They have to (again, forgive the Scientologese and call it whatever you like) keep “mocking up motivators”, meaning they have to keep inventing excuses for what they’re saying was what Mike did to them. It never clears up because Mike didn’t do anything to them. THEY started it! THEY created it. But they can’t (or possibly they’re not allowed) to acknowledge that, you see, so they’re stuck in making it all HIS fault, HIS fault…they’re trapped, they’re stuck, and they get more angry and bitter, and it doesn’t clear up, which causes them to invent MORE lies…very sad for them, actually. Must really suck to be them.
I would think the next question would be
Taryn, with your mother’s broken bones, massive bleeding and screams of agony, you didn’t even try to get her to a hospital? What kind of monster ARE you?
YEs, good question.
Perfect tresponse. Why oh why did she not INSIST that the paramedics who were onsite FORCE her into the ambulance and rush her to the nearest hospital. Oh, that’s right, because IT WAS JUST A DAMN SCRATCH (and self-inflicted at that).
P.S. Does Taryn (translation OSA) understand that the louder they yell the more the truth of what happens gets revealed?
Mike do you have any idea where this will end?
what is the best thing to do?
At what point does this become legally actionable libel and/or slander?
Long ago, and it continues.
A happy way can be unhappy and an unhappy way can be happy. Good knows and it’s a crime beeing bad.
Hey, I was working out on the property the other day, and was picking up some branches to put on the burn pile for a fire. One of the branches had a sharp edge, and cut my skin to the bone, and blood was gushing around like a fire hydrant. I kept working and eventually lit the fire. I was putting a branch in the fire and it caught the hairs on my hand on fire, burning my skin off down to the bone. Well, I kept working at picking up branches, and one downed limb was really big, and as I was picking it up it poked a hole through my leg, all the way through. By this time, I am creating a flood of blood, my arm is blazing like an inferno. I had to stop for a moment and get a drink. Later that night, while I was moaning around 130 decibels, with utter agony in my eyes, I brushed my teeth and went to bed.
That’s funny.
Seems like Mike’s unplanned quick “exit” from COS to save himself from himself being abused or exiled far away from family & friends as his punishment for “failing David M” has caused a lot of emotional scars to Cathie & Taryn.
After so many years ingrained in Mike as is with other cults to “Obey Without Question” the Ecclesiastical Leader of the Pack David M no matter how stark raveningly mad the rules & regulations may seem, Mike finally realized the truth…..he knew just what was going to me metered out to him as punishment. More years in the hole, being given little to no food, no heat or air-conditioning, abuse from his peers & hierarchy….that’s what happens when your “boss” is disenchanted with you.
Had Mike uttered a word to his then wife or children about his dissatisfaction with COS, a Knowledge Report would have been written & handed in & Mike would be cooling his heels in “the hole” for a very long time. Look what happened to Shelly M when SHE “disappointed” David M…..she hasn’t been SEEN OR HEARD from in over a decade.
We damned well know Mike’s “exit” was NOT planned….he had no money, no place to go, no change of clothes, NOTHING to take with him as he somehow managed to get away from his “monitors” in a few short minutes. It either be BRAVE enough to RISK BLOWING…..or be hauled off & punished.
Only through the good graces, compassion, & care was Mike able to escape & move on in life to find what he has now..>FREEDOM, happiness, joy, peace, a loving wife & sons. Mike HAS TRIED to mend his relationship with his older children…their minds have been poison by their mother, Cathie…..& that in itself shows the kind of person she is. Those lies cut deep, & right there is the documentation…the TRUTH….any way you look at it or read it…the TRUTH is there.
Taryn & Cathie…it is YOUR CHOICE to STAY IN….go on with your lives & LET IT GO….the past is over & done with, it can’t be changed. MOVE ON & stop embellishing a Medical Report that CLEARLY states an entirely different version of what you are claiming.
For Mike, those scars remain too, to hear one’s own daughter continually spew forth lies which are seemingly spoon fed to her…..some wounds never heal. So heartbreakingly sad for everyone.
In the execution of his policies one can now see the insanity, criminality and utter incompetence of El wRong Hubtard.
LRH was his own worst enemy!
Mike, I am truly sorry for this nonsense’ existence, it makes my faith in some sects of humanity fall further again. I can only imagine the heartache this must cause … you are in my thoughts and keep on fighting!
– Hawk
Maybe I’m the only one here who doesn’t give Taryn a full pass on this, but I just don’t .
There’s a big line behind you, Joe. Actually, it’s a huge line.
You’re not the only one, Joe. However long or short it may be, I’m in that line. Right behind you, OSD 🙂
Yah, mixed feelings…
(I also recognize that I lived 40 years, “you’re responsible for your own condition” , and that influences my less than charitable judgements against her. )
This only indicates that her leader and her manipulators are desperate.
You have done something that really infuriates them and, as destruction is their modus operandi, and they have failed to stop you, that is when they use (better say, abuse) your daughter with the intent to harm.
The only harmed here is the mind of your daughter, which can heal if she ever leaves the cult she lives in. I hope she will one day for her own sake.
Take care Mike.
Briefly yet fully and beautifully said, Sylvia!
Excellent reason. Thank you.
I have one question for her:
“and how else did you justify it?”
There is no lie too big for $ci to spew. Just like it’s founder, dishonesty/lying is a big part of the fabric of $ci.
[Ed Note: Skyler has written to me a number of times concerning my on-screen wardrobe. He has asked me not to publish his comments. This time he said he will not bring it up again if I don’t respond. In truth, I don’t consider this to be an issue worthy of much attention. But, he is so persistent, and I am very happy to accept criticism and correction — though I may not choose to follow said criticism. So, here you go — offer your opinions as you see fit]
Hello Mike,
I am about to ask you one last time to consider the issue of your on-screen wardrobe.
It is my opinion that – even though you are generally seen as an expert when it comes to the area of cults and especially The Scam, that I ask you to consider your wardrobe when you appear on TV and implore you to let me send you a few basic guidelines. I want no money from you and my only goal is to see you make a few small changes – of which the biggest was not to mix a blue garment with a brown one because that is generally seen by viewers to represent someone who is not taken as seriously as you deserve to be.
Regardless of the outcome of this small request, I promise that I will not trouble you again about this issue unless you ask me.
Bottom Line? Whether you ask your members for an opinion or whether you don’t, I wish you all the best and I wish to see the end of this horrible destructive cult.
I have not once noticed your onscreen wardrobe. It is not an issue with me. I would think that the advisers on your shows know what they are doing in any case. Dress how you choose as far as I am concerned. No offense to Skyler, but there are much more important things than how someone dresses and I for one take Mike very seriously.
No offense taken Val. But I want to tell you that as far as I am concerned, you most definitely have a superior intellect as do everyone else who realizes the important issues in life are not how a person appears or what they have in their bank account, but what they do and what is in their hearts.
It may be sad to admit this, but it seems to me that the majority of people are willing to fall for superficial issues – like how someone looks or how they dress.
In the next season of Mike & Leah’s TV show, I have no idea if they will ever debate some people who speak on behalf of The Scam directly. But for the majority of the public, when they see someone speak for The Scam who appears to be well dressed and who acts polished and “in charge”, I believe they give a lot of credibility to style over substance.
I consider you and many other people here to possess a superior intellect because you are not fooled by style over substance which reminds me of the saying that, “People who stand for nothing with fall for anything.”
When Mike and Leah do a TV show, the important issue is what the viewing public will believe and for those of us who know the facts, I believe we want Mike to win which implies we will use all of the capabilities we possess to help Mike win – assuming of course, we do not act in a despicable manner. After all, I’m quite certain Mike and Leah are not interested in operating on the same level The Scam operates.
But within those confines, I want to do everything I can to help Mike win. What do I mean by “win”?
I guess the bottom line for me is that I want the viewing public to support Mike & Leah and to help them with their goals. Two of their primarily goals are 1) revoking the Tax Exempt Status and 2) terminating the “disconnection policy” and helping broken families get back together again. There are many other goals and the more people that support Mike & Leah, the more likely it is they will support Mike & Leah in accomplishing their goals. If suggesting “TV friendly” wardrobe will help Mike & Leah gain support, then I do not feel it is wrong to suggest that – even though you and I (and many others) may agree that appearances are definitely not as important as policies, intentions or actions.
I want to take advantage of every scrap of knowledge that I possess to help Mike & Leah (providing of course that I do not behave like The Scam in doing so). If I cannot afford to donate much money, then at least I will try to donate my knowledge or capabilities. I just ask for your support for Mike – even if he may not think it is very important. Helping Mike & Leah accomplish their goals is very important. Helping Mark Bunker get elected is very important. I’m sorry that I just seem to be rambling now. Please help me?
If the readers of this blog feel that is somehow wrong, then I will accept that and I will no longer try to promote the importance of TV wardrobe.
@skyler, where we live, if someone comes in dressed in a suit, we immediately dismiss them as “someone trying to impress”. Mike and Leah’s sincerity sells them. Scientology is “trying to impress” and are so shiny they look fake. Fake fake fake fake fake. So fake you want to run the opposite direction. FAST!
Perhaps you may not have noticed, but there are not many people buying the steaming pile of shite scientology is attempting to sell, but are listening to Mike and Leah’s sincerity. I think you must associate with the wrong people if you think the majority of the people out there pay more attention to the clothes than the person. IMHO, if the person is so shallow that all they see is the clothes, they deserve what they get.
Thank you Mike. I want you to know that I certainly will not bother you again about this issue unless some other readers of your blog express the opinion that it would be worthwhile to consider this advice.
I want to make it clear to all the readers of this blog that my intention is to help Mike appear on an equal footing to the bastards who speak for The Scam. If you look at the people who appear on TV who represent The Scam, they all have the benefit of paid experts to advise them on their wardrobe and there is a significant portion of the TV audience who will consider giving their support to some people who appear to look superior to others based on how they dress.
I know this is not fair or reasonable. But it is unfortunately the way of the world. My objective is to give Mike every advantage we can so he can best compete with the people who represent The Scam who are given expensive expert advice on how to select their wardrobe when appearing on TV.
My only goal is to give Mike every possible advantage because he deserves it and his cause most certainly deserves it. I fully understand that Mike does not consider this issue to be of much importance. But the sad truth is that many people allow themselves to be swayed based on appearances instead of the issues.
I want Mike to have every possible advantage and if selecting an appropriate wardrobe for TV will help sway just one viewer, I want to do everything I can to help Mike.
I think you forget Skyler that Mike used to be THE spokesperson for Scientology. He was paraded out on television many times as the ‘talking head’ for Miscavige (because DM is too chickenshite to appear on TV). He knows exactly how Sci Inc. presents and dresses their people.
In my opinion I would want to look exactly the opposite of those uptight arseholes. I’ve never liked the ‘look’ of Sci Incs people…they all look like lawyers. Let’s face it there’s only one way to wear a suit whether it’s Brooks Bro’s or Armani they all look the same on TV. I prefer the casual look. The statement it makes is ‘I’m living my life happily without the encumbrance of that cornCOB up my ass all the time’. In fact I never even noticed what Mike was wearing at all on Aftermath. I’m usually paying more attention to the story being told and unless the clothing has something to do with that story I don’t notice. I’m trying very hard right now to remember anything he or Leah wore on the show…can’t remember a thing about it but I DO remember all the stories told. That’s what is important.
These statements are my opinion only of course.
You are correct Linear13. I did forget that Mike was the spokesman for The Scam for quite some time.
I am persuaded by your post. I must admit your position is highly valid and I’m beginning to feel maybe I made a mistake. I just want Mike to appeal to all of the public who may attach importance to superficial issues because I guess I may think that is more important than maybe it is.
Your hearts in the right place Skyler that’s what’s important. Keep up the good work of spreading the word about ‘The Scam’…the more voices out there like yours yelling to the rooftops the better.
Dude, there’s nothing wrong with the way he dresses. Let it go.
I miss Foolproof.
Non-sequitur much? I LOL’d though 🙂
Wow. You have sent him several emails about this?? Yikes. You think scn’s dress well? I guess you have not seen the “whales and wardrobe” over at Tony’s blog…..they are terribly dressed. But anyway…Mike could wear a newspaper and I would take him very, very seriously. It’s all there…in his eyes.
We know you want to help.
Very, very much, and that’s a great thing.
That said, seriously, don’t worry about what Mike will wear on TV.
He won’t wear anything that’s off-putting.
Mike is a highly trained, expert communicator.
He has a lifetime of experience in getting his points clearly across to the media.
He understands the power of context as well as content.
Whatever he wears, he’ll be decently groomed and look normal and approachable. His manner will be relaxed and direct.
Truly though, no one is going to be focused on his clothes
He will be telling some powerful truths on a subject that is of considerable interest to a large group of people in this country.
They’re going to be listening to him; they’ll be absorbing what he says. They’ll be getting important information that is interesting to them. That’s what they’ll be focused on. That’s why they’ll be watching the show in the first place.
Mike will get thru to people, Skyler.
He knows how.
Just put your faith and your trust in his ability and long term expertise in dealing with the media.
Its wonderful that you care the way you do, and that you do care is obvious to me and I’m sure to all here.
Its obvious, its so clear, that you’re on his side, the right side, OUR side, and want, very much, for him to succeed.
And he will!
Sit back, relax, enjoy and just know that he’s on the right side, is a total pro, and all will go well!
Sending you a hug,
..moving quietly in the background, I slide the larger piece of pie on the plate, and as I slip it before you, I pause to allow my hand to rest gently upon your shoulder for a moment.
I think Mike dressed very stylishly for the show. Often I found myself thinking what a handsome,well dressed man he was. Coupled with his knowledge of Scientology,sense of humor and sincerity he was an excellent host. Looking back at scenes of Mike on “Scientology and the prison of belief” he looked like someone just released from a North Korean prison camp. He was undernourished with a wild eye stare. His appearance on “Scientology and the Aftermath “ showed a changed person it was lie seeing the worst of someone and then seeing a truly transformed person in every respect, a true survivor. I look forward to seeing more of Leah and Mike in the form of their new show. They deserve every good thing that comes their way
Since our replies to this commentor’s utterly petty, inconsequential nitpickery about this blog’s creator’s sartorial acumen have been solicited, I feel compelled to chime in:
Yo, Mr. Brummell, you labor under the delusion of that old saw, “Clothes make the man,” but slip off those Manolo Blahniks, take off that Armani jacket, and loosen that Sulka cravat, obviously so tight that it’s cutting off circulation to your prefrontal cortex, and give it a rest. A little history, my fine Yankee Doodle Dandy:
‘A Dandy, in the words of Thomas Carlyle, “is a clothes-wearing Man, a Man whose trade, office and existence consists in the wearing of clothes… [O]thers dress to live, he lives to dress.” ‘
That being said, let’s get really real here…much of what I’ve read herein concerning Co$ (from our Proprietor, who sure as hell’s lived it) and others over the years, has often approached levels of tragedy, heartbreak, and true abuse and misery, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, the equal of or exceeding that on the international news of famine, pestilence, war, & atrocities of all stripes.
So pardon me if I wax indignant, but breathing a bit fast now…tell you what, why don’t you take your mindless blathering about clothes over to the ”Overheard in the FreeZone” area on the companion blog to this one…your (apparently) repeated nattering about attire has reached Freezoner twaddledom level…Congratulations!
Looks fine to me. In the past I’ve on national TV news on every major network including BBC, CNN Latin America and other EU channels and I think you dress smartly.
I have no idea what Skyler’s professional national TV experience is.
This is the Church of Scientology FAIR GAME policy at work.
Disgusting and hateful Church of Scientology. Buyer Beware – you too could have your children make hate videos and lie about you. Get out now lurkers and grab your kids.
“…you too could have your children make hate videos and lie about you.”
Is that ever true. If you’ve been disconnected from, the only reason your Still In “kids” are NOT doing any of the above is because they haven’t been ORDERED by Miscavige to do so…YET.
How predictable in light of your announcement I hope that your children, ex-wife, and everyone else mentally imprisoned by this cult will see the light and break free from its control. All the best, Mike.
It’s just so sad. Such vitriol toward a father based on lies – lies she KNOWS are lies. I guess that’s what the church of scientology does best. Fortunately, because of the whistleblowers, most people have learned that it’s a very dangerous group to belong to and will never sign up for it. Hopefully, one day all will be free from its tricks and lies.
Usually when one speaks about DV and knowing the signs to look for they actually DESCRIBE the signs. Instead she just wanted to bitch about Mike which just proves the point she doesn’t care about domestic violence, she just wants to smear Rinder.
It’s sad, I feel sorry for her because there is no doubt Mike would move heaven and Earth to get his kids free of COS. Even with these crazy posts he doesn’t trash her, he calmly provides information to show she is wrong. I hope she figures it out one day but until then I guess I will just continuing feeling nothing but pity for her
As long as the psychotic Cathy Bernardini exists, Taryn will NEVER get out of the mind fuck she is in. I am sad to even think that but it is the truth.
It reminds me of the Reckless Ben video where he gets audited and tells his injuy story over and over and over again until it isn’t the same story any longer. Same thing with Taryn, she keeps adding lies every time she opens her mouth to tell the same story but with a new twist.