Ah, the humility of these gentlemen is a sight to behold.
It is an unfortunate side effect of being a scientologist that you believe you know all there is to know about anything and everything as long as you have read something Hubbard said about it. This gives you the right, obligation almost, to dish out advice on all sorts of subjects simply because you are a scientologist and therefore have received the wisdom of L. Ron Hubbard. With the full certainty of a brainwashed zealot, you can pass on such wisdom to others as an “expert” no matter the topic.
These 4 are experts in the subject of love?
And somehow channel this into a fundraising pitch for Way to Happiness?? Always Be Fundraising.
Actually, these 4 “godfathers” — Arte Maren, Rohn Walker, Bernard Percy and Bruce Wiseman — peddle “financial advice” on cryptocurrencies, gold and various conspiracy theories about global finance. Bruce Wiseman has been huckstering these over the years under the nom de plume John Truman Wolfe.
Don’t let their cute moniker deceive you. There is absolutely no subject I would take any advice from these people about.
Did Bruce Wiseman’s first intro session at the Berkeley Msn in the early 70s. Never realized what a dick he would become later.
If we are on the topic of love advice based on Scientology I want to share something that is from Ronald Hubbard himself, so you can understand his perspective on love.
Love And Admiration In Scientology
“A thing which is loved has to be trapped and caged, and a thing which is admired is a thing which you would like to see free.”
Lecture The Uses And Future Of Scientology Ron Hubbard (3 October 1953) Ron Hubbard
For fun take love here to mean trap and admire to mean set free. Then reexamine these Scientology references.
“To love is the road to strength. To love in spite of all is the secret of greatness. And may very well be the greatest secret in this universe.”
“Seeking to achieve any single desirable quality in life is a noble thing. The one most difficult—and most necessary—to achieve is to love one’s fellows despite all invitations to do otherwise.”
Article What Is Greatness ? Ron Hubbard
“Don’t desire to be liked or admired.”
Code of Honor Ron Hubbard
But the most valued point is admiration, and admiration is so strong its absence alone permits persistence. The Factors Ron Hubbard
He said more in this lecture:
“Admiration betokens in itself a kind of respect It borders on liking, admiring – it’s a much, much better word than love. Love all too often is a compulsive passion which devours the very young, and they go and starve to death and blow their brains out and pine and sigh and learn ridiculous dances. And this is love. They don’t even see the person to whom they have attached their sentiment They don’t even know that person is there. They’re “in love!” Admiration, a heavy level of admiration, betokens a sort of respect If you really admired somebody – if you really admired somebody, you’d have to have some understanding of existence and some understanding of him or her. And believe me, it would have a lot more pleasantness and a lot more duration than this thing called “love.”
Lecture The Uses And Future Of Scientology Ron Hubbard (3 October 1953) Ron Hubbard
His definition of love actually fits narcissistic idealization. It is a kind of abuse of treating a person as a projection of a narcissist’s desires. The narcissist doesn’t recognize the other person at all and has to control them. It’s the parent that forces a child to look perfect, act perfect and act as a tool to show the world the narcissist is wonderful. It is the child forced to sing or dance or be a perfect piano player with no regard for the child’s happiness or desires.
Hubbard was trapped by the unrealistic expectations his aunts and grandfather had. It was a kind of slavery for him. He learned that is how you control others, and practiced it his entire adult life. His admiration is actually allowing a person to have rights and be accepted as a genuine individual with rights.
In his game he deserved all the admiration and everyone else deserved love. Because that was the relational system he grew up in.
Daniel Shaw calls this system traumatic narcissism and sees it as going across generations and existing in cults.
Regarding Hubbard’s tone scale it actually represents his views on love and controlling other people.
In the model of him as a malignant narcissist, Daniel Shaw would be even more exact and say traumatic narcissist, he would see being unable to control others and being controlled as total failure (-40) serenity of beingness (40) as controlling others entirely successfully with no limits while escaping his inner self by making reality bend to fit his delusions and thinking this would cure the ravenous hunger within while he placed sympathy(.9) below covert hostility(1.1) and fear (1.0) as a victim of traumatic narcissism hates both their abuser AND deeply hates themself for trusting and loving their abuser. They unfortunately feel that even if the abuse is outside their control that their trusting and loving their abuser is within their control and an evil act of betrayal of themselves by themselves.
He said to never seek to be liked or admired. He felt he made himself vulnerable to being idealized and degraded by trusting and caring for others. He vowed to never make that mistake again. He couldn’t form healthy attachments because his experience was betrayal by being treated as godlike or worthless. He had no middle ground.
He said other remarks against families in particular.
This is an excerpt from a taped conversation with Ron Hubbard in 1974 and his quotes affected very strongly. “The GE is a family man; the GE is lost without a family. It’s very strange, but Homo sap i.e. a family unit. The GE is built on that basis. It’s fascinating, fascinating. It’s not important to know it but a lot of your urges toward families and so forth are not thetan urges at all, they’re the GE. The GE can’t survive at all without a family unit. He’s just as dead as a mackerel if he isn’t a family unit, whereas your thetan is just dead as a mackerel if he gets too mixed up in family units.
You can’t talk to GEs; they’re kind of psycho. And by the way, you can fall into this dreadful trap with a GE. You see, he uses the MEST universe with which to build. He’s gotten very, very bad off and he has to use MEST materials all the time.
So, you get this situation here with the GE, and your GE is busy: build, build, build, build, and build. And, of course he’s got to have a family to build with.
You get this terrific family thirst. And you get your GE surviving best and being loused up the most because of inter-family relationships. And your thetan, by the way, can much more easily go into a group. Families are not good groups; they’re bad groups.”
GE is the Genetic Entity. The Scientology Tech Dictionary defines it this way: 1. That beingness not dissimilar to the thetan which has carried forward and developed the body from its earliest moments along the evolutionary line on earth and which, through experience, necessity and natural selection, has employed the counter-efforts of the environment to fashion an organism of the type best fitted for survival, limited only by the abilities of the genetic entity.The goal of the genetic entity is survival on a much grosser plane of materiality.
2. Formerly referred to as the somatic mind. It has no real personality; it is not the “I” of the body. This is the “mind” of an animal, a dog or a cat or a cow.
3. That entity which is carried along through time, that is making the body through the time stream, through the action of sex and so forth. End quote
Hubbard’s love is really slavery. He wanted everyone to experience his love. His admiration is freedom and he reserved it only for himself.
Remember his two rules for happy living ?
“1. Be able to experience anything.
“2. Cause only those things which others are able to experience easily.” Ron Hubbard
Those are rules for obedient slaves, not free people. Hubbard wanted slaves who had no idea that they were enslaved.
“Breeding ground” is an interesting term to use…
breeding ground
noun [ C ]
UK /ˈbriː.dɪŋ ˌɡraʊnd/ US /ˈbriː.dɪŋ ˌɡraʊnd/
a place where animals breed and produce their babies:
These animals always return to the same breeding ground.
a place where something develops easily, especially something unpleasant:
Poor housing conditions are breeding grounds for crime.
NB. Hub defined love as a distinctly “human manifestation of admiration.” A quirk of this particular brand of meatsack.
I have known Arte, Bernard and Bruce as friends for over 40 years. They are a huge part of the problem that has kept Scientology going. The are The Godfather’s Of The Big Lie. None of them could ever stand up to exposure to the truth by any of us old timer exs who know the real story of the cult. The fact that Scientology is touting these EXPERTS is a big statement about how f—ked the cherch is.
If you look closely you can see how fragile those four are. Very sad and exasperating.
Bernard Percy has gone from one con to another trying to find the one that would make him money. One that comes to mind is the find your purpose in life so you can do that job and make a lot of money and be on purpose. It was his squirrelled version of a kind of KTL, LOC type of thing.
Yes. I remember it well. I think he tried to run it on my son. Gurus of guile!
“Gurus of guile” Good one. I think I may steal that one… lol
Godfathers of GRIFT?
Out-tech! Love isn’t even on the tone scale.
It seems like they had to settle for these guys as their love skills in their own lives are not so well known to most. They couldn’t very well have Miscavige give a lesson on “lasting love.” Or Tom Cruise with his marriages of the century. Although, Hubbard outdid both of them as a user of people in general and abuser of wives in particular. Parroting Elron’s “wisdom” is way past grotesque!
Mike King – has run from me the last two times he saw me. He looks absolutely petrified when near a big bad person like moi. And he washs windows of hi-rise buildings – a job that does require some balls.
He can be seen in all his stumbling glory as part of Fair Game videos the kult put out on Ben Schneiders after Ben did his excellent expose of kult’s financial dodginess earlier this year .
But hey, Bruce Wiseman pumps him up so he must be amazing.
Yeah right.
More like a Quartet of Cafones.
I was thinking:
The more closely I examine Ron’s apparent emotional life, the sadder I feel for him. Poor guy seemed unable/unwilling to experience the full range of available emotions; just hollow, unfulfilling rage, anger and — perhaps — the satisfaction of a slave or suspected enemy completely demolished. Of course, after that, he’d resume his paranoid suspicion of new enemies to hide from.
if they’re scientologists, how many marriages do they have between them?
Isn’t Arte Marne divorced from his wife Mary? If memory serves, wasn’t he also involved in Snow White?
Yup. I’d definitely take advice from him.
Sadly, divorce is a part of the “Wog” institution of marriage. My first wife and I divorced after 8 or so years of misery and a couple years’ couples therapy; I learned enough from all that that my second has been everything the first wasn’t — and even that first dog’s breakfast was better than the relationships I experienced or observed in the Sea Org.
Everything seemed to conspire against getting a decent relationship.
It sometimes seemed to me that some spouses/2Ds were punished for not being something or other by having their sweeties regularly shipped off on missions.
I MIGHT listen to Arte’s advice, THEN do something as different from that as possible. Dude’s been in WAY too long and has drunk far too much Flavor-aid.
It strikes me that the Way to Happiness schtuff is pushed a lot. Is it because it’s a quick, easy, and cheap way to fix the world? Or, maybe because in an organization rife with obvious slush funds, it’s the most easily slushable?
Either way, I’m not seeing any results from that wonderful booklet being littered all over the world.
The WTH is MAGIC! Don’cha know? Just *THINKING* about distributing them quiets the rowdy masses, cures cancer, and makes EVERYTHING better. It’s proven by the bogus stats the tiny tyrant and his minions spout incessantly.
Even while still-in, I walked away from encounters with Arte Maren privately thinking, “There is NO ONE in any place at any time more self-involved and self-important than this guy.” As in, so super self-involved, you acquire an understanding of “the person who can suck the life out of a room,” except this would happen if you were standing with him outdoors. (With no prompting, pontificates about himself and what he needs YOU to do to help HIM advance HIS goals.) So sad.
Peridot, yes, there are those in the world, energy vampires, that just have you wanting to run for the door and save yourself. So happy you were so aware and escaped that chaos. Do you think it’s even possible for him to realize he’s not the smartest person in the room.
This is so true. I had the misfortune of having him try to get me and several others back onto course once. I think he thought he was being clever and “theta” but I was underwhelmed. Actually I’m not sure that he was thinking.
Peridot, I didn’t have much contact with him, but remember similar judgements of his attributes.
To Peggy, Jere, and Dotey: I do not know if it is possible for a Scio who is so deep in, and determined to emanate their own greatness, to see how off-putting this is (for a recipient). Ironically, someone like Mr. Maren—as a member of a group dedicated to improving “knowingness” and self-awareness—should easily comprehend this.
Isn’t there an old saying about “Respect is earned rather than commanded”?
Perhaps for a narcissist, when principally what you have is a large ego, everyone to you looks like a minion. Truly sad.
Should read, The Scamfathers of Crime.
I wouldn’t take love advice from a group exhorted by their dead guru to replace full blooded “love” with anemic “affinity”. Lover, girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband, even partner, all reduced to the one dimensional phrase “2D”.
After so many neologisms why are scientologists limited to such a small vocabulary?
The (probably) true reason is that it’s easier to control people with limited ways to express ideas. But the snarky me reason is that the language contracted rapidly when people got tired of having to look up the meanings of every stupid word.
“The limits of my language are the limits of my world.”
LRH didn’t say that, Ludwig Wittgenstein did, but he understood the precept well. define a new word or redefine an existing one differently, then collapse anything even slightly similar onto it and you’ve built a fine mind-trap. Love = affinity = 2D (Talk about A=A=A!), and staff aren’t allowed to have any of that “fraternization” or (liberally defined) “out-2D”, except that statutory rape is now a trivial offense that the VICTIM has to take responsibility for if the offender was a (loosely-defined) “upstat”. For Ron, adultery was part of the “game”, as was bigamy and knocking up a teenaged student while he was married with a son very close to his stepmother-to-be’s age(AWKward at times, I’m sure).
There ought to be another Ron’s mag called:
“Ron the Master MisUser of Words”.
By the time I left in ’80, activity between consenting adults was out-‘ethics’, and Tubby WAS always so dead-set against taking care of business personally. Returning to the real world was SUCH a revelation! My long-ago girlfriends made sure I got back on the right track after they determined I needed to get laid as I was too highly strung too often.
” Lover, girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband, even partner, all reduced to the one dimensional phrase “2D”.
And then he roped in everything having to do with family and children to the same concept and declared that since 2D was “just” about bodies, none of that mattered to those of us who were working towards ‘clearing the planet’ What a maroon!
Did I say “Maroon”? He KNEW what he was doing, turning tight the controlling screws, proving he owned us mind, body, and soul. Must have given him quite the power-trip adrenaline rush. And of course Dave, the little Micro-Mini-Me took it that little bit further, forcing women to abort *wanted* babies, destroying marriages and families on whims.
He must get off on doing that, replacing the urge most real men have: to sleep WITH their spouses every possible chance.
So HOW long has he secreted Shelly away?
16 or more years? I, and any normal man would go *crazy* not getting regularly scheduled nookie and I have it on good authority that many/most women wouldn’t be all that overjoyed at whatever little “Lu” is getting out of the arrangement. Shelly *should* be livid at how she’s been mistreated, then thrown on the scrap pile when she got too inconvenient or whatever.
“aesthetic wavelength” and “harmonics” were pretty good advertising buzz words to attract hippies looking for new horizons back in the day. Maybe it still appeals to a segment of the population but those four “straights” would have been totally ignored by true hippies.
Bell bottom pants seem to be making a comeback here and there but tie dye shirts are lagging.
Apparently Scientology spins off a whole group of sub-hucksters, a tier below Hubbard and Miscavige, not quite as successful, but certainly learned in the ways to remove cash from their fellow Scientologists, or anyone connected with one of the front groups. They can last a long time in scientology, because at heart they have always been one step ahead of the law, one bottle of Flavored Water ahead of the FDA.
On a similar topic, does anyone remember Schlitz beer? They heavily advertised in the fifties, as best as my childhood memories recall. Schlitz was a beer that a young man might get a taste of from a doting grandpa, or even by pilfering a can, to drink out behind the garage. But oh! What awful taste! Schlitz had a taste so bitter, a taste that left such a lingering nasty aftertaste, that it was impossible to take more than a few sips.
So my wife had this idea she wanted some flavored water, which is all the rage today. I dutifully loaded up a twelve pack for her, some lemon-lime flavor. Can’t be too bad, I thought, might be like watery Sprite, maybe Seven Up. Crapola, was I wrong. It was the bitterest, most awful tasting liquid to cross my palate since Schlitz beer. Matter of fact, I thought it was Schlitz beer, slightly watered down.
How can people buy carbonated water with a tiny, tiny bit of faux citrus flavoring, or any of the other flavors, is a miracle of modern advertising. Because it sure isn’t taste that sells the product.
Two days later come to discover my oldest daughter peeking in the fridge, and commenting “Oh, I see you have XYZ Flavored Water… that stuff is so-o-o good.”
My time has passed, for sure. Next I will be seeing people wearing respirators attached to little gas bottles trundling along behind them on wheels. “Oh, my, you simply must try some of this air from Cleveland. I’ll never go back to the awful local air. And it’s healthier, too, it’s got just the right mix of carcinogens to give you immunity, like a vaccine, but without the toxins.”
Les Dane, look out.
Ammo Alamo quipped:
“I’ll never go back to the awful local air. And it’s healthier, too, it’s got just the right mix of carcinogens to give you immunity, like a vaccine, but without the toxins.”
Sitting on the East coast, when my Wife and I road-trip down through Maryland’s Eastern shore, she’ll often complain about her “allergy to fresh air”.And where we live rarely has “bad air days” like California and some specific cities we hear tell of.
Hey….I used to drink Schlitz beer………(along with Blatz, Carling Black Label, Strohs, and some of the other “Great Lakes” beers)……. and I vaguely remember my girlfriend not wanting to take it to our beach parties……..
There’s a punchline in there somewhere……..
Hubbard threw out love. He was very “clear” about it.
Right, George. He ‘clearly’ felt no need for love.
Brings to mind:
Hubbard made a whole industry out of that: Rather than edit for clarity, he forced US, his readers, to “grok” what he meant.
If he weren’t so SURE of his infallible story-telling skills, we might not be here today, as his fantasy stories would have been good enough to make a decent living off of; he wouldn’t have had to “start a religion”. Asimov, Heinlein, and others showed him it was possible. That must have just FROSTED his window panes.
Some of these guys know where the bodies are buried and they still embrace the con.
Dotey OT, some of them may have BEEN the bodies and will have a tough time when they really confront the overts they committed in the service of insatiable greed. Are their current actions covered under “Stockholm Syndrome”?
That’s a horrible excuse, of course, and they’ll have to confront that as well, eventually.
Godfathers of Good? Gimme a break.
“Sultans of Swindle” is a far more honest and accurate moniker.
Len gifted us:
“Sultans of Swindle”
GOOD one, Len.
This has got to be totally squirrel, as Ron never pontificated on the subject of love, and didn’t serve as any sort of example —other than in the breach.
Ron didn’t have friends or lovers, only tools he could use and throw away.
In nut shell ,that’s the story of every Cult leader
But do not forget ,they themselves are used and abused by powerful forces during initial stages
That’s why every Cult leader has a tragic ending .
Nearly all of them deceived by their subordinate(s) because they knew use & abuse is the name of the game.