The Miscavige Hype disease is extremely contagious inside the bubble.
The GAG II is not only the most monumental breakthrough in the history of history, the GAG II Student Hat is “Truth Revealed” and “like an OT level.”
I swear that Miscavige could feed clubbed seals dogshit and tell them it was foie gras he had discovered in a long-lost storage room and how it is “exactly what LRH intended all Scientologists should eat for maximum speed of progress up the Bridge” and they would start writing success stories: “I thought I had tasted real foie gras before, but until I tried this 100% on Source foie gras, I had no idea. Everything that has gone before this is like dogshit. This is the most amazing, incredible, life changing food on the whole track.”
I think study tech is great. I think the Student Hat is an excellent study for anyone to make.
And I think this is a perfect example of the insanity that is fostered inside the bubble.
From: Randall Michael Tobin
To: !RMT
Subject: from Randy – Personal…
Happy 2014 !
The wins are stacking up on the runway and if not communicated will result in some stuck flows (on all dynamics). So kindly indulge this combined communication which will also save time and e-mail traffic for one and all…
You may have heard about this “new” course. It was covered in detail during the Golden Age of Tech Phase II (GAT II) events a few weeks ago. I’ve “done” the Student Hat twice this lifetime: Once with reel-to-reel tapes and no transcripts; once with the GAT I release in 1996. How different could this “new” Student Hat course be? Let’s just say, 100% LRH different!I started the GAT II Student Hat course on November 26th, attending five course periods a week. [This was written on 2 January 3 weeks past the guaranteed 2 week checksheet time that EVERYONE finishes in] I go Monday through Friday from 9 to noon. As of today, I’ve finished the two intro bulletins, CD player manual and all eight LRH Study Lectures. Each of these items were studied then M4’d with a GAT II Word Clearer who has completed the Student Hat, Pro TRs, Upper Indoc and Pro Metering course with a new Mk VIII Ultra meter.
Now I’ve had M4s before… nothing to write home about… you get through them and move on. But THESE M4s… each one, for me, has been like a NOTs session… just from communicating my understanding of each page of the checksheet items and the Study Lectures transcripts, I’ve had F/Ns and BIGGER F/Ns and BIGGER F/Ns! When’s the last time you got auditing-level wins from a study course?
How is this possible? Because KSW is IN: I have 100% source materials (checksheet, pack, lectures on CD and the awesome Student Hat Dictionary!), I’m in a 100% standard course room (I’m at ASHO), the Supervisors are GAT II trained at Flag (the basic Supervisor course pack is over 300 pages!) and the Word Clearers… (see above).
This course is done exactly as LRH instructed: Twice through; first time with M4 Word Clearing on every issue and lecture; second time with student Star-Rates on the issues and lectures. But there’s more… KSW and other related issues are NOT studied at the beginning of the course because the course is split into two main sections. Once you have done Part One twice through, which includes all the study tech issues (many of them revised; some of them never before seen), you now have all your study tech in. NOW you can proceed to Part Two of the Student Hat which starts with KSW. (By the way, all of the definitions you’ll need for KSW and other issues are in the new Student Hat dictionary). You’ll do Part Two twice through as well.
I’m not to that point yet, but I will tell you this… once I started listening to the lectures, using the dictionary quite frequently (especially after the first lecture where Ron talked about the major change that occurred when he realized that he DIDN’T KNOW all there was to know about photography, and how this dramatically shortened the time it took him to complete the various sections of the correspondence course he was taking), it was as if I had NEVER heard them before. I was actually duplicating the material and had an exterior viewpoint with which to view the stable data Ron was presenting in each lecture. The lectures were ALIVE! The knowledge is MINE! I’m keyed out just talking about it!
When I did the M4s after each lecture and put my attention on each page of the transcript, the pages were ALIVE; I was right there recounting the cognitions I had when I was listening to that section (and having cleared LOTS of words while I was listening–because I realized I DON’T KNOW all about it, and so CAN LEARN!). My good friend Nancy Daley (OT VIII), experiencing similar wins, called it “truth revealed” and I wholeheartedly agree! If ever a course was like an OT level, this one is certainly it for me!
You owe it to yourself to see the materials, the course room, the GAT II Supes and Word Clearers, and the students who are winning like never before. ASHO’s number is 323-953-3250 (Student Hat is also available at your local Ideal Org).
When I’m done with Student Hat, I’ve been C/S’d for the Purif and Survival Rundown (yes, even OT VII completions need to have these done to full EP and I’m looking forward to completing them). Of course, after that, I’ll be set up for the Cause Resurgence Rundown, Super Power and/or the Ls, before heading to the Ship to do OT VIII! This is the perfect time to be a Scientologist, moving up both sides of the Bridge!
Changing the subject a bit… I saw Steve Blake in the Flag Office last week and he’s still here in L.A. “Who’s Steve Blake and what’s that got to do with the me?” you might be asking. Steve is a VERY SPECIAL Class IX auditor whose post at Flag is helping people get unstuck and back on track as far as their spiritual journey is concerned. I have first-hand knowledge of Steve’s “magic” (which certainly contributed to me completing OT VII not long after that) and I highly suggest that you see if you can get a metered interview with him while he’s here for a limited time. One comm cycle with Steve will change your life! Call 323-953-3230 to schedule an appointment, and when you meet him, tell him I sent ya…THE EVENTS
Never before in our history have we had so many MAJOR EVENTS created and delivered in such a short span of time. Between November 15th and December 29th, we saw Scientology change in a BIG WAY right before our eyes. There’s no looking back. Scientology is the ONLY reason this planet will survive in the face of non-survival entities.I had a cognition during my M4 on the last study lecture: LRH must have figured out how to OUT-CREATE the forces that were dragging this planet down the chute. He wouldn’t have left before making sure we had all the tools necessary to win this game. The releases covered in the GAT II events are the TOOLS of OUT-CREATION. That’s the reason you’ve GOT to see these events.
Since there were SO MANY GAT II RELEASES, it took three events to cover them all. You’ll want to experience all three, but you can watch them one at a time, at your convenience, in a private screening room (holds two or three people) at any Ideal Org. (Cyndie and I were not able to stay for the Part Three event at the Shrine but we saw it at LA Org a few days later.)
Needless to say… the GAME HAS CHANGED and WE are the beings who are being equipped to set the new course of history on this planet. LRH has finally been duplicated 100%, the result of a 20+ year project to recover source. The Student Hat is but one example of that recovery.
After the GAT II events, watching the IAS event two weeks later was very special. It’s inspiring to see what one or two Scientologists can do to bring sanity to their part of the world. Just think… you and I can do that, too! And to cap the event off with a moonshot: the new TV ad… (you just have to SEE IT!).
Finally, the New Year’s Event was OFF THE CHARTS as far as the accomplishments of people using the technologies of ABLE and WISE. There’s enough going on in Scientology to have our own TV channel with theta news, tech seminars, concerts, children’s programs, etc. Hmm… I think that’s coming sometime soon…
Thank you SO much for your time and attention. If you haven’t yet already, I do hope you’ll consider experiencing any or all of the above as soon as possible. Not only is this a great way to start off the new year, it’s also the best way I know to shift your spiritual engines into light-speed… “Engage!”
Earth to Randall… Earth to Randall… Earth to Randall…..
Good for this guy. He had a major cognition. His ot8 friend agrees because that is super important at that level…back each other up and agree agree agree. Yikes! At 0t8, i’m sure life does look different and rereading information after a number of years can certainly give one new cogs (if I am to believe his wow factor). Who am I to devalue someone’s universe if it truly be of their own creation, or not. They can all agree until the cows come home and this will make it nice and true and solid for them.
I once had a blinding cog on considering what the planet would be like if every single person on the planet had no mu’s. I couldn’t walk ’cause I lost control of my physical body while I blew out over the city. It was cool. Far superior to a lot of student auditing I got back in the day. LOL, shall I make a level out of it and insist others have my cog too?
What really irks me is the ‘go see Steve’ . Oh really? I thought that GAT made everyone perfect. GAT and Admin should create such a ‘standard’ that it shouldn’t matter what post ‘terminal’ one uses, what supervisor, what auditor…This is just another example of how EVERYTHING is just so much more standard than when LRH was running things. Hypebole indeed.
I asked Flag why I needed another elig check when I had just been at AO three months prior completing ot3. The answer: “Because WE are flag. We are standard perfection.” I said, then what is AO? What is everyone else? Is there RTC different than your local RTC? Are you saying they are out tech? I thought everyone was ‘standard’ now? She tried to say that Flag had higher standards and couldn’t really answer the question other than to repeat the same line about Flag being perfection. She needed a logic course or a slap in the mind. But, again, you know who said Flag was the Mecca of Technical Perfection when it opened up for business. Now the flock is still repeating the words.
I know Randall Michael Tobin (RMT) from course at PAC Base. Randy is a nice,quiet, artistic type guy who doesn’t like to be the center of attention. What happened here?
Mike – I’m very happy for you and your family, that you got to take that vacay. I wish you many more and hope you’re enjoying life outside of Int base.
Personally, I find reading this stuff very heavy. I think about how someone could be enslaved this way, how I was enslaved this way, and I feel it in the pit of my stomach. It’s sad.
I have to be honest, I can only skim these. The writing is so painfully exhilarated my brain shuts down.
haha! Right there with ya, Natasha!
Looks like Miscaviage will get a chance to use his hyperbole in the courtroom:
My guess is that he will hide out on the ship to avoid court. We’ll have to wait and see . . . . .
He says, “I’ve had FN’s and bigger FN’s and bigger FN’s.”
How the hell does he know how big his FN’s are ?
As I am French, sometimes I don’t pick up immediately if the writings are ironic or true.
And it took me a while before I understand it is a real success story!!
It was hard to read it (so hyperbole!! as you say) but then really “ugh”… Couldn’t go to the end. This student is like obliged to create something to believe in…
Well, I can’t knock it. I got sent to the decks once for smacking someone (he was twice my size and yelled at me and spit flew on my face). After two days a spy was sent to assess my condition and state of mind. I was having the time of my life and had just had a fist fight with someone else that yelled at me. Well, He was twice my size too and didn’t hit back. either.
I was totally blown out from doing some clay demo and felt as if I might be where I really belonged in the Sea Org. Living the simple life. Doing mest work all day with the miscreants and studying in the evening.
As soon as word got back that I was happy and blown out I was quickly removed from the decks (after two whole days) and put back on post.
They did make sure to put me on a post where I with the public 99% of the time. Never had a problem after that. Because the public weren’t ABUSIVE!
But at the time that simple clay demo was a huge pleasure moment. I realized that I love mest. The colors. The smells. The lights. The feel of the clay. The smell of the clay. Maybe they thought I was loosing my mind.
Come on! This is a fake success story that COB was behind!
The oh-so-clever DM has fooled us all again. 😉
On the other hand … I guess if you pay all that moolah, you might as well feel blown out about something …. knock yourself out and have some spiritual orgasms. We’re all looking for something great to experience. My complaint about Scientology had nothing to do with the hype. LRH hyped for big ass starting with DMSMH and KSW and most of us loved it. My complaint was with the CoS using force and threat in an effort to control every aspect of my life. Yeah, this guy sounds loopy. But I guess many people in the CoS probably think I do too.
Oops …. Randall forgot to thank COB & RTC …… trouble coming Randy …. I think you’re gonna lose that 3 swing … if you dig my drift
I only wonder have many meter checks before he got a pass on the “CD player manual”? 😉
What I don’t understand how these guys accept the total butchery of the Student Hat. For example I checked the transcripts of the first 3 “New” Student hat lectures against lectures produced in 1982 and was blown away by the quantity of deletion in each lecture (I got to three and couldnt be bothered wastin time on squirrel crap) They don’t even mention that they are SHBC lectures any more, I received a letter from the local org boasting how all the advanced stuff had been edited out! Wow, up till now I didn’t realise how blinkered these guys still in are, has nobody read the KSW series and duplicated it?
Why are these people getting more and more hyperbole-crazy?
They are in the “winning” valence of their crazy, hyper leader.
It is the “Golden Age of HyperBole”:GAHB; or short GAB. GAB indeed.
Check out the comments on that church ad Churchies are fighting back.
“CD player manual”? How stupid does Scientology think people are?
You think that’s bad. On a welcome to the Sea Org course on personal grooming; here is the drill:
Go out and get your hands dirty. Now clean them. Notice how different you feel.
You may think I’m making this up. I wouldn’t blame you if you did think that.
The sad thing is I’m not.
If one were brainwashed, would one know it?
Also, use the Amazon link above, if you shop there, and who doesn’t?
In Redland’s Calif. on New York street the Mission that opened years ago and stayed open for a year (or less) was prime rental property of the Int landlord ( Green Triangle
for lease sign) was empty and dormant for years. Now it is part of the new car lot across the street.Have not yet been inside but it maybe for leasing or expansion of car sales.
Obviously did not get the MEMO on the greatest event of the Whole Track. The 10 freeway is next to this and a half hour drive is Gold Base, Headquarters of Scientology.
New Car sales are straight up , lot full . Gold Base empty,sound of crickets chirping.
This story could take up an entire post.
Please do make an entire post of this story. I know a little of it but want to read what you know and how it was please.
OY Vay!
Note to self: remember to pour yourself a Vodka on the rocks before reading these “success stories”.
It was the GAT 2 Student Hat that got me out, That and the new meter.
I’ve done the PRD twice, listened to study lectures multiple times, done the KTL and the GAT1 student hat.
I’m working on my refund for TRs, metering, Levels 0-4, which were never delivered because there was never a twin available. There’s no public training to audit. They do the BASICs (I’ve done it, Book and Lecture) if they study at all.
The only auditor training is at FLAG where the entire TTC disappears to for a year or more.
I have one step left on my refund routing form. I hope they just cut a check and say goodbye.
Otherwise, it’s a goddamn fight to the knife. I am so sick of bad metering, out TRs, total squirrel tech IAS rip-offs, Ideal Org madness.and Miscavagolgy. If the churchies decide to “handle” me I hope they get one of their fat-ass squirrel trained “OT 8” Patron Meritorious Golden Humanitarians to do it.I’m ready for a fight
You go go go, Ashaman! Get that money from those Squirrel SOBs.
Hey Randall Michael Tobin, can you say “Overcompensate”?
Reminds me of the “Boy who cried wolf”. Really, if something is good it stands on it’s own.
You don’t have to hard sell it until your blue in the face.
And those who have fallen for it before, after so much hype and no beef,
are gonna be a bit skeptical, and get a little pissed off maybe. Ya think?
And no matter how many times you say the wolf is coming, it never arrives.
You’re selling and promising the moon, we keep getting old cheese.
I’ve spoken of this elsewhere, but he is a terrific example of what we used to call “The Great Cognitors”, those who came out of session babbling insanely about the wins and gains, looking for anyone else to tell. We knew then that they simply hadn’t gotten “it”, whatever the “it” was they’d been auditing. Such people NEVER had actual life changes. The ones who got it were those who left session, were quiet about it, had a Mona Lisa smile and we just as relaxed as could be. They ALWAYS had life changes following and they rarely talked about their sessions at all. They didn’t need to convince anyone (or themselves) that they were making gains in life.
Totally agree Peter. Then there’s: “I left the physical universe” win. Which I always considered ‘jumping the shark’ as a PC.
Always wanted to ask them – Why the f*ck did you come back?
I got up to “…100% LRH different” and stopped.
LOL! That’s where I stopped too. I KNEW it was only going to be down hill from there.
I just had an idea of what DM will do for “IX & X”. He’ll tell the VIII’s that you can’t be attached to a body and audit those two OT levels. SO… they have to take out a BIG life insurance policy (with the IAS as the bene) and off themselves then report to a CTS location to read the processes. (that’s the REAL reason the symbol is carved in the ground)
arg! I meant CST location.
Oxymorontology. Isn’t it curious that anyone who is not a classed auditor would pretend to know more about auditing than LRH?
Curious indeed, Carcha. Only the unhatted, the untrained and the unaware, would have the hubris to assume a state of understanding way beyond their grasp. The reason for this as I see it, is that their Actual understanding is well below the hyperbole. What they’re claiming only matches the distorted reality nestled somewhere in the haze of misunderstoods, falsehoods and wrong whys.
In truth, this is a harrowing place to be in. One that only exists in the DM Zone.
Strip away the hyperbole, and you’ll see he is not writing about any wins from application in real life. What is the Student Hat for? From this success story, I’d derive that its sole purpose is to produce people who write success stories about it. Why does he not describe how it has helped him in his life? All he has written, at this point, is a product endorsement.
Cut through all the mania and look for RESULTS! Where ARE they? Hah! Good question.
Ground Control to Major Tom…
“… he is not writing about any wins from application in real life.”
This is one of the things I have been noticing about all the wins that have been broadcast as of late. No one is saying how they actually can use the knowledge or wins to apply to life. It all sounds like hot air to me.
But actually, since most of the success stories that I have read were from someone on some OT level, the success stories sounded more like some plea at eligibility for the next level or the next step of super power.
Scientology is supposed to make one cause. But these email wins sound like people at such effect, I can hardly imaging what their life must me like. That is so sad, as some of them are good people that I knew. I don’t know them anymore. How anyone could let someone else manipulate them like that is beyond me.
This is some of the most disgusting communication (this success story) that I have even read. Nothing in it has even the slightest bearing on reality. I hope he has more success with a communications course as the local community college.
Scientology is dead!
Axiom, you make a valid point … concerning the current RCS. Their Tech, their practices are dead or in a prolonged coma, one or the other. But Scientology .. not dead at all. Alive and well in the hands of the Indies who are practicing it with intent.
DollarMorgue …. good point +1
Me thinks someone’s audited NOTs Step 27 ain’t all that flat. Considering he’s supposedly an OT VII completion, better not let those Freewinds OT VIII elig folks in on this. (Bring an extra $ 50,000 to grease the dono racket while biding your time for repairs.)
One could have NOTs-type wins on M-1, or any other time MUs are picked up, even for newbies who are just starting out on the bridge.
This was hard for me to get through. Gag is right. The writing is stilted and illogical. It reminds me of the movie term “suspended disbelief” where the viewer just accepts the premise of the film. and buys into the alien creatures, or the giant tarantula eating the town. Film makers take care, that no matter how far fetched the story, that it is believable, to the viewer. This “story” of the “new” (a technical degrade) student hat is not credible or believable. Once again a major EP in Scn has been invalidated and unmocked. It’s no longer possible, to just have an ability, like the ability to study successfully, and have it be real and actual. The real end phenomena of the purif, objectives, study, clear, etc, etc, etc, are all now subject to regular, capricious invalidation and unmock. The rcs products, are now, people who have had powerful processes run on them, but then, mixed with invalidation and bypassed charge. No one can gain increasing levels of certainty with this going on. It’s like your spouse every other day saying they love you, and every other day saying they hate you. After a time you wouldn’t be able to say with any certainty, that your marriage was solid. It’s a moving target and a toxic mixture, aka a mindfuck. One of the first things I heard, years ago, speaking to the downfall of the rcs, was that OT’s were acting strange. One guy told me, he decided to not do any more bridge, because he didn’t want to become what he was seeing. Wow. There are no amount of slick ad campaigns, or hyperbolic success stories, that will offset the overt products coming off the line, that are clearly visible.
Right. Auditors – it has been discovered – do not know how to audit, students don’t know how to study, completions aren’t really completions, e-meters aren’t e-meters, and the bottom of the bridge is now the top.(I did the student hat, so I know how to spell “upside-down” – and use the term correctly.)
Very good, Carcha! But henceforth GAG II and the Warehouse VIII will handle ALL of those outpoints…for at least 8 years.. during which time COB will be relentlessly searching for even more “Lost Tech”., and then we’ll have GAG III, and so on, and so on.
Would someone with shooping ability please do DM as Sherlock Holmes with his magnifying glass, with Tommy Dearest as Watson while they poke around looking for all the key references that those evil SPs have “hidden”.?
That always kills me, by the way, that the SPs for some strange reason would have HIDDEN these things instead of, say, just holding a match up and destroying them altogether.)
Well stated Hallie Jane 🙂
I did the Primary Rundown 40+ years ago when it was part of the basic training line-up. I looked up all the words on the tapes, plus ancillary ones, totaling over 20,000. Yes, completing this course raised my IQ. And it made me a far better student. But my biggest win, was a heightened sense of self-worth, because I accomplished something that was not easy to confront. Doable but difficult. Clearing these words created a level of general understanding of the world around me, that enabled me to navigate it with greater certainty and stability. This was priceless and I am still in possession of those wins 40 years on. And my Purif is flat. And my Objectives are fine, thank you very much.
Mr. Tobin is merely suffering from a form of dementia that has affected his ability to differentiate whose hands are in his pockets, at any given point in time.
He claims wins because is wallet is gone, his bank accounts depleted or empty. And his piggy bank,(the one Grandma gave him years ago), is lying on its back, shattered and without purpose.
Wins were once defined as experiencing something greater than expected; a moment of joy stemming from the recognition of one’s ability to reach for and eventually attain some level of greatness.
Now it seems, a win is tantamount to not passing out when studying; not hating oneself after a session and having a decent bowel movement at least twice a week.
How far the bar has dropped.
Odd Thomas, great wins and gains on the Primary Rundown. I’ve always wanted to do it.
Meant to say, “Great wins and gains of yours”.
Living in a bubble….all reasoning goes in circles… comforting to end up with something you are
already familiar with…..
Maybe for a bunch of illiterate+clubbed seals the Student Hat is like an OT Level. It would be good if they learned how to read and write, which could give them the chance to get a hold of the truth :))
I knew Nancy Daley from training many years ago. Nancy was one of two PCs of mine that I realize now were exhibiting signs of being hypnotized by processing. The other also went onto 7. (Sorry Ryan, you were the other.)
At the time, Nancy was an auditor at the Beverly Hills Mission and bragged about how she couldn’t spot an F/N and how the tech films didn’t show what they really looked like. I mean EVERYBODY, sup and students, in the academy knew how she felt. Nobody tired to sort her out.
I was on the internship with her, and she hopelessly flunked instant reads. Did any of the CC staff try to get her corrected? NO. She was auditing paid PCs in BH and nobody cared. The standards were so low, there were out the bottom. Nobody had any purpose except counting stats. It was degrading to be around.
The last time I saw Nancy was just after she did OTIII. She looked so deeply hypnotized and even more in-the-clouds it was disturbing. If I didn’t have a million other reasons to never go back, that would have been enough.
Okay, if any of you here know Randall personally or somehow encounter him in the future, please make a promise to us all for the good of the planet: never give him something like a vodka tonic or a strongly-caffeinated beverage.
In a Scientology world: OTVIII Jonnie Brokeboy Tyler drops his gas can at the pump after walking 18 miles because his postulate of having enough gas to make it there was thwarted by and unknown SP. Being so OT he tries to postulate an attendant to fill his can, but no one shows up and after an hour of screaming, foot stomping and the emergence of a new hemorrhoid, he trudges into the station to find nothing but books based on LRH. He also notices he has not seen anyone throughout his trip. What Jonnie is unaware of is that there is no longer a gas attendant because there is no gas. There is no gas because no one is delivering it. No one is delivering it because no one is making any gas. No one is making any because no one is drilling for any. No one is drilling for any because there is nothing to drill with. There is nothing to drill with because no one is building the equipment. [and so on…] …because everyone is a $cientologist and being the best $cientologist is the only game left.
“LRH must have figured out how to OUT-CREATE the forces that were dragging this planet down the chute. He wouldn’t have left before making sure we had all the tools necessary to win this game.”
Ok I give up. Why oh why if he supposedly had the tools necessary did to win this game before he left ummm TWENTY EIGHT YEARS AGO are they now just barely coming to light? If he left the body by choice – the story MISCAVIGE gave the masses – then he would have had all the tools lined up and on display ready to use. Right?
The success stories coming out of the bubble these days are so long, convoluted and contradictory that they assault all the senses before fading into pure idiocy. Anyone outside the bubble who has any knowledge of the inner workings understands that the only people who may be fooled by the success stories are those still trapped inside the bubble.
To the rest of us, they sound like either (excuse the use of suppressive semicolons in this analogy):
a. A forced confession prewritten by someone else;
b. A cry for help;
c. A manic rambling of someone who knows they have to sound good so they can “escape” the course and move on to the next enforced level; or
d. All of the above.
Valerie, here’s a partial answer to your question that I just read in, I think, Advance Mag. the most recent issue. Are you ready? I advise taking a deep breath before reading this.
It pertains to the new meter, the Warehouse VIII
I’m paraphrasing, but the gist is that before he dropped his body, LRH knew what the ideal e-meter should be and at the same time also knew that technology was not yet commensurate with what was fully necessary for accurate metering but now, technology has finally caught up with his, LRH’s original vision of what an e-meter should and must be, and this has all been carefully researched for 20 years and now, finally, the e-meter is finally on-source and the embodiment of what the Founder envisioned and said was necessary so long ago.
No, I’m not kidding. This is what the sheeple are being told. Read it for yourself in either the latest Advance or that Flag Rag, Source. The Warehouse VIII is being very heavily pushed.
Ouch! That hurt. I think I got pneumonia reading it. Why didn’t you warn me that I needed to do my lower level bubble indoctrinations before stepping into pure bubble babble first. And yes, I do believe every word you wrote.
+1 Definitely All of the above 🙂
Make no mistake – Randall is a TRUE BELIEVER.
Simply getting something useful out of a Scn course is not enough. Something like:
“This was a really useful course. I feel I have the necessary tools to tackle any subject. Thanks guys!”
Instead, Randall has been to the Mountain and has seen the face of God. Truly a religious experience. This is the fanatical Scnist, this is the fundamentalist. EVERYTHING this person does in Scn MUST MUST MUST be “life changing” on an epic scale. To go there you have to check reality at the door.
This type of talk ONLY has currency in The Bubble. Outside it’s crazy-talk. He’d might as well start speaking-in-tongues.
He may have well gotten something useful out of the Student Hat, and that is great. However, he feels the need to turn it up to 11 and transforms the service into something it was never intended to be, do or have. Believe me, if the Student Hat delivered NOTS-like wins, the church would jump on that and charge you $50,000 for the course.
I pity the poor sod to actually believes Randall’s delusion and goes on to do the Student Hat…can you say “Hidden Standard”?
On the Scale of Awareness, can you say “delusional?”
Mike, I think you’ve just given the Church its next advertising slogan – for after the Superbowl “Scientology/Spiritual Technology” Vorsprung durch Technik rip-off fails dismally, naturally:
“Scientology: selling clubbed seals dogshit and telling them it’s foie gras”.
There is so much wrong about this email, even as a Scientologist.
Definitely a first – a success story of enduring the Shermanspeak events! Thanks Randy, perhaps you need to read what the Irish media has to say on some of the contents.
It’s basically like saying that Scientology was an overt product up to now. So none of you dupes got it the first time. Now I, Mr. mismanage , have fixed everything that the idiot LRH screwed up. So NOW, you can have Scientology and you have me to thank. Too bad you wasted all of your time and money on the earlier attempts. You can thank LRH for creating that overt product.
Tony, your summation reminds me of that scene in the Avengers movie in which the Hulk repeatedly slams Loki into the ground like a rag doll. I like the way you think!
Randall Michael Tobin
Owner, Theta Media Group, Inc
Randy has been caught in the CC/LA Scientology celeb web for many, many years and therefore he has to promote Scn like hell and kiss DM’s squirrel ass to survive. I don’t blame him. He has no other choice.
GAG II will be swallowed by guys like Randy until they die. Any resistance to GAG II means good-by customers hello destitution. Makes you want to admire Leah Remini for her courage.
News alert: GAG II is not going to get new people into Scientology. Scientology is what it is, and Miscavige’s version is no more inviting than LRH’s version. You need to study and work hard. It’s not a drug or an electric shock to wake you up.
But, the new slick TV ads about new people getting hooked up to a slick appliance (e-meter)….is about getting something “done to you”. This will no doubt bring in tons of new people wanting to get something “done to them”. Ha, Look, you can advertise free drugs too and get long lines at front front door, but if you don’t deliver drugs, the line will disappear rather quickly.
Here’s the link if you have not seen it:
Lastly, this ad and GAG II do NOTHING to alter the public’s perception (well deserved) of a criminal, lying, vengeful organization. What a dolt.
I think the public perception of Scientology is a bit different. I think the general perception these days is that Scientology is basically nuts.
I was watching Bill Maher’s HBO show last night and he and his guests were talking about people being afraid to be identified as Republicans because they are perceived as being nutty. He added, that these days its almost as bad as being known as a Scientologist.
Those who have had little or no contact with the subject treat it as a joke. I think only those who have some sort personal experience recognize it as criminal, lying and vengeful.
Agreed. I was “over the top” about public’s perception of Scn being criminal, etc……we know it, but who else does….mmm.. maybe this hyperbole thing is contagious? Got to watch myself after reading one of these hyperbolic success stories.
I thought you were spot on! Must be mutual out ruds ……..gotta love em!!!!!
Along that line, I have told the truth of what I experienced to many many people who in the past knew I was a Scientologist and based only on what has happened in my personal life, “criminal, lying and vengeful” are common descriptions.
Then the invariable comment “How could you stand it?” and the answer “I can’t and don’t but it is also necessary to take responsibility for my actions by letting others know about the dangers of believing in something that says one thing and does something different”.
Here are many of the people that I directly disseminated to and got involved in Scientology and their current status:
Mike Lee – ex Sac Org staff and out of the cult
Jude Lee – ex sac org Staff and out of the cult
Charles Kimmel – out of the cult
Allen Nikitin – auditing on OT VII but currently off the level in good standing
Craig Dambacher – out of the cult
Pat Dambacher – out of the cult
Bill Schiavo – out of the cult
Donna Schiavo – out of the cult
Sheri Kessel – In good standing
Lori Daniells – Ex SO staff twice – in good standing
Rod Daniells – Ex SO staff twice – in good standing
Ken Daniells – in good standing
Adam Daniells – ex SO staff – in good standing
Phil Kessel – Sac Org Staff in good standing
Haley Kessel – SO Staff at CMO-IXU in good standing
Just to be clear on this ………………..I have a lot of work to do.
Yo Julian, (Julian Schwartz – Pac Base Lead MAA)
I wanted to get this list out there to be sure you knew who to call in for sec checks so you could find out who might be dissaffected. BTW, you may already know this but Rod and Lori Daniells are my next door neighbors so you can ask them to keep an eye out for folks who might be stopping by to talk to me. And I am aware that Lori works closely with her Son Adam to get you accurate reports but if you want up to the minute info you can always give me a call. Best is evenings at 209-928-4822. Leave a message.
Just to be clear:
““criminal, lying and vengeful” are common descriptions.” that frequently come back to me from the public.
Mike, you’re absolutely right! I have friends (ex-members) in many, many cites where they have Idle Morgues. All say the same thing: These places are dead. No one is coming in. But, with the internet, all the bad shit they’ve pulled is there for the entire world to see.
No wonder BM is circling the wagons in Clearwater. Everywhere else they’re dying on the vine.
I guess it depends on where you live. I know a person who told me “cult” was too good a word for them. She thought fascists did them more justice.
This really made me GAG! It should be really exciting to hear his wins after his next step running around in circles for a few hours!
From: Randall Michael Tobin
To: !RMT
Subject: from Randy – Personal…”
Let’s see if I can decode this: Randy has a hyperbole private mailing list he calls !RMT…the ! is for the hyperbole part of it.
And it’s a bulk e-mail to an indeterminate number of people! Not very personal, is it, Randy?
If this asshat sent me anything marked “personal“, I’d put a spam filter on him immediately.
I think LRH had a term for this. It is called “up the pole.” This guy is working himself into a state, that’s for sure. How the Student Hat, Shortened Version could be better than the real Student Hat, much less the Primary Rundown escapes me utterly.
Mike, let me first say I hope you and your family enjoyed your vacation time.
I’ll be darned if you don’t have me looking up an MU “foie gras” and I was never in. Nothing against you or your writing style however if you could ever consider some reference material for those never in?
As I have now said before I enjoy reading your site more than any other along with the other posts.
To this email how could this person need to do the Student Hat in the end 3X’s? I also find it interesting that he places so much emphasis on LRH, does COB like that or is this a marketing technique?
It’s interesting how the time to do this course has apparently been stated as taking 2 weeks. Yet somehow after taking the course 2x previously he still is not done. Also how can a Floating Needle float Bigger?
He also refers to an “Exterior Viewpoint” I have studied Eastern mediation methods this sounds like a “Transcendental Mediation” state. So this man cleared his mind, thought of a page and it then came Alive. That is inconsistent with living in the Moment, or Present Time is it not?
He even states he is an OTVII yet he is looking forward to running around a track (Cause Resurgence Rundown)?
These are just my observations I really hope that those still in realize this just doesn’t ring true.
Again for any who study Scientology I wish you only the best I am only posing questions and observations.
Only my best wishes to the Rinder family and thank you for your time and efforts.
Rainbows and Unicorns Randall. You’re such a special guy as long as you keep forking over lots of money.
Some facts that now need to be confronted.
The VAST majority of the public currently on OT levels are OLD timers. They are Admin & Tech trained enough to know know what the Old Man said about empty orgs. They were around when the AO’s and FSO were booming. They KNOW the state of their local class V org.
ERGO, they are no longer the VICTIMS of Miss Cabbage. They are co-conspirators. The data is available to them in their waking lives.
They are now the “victims” of karma only.
Astute comment, Old School.
I agree that these old timers, tech and admin trained. are not victims but complicit with the crimes of David Miscavige.
I know a number of these old timers, and. I know that they know better, and they know that I know that they know better. Each of them has gone out of comm with me because they cannot or will not confront some inconvenient truths.
Depending upon my mood, my feelings for them alternate between compassion and contempt.
Exact same for me. I know what I had to go through being one of those old-timers to cut the chains, but….why can’t the other guys do it too? I’m not special or any smarter than they are. Can’t help thinking there is some vested interest of their own still wrapped up in the equation.
I think the disregard for outpoints is linked to regard for AUTHORITY. Some people are more susceptible to authority than others.
I have a few friends out of many that have been willing to look and see the actual vs. Miscavige’s PR, but the remainder accept him as the Son of LRH and won’t question anything he does.
Be thankful if you are willing to question authority in the pursuit of truth. Those who can’t or won’t end up supporting some pretty unsavory characters and are complicit in their crimes.
Old School, I was thinking the same thing. I read names that I remember from the 70s and early 80s. Oldtimers who had done, basically everything, now redoing courses from GAG II. BTW, a friend of mine walked by the Idle Morgue in Pasadena around 10:30am. He said the doors were closed and when he looked in, no one was around. Nobody outside to body route people. Dead as a grave yard…
+ one billion.
I have no doubt that people on lines in the Co$ are having lots of wins. I think the study tech is amazing. The problem here is that there’s still the elephant in the room, which is DM’s off-policy fundraising. I’m sure that any enthusiasm gained here will only speed up people bankrupting themselves trying to donate to ideal orgs that clearly don’t work. I can assure anyone reading this that the long term result of DM will be total ruin. He’s been proving it for years.
I don’t know who Steve Blake is, he’s probably a really great guy but if his job in this church is to “help people get unstuck and back on track as far as their spiritual journey is concerned” well that is one helluva job he has been saddled with.
Steve I am sorry but you can’t patch people up as fast as David Miscavige can break them.
I seem to remember this name Steve Blake from AOLA, mid-70’s, as…Dir Income maybe? Anyone? Poor guy…..any auditor that trained ought to be in the chair day in and day out delivering sessions, not put in a position out on tour to “have a comm cycle” with lost little sheeple and then pass them over to the wolves.
Good lord…
“The wins are stacking up on the runway and if not communicated will result in some stuck flows (on all dynamics).” – What on earth does this mean? Stuck flows on ALL dynamics?
“I’ve “done” the Student Hat twice…” = false attest x 2
“Let’s just say, 100% LRH different!” – would like to read his GAT I success story.
“Now I’ve had M4s before… nothing to write home about…” – hey, if your study tech is IN, then M4 SHOULD be uneventful. “On this page, is there any word you do not fully understand?”, if memory serves.
“But THESE M4s… each one, for me, has been like a NOTs session…” – doesn’t say much for NOTS does it? Plus, Word Clearing is much much cheaper than NOTS.
“How is this possible?” – precisely
“the basic Supervisor course pack is over 300 pages!” – VOLUME is KING!
“many of them revised…” = tech alterations
“some of them never before seen…” = tech additions
” it was as if I had NEVER heard them before…” = occlusion
“…the pages were ALIVE..” – hmm… are you sure you had HCO Okay to be on course?
Phew! That’s as far as I got. But, you can bet I’m gonna read your email twice through just to REALLY get it.
Keep ’em coming Mike.
Be sure as you read the email again and again you have your handy dandy MKUltra there to M4 it so you are sure you understand what it is you’re reading.
Nice breakdown 🙂
Most astute!
I’ve gotten to the point where I just can’t bring myself to read this bull shit – I read a little and just roll my eyes to myself, and skim and end cycle.
“Truth revealed” and a NOTS session, these people have their heads up someone’s ass!
Not much to comment on truth revealed since when doing 8 and later finding out about all the versions, truth revealed is much ado about NOTHING. However, a NOTS session no matter what has to be light years ahead of an M4 – give me a break. QUACKS
I am glad Randall is over the moon and rocketing passed Neptune about now over his wins. However once the boys at IAS come across this success story they will be contacting him for a massive donation. He put it right out there for the entire world to see that he got OT level gains but only donated a couple of thousand dollars for the privilege. He is way out exchange on this and before he is allowed to move on he will need to know that there is no room in this church for “consumer Scientologists”. $ 50,000 dollars and a future pledge for more should clear this situation right up.
Last night a kid living in the ghettos of Rio scrapped his last SpaghettiO from the bottom of a rusty can and Randall needs to account for his survival when he donates to Dave.
“Last night a kid …” Excellent point and a really pain in my side. The flock will say, ‘we have programs’ but , no they don’t. The flock will say, ‘the I A S is taking care of that” or ‘in the future we will help everyone’ as this helps them justify the money being spent on extravagance when there are obvious places in need of real help. They agree to false perception somewhere along the line.
Wow. I took notes when I did my Non-GAG Student Hat and it had this one:
From Tape: Evaluation of Information
“So now, let’s realize that part of our understanding when we are engaged in secondhand observation – which is to say study on a via or something…we are engaged upon this – then our understanding must include an evaluation of the reliability of the information we are being given. You follow that? Our understanding must include the understanding of whether this is good dope or bad dope, whether this is straight data or this is data with a curve. In other words, we have to be capable of evaluating the truth of the relayed observation.”
Maybe this tape (or this part) was removed from the GAG-2 version because it is “no longer applicable”?
How can someone believe to be able to study anything for real life application while he is showing the world that he is a misguided fanatic with tunnel vision and a complete lack of observation skills who believes any bullshit thrown at him as long as it comes from someone in a position of authority?
Basically, he is raving about a course on study while at the same time he spectacularly demonstrates the real life study ability equivalent to that of a cabbage after having done said course about 3.5 times over.
Why are you denigrating the intelligence of cabbages??? LOL
And further up in the comments, I had large explosion of laughter of the TV station “KSHIT”! LOL
SO, HE WRITES: “LRH has finally been duplicated 100%, the result of a 20+ year project to recover source” and this guy is totally oblivious of the huge out point….
This is one of the worst ramblings I have ever seen…there is nobody home, he is only being a robot repeating what he ‘has been told to thinks and say’ otherwise baby, NO OT VIII…
This is an unprecedented, never in the history of the galaxies of millenniums of eternity example of how to be a stupid robot…
“LRH has finally been duplicated 100%, the result of a 20+ year project to recover source”
Apparently he’s gone into Miscavige’s valence and thinks he’s “source” now, since he personally has verified that LRH has finally been duplicated 100%.
Hey, asshat! How do you know the materials you bought are 100% unaltered perfect source?
What!?! You just believed Miscavige when he TOLD you that?
Well said. This is the Hallmark of all these promo mails … regurgitation of event babble.
Wow! Randy Tobin’s communication is like the most important communication in the history of this or any other whole track!!!!!!!!
Wow… talk about the glee of insanity.
Glad to see you back Mike and very happy your family had a great vacation!
Also, the TV station. Have they been doing renos at KCET yet?
I can’t wait to see if they even try to open up that TV studio. After the fact-checking hub-bub with their one crazy story in Ireland, I imagine we could all be engaged full-time fact checking the BS they would be slinging from their TV station and blowing the whistle on it. I don’t think anyone would take them seriously at all. It would be the biggest PR bomb in all of Scientology’s history to have their own TV channel. Oh please oh please oh please oh please!
I’m thinkin that Dave needs to host his own talk show. Could be held every Sunday morning at the KSHIT studios.
‘SUNDAY MORNINGS WITH (Diamond) DAVE’ where you could rise to achieve greater spiritual enlightenment, happiness and wonderfulness and be with your truly loving spiritual family.
Yo Dave,
When you deliver your sermon I think it would be best to wear that nice jacket with the diamond studs on it so all would know just how powerful and truly awesome you are. And you could even field some questions after you deliver your message so you could set the rest of the world on the truly correct course and be sure all were operating at the proper orders of magnanimity ….I mean magnitude.
Anyway, just a thought…………I’ll let you go to prepare for your deposition.
And he could wear diamonds on the soles of his shoes.
I envisioned Davey being the cheesy host of “The Bachelor – Scientology Edition” with Tom Cruise as the first guest.
I remember Randy Tobin. He’s actually quite a creative guy. I never knew he was such a creative genius.
Look what he’s done with the simple datum, “number of times over the material equals certainty and results.” Randy has successfully created an entire universe full of drooling adulation for this amazing, brilliant, now fully on source, better than NOTs, first-time-ever-in the history of the universe, unlocking all the secrets you ever wanted or needed to know NEW student hat miracle.
When all that really happened is he’s picking up some MUs that he wasn’t up to seeing the first two times over the material.
And the real creative genius is that he’s totally con-vinced himself that it’s all TRUE.
Looks like Randy could stand a round of word clearing on the Creed of a Scientologist. Lets start with ‘observe’………………
I’d say that’s a pretty good summary.
LDW and Coop, you are booth so right. I know Randy and he is a creative genius. But he’s also theetie wheetie. And it looks like he has “con vinced” himself that he has to get wins from re-doing things 3 times or so just because he is already so invested in it as an OT VIII who did it all already and paid tons of money to do it. His Service Fac has to make him right when he is so obviously wrong now in having to re do things that were now squirreled by DM and then passed off as “as LRH intended” or “lost tech now found” or “100% standard tech now that I fixed it.”
“con vinced”. Good one, Jane.
I have a question: Where did this “LRH intended…” come from?
I did the Student Hat when the Old Man was still alive and still involved. It included all the lectures (on reel-to-reel tapes at the time) and they hadn’t yet been edited. AFAIK, it was the same Student Hat that would have been delivered at LRH’s house (Saint Hill)… you know, the Student Hat course that he wrote the check sheet for? If “LRH intended” it be done any differently, why the hell did it take 40 years – why didn’t he fix it then? Did LRH issue an order that it be changed, and then somehow forget about it, resulting in non-compliance for 4 decades? (somehow, I doubt that)…
Did HWMNBN, COB RTC quote some reference as to how LRH wanted it changed to this “new, new” version? Did He show some reference? Or did He just announce “it’s now fully on-source” and the dupes believed Him?
The only sort of reference I have seen used for explaining this mess is something where LRH offhandedly estimated how long various courses should take. Is that really all Miscavige is working off of?
I’m reading all this about “what LRH intended” but there’s nothing “written in an HCOB, HCOPL, or uttered on tape.”
It looks like just a bid verbal data-fest.
Does anybody know if the regges are showing anybody any kind of proper references to justify this? How do they handle someone who asks, “where’s the reference?” My guess is that they just call him disaffected and maybe declare him.
I’m curious if anybody has any current info on this…
So many idiots using this twits email to bash LRH about anti female comments ” Yip Yap Yap Yap Yap” To quote one, and you are the only person who seems to understand the Technolgy and got it spot on
He like most poeple who whinge and moan has MU’s. Misunderstood words the scourge of our life
Its all in HCOB 8th March 1969 Word Clearing Key Datum. Word Clearing Series 45.
Taken from the tape 14 October 65.
1965 and LRH knew this??
Still in the COS they don’t know this datum.
Excellent post mate!!
Looks like he was M-4ing a page at a time when the materials state to break it up into it’s obvious sections. Just a little alter-is. Now to re-do his Purif & Objectives. This is HYPERBOLE!
It always amazes me how Scientologists can get so worked up about something that most people avoid like the plague – studying.
I love to study. … but that word clearing crap is TEDIOUS. And having to read all that misogynistic crap he writes about women and abortions and attempt to take it seriously…. It’s such a relief to be out here with a group of people who have been inside who can compare notes about how crazy it all was.
That isn’t education… that is trying to stuff too many sox into a can.
They are sounding more and more desperate.
“It always amazes me how Scientologists “…. Are you even aware of what you are doing?
ste·reo·type transitive verb \ˈster-ē-ə-ˌtīp, ˈstir-\
: to believe unfairly that all people or things with a particular characteristic are the same
big·ot noun \ˈbi-gət\
: a person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people, ideas, etc. : a bigoted person; especially : a person who hates or refuses to accept the members of a particular group (such as a racial or religious group)
typecast – identify as belonging to a certain type; “Such people can practically be typed”
typeidentify – consider to be equal or the same.
GAG is what this email makes me do. GAAAAAAAAAAAG!
My exact thought. It made me GAG. Is this guy for real.
Wow the hyperbole was outta sight in that one. And did you catch this – “When I’m done with Student Hat, I’ve been C/S’d for the Purif and Survival Rundown (yes, even OT VII completions need to have these done to full EP and I’m looking forward to completing them).”. Wowser. Someone should sell that guy shares in the brooklyn bridge.
Uh, sorry, Roy,
Before he is sold the Brooklyn Bridge I’ve got first dibs on RMT for some excellent swampland in my immediate area. Hands off, everyone!
What is “RMT”?
His initials
I should sell him my ACC Lectures that are still packed up in my garage.