If they consider THIS to be the Golden Age of Narconon, it pretty much tells you everything you need to know about the “Golden Age” moniker…
Never in its history has Narconon been confronted with so many lawsuits resulting from deaths and abuses at its facilities.
At no time has there been the volume of negative media coverage Narconon boasts today.
The reputation of Narconon is at its lowest ever ebb — so much so that Miscavige has attempted to revive it by opening “model” “celebrity” Narconons that have flashed into the pan and then gone black as fast as their ribbons have been yanked.
Apparently they have now undergone a “major transformation” with the “Golden Age of Narconon” — whatever that means. Probably they have implemented the “new” Purification Rundown with special pill bottles and shorts to wear in the sauna, along with a nifty “kit bag.”
And now they are promoting to try and find people willing to open a Narconon. There have not been any new Narconons (other than the movie set “celebrity” NN’s bought with church money) opened in decades. Some have even left the fold and no longer associate themselves with the name. But no new Narconons is further evidence that the massive international expansion occurring coincident with the magnificent reign of Dear Leader Miscavige is a fallacy. Remember, every “ideal org” is supposed to open new “groups” (including Narconons) in their cities.
There has not been a SINGLE new group, mission or org opened by these ideal orgs in the 12 years the “ideal orgs strategy” has been operating. Hell those orgs are too busy trying to make enough to cover their utilities, let alone pay the staff – how could anyone expect they would have time to open any new groups? If they did find anyone willing to do it they would be trying to recruit them for staff so they could keep their reception desk manned during opening hours.
If Narconon is being hit with stuff from the courts and bad PR, then something is wrong tech wise.
I’ll bet it is the OT 4 completions have been being quickied, and there are just loads of unhandled druggy body thetans still roaming and affixing themselves and causing drug problems still.
Senior C/S Int Office needs to do a review of the OT 4 completions!
I can’t believe that Miscavige hasn’t already spotted this, and seen the scene for what it is:
Quicked OT 4 completions.
So, time to get everyone to redo their OT 4 and handle for real all those druggy body thetans!
Scientology is causing this Golden Age of Unhandled Body Thetans by quickying everything they do.
Chuck how many years did you waste on this Garbage? And do you have regrets? All the wasted years and money it is just so sad and depressing. And infuriating!
All you ex’s could have cured cancer and any other diseases with all the resources you threw away on that dumb shit. LOL
Hardly. The amount sent to scamology pales in comparison to the amount spent on cancer research over the same period of time. By orders of magnitude.
the most whacked thing you’ve said yet, W
cancel that last remark, with my pardon. I simply misunderstood.
(abstract comparison, got it.)
The moderator may feel free to delete both my comments here.
Hi Gary Webb, Nice to meet you.This ex wishes with all her heart the demise of cos and a cure for all cancers.Always,Ann B.
Sacrebleu, I don’t think anyone who wants to quit smoking needs a 30K program to do it. I was thoroughly addicted to nicotine, smoked my brains out for 20 years, tried to quit twice and failed both times, then tried a third time and succeeded. By the way, with me it took two years to get all the nicotine out of my system. Even a year after I had stopped I still liked the smell of someone else’s cigarette, like a contact high or something. it wasn’t until I had ceased smoking for 2 years that I started to feel slightly sick if someone lit up near me. Point is, if I could do it I believe anyone can.
Uh-oh, I goofed; this post is non-sequitur and belongs below Sacrebleu’s post way down.
Aquamarine, I hear you. When I quit smoking Pot, It tugged at me for about a year. That was In 1986.
I had been smoking pot for 17 years.
I did the purification thing about 20 years ago. I was a teenager, although legally an adult. It appalls to me now in retrospective that I was not evaluated by a qualified medicine doctor at any time within the program (well, you know better, with all the pills, peanut oil, cider, and the daily 4h sauna… Surely you need to be checked prior, during and after the program!!). A personal trainer wannabe was in charge and responsibile for my welfare, into a building that was still under construction. Looking back I was lucky to be healthy enough to endure such thing, and not having an accident in such precarious conditions.
How disgusting. it’s hard enough to get someone addicted to drugs or alcohol to even go to rehab, and it’s really expensive, even with insurance. Reputable rehab facilities have a low success rate, and I guarantee that no one has ever gotten truly clean and sober at a narconon. maybe at the time, but do they ever check back with their former clients a year later? As a sober addict myself, I can tell you that it took me several tries, several doctors (actual MD’,s, PhD’s) and several of the hardest months of my life. this bullshit about sitting in a sauna and taking vitamins to get someone off of heroin is just that, bullshit. there are mental and physical therapies needed, and only someone who has no idea about addiction or its costs would imagine it’s as easy as narconon is trying to make it seem. Kirstie Alley has said she was a cocaine addict… well, I can’t dispute that, but I can absolutely say with experience that coming off cocaine is much easier than coming off of heroin/opiates or methamphetamine. But it won’t happen by putting someone in a place where the supervisors are newly recovering addicts themselves, and certainly not in a place where it’s been alleged that the supervisors were giving people drugs/alcohol. They make this sound like it’s a McDonald’s franchise, as if it’s a license to print money and damn the human cost. What a despicable organisation, I can’t.
Hi sashiebgood, I salute you as one who knows whereof she posts.XO Ann B.
Congratulations sashiebgood. I know all about opiate addiction.
Coming soon:
Conocon – we rub our hands as we con you out of your money.
Shaftocon – we rub our hands as we shaft you and then con you out of your money.
Cultocon – We rub our hands as we remove your free will (all the while telling you that you have free will and rights) as we shaft you and then con you out of your money.
Doorocon – We help you out the door after after doing all the above and you had the hide to get sick and ask us to help or you wanted your money back.
Hi Kronomex, Love It! Always Ann B.
“Narconon literally saves lives as an addict arriving to Narconon gets rehabilitated and goes back out into society free of his addiction.”
What a joke. Apart from the horrific sentence structure, these fools don’t have the first clue about the reality of addiction. Unfortunately, there really is no “cure” for addiction. For the majority of addicts/alcoholics – especially the ones with severe addictions – staying clean requires a lifelong effort and commitment. You don’t just walk out the door of a rehab – especially one utilizing quack, pseudoscientific nonsense – and just go about your life as if the addiction never existed.
I’m not saying some addicts don’t take to recovery easier than others. But for most, it’s a long, difficult road to stay clean.
Amen sister!
What about the Narconon Sex for drugs, Rape,and extortion ????
Who get rehabbed once Narconon has your credit card numbers
and charges $100,000. for no service only sends the money
to David Miscavige for his MONEY ADDICTION ????
And who sheds a tear when a Narconon Addict drops dead????
Hi KatherineINcall, Thank you for your post.Narconon was off limits to me as a Sea Org letter reg and advance scheduling registrar at Asho F.So was Criminon They put snakes in mail boxes ,freaked me out when I was in,and prisoners.So I have to say a long ago pl I read said not quoting verboten, but said protect letter regges, auditors ,as these are the lines of inflows & outflow for an org etc.And I may add with all the crazy letters that slipped through to me when letter regging I actually am glad that pl was in place at the time.And I can’t say that about any other pl.Always, Ann B.I had to comm with the Grand Master of all the wiwarlocks in North America for a time.He wanted me at some convention in Seattle and I was wanting him off my lines! Laughter! Ann B.
Hi KathreineINcali, Edit Ann warlocks. Ann B.
Hi Ann, Just for the record, the snakes-in-mailboxes cult was Synanon, not Scientology.
Like Scientology, Synanon was not a turn-the-other-cheek religion. Founder Charles Dederich said, “We’re not going to mess with the old-time, turn-the-other-cheek religious postures…our religious posture is: Don’t mess with us.” However, Synanon went much farther than Scientology over the edge into violence and mayhem.
Hi grundoon,Yes I screwed that up! Synanon! See the snakes got me! I agree Synanon went it’ s own way,yet for me cos did it’s own damage too.Just different though.Always, Ann B.
We are in communication with a few people that are getting sucked into opening a Narconon Center.
They were laid off during the lawsuits due to some “outpoints”.
These people are now VGI’s about how theta Narconon is and their purpose in life is to open up a center and help addicts.
They are desperately looking for staff members and told us they want us cuz we are such “BIG BEANS” and they were getting financed by ABLE (the initial funds to open up the center).
We asked if they had that in writing……and they did not respond. Hopefully we got them thinking.
They were “briefed” by ABLE that everything has changed.
We suggested they get everything in writing by those that have the authority – David Miscavige – otherwise we would not join. If they had it in writing – we would seriously consider it because we want to help too! 😉
They were shown by the ABLE goon – the “out points” which caused Narconon to “tank financially”.
They were not on lines when the lawsuits hit and were not told about those.
They begged us to join staff and meet with ABLE representative to hear how everything has changed.
No worries – we would never join but we told them if they get it in writing from COB – we would really be interested.
It has been a month and we are still waiting to receive the promises from David Miscavige in writing. So far – NADA!
I don’t think they found any staff members either. Poor fools!
Here’s a stable datum for such situations
“An oral contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.”
I’m not a BIG BEAN, but, I’m certainly a STRING BEAN….
NarCONon is receding from the news sites. Hamilton’s lawsuits have been settled and I am aware of only suits against Per Wickstroms Narcs in Michigan. Still, that brand name is so tarnished that it will die on the vine. I hope.
NarCONons have been opened in Mexico and in Eastern Europe. The one in Turkey is in big trouble, but might survive yet. The model Ideal NarCONons are the joke Mike paints them as.
Still, it is hard to pin down a jumping junkie. Just keep your eyes open and see what they do next. Where there is a dollar, there is someone trying to get it.
They’re still struggling to get the ruling in MD reversed over the property they bought there to use as a Narconon. Lacking the designation as a historical site means they have a get-away spot for the weekends and not much else. I’m wondering who would insure them with the trail of deaths, closures and lawsuits they’ve left behind so far. In the aftermath of Steve Beckett’s suicide, the insurance company went after HRH of the Valley and the settlement was confidential, I think.
Hi zemooo, Good to see your post.All I know here in Baton Rouge,LA I just got jury duty again,& served,but @ the 19th Judicial Courthouse here there is a case against Narconon moving up the docket.We will see what transpires.xo Ann B.
My opinion is, that if people don’t want to die of drug overdoses then they shouldn’t take drugs that overdoses from which can kill them. It is up to a person in that situation to decide they are doing something harmful to themselves with drugs and stop. Personally, I don’t have a huge drug history. There are others ways to get people off of drugs they are addicted to besides Narconon which is a more for profit type group as opposed to results oriented program. Most of the people that work at Narconon are not even licensed to practice medicine so why do they? Perhaps they are not addicted to drugs but being addicted to crime is even worse. There is only 1 cure. Stick em’ in the slammer. 🙂
You sir, are an ignoramous.
Correct Lawrence. When I was younger I researched the effects of the various drugs and thus, decided against falling into that trap. It is about personal responsibility.
The criminally minded will of course argue otherwise.
My good man, you are cordially invited to my beach party, the party at my beach.
In fact, you may enjoy a non-expiring open invitation to be at my beach any time day or night henceforth, for as long as I own it. Frankly, my plan is to outlive everyone and I ain’t changing that plan until I die. You other two, please, enjoy yourselves and kindly ramble on…
the citizens of Hockley Valley have been very vocal about keeping NarcoCon out of the community. The Toronto Star has published numerous articles. David Love is also involved in the fight.
You thought that those ‘botique’ Narconons were a good idea when you found out that by having 6 beds or less, you were immune from local and state authority. The Feds attempt to make ‘6 beds or less’ immune from local objections was intended for elderly care in residential neighborhoods, NOT drug rehab. This is now being revisited by lawmakers and you will begin to feel the squeeze from the Feds.
We should get the list of ALL the scientology front groups posted and exposed.
I am so tired of this organization getting away with doing everything in the dark.
bug, they have to stay in the dark. If they come into the sunlight, they die. (I am Legend)
Are they all tax-exempt, too?
UNFORTUNATELY, bug, they are….
Aw, for gripes sake, what is WRONG with this country?
Do we need the Germans to teach us how to tax a cult? That would be embarrassing.
Say, Dave, what are pulling in for Life Repair these days, what sneaky tech that is.
The Dutch, Swiss, how do they handle this in Brussels?
I know, Poland. We should do whatever those guys say. I trust the Polish to handle a subversive cult with single-minded intentions. You bet.
..seems to me England would be fed up with these guys by now. Bet again that there’s a thing or two to be learned there, also.
Time to call these bottom-feeders, slimy snake-worms out of their hole.
Transparency my happy moon-shaped object.
DAVID MISCAVIGE, king worm, you stand up right now and give us one good reason for tax-exemption, now! Defend yourself. How many of the first 100 Clears would like to see that big, blue building burn to the ground? Show us that great courage and speak.
Here’s an easier question, just to hear your voice:
Are you a man or a mouse? Tell us why your “church” should be tax-exempt, please.
Still can’t talk?
No, of course not. Well, don’t be wondering why you go alone.
I think it is because scientology has an all-powerful, indisputable leader. No checks and balances. No method or means of keeping you from crossing the line.
It is just all you over there,
and that’s how it got this bad. Too bad you couldn’t just be a regular simpleton like me. I’m only smart enough to
hold you accountable. For embarrassing my country. Playtime is over.
NO bug. If you follow the German’s you will have the government impose mandatory tithing withholding from workers paychecks to give to the Church. Don’t be silly. Do your research.
gripes, Wynski, you again.
I thought I lost you, at some missed point.
I’m sure I’m wrong about England, too, that they would never pass a law that might even hint at threatening their sacred, almighty church. Kinda exactly like the problem we got here. Doesn’t mean we couldn’t learn something by snooping around, see how the various states react to the identification and exposure of this cult. Everybody knows it is a cult now, some have known longer than others, Germany being one. Lets research, no that’s just silly. Doesn’t matter, unless you want to correct me. I learned to ask questions, that’s all, and It made a nice way to lead up to the Poland story, huh? Without questions all we would end up with would be stark commands and know-it-all… stop. I had to stop myself. Almost said something silly.
ok, here we go…(thanks again, WikiPedia, greatest thing for reluctant researchers since plagiarism was invented)
The Tax-Status of Scientology for Germany:
The status of Scientology in Germany is unresolved.[32] Two points are contested: firstly, whether or not the teachings of Scientology qualify as a religious or ideological teaching, and secondly, whether or not these teachings are only used as a pretext for purely commercial activity; if the latter were the case, this would most likely imply that Scientology would not qualify for protection as a religious or ideological community under Article 4 of the German constitution.[32]
One thing I know, the cult has our German friends pretty well… bugged,
to put it nicely. They might have been up in arms, in some towns…
And they ARE doing a better job at exposing the profit-oriented cult than we are, huh?
Thank god for people, I always say. Let’s see what they are doing.
DAVE MISCAVIGE, my man, pardon the distraction. I’ve got just three words for you:
David Miscavige should call the Prime Minister. I’m sure he could get this all cleared up.
(who needs lawyers when you got OT X?)
Bug, you 1000% missed the point. Once you get it vis-a-vis the US Constitution and Human Rights, give me a ring. NOT until then.
Time to call these bottom-feeders, slimy snake-worms out of their hole.
Transparency my happy moon-shaped object
DAVID MISCAVIGE, Tell us why your “church” should be tax-exempt, please.
Still can’t talk?
No, of course not.
I don’t know who your target audience is, but you just lost the mathematicians.
The Germans do have put forth the question as to whether Scientology is a religion at all. They are about to settle the legal question as to whether it is a commercial enterprise.
The Americans have yet to approach the podium. Meanwhile, they leave the organization categorized as “non-profit”.
Which, along with being unable to identify your point, is embarrassing.
What a toxic organisation Narconon truly is. The fact no new groups etc by any Ideal Orgs in 12 years is fascinating news, that is Ideal. If the Orgs can now start doing disappearing tricks, even better.
Wait…what??? Mike, are you serious??? For the purif you now get a special pill bottle? Shorts to wear? Along with a nifty “kit bag?” Holy shit! sign me up. If that’s not the best deal in Scientology, I don’t know what is! Sure, it’ll be my second time of doing the purif, but, hey, A NIFTY KIT BAG!!!!! I haven’t been this excited in a long time! I wonder if I should join staff again…….
Has scientology ever drafted a letter or flyer without any typos?
Bawhahahahahahahahahahaha! Ummmm…no, they haven’t! Typos are just the price of doing business for them as they’ve never heard of auto correct….
DM hasn’t finished putting together the golden age of proper spelling and grammar. It will appear as soon as he finishes the new and improved public speaking module.
He could start with finishing school
I’ll bet he never releases the Golden Age of Proper Spelling. He’ll just use it as another fundraiser….
Anyone with enough talent and intelligence to write correctly was declared long ago. Dave can’t stand having clever people around him, they smear his ideal judgement with common sense – a big NO NO in Scioland..
Narconon…………..what a joke! Narconon has one true purpose, just like CCHR: PR
In cleaning one of the ships Sea Org members were subject to scraping asbestos. It is somewhere on the Internet and YouTube.
Sea Org members with no real protection, scrapped for hrs and probably days. They breathed in this shit.
Such a diabolical organization! It pimps the drug addicted to look all benevolent yet it poisons its own workers.
I’m amazed how this trash church is even able to stand under the weight of its harmful deeds.
Hey news people, Google on YouTube asbestos and the Scientology Free winds. These people do not care about people really. Please help to uncover the harm they did to Sea Org members by knowingly exposing them to asbestos.
It’s worthy of a headline:
Scientology knowingly exposes the “clergy” to deadly asbestos.
I think it’s also about money.
30 000$ per month is no chump change, considering none of their staff is neither qualified nor paid enough to flip burgers, let alone help a drug addict.
Heck, some of them ARE STILL drug addicts. I have a feeling some people check out of Narconon with a shiny new addiction to one or several more drugs than they had coming in.
Most qualify for $5,000 per week per bed under the ‘Unaffordable Health Care Act’ (what your taxes buy — ‘the problem with collectivism is when bureaucrats run out of other people’s money’).
Hi Brian, Just found this post on SO members and abestos! Thank god! I thought I was the only one who had to scape with no mask,gloves etc.Thank you!xo Ann B.
Hi Brian, Scrape! Edit Ann.xo Ann B.
“There has not been a SINGLE new group, mission or org opened by these ideal orgs in the 12 years the “ideal orgs strategy” has been operating. Hell those orgs are too busy trying to make enough to cover their utilities, let alone pay the staff – how could anyone expect they would have time to open any new groups? If they did find anyone willing to do it they would be trying to recruit them for staff so they could keep their reception desk manned during opening hours.” Wow, Mike, I didn’t know this. What an epic fail on DM’s part. No Ideal Org has resulted in a new group, mission, or org, despite the promo saying that the ideal orgs would create islands of sanity and new orgs springing up 10 to 1 around them. How can the parishoners not see this?
Scamology, meet giant black hole. Bu, bye!
Yeah, I guess a giant black hole does trump Scamology. Poor deluded members…..
Speaking of black holes, anyone seen Dave lately?
CUWL. (Curled Up With Lou)…
Do scriptures permit the fetal position?
“In 2016 which one is worse:Scientology’s association with narconon. Or Narconon’s association with scientology?” Thanks for the morning belly laugh.
Something is sure and real, Miscavige has been the only one to create a huge Golden Era of the worst PR scientology has ever had encompassing the field of broken families, Human Rights violations, empty buildings, a highest ever departure from veteran staff and public alike.
He will be remember for the amount of destruction his Golden Era ‘produced’!
He will go down in infamy…..
Does Miscavige have a hobby?
Pulling wings off fly’s maybe, collect stuff?
Out of a macabre sort of interest, does anyone know what he does apart from scuba diving, drinking scotch and harassing people? We know he doesn’t practice Scientology, I can’t see him being religious in any sense of the word.
He did do some many years ago. The (incomplete) L-12 curdled his personality into what you see now. Stay the phuq away, he’s a raving lunatic. AAROOUGH!
What I find surprising is that the CoS opened Narconon centers at all. Drug and alcohol detox is not a trivial matter and rehab centers carry an enormous amount of liability insurance for this very reason. The inherent risks are huge and the profit margins are razor thin thanks to staffing requirements as mandated by private insurance, Medicare/Medicaid and local/state regulations. For such a litigious group one would think their legal department would point this out…
@scott, unfortunately, scientologists consider themselves so superior that they believe wog laws are only for them to use to manipulate others.
Also, when I was in, I believed that narconon worked. The people at the top may know better but the dupes opening the centers don’t consider the risk because they don’t believe it could possibly fail IMHO.
Kristi Ally said NarCONon works. She wouldn’t lie about that…..would she?
I am trying so hard to believe that she is only mislead by a very effective method of mind-manipulation. She probably is like I used to be: a faithful and completely brain-washed believer.
just like Tom Cruise,
there is no escaping the fact that she is willfully and intentionally not looking at the evidence.
L. Ron and Dave still have something to smile about,
when thinking about the celebrity factor.
Scientology does not work as promised. It works as intended.
Kirstie Alley gave up cocaine and began compensating with too much sugar, starch and saturated fat. That’s why she got so heavy. She traded one addiction for another. Anecdotal evidence upon which this opinion is based as follows:
A former friend has an enviable figure without exercise, not a pound over her weight of 30 years ago. The way she keeps it? Well, this is just her, but the way she stays very slender is she hardly eats. Alcohol and cocaine satisfy her calories needs, kill her appetite, give her “energy” and keep her adrenals stimulated Mentally she’s a mess and wants to quit as she knows she’s killing herself, but she also knows (from several past attempts to quit coke) that as soon as she goes off it and her withdrawal symptoms subside she will start to crave sugar, butter, cream and starch and blow up like a blimp. She’s extremely vain and her looks mean more to her than her health, so she remains heavily hooked.
I wonder if one could treat scientology like an addiction…
I don’t think Narconon bothers about regulations. Why would they ? Those regulations do not seem to be well enforced at all.
There is medical insurance moolah to be harvested, and a shameful laissez-faire that surrounds people with drug addiction problems in the US.
Consider how measures like rescue naltrexone were opposed because it would make it more likely to survive opiate overdose. The argument for that ? Well, it makes it less risky to try drugs. As if anyone would take their sweet time to asses risk when undergoing withdrawal.
In other, more civilized countries, drug addiction is considered a medical problem and dealt with accordingly. Addicts are considered humans, not garbage. You’ll notice that not many Narconons (and other fake rehabs) are still open in those countries.
Hi Mike, Thank you most interesting.”Would I like to open a Narconon Center regardless of resources”? My answer NO but I will gladly close all of them for the invisible promo piece creator. xo Ann B.
Morning Ann, I just want to acknowledge your communication the other day about your physical reality.
My wife and I send you love and healing. I will put your name on a prayer list. I’m connected to an order of monastics that do daily prayer requests. I’ll give them your name today.
Much love and healing dear sister❤️??
You’re a good lad, Brian.
I’d like to echo that.
I’m not into the Bible much, but I would be careful not to say anything that might be perceived as blasphemous… it is a [“the”] book of love, as I see it.
The thing that matters is intention. Supporting friends…
now that is something to be.
Dearest Brian and his lovely lady, Your post is wonderful! Thank you from my heart always.I feel very honored and humbled to have a monastic order pray for me.I join with them to pray for healing for all who would like to know someone cares..Actually I send up my request with hope that all with be free of the cult of cos.
And to you both many joys and much much love back.???❤❤Ann B.
Hi blue moon, Your post is beautiful.I will keep it close by. I am not into the Bible or organized religion much either.But in times like this spirituality,love, laughter,light healing and supporting friends.How can my Intention to heal and get to OSD’s Beach Party no matter what,that istripled carved into titanium not hit the target! Love U Always, Ann B.
Hi blue moon,Edit. That is triple carved into …Ann B.
triple hearts surrounding you, Ann.
Leave the speakers on, you’ll hear me thanking you again.
A very nice thing to say.
All our love and prayers are with you Ann.
Hi IYawnalot, Thank you,I just found your post.Siri is into rearranging my IPad these days.Prayers,love bonfires on the beach…I love you all and I still have a fire to not check out until I see the Dawn smash open this Cult.XO Ann B.
“…goes back into society…now able to live a normal life.” NO, no and NO! That’s not the intention of Narconon! The intention, and I have no reservations about saying this, is that victim goes on live a closed-off oppressed life away from normal society as a bankrupt bubblite.
So they are looking for anyone with a remote interest in drug addiction; don’t worry about qualifications. Who wants to deal with those pesky degrees in the medical field?
Please, would someone mind explaining to me how Narconon gets away with having drug counselors who are not qualified RNs? I mean, aside from being Scientology trained, wouldn’t they have to by law also be trained nurses, doctors or at least LPNs? I don’t get it..
There is no law mandating that everyone be trained nurses, doctors or LPNs.
Thank you, Mike. Obviously this is true but its something of a mind blower that counselors in a drug rehab facility assisting addicts coming off of drugs, addicts who are experiencing all kinds of withdrawal symptoms, etc.,don’t need to be certified medical people.
Yes, but…
The current write up on Wikipedia covers all the known Narconon issues.
Ripoffs,misrepresentation,20 deaths,,6,6% success rate vs.the 85%claimed.
The bogus of “sweating out” toxins,the niacin quackery,the lawsuits.
One segment reads:”The program has garnered considerable controversy as a result of its origins in Scientology[11][22][23] and its methods. Its drug rehabilitation treatment has been described as “medically unsafe”,[24] “quackery”[12][13][25] and “medical fraud”,[26] while academic and medical experts have dismissed its educational program as containing “factual errors in basic concepts such as physical and mental effects, addiction and even spelling”
How about a golden age of spelling?
Seems like a tossed coin.In 2016 which one is worse:Scientology’s association with narconon.Or Narconon’s association with scientology?
Thanks for your research and post, Xenu’s son! ALL Narconon’s should be renamed as “Fraud City.”
The Shadow Group “Friends of Narconon” controls Narconon that is managed by Sea Org ABLE
Daphna Hernandez comes up with the crazy ideas that add more drugs to keep the druggies hooked
and never really off drugs. Class Action Lawsuit is the only solution and send Daphna to Prison.
More people die from drug overdoses in the US than in Car accidents.
“…..to give a shocking statistic, 47,055 people died in the US as a result of drug overdoeses…..20 of them in Narconon centers…”
Funny comment, too bad it is true……
Exactly! They are on the wrong target if saving lives is the goal. From the CDC:
Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States, including nearly 42,000 deaths resulting from secondhand smoke exposure. This is about one in five deaths annually, or 1,300 deaths every day. That’s an “Order of Magnitude” larger killer than drug overdoses. Smoking cessation programs have inherently lower liability risks, but you cannot get insurance to pay $30,000 and up for treatment. It’s about the money, not the lives. Additionally, IF THE TECH Works on addiction, use it on all the smokers in the cherch, then present it to the public, and you couldn’t keep people away. Call it
Tobacconon. Whatever. Narconon= horseshit.
I’m just so happy that there’s so many lawsuits in progress here in Las Vegas against this farce
– NARCONON – taking so much money and VERY DANGEROUSLY making sick people believe that they are being helped.
L. Ron smoked, everybody knows.
Just another statistic – for the tech dept.