Ladies and gentlemen, Calgary “org” in all its magnificence.
This is the embodiment of the straight up and vertical, epic and monumental expansion scientology is experiencing under the leadership of the Chairman of the Board RTC, Mr. David Miscavige.
It’s 47X something or other. And greater expansion in the last year than in 50 years combined previously.
And here is how that growth manifests itself in the city of Calgary. There are no excuses in Canada. No foreign language barrier. No governmental suppression. No drug cartels roaming the streets. No gangs. Free healthcare. Nice people. Open minded. Canada has everything going for it.
Including apparently a discerning attitude towards scientology.
The inspiration all seems to be happening downstairs.
Now, just to make the cheese more binding, some of you may recall that almost exactly a year ago (Nov 11, 2014 to be exact) I posted about Calgary “org” Scientology Calgary Expansion: Flat Out And Vertical
Here is virtually an identical shot from one year ago:
As you can see, they change is spectacular.
It is truly epic, monumental and unprecedented.
And undeniable exactly what is happening.
This is their “center” in Prague. It’s hilarious.,14.4295832,3a,90y,122.81h,85.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s6rTDIF7RlEuLHv-woR3Zfw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1?hl=cs
One sign in ugly building in a street which used to be a good address but now it’s mostly small old shops.
Soon it will be doll houses and sandcastles, or maybe just PO boxes.
Wow. I can barely see it through the throngs of people rushing in and out of it….the hundreds of cars parked all around it, make it hard to find, too…
Why would the orgs be big? Yes, he wants the IRS and the govt. of Canada to think he is helping millions of people, but the orgs are made to be as small as possible. That way, Davey can pocket as much money as possible as live like a billionaire while pretending to be the pope of the world’s fastest growing religion.
They share the top floor with a rub and tug?
Hmmm, $cientology Org situated diectly above a business named “Inspiration”?
So CO$ is “rising above inspiration” over there in Calgary? How “Inspirational”….
“We don’t need your inspiration. We need your money!”
I’m certainly inspired…..
A good example of the seamy underbelly of CoS.
I had a seamy underbelly once. But working out at the gym took care of that…
The public is finally being let in on Scientology’s core practices.
People in the world are being able to look up Scientology practices, to finally get down to the real basics of what ARE the real practices.
Therapy (this lifetime therapy and past lifetime trauma therapy and this lifetime and past lifetime transgression hunting) are the biggest part of regular sort of therapy of Scientology, and then there is Scientology’s no long confidential upper levels, five of the eight upper levels are exorcism of people’s infestations of “body thetans.” (With “body thetans” being dead bodiless souls of ancient humanoids from other planets, and there is a huge huge quantity of “body thetans” around on earth and infesting everyone, so Scientology’s OT levels 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 chip away and finally rid all of the “body thetans” for one person, supposedly).
So people going to a Scientology Ideal Org are gonna eventually learn how to do and hopefully receive the Scientology therapy to finally handle their this lifetime and past lifetime trauma incidents, and also to eventually rid themselves of all their “body thetans”.
That’s the simplicity of what the public is finally being allowed to finally understand what the heck Scientology practices really are.
Scientology could be a lot more open about what they are offering.
It’s been up to a lot of leaking of Scientology practices to finally get the world up to understanding what the Scientology core practices are, so the public can even get satisfactory understanding of what the Scientologists are doing to themselves.
I mean if people knew that if they go to this Calgary Scientology center, they will learn how to at least get up to becoming a Scientology therapist to supposedly do this therapy and find past life trauma and eliminate the bad effects of this trauma, that’s what they get in Canada’s Scientology centers, supposedly.
The people can only get to “Clear” (free of all their negative trauma essentially, supposedly).
People would have to go to the next to higher echelons of Scientology churches (continental centers and then the final Clearwater center) to do the exorcism steps of Scientology.
I wish Scientology would simplify what they are doing.
It’s taken outsiders and ex members to piece it together in simple terms.
Excellent summary Chuck – Even if the lure of experiencing “past life regression” sucks a person in, they would be aware of what lies ahead by reading your summary. In my opinion “past lives” ultimately becomes a matter of belief and has no influence or benefit for me as a matter of daily living.
“In my opinion “past lives” ultimately becomes a matter of belief and has no influence or benefit for me as a matter of daily living.”
The subject of past lives is not new to Scientology , dear Richard ; it is as old as civilization itself. Don’t let your disagreements with Scn and/or LRH take away from you the incredible interesting realizations to be had with non-conventional subjects such as that one.
Many Ex(es) (like me) and Anti(s) suffer from what I call “Scientologitis”. This is a condition where someone who was heavily exposed to Scn’s doctrines , dismiss, ignore, or de-value certain subjects just because LRH wrote about them, and dealt with them, as if the subjects had no prior value before Scn. For me, that’s a trap we can easily fall into.
“Past Lives” , “The Unconscious Mind” , “Imprinted Memories” (the Engram) , and even the subject of “Human electronic flows” , were subjects HEAVILY researched by others LONG before LRH. And I may add, SUCCESSFULLY researched.
Just as an example, Google-search Emile Coue’s, “Self-Mastery Through Conscious Auto-suggestion”. In that incredible 1920(ish) book, you’ll find almost every senior Scn principle including :
1. The Unconscious Mind
2. The subject of “Considerations (thought) being senior to the mechanics of physical reality”.
3. The concept of the “Engram” but described in other words.
4. The concept of how unknown postulates affect our mental and psysical health.
5. The concept of “Positive Postulating(ness)”.
6. The concept “What you fear, you become or gets”.
7. The concept that very few understood or even read about on the PDC lectures of “Reverse Vectors” , where the idea or thought that one attempt to handle through effort (like an habit or destructive impulse) , ordinarily just fix itself even more, and causes the opposite effect to the one desired.
8. The idea of “what you fight, you get”.
Etc, etc, etc ; and all in a 25-pages book!!!
Read Will Duran’s masterpiece, “An History of Philosophy” , and you’ll discover almost EVERY Scn principle in there, each and every one of them. But discussed by someone whose intellect and intellectual honesty make LRH’s appear like the one from a spoiled child.
My point being, dear Richard, there is more than meets the eyes ; don’t close yourself to non-conventional wisdom , but remain “Open-minded” about anything, something that LRH attempted to describe as a flaw instead of what it really is : A VIRTUE.
Besr regards,
Excellent, Peter. Once again I am pleased that Mike allows discussion. I don’t type very fast so I try to be brief. I “went dianetic clear” on the dianetic drug rundown around 1982(?) so I have looked at lots of engrams chains. My point in replying to Chuck was that I don’t want anyone to get sucked into the CoS by natural curiosity about past life recall.
I have read that Buddha had detailed recall of his past lives, but I ain’t Buddha! So my point as stated above is that digging in and trying to assemble and review any possible past life would be futile for me and I would suppose most others. What would be the point, anyhow?
If for no other reason than copyright protection, LRH’s name appears on all materials and only an expert such as yourself would be able to deconstruct and reassemble something along the lines of scn and would need a team. You have mentioned in the past that you might attempt to do so. If you get whatever your thoughts are right now on a blog and “open source” it so to speak something just might happen. From what you write above you have already distilled many things down to basics. That is up to you when it feels right.
I hope we are now on the same “human electronic flow” (joke)
– Richard
I think I misread something – human electronic flows=e-meter? Oh well, you get the idea. lol How about “on the same wavelength”? While I’m here, I read some of the reviews of Self Mastery at amazon. It got me to wondering are you working on your own thesis shall we call it, compiling what you feel are essentials from sources you have studied and thus recommending, or some combination thereof, if that makes sense.
Richard : “I think I misread something – human electronic flows=e-meter? Oh well, you get the idea. lol”
Peter : Yes , the E-meter phenomena , and the electronic flows surrounding the body. That research is much older than LRH. Google search “Mesmerism” to find more about it.
Richard : “How about “on the same wavelength”?”
Peter : Sound great! :-)))
Richard : “While I’m here, I read some of the reviews of Self Mastery at amazon. It got me to wondering are you working on your own thesis shall we call it, compiling what you feel are essentials from sources you have studied and thus recommending, or some combination thereof, if that makes sense.”
Peter : Yes , I am ; been doing that for the last year or so. I am currently studying all about hypnosis , and more specifically , about “Self-hypnosis” , or more properly “Self-suggestion”. Fascinating subject , indeed. I had dismissed it ,because I was still under LRH’s undue influence with his invalidation of that subject. You know how it was , “LRH was right about EVERYTHING”. Then one day I stumbled upon that little book from Emile Coue , and my horizon really opened up. I then , began an intense research of the subject using academic sources. I am testing the methods in myself first , to then test it on others to establish the degree of workability.
I am Studying as well the history of philosophy using Will Duran’s works mostly (he is VERY through) , to isolate common denominators to it all ; principles that seems to have worked invariably for any culture at any time in history. Concepts that seems to attract general agreement. Then apply real scientific methodology to it ; compile and organize it into something usable and easy to understand by generally educated people ; and publish my findings FOR FREE , so that it be available for everybody. My work on that will always be free. I feel that I owe my help to humanity and not the opposite. I came to serve others , not to be served ; to be selfless and not selfish. I am very very far from being perfect ; I have 10x more flaws than the general able individual has ; I possibly spoiled my only chance at redemption this life-time ; but I am honest enough. With me , what you see is what you get.
So stay tuned ; the work is in the making.
Take care , my friend.
Richard : “Excellent, Peter. Once again I am pleased that Mike allows discussion. I don’t type very fast so I try to be brief.”
Peter : Got it!
Richard : “I “went dianetic clear” on the dianetic drug rundown around 1982(?) so I have looked at lots of engrams chains. My point in replying to Chuck was that I don’t want anyone to get sucked into the CoS by natural curiosity about past life recall.”
Peter : Thank you ; I now understand what you meant by that.
Richard : “I have read that Buddha had detailed recall of his past lives, but I ain’t Buddha! So my point as stated above is that digging in and trying to assemble and review any possible past life would be futile for me and I would suppose most others. What would be the point, anyhow?”
Peter : The point , dear Richard , is the thrill of discovery ; the adventure into “Tierra Incognita”. Those points all by itself , are fascinating regardless of any therapeutic value or lack thereof , which I think it DOES have. I got to admin that I have “Vulcan” blood. :-)))
Richard : “If for no other reason than copyright protection, LRH’s name appears on all materials and only an expert such as yourself would be able to deconstruct and reassemble something along the lines of scn and would need a team.”
Peter : Thanks for the validation and the vote of confidence , dear Richard ; though it feels undeserved.
Richard : “You have mentioned in the past that you might attempt to do so. If you get whatever your thoughts are right now on a blog and “open source” it so to speak something just might happen. From what you write above you have already distilled many things down to basics. That is up to you when it feels right.”
Peter : Thanks for the suggestion. That’s the plan , essentially. I am sorting out the key principles from the mere generalizations and false data ; the invariably workable from the hype ; the important data from the cosmetic ornaments.
Richard : “I hope we are now on the same “human electronic flow” (joke)
– Richard”
Peter : Yes , we sure are , my friend! :-)))
Peter, Thank you for your detailed reply. You provide me with much joy. I look forward to updates on your body of work.
From Wikipedia, it sounds so possible that Hubbard caught wind of Coue:
“Émile Coué de la Châtaigneraie (French: [emil kue də la ʃɑtɛɲʁɛ]; 26 February 1857 – 2 July 1926) was a French psychologist and pharmacist who introduced a popular method of psychotherapy and self-improvement based on optimistic autosuggestion.[1]
“Considered at times to represent a second Nancy School, Coué treated many patients in groups and free of charge.”
They couldn’t even get a bunch of people together in the picture to make it LOOK like they are booming?? LOL
C’mon, angryskorpion, give ’em a break! The were all out to lunch at the time. I’m sure they’re still booming…
Wow, nostalgia – the Calgary org looks just like the old Auckland org in Panmure (which got pulled down for a traffic project).
Speaking of which, the Auckland Ideal mOrg building (Whitecliffe Arts College building, Grafton) is currently covered by a tarp. Is something actually going on in there, or are they just trying to keep SPs at bay?
I had the exact same thought, looks just like the old Auckland org in Panmure. Even has a similar sign. The “ideal” one in Grafton is having renovations I believe, there’s some whispers about it opening in March. My whole family is in so I’m trying to come up with a plan to get out of going to the opening.
What more likely place for a church than on skid row next to a massage parlor? That’s where the souls are to be saved at least when we’re talking about a church whose aims are to give succor to those in need. The CoS isn’t in business for that. They’re in business to collect enormous amounts of cash by convincing people its tech can expand all their dynamics to infinity or whatever and make them into spiritual Goliaths. Fat chance a scientology org located in a hovel can convince anybody of anything except that it’s flat busted and could use a good meal.
The only reason this “Church” stay “alive” in the first place is because they use “unknowing” and “unwitting” slaves to run the show , and not even because of the “donations” they receive. W/out those “slaves” – and I am really sorry to sound so harsh towards them ; I was one of them myself- absolutely nothing in the CofS could possible survive. Just increase the pay by only 1.5x , and that would be their end. The Cof S is run by slaves under the authority and command of a very , very few. DM just understood LRH’s methods quite well. Don’t even think for a minute that LRH had any honorable intentions himself ; he DIDN’T. It has always been about “power” and money and about absolutely nothing else. And as any business with a faulty model , they sooner or later go bankrupt and into oblivion. No different with the CofS. It is just a matter of :
1. Continued exposure of their lies.
2. Enough time for the economic laws to follow their natural course.
3. Being patient.
I’m hoping he takes the hint, we appreciate refugees in Canada, cults…not so much! Seeing this is as funny as seeing the dilapidated Toronto Morgue or knowing that Narocon Trois Rivière was shut down… Take a hint Davey, your vertical expansion doesn’t mean northern expansion!
I pass the Ottawa org/mission all the time and have never seen anyone in or out. When I tell people I follow the Scientology scene, they are pretty much aghast. the only action I have seen from the place was the Anon protest a few years back. One day I’ll climb those stairs, but on the whole the Ottawa org/mission is a very creepy experience.
On a scale of 1 to 10, ten being creepyness beyond your wildest imagination, where do think the Ottawa Idle Morgue is at?
A little doorway wedged between tattoo parlours in a rough area… I’d give it a 10 compared to Toronto’s 9.
On the nose and true entire!
I concur…
Ottawa’s org is very sad looking. I live in Ottawa and went to Clearwater last month, and was excited to see so many Sea Org members! Perverse, I’m fully aware of it.
Hi Moneyknuckler, Good to meet you. Perverse at times is the spice of life! For example,I still love a man in uniform! Minus the billion year ball & chain. Love, Ann.
Hey! They spelled scientology correctly. It’s tough enough with spell check but to do it across an epic sized window span like sure takes guts. I wonder if it’s special paper? You know like the KTL/LOC books which needed a fork lift to move, bindings fell apart after 6 months and mould just loved them to death.
It’s hard not to jealous of the Canadians and their scientology representation.
Don’t get too excited, I Yawn. I hear it took them 3 days to figure out how to spell SCIENTOLOGY. Talk about your Dev-T!
They could have spelled radioactivewaste , and people would have been more willing to enter
LOL- I see possibilities here for signage. 11 letters each in scientology and radioactive so it fits nicely as a bottom line or maybe better as a top line. BRING$ PLEEZ, MORGUE NORTH etc. (spelling unimportant)
Far, far more willing to enter…
A Canadian here and I’d like to clarify a point. On the off chance some people might not be familiar with Calgary and are under the impression that it’s a small Canadian backwater town let me set the record straight:
Calgary has well over a million residents and is considered the financial center of the Canadian West. In other words, Calgary is awash in money and young professionals. Apologies to Ol’ Blue Eyes but if Scientology can’t make it here …
Absolutely! Calgary is a boom town! It amazes me that the only Ideal Org up here is in rinky-dink little Cambridge, Ontario, 120,000 of a population and a very low socio-economic population to draw from, whomever plans logistics must not be applying the tech correctly.
There is one in Quebec too. It is a bustling center of culture and activity…. not
Loved the pictures of not a single person in that cavernous Quebec org except for Mz. Shank…not the nicest lady and well named.
…you can’t make it anywhere. It’s up to you, New York.
No one ever mocked you’re hometown no need to set the record straight. So the pius defence of you’re hometown has nothing to do with this article nor its comments,the Org has noone, as in the unexpanding scientology orgs.Not the noone cares backwater of you’re awesomeness Calgary Can.
The city of Calgary isn’t being mocked nor is it evident to me that Anthony thinks it is. Perhaps most of us have no knowledge of that Canadian Town and I found his information about it edifying and revealing in reference to the photo of the sorry looking org.
They are in the same building as a massage parlor? What a house of prostitution was not upstat enough for them???
At least with a massage parlor you get something tangible for your money.
Well, there are all kinds of touch assists, after all.
Well the OTs need somewhere to go to get relief after some scientology (no) touch assists.
Like the “touch assists” that Travolta got from his poor masseuses?? LOL
In St Petersburg Florida the Scientology Life Improvement Center building is wedged between a hotel and Club Lust which is a Gentlemen’s Club. Someone tell me that’s not Ideal.
The only thing getting larger is the lettering in the windows! LMFAO! The dopey little dick thinks this proof of the largest growing religion in the world? And the dopes buy this crap? They are truly brain washed. The place is a tineey-tiny (like him) stop-off — probably in the wilderness! Only one’s stopping there are folks who need new flooring or want a slice of pizza. Like they’re looking for a religion to join, much less a scifi one up there.
Somebody was thinking by putting the Org next to a Massage Parlor.
Just step out the door as the johns come up the stairs you tell them
the “Calgary Special” is this way. Idea for Las Vegas Org is plant phony
sign’s that say “Love Ranch” ( with lots of Hearts} directing traffic to the L.V.Org front door.
SEE, Calgary is a leader and new business model for Ideal Orgs !!!!
One stop Sex and Soul Saving !!!!!
Calgary org is almost there already. Buy out the middle store and build a sky bridge between the org and massage parlor and stats are up!
Take a look at the sad parking lot. I counted 9-10 spaces shared by the 4-5 tenants. That shouldn’t be a problem though.
No, I really think they’ll need Valet Parking…
And as Calgary, such an Ideal disastrous Org., there are many others following its example: Colonia Roma, Org. de Dianetica in Mexico, Pasadena has a better building but is as empty as the photos shown here and it will take many, many hours to enumerate all the decaying, empty, purposeless ‘ideal’ scn. orgs.
Now that I think of it, it will be faster to name the ones that are expanding and prospering; the problem will be to find if there is any at all.
Hum…I can’t come up with anytime of a prospering Ideal Scn Org…do you?
Wait, SILVIA! There’s that one org that’s…, they’re empty. Hmmmmm….OH! What about that org in…..crap, they’re empty too. OH! I KNOW! The L.A. Org has tons of people and……wait, all the people are Sea Orgers. I got it! Now you can’t tell me that the Orange County (CA.) is not straight up and verti….damn! The Idle Morgue is in Santa Ana, Orange County’s heroin capital and everyone is Hispanic and mostly poor. There’s no way they’re going to be “donating” anything. I give up……
On the same floor as a massage parlor. Totally correct and appropriate positioning.
Well, glen, after being fleeced, they probably need a good massage. Makes sense to me….
OMG, Still laughing! You guys are great, with great eyes might I add. I missed the massage thingy. You guys never miss a thing! Way to go, Folks!
I guess you can get two kinds of touch assist with happy ending.
Well, you can get a ‘happy ending’ or you can get one that’s so happy it takes a week to wipe the smile off your face.
One Stop Shopping, as it were. I’m wondering how this Ideal Org was photographed when it was shown at some former event. Surely they would have had to edit out quite a bit of what appears to be a small, drab strip mall.
Pun unintentional but certainly applicable.
It’s not an official “ideal” org, so it’s never been shown at an event. No other scientology orgs qualify to be shown in Dave’s “ideal” events….
Body & soul baby – both in the same complex. Best bit of scio innovation I’ve heard of.
Dave is against masturbation so it figures in a weird sort of complex, “I just gotta be right,” kind of way. Perhaps if someone else does all the work is called something else and won’t read on damn sec checks so easily. Good for the economy too.
Makes one wonder how DM is getting by (without masturbation) since he banished his wife to Hubbard Hell somewhere. It must be hell on him trying to find a private room somewhere that doesn’t have hidden cameras! LOL
I Yawnalot, he’s got nothing to masturbate with — that’s why! Damn, my pinky finger is larger. I really should call the midget “pinky dick.” Could you imagine what happened to it when he got circumcised? LMAO
Doctor: “We’re gonna cut off the extra”
COB: “WHOA!! I don’t think I’ve got any ‘extra’!!”
5 cars in front in the old picture. 5 cars in front in the new picture.
Quite the expansion.
Oh, c’mon Guest! Give ’em a break! They carpooled with 15 people in each car! That adds up to a lot of staff, disaffected as they might be…..
You’re killing me young surfer dude!
But, am I killing you softly?
And, hey, thanks for the “young” comment! Haven’t heard that word said to me in a long while.
There is a reason for the no changes in this org. This is where Miscavige secretly goes to research OT’s 9 & 10. He does not want fanfare, just a quiet place to do his research. Soon there will be Davy’s Journal #1 telling us all what he went through and what he discovered.
He will reveal the top SP’s on the planet and how they need to be disconnected from. He cannot name these evil ones as there are far too many. Only that they were once were or still are involved in Scn. He will reveal how OT’s 9 & 10 will sort out these nasty people and how to rid us all of their bad intentions. He will disclose his dislike for cold weather and snow. How he came down with the flu while doing his epic research but overcame it all to find the EP’s of OT’s 9 & 10.
As he talks of his epic research and discoveries there will be short comm lags….as if he is taking a drink of something.
Well, I’m sure it was water he was drinking, Potpie. I mean, you don’t want to catch a buzz while researching OT IX & 10. That would be outrageous! Being hammered is one thing, but, being hammered while doing research is another. In fact I….wait….crap! Hubbard was “drinking lots of rum and popping pinks and greys.” I have nothing to stand on here.
But, what if getting plowed actually make research easier? Yeah, yeah, that’s it! Dat’s da ticket!
Hey Guys,
It was ups, meth, black beauties, downs, LSD, booze, yellow-jacks and pot that gave birth to what we now know as Scientology! — Right out of their collective stoned heads! LMAO
That’s where the old man & his son hallucinated and probably saw those flying little triangles, boxes, and 3D boxes floating around on their right-side view; and then as they were still rising, to their left this time, they saw a bigger landscape of a huge square, beautiful golden, misty heaven. Twas a sight to behold during their star gazing trip; in awe of the beginning of our new galaxy!
(Weren’t we supposed to report about seeing the same shit on our little Emeters? Hum, I wonder.)
Of course they didn’t hear anything because they didn’t have any ears. Duh! … We all were rocks or some kind of chemical reactions or whatever back then. Rocks don’t have ears! (One thing that always bugged me though was, if we didn’t have ears to listen with, then how the hell were we able to see everything taking place, because rocks don’t have eyes either? Right?) LOL
Hi Potpie, You know your post is classic! Thank you! May you have a Merry Yuletide and a Sparkling 2016. May we all be here to post, learn, love & laugh next year and for many to come.As long as the latest bunch of still ins and whales hang around dm and the cult of, I will still be here. Love, Ann.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours Ann. Yes we will both be around next year to put in our two cents on DM and his merry band of criminals.
No bout a doubt that, Ann B!
It looks like you could get a quick massage and then go next door and have a touch assist – all in one ideal building.
I don’t know how that parking lot is able to handle the 47X expansion.
They’ll have to have Valet Parking.
Hi clearlypissedoff, Like your post. Gosh all is so ideally Ideal with the 47x expansion, it makes my teeth hurt! I love the message/touch assist in one ideal building. Just watch out for a lone reg on the prowl.Love, Ann.
A touch assist with a happy ending. I guess that’s one way to reg more people.
Gee, I wonder why the gray SUV in the “before” picture has just now pulled out and is leaving in the “after” picture? Long reg cycle?
I heard that cycle took weeks. Good thing they have a massage parlor close by.
Well, they’re being smart with their money. This dump would have just as many parishioners as if it was a $20,000,000 “Ideal Org”…zero…not counting the people smoking in front.
I’ve heard at every Idle Morgue, the smog always seems much worse than just a block away.
At least on the second floor nobody can drive their car into the front door.
Yeah, right, Bystander! With my Super Powers, I can levitate my car and toss it though the window….
Do you like apples, Bystander? Yeah? Well, how do you like dem apples!
I knew you would rise to the occasion.
It’s what I do…..
I can see the brainstorming now:
Big thetan 1: How can we make this drab storefront even less inviting?
Big thetan 2: I know I know! Make huge signs to cover the windows so all natural light coming into this building is completely blocked.
Phew! Mission accomplished.
Hi Valerie, Good post. I was thinking add some of dm’s favorite works of art statues and quite a few potted palms around as staff Sea Org or both, need a hiding place from any of us bitter defrocked apostate SPs should we happen to pop in. Have a wonderful 2016. Love, Ann
When you are a big bean – who needs light? You just illuminate your own lackness of people. See – you illuminate the emptiness and loneliness of the fastest shrinking fraudulant culty “churches” on planet Teegeack aka Earth. Scientology – scamming people out of money and time for 60 plus years.
“How can we make this drab storefront even less inviting?”
‘I know, I know, make huge signs to cover the windows so it looks like a meth lab!” Yep, that ought to do it.
I could not imagine how many thetans roaming over there!
Of course, 47X the previous year…
Isn’it dave?
Paint me underwhelmed…
Just how much regging does 12 pieces of posterboard require?
It depends on if it’s DM Approved GAT 2 ideal posterboard handcrafted to the highest ecclesiastical standards or just plain wog posterboard from the 1 Dollar Canadian store?
I understand those 12 pieces of poster board are remnants of something fatso was working on 4 decades ago and are considered an “investment.” So each poster board goes for $3,000. Scott, I’ll leave the regging to you….
My word OSD, I had simply NO idea of the groundbreaking ecclesiastical significance of rectangular paper products. Shouldn’t they be framed, individually numbered and protected from ultra-violet rays?
Oh, no bout a doubt it! And I’m very glad you stepped forward. Let me know when you’re done….
Hubbard had charisma and he managed to develop his movement from the small Dianetics foundations in Whichita and Phoenix to a worldwide organisation with a private navy. The decline started in the early eighties even before Miscavige took the helm. Hubbard was more of a father figure, people were affectionate in his regard. His appearance was more colourful and varied. We used to enjoy his jokes and anecdotes. Miscavige conveys the image of a banker or a businessman. No one would dare to call him Davey as people called “Ron” by his first name. According to Mike, Miscavige is a very intelligent person. He managed to outmanoeuvre all of the top Commodore messengers who had been much closer to Hubbard. People like the Reisdorf and the Gilham sisters and Pat and Annie Broeker. He also managed to bypass all senior tech personnel trained by Hubbard himself. He realised power was assumed and he did so and became the dictator of a tax free multimillion empire which has been bestowed by the U.S. Government, the privilege of neglecting labour law and basic human rights on religious grounds. In the last three decades he has amplified the contraction of Scientology x 47 and each year it is getting more down and vertical.
Alex, I agree with you that there has been a huge contraction since the 80’s. If reports coming into this and other critic’s blogs are to be believed, membership has plummeted. However, at the same time, the cult’s wealth has most definitely increased as has been documented at the Scientology Money Project.
This makes Miscavige not only a ‘very intelligent person’, I would call him brilliant. In my opinion, Miscavige is the best thing that ever happened to scientology. If it weren’t for him, how many would still be in and suffering from ALL the negative effects of this mind-control cult? Look at how many high ranking sea org members have left since the ‘coup of 82’ when things really started to shake out. There were a lot of highly dedicated sea org folks who were running the show who are out now. Maybe not entirely because of Miscavige, but I would bet mostly because of Miscavige. Very few of these highly dedicated, high ranking former sea orggers are still sipping the Kool-Aid. Most are out and free from the cult mind-control and living happy and productive lives as a result. Just a few that I can think of off the top of my head — Hawkins, Sheldon, Prince, deVocht, de la Carriere, Scobey, Many, Young, Atack, Christman, etc. etc. (it’s a very long list). I don’t pretend to know any of these people’s views on the subject, but from what I have read and heard, they have little if anything to do with scientology anymore. I’ll include our good proprietor on this list too, just for good measure.
Miscavige might not be the nicest guy in the world, but we can all be thankful to him for helping us and others wake up and extract ourselves from on of the biggest scams that has ever been perpetrated on mankind. Some of us needed some pretty severe shaking to wake up because we couldn’t hear the alarm clock. Thanks David.
“He realised power was assumed and he did so …”
In case anyone ever wonders how the current Owner of Scientology came into that position, this is it, in a nutshell. Miscavige had no interest in observing the niceties of respectful rivalry, in paying deference to previously established authority, or in deviating a single inch from his path to ultimate power. For all his flaws, it cannot be denied that, even as a young and uneducated man, he inherently understood how to rise to the top — and then to stay there for 30 years. What did he understand? That power is for the taking, not for the giving. That if you can remorselessly rip out the throats of your rivals with your teeth and you’re the only one willing to behave that way, then you just may win it all. He’s so different from Hubbard; so much simpler to understand, less faceted and less nuanced. Yet, he has a fascination.
Hi hgc10, Thank you for an interesting post. Having had the distinct pleasure of not knowing dm, I appreciate your description of him. For me if there was a fascination around dm it is distorted as one of those old funhouse fair mirrors. No true aura around that one! Happy 2016 Love, Ann.
He even conned Ron, the master con. And, as a sociopath, his hardwired conscience gives him a pass. If scientology continues, a la those christian science reading rooms, Dave’s successor will be required to con the DM con.
Hi threefeetback, That would be something to see! Cos has the highest of degrees as to their fine art of conning! May your New Year be all you want. Love, Ann.
Interesting take on matters. Indeed 1982 was the watershed moment for scientology both technically and administratively. Yet Hubbard shouted from the rooftops in 1965 it will all go to hell anyway and wrote KSW1. Got to hand it to him there – he wasn’t wrong.
So much money, so much change, so much controversy. The particular type of corruption of which scientology thrives upon parallels the human desire to be free. Free from what exactly? When scientology is eventually obliterated and miscavige gone. The desire to be free will remain I imagine but a little more tarnished maybe? I’ve never liked “group think” anyway. Add some dollars with time, stir with hope, let someone like miscavige appear at the top and bingo… a cooked goose – lots of them.
Religion and religions, so many flavours to choose from… and the money Gods sit patiently through everything, alongside the Gods of War.
Hi Alex. I’m quite familiar with the ’81 DM takeover. The reason he was able to remove, in the beginning anyway, a couple of young messengers from their position of power was because he is a ruthless, little prick and the messengers were extremely kind and caring people. This in addition to DM cutting the communication lines to LRH so their side of the situation would never be heard – only DM’s lies.
But, I can only have utmost love for DM in getting my wife and my sorry ass busted and out of that cult. I thank him every night before going to sleep. In fact, a few of my close friends from that time period were going to buy one of those huge THANK YOU! cards and all sign it and send it to him. I know I would add in F**K You! to my comment section of the card however.
Everything I’ve read indicates that Hubbard was a malevolent lunatic and Scientology / Dianetics a loony con from the beginning. Miscavige may be worse, but that should not lead us to Hubbard revisionism.
+1! All true….
Tubby McBodythetans actually made real money in the real world doing real things of value to people (more-or-less trashy pulp fiction), which makes him a better class of being than Dildo Dave.
I believe Dildo Dave is as low as one can go. Although never under estimate their lowness….
Yeah, OSD, he’s low as can be — proof his batteries are running out; too bad they don’t manufacture such tiny batteries anymore. He’ll be so desperate, he’ll be plugging any near-by electric socket for a charge soon. Right Dildoe Dave?!
Hubbard was a pioneer into the supernatural. Miscavige is a copy machine. There is a wide difference there.
Hubbard dragged a lot of people into this Scientology net. All of them are different.
You can erase a lot of things, but not pleasure moments (Hubbard admitted this in Dianetics and I have found it to be true) or a person’s basic nature.
Also, you can not make blind people see. Oblivious is not an easy handle. The best way to deal with it without getting soaked dry, is to return it with obliviousness.
“Everything is beautiful… Oh yeah so true…”
Scientology is limited or not depending on who stumbles across it. We don’t look for the criminal mind or the covert operators because of our own inability to see the invisible. But the invisible universe is just as real and potent if not more so, than the things we can see. And if your visit there, you can conquer.
Miscavige is a criminal. Other criminals have picked up this game. He has copies too. And I think, Hubbard himself fell into criminality from time to time, if only to have a part to win, in that game.
He had to have had the purpose to “be an outlaw”, to rise above the laws that blind us. He attracted likewise who then, could not live within the laws of Scientology. In that way yes,he fought with the mirror.
These are very delicate undertakings. And the supernatural universe is not something you can conquer. You can only invite and participate in that realm.
You find the biggest mind fkgn criminals and the most holy saints and the brightest and the dumbest walking the halls of Scientology. The aware, and the wholly oblivious. For every mind clearer, there are fifty mind fuckers.
At the end of the day though, the treason out weights the good will. And we see much promise evaporate quickly.
Like a ship on the ocean in a Hurricane, every person comes face to face with their structure and discovers who they are, and who the other people are too.
You come to find, you have misplaced admiration, respect, love, devotion, loyalty, affinity, reality communication and trust. And yes, treasure. And your choices fall back on you as a burden.
At least we had something different to do. I know some people got sea sick. I did too. I don’t know why as I moved along in Scientology I became more empathetic and loving, while I watched others become so unsympathetic and viscous and uncaring. I did have good friends that caught me when I was thrown off guard.
I have thought, the real end product of Scientology, is that everyone finds out who they really are, and finds out who the others are too. And I think there is some really off wall truth in this for people like me that think in Identities.
I am really grateful for this adventure, for the thinkers, the rebels, the angels and the Perry Masons. The believers and the doubters. For the romantics, for the soldiers, for the mercy and compassion. For the people that put other people’s plight as an interest above their own.
For those of you that left yourself behind like I did, to carry someone else off this battlefield. For the evil people that bought out the best in me when I did not become like them. For the truth carriers and providers. To the healers, the tolerant. To the merciful and compassionate. For the honest and the talkers. The sailors and healers. For the courageous leaders like Mike and his peers that threw themselves on the front lines in the name of justice, you will always be here to brighten the world through different mediums. I love you all.
The criminals I bumped into, I did not become them. That is enough of a win for me.
I sincerely wish for everyone I have had the pleasure of crossing paths with via the Scientology theater, the very best outcomes for your lives and hopes and futures. We were and are mainly, people of very good will. I am so glad I crossed this path. And to have known you.
You have all mattered , to me. Very much. Thank you for being here. Thank you. For every person that I met on this path, that tried to pull the rug out from under me, there were 50 others, that stood by me. That is what I can say about you now. Your mercy had power. I really have loved you for the goodness for the goodness I have found in you.
Hi The Oracle, I came on the blog and here was your powerful and beautiful post. I saved it. As I light my Yuletide candle, I send you laughter, love & light for 2016. Always Love, Annie.
Thank you Annie, I felt the magic. Sending some guardian angels to watch over you. XXOO
It’s true that ‘a picture is worth a thousand words.’ Or make that 47,000.
(Insert joke about storefront church here)
Strip Mall religion? Hadn’t thought of it quite like that. Maybe there’s hope for us yet OSD. The older we get the convenience of everything handy just gets more and more, well… convenient. Pick up a session or two while swinging by for the milk. Quick ruds session while picking up the dry cleaning, now we’re talking!
Gee, what about gas stations? Fill ‘er up and get a couple of checksheet items to go while you’re swinging through for fuel. No end of fun ways to expand scientology.
You Brilliant bastard! I believe you’re on to something HUGE! Storefront orgs! Best Idea I’ve EVER heard!
Person: Hi I’m here for milk, eggs, bread & two bottles of red wine.
Staff: You would a brief session with that?
Person: You know, I think I would. But it has to be quick!
Staff: Ok, pick up the cans. This is the session. How you doing?
Person: I’m doing great! Really, really great!
Staff: Oh, you’re floating! End of session.
Person: Hi, I’m here to pick up my dry cleaning.
Staff: Would like a very quick Objective with that?
Person: In fact I would but it has to be fast. Can you do that?
Staff: Of course! With Storefront orgs we pretty much do what an PC wants.
Person: Terrific! When do we start?
Staff: Right now! Pick that book. Thank you. Walk over to that table. Thank you. Put the book down. Thank you. How do you feel?
Person: Excellent! Never better!
Staff: Well, you’re certainly floating! End of session!
Person: Hi can you filler ‘er up?
Staff: Sure can! You want a sec check with that?
Person: Yeah, that would be great! I’m having some doubts about my religion and I need to get my withholds off and clear up some M/Us. Can you do that for me?
Staff: It’ll be my pleasure! When your tank is filled up we’ll done with your sec check!
Person: Wow. I never knew Storefront orgs were so cool! I’m going to tell all my friends about this!
Best laugh I had for quite some time Dude, cheers.
But we better run to the trademark office, the ideas out!
Thanks, I Yawn! Every so often, I connect.
If there’s a Starbucks in you Strip Mall, I’d like to come in for some coffee shop auditing.
Give a few minutes and I’ll be with you, RB. Just finishing up another Coffee Shop auditing session.
Pizza home delivery… comes with extra anchovies and a free locational so next time you can be at cause and pick it up yourself.
The route to full OT is open to everyone who eats.
Hi Regraded Being, Yes coffee-shop auditing and laundry-mat auditing too! Laughter! So much Love, Light and Laughter to you & yours in 2016 and Always. You are one of my heroes. XO Ann.
Question: Where do you find a Church of Scientology
Answer: Look for the nearest Massage Parlor.
Hey, they may be on to something with cult buildings next to massage parlors! You can have a great session as well as a great (cough, cough) massage….
I wonder how much fundraising was required to print “SCIENTOLOGY” on some poster board and tape it to the windows…
Numerous patrons and Platinum Geniuses with Special Honors were made in this EPIC and MONUMENTAL endeavor to clear Calgary!
But only on a Clear day. Because then you can see forever….
Clearing by weather… you’re on a roll today Dude.
A Kaiser Sosa Roll (think Kevin Spacey).
Ah, the Devil’s trick!
Great flick… and all the good guys got bulleted.
You mean they got audited (R2-45) LOL
One of my favorite films. Superb ending!
You know Mike, it is kind of epic. Notice there is exactly the number of windows available to spell out Scientology. What are the odds?
Actually the last window has some small text about Dianetics. Also, in the before photo this was covered up by some red paint like substance.
Hmmmmm….must 1 in 3. (think of the series “Taxi.”)
Never take the mathematical precision of the bank lightly. That building was selected only after very careful searching and higher plane considerations. It takes a lot to get things right you know.
You can see it…47x more square inches of paper sign in the windows. It’s all true !!
Shall we head to Flag, then?