This article is contributed by one of long-term commenters on this blog, Brian. Always welcome different views and perspectives.
The GE is a Family Man: How L. Ron Hubbard severs the sacred bonds of Family
(Note: GE means Genetic Entity. I will discuss what that is in this essay)
“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
—Mahatma Gandhi
My purpose for writing this post is to connect the dots between L Ron Hubbard’s writing called “The GE Is A Family Man” and the heartless disregard that Scientology exhibits when destroying the sacred bonds of family. Since Ron has always drummed into us that Scientology is an applied philosophy, I will take him at his word, that he wants us to actually apply, in the real world, his words, theories and instructions.
Before I enter the GE Is A Family Man writing on this page, I want to first show you that it IS applied in the church. On a post on Marty Rathbun’s site Moving On Up A Little Higher dated October 11, 2013 named “Scientology and the Sea Org” I presented this writing,The GE Is A Family Man, and theorized that this denigrating doctrine is a basic basic doctrine that instructs the Scientologist to see family bonding and loving emotional connection as an aberration and weakness.
One of the respondents to my post was Laura DeCrescenzo. She is presently suing the church for enforced abortion. This was her response to my post:
“Thank you for posting that — I remember being shown that exact quote while in the RPF being handled to “not want kids.”
Ron’s words have consequences in the real world. They do get applied.
Ron defines what a GE (Genetic Entity) is in his incredibly wild and strange book A History Of Man. Here is a link to a pdf of this book. You’ll find the description of the GE on page 6. One line in this definition I want you to remember is “This is the “mind” of an animal, a dog or a cat or a cow.”
For those who do not want to wade through the amazing imaginings of L. Ron Hubbard, basically Ron postulates that there is a low quality non-physical being. A sort of stupid psycho ghost that inhabits our physical body. It is not a soul (thetan) but a kind of unthinking force that builds the body and craves to build other bodies.
No one philosopher or sage has ever come up with this theory. Like much of Ron’s work, he is the “only one” intelligent enough to discover this stuff.
I present to you the family destroying doctrine of The GE is Family Man
LRH, From the taped lecture “Flows: Patterns of Interaction” 10 December 1952:
“The GE is a family man; the GE is lost without a family. It’s very strange, but Homo sap (homo sapien) is a family unit. The GE is built on that basis. It’s fascinating, fascinating. It’s not important to know it but a lot of your urges toward families and so forth are not thetan urges at all, they’re the GE. The GE can’t survive at all without a family unit. He’s just as dead as a mackerel if he isn’t a family unit, whereas your thetan is just dead as a mackerel if he gets too mixed up in family units.
You can’t talk to GEs; they’re kind of psycho. And by the way, you can fall into this dreadful trap with a GE. You see, he uses the MEST universe with which to build. He’s gotten very, very bad off and he has to use MEST materials all the time.
So, you get this situation here with the GE, and your GE is busy: build, build, build, build, and build. And, of course he’s got to have a family to build with.
You get this terrific family thirst. And you get your GE surviving best and being loused up the most because of inter-family relationships.
And your thetan, by the way, can much more easily go into a group. Families are not good groups; they’re bad groups.”
What Hubbard is doing here is denigrating the need for families by assigning the source of that need to a psychotic entity. Not a sacred spiritual need between mothers, sons, daughters, fathers, aunts, uncles etc. etc.
Ron has the nerve to say it’s not important to know about this, yet he denigrates the sacred bonds of family in one fell swoop. And that is not important? My theory is that once this delusional doctrine is agreed to, those natural needs of family bonding then gets redirected to Hubbard and Scientology. Those needs do not go away. The must go somewhere. They go to Hubbard and Scientology. Probably now to Miscavige.
Remember the line above: “This is the “mind” of an animal, a dog or a cat or a cow.”
The “GE Is A Family Man” is L. Ron Hubbard’s redefinition of family connection. It IS insidious. This doctrine has been used to justify family neglect and abuse within the church. It is evil. My definition of evil is that which causes suffering. Just look at how callous the church is towards the family unit and the emotional suffering it has caused. Just look at how easy it is for the church to split up families, children and loving sacred connections.
The reason it is easy is because Scientology is an applied “religious” philosophy. And the agreement and application of this doctrine relegates the sacred bonds of family to a psychotic genetic ghost who cannot be reasoned with. Family love, in essence, and the pain of enforced disconnection, is an aberration that needs to be audited out. “You can’t talk to GE’s; they’re kind of psycho.” Thus there is no patience or empathy for the heart-wrenching grief of families who are forced to disconnect.
All those banky (reactive mind) griefy mothers and fathers I guess needed to realize their love for family is really the animal urges of the GE. Then get back onto clearing the planet unobstructed by loving families! On to making a sane, clear planet!
The emotional bonds to Hubbard, then become stronger than bonds to children, mothers and fathers. Just remember the disconnection horrors on Leah’s show. And remember that Laura DeCrescenzo was given this garbage to read to undermine her natural instincts of motherhood. This doctrine is evil. It needs to be revealed and destroyed with reason and intelligence.
I end my essay with it with:
“Families are not good groups; they’re bad groups.”
“And your thetan, by the way, can much more easily go into a group.”
No doubt in my mind he is implying Scientology. So your family love and bonding comes from a psychotic ghost and your desire for becoming a Scientologist is what real thetans do! That my good friends is the doctrine of a madman. And the source doctrine for the destruction of the family unit.
Brian Thomas Lambert (Brian)
Good Report on these Gangsters!
“That my good friends is the doctrine of a madman.”
It is the doctrine of an evil man.
I become from Latin Family we are very close and for us is the base of society…The church tried to separate me from my family … we have really strong bonds we not let them do it…. but It was a nightmare for us. I never read that policy or whatever name is called by Scientology … this is totally insane and out of moral… of course they just told us lies… this doctrine is destroying lives !!
You are blessed to have strong family bonds. Never let anyone come between you and your family! LRH’s philosophy was self serving IMO since he was a deadbeat father – even husband to let his wife go to prison for his crimes while he went into hiding.
What kind of man does that? Many have commented on his poor dental health here and in other public forums. Look at DM’s pearly whites every one of them paid for by members of Co$ is my best guess then the taxpayers were part of the write-off!
After all if you are a “public figure” you can write off everything people “see” and perhaps “don’t see” in terms of your appearance and it’s a tax deduction.
Anyway….so sorry I went off topic this was about family but I went on a rant. Hold your family close hug then often and tell them how much you love them every day. We never know when our day will be our last. I’m so thankful Mike and Leah are working hard to end this madness and abusive “thing”.
Your family is your future for it contains all your beliefs, hopes and dreams. It provides strength in hard times, rejoicing in good times. Without family one is truly alone.
It’s hard to believe so many, many people could choose to believe in a man made science fiction writers words, rather than choose to believe in the Bible, our creator’s words. The Bible was written by man yes, but God’s very essence, His Spirit, He put in them. How can one believe in their own power without knowing the very God who created them. One can look around the world and see that when man is left to his own choice he choose the wrong path always! It’s only through Jesus’ love and sacrifice that we could ever have a life that’s fulfilling here, and then forever in eternity. There are only 2 choices in life: 1) Path of Destruction – hate (through Man) or 2) Path of Eternal Life – Love (through God). When these people die, or if they’re here at the return of Christ – only then will they know what a tragic mistake it was for them to believe in their own power!
Mike & Leah,
Great job! To all who have lived this nightmare and been brave enough to come forward to tell your truth… may save lives! My heart goes out to you! I have cried during some episodes. LOVE is the greatest gift of all! If you believe in God or not!
I work in mental health, what I do understand is LRH was delusional. I read some of his writings where he States as truth “Jesus Christ was an implant” thus brining dought to the young impressionable children Hubbard imprinted these children with grandiose delusions, and look what the END result is: David miscavige!!! OMG!
So if any of LRH writings were true? Where is He? Why has he not “got another body” and show himself? Come back to be the COB??? Because he is dead!
Let’s review LRH aftermath: Dead unborn children, breaking up familys, proven liar, Jailing people who want to leave the Sea Org. I would be here all day writing his insanities!
No good comes from Scientology! There not clearing the planet. I see no GOD in this CULT!
Hi Mike, I have recently indulged in Leah’s show which drove me to watch every Scientology YouTube vid on the web. I would say most of my questions have been answered, however, there are some questions I still have:
Does miscavige still practice what he preaches?
Does he get audited?
Does he audit people himself?
If he does get audited, would it be affective given the fear of persecution the audor may have?
Thank you in advance Mike and keep it up!!
Since the topic is on The History of Man I too would like to comment on a realization I had regarding Scn and the SO. I am Ex SO. I was in the SO for 10 years and maybe saw my family 3 times in those ten years. It was very difficult to get any time off. Once I left the SO, I went home and spent one year with my father and mother to make up for lost time. I was very fortunate that no one else in my family was a Scientologist so I didn’t have much to lose leaving the Church or worried about being declared if it had come to that. The Church does a very good job of making the 2nd dynamic in the SO unimportant. Since leaving the SO and Church entirely I have come to realize that it is a THETA TRAP! It’s the only way I can describe why so many of us put up with the bullshit that goes on “behind the curtain”. So many of our friends and families are in the theta trap and it’s very difficult to get them out unless they themselves realize there in the trap.
Carlos – First Congrats for taking your freedom back. Second your last sentence says it all. Thank you!
This also happened to orgstaffis. It is good to write up the crimes of your old gang!
“IF your religion requires you to HATE someone, you need a new religion.”
“So, you get this situation here with the GE, and your GE is busy: build, build, build, build, and build. And, of course he’s got to have a family to build with.”
That sounds exactly like the CoS, with their subjects as the family.
Great topic reminded me of what Stacy Brooks wrote:
Scientology’s Rejection of the Family
By Stacy Brooks
August 13, 2000
Recently at the Lisa McPherson Trust, we helped a woman get out of Scientology. She took her child with her, a child who at a very young age had already been recruited into the Sea Org.
The woman’s mother has been in the Sea Org for a long time. She came to the woman’s house, extremely upset that the woman had left but particularly upset that she had taken her child out of the Sea Org. The mother brought a sheet of paper with the tape excerpt below. She frantically told the woman that she was throwing away her future and urged her not to let considerations about her family stand in the way of her freedom and that of her child.
The woman told her mother that she didn’t want to be in Scientology any more. Then the woman’s mother pulled the child aside and in all seriousness urged the child to file for legal emancipation from the parents so that the child, who is underage, could go back into the Sea Org.
The child was very upset but, according to the woman, is beginning to enjoy interacting with other family members and friends. I asked the woman to fax me a copy of the tape excerpt her mother had given her. When I read the excerpt, it sickened me. I have never seen this excerpt before. I have never seen a quote from LRH in which he so clearly urges his followers to turn away from their families.
Here is the text of the excerpt:
The GE is a family man; the GE is lost without a family. It’s very strange, but Homo sap is a family unit. The GE is built on that basis. It’s fascinating, fascinating. It’s not important to know it but a lot of your urges toward families and so forth are not thetan urges at all, they’re the GE. The GE can’t survive at all without a family unit. He’s just as dead as a mackerel if he isn’t a family unit, whereas your thetan is just dead as a mackerel if he gets too mixed up in family units.
You can’t talk to GEs; they’re kind of psycho. And by the way, you can fall into this dreadful trap with a GE. You see, he uses the MEST universe with which to build. He’s gotten very, very bad off and he has to use MEST materials all the time.
So, you get this situation here with the GE, and your GE is busy: build, build, build, build, build. And, of course he’s got to have a family to build with.
You get this terrific family thirst. And you get your GE surviving best and being loused up the most because of interfamily relationships.
And your thetan, by the way, can much more easily go into a group. Families are not good groups; they’re bad groups.”
LRH, From the taped lecture
“Flows: Patterns of Interaction”
10 December 1952
For you to understand why this quote affected me so strongly, I have to translate LRH’s Scientology-speak into plain language. First of all, the GE is the Genetic Entity. The Scientology Tech Dictionary defines it this way:
GENETIC ENTITY, 1. that beingness not dissimilar to the thetan which has carried forward and developed the body from its earliest moments along the evolutionary line on earth and which, through experience, necessity and natural selection, has employed the counter-efforts of the environment to fashion an organism of the type best fitted for survival, limited only by the abilities of the genetic entity. The goal of the genetic entity is survival on a much grosser plane of materiality. (Scn 8-8008, p. 8) 2. formerly referred to as the somatic mind. It has no real personality, it is not the “I” of the body. This is the “mind” of an animal, a dog or a cat or a cow. (HOM [History of Man], pp. 13-14) 3. that entity which is carrying along through time, that is making the body through the time stream, through the action of sex and so forth. (5410C10D) Abbr. GE
Now let me tell you how I understood it when I was in Scientology. I want to try to give you a window into how Scientologists think. I want you to understand how it could possibly be that Scientologists turn against their own families and see it as an ethical thing to do; how Scientologists can see their feelings of love and loyalty to their families as something psychotic, something they need to do away with in order to be good Scientologists.
This is how Scientologists are taught to think: The Genetic Entity is the part of a person that is still tied to the universe of Matter, Energy, Space and Time – known as the MEST Universe in Scientology — that we will leave behind when we are able to become stably exterior with full perceptics. This is the real goal of a Scientologist – to be free of the MEST Universe, to be able to discard the body and be completely free of the limitations of MEST. When enough Scientologists reach that goal (a goal which no one to my knowledge has yet attained) and Planet Earth has been cleared, they will be able to travel at will anywhere in the galaxy to clear other planets and, eventually, the entire MEST Universe. They will do this without the encumbrance of their bodies, of course. They will be free of their bodies. They will just pick up new bodies on whatever planet they go to. They might be meat bodies like the ones on Earth, or they might be doll bodies, or any of a variety of other kinds of bodies thetans use throughout the MEST Universe. But the point is that they will be able to mock them up at will, because they will be totally at cause over MEST.
Obviously, for someone who has it in their head that they are trying to leave the MEST Universe behind, the Genetic Entity – and everything connected to it — is something from which one would have to distance oneself. In fact, there is an insulting slang term in Scientology for someone who is too much into their body, or too much into their family – meaning their husband or wife, their children, their parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents. A person like that is considered to be “stuck in the GE.” That’s a very bad thing in Scientology. Very out-ethics. Psychotic, in fact.
When LRH said in the tape excerpt that “your urges toward family are not thetan urges at all, they’re the GE,” what he was saying was that anyone who puts any importance on the family is going in a direction toward MEST, not Theta. That is an out-ethics thing to do. It is putting counter-intention on the forward motion of Scientology. It is holding back the entire group.
When he said that “Homo sap is a family unit,” he was denigrating Homo sapiens for caring about family. He was saying that Homo sapiens, the evolutionary phase of the human race before Scientology came along, is a terribly primitive creature. Homo novis, the superman that Scientology has made possible, is the next evolutionary step, the superior being. Homo novis isn’t interested in families. Homo novis is at cause over Matter, Energy, Space and Time. Who needs a family when you can exteriorize at will? Who needs to procreate? Who would want to hold onto any connection to the MEST Universe once you realized that those connections are doing nothing but holding back the forward progress of the entire human race?
It is Homo sapiens – “Homo sap,” as he says in the tape – who needs a family. It is Homo sap who still has a connection to the GE. But you see how LRH lets you know what a degraded being – what a Homo sap – you are if you care about your family. Listen to what he says: “the GE is as dead as a mackerel without the family unit, but the thetan [that’s Homo novis, which is only possible to attain through Scientology] is as dead as a mackerel if he gets mixed up with a family unit.” So you are actually putting up a roadblock to Mankind’s forward progress by clinging to old, primitive notions such as family.
The message here is clear. If you’re an ethical Scientologist you are not going to hold onto MEST relationships like your family. You are going to be much more interested in theta relationships like your fellow Scientologists – people who have risen above MEST-oriented relationships and are interested only in theta-based relationships – those that will further Scientology’s aims. An ethical Scientologist only wants to associate with others who are also striving for the enlightened state of Homo novis.
I no longer adhere to this belief system. I am no longer a Scientologist. But for fifteen years I distanced myself from my family and the friends I had had before I got into Scientology for this very reason – I did not want to contaminate myself by associating with unenlightened people. In Scientology this is called contagion of aberration; you don’t want to be around people who are stuck in MEST because it might rub off on you. You don’t want to do anything that will slow you down from becoming an enlightened Theta Clear.
For those of you who are familiar with the term Suppressive Person, or SP, and Potential Trouble Source, or PTS, it is upon this fundamental concept that these terms are based. An SP is someone who is so stuck in the MEST Universe (so solid) that they can’t bear to have anyone around them who is moving in the direction of theta (the opposite of solid). A PTS is someone who has allowed themselves to become vulnerable to an SP’s influence and is therefore getting more solid – less theta.
This is why Scientologists distance themselves from the rest of society. It is why the Sea Org members in Clearwater refuse to make eye contact with the citizens of Clearwater when they walk down the street. It is why the Scientologist son of a dear friend of mine has refused to speak to his mother for thirty years.
Recently a woman contacted the LMT for help. She had been happily married for nearly twenty years. She and her husband had two beautiful teenage children. They had a beautiful house and a wonderful life. She considered herself the luckiest woman on Earth because she had such a happy family. Then her husband got into Scientology. By the time she spoke to me, her husband had gotten them nearly $100,000 in debt. He wanted a divorce because she didn’t want to be a Scientologist. He refused to speak to either of his children because they didn’t want to be Scientologists. When she begged him to speak to someone with a different point of view about Scientology he told her he would disappear and never contact her again if she ever tried to put him in contact with someone critical of Scientology. She and her children are heartbroken over the loss of a man who was once a wonderful husband and father. He, on the other hand, is convinced that she is an SP – that she is trying to keep him from moving toward the enlightened state of theta clear.
Another woman contacted the LMT recently about her sister, who has just joined the Sea Org. The sister has two children. Now that she is in the Sea Org, the children have been sent to the Sea Org children’s ranch north of Los Angeles. They never get to see their mother. They have been sneaking phone calls to their aunt, tearfully asking their aunt why their mother doesn’t love them any more. The mother, meanwhile, fully believes that her children are a distraction from her production and that it is necessary to separate from them so that she can realize her full potential. She also believes that if the children are ethical, they, too, will benefit from severing their ties with her, since their relationship is based on nothing more than the fact that she is their biological mother, something which is meaningless in the new society of Homo novis.
At the LMT we get these heartbreaking calls nearly every day.
Today, I see the Genetic Entity, Homo novis, and the whole idea of isolating oneself from the so-called MEST Universe and concentrating on becoming Theta Clear as a delusion of grandeur which originated in the unbalanced mind of L. Ron Hubbard. Hubbard was unable to have healthy relationships with his parents, his three wives or any of his children. But instead of taking any responsibility for these failed relationships, he blamed his family members. Then he took it a step further. He created an entire cosmology that would justify his inability to have successful personal relationships. Families are bad, friendships are bad, any close relationships are bad, because he was incapable of having them. All he could conceive of was a world in which there is no love, no compassion – nothing but impersonal, cold-hearted relationships based on statistics and the “greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics.” What he said in the tape transcript sums it up: “Families are not good groups; they’re bad groups.”
I realize I risk incurring the wrath of dedicated Scientologists by saying what I did in the above paragraph. But I think it is extremely important for Scientologists to realize that LRH does not have to have been a perfect man for there to be any validity to the Tech. I speak to people nearly every day who have had wins and gains from their auditing. I never tell them their wins aren’t valid. I never tell them the gains aren’t real. I’m happy if someone has had wins and gains. The tech is not something I want for myself, but I don’t think everyone else has to feel the same way I do. I have no doubt that many people have had wins and gains from the tech.
But this does not mean that LRH was perfect. I discovered he wasn’t perfect when I worked on the LRH biography research while I was still a Sea Org member in good standing. This discovery did not cause me to lose faith in the tech. All it did was to make me realize that even though LRH developed a technology that could help people, he was a human being just like the rest of us, with blind spots and character flaws the same as everybody else. The problem was that one of his flaws was an utter inability to accept any criticism, and as a result of this he tended to label anyone who did criticize him as an enemy. This flaw has now been institutionalized in the organization known as the Church of Scientology.
But criticism is not a bad thing. It is a good thing. If the tech really works – and I know many people feel it does – then it can bear critical scrutiny. Just because someone criticizes something doesn’t mean it isn’t valid. It doesn’t mean that person is an enemy. Scientologists must learn to differentiate between the parts of Scientology that are valid and those parts of it which are not. LRH had a blind spot on the subject of personal relationships and the flaws in his own thinking have been inherited by the organization called the Church of Scientology. It is crucial that Scientologists begin to see that they have the right to accept those parts of Scientology that work and to discard those parts that do not. LRH’s view of the family as a degraded, out moded form of human relationship is terribly destructive and urgently needs to be recognized by Scientologists as a harmful part of the Scientology world view that should be discarded. This does not mean I am advocating that the entirety of the tech should be discarded. It means I think LRH had a blind spot on this subject because of his own shortcomings, and I don’t think his personal shortcomings should be embraced by Scientologists so that they take on his own blind spot as their own.
Until Scientologists become willing to differentiate the beneficial from the harmful aspects of Scientology, the outside world will continue to view it as a chillingly amoral belief system and respond accordingly to it.
For the people on the outside, the question is how do we get through to the people who have bought into this chillingly amoral belief system? How do we help the thousands upon thousands of families who have been torn apart by Scientology? My answer is this: All we can do is continue to do everything we can to get through to Scientologists at every opportunity. Thank God for the internet. It is our best chance to communicate to them. The most hopeful thing of all at the LMT is that we are getting calls every day from Scientologists who are making the decision to embrace their Constitutional rights of freedom of speech, freedom of thought and freedom of association. They are going on the internet despite orders from the Organization not to. They are learning for themselves about all sides of Scientology. They are regaining their powers of critical thought and deciding for themselves which parts of Scientology they want to embrace. And they are beginning to rebuild their own shattered lives and broken families.
Stacy Brooks
Thanks, Doug Parent. This is brilliant writing by Stacy Brooks. When I was a practicing Scientologist, I was content to quietly call BS on certain writings of LRH. ‘The GE is a Family Man’ was one of them. Then, as Stacy describes in her own experience, I would turn a blind eye and tell myself that there were other good things about Scientology that I could focus on, and keep marching on. Later, when I departed the church, people in my life were pressing me to “handle the situation” with the church, meaning go back, clear my name with the CoS and do A to E. I had to tell them that it was not possible for me to do so because it would require me to do Scientology, and I was not going to be doing Scientology anymore. It is grievous to me that people I knew for much of my life vanished in a split second from it. ‘The GE is a Family Man’ is one of the reasons, among other cited “Policies”, that people cut off their ties – and then label and blame you for it because you left Scientology. For me, this is what ultimately Scientology is – as long as the CoS clings to every single bit of LRH writings as worth publishing as ‘scripture’ and refuses to recognize that some of this amoral tripe just needs to go. For good.
Thank you Stacey. You and a few other posters have verified that this exact doctrine has in fact been used the way I thought:
To undermine and destroy family bonds and to redirect those nature instincts for family to the cult.
Once L Ron Hubbard is granted psychological Altitude, his affect on his disciples is dangerous.
The family unit can then be destroyed.
This could be a blog post all on it’s own, especially with the stories you have heard.
This was cracking good reading. I thank you for it.
And to Brian for starting this discussion going.
Great post, Doug.
Brian, I hope that when there are senate hearings on this
family destroying,
life wrecking,
money sucking,
even-flow-means-one-direction-in-the- wrong-direction,
sci-fi fictionally derived,
conceived-by-a- psychlo,
trained in lying,
no babies allowed,
no families allowed,
life wrecking,
fake religion,
brainwashing cult,
That they call you as a professional witness.
I’m pretty sure I left out some of the negative aspects.
Amazing post, equally amazing comments. Mike, this one should be marked as important since it shows wogs like me how Scientology has become so anti-family.
Powerful, sad, informative post. Between the doc series and the posts and comments here I feel I am getting a crash course in the true nature of Scientology. And, in knowing, there is no going back in the desire and determination to see it come to an end.
I agree completely…read, watching documentaries, etc has change my original
perspective of CoS…it appears more demented than I thought…twisted culture or “cult” of which there is no comparison to others….I’ll say this…CoS is most definitely different…
Brian, in reference to your statement:
“The GE Is A Family Man, and (I, Brian) theorized that this denigrating doctrine is a basic basic doctrine that instructs the Scientologist to see family bonding and loving emotional connection as an aberration and weakness.”
I would have to disagree. Not with the fact that Scn does not rip families apart. It does so and quite destructively. Not with the fact that the family is regarded as something of little importance. Scn does regard the family as of little importance.
What I disagree with is your notion that this is somehow related to the postulated GE and “The History of Man” principles. I seriously doubt whether it is even subliminal. I had no idea of this concept you perceptively isolate until I read this blog today. I never heard of it. Because…
In all the writings of Hubbard, “The History of Man” is the least regarded, used, viewed, or believed in book or writing by all SO members, public, and Hubbard himself. I have never seen anyone, even once, refer to it, quote it, use it, imply its validity, etc. Never in 40 years. It was looked on as its own “unique” thing. I realize every single thing ever written by Hubbard is supposed to be the absolute truth to followers. But this would be an exception even for SO members. Mike Rinder, correct me if I’m wrong.
Further, from my experience the negative view toward the family and its importance was part and parcel of the view that what Scn was doing was urgently saving mankind and the planet and anything else was a waste of time and emotion. Imagine you were in WWII and urgently fighting the Nazi’s and Hitler, and the war could go either way, one way ending in disaster. And you complained or asked to see your family in America over the holiday season? That is Scn’s view of family and time spent with it. It grows out of this warped view, not from the History of Man. I know Hubbard himself in his personal life had a dim view of his experiences with family (self caused) but I move into conjecture here.
I frankly don’t know the source of this view discussed here but I do know it fits with the world view that Scn is saving all mankind and anything in the way of that is a waste of time and emotion, including family.
My main point is I have never ever seen any connection between History of Man and later actions to denigrate the family. I may be missing something and would love to hear further data that might elucidate things for us readers.
Reggie, I don’t think that ‘History of Man” is what Brian is communicating about. He specifically referenced ‘The GE is a Family Man.’ They are two separate things, and I do agree with you that no one in the church uses History of Man to influence parishioners to neglect or distance themselves from their families so they can do more, pay more money to, serve up their children, etc, to Scientology. ‘The GE is a Family Man’ however, has been used to influence and manipulate people with ‘well, here’s what Ron wrote…” It’s been used to get people into the Sea Org, and used to keep them there. It’s been used to influence people to spend their nights and week-ends on course, or that breaking off their relationships isn’t really such a bad thing, because if they insist on keeping relationships deemed unsuitable by the church, then they are dramatizing the GE, and are not being sane. Same with putting taking care of your family first and your course schedule and Bridge progress second. GE stuff. I have had this recited to me on more than one occasion by SO staff members, and even some hard-core public.
As to your point about the urgency to save the planet, and warped view of Scientology in the world, is very true. Also that Scientologists are told that they should center their lives around Scientology, which will have a natural consequence of lessening family time and importance in people’s lives.
Hey you guys,
Thank you for all of your thoughts. I was touched by them. And felt your rational rage towards this total emotional disassociation, through a delusional doctrine, from the sacred bonds of family connection.
To use Scientology terms Hubbard 3rd partied the family unit with this garbage.
For me, the logical question to ask after seeing how Scientology does in fact deal a heartless blow to the family dynamic is:
Was Hubbard consciously aware of this as a purposeful manipulation to sever bonds of family to secure an army of 3rd (group) dynamic zombies? He was after all a genius manipulator ala Altitude Instruction.
Or was this simply a psychological projection of his dysfunctional relation with his own family?
A metaphysical delusion which was really about some deep emotional flaw in Hubbard himself?
Or both?
I still have not answered that question fully.
My next deconstruction, that I would love to write, is The Responsibility of Leaders. The life of Simon Bolivar.
Just as The Ge is a Family Man is an assault on the family, Bolivar is an assault on our innate intuitive connection with our sense of conscience; damaging our sense of right and wrong.
If Mike is on board I can start on that.
Brian, I’ve had the Simon Bolivar bulletin on my mind ands would love to see it addressed. Since it is such an epic beast perhaps it could be a multi parter.
Any staff member will groan remembering word clearing this, and having to swallow suppressive acts 101 for the cause.
If this doesn’t teach you how to be a real tool I don’t know what does.
Yes, a multi part. Good idea. Bolivar is thug school Instruction, designed to protect “man’s only hope”, “man’s last chance out”, “mankind’s only way”.
And when it was written, it was designed to create “willing hounds” (street thugs) to protect Ron himself.
And those who became his thugs, became morally corrupted by agreeing to this doctrine and then joining the ranks of the “destroy the criminal critic street gang” called the GO/OSA/SEA ORG.
Bolivar is rich with understanding where the criminal element of Scientology received its instruction to be have religious justification to reap violent retribution on own citizens.
The world needs to know about Bolivar. It’s where Ron uses actual murder and assault and battery as an example of how to protect a source of power.
When I have time I will delve into this.
Brian I would love to read what ever you want to write about. All of us can and should submit some of this crap for review. Myself, I glossed over this stuff then and pretty much do now also. I never completed DMSMH and held on to my disagreements with it. I never could finish the Simon PL even with a lot of days at the library in order to understand the political history. I gave up on it. Now if I was able to have taken the stance that LRH may have something wrong upstairs — well I would then have breezed through my studies in check sheet time and wanted everyone else to have my wins yup! But nope, brainwashing came first so LRH could have my life and my kids too. Oh well, like Carlos said we all have to figure our selves out of the theta trap. I call what he did no less then soul raping but that’s apparently legal. As for your question about LRHs intentions ~ safer to judge that by looking at the products he left scattered behind. I think no one could possibly have accidently caused so much pain for so many families. 20 years ago I thought my story was relatively rare. Now my story is run of the mill like the rest of the onetime scientology addicts.
Thanks Cece, I hope your family heals. I pray they do.
Healing comes with wisdom or with wisdom comes healing. I listened to my 2 Incredible String Band CDs while I read this post and it’s comments yesterday. There is so much wisdom to be had. Thanks for posting yours and lighting up the darkness 🙂
Thanks for referencing the Incredible String Band! I had forgotten about them. Now I’ve added them to my playlist of 60’s music which is my mainstay when I’m at my drawing board.
Because Hubbard invented genetics too.
How in the name of all that is precious, does $cientology qualify as a religion? I am forever grateful that the book on Dianetics by LRH that was given to me in nursing school was so full of gobbledy-gook and horseshit that I threw it out! Family is everything. Love is all we ever need to grow.
“Reincarnation is a concept that encompasses not only Eastern thought but also all of the major religions of the world. It’s a concept that can allow us to have more compassion, one for another. It’s a way we can begin to look at all facets of life purposefully. However, it doesn’t really matter if another individual believes or doubts the theory of rebirth. For some it can be a helpful concept; for others, confusing. The reason for believing in reincarnation is not so that we can dwell upon the past or brag about the possibility of having been someone famous in the past. The wisest student of reincarnation knows that we have all had incarnations in lowly and lofty circumstances. Instead, the purpose is summed up in one of the Cayce readings:
“In the studies, then, know where ye are going … to find that ye only lived, died and were buried under the cherry tree in Grandmother’s garden does not make thee one whit better neighbor, citizen, mother or father! But to know that ye spoke unkindly and suffered for it and in the present may correct it by being righteous – that is worthwhile!” 5753-2”
Unless we use that information to be a better human, it matters not what or who we were but who we have become knowing so…. Our lifetime should not be spent on the perfection of this one lifetime but rather offering a solution to the problems we face as a society, as a whole, as one. I have spent my life studying the purpose of the soul but the best work I have done on myself, for myself, is in helping of others. Spending any lifetime trying to perfect this one incarnation, does not feed the soul’s purpose of the betterment of mankind. I lose the opportunity to provide good works through service if I lose myself in the dogma . Pointing out the shortcomings of one belief system offers nothing if we don’t also provide a solution to those who find themselves lost and alone within those limiting walls. What truly matters is the people we now provide an option for, how we help those who have no place to turn after spending an eternity thinking about self.
Wrong that reincarnation is a part of all major religions! Christianity does NOT believe in reincarnation. Christians believe in an afterlife but only one life here on earth. The next is either heaven or hell. Judiasm does not believe in reincarnation either.
Then you really haven’t read the Bible… it says it in several areas…. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. John 3-7. “Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains forever. The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises. The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course. All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place the streams come from, there they return again…What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 1:4-9)The Hebrew kabbalists interpreted this quote to mean that a generation dies and subsequently returns by the process of reincarnation. And the disciples asked him, saying, ‘Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?’ But he answered them and said, ‘Elijah indeed is to come and will restore all things. But I say to you that Elijah has come already, and they did not know him, but did to him whatever they wished. So also shall the Son of Man suffer at their hand.’ Then the disciples understood that he had spoken of John the Baptist.” (Matthew 17:10-13)… and the list goes on…..
LRH created the perfect organization for a malignant narcissist. Disconnect from everyone but him essentially, because he’s the center of the universe, the moral authority. CoS has always struck me as an odd combination of the Aleister Crowley principles he was exposed to, seen through the sensibilities of a pulp sci-fi writer, put into the military structure and discipline of the Navy (which he understood, only he reworked it so that his military career looked far more successful because he was the Commander in Chief). He threw in all kinds of fun buzz words and jargon, like decoder rings, to make it seem like an exclusive club. I think he initially just wanted to show up the world of psychology, but when his tech was exposed in court as bogus, he had to rebrand it as a religion, and he held a competitive grudge. If you demonize the competition you won’t get unflattering comparisons. It’s the Perfect Storm of fascist management tactics.
Of course it’s about disconnecting from family – that is generally the most intense and primal set of relationships we have in life. It often models our connections to everything else. And it would be a competitive force of influence. Successful dictators have always known that it is a key way to control people, particularly the next generation because young people have not generally developed compassion and loyalty to others yet. Look at Hitler’s youth group or the teenagers in Mao’s Cultural Revolution, or Pol Pot using them to round up teachers for torture. You can always count on kids to be cruel if you are not teaching them empathy. Having them as auditors and giving them the power to extort cooperation is like giving candy to a baby and it’s likely to make separation from adults positive to them because they have the power to control. It’s pretty sick. Actually making all relationships subordinate to an organization is pretty unhealthy, whether it’s a religion or a profession or anything. It leads to the breakdown of society in general, imo. When people become less important than things, we can justify doing evil to others. It’s just more hypocritical (and ironic) when it is done in the name of religion.
I do realize that the reference quoted in the blog post is used by the CoS for its own vile purposes, but if you look carefully at the quoted passage, it says “…a LOT [i.e. not all] of your urges toward families and so forth are not thetan urges at all, they’re the GE. The GE can’t survive at all without a family unit. He’s just as dead as a mackerel if he isn’t a family unit, whereas your thetan is just dead as a mackerel if he gets TOO mixed up [i.e. not just mixed up but TOO mixed up up in family units].”
More significantly, the quoted reference is no where near as radical as what Jesus said here:
“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” — Matthew 10:34-37
Or here: “Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” — Matthew 10:37-39
Christians consider the above quotes in the context of all Biblical scripture, and this should be done with Hubbard’s quotes, if we’re going to be fair about it. Other statements he made about families, parents and children are positive, in spite of the fact that he did not always practice what he preached.
The fact that Hubbard started out with highly beneficial principles and methods only to become an extremist in his egoistic zeal should teach us not to do the same – including characterizing what he said in a distorted way. That isn’t going to forward the whole truth about Scientology. In my view, it more likely loses credibility with some Scientologists both in and out of the church, with regard to the truth about the abuses going on in the CoS.
I’ve read a ton of your posts and always try to respect your opinion and point of view. But come on now, are you for real?? Hubbard was clearly speaking atrocious, destructive nonsense when he wrote that. Quoting something from the Bible doesn’t make Hubbard’s shit any less vile. I have no love for any organized religion but have always tried to respect the points of view of any church-goers aren’t fundamentalist and rancid.
What you said about Christians (I’m paraphrasing here) taking what they like from Bible and leaving the rest or interpreting certain passages as they see fit is one of the many reasons I don’t go to church and never will again. Too many people twist a church’s doctrine to fit their needs and cognitive dissonance.
KatherineINCali: “What you said about Christians (I’m paraphrasing here) taking what they like from Bible and leaving the rest or interpreting certain passages as they see fit is one of the many reasons I don’t go to church and never will again.”
No, that’s not a paraphrase of what I said. What I said was that “Christians consider the above quotes in the context of all Biblical scripture.”
Intepreting those Bible verses in context is very different from “taking what they like from the Bible and leaving the rest or interpreting certain passages as they see fit.”
I didn’t scroll up to read your exact phrasing about Christians when I posted. For that, I apologize.
You said “Christians consider the above quotes in the context of all Biblical scripture”.
How can you possibly know that all Christians do that? Did you take a survey of all Christians in the US?(assuming you’re in the US).
It’s entirely possible, and quite likely, that lots of Christians take what they like from the Bible and ignore and/or make excuses for passages that include violence, pitting families against each other, killing, putting the group (aka church) above all else (all of which *except for killing; with the exception of R2-45 [sp?]* have been written into $cientology doctrine, policies, etc. And yes, I know that the R2-45 meant suicide.
I know plenty of Christians who do this based on conversations I’ve had with them. They always have a reason why they excuse and justify passages that are clearly revolting and harmful. Plus, aren’t people who are dedicated to a church’s doctrine supposed to follow and believe all doctrine if they truly believe it?
And taking things “in context” is exactly what I was referring to. You guys who still revere Hubbard never want to accept he was deeply disturbed, cruel and wrote/said things that were totally conflicting. Yeah, he wrote a few things about “values” which are common sense and good. But then, he’d turn around and write horrific things that punished and destroyed people both inside and outside the church.
That’s what I meant by “taking what you like and leaving/justifying the rest”.
And I think it’s clear Hubbard was notorious for writing and saying things that were conflicting. As has been shown over and over again, this was obviously part of his plan to get members to keep making justifications and remain loyal since they were so indoctrinated.
I don’t wish to keep going back and forth with you on this because it gets tiresome. Just wanted to explain myself.
KatherineINCali, thanks for the explanation. I do know what you’re saying about some Christians – and in my comment I only meant “some” Christians and should have included that word.
IMHO I believe Hubbard replaced God, Jesus & the Spirit with himself & his doctrine. If you replace the Godhead with Hubbard himself – with emphasis on Spirit – you’ve got all his bizarre form.
As an open minded Christian, Hubbard didn’t let the Spirit guide his heart & soul, rather he codified the tenants of the Bible into metrics. Statistics…to measure progression.
A Christian looks to the Bible for affirmation for an action or thought..then ponders that against what scripture teaches & the act/thought. There’s no metrics in the Bible because then you approach religiosity…Works! Attaining “goodness” or heaven/nirvana through your “works”…not through your true “heart”…the essence of mankind…the thing that separates us from dogs, cats, cows & animals. Your soul…
LMAO! marildi the criminal apologist strikes again.
As usual, Wynski, you insult and attack the commenter and commit the logical fallacy of Ad Hom – rather than address the comment itself.
But thanks for drawing attention to what I wrote. I think readers should be aware of it when there is an attempt to demonize by altering or twisting the facts. LRH had enough flaws and misdeeds, without having to exaggerate them way beyond what is true. Doing so just loses credibility for those whose purpose it is to see the abuses ended.
Marlildi says,
“The fact that Hubbard STARETED OUT with highly beneficial principles and methods only to become an extremist in his egoistic zeal should teach us not to do the same”
Not sure if you actually read The GE is a Family Man Marildi. It has been posted twice on this blog.
Each time the date of it’s publication was included. It is December 10, 1952. Dianectics was first published in 1950. I Believe we ALL consider that IS in the “Starting Out” phase. Don’t you?
Because, if you do consider this the beginning stage, which it is, you are considering GE is a Family Man “highly beneficial.” Your argument is not making sense.
Just a note:
When Scientologists use other religions, whom they disdain and consider part of an implant, to justify their own delusional doctrines, that is evidence of running out of dialogue ideas.
It’s a desperate and impossible need to patch Humpty Dumpty Hubbard back together again. People have a right to try. And we have a right to be disturbed by it and consider it impossible; which it IS.
In the church, Hubbard kept all criticism of himself and Scientology at bay with threat of punishment and actual punishment.
Out here in Woglandia, out of the church but still Scientologists, the only weapon the Scientologist can use to convince us is reason, logic and intelligence communication.
We can’t be punished for daring to see the corpulent naked carcass of the Emperor. In fact, some are trying to get that disturbing image out of their heads.
Since so much of Scientology is imagination, delusion and false knowledge, with a smattering of real help, the real world questions and scrutiny will always act like Kryptonite on Superman, like water on the bad Witch.
Scrutiny, reason and logic will always be the arch enemy of faith only mind sets. Only faith based on direct perception of truth welcomes scrutiny, critics and nay Sayers.
Back in the day, when I was in, Scientology needed no justification from other religions. In fact no one did use other religions to justify Scientology. That is because we were all so elite, so more intelligent and evolved that we would never sully our “greatness” and spiritual “bigness” with the implanted dramatizing of “tiny thetan” other practices.
Other practices were never a worthy comparison.
Back in the day Ron did not bother himself with the repulsive problems of logic and reason in arguing with Scientology critics. Ron had better tools for dissent; actual punishment-threats of losing families and lives.
Back in the day implanted religions were not worthy of quoting. And certainly not worthy of needing a comparison to justify Ron’s delusional doctrines. We never did this.
Only with Independent Scientologists, now, in this time period, are they using other religions to justify Scientology doctrines.
It is a new phenomenon. It’s an attempt to use scotch tape on the shattered Humpty.
It’s because Scientology could never stand on its own under scrutiny. So the supporters of Ron and his doctrines, out here in IndieLand, try in desperation to equate Scientology with accepted main stream religions, which Ron considered degraded.
It’s a sign of the death throes, the labored breathing of the expiring Scientologist and his delusional doctrines of make believe.
If I could only use one argument against the doctrines and practices of Scientology, it would be to continue to hammer home that L Ron Hubbard sought suicide as a method of freeing himself from space aliens inhabiting his body as his last legacy of the OT levels. Maybe suicide was the real OT9.
When people attempt to patch up Humpty Hubbard; remember that historical fact. Ron wanted to kill himself to free BTs.
Only a true believer can see the value in a philosophy that drove its founder to consider suicide while auditing the highest processs of Scientology.
Ha ha, I guess that was more than a note 😉
Brian: “Not sure if you actually read The GE is a Family Man Marildi.”
I should ask if YOU actually read it – apart from your preconceived ideas – as you have altered it substantially. In another comment here, you wrote:
“Hubbard’s absolutist claim that the entire urge is based on a delusional imaginary entity…”
That’s not true. He did not say it was the “entire” urge. He said that “a lot” of the urges came from the GE. You are the one who has altered what he wrote into an “absolutist claim.”
Thank you Mr. Ron the Scientists fir being so accurate by saying “a lot of your urges.”
By him saying “a lot of your urges” and not delineating which ones were from the GE and which ones where from the individual conscious soul, L Ron Hubbard could have said “all of them”.
The term ” a lot” is definitionally completely meaningless.
A lot of food is bad for you. What does that mean? It’s Instruction value is absolutely zero.
A lot of excersize for the elderly can be bad. What does that mean?
That has zero value in determining anything! Or even helping.
And because he did not explain himself this doctrine has been used to harm.
The term “a lot” to Tom Cruise is dump the meat body daughter.
Term “a lot” to David Miscavige is any family connection that decreases production.
The term “a lot” means your motherhood instincts for Laura DeCrecenzo is to be denied.
The Term “a lot” means that a mother must disconnect from son
The term “a lot” is meaningless and vague. And the vagueness may have been by design. Because the non descript meaning of “a lot” could equal all of it to whom ever is using this doctrine.
My take is that you are simply on task Marildi. Seeking at all times to protect and defend L Ron Hubbard even in the face of obvious evidence.
I detected no outrage of the stories on this post whereby this doctrine was actually used to destroy the family.
Instead, you take this opportunity to defend the good name of the man who sought to destroy the family unit to create a Sea Org army of servitude devoid of family.
New comers to this blog. This is an old argument between Marildi and myself. I am the Ron antagonsist and she the protagonist.
My job is easy. She has quite an uphill climb:-)
Brian: “My take is that you are simply on task Marildi. Seeking at all times to protect and defend L Ron Hubbard even in the face of obvious evidence.”
At all times? That’s typical of your false statements. Even on this very subthread I pointed out that LRH had “become an extremist in his egoistic zeal.”
And your comments about the meaning of “a lot” is yet another example of your own zeal and going to extremes
The phrase “a lot” simply means “many.” Your intention to twist that into meaning “all” is another example of your attempts to make everything about LRH as black as possible. I don’t think it is helping the cause of putting a stop to the abuses in the church.
On the contrary, you make the protesters look like they don’t know what they’re talking about – and/or that they have to put out false propaganda to make their case. That isn’t necessary, and anyone who can think for themselves won’t be swayed by your efforts to sensationalize and rile everybody up. IMO, it gives the whole cause a bad name.
So telling the truth about Hubbard and his works is “false propaganda”. Well, I’m going to keep telling the truth, as I hope that Brian, Wynski, and others here do. It is necessary to do so, thanks to people like you, who rationalize and apologize for a truly repulsive human being.
And, no, Marildi, I don’t care about ending abuses by the cult. I care about ending L. Ron Hubbard and his pervasive influence on people. Guess what? I’m going to give his true believers the same consideration that they give me and my tribe: I want you to be eliminated, quietly and without sorrow. Be happy that I’m not going to do so physically. I’m giving you more consideration than Hubbard would have given LGBTs like me had he gained some temporal power.
Espiando: “So telling the truth about Hubbard and his works is ‘false propaganda’?”
I never said not to tell the truth. It’s the distorted truth and the lies that could come across as false propaganda.
Are you another one who has such fixed ideas that you can’t see through them well enough to read and understand what was actually written?
Thank you Espy for your support. I appreciate it. Being that you are gay man I have no idea what that would feel like to be considered “disposable” by Ron. I cut you a lot of slack for being pissed off. And expressing it.
And Marildi I hope you read this. I want you to know that throughout our tussles over the years, I try not to be mean to you or talk nasty. My argument is with Ron’s doctrines.
I will try to be more understanding towards you and not always default to our arm wrestling ways.
Just know that even though we have heated exchanges, I do not think less of you as a human being.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. They keep me honest and on my toes.
These dialogs are good. They could have never happened when Ron was alive. We’d have GO hounds in are dumpsters.
Anyway, I just wanted to establish our human connection. I’ll do it from time to time between us being mind gladiators:-)❤️???
Perhaps an arrangement can be made between the warring factions. Since LRH wasn’t ALL bad, for nobody including AL Capone is all bad, there is good too. Therefore any comments critical of the man will have to mention at least one positive thing. “He was a great liar” for instance, you know what I mean. Something complementary. Comments praising him will have to say at least one failing. “He was a great liar”, for instance or whatever. We could try it.
No, just don’t twist the truth, if for no other reason than it loses credibility.
Don’t twist the truth? But unless we’re talking about existential truth, the “truth” is merely a twisting process in which I interpret facts in accordance with my likes and dislikes, my personal values. Therefore better to stick with facts and accuracies and the correcting of them if necessary. Let the “truth” be for editorializing. We’re all editorializing here anyway including when we say, “I object to what you’re saying!”.
Also, I’m not so sure the truth can lose credibility but I know people can.
Okay, I’ll rephrase:
Just don’t alter the facts, if for no other reason than it (altering the facts) loses credibility – one’s own or that of one’s cause.
How’s that, professor? 😛
Thumbs up, marildi! Kinda similar to what I was trying to say It’s how a person interprets it and uses it all that matters. The CoS cherry-picks Hubbard’s writings and lectures to further their own views and ends. And so do some critics.
Valkov: “The CoS cherry-picks Hubbard’s writings and lectures to further their own views and ends. And so do some critics.”
Exactly. There seems to be a common human failing of becoming rightfully (and righteously) indignant and then turning around and doing the same thing that is being railed against – and, if conscious of it, doing so on the basis that the means justify the ends.
WE Ron critics are warning people of deception and brain washing.
WE Ron critics are trying to save children from believing in space aliens in our bodies.
And you my dear are in denial.
Marildi can you answer me this?
Are you going up the bridge in order to run space aliens?
This will be my question that I will ask of you from now on.
It is not an attack. It is simply a question.
You can ask me any question about any practice I do. And I will not dance around and hide from the question.
Are you auditing so that one day you will talk to space aliens in your body so that you can free them?
That is my new question. It’s just a question,
I think I finally get what “Clearing the Planet” means. If CoS had actually been able to get this mind set out to the world, it would only taken a generation or two or three to clear the planet of human beings!
The A&E series by Leah Remini has me thinking has me thinking more and more about my daughter and how much I miss her. It has been 12 years since I was able to speak with her and even linger since I saw her.
I still very much want my daughter back in my life!
Legitimate churches encourage families to HAVE children in order to grow their congregation. The more children, the more church members and financial supporters. Infants/toddlers/children are welcome to “the flock” through Baptism, Holy Communion/Confirmation which means as they grow into adults, more financial support for the church which keeps the church financially stable.
Without the constant influx of newborns normally churches begin to close because of the loss of a large church membership’s financial contributions to that particular church.
In the area I live in, several Catholic Churches have closed their doors, some have been demolished because their membership declined so much that it the church could not pay it’s expenses.
Half Wit DM will come to his own reckoning, although the Devil looks after his own, sooner or later Justice prevails. Many Blessings to all the Survivors of CO$….hang tough friends…the sh** will hit the fan with the continuation of Leah, Mike, A & E and all the rest of the supporters turning the screws…..
Scientology don’t want their own members children, they want other peoples children, like a pray looking for victims to swallow.
Very interesting! Thanks Brian.
Keep it simple and real, very mentally sick people drawing in lost and weak people to believe in Scientology.
If Elron had stayed on this theme and emphasized it throughout his development of $cn, then it would be much easier to spot and identify, as you have here, as a cornerstone of the cult’s core philosophy put into practice. In his typical “baffle them with your bullshit” strategy, Elron confused the issue by making all manner of subsequent statements about how much $cn had to offer its adherents in terms of handling marital conflicts (“What are crimes, husband/wife?”) and in regard to child rearing.
Elron’s vast and wide-ranging writings are like the bible: You can find something in it to support any side of an issue that you might care to. What’s most important, of course, is what the cult has done, not just what it says. And on that basis it’s clear that the direct effect of Elron’s policies have been to weaken the family unit and to relegate it to a much lesser status than the group’s survival, under the premise that, in this Mother of All Intergalactic Whole Track Wars, if the group doesn’t survive then the family and individual has no chance of survival.
The belief that we’ve all lived countless lifetimes, assumed many different personalities and been married with children so many times before that this current lifetime is put into its proper perspective when viewed in light of this almost infinitely extended whole track existence. Since we’re supposedly in this hyper-crucial moment that’s going to be determinative – one way or the other – of millions and millions of years to come, personal and family sacrifice are a small price to pay relative to what’s at stake. And if that completely unsupported set of space opera assertions were true, then putting aside all to ensure the survival of the group might well be warranted. But since it’s all just complete and utter sci-fi nonsense being sold to the gullible and critical reasoning-challenged, then it’s obviously not.
Unfortunately, waking up to that fact can be like having all of your BT’s jump into a cold shower at the same time. I wish that coming to the realization that it’s all bullshit was easier to deal with, but, as they say, “the truth shall set you free”.
Thank you, Brian. Great post!
Quite a blowdown for me!
Many great comments/clarifications as well.
There has always been a difference on how some Scientology concepts are applied depending on what type of organization you were in.
At missions and Class 4/5 orgs (non Sea Org), it tended to be more relaxed and flexible. The closer you got to a Sea Org org, the climate became stricter (and more insane).
This concept of “the GE is a family man” was used very little at the non-SO org that I was at (early 1970’s). In fact, almost all Chaplain and Ethics cycles were aimed at keeping couples together.
There are plenty of references about the importance of families and children as well but as someone pointed out above, there are opposite and equal policies/tech all over Scientology.
Which policy is picked and used depends mostly on what org you get services from (and who is doing the cycle).
Things changed a lot in the 1980’s with the permeation of Sea Org ‘ruthlesness, unreasonableness and cold, chrome ethics’ throughout all the orgs. When SO missionaires came into the org, it was always surprising on how out of touch with the real world they were. I can only imagine how someone raised as a child in the SO would view the world.
On another note, here’s a video I hadn’t seen. How Miscavige thought he could get rid of protesters at Int Base. Bizarre:
An amazingly good article Brian, succinct and straight to the point. There is no denying Hubbard had a very direct and open dislike of what he saw as the plight of and the anatomy of man. I drank pretty deeply of the 50 – ’52 data of Hubbard and can summarize his direction more or less aligning with yours in a term he used a number of times, “what in the hell are you doing in a meat body?”
It has turned out to be a very despicable thing he did creating a brutal military type regime to forward his, “not so flattering” denial of the sanctity of family by making it an (expertly camouflaged) operating basis of his organisation. It resulted in a criminal and downright despotic application of a misguided and ill thought out philosophy when it came to putting it into application in the real world of human interaction.
Once again, I’ll state, as LOUDLY as I can, YOU CAN’T TAKE SCIENTOLOGY SERIOUSLY! Just look at what happens if you do! imo there is nothing wrong with throwing ideas about, even if distasteful and playing around with theories. But for heaven’s sake, to put a philosophical gun to someone’s head and convince them the family aspect of life is really bad for you and all our survival!!! Get the fuck outta here!
Hubbard really, REALLY fucked up with this line of reasoning when he applied it in policy. He also fucked up imo with his R6 explanation (top of the then Bridge stuff) and therapy procedures in that he never saw, nor explained the lighter side of life, you know, the fun and love a being can have with life. All I can conclude is that his own life must have been abhorrent to him. He just harped on and on and on with how bad it all is and how the horrible GPM (reactive mind) is going to gobble you all up and unless you turn into some sort of robotic asshole, put on a uniform and say, “yes sir” a lot, we’re all doomed!
There has not been one singular aspect of the need of the survival of Scientology that has been agreed with by all who have actually done it or been a member of it. Such is the result of the policy of and the group handling conceived by Hubbard and forwarded by Miscavige.
L. Ron Hubbard made scientific sense when he wrote Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health. For any able to human being can look back to the past for these moments Dianetics seeks to uncover and do so and regain things not known to be lost. However, afterwards, some of L. Ron Hubbard’s subsequent discoveries such as “The GE is a Family Man” or the more dreaded old Class IX materials (before NOT’s became the New Class IX) leave A LOT to be desired. 🙂
Indeed Lawrence. There are some logical things I enjoy and have seen do nice things with auditing, both giving and receiving . Hubbard sure did throw a few interesting concepts about. His theta/mest theory is simply a theory but gives rise to a new way of viewing some explanations concerning human behavior. However, and it’s a BIG however, the organizing of it lead to speculation in other areas which in turn became awfully vindictive on those that became organised followers. A literal compliance with most of his speculations of life with such primitive origins has done untold damage. It still staggers me today that it’s taken so literally, hence seriously.
NOTs is expensive corporate crap and CLIX is a darker shade of commercial voodoo imo.
I’d like to see a group of psychologist and sociologist do a critical review of LRH and Scientology writing and material. I think they could provide succinct and reputable evaluation of how destructive these writings and practices are to human psyche. LRH was a fiction writer and everything he ever wrote was FICTION! To be a success, a writer must know his audience and what sells. LRH was successful and knowing that – but that doesn’t mean what he wrote was true or credible, only that readers liked or believed it.
Absolutely. If some psychologists and psychiatrists were to evaluate Hubbard’s nonsense now, they would certainly conclude how absurd and destructive it is. But, of course, Hubbard demonized them all those years ago since, upon reviewing his writings, they concluded it didn’t have a shred of scientific validity. He couldn’t handle that so his maniacal ego had to make them the enemy. It kills me that $cientologists (still in or out of the CO$) believe Hubbard’s writings and so-called “research” was ever scientifically tested, even though I fully understand the power of indoctrination. It’s just so frustrating.
Well, on the lighter side there was “Spirit of Play”…
This goes a long way in explaining the antisocial effects of scientology. Hubbard, as ever, isn’t available for comment and that’s convenient for scientology. We need to know how Mr. Hubbard defines the word, “entity”. If there is a genetic ‘entity’ then there is, by equal rights, an ego ‘entity’. Scientologists love to refute Dr. Freud. They say there is no ego.
But Freud didn’t claim the ego was an autonomous ‘entity’. The word merely refers to human characteristics we all share. “Ego” refers to our natural impulse to place our own interests before the interests of others. It refers to our vanity and what drives our personal ambitions. Freud’s “superego” refers to our conscience and our impulse to place something above our own personal interests.
Hubbard’s GE more closely resembles Freud’s “id”. The id is driven exclusively by it’s appetites. It refers to the impulse in all of us to reach out and grab the object of our desire unmindful of the consequences. Ideally it is subordinate to the ego which, unless you’re a politician or an attorney, is subordinate to the superego.
I think it’s obvious Dr. Freud gave far more thought to the matter than did Mr. Hubbard who, unlike Dr. Freud, wasn’t equal to the task of defending his assertions against intelligent critics. Remember? A scientologist doesn’t defend, he attacks. Besides being anti-family, Hubbard was anti-intellectual and his GE concept is the love child of those two failings.
Did you have more to say Roger? You ended with an ‘I’.
Liked your post, in fact this blog is successfully delving into the aspects of the socially observable effects of Scientology that have to be heavily suppressed within the Church. At last the sunlight is shining where it hasn’t before.
Hubbard always stated you can’t compare Scientology to anything because it’s so new and it is such good news for man – what a pile of crap!
Spot on Brian. Great essay. Another piece of hyprocracy brought to light. Thank you.
A very thoughtful post. I’ve thought this ever since I slogged through A History of Man a few years ago. It ties in with what most cults and gurus do; try to cut you off from your family and friends and replace them with the group, with the guru as mother/father figure. You can even find Jesus dissing family ties in the New Testament (Luke 12:51-53) though this is only emphasized in fringe Christian cults as a rule. I’ve experienced the same thing in Large Group Awareness Training cults like Landmark and others that I tried back in my new-age, seeker days. Never underestimate the power of belonging. It cuts to our very basic survival instincts. It’s especially effective with people whose families are broken or in disarray.
Good one Brian. In all the other writings of L Ron I don’t tink there is much if anything that mitigates your well reasoned points on this.
I think your points are well made, Btian. I have always, apparently, interpreted Hubbard’s basic philosophy differently. Perhaps that is why I could never join the CoS or go very far in Scientology as it was organized. The given interpretation of that piece of Hubbard seems to me to be very aberrated. In other words, I believe those in the CoS and in the Sea Org specifically have gotten further and further away from Hubbard’s basic teachings. Isn’t their schizophrenia obvious? It boggles my mind that it is not obvious to them. Don M. comments below that he doesn’t think there is much in Hubbard’s writing that mitigates your points. I disagree. I think there is plenty that mitigates the way it has been interpreted by the CoS and it’s application of Hubbard. Miscavige and others simply cherrt-pick the writings to support their own aberrated whims. The entire doctrine of the * Dynamics mitigates the p[oints above. But of course we know that has also been interpreted in an aberrated way. One sImple fact, however, mitigates that interpretation and proves it erroneous – and that is that orogonally Sea Org members did have children and their were children and families on the ship with Hubbard, including his own. Hubbard was himself a familiy man. These are my own opinions, and I don’t mean to debate them, as I know what I think about them. However I’ll conclude that the achievement of OT as Hubbard meant it, is impossible in the face of the wrong-headed rejection and denial of any of the Dynamics. “The way out is the way through”, Hubbard wrote. Achievement of improvement in one’s spiritual state is only possible by confronting and embracing all of the Dynamics, Family mosr definitely included. Hubbard’s early writings clearly indicate this attitude to me.
Typo correction, pleas: ” orogonally” Sea Org members did have children and their were children and families on the ship with Hubbard, ” should read “Originally Sea Org members…”
Good point, I don’t know of any either. This has not nothing to do with any out context or any other “out-logic.” The evidence is as plain as the nose on your face and openly displayed on A&E.
Thank you for writing on this topic. I was in Scn from the mid-80’s to early 90’s in San Francisco. At a Scientology New Years event one year I witnessed a young boy going up to his drunk mother and asking her something. As she was lighting up her cigarette while holding a drink she told him to, ” Get your case off my lines! ” I couldn’t believe her callousness to her own son. This article puts it in perspective.
I have so much respect for Leah and Mike for exposing The Church of Scientology. Even though I left 25 years ago I still get phone calls from the church in Los Angeles and now Clearwater. The Church knows my cell phone number and my wife and daughters number too, even though they were never in Scn. Since “Aftermath” premiered we have been getting calls nearly everyday. Thankfully with caller ID we ignore the calls.
Though Its been 25 years,I still have all those years of courses and the accumulated data still in my mind. So I tended to evaluate life by Scn standards. That’s been my biggest obstacle to ridding it from my life. Shows like “Aftermath ” and blogs like this are helping me to deconstruct L.Ron Hubbard from a savior to a swindler.
Your experience seeing that exchange between a mother and her young son just breaks my heart. I am always sickened and immensely saddened by the way $cientologists treat their children. I simply cannot imagine treating my child that way. It’s so disgusting and very detrimental to the psychological wellbeing of a child.
Thank you Carl
Hubbard’s mental and physical downward spiral began sprouting in high school. Not long after he graduated, his own family didn’t recognize him personality wise and shunned him. So naturally Hubbard had to shun and disconnect All families. In Hubbard’s mind, disconnection = the only way to survive.
Today this practice of disconnection has gone off the charts, as if on steroids. Speaking of chemicals, I highly recommend David Eagleman’s series on the brain featured by PBS and available online. There are chemical responses when a mother or father hugs a child, physically present. It’s a bonding chemical first produced at birth. The disconnection policy reduces those chemicals and can partially explain the symptoms of members, especially isolated Sea Org staff, who seem to have lost or lessened their bond with family and friends. Sea Org staff now are isolated from public, no fraternizing. Spouses are physically disconnected by posting them in different physical locations. Makes even friendships difficult.
Eagleman’s series also explains how a person or an entire group can have their empathy desensitized to the point where they will act and responded differently. Another part of the series deals with chemicals that effect when and how you make a decision and it has nothing to do with intellect. For those in recovery who slap their foreheads wondering, “WTF was I thinking?”, you can stop beating yourself up and get your answers in this series. There’s one section devoted to the subject of your brain and who’s in control.
There’s a very good reason why love is not on the Scientology tone scale. It’s the same reason why members are isolated, same reason why members are physically separated and the same reason why disconnection is the only control method Miscavige has left. What he doesn’t know is that once isolated only with hate and abusive people, eventuallyh it produces another response entirely. It’s called Fight or Flight. The human will to live survives even after the heart and soul have been captured. And that’s why in my opinion Leah Remini’s #ScientologyTheAftermath Series on A&E has struck such a visceral chord across all horizons of the human landscape to the point of strangers wanting to help in the fight to end the abuses, reunite family and friends. Love and family Do exist.
So well put. Good to see you!
Thanks for this, THDE.
Great post, Thehole! Bit scary, too.
Thanks for posting the link. I’ll be happily watching this in the morning.
Well said, Brian.
What kind of a “clear planet” would it be, without families, without the joy of a new baby and the sorrow at an old one’s passing?
Without the laughter of a child?
Without the happiness of a newlywed couple?
Without love?
Good thing Scientology doesn’t have a prayer of actually creating a “clear planet”. I am certain I would not want to live there.
A world run by scientology ideals doesn’t bear thinking about does it, just as well they are going nowhere.
As a young person growing up in scientology I used to imagine what a ‘clear’ planet would be like and I would shudder at the thought. I knew it would be a world without love, without loyalty and without laughter.
Thank goodness they will never clear anything.
Fantastic post
There is that one difference between the scientology cult and the anti-scientology cult…all the dead bodies are all on one side.
I’m sure you were being funny and referred to “anti Sci cult” with tongue-in-cheek. But for newcomers reading this blog, they may think you’re serious.
Obviously, there’s no anti-$cientology cult. As I’m sure you know, that label was absurdly assigned somewhat recently by someone we all know…and probably most still-in $ci’s would love that label as well.
Clearly, all the critics of $cientology and related blogs/forums don’t even remotely fit the description of a cult. Just wanted to point that out to any newcomers.
at I watched all the drone flyovers at Int Base all 7 of them to be honest I was looking for disturbed soil…ok maybe I watch too much Discovery ID but yes I admit I was looking for shallow graves out there in the desert. Didn’t see any but I’m not really trained. Would be good to take some cadaver dogs out there and maybe one day someone will. I would not put it past them one bit.
Spot on, once again. In the latest A&E series I was amazed to see that Aaron was allowed to attend the funeral of his twin brother. That his brother was also a declared SP, made it even more amazing. As sick is it may sound, it is not uncommon to hear Sea Org members brag that they did not leave post to visit their parents when they were on their death bed. That they did not attend funerals of parents and family members. That they did not take a day off in 5 years. That they did not take a vacation (LOA – Leave Of Absence) in 15 years. These are bragged about by some as a way to show how dedicated they are. What great Scientologists and Sea Org members they are. The indoctrination that family has no importance is VERY strong. Things like love, compassion, feeling grief or loss, are considered to be gross signs of weakness and the dramatizing of one’s case/reactive mind/animal mind. After leaving the Sea Org, if one can start to feel such things, it is a MAJOR sign of healing and recovery.
Outstanding post, Mat. When I was still in, one of the staff members told me her Mom had dropped her body. No big thing. And she wasn’t going the funeral. Absolutely no compassion. Zero, zip, nada. And that’s scary…
Yeah .. the GE is a fiction .. and is not a family man .. only LRH found out that there would be a source for building bodies .. and talked then about a GE .. but his theory has a lot of lacks .. had always .. one is that the universe had to be full of GEs .. the GE took the body before the thetan .. and the thetan came later .. maybe five or six years later ..
What is the point .. Why should a GE be a family man .. I think thetans like families ..
This whole disconnection thing is so heartbreaking it’s diabolical. I’m amazed when I hear in some videos I’ve been watching how LRH was a sweet old guy then you come across a story like this. He was a creeper (among other things) IMHO.
As a wog, when I see that writing by Hubbard, my first thought is that it is the so-called “thetan” that is the harmful parasite in all this.
Personally, I never had any problem with seeing the similarities of humans with other animals. You’d have to be blind not to see them (especially while observing interactions between other primates, some of whom can acquire language capabilities equivalent to a 8 year-old human) and I always failed to see *how* this is bad. Yes, I am an animal… Because I’m neither plant nor fungi. I am a mammal, and a primate.
We are part of the nature that created us. When we truly understand this, we are less likely to do harm to it, and by extension, ourselves. It mitigates our hubris and gives us some very much needed humility and respect for all life. How is this bad ?
Hubbard says this “GE” “builds, builds, builds”. I don’t know, but I prefer builders to destroyers. It looks like the “GE” as a builder adept at using “MEST”, fits much better in its environment, and is in much better harmony with it, that the so-called “thetan” could ever hope to be. In fact, if you’ve not been brainwashed into thinking you are that thetan, and that this makes you superior to “animals”, you identify better with the “GE”, and feel you would be much better off, and happier, without that goddamn thetan hijacking your resources.
To me this writing reflects the alienation Hubbard felt towards “normal” people, that is, those capable of feeling genuine love and bonding towards one another, because they do not have Narcissistic Personality Disorder. His frustration at not getting something he craved for above all things pushed him to pretend it was not real, and to impose that conception on others.
I like this perspective. I too feel greater inclination to identify with my ‘GE’ and ‘meat body’
Well said. I agree.
“We are part of the nature that created us. When we truly understand this, we are less likely to do harm to it, and by extension, ourselves. It mitigates our hubris and gives us some very much needed humility and respect for all life. How is this bad ?”
It is bad because it is not all about Hubbard and his “sciency not science” fiction.
Excellent article and wow…chilling doctrine indeed!
What is a GE?
Please read the entire article. Brian explains it in paragraph five.
Genetic Entity – read the article again, it’s explained there, follow the links too if you want more info on it
As I understood it the GE is the part of us which contains our primal urges – food, procreation, survival etc, much as you see in the animal world. Hubbard tries to suggest that it is also this which makes us see the family as our main group. Essentially its another mind trick to get cult members to think less of their family, just as Brian has set out above. Hubbard has a way of throwing these things into lectures and books in a general way as if they don’t really apply to you, but then installs the mind set that if you don’t think like him then you are not a fully onboard scientologist, to be one you must therefore adopt his thought patterns. I’ve seen it all the time in scions – “we don’t watch horror films as they are entheta(spiritually bad)”, or “don’t help homeless people they are degraded beings”. There are many many examples, all illustrate the point that scientology is nothing about helping us to think for ourselves, its all about “think like hubbard”.
Instead of using the family as an opportunity for spiritual growth, Hubbard trashed it as a group unworthy of any allegiance. That should have set off my inner alarm if nothing else did, but I had already been gradually boiled while absorbing the “wisdom” of the attractive outer layers of Scientology and blinded by its incessant pressure on my Help Button.
Fortunately my family survived Scientology and I now enjoy daily exchanges with an ever growing number of beautiful grandchildren.
Had trouble posting the first time so tried again. Looks like I double posted. Mike, feel free to delete the first (and shorter) post.
One of the first thing that someone will do who wants to control you, after they get you hooked, is separate from your previous foundation, or eventually discredit it. . Emotionally, as well as spiritially, that is your family, friends and other societal groups you have some kind of connection to, that is part of that foundation. I see Sea Org doing this. “Family” is one of the strongest bonds in a person’s foundation. To slowly crumble a person’s previous foundation as a person, then replace it with what they want you to have and control you.
You know, in the 70’s there was a lot of talk about “cults” and how they would do it. I remember even going to some kind seminar about it.
I also see a lot of comments from people who don’t really understand how people can get caught up in something like scientology, or other groups that have cult like structure.
Any good person, or an intelligent person can be a victim. There does not have to be a motivation to join this type of “group”, but they were duped into doing so. A person can be hooked by some very dubious and purposeful tricks. You do not have to be “crazy” or more valnerable then others either.
And I will note here, that cult like groups and orgs do not always have to be religious either, but being a religious group that is recognized as such does help the money flow.
“but being a religious group that is recognized as such does help the money flow.”
It does indeed! How else could scientology achieve a small army of unpaid “volunteers” who they will readily send a freeloader bill to if the person dares to leave before the end of their contract.
AmPaddy-Thank you for your post I too am a “wog” yet I totally relate to what these people have lived through in many ways. Kudos for your insight. I’d love to help these people break free.
On a different note, I watched the Golden Globes and was surprised to see John Travolta. He looked extremely uncomfortable – his wife not so. When the “OJ” film won he and others went on stage, he didn’t really smile and I watched closely only Cuba Gooding Jr. put an arm around his shoulder as they stood in a group congratulating each other.
He must be mortified knowing the World now knows since this nasty business of DM and $ci have become common knowledge. Made me wonder if he feels somehow guilty/responsible/ashamed? Back in his early days I read where he was devoted to his mother who was likewise devoted to him so I feel he still has a conscience in there somewhere. Wonder if some of his peers shunned him tonight?
Thanks Mike Rinder. You and Leah are the best!! Fingers crossed for Season 2!!!
Oh come on Brian. That whole attitude was completely eliminated in the Co$ when LRH wrote in the philosophical guide for happy living:
The cherch even has an auditing rundown designed to help parishioners eliminate disagreements with these priceless pearls of wisdom.
Since all scientologists are required to do that rundown as part of their bridge to total freedom it is certain that family relations in their cherch are better than in any other group on the planet. I mean look at how Dave himself went to all the trouble to use tax exempt money to hire Private Investigators to follow his dad and make sure he was okay. Doesn’t that prove it?
Personally, I think the Happiness Rundown is a great little program to help those who have lost their moral compass or have been negatively influenced by sociopathic reasoning. Too bad they are not allowed to apply the precepts in their cherch.
LOL. good response Les. Kind of like soldiers urged to attended a Chaplin’s sermon before and after a battle – just to cover all the bases.
Instead of using the family as an opportunity for spiritual growth, Hubbard trashed it as a group unworthy of any allegiance. That should have set off my inner alarm if nothing else did, but I had already been gradually boiled while absorbing the “wisdom” of the attractive outer layers of Scientology and blinded by its incessant pressure on my Help Button.
They often get their new members from the ranks of the teen generation. Teens are often quite rebellious to the family at that point in their life.
freebeing, good point. Telling teens that the family is not important could be very appealing to some of them. Scientology recruiters are well versed in preying on the particular vulnerabilities of the young.
Brian, this article is good, but I wish it had less scientology jargon or more definitions in it. I understand you are trying to explain a scientology concept and are speaking scientologese because I also took scientologese and am fluent in that language.
For the large number of new people coming to this site, especially just after the 20/20 show, It may be impossible to wade through LRH gobbledygook and get to the important message you are putting across here.
A couple of the examples which someone who spent even a short time in would get but someone coming newly to this site won’t:
MEST: Matter, Energy Space and Time. In scientology, we were trained that MEST was basically “Stuff” and that to possess stuff was bad bedause it slowed you down. You were better off getting away from your stuff (MEST) so you could progress more quickly on your spiritual path.
Banky (reactive mind) griefy: for someone who spent a long time in scientology, these words make perfect sense. For those who were never in they mean little or nothing. The reactive mind is the harmful thoughts you have (harmful in scientology terms) the things which make you react to something you’re feeling. Banky is the basically same thing, reacting to how your mind is thinking. Theoretically, these things are benign, but griefy shows just how NOT benign they are. In scientology you are trained NOT to show emotion, that ANY and ALL emotion (HE&R -human emotion and reaction) is bad because you are becoming effect of the bad part of your mind. Therefore if you are “Griefy” (crying) NO MATTER WHY, it is because you are wrong or responding incorrectly.
Thetan: Hubbards definition of your soul.
Thanks Valerie, I’ll take your advice into consideration if I write another analysis.
So when COB David Miscavige lays an ecclesiastical bearing on someone, he is being a bad Scientologist by showing emotion!
Scientology is a “case handling” pseudo-handling-therapy-exorcism-pastlivestraumaeliminating activity.
It’s crank, A-Z. Out of a science fiction unqualified (except Hubbard’s claim his LONG history as a past-life personage who has for zillions of years been coming along through mega galactic cycles as a sort of spiritual Master person researching and accumulating spiritual “case handling” knowledge and teachings to impart).
CST (Archives) is Hubbard’s earth period repository of “case handling” research knowledge (plus his cameras, LOL.)
No, Hubbard is best cut to the knees imediately and ranked as the crank he was!
Try not to give him undue credit or theorize great inner evilness to him.
He’s an oddity unique type of human history fake crank who believed his own crank crackpot “body-thetans” exorcism to the end of his life.
His Ouija-Board-Souped-Up-HubbardEmeter that Sarge made for him melted, and he was left with his “body-thetans”.
So he then said he was going to go out circle Arcturus the star and do soul-rejuvenation “OT Running Program” delusional wishful thinking therapy of himself so longer range he would regroup and try another planet hopping attempt as Master somewhere.
What a cosmic cad caught up in his own failed crank subject.
Mike, I’ve only just started to pay attention to what you and Leah are exposing about Scientology.
I just have a couple of questions and perhaps it’s already been addressed and I missed it but.. What is David Miscavige doing with all of the money, other than buying buildings for tax write offs? What kind of a lifestyle is he living?
As is always the case, you’ll get the best results when you follow the money.
I am not *Mike* obviously, but it was shared previously that D. M. pays himself a 6 figure salary, has some very expensive cars etc [motorcycles too] and lives like a king. All of this is at the expense of the “church”.
His suits are certainly well made as well. As in expensive. This guy wants for nothing, and has all the goodies.
Well…what goes around comes around. He’ll get his in the end.
Okay, he lives like a king and what else? There’s got to be more to it and he has to know that he can’t take it all with him. I guaran-effing-tee there’s something else, something really screwed up happening behind the scenes. He has that look of guilt in his eyes..
Also, when I see the videos of him I see a short little troll that’s screaming “I have a Napoleon Complex!”. It also appears that he’s got a man crush on Tom Cruise. I’m sure I’m not the only one to notice this.
Great article. Modern Scientologists are spared, though, taking much influence in their lives from Hubbard’s “History of Man” writing, other than when Scientologists reach the “OT” levels they are sold the “OT Library” books, which include “History of Man”.
“History of Man” isn’t given any of the importance of Hubbard’s 1967 onwards theoretical “body-thetans” theory writings and intricacies though.
“Body-thetans” have Hubbard’s interest up to the end of his life, witness Lawrence Wright’s interview with Sarge Steven Pfauth, final pages and in the HBO documentary of “Going Clear…”
Hubbard put his attention on his “body-thetan” lingering final surplus souls infesting Hubbard he thought were still troubling and influencing him.
For which Sarge built the suicide version of the Hubbard-Ouija-Board-Emeter to give Hubbard an extra jolt to dislodge the “body-thetans” still troubling Hubbard at the end of his life.
OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are all about exorcising “body-thetans”, these top level final courses/quack-exorcism-therapy are what Hubbard thought caused a person their most spiritual degradation and setback.
If a dog is an example of a GE than I say the GE has a lot of commendable qualities. Any dog lover will attest to that. And it would seem that hanging out with GEs is not bad for us human/thetans, as research on the health benefits of having pets would indicate.
Thumbs up, SSOA.
Paw five!
I can verify that this indoctrination occurred very early in my Scn tenure. And caused a great deal of family upset. Good article. And I agree that it’s an insane and narcissistic doctrine only a madman could invent.
Excellent article Brian and thank you for writing it. Having been a Scientologist for the first 29 years of my life I don’t think I had ever been forced fed that particular drivel before or if I did, I filed it away in the “above my ability to comprehend” department (I filed a lot of LRH’s BS writings into this category of my mind). It is odd that there was so much of LRH’s writings that I disagreed with but instead of doubting His accuracy, I instead doubted my ability to grasp what this “great man” was truly saying.
But now having been away from his nonsense for the best of my next 30 years of my life, this all makes sense now. It makes sense why when Quinten committed suicide, LRH didn’t grieve his loss, but was angry at his son for the bad PR he caused. Or why his youngest son Arthur would complain to me constantly about his relationship with his father which I read as not a real father-son relationship.
When I look at LRH describing this GE thingy, this entity surrounding and controlling someone, along with the OT III Body Thetans that also influences people, it further documents that this was all LRH’s own mental case he was pushing on to his followers as fact. He was nuts and apparently lived his life hearing voices and other entity’s thoughts in his head controlling his behavior. His own internal voices and struggles, became the basis of his technology.
I was in the SO for 23 years, the last 16 on the Freewinds. These were almost the last years of my life, for reasons I will get into later. From my experience, the Church has always viewed having a family as having “Other fish to fry” and therefore out-ethics.
And I am not talking just about having children, which are verboten, I am talking about mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters too. Of course, this is illogical, as if I had no mother or father I would not be here working 14 or more hours a day on your fine vessel and it would have sunk or burned down years ago. Of course, don’t confuse the issue with facts. It is my belief that if the SO execs thought they could get away with it, not only would there be forced abortions, but retroactive abortions done by roving terminators to eliminate pesky siblings and parents. After all, the purpose of Ethics as laid out by LRH is “To remove counter-intentions from the environment.” And when this is done, the purpose becomes ” To remove other-intentioness from the environment.” Having any family not working as slaves for the common goal of lining DM’s pockets is clearly other-intentioness and is to be eliminated by any means necessary. Certainly the greatest good for the great 3rd dynamic requires that we “Close the door on any possibility of other-intentioness”. The attitudes of ship execs toward family was expressed clearly to me in early 2002 when I along with my wife, my senior, the Chief Engineer the Chief Officer and the Deputy Captain were ordered up to the Captain’s office one night after staff meeting. The Captain started off the meeting by telling all of us that we should listen carefully to what he had to say as it would save us a lot of grief later. He then launched into a tirade against my wife, (wrong target) for stirring up this “reunion shit” ( I had CSWed to be allowed to go to my parent’s 50th wedding aniversary dinner and when I got no reply after 4 months, had written a report to the RTC Rep. The Captain said that he was going to have my wife sent to the RPF if she kept it up. I spoke up to defend my wife who had nothing to do with it and he twisted my words with the most brilliantly crafted 1.1 statement I have ever heard in my life. His statement twisted my words in basicly “I agree with you, Bill. She is a piece of shit.” He then screamed at the top of his lungs ” I don’t give a fuck about family!”
I will continue this in another comment as by phone will likely crash before I finish
Very interesting, Bill! I’d love to hear the rest of your story in detail. But can I make a constructive suggestion here? Well-organized paragraphs are your friend when it comes to communicating clearly in written form and holding your reader’s interest.
It’s all very clear in your own personal head, but since we’re not in there with you, there’s a real need to keep your reader’s perspective in mind, especially when telling a longer and more involved story.
Talking to a member of staff on the freewinds, I discovered they hadn’t left the ship in years so obviously hadn’t seen their family in all that time, I can’t remember exactly how long it had been at that time, and don’t know if they are still on staff there – they stopped sending me emails a few years back – it does show that nothing has changed though even to the present day.
Wow Bill! My friend……. you have a lot to say. I am so sorry that you experienced such ugliness.
I hope you are healing from this with friends and family.
I wish you all the best and look forward to part 2.
Tell your story Bill. It’s good for our healing and good for yours. ❤️
Thanks, Brian. Ouch! Oh Ouch! Every bad layer of my onion peeling off helps. I never agreed to this but I agreed to way too much which tacitly allowed this crap to be condoned.
Sheesh. Did you ever start to think “If this is what a sane, clear planet looks like, I’ll take the blue pill?”
Just this one “religious scripture” of Scientology by itself, if we can make the general public aware of it and to understand it should be enough to have millions blowing up the phone lines of their political representatives and the IRS, demanding that the tax exemption be rescinded, as well as a full congressional investigation closely examining this criminally abusive organization.
Thank-you Brian! (and Mike for publishing it).
Great article Brian.
This is a key link in the human trafficking equation. It is step one in the indoctrination of young people when they join the Sea Org and begins the process of breaking the bonds to the family. Once the person agrees with this construct, they willingly implement it over time, justifying away the need (spelled desire) to maintain a connection to their (Genetic Entity) family.
This is an important concept to expose when bringing the human trafficking issue to the forefront. Of course the cult will hide behind the religious discrimination argument (1st amendment) to say that the person willingly adopted this belief based on the ecclesiastical writings of the cherch leader.
The psychological manipulations of this ‘tech’ and it’s effectiveness cannot be understated IMHO, especially because it provides enough data for a person to agree with early on that they ultimately willing accept the rest and enforce it upon themselves ( and then other – new recruits).
Scientology is a dangerous cult and needs to be exposed and shut down. At the very least, removal of it’s status as a ‘religion’ has to occur. I suppose beyond that, people will choose to believe what is most real to them, whatever that may be.
Same with the concept of “Blow” equaling missed withholds, hence, the excuse to chase someone down and try to bring them back or try to prevent anyone from leaving. The reason the MAA’s attempts to prevent me from leaving and barring the door isn’t so alarming to my son (or any other scientologist) is because the only reason I wanted to leave (“Blow”) was case (Out Int, etc.) and/or missed withholds. The fact that I refused to go back in and handle was yet another indication that I have overts against the church. These are “religious” tenets that condone false imprisonment and kidnapping AND declaring people SP’s AND forcing Disconnections AND….
Thanks for writing about this. It never ceases to amaze me how each disclosure of Hubbard’s “teachings” shows how thoroughly rotten Scientology has been from its founding.
Hi Mike, I am from Germany. My comment s and questions are not 100% in content with your post today. I started looking in the internet, what else is on Scientology, when Miscavige senior promoted his book. In Germany it is strange when family turns on you and something must be very wrong. I was surprised to see your block on the internet. In 2000, or so, I was sitting next to you in the old Clearwater Bank Building on the corner Fort Harrison Ave/Clevelandstreet to plan the demonstration against Ursula Caberta when she was visiting from Germany. I agree with most of your critics against the Church Of Scientology especially the disconnection practice. The IAS over reggin is a bad thing too etc, etc.. In Germany the situation with regular, normal people, Scientologist is completely different than in the US. In Germany you are ‘’cattle branded’’ if you was one time related to Scientology. You have problems to get a job or contracts, loans. You just have problems in society. That is the problem just to leave Scientology since you have no friends or people to talk to. A kid, I know, went to university to become an attorney and at the end of your studies you have to do an internship in a regular court house in order to finish. In order to get started with the internship you have to sign not ever had anything to with Scientology or WISE. Basically Scientologist and EX-Scientologist have a hard time and the IAS doesn’t help individuals with those kinds of problems. The IAS took only the money. What is your viewpoint of the treatment of EX-Scientologist and Scientologist in Germany?
Great essay thank you Brian! Honestly the group(3rd) dynamic was always my least favorite dynamic. I always saw a kind of contradiction in 1. the importance and seniority of the group dynamic and 2. group think is the reactive mind.
“…thetan, by the way, can much more easily go into a group.
“No doubt in my mind he is implying Scientology”
Of course. Remember, Scn is the only true group. All others are a bundle of aberration of overts and withholds.
All roads lead to Rome. All dynamics lead to Scientology.
That is the most subverted, self-serving manipulative garbage I’ve ever read. Definitely the words of an ego-maniacal lunatic. As a mother and grandmother, it sickens me that these beautiful bonds and relationships are never allowed to grow and prosper.
It’s important to the cult to sever bonds of real family. Scientology is like a parasite that destroys the real family and takes over that role. So, in Hubbard’s long con, that’s all he was doing. Sure, he presented his ramblings as a great philosophy, only he (as cult leader) knew about. But, it’s the same old con, and it’s what a cult has to do.
The cult takes away sex, love and family and intrudes, making sure it’s their victims’ only focus and love.
This is why Scientology is at its core pure evil and mind manipulation. I realize some exes hold onto Hubbard’s words, even after they’ve left the cult. I urge people, please don’t. Hubbard was merely a con man who needed servitude and misdirected love.
Fascinating. Reading this it hit me that people who get involved in Scientology need to take the first item they are exposed to heart. This is LRH’s essay “Personal Integrity,” with its dictum that what is true is what is true for you. If any Scientologist were make to eat and digest that one essay they could listen to that lecture, consider it, call BS on it and move on. I never heard that lecture, but I read History of Man, and the datum about the GE being the mind of a dog, etc., well okay. It never had any impact on my life one way or the other. It occurs to me now that Scientologists tended to overlook that Personal Integrity essay too easily. I know I did. Being out now for 13. years makes it easier to distinguish the good, the bad and the ugly with Scn.
The problem in my view Dan is, as soon as Hubbard is granted infallibility, as many granted him, including myself, what is true for us is; being critical of Ron = a high crime or ethics condition, or sec check to find crimes.
I do not know about you, but what you have just proposed could easily have been defined as “being reasonable” or being “open minded” back then.
We never got certs for rationally deconstructing the delusions of Hubbard by expressing truth as we see it.
Expressing disagreement with Hubbard was always met with threat of punishment, losing family, jobs and life.
It’s quite easy in retrospect to claim the virtues of being true to oneself. But back then it was a dangerous thing to do.
Now…………. not so dangerous.
Brian, oh, yeah, I totally get that. And you’re right. You probably did like me and many others did and say to yourself and only to yourself, “This is bullshit,” and held onto it as a withhold. Maybe going through the Waring blender that was Scn was only a step along the way for people to come to their senses about the subject and its principles and keep using was they found useful and discard the rest. For most, it has proven to be too painful a process and a lot of people throw everything away because the subject became so radioactive.
“Maybe going through the Waring blender that was Scn was only a step along the way for people to come to their senses about the subject and its principles and keep using was they found useful and discard the rest.”
I see the “going through the Waring blender” as somewhat of a blessing in disguise. So many lessons were learned about belief, authority, authoritarianism, and so forth – and we learned them firsthand, with all the mass.
I was a bit more dim than that Dan. My mind went to,”Ron is so smart, and he is the foretold prophesy of Maitreya, and so wise, that it must be my occlusion that bars me from knowing. Thus my attempts at making money money money to find the truth.
I was also 17 or 18 when I got in. So I did not have a lot of experience to work with.
I believed Ron. I trusted him. I trusted him with my spiritual life. I entrusted my mind to him.
I definitely learned some great positive lessons while in the cult.
One of them is I have a very good intuitive bullshit detector.
The other thing my experience in Scientology forced me to do is to work at differentiating between the real and the unreal.
I had to think my way through all of those years of imprinting and sort out the lies from truth. I may still be working on that. It could be a reason I still come back to these blogs.
Brian, you did a wonderful job exposing this doctrine for what it is. And citing it is yet another instance of Scientologists “running Ron’s case”, just like OT3. Remember that he wrote this between the disastrous breakup with Sara Northrup and before he met Mary Sue Whipp. Gee, L. Fraud changed his tune on families once he had Mary Sue, a woman who had no past and worshipped the ground he slithered on, and proceeded to sire four kids with her. How many people over the years were denied the pleasure of children and family because this old crank had a bad breakup?
Many people really are obsessed with having to find (or trying to keep) a partner, sometimes at the cost of careers, family ties and even through abusive relationships. The LRH quote to me reads like an attempt to explain this particular phenomenon, which I have witnessed many times when counseling, especially in teenagers and young adults. The level of self-harm attributed to this urge has oftentimes vexed me to no end. Fortunately with age, experience, education and sometimes counseling – even Scientology, through their moral codes, as twisted as they may be – most learn to make rational decisions, move beyond primal urges and consciously choose a partner, or even decide to focus on a different aspect of their life for a while.
However, using this quote in any other way than to increase one’s personal understanding of the world or spiritual enlightenment is despicable, especially considering the consequences that result from Scientology zealots applying what are essentially fables as dogma to justify their own actions against people like Laura and so many other victims.
This is a pattern seen in so many radicalised organisations, religious or otherwise. Take some scripture like the Bible, the Quran, Mein Kampf, etc., place it in the hands of uneducated people of below-average intelligence who use it to justify their own ineptitude (rather than look at themselves), add a dash of ambition and voilá, you have cooked up a radicalised organisation where ends always justify the means and “us vs them” is prevalent. Pitiful, would there not be the potential to do great harm to others..
There is a difference between someone having an emotional problem and dysfunction regarding family, and Hubbard’s absolutist claim that the entire urge is based on a delusional imaginary entity cooked up in the mind of a madman.
There is no correlation. No moral equivalence.
One dysfunction is understandable and can be worked out in therapy. It is experientially based and can be handled.
The other is simply bat shit crazy and unquestionably destructive. Because the need. even a natural loving sane need, is defined with looney toons.
Thumbs up, Lurker.
Nice article Brian. You wrote:
“All those banky (reactive mind) griefy mothers and fathers I guess needed to realize their love for family is really the animal urges of the GE. Then get back onto clearing the planet unobstructed by loving families! On to making a sane, clear planet!”
Correct me if I’m wrong, but if by a “sane, clear planet” that Scientology is hoping to promote, then it seems part of that is ridding everyone’s “animal urges of the GE” (i.e., caring for their family, including children). And if that were to ever happen one day, then no one person on this planet (the only planet we can actually confirm is inhabited with people by the way) will care about having children and we will basically (non)breed ourselves out of existence.
Your last statement: “And the source doctrine for the destruction of the family unit.” It appears to basically be the source doctrine for the destruction of mankind as a whole.
For a philosophy that espouses the goal of saving all of mankind, this doctrine appears to do quite the opposite. In fact, based on logic and my extremely limited knowledge of Scientology, this doctrine seems that it will ultimately lead to destroying the First through Fifth Dynamics (5 out of the 8). So much for “The greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics.” Yet another in a long line of logical fallacies by this man.
Thank you FBI Agent Maritza-Conde-Vasquez a/k/a Clarice Starling for your interview.
I think that if I’d actually read that information back in the 60s, I’d have been out immediately thereafter!
This was a bold move by Hubbard. In 1952 America was still very much white-picket fence, in pursuit of the American Dream. The family unit was integral to that model.
A year before, Hubbard demonstrated his own animalistic urges: assisting in black magic rituals to conceive a Moonchild; becoming a bigamist; abandoning wife #1 and terrorizing wife #2; and even kidnapping his daughter (the one that doesn’t exist). I guess this made him an expert on the Second Dynamic.
It’s likely those events inspired him to “research” the area, to “discover” the real “truth” behind the aberration. He offers no proof to substantiate these claims, and even discourages inspection (e.g. It’s not worthwhile messing with the GE, no gain to be had, nothing to see here folks, move along). He gives you a whopper of pill to swallow, one that will ultimately destroy a portion of your life if applied.
More insight into the genius…
There is a huge facility I believe located in Clearwater Florida that contains all the folders of “confessionals” given to members of the cult of $cientology that contain material of those members the church uses as threats to silence any criticism after that member decides to leave the cult.
There is no question that the cherch uses this information to silence it’s critics.
The analogy here is like if a priest in the Catholic faith after hearing a confessional opens the door of the confessional booth and shouts, “Hey guys, wait till you hear this one!” This incredible betrayal of trust is practiced daily and the midget has an entire army to cull through those folders to find incriminating material they may use against anyone they have in their target sites.
My inside sources have told me that an order for 20 industrial sized shredders has been ordered by the cherch. Evidence tampering I believe is a federal offense.
Sick fucks….
I hope someone in LE is reading this….
The last paragraph is not true. It is only my attempt at humor.
Shucks! I think shredding all the folders and other papers in their possession might be a good thing. There would go all their blackmail material….
Great post Brian!
There’s so much cognitive dissonance in those few paragraphs from Hubs. The implied conclusion is rather flawed. Let’s just assume there is a GE. Then by his own statement it would well behoove a person to maintain good family relations. Otherwise you are going to have a very upset little GE. Instead Hubs took the opinion that the GE is something that could be disregarded. The only thing of importance is the thetan (you the spiritual being.)
Thus we have the seeds sown for a complete disregard and denigration of the body. The body is a trap. It was a mistake for beings to get involved with bodies. He lectured at length about this in the early 50’s. Yet we are all living our lives here in them. This is another factor as to why scilons don’t like to go to doctors. Bodies are an annoying impediment.
The burning desire to become OT means that one can be done with that pesky piece of meat and its fawning family oriented GE.
The GE uses MEST to build, build, build. So? Does not mankind build its civilization with MEST? What idiocy is this “criticism”.
“And you get your GE surviving best and being loused up the most”
Huh? Here we have a perfect example of “Hubbard’s Law of Commotion” in a single sentence!:
HUBBARD’S LAW OF COMMOTION: For each and every policy or piece of tech, there is an equal and opposite policy and piece of tech. [Example: Scientology’s Creed which imparts all mankind inalienable rights to free speech and thought, whereas anyone attempting to practice same (e.g. Paulette Cooper) is condemned to a Fair Game death sentence] ( ref: )
Scientologists have been programmed to believe that being human is degraded. Is it any wonder the callous and cruel degradation they mete out on their fellows?
Hilarious! That’s the first time that I’ve run into Hubbard’s Laws before…what fun!
Hubbard’s Law of the Big Lie: Never tell a small untruth or falsehood of small scope where you can get away with telling a really big lie!
Example: Once you’ve decided to claim accurate whole track recall of your past lives, it’s much more grand to claim to have lived for trillions of years in the past.
This well in the age-old antisex tradition of Western religion in particular. Like the demonization of masturbation.
“The body is evil” as a philosophical principle has existed for ages. It appears Hubbard is not the first to propound it.
“Thank you for posting that — I remember being shown that exact quote while in the RPF being handled to “not want kids.”
Brain…I echo that. I was shown the exact same quote on the EPF in another country on also being handled to “not want kids”.
Thanks Jo, I wonder how many lives were corrupted with this garbage.
I remember more than on executive in the Sea Org using this reference as a reason Sea Org parents and children should stop complaining about not being able to spend time together. Especially when the children were infants through grade school age.
Most likely this is why L Ron made it so Sea Org parents could hardly spend any time with their children. The guy was evil.
Mike, he transcends evil. Hubbard is in a class of his own. Jim Jones would have been proud of him. I can’t believe I fell for this shit. But, it has made me very acute regarding cults.
OSD, we all fell for it. But, we got out. Good people get duped because they are trying to do good and look for the good in others. Evil preys upon that.
Yep. Hubbard was neither good nor evil in his own eyes. He thought he was trying to be “ethical”, rather than “moral”, trying to adopt a kind of Nietzchean attitude. But I think maybe he didn’t read enough Nietzche, who is worth googling for some quotes.
Nietzsche was a borderline sociopath. I think Hubbard tried too hard to be like him.
Here are some Nietzsche quotes. They don’t seem to reflect any sociopathy:
Irrelevant iamvalkov. I can pull selected quotes from Uncle Joe (Stalin) that don’t seem to reflect his insanity. That you even wrote that shows that you have ZERO ability in the logic Dept.
Mike, should I feel sorry for you? You seem to be one of the most tactless people I have ever met.
About the Stalin quotes, please do. It might bring a little reality into people’s thinking. I never considered myself a tactful person, by the way. I do wonder what you consider relevant? Whether you consider me logical or not, is irrelevant. Who decides what is relevant and what is not? I think it is what you DO with the quotes YOU choose that is relevant. It’s what YOU make of them that matters. Nothing has an intrinsic meaning, in and of itself. Meaning and relevance are attributes. Why throw in sonmething about my ability or lack of ability to be logical? Logic is not the be all and end all of existence. Prhaps you need to work on emotional intelligence.
Thank you Mike, it would be great to gather actual stories of this doctrine being used in the real world. I sense in the Sea Org it was used a lot.
It is also not far fetched to imagine that Tom Cruise uses that same doctrine in his justification of dumping his daughter. I’d bet money on it.
Brian, take that to the bank. I would bet my house that DM has MORE than a couple times got to Tom C. with the GE & family crap/
I have not a doubt that David Miscavige has this doctrine in his dead every time he destroys families.
Bolivar and The GE is A Family Man, I believe with all my intuition, are the doctrines that Dave studied, agreed to and is now applying.
GE is a Family Man and Bolivar, IS, the essence of Miscavige’s character. There is a causal relation between these doctrines and his personality. He is the monster made in Ron’s image.
“Families are not good groups”; only Scientology is a good group.
“Freightening level of cruelty”; must overcome my fear of hurting people to save the universe.
Tom Cruise’s daughter? Being a true believer, Tom has probably relegated his desire to be in his daughter’s life to the psycho GE ghost.
Is Scientology dangerous? Lol!!
This is insidious, Brian. Thanks for taking the time to detail it.
What is remarkable about this doctrine is how early it is introduced. I can recall being shown this within six months of starting my first course. Since I was estranged from my family, it “explained” how familial drama comes about, and that it was best ignored. It’s a waste of time rationalizing with a barking dog.
Then a year or so later, it was used to downplay my desires to start a 2D. Best to keep your attention focused on clearing the planet.
Insidious is a great word to describe Scientology, statpush. Maybe the best one.
Ah, so no emotions is good in Scientology world. Sounds like LRH watch an episode of the original Star Trek and decided we should all become Vulcans like Spock.
Can we ask Congress to pass a law to warn people of the dangers of Scientology, this so-called faux religion?
We now have factual proof!
Let’s force Scientology to use a Black Box Warning on all of their courses and “counseling”:
DANGER – Scientology is dangerous to your health, your well-being, your bank account, your friendships and YOUR FAMILY.
Side effects include but are not limited to:
Scientology KILLS. This is a proven fact!
Shattered families, cancer, bankruptcy, divorce, “feeling trapped and can’t get out”, financial ruin and making mistakes – huge mistakes, confusion and lost identity, Enforced Introspection that caused “dehyrdation and homicide by neglect” made to look like an “embolism”, suicide, homicide, MISSING people, Get your own personal HATE Website about you and your confidential confessions made public, EXTORTION, deceipt, manipulation, mind control, mass murder, strange burn marks on your scalp
Then post billboards exposing the strange and bizarre deaths:
Then put out commercials –
Don’t show pictures of couples running through daisy fields while we reading these side effects –
Show PEOPLE actually harmed by Scientology:
Hy Levy – died of cancer ( FLAG REGISTRAR – did You Tube videos as Whistleblower)
Lisa McPherson: Died at the Fort Homicide in Clearwater – google: Lisa McPherson TRUST
Received C/Sing by David Miscavige – DEAD AT Flag Service Organization – show photos of BEFORE AND AFTER (autopsy photos online – family wants the public to see what a “clear” looks like).
Biggi Reichert – OT VIII and IAS PATRON – found dead with burn marks all over her scalp.
Maria Pia Gardini – Scientology bilked millions out of her – they destroyed this woman.
Debbie Cook, Captain of Flag living off a Blood Money Gag Order Buy Out – was seen driving around a BEEMER after she got money out of her.
Dave Foster, Registrar at FLAG SERVICE ORGANIZATION, slapped her to get her to give up her money.
Then Scientology put up a HATE WEBSITE about Maria Pia Gardini. THE EP of Scientology.,d.amc
Lawrence Brennan (Whistleblower)
Mary Florence “Flo” Barnett (DM’s Special Missed Withhold)
Rex Fowler
Greg Beshaw
Alexander Jentzsch
Teresa Dunkin
Jeremy Blank
Edward McBride
Susan Meister
Frank Vicovik (mass murder)
Linda Walicki
Patrice Vic
Shawn Lonsdale
Kyle Brennan
But this campaign could be very powerful. FACTS and TRUTH!
Scientology is evil and the public needs to know they are NOT SAFE walking into this CHURCH and that the US GOVERNMENT AND FBI won’t do anything about it.
Wendy Ettricks.
Wow Brian, this explains a lot! Thank you, Co$, it’s always worse than you think!
Good morning Dave,
Please fully word clear to full conceptual understanding and clay demo the following:
Class-action lawsuit.
A comment about the GE. That was one concept I just never fully “got” during my first 32 years in Scientology, I simply had no personal reality on it.
So when I got on the BC, I decided to just study all the references on it in that I could find in issue order. As I recall, LRH defined the GE as a degraded sort of being who resided somewhere in the stomach area and regulated all the bodily functions. And so I read mention after mention of it in PABs, R&D volumes, etc,. Nowhere was it REALLY explained.
And then suddenly … nothing! LRH just dropped the whole subject, brief comment that it wasn’t important. And then I don’t think it was ever mentioned again (sometime in mid 1950s). * and of course LRH never just said he was wrong about the whole concept. Correct me if I’m wrong on this, I did NOT finish the BC.
But in any case, see my post above. LRH always considered “the mission” tons more important than family love, loyalty or responsibility.
Just read the HOM p, 6 def. Hmmmm ….
There are 2 main tapes/lectures about the GE.
3 Dec 1952 genetic Entity
10 Dec 1952 Anatomy of the Genetic Entity.
The stomach reference is in that first tape.
And, not to defend Hubbard but just to be accurate, the only reference to families and the GE is that line in History of Man.
The tapes don’t have any references to the GE and families.
Lots of other wild stuff though!
In fact, entities and the concept of body thetans is in there.
Thanks. Kinda be interested in listening to those tapes (which I have no access to ….) I did sort of figure that LRH decided that there were so MANY degraded beings hanging around a person, that he concluded there was no reason to single out one in particular, but who knows. Maybe there is a GE and if so, so what?
You can find the PDC tapes on line if you Google. One source is here:
Thanks Marildi!
First, in any totalitarian group, Nazi, USSR, KKK, etc etc (even the Mafia), the group is always positioned above family loyalty and love. You are first and foremost loyal and obedient to the state, the group and will sacrifice your family when needed and called for by your superiors. So it is not unusual for this to be the case with Scientology. I have maintained many times (and can be extremely specific if asked) that LRH slowly but surely through time morphed the CoS into Soviet style fascism.
Thumbs up, Joe. Yes, quite a contrast to the injunstion I heard some churches/religions promote, “Be fruitful and multiply.”
Thank you, Brian. I have always enjoyed your GE comments and thanks to Mike for allowing Brian’s post.
Another reference which is just as nutty as ‘The GE is a Family Man’ and rather antipathetic to the family dynamic is the reference ‘Sex and Pain.’ I know that LRH intended this policy for another purpose, but sex per the Second Dynamic is a component of the family.
It comes to mind because I knew a woman who had the reference ‘Sex and Pain’ taped to the cabinet in her kitchen, next to the refrigerator door. So when you go to open the fridge, you see ‘Sex and Pain’ in your face. It was bizarre to me; she had a husband and teen-aged daughters. It also felt inappropriate. There were many times that I wanted to ask her why she had it there, but thought the better of it and didn’t ask. She went to the top of The Bridge and increasingly became more serious, distant, and at times condescending. She and her husband became so hard-core, and I knew that they would take my question as a challenge or an insult, so I let it be. Our friendship faded slowly but surely right before I left the church, and from time to time I recall this and still wonder: Why?
Sex and Pain Shows how down this group is: no humor at all. Only looking on pain.