What an odd catchphrase, substituting “Ideal” for “Ugly”….
They must think this is something brilliant as they have a whole campaign based on this slogan….
But the third one here is jaw-dropping.
Taking money from a 10 year old? And promoting it?
Tells you how warped one’s view becomes inside the bubble.
That left me almost wordless.
That SHOULD be titled, The Good, The Bad, The Really Ugly.
Oh, how sad.
All religions are crap, but that said, are there no examples of young children giving lots of money…to say the Catholic Church? There’s no doubt that Scientologist are the ‘fakest of the fake religions” (all of them) but I am curious if this type of fundraising is so out of the norm? Mormon kids are forced to fund their own “missions” all over the world. They save their entire lives for this crap. So in respect to criminal greed of churches, Scientology doesn’t have a corner on the market. Enjoy.
Why is Mi$cientology not being investigated for child abuse?
This same ploy is used in the streets in India and other third world countries by poverty stricken, unscrupulous parents who send their children into the streets to beg. Of course the parents take most of if not all of the money just like I’m sure Quinn’s parents take credit for their daughter’s fundraising on their eligibility checks and other brown nosing activities.
What the parents should be doing is seeing that their child gains skills (other than begging and manipulating others by pushing their buttons) that she can then use to produce actual products which she can exchange with others on her own self-determinism as she becomes an adult .
Thanks for the inside scoop, anonymous555.
“The family isn’t rich at all. She basically asked a bunch of other church members to donate in her name till she got to 100K eventually over the course of a lot of events.”
What an awful lesson to teach a child.
Here’s how it should have gone down in a saner Scientology environment:
Miscavige Child Seducer-
“Honey, if you can get all of those adults to give me all their money…..I will give you YOUR ETERNITY!!!! How would you like that?!
Little Kid –
“I already got that! Liar! Cheater! You’re a cheater!!!! …..Dad?…..Mommm? This man (or lady) is trying to make me do bad things!”
Parent – “Hey creep! Get the hell away from my kid right now! And you better be able to run fast.”
Here’s an inspiring kid:
It seems that the remaining staff and public left in the Church are in some sort of “Matrix” that DM has slowly and carefully created over the last 30 years, or rather he has destroyed or attempted to destroy any whatever-remaining sanity or theta that is left in any Org. The report recently from a South African staff member(s) that the Org was “entheta” and was therefore not interested in being on staff anymore (good for him or her) is a good summary of the prevailing attitudes within this “Matrix”. George Orwell’s 1984 and Animal Farm are fairly good comparisons as to what is going on. In the outside world this attitude is similar to globalization where 3rd world workers work as slaves and which is rapidly becoming the norm in the western world as well. I remember being on staff and having very good stats and wanting a break for a coffee and a cigarette now and then and then being told to do even more and even being harrassed and having to defend self because I was “not with the (off-policy rabid) program” so to speak. They attempted to squeeze too much blood from my particular stone so I told them to shove it. But I always had my coffee and cakes just like LRH states in Policy regardless. I just hope that we can rescue the whole movement from this god-awful way that things have turned out in Scientology Orgs.The only saving grace on this whole thing is that the people I know from my time who are in still now are and were ironically in terms of “Status” the least effective dregs and professional ARCXy PC-types who didn’t have a valid opinion on anything, the type that becomes an OTC Member and rips off his or her fellow Scientologists for Idle Org and IAS donations and then also claims a commission I believe. This, although uncharitable from me exposes the state of beingness of current staff and public. In other words what I am saying is that it is no wonder that DM can get away with it with these people still “in”. I have said before and I will say it again that these people are in treason to the subject and LRH; and if LRH had a grave he would be turning in it at the way this has all turned out. The “Matrix” has indeed arrived and is doing its foul deeds in Scientology Orgs. We’ll unplug it though!
Poor ten year old Quinn Bennett. She is being taken advantage of by the adults in her life who are supposed to be her advocates.
In the motion picture industry, children are protected from adults taking their money earned. Money has to be deposited into a bank account under protection until the child comes of ages.
Too bad Quinn doesn’t have such protection. This is pitiful. The CoS is really disgusting.
More proof of child abuse in the Cult of Scientology.
Children are not billion year old Thetans in little MEST bodies
You do not own them, you teach them how to behave in life
And do you know that Sea Org members work 14 hours a day ?
I’m actually still in shock over the 70 year old woman that Birmingham UK Org fleeced for a Humanitarian.
“Another key cycle was when the OTC collectively helped to push staff member Ethnie Ward over the line so as she could achieve the status of Humanitarian. Ethnie is 70 years old and quite a new Scientologist with a big heart. We held a group meeting and then Chairman Robert Lawson spent time with Ethnie which resulted in her finding the funds to complete the cycle – it was very theta!”
I almost threw up in my mouth when I read that. That was my Org. I was the Deputy Chairman of the OTC. I would NEVER have been okay with this cycle. EVER.
I think what happened to poor Ethnie is far worse than this kid. At least this child has her whole life to plan for her retirement and this donation is at worst a minor setback but what about the freaking 70 year old woman??? She doesn’t have the next 70 years to get back what was practically mugged out of her.
I am so disgusted with these people. Do they have no conscience???
No they don’t
If they did they would be one of us
This is a wink to ESMB, WWP and so much more
In 2008 2 recruiters flew from Flag to Albuquerque to try to get me to loan an SO member $30k against an inheritance she was to receive in a year. I was taken out to dinner as part of the wooing but the next day I found a policy that forbade staff arranging loans from public and told the two recruiters to stuff it. WTF! The FSO can pay the airfare, meals and accommodations for such a fiasco! Miscarriage isn’t the only one living high on the hog.
not a single exclamation point? good grief Charlie brown!
10 year old Scientologist kid in 1985: When I grow up, I’m going to be an auditor!
10 year old Scientologist kid in 2014: When I grow up, I’m going to be a fundraiser!
Dennis Negley need to wake the f… up! Wonder if he is still working for Golden Gate Furniture?
Hahahaha. Probably if Steve still likes him. Steve has a good heart and will help anyone. Even if they are a lunatic idiot. Denis is a moron of the highest order. He probably doesn’t have time to work anywhere but the church. Wouldn’t want to get any of those WOG germs on you.
I’d like to hear different bloggers’ explanations for the following two lines of promo:
Seriously, I’m almost always able to understand what a writer, politician, or PR man THINKS he’s saying, even if I know it’s gobbledygook.
But on these two lines, I am stumped.
“Jabberwocky” makes more sense– and it’s not even supposed to…
will require bodies of grandparents to be exhumed in order to retrieve their jewelry.
Don’t what happened to this post? 🙂
And I thought Miscavige could go no lower. Next he
God dammit, going for the AWWW factor while the church fucks up childrens lives
Why is everyone so shocked at taking money from a child? They take your childhood with slave labor and practically arranged marriages to men sometimes over a decade older when they are still minors. CHILDREN as young as 14 marrying 26 year old men. When that happens in other countries we send money to fight wars with them. When it happens in Scientology it is normal. These men are fucking pedophiles. They are disgusting. Which is why they are RAMPANT in the Sea Org and Scientology in general. Children work 70-80 hours a week, this girl, from and UBER rich family donated her allowance. Big fucking deal.
The family isn’t rich at all. She basically asked a bunch of other church members to donate in her name till she got to 100K eventually over the course of a lot of events. They did it for the awww factor and so that the church could say to adults, “This little girl drummed up 100K, why can’t you?” (Source: I was there.)
Hi Anon555,
I posted towards the bottom but still believe that Miss Quinn is being taken advantage of by the very adults who should be looking out for her best interests.
I read your data after I posted. You’re so right about using the child to shame the adults.
We all know its hard to say “no” to children when they are fund raising for their sports team, group activity, camping trip, etc. I can never say no and always help them out.
I don’t see an “aww” factor at all and think its wrong. Quinn’s time and energy would be better served by doing community service work, focusing on school, sports or the arts. Whatever she has an interest or talent in and under the guidance of her parents.
Children should not be used as shills or beggars, period.
Well that makes sense. I am sure she was just so “keyed out” and “theta” that people couldn’t help but give her the money. This is even MORE gross than her just forking over her college fund. I remember being used in this way when I was a kid. When I was declared CLEAR at age 12 after doing my Purif and some Objectives, I was used in that way as an encouragement to other Scientology kids to “remember”. Also that is what I was pressured with to join the Sea Org from that moment forward. These people are disgusting.
Was thinking “how low can they stoop?”, then remember this National Lampoon cover…
oops, didn’t embedded images… here’s the link http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c1/Natlamp73.jpg
A 10 year old able to make such an important financial decision? The vultures must have been salivating to get their hands on that money. I wonder who got the 10 percent commish?
They made their little girl party to a fraud.
Reminds of this post on ESMB:
“CHILDREN’S DONATIONS These are so theta and are an energizing part of every event. Encourage attendees to bring their children 8 years and above, as long as the kids are in-ethics, can sit through the event, and aren’t disruptive. Some of the most theta moments in an evening’s fundraising can come when a child walks up on stage and writes his/her name and a donation on the board (any amount). The child’s family is proud and the audience flows tremendous admiration to the child. It’s a group key-out.”
The child is most likely a “shill”… planted in the audience to do that at a certain time. It makes the child feel impressive and important… and everyone goes, “Aaaaawwww….”
Dennis Negley used to promote a Ditti that he sung to “Old Mac Donald’s Farm”
The Public comes in the Org and they can’t confront
They take an intro lecture and they can’t confront
The public buys a book and they can’t confront
The public gets training and they can’t confront
They get auditing and can’t confront
The Public goes CLEAR and can’t confront
That’s why Clears are Not CLEAR they can’t confront
This is True
I heard this repeated by August Murphy, President of SFO at the time.
Also True
I cannot even find the words to express how disgusted I feel right now. And how utterly sad I feel for that poor little girl. Can you say billion year contract?
What really concerns me is “she lives to tell the tale…” uh….what kind of torture were they applying? she almost died before they got that money out of her???
I know that family; she would stand up at events and reg the money from the crowd bit by bit over a lot of events. She was essentially a mascot that a lot of public rallied behind. It wasn’t money she or her family had already. Still really weird to use her that way though.
Thanks for the clarification. Still, the whole idea of a new building for MV is really bad. I’m sure Jan Silber had disagreement at first but she was “handled”
If you don’t mind my asking… was it an inheritance, contest winnings or something like that? Just really curious. Betting she really regrets this not too long down the line.
Yeah–that is the wierdest statement. It makes you go “Whaaaatt??” instead of read the rest of the poster and understand the message. Very dumb marketing. Maybe it will scare a few people off. 🙂
I was watching one of Jenna Miscavige Hill videos about the Ranch. It dawned on me: This is a “programming,” place where future S.O. member are conditioned to work 16 hours a day and to make it seem “normal.” For some time I felt “loss” for not having sent my little girl to that “happy” place and now, I cannot express how relieved I am to not have done it.
1984, George Orwell
2014, DM
Great Post, BFM! That is scientology in a nut shell!
What it means to lead others:
That is criminal and their should be laws against coercing children To use the child as an example of what you stand for is despicable.
Beautiful. Thanks for that, MJ.
Most welcome Maurice.
The above Simon Sinek video should be suggested viewing for all staff worldwide. It’s profound message clutches at the heart strings like no other. It makes me proud to be one of those who is helping in some small way, any way to get the true spiritual freedom realized in the Independent movement. This video would teach, like no other, what it is to be a leader and the love and appreciation that one must exhibit for one’s staff and public in every moment of every day. Thank you MJ for posting this!
Thanks Michael. To me, great leaders are humble and serve others. To quote: “Leaders eat last.”
This video is great. I understand that. I met people who risked their life for others and who just saved my life. That is being on purpose, that is altruism. The exactly opposite of the IAS and the Scientology empire.
Excellent video, MJ. Thanks.
Now they need to get her locked into a Sea Org contract…
Makes me wonder if humans would be better off if religious indoctrination of kids should be illegal worldwide. Let them decide as adults, when they are old enough to drink, serve in the military, and vote.
Think about it: you have to reach a certain physical maturity before you are found competent to vote on a political matter or candidate, but you can decide your whole eternity as a child?
Great post, FOTF! My wife and have no religious affliations. When our son asked what we were (religious wise) we told him it was up to him to find, or not find, his own path. LIke us, he stays away from religion.
BRILLIANT idea FOTF2012! Yes, have the government kicking down peoples doors to check if parents are teaching their children something “prohibited”. The insanity & stupidity of people never ceases to amaze.
That is sick. Letting a young kid like that donate 100k to a cult. Too bad.
I think the cult likes to use kids in promo because they can use it as a guilt trip on the adults. Like, here is a CHILD donating 100k and you CAN’T???!!
Jeeezus, there goes the kid’s education. Stupid stupid stupid.
But of course, with the Greeeeat LRH knowing all the answers, who needs an education? Ugh.
And this right after I heard a report on NPR about how important it is to get a college education
The sad part is, for Kool-Aid drinkers, this is something to be admired. No doubt, at whatever event, in whatever country, the sheeple will rise to their feet, and with tears in their eyes, clap until their hands hurt.
THAT is how and why this is allowed to occur.
What’s next, “Like taking candy (read money) from a baby?”
Another New Low in a Very Sick program.
Yes, really ugly. I do remember at FSO a young boy, of about 17 around 2001, that was commended as he gave al his inheritance to the IAS…Black Heart was happy as his pockets got fuller.
But, as his crimes keep being exposed, Black Heart sure will have an ugly ideal desperation…
The words that come to mind is F*$$$$$ sick.
There is no decency left. (Not that there ever any to begin with) I wonder how long she was regged?…pathetic. I would hope that is as tasteless as they can be but I’m sure they they will prove me wrong by tomorrow
No wukkas they will continue to garner derision from the real world.
Big Thetan – small body; Makes it OK to take candy from a baby. They are an embarrassment to themselves.
‘And for her tenth Birthday, we made our daughter party to a fraud, and she isn’t even old enough to sign a contract. What could go wrong?”