Everything in scientology these days is about “ideal” and “golden age” — terms that are bandied about constantly.
Narconon is apparently experiencing a “golden age” that appears to be a measure of how many people die in their facilities, multiplied by the number of lawsuits filed against them, plus the total of zoning variance application rejections x inches of entheta media. It’s straight up and vertical. Hip hip hooray.
We have seen the magnificent “grand openings” of “ideal” Narconons in Clearwater, Baton Rouge and yesterday on the Bunker it was Eslov in Sweden — apparently a one man Narconon that has now attained idealiness.
I have sometimes wondered what these “ideal” Narconons actually look like. We all know the profligate waste and extravagance that goes into “ideal” orgs — but there is no big fundraising pitch for these “ideally” Narconons, which means scientology is paying for them. So, “ideal” has a different meaning here.
So I was most interested when someone sent me this email describing how the next “ideal” Narconon was put together. Begging for volunteers to come and throw up some sheetrock and paint some walls. Hand them some newly layed out and reprinted Purif and Objectives materials. And hey presto, you got yourself an “ideal” Narconon.
And this is exactly what all the “ideal” orgs and “ideal” continental liaison offices and “ideal” missions are. Pure marketing hype. Some have nicer floors and custom designed drapes. But they are facades. It’s all “marketing” and “PR.” Nothing really exists, they just create the impression it does. It’s all gilded turds.
Ideal is a catch-word that has absolutely no meaning. But it is a cleverly repositioned use of a term coined by Hubbard — the “Ideal Org.” And if you read that policy you know these gilded turds bear no resemblance to what is described by Hubbard. Though fundamentalist scientologists make repeated use of the term, they have no clue what an “ideal org” (or NN or Mission or AO or CLO) is other than it is a building with fresh paint.
Hi Barry,
My name is Jan Blount and I work at the Scientology Management Org in LA. Peggy and Steve Fabos both named you as THE person to contact to get on the needed
comm lines.
The Narconon in Fort Collins CO is receiving the new Golden Age of Tech Phase II tech for Narconon’s and in order to do that are getting a retrofit and posh up. There are Sea Org members there running this but
more help is needed.
They need construction and painting people right now as they are building a bathroom from the studs out and painting accent walls in a number of rooms. In about a week there will be a furniture delivery and they will need assistance
installing that as well.
As this is a Narconon with students in residence they need to have comm before anyone arrives to ensure the confidentiality and privacy of the students of course
I you can get the word out and find some volunteers who know how to paint and are willing to spend some time (a couple of evenings, a couple of days, or a week or whatever) helping to get the Narconon retrofitted and poshed up
to match the new GAT II Tech we really need the help.
Thanks much, Jan
If you are not familiar with the policy letter, I include it here for your information. You will see why only the last sentence is ever quoted….
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Data Series 40
(First appeared as LRH ED 102 INT, 20 May 70, referring to evaluation.)
The ideal org would be an activity where people came to achieve freedom and where they had confidence they would attain it.
It would have enough space in which to train, process and administrate without crowding.
It would be located where the public could identify and find it.
It would be busy looking, with staff in motion, not standing about.
It would be clean and attractive enough not to repel its public.
Its files and papers, baskets and lines would be in good order.
The org board would be up-to-date and where the public could see who and what was where and which the staff would use for routing and action.
A heavy outflow of letters and mailings would be pouring out. Answers would be pouring in.
Auditors would be auditing in Div IV HGC and Qual would be rather empty. Supervisors would be training students interestedly and 2-way comming all slows.
The HCO Area Sec would have hats for everyone. And checked out on everyone. There would be a pool of people in training to take over new admin and tech posts.
The staff would be well-paid because they were productive.
The Public Divisions would be buzzing with effective action and new people and furnishing a torrent of new names to CF.
The pcs would be getting full grades to ability attained for each, not 8 minutes from 0 to IV, but more like 30 processes. And they would be leaving with high praises.
The students would be graduating all on fire to audit. One could look at this ideal org and know that this was the place a new civilization was being established for this planet.
The thousand or more actions that made it up would dovetail smoothly one with another. And the PR Area Control would be such that no one would dream of threatening it.
Such an ideal org would be built by taking what one has and step by step building and smoothing, grooving in and handling each of its functions, with each of its divisions doing more and more of its full job better and better. The business is always there-the skill with which it is handled and the results on pcs and students is the single important line which makes it possible to build the rest.
The ideal org is the image one builds toward.
It is the product of the causative actions of many. Anything which is short of an ideal org is an outpoint that can be put right.
The end product is not just an ideal org but a new civilization already on its way.
Narconon has become Narcocon under DM management.
I worked at this Narconon in Fort Collins. Let me just say that when I left (as staff) in 2013, they were then busy ripping walls apart and building new bathrooms. What the f**** has Glenn Petcavage been doing these years to still need help with this sh*t hole of a building. He used to make students do the contractor work for MEST. Yeah. That’s legal.
Anyway, got Any questions? 😉 Please AMA.
Excellent mike and good to see you still remember policy is green on white.
This PL is perhaps the best stick you could use to beat the dwarf and IAS gangtsers with.
I would be happy to donate if you would like to run off 5000 copies and hand it out to the OT VIII’s and Class VIII’s of Tampa who do fuck all and are not even on services or the Tampa OT comittee and do not donate to anything
thank you so much for pearls and jewels of is-ness, my friend.
giggles and laughter joyfully down the stream, ahh…the reason i live, really.
u remind me… I am the very p-wow’d owner by theft of… hold your breath:
My sweet at-home landlady freaks out at the mention of the word cult, don’t ask me why.
I have the box.
She has the house facing the ocean. I pay double the rest of calif but who cares i got what i need. Anyway, she walks in the sling glass door, invited by me, me and my Evaluator Series comfy in the bed, snuggled sweetly between my monitor and my writing table, MARK! whats that your reading? actually she spit, reflexively, as she spoke this, ee-gad. Forget trying to finish that sentence. You’d think she’d run off in disgust, like what one would do as a categorically whithered body walking in on mr tenant gleefully masterbating his engorged (cue: angelic choir note)to heaven with copy of source material in original form, HEY, wake up, class is not dismissed- green on white-, this is the real deal.
So, i cant talk about that. Sorry, forgot. The really juicy part are those red on whites, the bulletins, in the middle. you almost cream, just looking at the colors!-mm
Forgot to mention…love the golden pile of shit..laughter!!
“…II tech for Narconon’s and i…”
Can’t any of these illiterate Scientology criminals fricken spell? There’s that Scientology dumbfuck “applied scholastic” fraud at work.
The whole damnable religion is an evolutionary mistake,
a fraud.
Fresh is having the truth out in the wide, blue open. Thanks Minister.
For the past two years while dealing with illness and unable to work, I’ve been reading this blog and your comments. Some days it was the only time I smiled. When I didn’t feel the strength to fight, I watched Mike and his supporters do so. I saw courage, character and friendship in motion. And as of this week, I am finally back on my feet! I set up a small monthly donation to the blog in gratitude. I hope there are others who may not comment but take way something of value here and give back when they can. And to everyone here: You just never really know when, how, or whose life you may be touching.
That was really beautiful. It is nice to know you are out there.
Thanks karma-man. that’s just cool.
Funny how it all works out, how we all wind up wiser…
Good to know there is character out there. Good to see a little consciousness applied.
Good to get a word from the real world, the wilderness of society. These scn-gists do get rather clammy…
There is real reward for me when somebody clean and unaffected steps in to take a look around here and sees this- this what can you even call it- this joke that seriously compromises intelligence, this destroyer of free will and family? This CON, just total lies and deception THING hiding behind big promises and sterling rhetoric. Man, it is really hard to get much heavier than that and yet, thanks to a little Truth added to the mix, by us the once-insiders, a regular guy can, on his own cognizance, no “golden technology” or training or special blessings or divinity or kinship to the messiah or higher knowledge or privileged path to knowledge can actually, on the spot, in an instant walk in and just know… what a load of ShineOla this is and just laugh. This church is a joke that ruins lives and and the funny thing is I myself was once in that dank dungeon and I am actually laughing. Pretty sweet. If you laugh at this you can laugh at just about anything, seems to me.
The leader is so important. Just ask him. All his knowledge for sale… I’d be embarrassed to have him clean my toilet and the amazing thing is, really, is that you actually know why. So, thanks. Thanks a lot, and it is kinda a big deal. Sure is good to know you are walking around because life is a miracle after all- a guy like you should experience it. Thanks for showing us what strength of character can do for other people without even trying. All you gotta do is say something once in awhile.
Made my day better, tell you what. Here comes the sun.-mm
Hi karmareaper, Good to meet you. I understand what you posted as I too have medical situations that are ongoing. Your post was beautiful and I am very happy you are feeling better.May your 2016 New Year shine! This Blog is always an adventure of the very best kind. Love, Ann
Golden Age, Ideal, NarCONon aka Miscavige Snakeoil.
When I was a brainwashed scientologist I worked at 2 Narconon in Quebec. I was glad to do so as I was heavily involved with drugs when I was a kid. However, I could not believed what I was observing. The first Narconon was on Jarry street in an appartment building where a pusher was living on the 3rd floor. I had to stay there day and night to try to prevent the students to get drugs or the boys to get in the women’s room when there libido was coming back to life. The students were preparing the meals (HIV…). I was fired under the pretext that I was a suppressive person but the ED wanted to keep me as a Reg as I tripled the number of students within 6 months of me being there. What rational Class V ED would want to keep a “suppressive person” on the Reg post??? Insane!
Then I started Narconon Quebec were similar insanities were occuring on a daily basis. I left… The center was closed not long after because of unreal management. Now both of these center “Narconon Three Rivers” ( previously Narconon Jarry – a huge center) and Narconon Quebec have been closed. I sure understand why and I am glad for the parents of kids that do not have to get caught in this nightmare or lies…
I also am out of Scientology and declared a SP (Super Person).
In session I originated that during the 25 years that I have been in Scientology, I disconnected from many people who I was told were bad. However, I was still doing ups and downs. I said that the only thing that hadn’t changed and was constant during these 25 years was that I was part of that Church. I also said that I was under the impression that DM was my item. It did not take long that I was called in the HCO. They told me that they had done a mistake when they hired me 4 years prior. Amazingly, I did trained at Flag as an OOT and was told by the Chief MAA that I was fully qualified. There too I saw things I could not believe. I knew that if these SO and OOT were the best people that could be found on this planet, the world was in BIGGGGG trouble.
The same night, I was asked to see the REG to pay to finish the course I was on. I was in US living in US with a religious visa not allowed to work in US with no car to get back across the border to work in Ontario Canada. I was staff at Buffalo (the First Ideal Org). They even took the money I had in my account to pay for my visa.
I was by myself in a foreign country with no money in my pocket. My last year salary as a staff was $996.00 for the entire year. YES! I was able to make miracle happen…
I went to the Buffalo News and they wrote a story about me and my wife leaving the Church.
I was so poor me and my new wife did not have any money to eat. We were splitting 79 cents coffees at McDonald.
4 years later. I have 2 successful business in the USA. and I work part time for a leading replacement windows manufacturer. (I love regging when it is the right product). Yep! it took me a while to get back on my feet but I now know what is happiness and it has nothing to do with Scientology Ethics and threatening rules of M. Asshole Hubbard and Small Shit Miscavige.
Thank you for reading me – I need to …
“Rev” Mitch Btillon
PS. Thank you for your work Mike!
Sounds like you have some bad memories?
Well, let it out, let it all out. Communication is the universal solvent. A man is as alive as he can communicate. If you don’t tell all, you have a with hold. I applaud you for being there and communicating. Communication is so thoroughly important today it could be said if you were to get a man into communication, you would get him well. Keep talking, keep sharing. I hear you and understand you. Pleasure reading you.
Thank you for your understanding. Effectively! Communication is what helped me recover. I am kind of bitter at times when I come across $cientology related articles. The truth is that I still did not fully forgave myself for having put my personal integrity aside to do so many things that sounded stupid to me while in Sciento and on staff. From the very beginning there was strange stuff where I should have been my own counselor, follow my instinct and leave. I will never ever applaud picture…
Laughter! We understand! I think every human being goes through this wherever they are though. Especially when they are teen agers. But possibly all through life. The craziest things I did were not even related to Scientology. Once I got on an airplane and went to a foreign country where I did not speak the language with 1.90 in my purse. It worked out great! But when I think back on that, I cringe. I really cringe. But we make memories, we make some great memories.And trust me on this. One day you are going to head out back to lay in your hammock, or lawn chair. And the sun is going to be shining and the birds will be singing. And the former pressures of life are going to really be behind you because you got on top of it all and took care of business, and is was all doable and way too easy. And you are going to lay down while everyone else out there is off and scurrying. And you will look back on your life and all the good memories, and you will have a huge smile on your face. And you are going to be happy for every moment you lived. And you aren’t going to want to trade your head for anything on the planet.
naw… they used to be bad
aint no more
i used to get dreams
if i talk too much about it, at a bar maybe or to some stranger
because for quite a few years out everybody was a stranger
and yes, you’re right, it was because the religion or whatever it was was something I really truly could not talk about. It was a rule, for one thing, the way i was brought up so to speak, the way i had molded myself, working so hard and passionately into a scientologist, please don’t make me say that word.
In those dreams – i would be back inside. And yes i felt horrible. I was thinking very strongly that i didn’t want to be there, that i was just fine living as a ski bum in Tahoe. It was bad, very self-consciously bad, because to have such thoughts of joy –
is against scientology law.
(i spoke the word again only because i do not fear the truth)
And it looks like all these smiles are fake… they want to ask me about my thoughts over and over and how long can i keep this up, hell, do i even want to? Sliding down snowy mountains surely beats the shame out of leaving here, but…
All joy must come from the church. period.
Yep, good news, these [____ing] dreams were always short and I always woke up happy it was over.
Hi Mitch Brillon, Nice to meet you and your wife. So glad you both got off the hamster wheel of the twisted bridge and are out and free, please post whatever you want, if you want. I enjoy reading all here and learning how we are all forged in the fire of Ron and dm.We are the unbreakable chain for truth, justice for those who lost all,including their lives to the cult and healing to all who have been hurt in many ways.Always, Ann
Thanks Rev,
(hold on, i gotta reboot that name…) MITCH!
Amazing job.
With experience like yours you tower above the fray, the aftermath and of course the mud beneath, you actually build a sort of path above it all, the makings of a sort of bridge (if i could just borrow an idea for a second), and the great thing is, you do it just by getting out of the chair and standing up.
It was the first time for me to post here. I am surprised that people read my stuff and took time to reply. Thank you all. Please do not get me wrong, I am a privileged man and I thank God for the path I took. I met my wife after leaving my country and coming here in Buffalo She is an angel and by my side (best thing ever – so thankful I came).
Also, I witness a lot of people around me being brainwashed and they aren’t even aware they are. Amazingly! when some find out I was a Scientologist they have this degrading look viewing at me as I was stupid and/or brainwashed. You know these people that have strong political views because of what they heard on the news but having no clue it is all scripted by a “select few” that have the ultimate control.
Not that I am conspiracy theorist but I did A LOT of research (probably like most) to understand what, how and why I have gotten in such a mess and I found out pretty interesting stuff that I do not hear any ex-scientologists talk about.
If interested, find out to who belongs the mansion where some scenes of the movie “Eyes Wide Shut” was filmed. From there connect the dots… You might understand why Scientology and Dianetics have triangles in their logos and a lot more… Interesting stuff
Welcome to Buffalo, brother!
The only Golden Age there was in Scientology took place in the Old Saint Hill before the Sea Org and the dwindling spiral of the Hamster wheel in which people go to the top to come back for kindergarten. In the old days things were perhaps not ideal, but you didn’t see all the vultures, the vampires and the old worn out Sea Org members muttering insanities. It is very sad to see the difference between those who left and those who stayed in, to see family members struggling on a path leading nowhere. In the 60s and the 70s there were a lot of young people coming in and also people from all paths of like some of whom had real experience of life. when I look at Scientology gatherings nowadays, there are the old timers still in, most of whom are in real trouble and not doing very well and then the youngsters of the third generation who never knew what auditing meant and live in a world of total delusion.
Hi Alex De Valera, Your post resonated for me. Thank you. A very Happy 2016. Love, Ann.
Thank you Alex for this great post.
yeah thanks, Alex, inspires me…
It is a sobering effect.
while i was reading along your post i caught a sort of chill.
It wasn’t like there was some shift in reality.
It ws more like a remembering… of something in danger of being forgot.
these dreams…
some of them, they are remembered in moments like now as a scary thing, scary in ways underneath, i mean not really real but lying underneath in a sort of sinister way.
Contrast that perception with the exstacy (i shutter to print the word) of thinking that at last you are saved, not lost, and loved and have reason to love, as a possession, as a reason to suffer gladly into the next moment…
And glad is because you know it will never happen again.-mm
this church is an extinction,
You are so right Alex. My recent and against-my-will, trip to an AO made me have this same recognition. There were mid-to-late 20 year olds, mainly young, pretty girls that a couple of them mentioned they didn’t drive and didn’t even have a driver’s license, holding posts such as tech gophers (Tech Services), Regs, MAA and even high on the org board. The ones I met were mainly if not all 2nd or 3rd generation. I felt sorry for them.
The public were older than me (in their late 60s, 70s and even what appeared to be 80s) giving their kids inheritance to the church. None of them were in any physically good shape that I could see and didn’t exactly seem happy with their life or proposed auditing while waiting in the tech area. There was no excitement or enthusiasm. It was like someone took their pension away and now they had to go thru the motions to obtain some form of accomplishment so they didn’t feel they wasted another hundred thousand.
Further, while in the tech area, a non-stop DVD loop of that short, little f*ck, at some event kept playing over and over… Hardly a picture of LRH to be seen in the org (not that I care, but far from what it used to be like).
Thank you CPO. Merry Christmas.
That policy letter gives us a good look into Hubbard’s delusional fantasy. He has developed a system that turns people into happy super-beings and thus has effected the salvation of mankind. His institutions will be bustling with activity as people learn his intricate technology and become transformed. Business will be BOOMING! The only thing messing up that grand vision is that he did NOT develop a system that transformed people much less all of mankind.
He only IMAGINED and PRETENDED that he did. That letter probably represents him at his most delirious. All that technical lingo and high-minded speechifying still has a few people dazzled but for the most part the jig is up and there’s a poor fool at the top trying to keep the gigantic, resource-gobbling whirligig going. Hubbard had terms for all kinds of situational phenomena. “Service facsimile” for instance. I wish he had coined a term for that humiliating turn of events in which a person who has been caught in an obvious lie refuses to give it up.
Liars and damn liars.
Looking at Hubbards criteria for an “Ideal Org” I can only say I saw one Org in all of my 30 years that was bursting at the seams and the building was old, cramped but people went on about their business cheerfully. The morale was high. I’m convinced it was an anomaly and that Scientology will NEVER regain any semblance of a “golden age” if it ever had one. An earlier poster was spot on, Scientology is in Treason at best. Nice knowing ya.
The other creepy thing that nobody talks about is
a SHADOW GROUP called “Friends of Narconon”
This is an in between management select few that
Micro Manages the El Supremo’s(D.M.) Micro Management
usually the real source of Death, sex for drugs,
abuse cover ups, inmates put in charge of the asylum,
lawsuits, credit card fraud, and
the bogus PR of fabricated successful recovery rates.
“Friends of Narconon”purpose is extracting more money
for David Miscavige by any means illegal made to look legit.
( see World Literacy Crusade Felons busted in L.A.)
Not that shadowy.
Category:Friends of Narconon
“Hi Barry,
My name is Jan Blount and I work at the Scientology Management Org in LA. Peggy and Steve Fabos both named you as THE person to contact to get on the needed comm lines.”
Translated into wog (TIW):
Hi Barry, .More begging and shifting the burden of delivery onto the public. I have now hat dumped on you to provide labor so I can report a “done” to my senior. We are demanding your free resources, labor, time and recruitment skills, and this is only the beginning.
“The Narconon in Fort Collins CO is receiving the new Golden Age of Tech Phase II tech for Narconon’s and in order to do that are getting a retrofit and posh up. There are Sea Org members there running this but more help is needed.”
We are behind target and out of money, otherwise we could hire people. Miscavige pays 10K a month for a P.I. to spy of his Dad but will not pony up for some illegal immigrants to get shipped up here from L.A. to bang out the real estate upgrades. Sea Org Members are running this, people below the Sea Org are actually doing the work and paying the costs. As it should be.
“They need construction and painting people right now as they are building a bathroom from the studs out and painting accent walls in a number of rooms. In about a week there will be a furniture delivery and they will need assistance installing that as well.”
These are your targets. Get it all done. Notice there is no mention of exchange of what we or I can do for you. This is non E on reserve, I tell you what is wanted and need from me, and you do and or present it. If you were not in reality my fkn junior by the mere fact that you are are out there, you would not be getting this program from me to execute.
“As this is a Narconon with students in residence they need to have comm before anyone arrives to ensure the confidentiality and privacy of the students of course.”
I am making this like a “close conspiracy”, and you are in on it! Tell the painters they are on a “top secret” mission! (This is just between us. Everyone know David Miscavige can’t bang back two shots of Scotch before he starts to dribble about P.C. folder content.)
“If you can get the word out and find some volunteers who know how to paint and are willing to spend some time (a couple of evenings, a couple of days, or a week or whatever) helping to get the Narconon retrofitted and poshed up to match the new GAT II Tech we really need the help.”
We need free labor because Miscavige will not give us any money to pay for it. You know how that upsets him to pay for labor. Private investigators are dancers, artists. He does not have issue there. No, I am not standing down from management position to pick up a fkn paint brush are you crazy? Round up the slaves. You are keeping the registrars on wait! We need them a few evening, weeks, months years and decades.
“Thanks much, Jan”
Move it dilettante, must the Sea Org do EVERYTHING for you lame assed public? Jan
perfect translation TO.
Reminds me of a totally green HCO telex operator (staff member for all of 2 days) that took a written dispatch from the org’s ED to send up to CO FOLO EUS.
ED: Target 2 is in and in maintain. When we do public briefings…
Telex sent: Target 2 is in and in the mountain. When we do do pubic briefs…
There was far more hilarity in it but it’s been 30 years… Ah, what a laugh that was. The ED went batshit — You sent this to the CO FOLO !!!#^@^#%$!!!
Hi freebeeing, Thank you for your hilarious post! I messed up so many machines at Asho F and I was the bullbait partner everyone in Fdn wanted to twin with because the whole room would laugh with me.A laugh riot! But it was not Miss Ann who sent the telex of your post. Thank goodness! Always, Ann
I’ve been scrambling all around the house searching for my fire extiguisher because you’re on fire!
Ha ha ….thanks for unwrapping this word package Jan served up for Christmas.
If they weren’t such blood-sucking leeches things might have been different. Any excuse to get you to come in so you could make some collection of staff a stat. How distorting that admin system was/is to what was supposed to be a good time adventure. Instead it became life destroying.
Merry xmas to my 2 disconnected children, I hope you wake up soon.
Hi freebeeing, Merry Christmas and a very Happy 2016 for you. I really hope your two children can somehow let the sunlight in so they can see those bars that bind them to the cult. Always, Ann
Merry Christmas to your two disconnected children as well as you, freebeing, and the rest of your family. Heart breaking as this situation is to you, there’s always hope that they will see the light. If nothing else, the policy of disconnection should be forever banned. In the meantime, it’s good to have you here.
Merry Christmas freebeing, sincere hopes that your children join the enlightened and next Christmas will be a true family holiday for you. Peace.
In all the years being a public and sometimes staff member at 2 major east coast orgs I only saw a few times where the org had it’s shit somewhat together. And that was in the late 70’s and early 80’s. And the emphasis at the time (aside from making GI) was trying to do this:
“The business is always there-the skill with which it is handled and the results on pcs and students is the single important line which makes it possible to build the rest.”
A good academy and good HGC delivering some pretty good sessions that the clientele enjoyed. Regging was incessant, but it was always to buy services or books. Reading Hubbard’s ideal is so so far from the current state of affairs. Money for nothing and your chicks for a sec-check. It would have been quite different if $$$ hadn’t been the stat rather just letting people explore and find out about themselves.
Nobody much mentions the good times they had while in on here much. It was far from all bad before things started becoming “Golden” & “Ideal”.
Wishing you all a very happy Holidays.
Hi freebeeing, I just saw your other post. I had some wonderful good times in The Sea Org with Asho F and some beautiful amazing spirit friends while in too. Laughted our asses off at times back the,on The Excalibur too. But behind every rainbow a storm can quickly gather strength and turn all the light into black darkness. Then a choice needs to be made. Stay in or escape. So glad I escaped. Love, Ann
I remember when I got my chicks for free. I was ecstatic!!! That is, until they told me to sit down and pick up the cans…..
Merry Christmas Free Being, Ann, OSD and Merry Christmas Mike. I Love you guys.
Hi Good People, Thank you, your Christmas Greeting is lovely. Here is to 2016 and I will always search out and read your posts. Love and all joy,and peace to you and yours. Love xo Ann.
Freebeing: Well I mention it, quite often. Your post sums up my stance. The Orgs – when they concentrated on results from PCs and properly training auditors were great places to be. It is this that old-time Scientologists are intent on recovering from the treasonous activities of the cabal that has taken over the Church since the early 1980s. There was no real need for (false) “PR” in those days – people would make gains and bring in other people, and even if the GI sometimes was a bit up and down nevertheless the Org was packed and people were moving on the Bridge. Newer Scientologists unfortunately won’t know about these times as they have never experienced such. Saying that it would be quite easy to rectify and I am still hopeful it can be done.
Two years ago we remodeled all FOUR of our bathrooms in our homes. we not only put new accents, but new cabinetry and sinks and toilets to boot. I had no idea we had an ideal home per the new David Miscavige definition.
Should we ever decide to put it up for sale, I am sure that will raise its value 47x.
Is the bog roll fully in line with GAT II? I shudder at the thought of redoing the Basics…
I bought that LRH policy hook, line and sinker in 1975 to 2005… “The staff would be well-paid because they were productive.”
I have never seen Staff well paid, productive or not. We worked for nothing and sent money “up-lines” to save the world… nothing has changed since 1975 except DM has taken LRH’s spot in this money food chain.
Horrifically bad PR and being caught in criminal acts will be DM’s undoing. Even minor criminal acts can destroy you, if your PR sucks. Today’s bad PR means the judges and juries can’t be bullshitted. Today the stock and trade of Scientology is just Bullshit PR and everyone knows it. Tick Tock.
Part of the financial scam aspect of CofS is that that proportionate pay plan was merely a risk transfer scheme. For most organizations the risk of meeting payroll is born by the organization. Proportionate pay transfers it to the staff. Very quickly, payroll was NOT met. Once Hubbard found that he could get people to work for him anyways, he started the SO where he never even pretended to pay anyone, and CofS ignores the well being of the staff almost entirely.
I wrote a bit more about it here http://www.forum.exscn.net/showthread.php?34508-The-Proportionate-Pay-Plan
Gee, Mike!
It is awesome!
You have got the real picture of Dave’s ideal turd.
I do know there is a very expensive ice cream made with gold.
But to the cob, no limits!
All hail the Golden Turd!
I respectfully disagree, thegman.
Forget Danger; even Non E is way too high a condition for any Scientolgy org.
With their off line, off policy and off purpose activities, forcing their publics to pay for their real estate, grabbing publics’ money for the IAS instead of selling services, continual undue emphasis on status’s based on donation amounts, out-ethics, i.e., declaring people without due process, fair gaming of people, with disconnection policy used to control their people, squirrel tech including executive C/Sing, squirrel ethics and admin, awful PR with the church considered a joke at best and a litigious, mind bending cult at worst – with their off line, off policy, off purpose, out ethics rampant in every division and department of the Scientology org board, Non Existance is way too high a condition for any Scientology org to be in. I would say they are in Treason. Non Existance should be a goal of theirs.
You’ve certainly covered all the bases there. It should also be considered that all the above outpoints are not outpoints. They were intended from the get-go. It’s not really as you observe it as miscavige has done exactly what he set out to do – destroy scientology and scientologists from ever being organised to deliver. It is infinitely more workable if we as individuals employ the correct condition, not the other way around. His grip on the organisation as such is untenable for any form of self correction, it’s a lost cause to pursue or hope for miscavige to change for what he has created is as standard as he can get from his viewpoint.
If he was ever cornered he’d burn the money before allowing it to be used correctly.
Yes Aqua – perfect summation.
As an ex staff member (HAS), reading that policy letter makes my guts knot up. Pure bullshit. I want to puke just recalling that I once took it all in hook, line and sinker. The mere awareness that I was able to remove those cult shackles feels like pure bliss.
A criminal organization which, like many others in history, won’t last.
And the souls that perpetrated all these abuses, lies, rip offs…,well, not even Stephen King would be able to describe their eternity of hell.
The clock is ticking, Silvia. It’s not longer a matter of “if”, but “when”.
When I was a student of Ron’s from 1970 to 82 it was the same thing. The “standard” perfect bridge was always changing with new breakthroughs.
Making the next step the reason the previous step did not delivery the goods.
Once criticism = criminality and signs of being an SP, no one will question the false claims.
Shutting down one’s ability to be constructively critical of Ron’s claims, is an important step to “worshiping and expecting” new breakthroughs. Believing in them.
Since any looking within can bring about new realizations, the mentally enslaved Scientologist assigns their own cognitions to Ron.
I learn this because of Ron
I don’t know what I’d become without Ron
Another attack on mental freedom is the “do not self audit” injunction.
Ron actually made going within, to figure things out on our own with our own intelligence, something he did all the time, he made it a bad thing. A dangerous thing.
Ron says,
” see here you trapped beings, I am the “only one” to know about the mind and the whole track. Your mind is much too dangerous to go it alone. In fact you can get sick, red tag and die. I have mapped out this perfect bridge that keeps on changing. I have broken my back for you. Please to not look into your mind on your own.
Self auditing is a dirty word in Scientology. So is free thinking. Free investigating.
Sovereign thinking was redifined by Ron to be “out tech.”
Ron has thought for your. Don’t self audit. Don’t look, don’t figure it out on your own.
That concept is a dead bolt keeping the prison door firmly in place.
And an important foundation stone to mindless cult-hood.
Well, I think he looked into his mind and try to solve his case, but he failed. He also ended up in the trap, that’s why he kept getting rid of his BTs till the end.
I always enjoy your posts Brian. Merry Christmas. ML.
Every day provides another example of the degenerate result of modern scientology revisited. You can locate any activity of any scientology organisation or one of its splinter groups, relate it back to its own policy and none of its public actions make any sense at all. What is noteworthy is the wave of anti scientology generalities that hold the same, if not greater PR value – the big bin that is now everything scientology has sealed its own fate. It’s all one big mess. Not that it didn’t earn it but any intelligence regarding the evaluation of anything scientology is mired down by criminality, gross incompetence and easy to see agendas based on ignorance and lies. It’s all forest and no trees, the subject has truly PR’d itself to death and has attracted the worst enemy of all, a vastly expanding word of mouth condemnation. The term scientology has morphed into a vast generality. Ignorance of actual scientology is the safest place to be in the public arena. The easiest way to right about scientology is to attack it.
It is now a study completely of its own nature. There is nothing that organisation can do, except attempt to lie it’s way of the next avalanche of negativity. There is no truth in that group and it’s biggest stat is the growing resentment of it.
All I really want is to be there to catch some loved ones still caught up in it all. Apart from that, I hope dm does jail time, a lot of it.
The Bulldozer in the room is Marijuana.
Narconon should bail out of Colorado.
Fancy bathrooms will not fix this problem.
In 2016 the Federal Govt. will decriminalize POT
this will be the death Blow for Narconon in Scientology
altogether .
Same with Scientology, 2016 will be a death slide
for David Miscavige.
Pot, pot hurrah!
Acapulco Gold Blunts, here we come! LOL
The expression “Ideal” has come to have two significant benefits for Scientologists (both staff and public)
1) It justifies their past failures. Previous efforts to clear the planet, or become solvent, etc. failed because they were not operating in an “ideal” environment or under “ideal” circumstances.
2) It gives them hope. Nothing is more important to a Scientologist than “proving” the technology of Scn is perfect and 100% workable. Doing so reinforces the belief and faith in the religion (though they refuse to admit it). While they are reluctant to acknowledge they have not gotten the expected results from their technology, when they embrace GAT I and GAT II they are permitted to safely admit their results were less than expected. And now that their organizations and technology are perfect and ideal, there is hope for the future. Scientology,in all its glory, can now be realized.
Of course, this is a risky manoeuvre by Scientology management. They are, effectively, “going all-in”. They will never achieve the organizational and spiritual goals set by Hubbard. Hubbard, himself, never achieved them. His admin policy and spiritual technology are flawed.
Scientology is now in the position that doomsday prophets, predicting the end of days, found themselves in – their predictions and promises don’t come true. Each time they fail to deliver, more and more people walk.
Miscavige is clever in that he has not proclaimed timeframes or dates when his grand plan will bear fruit. And should anyone complain or become impatient, he simply turns the tables and blames the staff and parishioners for not making it happen.
The end result is inevitable, the only variable is how long it can be delayed.
I gotta admit that Dave is an ideal tyrant.
Yeah…once again, that’s an insult to all tyrants everywhere…
Idi Amin, Pol Pot et al, low life’s the lot of them, would take offense at being referred to as scios but they would be impressed with the money.
I think your point is well taken. They would be highly offended to be lumped in with scientologists…but, there is that allure of money.
@gadfly, nah, he’s not an ideal tyrant. An ideal tyrant wouldn’t deny his “tyrantness” he’d flaunt it.
It is almost as if Miscavige is badly imitating the Apple business marketing model.
The trouble is Scientology 10.0 is just as clunky and non-workable as Scientology 2.0
It’s all form without substance, folks.
This gatshit is batshit amazing – Golden Age of Turds indeed. Cognitive dissonance has gone one step higher: cognitive cacophony.
I had a cacophony as a pet once. He was a cute little guy, but boy, he was a loud little critter……
Mine ran off with the asinine from next door. Treasoness little asshole, just after I bought a whole cupboard full of dried food for it too.
Asinines will do that, I Yawn. They have no loyalty to anyone or anything. Hang on to that dried food. My cats will be pleased…
Hi OSD, I adore cats and had my first one in Honolulu. A rag doll long hair called Po-Eli-Eli. Have always had many inside cats since.Siamese, Abbys, and Himilayans. Jade my Siamese is now 16 and a handful. Talks at 4:00 am every night. I greatly missed having four footed guardians in the SO. However I brought my cats up with mini Dachshunds and they got along great. Love, Ann
Ann B, there’s been only a few times that I did not have a pet sleeping with me. We rescued a kitten and she’s my new sweetheart.
Cognitive Cacophony a great name for a band!
Actually it really is! My band is, Catalina Eddy. But, Cognitive Cacophony is a damn good name! The name even sounds loud…….
I’m not surprised that Jan doesn’t use the name of the Narconon in Fort Collins. Who could remember what it is this week?
A Life Worth Living aka Fort Collins New Life Center aka A Life Worth Saving aka Narconon Colorado aka Narconon Fort Collins.
I was doing my Breakfast Rundown at the ideal Diner (http://www.idealdiner.com/) this morning and Kim, the nice lady who owns the place, let me eat free for Christmas.
Definitely not DM tech here. 🙂
@Leslie why you out exchange wog you! Seriously, not like those scientoolgists who demand that you pay for air or nothing at all.
That’s the way it should be. NOT.
Treating a regular customer with respect? What a novel idea. I wonder if it will catch on. It does in our office. scientology could take the hint and do well by it.
Warning don’t check this link if you haven’t eaten all day, food looks great there.
This “Ideal Diner” is a winner ! Wonder if Garrison Keillor has ever been there, course he’d have to leave St Paul !
No bathroom? Cruel!
No bathroom? NO PROBLEM! WITH RONCO’S NEW POCKET PORTAPOTTY! Just inflate the pocket portapotty anywhere you like! It’s easy and it’s fun for the kids!
That math equation + “gilded turds” = LMFAO!
Meanwhile, I received an electronic holiday greeting card from Author Services Inc. saying, “Wishing you a peaceful holiday season and a prosperous New Year!” How nice of them! LOL
I had a gilded turd once. He lived in a gilded cage. He died of old age. But the good news is, he came back as a steaming hot Cow Pie.
Hi OSD, Still laughing. If I am lucky enough to see your band, well you just might have to call the paramedics, because of all the laughter and light you share. Love, Ann
Thanks, honey! We all need to laugh about something every day!
“As this is a Narconon with students in residence they need to have comm before anyone arrives to ensure the confidentiality and privacy of the students of course”
Does this mean the students in residence need to know when someone not on staff shows up so they won’t say something that can be used in a lawsuit against Narconon??
Golden age of tech phase II in a Narconon??? But I thought Narconon had nothing to do with the COS.
I had a thought as I read the PL about having enough space etc. I did my training at ASHO day on Temple Street. It wasn’t a pretty looking place from the street and certainly was crowded but none of us on the BC seemed concerned about either. Makes me think the complex was the first move to come into line with what the PL was saying. The only thing for me was the complex was way too big and impersonal. I always loved the way Temple street would hum with action and excitement. All that seemed to go away when it was moved to the complex.
Rumor line…..I was talking to an UTR friend who still has communications with sheeple here in the Clearwater area. This person said a sheeple told them Flag called her and said there some sort of out tech with fn’s and that she needed to route into the org to read the new “issue”. Anyone hear anything about this? If true isn’t it par for the course to have to route in to read a new issue?? And of course if true I wonder what Miscavige found that corrects what he “found” to make him call the 3 swing fn’s in the first place.
“And of course if true I wonder what Miscavige found that corrects what he “found” to make him call the 3 swing fn’s in the first place.”
Yes, however will he gild that steaming, 3-swing turd? Thank Xenu that it’s also the Golden Age of cognitive dissonance.
Hi Potpie, A wonderful description of Temple St Asho. Those were the days before the Bridge was twisted out of recognition forever and Asho is no more. Yet I do recall the energy racing around the Org in the 70s.We really moved thetans through in those days, but not as dm does today.Love, Ann.
The flaw in the “3 Swing” interpretation is that it requires you use a specialized Music definition of the word “rhythmic”. But, since they’ve deprecated Study Tech, most never objected. As well, this tech revision was pushed through the orgs verbally; I was never shown a reference, despite numerous requests.
Right on Statpush. When I arrived at Flog for my Oh Tea Sex meter training and it was explained that 5 times through would do it I thought they were kidding. Then came the clarification on what an F/N was. No one came out and said it but after you got through the word clearing on ‘rhythmic’ you realized that the golden age of tech had redefined the good old F/N.
Later on, when the sec checking began in earnest I had to sit through the endless routine of auditors putting in buttons…………..
“On the question of did you eat shit for breakfast has anything been suppressed, has anything been suppressed?”
And you could feel the auditors grip tighten and his/her head slightly move back and forth trying to squeeze out that last swing ……………but alas …it died! Hours and hours of questions and buttons and buttons and more buttons until it was time to buy more intensives. And all the while these Flog auditors were all being surveiled and if they called a 2.999375 swing F/N ………….you knew it was off to the RPF.
What a clusterfuck. Glad I snapped out of it!
Potpie, I may have been your course supervisor at the old ASHO day on Temple street. Yeah, courserooms so crowded you couldn’t move and people waiting their turns for the “Wall of Tapes” but it was up close and personal and (dare I say it?) fun.
I am glad I too had gone away by the move to the complex.
Hi Valerie, Somewhere in my mind I know I saw you at Asho. Unfortunately more than a little hazy now. I sure wish I had not had to move Asho to the complex! You were very smart.I would have had a lot less blood, sweat and tears if I had just blown before the big move.Older now and I hope getting wiser. Love, Ann.PS It was fun before the rains came…
Oh, Ann, I wish I had blown. I went to GO and hung around. Blowing would have been so much better.
Hi Valerie, I hear you and I understand your post. Thank you from my heart.I look so forward to your posts in 2016. Always Love, Ann.
Hey Valerie, I was there from Jan 76 through May of 77 on supercourse hours. Were you my supervisor?
Yes @newcomer, I know I was your supervisor because I know who you are and I know I supervised you.
Valerie, I was on the BC starting in ’76 and finished the VI internship right before the move to the complex. All my sups were great so if you were one of my sups……you were great. And yes it was fun.
The wind sighs for songs in course rooms a lifetime ago! May they be sung again.
Hi Foolproof, And the wind sighs for songs….. So long ago that was one of the transforming early moments for me my first green shaky weeks in Sea Org. Really pushed me to try and excel in all I had to learn super fast. Having never been to an org or mission before SO, just DMSMH read. But I got caught in the meat grinder years later and so learned the real truth behind the cult and made the decision to escape. The hardest thing I have ever done this time around.Thank you for your post. Love, Ann
@sigh, Potpie, I was one of your supes. Mimi Spickler (future Mrs. Tom Cruise) was the intern supe.
Yeah, I recall those days, where you got in a huddle sometimes to try to work out what a particular mumbled sounding word on the reel to reel was… sort of like a prise or contest to see who could work it out. No transcripts at all. Yep, fun covers it.
@yawn and I would come running over to help and put on the headphones and say “hit rewind” “hit rewind” “hit rewind” “hit rewind” “hit rewind” and pretty soon we’d all be laughing, but eventually we’d usually work it out.
Potpie: Now THAT (on the possible revision of the 3 swing F/N thing) is very important news from the Church of New “Scientology”. If true I wonder who will be getting the blame for this (it won’t be COB of course). Looks like poor old Ray Mithoff again (still in the hole?) Or even David Mayo?
If true it will be fun to watch it play out.
@foolproof, when I heard about the 3 swing f/n, I thought, gees, If I were in, and thought that much of the tech was workable, that alone would drive me out. (All of this with the caveat that I always looked more for indicators than looked to the machine as that’s what you’re supposed to do any damn way).
I remember a particular word clearer who used to stare and stare at the needle and I would stand behind him and nudge him when there was a floating needle.
He would have loved the 3 swing f/n. The rest of us would have hated it.
Only one so technically deficient (*ahem David Miscavige* ahem) as to be unable to recognize a f/n in front of their face would require a 3 swing needle to recognize a freely floating needle.
I am surprised actually that nowhere in the definitions of an F/N is the speed of the flow of the needle mentioned (as I recall). It is not as slow as a null needle (usually a rise) crawl over the dial nor obviously as fast as that of a read, but in between these speeds. The use of the term “molasses” (which is in an HCOB or tape somewhere) for this is also not quite right as if you have ever seen molasses poured from a barrel that is slightly too slow as well and is getting down to the slow speed of the null needle crawl. Perhaps the molasses observed was thinned down in the 1930s depression which LRH (I assume) observed then? Ha! But if Compilations Unit had clarified the speed of the needle that would have helped students considerably. Saying that there are MANY HCOBs which describe it and I assume Miscavige is intent on “revising” or eradicating these in his Tech Volume clear-out which is currently underway in the Church.
The point Miscavige misses and hopefully now is rectified (we will see), is if you call an F/N after waiting for 3 swings, was it not F/Ning on the 1st and 2nd swings then? Of course it was.
A friend of mine responded to my telling him this with “they’ve made it 4 swings now then?”, which was very funny.
True, it will probably go to 4 swings, someone wasn’t getting overrun on the 3 swing f/n
Actually the speed of the needle is of course mentioned in the “rhythmic sweep of the dial at a slow even pace of the needle” definition, but what I meant was a clearer (and relative) definition of the term “slow” as used here. For instance we all know what a slow rise is but that speed is not the same as the F/N’s “slow even pace of the needle” is it? The “slow” in slow rise is much slower than the F/N’s “slow”. The E-Meter Films were pretty good in showing this (or the early versions anyway) but nevertheless textually (in HCOBs I mean) it could have been communicated better – then COB wouldn’t have had a leg to stand on with his 3 swing nonsense (actually he doesn’t anyway). Anyway I am rambling on now – we all know what an F/N is! Maybe I am trying to help DM clear up his MisUs?
I loved your math in para 2, Mike. Big chuckle. As for Hubbard’s green on white of 12 Mar 75, ALL orgs, missions, narconons and WISE are in quite serious violation of virtually all of that issue. Most, at best, are in Danger condition. And more than a few are in Non Existence as far as the public is concerned. I think, too, that PR should have an additional condition added to it: DISASTER.