The latest begging from the infamous pirate ship Freewinds.
Trying to entice the suckers by boasting speed of delivery. And on a co-audit no less!
And suckers, don’t forget, they have limited space. They can hold about 250 passengers. Their current occupancy is around 10 per week. So of course, speed is of the essence.
Really, who wouldn’t want to spend “only” $5,000 to redo this all over again….
And if you agree to go, they will virtually GIVE you a room. After all, they know the real money to be made is on “incidentals.” Anyone foolish enough to show up on the Freewinds is 24/7 vulture food. And those ship vultures are starving.
Truly, a cruise from hell. Or to hell.
No wonder the Freewinds operates exclusively on the Spanish Main….
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The Survival Rundown is $5,000 SIGN UP NOW! |
That second picture show two women talking. And it seems to me from where the one woman is pointing, that they are talking about using that lifeboat to get the hell outta there! It gave me a laugh at first, but then I realized that anyone who has the misfortune to be talked into getting on that ship would be thinking the same thing about that lifeboat.
OT X will not require an auditor, but rather a group of experienced property liquidation agents. A pre-OT will donate everything they can borrow. Then they will donate all of their possessions which will be sold. Then they will donate their clothes and the cardboard box they live in. Just before they are sued by their numerous creditors, they will sell their remaining useful body parts and donate those proceeds to the cult. Having nothing left, they will drop the body and achieve the EP of OT X: Freedom from MEST.
I’m reading a novel at the moment about a load of vampires who take over a cruise ship and begin to bleed the passengers dry. Reading this I now know where the idea for the plot came from.
I wouldn’t go to the freewinds if you paid me $5000.00. When I heard they took your passport, I knew I would never go. I audited a bunch of SRDs back in the 80s and they were a fine grouping of objectives, but there is no way in hell that OT8s should not have achieved a full objectives end phenomena by now. Their incompetence is showing again. Pleeeeeeze don’t let anyone overrun the shit out of you! Don’t do it!!!
is the rundown the thing where people pay a bunch of money to run around a pole or something? if so, how the hell can you do that on a boat?
The point is it really doesn’t matter WHAT the “official line” says about “tech” or what a person NEEDS to do now in Scientology. It’s all cool. Proof of this is that somehow the sheeple (apparently) are completely buying into having to do the complete Student Hat AGAIN for the fourth or fifth time. Nothing wrong with reviewing one’s material in any field of course. But it is utterly baffling to me (unless you understand that these people are nowhere now as free beings in thought or anything else) that people buy into the idea of doing a “NEW” student hat. Folks … it ain’t rocket science! It’s the first two obstacles (thinking you know it all already and not having a purpose to study to apply) and the three barriers (mu’s, skipped gradient, lack of mass) and a few other points gone over in the study tapes. That’s all! There ain’t nothing new in the reboot! It ain’t THAT COMPLICATED. And yet, we read the success stories. Do these mind dead people ever consider …. YOU ATTESTED A NUMBER OF TIMES TO HAVING NO MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS ON THE MATERIALS AND CAN FULLY APPLY WHAT YOU HAVE STUDIED …. do I need to repeat that …. YOU HAVE ATTESTED …. well you get the idea. How did you fully understand it before and were able to fully apply it but need to now REALLY get it?
My point here is that these people WILL BUY INTO ANYTHING. It doesn’t matter if the order of the grade chart changes or one day they are told they never got what they attested to on the student hat. They will buy into it. So it doesn’t REALLY matter what Dave eventually releases as OT 9 & 10 (and no doubt he will release SOMETHING when there’s no more money to be sucked into Super Power and the Purif and Obj’s re-do’s) and no doubt you will also read SPECTACULAR SUCCESS STORIES ON THESE NEW OT LEVELS.
It’s become the Bridge to Total Fiefdom.
Yep, that just about sums it up, well stated Joe. Spectacular success stories are a dime a dozen within the RCS on everything with their label on it. Those ones where just being physically on the ship is an OT level in itself is a special case. It parallels when a low life criminal is sent to jail and for the first time in his life has 3 meals a day and get’s his teeth fixed, he feels on top of the world (but won’t admit it of course) but he does. Some people’s sense of order is really out of whack, the group ideals and goals are everything, no matter what the cost.
Dear Joe Pendleton,
thank you for your inspiring comment.
Who says, that LRH is THE ONLY authority on the subject of study?
What, if LRH’s data on study is NOT complete?
What, if LRH’s data on study is NOT applicable to EVERYONE?
What, what, what?
BUT what, if LRH’s data IS complete and IS applicable, AND the student is still NOT ALLOWED
to communicate freely about the subject he/she has just studied and put it in his/her OWN words?
Could there be “study-reactions”? 😉
My 2 cents.
Have you EVER looked up, how long “NEVER” is?
For so long, you are not allowed to EVER go past a MU when reading a SCN-book.
It says so on the very first page of every new Basic Book. Seems pretty long to me… 😉
How nice of the Freewinds to post the EPs ofnOT VIII in their flyer.
1. The ability to overlook egregious errors.
2. The willingness to start over at the bottom of the Bridge.
3. The willingness to pay megabucks. to do this in an arena where you and your pocketbook are held hostage.
I guess I just am not spiritual enough to do OTVIII (or OTVIIII either)
“Blessed are the moneyed classes, for they shall meet Dave.”
Oh noooo! You’ve been sneaking a peek at the new GAT III Scriptures before they are released!!!!!!!!!!
That old saying, “a boat is a hole in the water in which you throw money,” seems quite pertinent for a Freewinds definition. It is apparently turning into a just a hole in the water now.
What amazes me is that years ago I read an LRHED that stated OT8 was going to be delivered at Advanced Orgs so everyone on every continent could be serviced when their time came. Having it restricted to single location is not very logical as it is increases the risk to termination by unfriendly entities or natural calamities.
So the fact OT8 was put to sea in a lavish ship in such fanfare at the time and so expensive is just another off-policy piece of garbage designed to fleece money.
The Freewinds was a scam from the beginning.
Through my secret sea org source, I have gotten to see the actual LRH notes on OT 9 &10 (well, Xeroxes of them of course). After a new Purif and SRD, a person now re-does all the OT levels BACKWARDS (that is to say, OT 8, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1) as a sort of verification (these steps are not expected to take very long, maybe a month total) – this is OT9 and THEN does the grades backwards, Grades 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, ARC SW until on straightwire, one reaches the ep of RECOGNITION OF SOURCE OF CASE, that one is mocking up one’s own universe and memories … at this point, one attests to OT10. (not making a joke here as you can see, the above was initially developed when Ron decided to move the grades to BEFORE Dianetics. See, Dianetics was first done before the grades because how could you put your attention on communication, problems, etc if your attention was stuck on body stuff. But then LRH asked how could you put your attention on body stuff if your attention was stuck on communication, problems, withholds, etc – you wouldn’t REALLY be able to run R3R effectively – see, the grade chart essentially goes up and down and front and backwards, hence today’s go back to Purif and objectives after OT8 – it all makes sense really … ok, well not really, but …..)
*did I mention this all has to be done on the Freewinds?
That sounds like overrun paradise. It looks like your source is sauced.
By hook or by crook if you can get out of something, why in the hell do you want to grinding back into it?
Even the original OT4 indicates you redo the Clearing Course AT CAUSE this time instead of effect to get Clear in the first place. The problem with the early stuff is that you really had to know how to audit, and that took dedication, something easily replaced with shortcuts (to nowhere).
The Bridge has been so convoluted by those who don’t know which direction is up. I’m sure if you took the money equation out of it and required the wana-be experts to prove their expertise at what they are talking about it becomes another game completely, but that is never going happen in most places, money is just too damn valuable and where it aligns with lazy, it’s a winner!
IMHO seek an alternative viewpoint away from money orientation and look closely at all times when fooling around with any result based technology. No results equals just that – no results.
Take me out to the shell game
Far from Mike Rinder’s crowd
Buy some objectives and purif snacks
I don’t care if I never get back,
Let me root, root, root for Dave’s own team,
If we don’t win it’s a shame
Just a sec check to handle my doubts
At the old shell game
That’s a good one. They can sing it at graduation.
I posted this as a comment under my Disqus avatar, Get Chutney Love a few weeks ago at the Bunker.
So, a co-audit that you do at a mission or Org when you start out can now be done again at the top of the Bridge, on a Cruise ship with just you and your twin, and the IAS reges. Nothing strange about this at all.
Wikipedia says: “An entity called the Flag Ship Trust (FST) was formed in December 1985 with the aid of a $5 million donation from the International Association of Scientologists. In September 1986, the Flag Ship Trust purchased Bohème, renamed her Freewinds and refitted her to enable its use for Scientology purposes. The vessel was put into service in June 1988.”
I like history. I only researched this because I was curious about the timeline and if LRH knew about the Freewinds before he died in Jan 1986. According to this, the decision to purchase a ship and the IAS existed in December 1985. I wonder if LRH was info’ed of the ship idea and the IAS idea at that time. Does anyone know?
Even if LRH wasn’t infoed, ships have been a part of Scientology since the beginning of Sea Org in 1967 and LRH was the one who bought and sailed the first ships. I would give you a link but there are hundreds to choose from, Google Sea Org if you want a massive rabbit hole.
IMHO if Freewinds is decommissioned, there would have to be another ship waiting in the wings unless Scientology has collapsed by then. But that is purely and completely my opinion and only that, based only on the history of Scientology and Ships and not on any knowledge of past, present or future plans regarding Freewinds.
Valerie, yes, there would have to be another ship… a new FSSO ideal org LOL.
It’s a cruise to hell.
On a bridge of lies.
The SLAVEWinds is delivering the BANKRUPTCY RUNDOWN now!!
Members newly IMPOVERISHED right now!!
Special bonus — no extra charge for the asbestos exposure on the ship!!
” More than usual I will add. ”
Now how is that possible? What in the cult is not 100% staged?
Been There Done That.
Still have my Cruise Card.
Does Tom know?
When you are finished you find out it was all OTBS and a possible case of mesothelioma!!
Hey, Mike, contact ME. Okay?
It’s not the last scam attempt, those scientologists “IC” in paris say ineptitudes… to get the image of “scientology religion” before the world, while they DEFEND people to become cleared cannibals.
It’s been over 10 years since you were featured on the cover of CHARLIE HEBDO as the Pope of $cientology. Maybe you can rebrand yourself as a Pirate for the cover of CHARLIE HEBDO following the resurgence of your popularity on January 25th.
The Orgs, overall, are dying. The ecclesiastical leader is hiding, running away from depositions chasing him, and in such a paranoid terror that he has “no time” to see that orgs. make it. Plus everybody around him is so incompetent that he is literally running the show alone.
All this is not an accident, he has planned the group demise and he has carried it as long as money and admiration were coming in.
But truly, he has lost control of his own machiavellic plan. The more the orgs struggle, the more people will leave. Stats are likely being padded so staff can have a night of sleep and good food. His closest minions tell whim whatever he wants to hear or The Hole will follow.
Like Hitler, Al Capone, and others; they had lots of (stolen) money, “power”, but ended hiding, in terror, with no real friends, and not even a chance to spend the stolen funds.
It sure sucks to be miscavige.
+ 100
And Capone ended up hiding in Alcatraz, where he died. If the IRS ever gets off its butt, I suspect Ole Misk will be hit with a personal tax bill and will not be able to access czerch funds without getting into still more trouble.
Capone died not in prison, but after dealing with the effects of syphillis on his brain for some years. He was released from prison and was treated at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore around 1939. Had it not been for his disease, he probably would’ve died on Alcatraz instead.
I have a theory that he has a series of small planes to get him across and/or out of the country if need be. Where he would go would be a good question. My own guess is Canada, where he could hide in plain sight as perhaps a businessman or just burrow into a little house somewhere on the Canadian prairie that is well-insulated and well-stocked with whiskey and firewood.
Dave’s theme song is Nobody Knows The Trouble I’ve Seen.
Yabba Dabba Doo!
Fleecewinds, meet the Fleecewinds
They’re your third dynamic family
From the town of Drydock
They’re a page right out of history
To reg the whole family is such a treat
All are welcome except raw meat
When you’re on the Fleecewinds
Have a yabba dabba doo time
A dabba doo time
We’ll have an OT time
Fleecewinds, meet the Fleecewinds
They’re your third dynamic family
From the town of Drydock
They’re a page right out of history
A seminar to kill the psychs
With new campaigns on human rights
When you’re in the Fleecewinds
Have a yabba dabba doo time
A dabba doo time
We’ll have an OT time
We’ll have an OT time!
Yea. Everyone else (like Flag) is out tech. So on the Freewind you’ll do it faster. Or is it because everywhere else isn’t OT.
Gosh. The number of times I (and the 10 million other scientologists) had to read Tech Degrades.
Bragging as to speed of delivery?
No kidding McCarran, the degrading the tech stat is straight up and vertical.
I read all the venomous letters posted on Freedumb magazine last night and something struck me. While their repeated communication for a meeting in NYC and their cries of “We weren’t told about this show” were TR’d over and over maybe the producers and or press could use their tactics against them.
How about TR’ing 50 times for interviews with DM and Heber and LeServre and Shelly Miscavich. Then when the of course refuse such interviews as we know they will, HBO publish their repeated interview requests on and the NY Times as a retort to such letters. It would of course catch them at their own lie.
How about publishing the policies on PR so that the general public can see the PL on how to write a press release. As you know the PR series will enlighten the press and the public on how they are supposed to be dealt with. Then of course when the church denies such policies are used they will be exposed for not following LRH policy.
Every Scientologist knows that LRH is to be followed to the letter and that DM isn’t. Should be easy to catch him in his own lies by exposing his misuse of LRH and if he is using it then how ineffective it really is in the real world.
I believe this is called Catch 22
I think I read somewhere that the documentary states who was asked for an interview and all the details (when requested, when denied).
Freedum did not include those facts for obvious reasons.
Dear RLR,
thanks for the inspiring comment and its consequences…
I just grabbed the PR-Series to look for the appropriate references and I do hereby publicly admit,
that I must have sort of been brainwashed/blind/other-determined/or whatever you want to call it.
It never came to my mind, that the PR-Series could and would be used so incorrectly.
But… it’s written there – right in front of my eyes! (
And that’s after 30+ years.
It’s hard to confront – as it were the PR-Series that got me hooked on that subject in the first place…
You are right with what you say and I hope Mr. Gibney really did it.
It would be interessting to see a short-term ad à la Scientology-Style:
“Human Rights – Freedom of Speech”
“… Inform oneself honestly of the actual intentions and activities … BRUSHING ASIDE ALL bias and rumor.”
“1. Fill the vacuum of omitted data with FACTUAL data.
“2. Prove all FALSE utterances heard are lies.
“…The subject matter of dead agenting is PROOF in whatever form.
You only challenge statements you can prove are false and in any conversation let the rest slide. …”
“Look don’t listen!”
Sundance, ….
A few years ago – a 12 year old called me to donate $100,000 to the Freewinds. I had never been on the Shit…I mean Ship.
I asked him if he knew what it took to earn $100,000? He said NO but it is for a good cause. I asked him – what for? He told me renovations? I said – pay for it out of the $$$,$$$ I already gave to the Co$. I still stayed in…(cringe)
I hung up on him.
It never came up on a sec check….:)
Really, idle…a 12 year-old?!? HAHAHAHAHA….
I love the lady pointing at something in both pictures-they are so obviously staged. More than usual I will add.
She’s doing a locational.
No, LisaS, you’re wrong! She’s doing some objectives with that public scientologist. See, she’s pointing to that wall and saying, “Touch that wall. Thank you. Walk over to the railing. Thank you. That’ll be $5,000 please.”
LOL that’s actually OEC Vol 2 / Dissem Div policy…”action shots.” In other words, they’re only supposed to publish photos of people “doing stuff.”
Which has led to a lot of goomba “just pretend you’re doing something” fake action shots, which isn’t what their policies actually state. So stupid, so funny.
The lady pointing at the lifeboat is saying: “The lifeboats are for COB only. Women and children must CSW if needed.”
“Staging” action shots is actually quite difficult. Even pro actors and models often can’t do it well. It requires “being in motion” without moving. Yes, it can be and is done by those who know the trick of it, but amateurs are pretty bad at it and scio would never spend the monies to have it done professionally.
The lady pointing is giving the other one a Locational. She’ll need a few of those.
The Survival RD is $5,000. Plus accommodations including a package for future accomodations, plus donations for the IAS, TWTH, Planetary Dissemination, the KCET Studios, your nearest Ideal Org, The LRH Hall, and anything else these guys can and will come up with while you’re there. Don’t forget that your fees also include spying services while you’re out of your room for the day.
I’m guessing this flier was produced by the 1/3 of Freewinds staff reportedly now working at Flag Land Base to drum up passengers. Not much to look at, is it? There’s no real sales pitch, as if the writer couldn’t think of anything much to say. But to make up for that, the whole thing is printed in all-caps and boldface. I’m not sure that will help.
It’s hard to imagine Dave will scuttle this money-losing pirate barge, even if it’s plying the seas with empty cabins. The symbolism would be too terrible, and the Sea Org would lose its last tenuous link to its mythic naval tradition. But meanwhile this must be kind of embarrassing, not to mention a steady drain on the finances of whatever entity is footing the bill.
So if they scuttle the freewinds will they now celebrate Final Voyage?
The Freewinds will eventually be decommissioned. An SO member told me a few years ago that it had 7 more years (from what I recall), before mandatory decommissioning. I think there are only so many refits you can do before the structure is compromised.
The Freewinds doesn’t seem very Ideal anyway. Surely they’ll have to raise funds for something more resembling Oasis of the Seas before they can start delivering OT 9 and up?
When it gets decommissioned, another reason to Fundraise with a capital “F”. But by then maybe the whole deck of cards will have fallen. They are bringing it on themselves without any help from the outsiders.
And as for speed of service, you’d think they would slow it down so that they get more incidentals charged to their room and make more money that way. How many people do you know who can leave their business or job for 4 weeks or more to RE DO the parts of the Bridge they’ve already done? Not many. My guess is the ship is starving because not many can free up a month or more to come there to redo their Bridges.
Well THAT is interesting.
OT VIII moving to land!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then the church can reg for donos for the Ideal cruise liner it’s going to buy to accommodate the 47X expansion and IX and X!!!!!!! Hello Bob Duggan.
The Freewinds will be hoisted onto a disused deep sea oil drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico Miscavige will retire there.
He will need it when he announces he is going into seclusion to fight the evil forces of darkness and to complete the write ups from LRHs hand notes on OT IX and X.
Yo Dave,
Why not start now and avoid the rush. And if you are in international waters maybe you won’t be deposed. Don’t forget to take a spokehole or two with you so you can continue with your international proclamations and other drivel. Oh yes, It does seem like Alex has got your undivided attention lately. Karin seems to be spouting your enemy lines rather rapid fire ……………. Go get em big boy!
“Thanks for the ‘theta’ Cooper. Why not come on board and you and your old surfer dude pal can walk the plank. You guys are all a joke. You were never one of us. Pathetic.” DM
He won’t scuttle the Freewinds even if he has to permanently park it in dry dock. The IAS Administrations office is there, and he could end up having to report their $millions of “donations” to some country on a tax report if it were based on land. “Though this be madness, yet there is method in it.”
The sad part is that even if the IAS is still raking in the dough, by the rules of the money game of Scientology the Freewinds crew don’t get any share of it except the payments for IAS crew berthing and food. So they are forced to try to get passengers just to pay for upkeep and fuel. Maybe if it gets really bad there will be some “IAS grants” to keep the Freewinds afloat, but this would be bad PR for Dave so don’t expect it anytime soon.
I get it. And can see it now. The Freewinds is going into dry dock and we need you all to donate toward the Ideal Cruise Liner!
It would make a good garbage barge …………… in fact it is mostly there now. Teddy Braggin is probably trying to figure out how to profit from the sale of excess methane ………… of which he has a surplus of!
Never renowned for their proofreading… It’s a secret decoder ring message — OT IX is coming 🙂
OTVIII + Survival Rundown = OTIX
OTX = $10 million IAS Donation
It’s here!!!! OMG, it’s here!!!! Finally, OT VIIII is a reality!!!! That means we’re, Free at least, free at last! Thank Dave almighty, we’re free at last! Wait…what??? That was a typo??? Seriously???? And, what? There is no OT VIIIII let alone OT X???
That’s it!!! I’m going surfing and forget this day ever happened….