This new poster says a lot.
This is the “final world class ideal org for America”??
Wow. Scientology of course has no problem making outrageous statements and blustering on through as though everyone will simply agree because they say so. But I wonder how Boston feels about being relegated to the “non-world class” category? Or Philly? Austin? Detroit?
There is apparently NEVER going to be any org in Houston, New Orleans or Charlotte, let alone an ideal one.
But even more interesting than their stupidity is how much this reveals about the state of scientology in the age of the CSN.
Apparently this world class org is incapable of generating any world class funding for their world class building, so two of the Flag whales are coming to the rescue. This is increasingly evident in the bubble of scientology — the local scientologists are a small handful of old die-hards who do not have the means to come up with millions for a new building. So, a few outsiders step in to become 23X humanitarians and try to inflate the fundraising figures. Eventually, when the Chairman of the Bored needs another ribbon yanking to announce at an event, Chicago will be infused with money from Sea Org reserves and after languishing for a decade or more with a decaying, empty building. Suddenly it will be done (See recent examples Salt Lake City, Atlanta, soon to be Kansas City).
For supposedly brilliant businessmen and masters of LRH administrative “tech”, Tom Cummins and Jim Bridgeforth are pretty blind (and stupid). How do they NOT realize these “ideal orgs” are empty shells of failure? If they so badly want to spend their money to “Clear the planet” they would be FAR better off hiring a couple of people to stand outside an org and offer $100 cash to anyone who will go inside, watch a film, take an OCA test, sit through the results and a reg interview. If they dropped 100 grand on this and they only succeeded with 2 1/2% that would be 25 new people onto the Bridge. Miami, Atlanta, Salt Lake City and Silicon Valley (the last 4 ideal orgs) have not gotten that many new people on the Bridge COMBINED in the last month.
This is how Time Share sales are done. There will always be a percentage who will buy into the concept if they are offered a $100 or a weekend at a resort. And when you don’t even care if it is cost effective,you have a no-brainer. The only indicia of success is if this accomplishes more than buying ads on the Super Bowl or buying ideal org buildings. I am quite certain the $100 bills would be at least 100X more successful.
But David Miscavige would not then have a video op of him yanking his ribbon and announcing “another city with a new scientology org.” So, it’s not going to happen.
Hey Miscavige, maybe you should introduce a Golden Age of ideal orgs, and have all the previous ideal orgs demolished.
You and I both know you have not been satisfied with the efforts of the staff in those locations, and I too have been bitterly disappointed.
And all the staff in those orgs know it too.
So why not knock it all down and start again? The IRS might give you another pass too.
I started giggling over this:
I was Fdn staff (Foundation) and once Fdn, always Fdn …. and I suddenly recalled about this and the huge “problem” between the Day and Foundation – I got the full on concept of the whole in-fighting, vicious back-biting, sabotage & natter fest rivalry between the D & F… and then got the idea of telling a non-Scio about it…
“You know… how Scientology brags about being so huge, and powerful and world-overtaking, all puffed up with reams of glossy promo…and how it’s this tiny thing of no account? Well…not ONLY are their Ideal Orgs empty and gasping suck-pits of unpaid utilities, … they fight.
Yep. The Day and Foundation Org rivalry is all things Scientology. It’s petty and vicious, underhanded, not pretty at all. Day org are losers who make no money and don’t pull their weight, they’ve got barely any staff..andddddddd so on.
Years and years…we scorned the Day Org. and they… weren’t so happy with us Fdn either.
You know…it’s funny that Scn has a step like, ” Decide who are one’s friends.” on a Liability condition. In Scientology, almost everyone is an enemy… even the guys who use your desk during the day.
Love it. They are the weakest organization on earth when back-stabbing and cannibalism are the best and most logical options for its members.
Scientology, or BoiledFrogology, thy name is failure.
All these Idle Morgues are “Fortresses Of Ineptitude & Solitude.”
Hmm . . . The FINAL “World Class” Ideal Org . . . Maybe they are going to come out with a NEW “Class” of Ideal Org ?
Perhaps, the “Universal Class” Ideal Org is on the horizon !
Dave F.
I wouldn’t put it past him
I live in Chicago. I have never heard of the Chicago Org before coming here or seen Scientologists IRL. And I have seen numerous cults and crazy groups – Philadelphia Church of God, Lyndon LaRouche, Moonies, even Spartacists (people who think North Korea is paradise)
No scientologists. It has no presence here that you could easily find.
Hi omega
The current Chicago Org is on Lincoln, just south of Belmont.
The ‘soon to be’ ideal org is on the 600 block of south Clark
If you want a chuckle, drive past the Clark St location. It’s a crumbling eyesore.
Whales are an endangered species for the same reason Scientologists are an endangered species., greed.
DM would be well advised to read the story about the goose that laid the golden eggs. He is killing the goose looking for more eggs when he has so many already that he cannot spend them all. I actually feel sorry for the bastard., I really do. We’re not just going to shoot the bastard, we’re going to take his stolen loot (whatever is left of it) and give it back to it’s rightful owners. This is solely to reduce his overt and decrease the number of lifetimes of amends for him to do. Of course, for poor dumb bastards like myself., who did not give cash but gave blood sweat, tears and their lives it wil be hard or impossible to get compensated. Though I feel bad for him, I felt bad for Hitler too. (Apparantly one of my earlier employers). I have a problem choosing who I work for.) But I have a request to you all to allow DM to shoot himself as Hitler did. I realize that he does not deserve such mercy. But in the interests of justice and mercy we should be better than he is and allow him such an out. If necessary, I would be willing to blow my brains out at the same time he does.
Wow, my comment disappeared when I posted it. i thought. Fuck, I can’t write it all again”. But now I see it went to the front of the line!
I just realized that I do not have the authority do request mercy for DM. WHAT ABOUT 5HE DEAD? Do they not have a right to decide also? I do not know, but I think they should.
I am not in comm with any dead former Scientologists, having never done my OT levels., but some of you may be and if so, I request that you get their feedback.
I talk to my Body Thetans all day long! Maybe they just don’t like you. You ought to get to know them! They tell some of pretty damn good stories!
Geezus, Dead Men, scientology really fucked you up, didn’t it?
Last week I just happened to be in the neighborhood of the ‘new’ Ideal Org in Chicago.
Let me know if you want to see the pictures and what is the best way to send them to you.
They are pretty much like the other Ideal Orgs located in cities Miscavige hasn’t wanted to visit for a vacation
You could just post them here 🙂
I can’t figure out how to upload them to this comment board
Any ideas?☺️ I’m helpless with this technology stuff !
I like your comment on “this is how timeshare sales are done.” For a great documentary on how that scam played out for an uber-wealthy Scientology type couple in Florida see the film “Queen of Versailles” –
AGP, whenever I want a laugh I go to that vid where you single-handedly disperse a crowd of scientologists celebrating how they are “dauntless and defiant”. The irony!! Regardless of any dispute you have with TO, that vid just crackles with epicness.
How do these upstat businessmen NOT know that the orgs are failing? The answer is there is no way that they don’t know, and they DO know. They see the fail, they know the truth and pretend otherwise. They’rre dishonest, compromised individuals, effectively criminals, and, as such evil-intentioned and not to be trusted.
This applies to all of the Still Ins who at some point, saw the truth of the actual scene, and for whatever their own reasons, decided to deny it.
And I’m of the opinion that any of them operating with even half a brain or a grain of awareness have long seen the actual truth.
There are all kinds of reasons why people become criminals – people who deceive and defraud innocent people while defending and protecting and perpetuating their scam. All kinds of excuses can be made for such people but they are what they are, and all the excuses made for them by others, and all the excuses they’ve made for themselves will not help them when one day they have to face the truth about their weakness, cowardice and mental laziness. No matter their age or the situation, no matter how desperately Mommy or Daddy try to make it OK for them, the day will come when each of them will have to look at themselves in the mirror and take personal responsibility for what they’ve done. No one escapes this.
Like what you’re saying, Aqua! I can relate to this. When I was on staff at CCNashville, I had the audacity to point this out. All it did was get me put into lower conditions which I had to work through while everyone else just danced around singing ‘we stand tall’, ‘get on the road to freedom ‘, and a whole other bunch of silly shit while closing their eyes to the situation.
I worked my way up through the conditions while pondering the words of Jesus: wherefore persecutest thou me for telling the truth?
Interesting, your experience, Alcoboy. In your own way you walked in Jesus’s shoes (or sandals). You told the truth and they couldn’t have it and had to “crucify” you. I’m not being funny.
While reading what you wrote I got a mental image picture flash of that cliche of the delusional mental patient in an institution who believes he’s Napolean.
All your former fellow staff members in denial, “dancing around and singing ‘we stand tall’ and ‘get on the road to freedom’…while closing their eyes to the situation” – given the truth about Scientology’s actual scene and their refusal to confront it, they’re not on any road that’s leading to freedom! And yet they believe that they are. You can pity them UNLESS you have had the misfortune to have loved, trusted, depended upon them. Because these people, no matter how well they mock up their empathy and caring, no matter how well they talk the talk of love, these people are pitiless and have lumps of ice where their hearts should be.
Glad you got out, Alcoboy and good riddance to those who turned on you so coldly. If they had ever really known and understood and loved you they could never have done that.
Yep, Aqua:
All, and I do mean ALL, of the still “in” crowd are in one of three conditions:
1. Threatened.
2. Complicit and sadistic.
3. Moronic.
There are absolutely no other reasons to stay in this dangerous and soul-destroying cult.
So where do the useful idiots (i.e. celebrity scientologists) fall?
They can, and WILL, answer for their support of human rights abuses. They probably should try to get ahead of the shit storm coming their way.
I just get lost in all this… apart from the rampart stupidity of those who hand over money to Scientology, what does that organisation actually do? One never hears of auditor’s made or hours/service delivered anymore, not for decades. Not that that means anything anyway, but it’d be a refreshing change if they aligned their lies with something more akin to their own founder’s bs. Bricks and mortar Scientology, so boring!
“One never hears of auditors made or hours/service delivered anymore, not for decades.” That’s an easy one. NOBODY IS GOING INTO IDLE MORGUES ANYMORE! It’s just as simple as that. Again, the only people they can get are people who don’t know about Google. Simple.
Of the 14 “ideal” org projects that Scientology lists as “left to go” (Detroit and Orlando are “under construction” – the latter apparently now re-scheduled to open next weekend), one is indeed going to be the “final” in the original vision of renovating large historic buildings in downtown areas – but that would imply that Chicago won’t get done until several others (Kansas City, Philadelphia, Battle Creek and perhaps New Haven and St. Louis), so I doubt that’s really what they mean. I’m not aware of anything about Chicago’s building that would make it more “world class” than any of those others, unless they are implying instead that most of those other projects are not actually going to go forward.
Besides Scientology’s having given up on the original concept of old downtown buildings in favor of cheap aging buildings in office parks, their abandonment of the historic building St. Louis had bought in favor of renovating the old Masonic temple that the org currently occupies seems to imply the start of a phase that accepts some “ideal” orgs being in smaller buildings – St. Louis’ would only be about a third the size of the current apparent standard of 50.000 square foot minimum, unless they plan to build a massive addition not shown in the current rendering. Kansas City appears to be going forward, with some work started, but perhaps several of the others are being threatened with having to give up on their historic properties and settle for one of the aging office buildings instead.
Chicago probably may be the one remaining org, that has bought a historic property sitting waiting renovation, that has a “field” in excess of 100 people (thought he number of truly active members, is undoubtedly significantly less) to support the project. Or maybe the word “final” is a Scientology PR dramatization that doesn’t really have any obvious meaning.
I have actually wondered if at some point when Miscavige has made all the existing orgs “ideal” and is faced with large empty buildings and little left on which to base even a “pretense” of expansion, if he won’t have to resort to more or less paying people to come in. Particularly if the IRS starts threatening the very existence of Scientology’s massive assets and cash reserves in the absence of activity that seems “religious” or that benefits the public, I suspect that some compromises in long held principles and practices will be made.
I was around for my local org moving a couple times until we bought our building (ie, got a loan from the Int Landlords) … and during all talks at all times over those decades, the prime talk was about FOOT TRAFFIC.
Back then it was just simply a given that we needed to be in a high profile location with tons and tons of foot traffic, the more foot traffic, the more desirable the location. There was no question about putting it someplace off the beaten path.
The location we ended up buying had some troubles with parking and that was bitched about over the years, but the foot traffic was always used to silence the complainers.
It was KNOWN that our promo wouldn’t pull in masses, we could hope – but there was reality, and body routing by van was no fun what-so-ever, a “testing center” was not workable, we couldn’t afford rent for that AND have an org – plus there was staffing hassles and so on…
So we got a building with high foot traffic and body routed the hell out of it.
I’m so glad DM is stupid.
BIC! That’s it. I finally remembered. Anyone else remember “BIC”? Was it..building improvement committee? I don’t recall. They were Int Landlords. The SO bought the building for us and we on Exec Council were tasked with running the org well enough to keep up with the “BIC payments”.
as I recall…. we were lousy tenants and not only were behind in payments, we sometimes had the phone cut off for weeks at a time.
(do call-in from my home phone for the event! yay!)
Yes, it’s Building Investment Committee. AOLA bought it’s share of the complex and still had to pay weekly rent to BIC. Bitching about it (I was Tres Sec) just got me in trouble.
yesss..thank you. And if I’da been on that FP I would have bitched about it too. KRs with carbon copies and copious LRH references. … and probably end up with a new round of my own gory goldenrod.
Interesting to hear that the org got a loan from an international management entity to buy a property – when was that? The “ideal” org campaign seemed based on the premise that locals had to come up with all their own money for the purchase and renovations, though of course now that policy seems to be changing.
Foot traffic hasn’t been producing “raw meat” for a long time, so I don’t think it’s surprising that they’ve effectively given up on it in their choice of locations. I suspect that management now prefers for orgs to be in more isolated locations where the staff and public members don’t have to face the public’s rejection of Scientology, and there are less likely to be pickets or impromptu raids than in city centers with public sidewalks right in front.
“I suspect that management now prefers for orgs to be in more isolated locations where the staff and public members don’t have to face the public’s rejection of Scientology.”
Given what Mike Rinder has detailed about New York Org’s Time Square New York City location I think you’ve got something there, PeaceMaker.
This is one totally IAS funded dismally failed Idle Morgue smack dab in the middle of an urban area that has hundreds of thousands of people traversing it daily. Foot traffic galore. Its right there in “The Crossroads of the World”. When we were there last time, we could hardly move on the sidewalks there were so many people, and NY Org was just a block away.
And yet according to their Facebook page the last Clear NY Org made was on March 23, 2017. From his clothing it looks like this young guy was a staff member. Pretty pathetic. Massive foot traffic doesn’t seem to be helping this org much. I wonder, sometimes, how the staff in NY Org justify their poor stats because their Facebook page shows no auditors made in the past year either. Assuredly, whatever excuses they’re using for why they don’t produce, “not enough foot traffic” is not one of them.
I forgot to mention accounts that some orgs in high-traffic locations are simply keeping their doors closed and locked, anyway. I know that’s been said of at least one UK org, and that I’ve noticed in photographs that another used to frequently open doors on to a lobby filled with pamphlets, but no longer does. I believe a lot of that started to change around the time of the Anonymous protests of a decade ago. I get the impression that orgs are attempt “body routing” much less frequently than they used to, though they still take a stab at it sometimes.
“…accounts that some orgs in high-traffic locations are simply keeping their closed and locked anyway.”
As regards the behavior of our favorite cult in its death-throes, just when you think it can’t get MORE Orwellian…
This was in the late 70’s. I wasn’t in on the history of how BIC came to be or when. It seemed like we were supposed to have just followed policy and expanded to make enough money to buy a building eventually, but then were “saved by the SO and BIC” because we had just been lucky enough to find a great building that was too good to pass up so the good old SO came to our rescue.
We were supposed to be grateful and very mindful of what we owed.
Who knows what the real story was behind any of it.
“I’m so glad DM is stupid.” Now, really…that’s not nice! (Snorts, giggles). Bwahahahahahahahahahahah! Whew! Now that was fun!
“I’m so glad DM is stupid…”
So is the world. Imagine if he had an IQ above 110 or 120? He would be unstoppable. But fortunately for the world, his only strategy is DMSTCCOHB.
It won’t matter. There are people in now who’ve long seen the empty buildings and still support Miscavige and his scam. I don’t know why. It could be something as reactive as continual justification, an unwillingness to be wrong, having to be right. Whatever the reason, you can bet that their lives are extremely complex due to a continued inability to confront what they observe. You know how hoarders become overwhelmed with all their stuff so they don’t even see it anymore? That’s the still ins – mentally. That’s what continuing non-confront does to a person – makes them not only unseeing and stupid, but eventually, insane.
The brag about confront. But, in reality they have none. That’s some damn fine Kool-Aid…
They BELIEVE that they have this VERY high ability to confront. They’ll TELL you this. They also believe that non-Scientologists have very LOW abilities to confront. They also believe that anyone who doesn’t agree with them has a low inability to confront.
Its amazing, its marvelous, how deluded these people actually are!
What can I say – they’re just nuts! Like people in an asylum. That’s my viewpoint of the Still Ins today. Sorry to say. Mental patients in Miscavige’s asylum.
But the still ins are worse than most mental patients because most people in institutions KNOW that they’re to some degree nuts. They have that degree of awareness, whereas the Still Ins would have to come UP, awareness wise, to realize how insane they actually are.
Realizing that they’re nuts would be a good goal for them.
Edit: “…a low ABILITY (not “inability”) to confront.” Wow, I’m on a soapbox today about this. Very emotional. But this blog is a great place to vent, during such times, thanks to Mike 🙂 And I think I’ve got it all out of my system now 🙂 Was just gripped by this ANGER at the Still Ins. Ok, les rants, c’est finis!
…I shake my head at how opposite things are … in Scn we thought we were the free ones, we were going free, we had the ability to communicate, we had the confront, we had the truth, the workable tech, the most ethical, the only true justice system, …on and on…
billion year contracts of slavery to a job peddling go-nowhere fantasy, defended with corrupt lies and criminal tactics, cut off from all family and erstwhile friends. Cut off not only from the reality of the real world, but what is truly happening in any org other than our own.
now there’s a group to raise our glass to….(to burn in Hell maybe)
I had some org calls recently for the May 9th event, I’m not even close to the org – and both of the last couple had a couple very young gals actually begging for a confirm. One said “all she was getting was ‘maybes'” and she “realllly wanted someone to say they’d come! ” ( both kept trying to explain to me the importance of Dianetics and Clearing the Planet) I felt bad for them, I’ve done a billion hours of call-in and I’d run shrieking from doing it today.
What is up with the Art Deco typeface for “Chicago”? Are they paying homage to Al Capone?
Maybe they’re hoping he came back so they can route him into the Sea Org!
Scientology Time Shares Sold Here! What do we have to do to sell you your share of the eternity bridge to nowhere today?
When we were still drinking the kool-aid, my wife and I visited the Albuquerque org which was located in a shabby little strip mall. We were looking for our next home and loved New Mexico so we wanted to see if we liked the org there.
The org staff (both of them) seemed a little suspicious of us but warmed up to us after we complied with their demand to watch the Orientation video. Then they told us about their expansion plans and gave us the location of their Ideal Org building. After we left, we drove downtown to the new building and were a little let down by the location. The area was somewhat “downstat” and next to a bar.
Now I hear that this building is not an acceptable location for an Ideal Org so they must buy another one. Years have passed and they are, I suppose, still located in that shabby little strip mall. The Ideal Org game — The game where everyone loses.
The remodeling of a Masonic hall for an Ideal Org made me think about how that fraternal, quasi-religious movement went from being a mainstay of American social life to something more akin to the Latin language. While Scn never reached that kind of penetration into our cultural life their out-sized financial resources are ensuring that their physical carcass will, at some point, leave very visible reminders of their folly.
Just as now defunct Masonic halls are being re-purposed for every thing from art museums, hotel and civic event spaces to Montessori schools, someday Ideal Orgs will be transformed into something useful that actually does contribute to the betterment of the community. Well, hope springs eternal, eh?
Scientology is in many was a sort of “space opera” initiatory lodge, like the Freemasons and many similar groups that once flourished, and it attracted many people whose parents belonged to such organizations but who probably thought they were themselves getting into something entirely new. Aleister Crowley’s OTO, whose Pasadena lodge was led by Jack Parsons, was a sort of dark path occult branch of Freemasonry, and Crowley even had some affiliations with more esoteric Masonic rites, so Hubbard certainly would have learned of the workings of such organizations during his time in OTO’s Agape Lodge.
Not only does New Haven have an old Masonic lodge (that had been turned into a furniture store) as their prospective “ideal” org, but St. Louis is now stuck in the one they had bought (after selling an old mansion similar to Boston’s, in a prime spot adjacent to the local university) after having to give up on trying to renovate the large old local German House they had since purchased – yet another reminder of mostly-vanished membership institutions. The Toronto org is currently housed, after their supposedly temporary move out of their building, in the top-floor quarters of another old fraternal lodge of the sort that often built downtown commercial buildings with lower floors leased to tenants, though I can’t right off think of any others in old lodge spaces.
Well, let’s not write off the Freemasons so easily. After years of decline they are undergoing a slight resurgence. Young millenials are showing an interest in the Craft and are going into it. How many will stick with it, I can’t say. But there is the beginning of a new growth, unlike Scientology.
I joined the Knights of Pythias about fifty years ago – there was nothing of the space opera about it, though like other lodges it had secret rituals, which had no real need to be secret. My dad was a member, and I had met other members his age when I was young. We could go play pool at the lodge hall on wonderful old 1900-era tables while the Thursday meeting was held in another part of the building.
The Knights organization was chartered by the US Congress, shortly after the Civil War, with the premise that letting the boys get together for a drink, a cigar, and a game of pool would heal the country. Unfortunately, even by the mid-1980s the lodge to which I belonged still refused to have black or brown members, despite the new building we bought being smack in a heavily Hispanic neighborhood. I could no longer agree with the discrimination, but neither did I have the heart to challenge my father and his friends of many years about the race issue, so I slowly quit attending.
The KofP were larger than the Masons at one point, and their Uniformed Regiments (UR) played marching soldier for a week every summer. Apparently it was grand fun and the membership was huge, which is why you can still buy UR swords on Ebay for under a hundred bucks. The UR was disbanded shortly after WW II – I imagine the young men had no desire to be a once-as-year play soldier.
The KofP today still exists in a small number of lodges with dwindling membership, though in the North East US it is still fairly active. Oddly, despite the active color discrimination, up north it apparently was almost a Jewish custom to become a member, and most national officers have been from the predominantly Jewish lodges. In my birthplace of Utica, NY, there stands a fine statue of Justus H. Rathbone, the founder of the order, which he designed around the inspiring ancient story of the friendship between Damon and Pythias.
Unlike Scientology, the Knights have been truly dedicated to good works. Members pledged brotherhood with their fellow members, and as far as I knew many actually practiced their pledge. Way back in the late 1800s they provided for widows of members with small insurance policies, built and staffed free orphanages in many states, offered health insurance for members and scholarships for youth, and participated in community activities. Today the orphanages are fully under state and federal legal requirements – no longer can the house parents arrange for a couple of guys go out behind the barn and settle their argument with boxing gloves.
Despite once having nearly a million members (not an inflated figure) the same slow disintegration affects the KofP as it does the CoS. Their good works have dwindled because of their loss of income over time, and the few activities that are left hardly attract new members today. Also, in an age where they should be fully integrated and non-gender discriminatory, they not only separate whites from people of color, they also separate men from women, with the excuse that “they have their own lodges”.
I doubt that any fraternal order would appreciate a comparison with Scientology. First, they were not scams or cults, Second, their rituals were secret for exclusivity and a sense of belonging, not for space opera weirdness. Finally, they actually promoted things like friendship, charity, and benevolence, with good citizenship and good works within one’s community having priorities. Scientology wouldn’t know a good work if it hit them on the head.
What is the definition of a “World Class Ideal Org”? Since Ideal Orgs generally are miserable failures, does this mean an org that is a world class failure?
When I worked at Intel their motto about their wafer fabrication facilities were “World Class”. This struck us employees as funny as hell because in the world of manufacturing electronics “Intel” was at the top, and the rest of the world had shabbier factories along with many other things so…. The whole idea behind “World Class” is a huge joke anyway.
New Orleans has or did have a Mission. Why not just convert the Mission to an Ideal Org? Does anyone know if the New Orleans Mission is still there? It was small and failing many years ago.
ct, in the past several missions were made into orgs for reasons more having to do with internal politics than size – that explains a couple of the smallest and weakest orgs now struggling to go “ideal.” That hasn’t been done in a long time, in part because it involves the CofS taking over what is actually a private franchise, but there have been some “ideal” missions established that involve a high standard for having their own premises.
If the “ideal” org program does stay on track and finish up in the next 4 to 5 years, I’d expect then Miscavige would do something with the missions to keep up the illusion of “expansion.” Orgs are also supposed to be spawning missions, as part of their growth – that’s an old principle established by Hubbard, and Miscavige has alluded to it.
The New Orleans mission was still open at least report, and if I recall that is because it belongs to some scientologists with money to support it.
The next item on an agenda to shutdown scamology would be to advertise to the general public about the “Applied Scholastics” accreditation the Delphi schools are pushing. People are sending their impressionable children to these nationwide schools that promote scientology and Tubbies twisted view of the world using his study tech and terminology. They may not be getting any new “adults” into the Ideal Orgs but they are pushing their view of the world on innocent children without their parents knowledge.
Caution, this link will take you to a scientology website, make sure you have virus scanning software installed and don’t share cookies.
Here’s the scam:
So, after this one the Demented Midget is going to fold up his card table and leave the country?
WHAT?!!! With more money to be made and more suckers to fleece, ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND??!!!
Louis Farrakhan and crew must be eager to open up the Chicago Morgue and take over there – with Tony Muhammad and Mosque #27 firmly entrenched in Inglewood Community Center..and Harlem Community Center with Mosque #7 using it as its base of operation…In this video 2009 at the Celebrity Center in LA Louis talks about the partnership with the CoS and opening their own CoS flavored Mecca in Chicago. when it opens Dave will promptly hand over the keys to its final Morgue to Louis Farrakhan Nation of Islam…
Louis Farrakhan thanks a Brother Shane “X”..he is referring to Shane Woodruff the CCLA VP..
WTF, Farrakhan?
Let Ron Hubbard met Elijah Muhammad? LRH was white! And the ‘honorable’ Elijah Muhammad hated white people! Why would Mr, Muhammad want to meet with an ‘evil white man’ like LRH?
At least you acknowledge that you might be getting ready to go to Target Two.
LRH was beyond just white… he was the whitest of them all, pasty and red-haired, with the worst taste in music.
And he was racist to boot. He told his wife to get a “n*****” (his own written words) to do her housework! Google it!
I’m guessing they called it Final in order to get people to the event. Kinda like, I promise, this is the LAST ONE. Quite sure the Flag field must be quite sick of these fundraisers.
I recall as a member of the Flag OT committee in 2004, when we were first called upon to raise money for an “ideal” Tampa org. An SO member from Int (forgot name) had been assigned to the task. She “briefed us” and people started originating possible whales to get donations from.
After about 10 minutes of comments from the peanut gallery, infamous off-and-on whale Matt Feshbach, stood up and in an EXTREMELY PISSED OFF tone, said the only way you are going to get money from people for this is if you YOURSELVES PAY!
Nobody wanted to hear that. Nobody in the room wanted to donate to Tampa Org. Most of us were pretty stretched financially after making it to OT7 and OT8.
Fast forward 14 years later and the ensuing barrage of constant fundraisers – I am SO HAPPY to be gone. I can only imagine how broke or in debt I would be at 69 years old. That’s not even to mention the new meters, redos of purification, student hat, objectives, et al. my wife and I would have been annoyed to death for.
The craziness of it all – so materialistic. The kool aid drinkers are drawn to the hype, all blinded by the glaring lies. Its seems like it’s all about the worldly things and nothing at all about nurturing the spirit.
“Its seems like it’s all about the worldly things and nothing at all about nurturing the spirit.”
It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that Scientologists had redefined “nurturing the spirit” to mean “donating money to Scientology.” If they could do that to “ethics” and “humanitarian,” which have clear long-established actual meanings, how much more could they do it for a phrase whose meaning varies according to the person?
Moving, that’s it exactly! It IS about worldly things! Take the IAS. Why do people keep forking money over like mad? Because you can achieve a set of Statuses that way. Shell out umpteen thousands of dollars and you can become a Patron Assaholus or something to that effect. Or the Ideal Orgs program. Fork over thousands more dollars and you can achieve the status of Super Duper Humanitarian or whatever it is. That’s how they get people to donate to these stupid things. What glory or status can be achieved by donating toward your own Grade Level 3? Or Solo NOTs?
It’s all about vanity.
Whales have a special place in history. Talk about really stupid. They are similar to the rich barons and lords in Spain who supported the Catholic Church during the Spanish Inquisition.
It was not just the priests and bishops who were culpable. It was also those rich lords who kept donating to the church during that infamous period.
Tom and Jim are supporting the work of a fascist cult dictator who has been forwarding the teachings of one of the most notorious spiritual scammers of the 20th century.
Mike you are being euphemistic when you say those whales are blind and (stupid).
They are also narcissistic psychopaths. Following in the footsteps of their exalted leader and their sacred founder.
A fool and their money are easily parted! Eh?
Is it possible that these guys get some kind of special tax treatment for their “humanitarianism”? If so, they’re probably not actually out of pocket, but ordinary taxpayers are.
“They are similar to the rich barons and lords in Spain who supported the Catholic Church during the Spanish Inquisition.”
Not really BK. Back then the Church was part of the Gov’t or in many cases MORE powerful than the local gov. It was sheer survival to support the Church.
BK, they’re cowardly and weak. Such people will do you in every time. Doesn’t matter if they’re your parents, kids, siblings, friends, husbands, wives, sweethearts, sooner or later, when the chips are down, they’re guaranteed heart breakers. You may love them and want them around, you may appreciate them for other qualities, but know them for who and what they essentially are and don’t trust them ever, because you can’t.
Tom Cruise dumping his beautiful little daughter Suri is just a high profile example. What man would want to be Tom Cruise, for all his money and fame?
On film he’s this proud, strong, macho, capable guy. Can you IMAGINE his doing a movie in which his wife divorces him and he obeys his cult leader and stops seeing his child?
He’d NEVER do a movie where’d he’d have to play a character like that! No, in his movies he ALWAYS has to be a hero, a man of the highest character.
In reality one would be hard-pressed to find a more cowardly, fearful, snivelling mess of a man.
But then, , he’s just the high profile poster boy for what all the Still In criminals are.
In other words, he’s not much different from The Toxic Dwarf.
Extremely “Potential Trouble Source” to the Dwarf’s Suppressiveness, is how I’d characterize their relationship in Scientology lingo.
Completely under Miscavige’s thumb, in ordinary parlance.
He does what he’s told. Period.
Geez. So they’re having this world class event at Flag – to try and raise even more money than Cummins and Bridgeforth are giving. These two have money to burn, I guess. They might as well burn it but then they wouldn’t get the tax write-off.
I just moved from Columbus OH to St Louis MO…Cbus has been waiting for our Ideal Morgue for 10 years (or something like that)!! Bought the building…sitting, empty, devoid of any pop-in potential. And St Louis…yikes…I think they bought a building and figured it would be too much to renovate, so they sold it and are going to remodel the building they are in now (old Masonic hall…gorgeous building).
So…all that to say…Chicago is the final Ideal Morgue? What about us suffering in the ‘Lou?? Or good old Cbus (O-H!! I-O!!!). Frankly, I’m crushed…I’ll never get to see DM yanking a ribbon…so many cities and so little time to clear the planet!
WTF are these guys thinking?!! Lol
I always wanted to comment first…it’s gonna be a good week!
Kyle beat you to it though. 😛
Damn right it is!
Hi Melissa, I live in St Louis and I’m 5-10 minutes away from the UCity building. I am very curious about the St Louis Org and how many members it has.
The wording leaves them an out for more ideal orgs. Chicago is the final world class ideal org, but Columbus can still complete their monument to money losing projects.
Go Bucks.
I would not let Dm yank my ribbon….Ewwww!
Dissapointing news. Evidently somebody decided that the U.S. is no longer a good real estate investment haven.
So much for straight up vertical growth claims, if they are flatlining construction.