This probably should have been saved for the Thursday Funnies as it is so ridiculous.
But then again, most promotional items that emanate from corporate scientology qualify for the “funny pages.”
The latest gimmick in their desperation to even get people to tell them they are coming: confirm your attendance, you will receive a free bookmark!
Hurry, get in before the RUSH, while supplies last. And the “pitch” is really convincing “to make email confirmation more popular and convenient for you” — ha. Anyone that believes this is for the benefit of the target sheeple deserves to go to the event.
“This is an astonishing video presentation” — when has ANY video ever been anything but the most magnificent thing mankind has ever laid eyes on?
And even more amazing how desperate they are — this invitation was sent to declared SP Ronit Charny in Oregon USA.
Boy are these guys on the ball!
Subject: Grab Your Free Tone Scale Bookmark – Just Confirm By Email
Dear RONIT,In order to make email confirmation more popular and convenient for you, I want to reward you by confirming yourself and others coming with you, just reply to this email stating your name and who else is coming with you and I will send you a free colourful Saint Hill Tone Scale Bookmark for each name you confirm along with your own. I have lots of Tone Scale Scale bookmarks to give away so please reply as soon as you receive this email. The more responses the better to encourage confirmation by email for future events!
As you can see from the promo piece below, the Flag World Tour is coming to Saint Hill on Saturday 23 August in the Great Hall, with doors open at 6:30pm and the event starting at 7pm. This is an astonishing video presentation, you will be amazed and exhilarated after watching it. I have seen a preview clip of this and it’s something else for sure and the event itself will only be approx 1 hour long. There will also be a Class XII C/S, a Class IX C/S, a Super Power C/S & Auditor and an SRD C/S from Flag at the event, so that you may ask individual questions about moving up The Bridge on a one-to-one consultation.
ml, Andy
Department of Promotion & Marketing AOSH UK
If the Flag World Tour is cominng (sic) do they have a condom?
Sorry, you’ll have to take your chances. Perhaps wear a rubberized suit.
Mike, the eleventh commitment given from God to Moses was ”do not bore me” but Moses did not really understsnd that, and he erased this joke on his tables .. means, not understanding jokes is a very old tradition on this planet history .. my joke was above your view .. but it was the best joke in this thread about bookmarks .. anyway .. you did only not grasp it as like moses did not grasp the joke of god ..
A am still a Friend of you .. why not? Erase what you want – it is your blog anyway ..
For any of you that are now in mystery about the “joke” — here it is, the best joke ever that was above my understanding and is obviously the best joke in this thread:
For what is a bookmark necessary .. you have a mind which copies everything forever .. every 1/25 second .. so you have following a lot of copies of everything in mind ..
I was never able to read one page in 1/25 second .. after 1 minute I have 1500 copies in mind, beautiful to have such a mind ..
Once I read a newspaper for a joke .. each page a second .. then I read anything what was written at night when in sleep .. fabulous experience ..
Surely it is a joke about bookmarks .. it claims only to LRH and his meanig that you have a mind who records anything in a sequence of 1/25 second since billion years .. following for what you need a bookmark as a present from the church for coming to the event .. the joke goes with the present from the church for your coming .. so on I gave some humor to it .. obviously not really good understood .. but whatever, it is my sense of humor ..
I do not blame others .. I show only what I see .. and giving bookmarks is reverse to the promise of Scientology .. and that is the joke .. nothing else .. you can have as much bookmarks as you want ..
Sounds like they are tapping the Nigerian “princes” who need to “quickly transfer millions of dollars” to write their email promos. PS Thanks for the bookmark!
Shit, Ruth Minshull explained LRH better than LRH did! Of course they burned her stuff!
OTOH, her explanation of gay people is a friggin’ riot, looking at it today (in her book, How to Choose Your People). Yeah, OK, I guess they party a lot… there’s obviously something wrong with them…
Jeezus, Mike, you’re killin’ me over here! Someday I’ll make it back to FL and shout you and your Bride for a beer. And milkshakes for the kids! ROTFLMBFAO.
“by confirming yourself… I will send you a free colourful Saint Hill Tone Scale Bookmark for each name you confirm along with your own.”
Sounds like a contractual obligation to me. Complying with the contract = communication.
Penalties for communicating with an SP? Not even the “pond” can protect Andy there.
I went and bought a box of very nice pencils, and got an artist-printed bookmark with art by Chuck Jones (Warner Brothers animator – Bugs Bunny, Pepe LePew, many more) from a limited edition of 5,000. That only cost me 30 bucks – about 1% of what these poor suckers are going to get soaked for on average.
And I got a dozen of my favourite pencils, too!
That nice bookmark with real art on it is currently residing in a Raymond Chandler novel. Next to a glass of good, old, rye whiskey. Next to an empty ashtray (I like my wine and whiskey, but I stopped with the tobacco a couple years ago – that shit’s too damned hard on the body).
Life is good (and a helluva lot cheaper) outside that life-sucking cult!
You don’t miss the fundraisers?
Good for you, Gus! Real freedom feels pretty good, doesn’t it? May the BEST day of your past be the worst day of your future. I’m a red wine fan so have a glass for me…
Oh, that’s delicious!
(800-LOSE-ALL): Hi, this is your GAT-II Class XII C/S, how may I help you?
(Flavour-Aid Drinker 1): Yes, hi, I’m in the middle of Level II. What do I need to do?
(800-LOSE-ALL): Start over at Student Hat. Will that be cash, check, or credit card?
(Flavour-Aid Drinker 2): Hi, I’m a Permanent Class VI auditor. I have about 4,800 WDAH. What should I do?
(800-LOSE-ALL): Start over at Student Hat. Will that be cash, check, or credit card?
(Flavour Aid Drinker 3): Good Morning. I’m a fully-interned Class VIII. I’ve been auditing for 25 years. What’s my TIP for this GAT II business?
(800-LOSE-ALL): Start over at Student Hat. Will that be cash, check, or credit card?
(Flavor-Aid Drinker 4): Hi, nice to talk to another Class XII. I’m a Class XII C/S, trained personally by LRH. I’ve had nearly 10,000 WDAH, c/s’d and signed off by LRH personally. What the fuck is this bullshit, and what the fuck is that asshole Miscavige doing here? Hasn’t that little cunt been kicked out yet?
(800-LOSE-ALL): Thank you for telling me that. You need to start over at Student Hat. Will that be cash, check, or credit card?
That’s the spirit Gus! LOL!
At my old mission in the ’70s, the mission holder’s kids were home “schooled.” Very, very bright kids, and are very bright, intelligent people to this day. But they couldn’t spell their way out of a piss-soaked paper bag. I noticed this even when I was 10 (I went to public school like regular kids).
My friends from the old mission got cheated. As have many children of Scientologists. And as many still do, to this day. Expect spelling errors.
They really knead to lurn to spell. It’s so basec.
Cee ho bee can even lurn to do it cuz heez such a smart ass.
” … lurn …” ROFL! I had to re-read – I thought you were talking about casting spells.
Oh plueese, kan wee haf a workshopp for kastin sppells??
For those of you who can’t make it to The Flag World Tour at Saint Hill, we have a very special opportunity for you.
As you may know, SO members voluntarily give gifts to COB for his birthday to show how much they appreciate all his hard work and dedication in leading the way for all of us. Now, you can do the same! Send us your credit card info so we have it on file and just tell us the amount you’d like to give, and it’s that simple! We have a special project set up to give him what he really likes, so rest assured your donations will be well spent. And remember, your contributions are tax exempt! Pretty nifty, eh?
But seriously, when all our orgs are ideal and the amazing Golden Age of Tech has indeed created a new civilization on earth and beyond, you’ll know deep down inside that you gave and helped make it all possible.
Hey Mike Rinder, would you like to be the first to show your support?
Voluntary, yeah right. At gunpoint while at muster, or report to HCO.
Bookmark tech. No wonder people aren’t reading the books and letting them stack up in boxes in closets and garages, they have no way to save their place! These bookmarks are the answer.
In the years since I’ve been under the radar I have received no medals, sunglasses, statuettes, trophies, tee shirts, pins, plaques, bracelets, nor commendations in inexpensive brass frames.
Receipt of items such as these out of Mr. Miscavige’s large storehouse of Bridge ephemera were proof that I had advanced another step toward ultimate spiritual enlightenment.
Nowadays, I feel good, I do well in life, but then, without the pins, the plaques, the tee shirts, I’m just never SURE.
This evening my spirits were briefly raised with the possibility of acquiring this amazing Tone Scale Bookmark but, alas…
Well, Mike, thank you. I’m downloading your free bookmark to console myself and restore some havingness. Its very thoughtful of you but… I know you’ll understand when I say…its just not the same.
Hilarious! ………Aquamarine if you’ll just donate $10,000 dollars you can live the dream again. Go ahead and treat yourself by walking down Nostalgia Road just one last time and proudly adorn your lapel with a shiny pin for all to see.
I hereby commend you, Aquamarine! On the Awesome scale of 1 to 10, you’re definitely a 15! I’ll even give you my sooper dooper bookmark. Please keep kicking ass and taking names!
I know, I know. It’s that Havingness thing but truly to console you take any piece of old paper that a goat
has refused to eat – Anything is better than nothing to a Thetan…..
Flag World Tour. I hated them even when I was in. I will just use the bookmark my son gave me in second grade. Pass.
I wonder if these bookmarks originated from an old pile of Ruth Minshull’s “How to choose your people” that someone (chipping the rust off the pipes in the St. Hill cellars) found there and had been missed in the great book burning in the furnaces (OEC, Tech Volumes, DMSMH etc.) they had at St. Hill a few years back? If so the bookmarks were pretty good – ha! As was Ruth’s book. Or did they copy Ruth Minshull’s version?
Seriously, did that really happen? I know there was a war on non LRH books, but, book burning? Really?
The book burning – yep, sure did Old Surfer Dude. Well, saying that I read it on ESMB which leaves it open to being questioned of course (ha!), but it was witnessed from several people there at the time. (I pop into ESMB now and then to see how far the levels of being ridiculous can go but some articles are nevertheless revealing.) Apparently mountains of “old” OEC and Tech Volumes and the original and even later versions (but not the “very latest” (sic) of course) of LRH books were simply thrown into a furnace and the furnaces were running for days at St. Hill. All part of the scam of the Basic Books Packages “evolution” I believe. In other words the 10% Gang in operation again. They could have at least given the staff the “old” books but then they were probably hoping to “score” off them as well! I almost screamed internally when I heard of this.
Of course if a few things have been “changed” here and there and you don’t want the originals to exist anymore this is the way to do it, although I don’t think that that is such a big deal as others make out, although it seems the PDCs have been heavily “edited” amongst a few other things. I think the main impetus for this was just to sell the “new” versions rather than change the original materials. Nevertheless I (and most Scientologists I think) would prefer to have kept the originals. Actually even the public were asked to bring in their old books and they would be “disposed of”, at the same time of course being regged for the “new” ones. What a bunch of trembling jellies must be left in the Church to agree to this sort of thing. I dare say some public even believed the specious reasoning – so far south have they sunk! And the 10% commissions of course is always the thing behind it! No, one could not make such things up – the more outlandish and ridiculous now then one knows it is true – ha! Bit like the Quantum Meters recently being asked for to be “disposed of” (sent to Pubs Org) when the “mark” buys his or her new Mark VIII meter.
I have also “heard” that there is a project that the Tech Volumes will be re-issued one day without all the “old” HCOBs, which if true, now THAT would make me very suspicious as to the reason behind it. In other words things like the 1978 version of “What is a Floating Needle” HCOB would just fade away and never be seen again, of course. I can’t see how he could get away with that without arousing deep suspicion even among the lemmings still left in, but let’s wait and see eh? The “reasoning” will be interesting. As I say I am not sure of the veracity of this project however but then as it is again so outlandish then of course it probably is true!
I was wondering, what if you complied, said you were coming and they sent you a bookmark. Then you didn’t show up? Would they charge you or ask you to return it in person… which opens another door … or Big blacks (or red) marks, huh?
You would need a sec check.
Yes, the famous 100 question “BOOKMARK sec check” that is being devised as we drool here…
Now that they’ve found about bookmarking Web pages, there’ll be an expanded form.
Oh please… Hi bubble people, could you awesome OT powerful beings,
with super comm levels and all the goodies that goes along with that
plus your incredibly high IQ’s actually do something, like go to the
Middle East and end all the wars and strife down there instead of
masturbating each other with all this drivel!!!!! Pretty please.
PS, I could use some bookmarks as am in the middle of some
books that Marty recommended.
We have to stop masturbating????!!!!!!!! That’s the last straw!!!!!
Beware The Jerkoff Patrol.
What???? You need a straw in scientology to masturbate???? Holy Jerk Off, Batman! Hallie, I had no idea, I….ummmm, ahhhhh, oh…my bad. I see the context now.
And if you pay for services at the event; Flag will put a comendation in your ethics foader.
A flag reg under his breath”bookmarks! We don’t need no stinking bookmarks!
Hey MJ! “They still need ok to screw.” Wow! I never realized sex would be involved in such a simple chore. Oh…wait…you meant…Ok, I got it now. Hey, I’m not sharpest nife, err, ahhh, I mean knife in the chandelier. Maybe I need to redo my Student Hat. I’ve got one left over from my college days.
I was trying to come up with a J&D comment about declining value of the gifts being offered for compliance, but I’ll be damned if I can’t think of a single thing to go lower than a bookmark. It’s like trying to walk upright under a pregnant ant. This is it — they’ve outfoxed me at last. Parody-proof.
A bookmark for every mark.
Mark = Mark = Mark. Even a free book mark is insane…
No J&D needed. A llittle fun and ridicule goes a long way.
Oh you got me but good with “walking upright under a preganant ant”
I got so many LOLs, I couldn’t possibly write them all! (and I’m very lazy) Thanks to all for the smart wit and laughs! Your included bookmark was so thoughtful Mike!
Am I missing something? While the bookmark, grammar, and event itself are par for the course for this invitation, it is the distribution to US folks that makes me double over. Does Andy realize how silly he looks expecting sheep to fly to Europe for a video event which is to be at most an hour? … And for which it would be cheaper to actually visit Flag in the poor sod’s home country rather than watch a video of it? With less than a week’s notice? I take that back. There is a bookmark, after all, involved here.
Well, don’t worry, the same video will be coming to an empty hall near you too. This is after all the “Flag World Tour” and they are kicking off in UK and LA concurrently (LA isn’t offering the collector’s item bookmark, just the magnificent video that will make planetary clearing a reality).
Darn it, Mike! I was going to be in Europe anyway. I received an offer for a free pen if I met with an executive in London who could get me in on a ground-floor deal on a vacation timeshare condo. It was a felt-tip, too!
hey Mike, why you have canceled my comment about bookmarks .. it was the best koke about, and made everybody who believes in Scientology wrong .. but it seems nobody likes it here ..
If I could understand your jokes I would include them. Things that make sense I include.
The reason I like your website, Mike, is that you have all kinds of people here – including people that don’t necessarily think Scientology is wrong. The little guy on the other hand…
I’m personally very grateful for the bookmark, it shows that their exchange is in.
Yeah, that along with the beautiful plaque framed with genuine imitation wood they gave Nancy Cartwright.
What am I, chopped liver? I didn’t get an invitation. Seems I’m disaffected and SP enough to be very warmly invited to join the Sea Org, but I don’t make the cut for that bookmark.
I’m sorry, but as I alluded to above….you’re just not an “Ideal S.P.”
I’m working on that, Overrun. All donations accepted.
Aqua, give me a couple of hours. I think I can get you in.
Thanks, OSD. Its always who you know, isn’t it?
I was going to pass on the book mark, but since it is “colorful” I’m going to have to go to the event.
Yeah, that’s why I’m going too…Hard to resist “colorful.”
“And even more amazing how desperate they are — this invitation was sent to declared SP Ronit Charny in Oregon USA.”
I guess she’s an “Ideal S.P.”
Does anyone have any idea of the entity mentioned in the footnote of the promo piece – The Church of Scientology Religious Education College Inc., incorporated in South Australia – and what would it have to do with this piece of promo?
Wendy — that is the entity that operates the UK church. Because the Charity Commission would not recognize any church in the UK, the GO had the bright idea of using a registered church somewhere else in the Commonwealth to operate the church at St Hill. They picked the church in Adelaide. Bryan Seymour on Channel 7 Australia has done a couple of programs about this as the church in Adelaide is of course a complete non-entity, but pays no taxes even though there is a lot of income made by its “subsidiary” in the UK over which it has no control.
This slime exudes from Davey’s crimes, oh my oh my!
Thanks for the info, Mike. Its interesting that the UK wouldn’t recognize the church as a not for profit / charity. And the “Educational College” bit is misleading.
Gag. The beginning of this email is so condescending, as though they were talking to a dog.
Woof! That’s an insult to all dogs. Woof.
OK …I’m pissed. I have NOT received my email from Andy! Obviously I have more to learn about being a full blown SP. I want my name added back onto the Cult list so I can be kept abreast of the latest technical breakthroughs.
Ronit, do you provide coaching?
Yo Dave,
Sorry if I did something to get on your bad side. What can I do to make it up? And let Andy know to keep me on his list. Thanks good buddy.
Super fantastic confidential rundown!
Seriously, what the fuck.
Yeah, everyone knows you are supposed to check your oiliness every 5 thousand miles.
Copper, if you are really interested I can confirm you coming for the event and you can get your FREE bookmark, and maybe they will add to their list of emails 🙂 LOL
One would think that after about 7 weeks of our announcement they will stop flooding me with the false PR, asking for donations emails, but they are just continue and refuse to take me off their lists. So my solution is to answer them back with our announcement letter, and they still sending more emails… unreal!
CFs and their computer equivalents were always readily and quickly unmocked Ronit. After all LRH said that CF was the route to Gross Income. Can’t have any of that then can we?
I got a call last year from someone haughty and completely out of valence in the Co$, HCO, pretending to want to verify my physical address so I’d not get doubles and I cheerfully went along with it. The miracle happened, i.e. all church mail stopped. 🙂
I still get mail, but the phone calls and email have almost died. I try to read it, but alas, I’m not that much of a masochist anymore.
Coop, I mean, Grasshopper: When you can snatch SP declare from hand, time for you to get email from Andy.
I need to practice up.
About getting on David Miscavige’s good side.
Something about standing in a garbage can with a sign around my neck getting water dumped on my head as a crowd screams at you.
Pass on the bookmark
Dave’s good side? I don’t understand. Please clarify.
It’s an RPF’s,RPF’s,RPF’s, RPF’s thing.
or if your Seniotrs Biggest complaint is “everything He or She tries to
do to you , Happens to His self / Her self”
confirming needs to be made more fun.
i smell the handy work of a committee of OTs.
this idea has gold plated freedom medal written all over it.
Lets get it straight.To catch mouse in a mousetrap you put a piece of cheese
in the trigger. Scientology uses book marks ? The bookmarks are not free fyi.
for every certain number responses ie. bookmarks there will be someone who goes to the event. Those individuals are setup by D.M. shock troops to save the Human race,
pay for lawyers, PI’s, and D.M.s lavish lifestyle. My advice is get some cheese at the local market, velvetta is OK, make a fair cheese sandwich,you won’t go broke , starve, go bankrupt, or evicted. You cannot eat bookmarks.
How many Scientologists does it take to change a light bulb? Just one, but DM has to approve it first.
Time to get back to The Basics. The light bulb joke was originally a Polish joke. Since DM is Polish, he banned all Polish jokes. Therefore, once it is approved by Dave, it takes one to hold on to the bulb and four to rotate the ladder.
He’ll NEVER approve it!
OSD, But they all chipped in to buy the bulb! Have you seen the CSW?
They still need okay to screw.
missionary, no kids
60 times.
The first light bulb was the wrong one. The second one was worst, and ten people were RPF’ed/ The third was delayed because the Italian custom manufacturer wouldn’t accept a check from the C0$. The fourth was too warm. The fifth didn’t do justice to the marble floors. The sixth reminded demonstrated what a bunch of [whatever] everyone is. The seventh required more fundraising. The eight was intentionally sabotaged. The ninth was challenged in court by and SP. They sued the ninth for violating their First Amendment rights. The tenth wasn’t INTERNATIONAL and had to be flown around the world once, but was defective. The eleventh gave rise to a bright idea that the socket was in the wrong place and had to be moved. The twelfth was discovered to be off-policy. The ninth resurfaced again in court, and was challenged for lake of jurisdiction as well as under anti-SLAAP statutes. The thirteenth was scratched because the ribbon for the ribbon-cutting wasn’t the right size. The fourteenth failed a sec-check. [Etc..]
Damn Carcha, this is almost as hard as getting a refund from the IAS.
Someone had the cognition that since it was on the ceiling, it was okay to screw it UP.
… A refund from the IAS doesn’t require TC’s approval.
Car-ChaChaCha – Hilarious! You win the humour award du jour.
Only too true. After a full CSW and a Compliance Report when done
While you’re busy weighing your future eternity trying to decide whether or not to attend the Flag World Tour Event, be the first to order the explosive new book: ‘Dave, I hardly knew ye’ – inside the Int Base and the machinations of Miscavige. (All major credit cards accepted. Order ten and receive a copy of Dave’s secret memo on Mike Rinder!)
Soon to be released as a major motion picture – ‘The Man Who Screamed Too Much’
+1 nice
McDonalds has had a similar promotion going for years. You confirm your attendance by showing up at the counter for a Happy Meal and you will be rewarded with a free Shamu stuffed animal, Star Wars bobble-head doll or a tiny Ninja turtle.
Kids love em ! Bookmarks just don’t bring that kind of joy.
The promo has the wrong phrase, it should read: “Take everything you know about delusion, indoctrination and criminality and magnify this times 1,000,000 and you will have unprecedented knowledge of what the Church is really doing”. At least this is closest to the truth.
For a Class XII C/S and auditor to go on a Tour it only means Flag is desperate for public and they do have idle Class XII personnel. Ain’t good baby.
Oh, and the bookmark is FREE, wow, can’t believe it, amazing indeed.
Exactly Silvia. Flag is empty. No public. Should I confirm you too Silvia, as a Guest Speaker, Veteran SO Member, Class IX Auditor! LOL
See some old friends… could be fun 🙂
Hey Ronit! As a former professional entertainer, part of what I did was stand-up. Please confirm me too! While at Flag in the Lemon Tree Restaurant, I did a 15 minute show on auditing local people in Hawai’i. The public love it! The SO staff were fuming! But, this was back in ’81 when you could still get away with “Joking & Degrading!” Oh man, but those were some good times! I’m just such and SP!
The lack of education and common sense that leads to such horrible spelling errors are enough to make me think this is the same sort of promo sent out by princes of Nigeria.
Heidi, it was like this back in the mid 70s when I was still in! However, I’ve never seen it this bad! Are they recruiting elementary school kids now? Actually, I take that back. That’s a HUGE insult to elementary school kids.
At local Org level (for local Org publications) it (poor or ridiculous promo) was policed by the joking and degrading of the Dir Prom. Worked a treat! Ha!
Four Flag C/S’s leaving post to go to England….wow.
Must be a slow week/month/year in the various HGC’s.
I can see it now….all the starry eyed people who actually
showed for this BS event…..waving their free bookmarks
in the air in unison…like lighters at a rock concert.
While all these “highly trained” bots strut their stuff
on stage talking about tech they most probably don’t know
much about.
Hey Potpie! You forgot one: Must be a slow week/month/year/DECADE.
Old Harv the Captain FSO has sent them packing with undoubtedly outlandish quotas – it won’t be a “nice little trip to the English countryside” for them. Sounds like Old Harv’s neck is on the line! Good! Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy!
Potpie – when you put it so enticingly I think I still have time to fly to Sanitary Hill to wave my bm in the air to huge crowds of people – like 10 UK soccer stadiums full – singing the anthem “All We Are Saying, Give Bookmarks a Chance [repeat 40 times]”.
But now I think about it I don’t need a bookmark on the internet.
….” There will also be a Class XII C/S, a Class IX C/S, a Super Power C/S & Auditor and an SRD C/S from Flag at the event, so that you may ask individual questions about moving up The Bridge on a one-to-one consultation. ”
Oh good. I would like an answer to this question about moving up the bridge. How is it that a person who is doing very well in is life across the dynamics and has been experiencing steady good gains as a PC is stopped repeatedly and prevented from doing the bridge at Flag, especially considering that the bridge was PAID FOR IN ADVANCE before arriving. I would like an answer to THAT question.
Ronit knows, Doug.
+1 I’d like to add some questions: Why did you audit me for 120 hours over protest and completely ignore ME? Why did 3 different Directors of Processing ignore my very bad indicators and make snide comments & run away instead of, making NO effort to talk with me? Why did I keep getting impromptu case discussions in the hallway with nothing written down for the CSs? Why was I lied to intentionally? Why was my constant inability to FN at the examiner treated with distain? Why did regs know my personal business? This is all gross out tech by the way, so why was this all ok with you people?? The Class V org that I came up in, would be ashamed of your indecent lack of caring. Fyi…..NOBODY wants to be treated like a piece of shit, you can’t invalidate people up the bridge. Thank you for your direct causation in me being here on this blog, seeking to live with the truth.
You too, Hallie Jane? Let’s not forget to mention the padded programs and TE’s.
The 120 hours was ALL padded program, they overran me to death. I got 3 different tech estimates from 3 different people the day I left. The incompetence was horrible and shocking.
Dear Mr. Hallie – kum to flag for d of P interview and am suure we kan sort out. We have recent trained GAT 2 inturn and I here there relly somethin!!!! When kin u arrieve? ML GK T/D o P HFA
I love you MJ! FOTFL!
Aw shucks
Bookmarks? What “advanced tech”, huh? (LOL) ….
Folding down the corner of a page always worked best for me…then again, the scientologists who have shelled out so much money for their book collections would probably not want to fold the corners of pages…..
No need to fold down the corners of your pages and ruin them now Bruce. Just download my handy free bookmark — it’s an award for clicking on my blog!
Thanks! (Smile)….hope I have enough printer ink!
I’m sure folded page corners are considered a tech degrade. It being such a mistreatment of mankind’s only hope and all. The Holy Words must be pristine when viewed, anything less is a non-ideal reading experience and invalidates the time, effort and love Dear Leader has invested.
I’m surprised that no-one has quoted from a “how to read a book (vol I)” PL by Hubbard himself. (After all, he tells everyone how to wash windows.. Thanks to Peter Bonyai’s book for that chuckle..)
That said, I try to do the suave thing and used scrap pieces of paper (for the paperbacks which do not have dust coverings). And anything is better than leaving paperbacks lying around upside down on the open page!
When I first got it, I was not sure if they want me to attend as the Class IX Flag Auditor, part of the Flag World Tour or as a potential Flag public. LOL 🙂
I think you should claim your bookmark and show up as a Flag Class IX and explain to the attendees how they will rapidly shoot up the Bridge at Flag… I’m sure they would love to add another speaker to their team 🙂
Show up as a Flag Class IX and expose Dave’s scams.
What a great idea 🙂 I do have a lot to say about the criminal activity at Flag…
Ronit if you are going to be speaking at this event, would you consider giving me the opportunity to be your speech writer?
I see it going like this….
“Good evening everyone! I am so glad to see so many of you here this evening. As I look around the audience I see many of my PC’s from Flag and their children here tonight. It gives me great joy that we have all arrived here at LRH’s home at St. Hill. It’s such a beautiful estate, don’t you agree?
Tonight I would like to share with you some things that are near and dear to my heart. I hope you will find this will both interesting and important to you and your future.
As you may have noticed over the last few decades Scientology has all but disappeared from the C of S. Tonight I would like to go over with you how this came to be, who is actually responsible for it and what can be done about it. Would you like to hear all about this? (Audience is on their feet at this point wildly cheering) Thank you, thank you so much.”
This just a rough draft Ronit, I think I can do better, let me know what you think !
KFrancis, you should come a long and share the real wins one can have in the field outside the “church” !!!
Superb! KFrancis. The speech is very funny, and of course true. Can you imagine their faces in the audience? Do you know I have the feeling that some would start cheering and clapping not because they would be finally relieved that the SP show is over but that they believe anything that is told them from a podium, and that this (In the speech) is now “command intention”. Some would start to hesitate of course (the IAS Regges and all those making a slick 10%) and look around to see “what others are doing” and then still not be quite sure. It would be amazing to behold – the mental twisting and turning of the lemmings.
One day of course a speech like this will be read out. That will be a very fine day.
Hey Ronit!
Can you go ahead and show up and bring back those fantastic Cult book markers? Then ’em thanks from all the SPs (who might, by now, surpass members number wise). Take pictures, too!
No matter that Ronit is a declared SP here in the Ideal State of Oregon. It’s still a Letters Out stat, and it’s the quantity, not the quality of the promo that’s important. The Old Man said so himself.
I’ve been getting those emails also. First as spam ,now direct to inbox.
At first One tone scale book mark if I confirm,now I get TWO !
I’m holding out for all the services promised that D.M. did not deliver
like Class 8 and OT 9 and 10
While it’s a trifling matter for me to fire up one of the Global Capitalism HQ private jets and fly off to London to attend this event, I have to say that the opportunity to get a free bookmark (total printing cost $0.0135 at the Bridge Publications factory) doesn’t exactly change my determination to stay home and give this a miss.
Several West Coast friends sent me this e-mail as well. Obviously, this indicated desperation on Andy’s part to boost his “letters written” stat for the week, since I can’t imagine even the most die-hard Kool-Aid drinking clubbed seal Scientologist (Nancy Cartwright, I’m looking at you) jumping on a plane for a 12-hour flight to Stain Hill to be regged furiously, even though she gets a special bookmark that reflects Command Intention for new levels of marketing brilliance.
JPC, I figured I would save everyone the trouble with my free downloadable bookmark that allows you to customize your own version, just like the WTH booklet.
What should be done with this bookmark ..
I think one of us should get the bookmark just to see how the Grade Chart has changed AGAIN
You didn’t know you were out sequence? See the MAA and write 2 large checks, give 1 to the IAS the other to the Idle Org fundraiser I /C. And your firstborn to the SO.
Don’t be such a CSCIMF
In his haste to round up all possible mailing lists, most likely Andy sent an invitation to Mr. Command Intention himself, dm.
Flag World Tour (tm by dm). Get a free tech estimate on all your bridge redos. Consultants are standing by. Call 1-800-LOSE-ALL to confirm. Free cheese and crackers for all attendees. This is shaping up to be the biggest event ever and you won’t wanna miss it! BE THERE!!!!
Even I got an email….oi vey! And I’m SUCH and sp! There’s a tentative desperation between the lines. The whole package of pillaged public, decimated tech with gag2, prices few can afford and a creepy, phony atmosphere, that they just don’t seem to understand, is not all that attractive. I’ll pass.
Hallie Jane, with more than a few SPs getting invites, do they realize who they’re inviting to this event? OR, is the desperation level that high that any stat will do? Gosh, I hate to laugh at their misfortune, but…Bwahahhahahahahahahahah! Wow, I just exteriorized! Hey, this laughing tech REALLY works!
In all honesty, my 4th grader could put together a more coherent email. Wow…just wow. Now maybe English is not Andy’s first language….if that’s the case, they need proofreaders, stat!
I reread that first sentence a few times and I’m still not sure I understand it.
Chee..Thank God you came to the same conclusion. I kept reading..and going back. Good God. I am NOT a grammar cop, but I try to write in you know, sentences.
Aw, too bad. I’ll be having a pre-surgical check-up at the same time the doors open, so I’ll miss out on my sooper-power-special Tone Scale Bookmark, the perfect memento for a mammoth pimp and reg session. At least I know that the surgery will be more pleasant and less painful than this video bumf.
Hope you recover and heal rapidly. More than I can hope for the poor souls immersed in this evil cult.
Wow, that’s enticing. Don’t see how anyone can pass it up, especially the SPs.
What’s with the glow-y white rooms?
“Open the pod bay doors, HAL.”
Figures it would look like a science fiction movie from 45 years ago.
Come one come all …………….. down the hall and to the right. Get your Pre-Frontal Lobotomy at these once in a lifetime rock bottom prices.
When it’s over we will lube you up on our special oiliness table and you can run it out on our indoor track.
Hal…Hal… …….. Hal!
Nope. No one is responding.
I don’t think I’m saying this just because I hate the church of scientology, but those pictures are creepy.
Speaking of Hal, ask Siri to open the pod bay doors. Keep asking. You’ll get quite a few fun answers.
No one is responding? Shouldn’t we race down there to get our “free” bookmark to show a little support? OR, should I just sit in my backyard with the waterfall, wind chimes & my birdie friends. Tough choice…
Right on! All of these so well lighted indoors to hide the dark crap happening inside.
Reminds me of these track amusement parks that were used to trap people.
HAL: Dave, what are you doing? Dave, don’t do that. I’ll sing you a song, Dave. Stop…Dave.
Sammy: I’d like to think that the picture was taken at the directive of the Great photographer/COB to turn the electricity on for a minute [when they could afford to pay their bill]. But really it’s taken with a radioactive camera picking up the toxic radiation from the SuppaaaPower Gizmos contained therein.
Mike: your post cracked me up. I’m so glad you were able to maintain your highly honed OZ sense of humour through all that you’ve been through. Keep it up!
Wow, a free bookmark. Let me think about that for a sec – nah, I’ve already got one. Why don’t you guys post the video on YouTube afterwards so we can all see it. What’s that you say, Dave won’t let you. What are you, his slave or something? Jeez, get a life!
You have to really dig deep on that one to be sure you’re doing the right thing! Walking away from a free bookmark …….. we are talking major decision here! Don’t take this lightly.
Unfortunately, Coop, I’m Scottish. And being a Scot means I’m real cheap. Overly cheap! Cheapness like you’ve never seen. I want…NO, I need that FREE bookmark! I know, it’s a sickness. My request to you is that you accompany me on the journey of free shit so I only get one bookmark and then run away quickly. Sorry to put the burden on you, old friend.
It’s like my son’s wedding this Sunday. In planning this shindig, it’s been a complete clusterfuck. However, there are two magical words that take all the pain away: OPEN BAR. Now, as a Scot you’d think an open bar would be the end all be all. But, you’d be wrong: They could PAY me to drink their booze…Arggg, tis good being Scottish! Arggggg…Almost makes me want to join the Sea Argggggg.
OK OSD, you talked me into it. But I need to get Andy to send me an invite to the free shit fest over at Event Central – Cult style.
I even asked Dave to kind of forgive and forget……hell we could drink to it at your open bar. Whaddya say, lets invite Dave over. Christine was saying that even HE couldn’t be all that bad. Hell, If He gets onrey we’ll deal with Him Scottish style, take Him out to the shed and give him a taste of Whoop Ass.
LOL…LOVE your free bookmark, Mike!! LOLOL!!!!!
Is it autographed by COB?
Lou’s got stamped ones for an extra $9.99