One of the great scams Hubbard and scientology has engaged in is the “Archives Project.”
The pitch: the scribblings of L. Ron Hubbard are so important to the universe that they must be preserved for all time so when life returns to earth after the inevitable nuclear holocaust has turned it into a wasteland, the “tech” will be there for them to start over again.
To that end, Hubbard designated the bulk of his estate be allocated to an organization that would be created for this purpose. This is the “Church of Spiritual Technology” or CST.
Hubbard’s money could not be transferred to CST until it had tax exemption (he didn’t want any of his “hard earned” cash to end up in the hands of the “tax cruds”) — so from 1986 until 1993 the only money available to get anything done on this project was by way of “fundraising” through ASI (as always, spending “Sea Org Reserve’s” is a no-no). You probably recall the infamous signed artwork and leatherbound books that ASI hawked like maniacs, and they also did straight up fundraising for the “Archives Project” as it was known.
They came up with all sorts of methods of “preserving the tech” — printing all his works on acid free paper, etching them onto stainless steel plates, producing gold coated nickel records. And in June 93 (before the exemption) Miscavige handed out samples to the attendees of the annual Freewinds Maiden Voyage — the highest of the high rollers in scientology. I am sure they raked in a ton of money.
Here are some shots of what was presented.
Along with the materials themselves, nuclear bomb-proof tunnels were constructed to house titanium capsules filled with argon gas, protected by heat shields made of the same material as the tiles on the outside of the space shuttle.
All super “high-tech” and you can see the hype surrounding all of this in the scientology video about this project that is on their website and periodically shown on ScientologyTV.
CST purchased various properties to dig these vaults.
Twin Peaks, (above San Bernadino S. California)
Petrolia, N. California
Tuolumne, central California
Trementina, New Mexico
Strangely, though they are supposedly nuclear-bomb proof, they are NOT earthquake-proof. The California locations are vulnerable, all sitting on or near fault lines. Not good planning.
Each one of these locations also has a residence built for Hubbard’s return. These are not like the symbolic LRH offices in orgs — these are actual homes ready for occupancy (there is of course also a mansion built for him at Gold — “Bonnie View” — and the Creston ranch and a full suite on the front third of the 11th floor of the HGB).
But here is the craziest thing about this.
After they had spent millions, if not tens of millions creating these archival copies and sealing them in the “time capsules” all of the books were REDONE in 1998. They had to re-do the project.
They were all revised again in 2001.
And then again in 2007 (along with all the Basics. Congress and ACC lectures…)
Each time, the project had to be redone.
The Technical Bulletins Volumes were redone in 1991, but they have been withdrawn pending Miscavige redoing them again.
The same with the OEC.
The Key to Life and LOC have been withdrawn.
Each time a new change is made, the earlier editions must be destroyed and new ones created as they MUST have the “most on-Source” versions of the “tech” in their vaults.
Imagine how much time and money has been wasted on this insane program. To preserve all this unworkable and worthless stuff
Assuming Hub swings by in his spaceship, what then? I’m sure the government will have something to say about an extraterrestrial flying in for tea and crumpets. He’ll be carted off, poked and prodded and will never be seen or heard from again.
And if the world is destroyed or people find these in thousands of years how are they going to understand what is written? Our version of english may be a dead language then. Also, how are they going to play the records, with what are they going to play them on? And if they have the device, how will future beings know how to use a record player and will one survive for thousands of years. That’s if the earthquakes don’t cave them in to begin with. Though on the positive side, hopefully that’ll mean the useless babblings of L ron hubbard won’t be read or heard again.
One answer. They developed a hand crank and solar record player!!!
Off Topic: Mike I just read about Milton. Praying you don’t get hit again.
Yes! Prayers from a Hurricane Helene survivor to all those in the affected areas! Stay safe!
My prayers to you and all those in the Tampa area also, Alcoboy. Well done on surviving Helene 🙂 Funny, somehow I though you lived in Italy. I must have you confused with someone else.
Must have since I currently live in Asheville North Carolina. Thanks for the prayers!
The perfect hamster wheel for useless activity’s and wasting money.
“To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research.”
Saw this reading something this morning and immediately thought of Hubbard.
It was a doubel/triple,quadriple scam.
Lots of high donations. All red volumes etc. imprinted on Titanium etc.
all cancelled as squirrel tech and replaced with Golden Age of Tech so all earlier modules
were worthless.
Any *revised* version makes earlier versions obsolete…..the money and expenditure is wasted.
The donor was suckered in for wasted deceptive nonsense
Aaaand…the hair-plugged, tinted-pompadoured, lift-wearing, Macallan-gurgling, slave-slapping intergallactic pimp laughs all the way to the bank.
Truly Evil.
The idea that those interlocking circles are from the Kool logo is hilarious!
When I think back to when the “new” books came out, I’ll never forget how shocked I was that we were told to throw the old books in the trash. At the time it seemed like a sinister request, and felt even more so when the updates were revealed to be so minor. I got a creeping feeling I was being played. In retrospect I see it was one of the first major dents in my cognitive bias.
I remember public in our org actually protesting against buying the Basics package. The argument was that when they bought the L. Ron Hubbard Library series in 1995 that these books were supposed to be on source and the most accurate of books. Now they’re being told to trash those books and buy the Basics. One guy maintained that if the 1995 books were full of errors then he should get a free set of Basics books! I know. Ha, ha! Here’s where this time Miscavige has shot himself in the foot and that is putting the 2007 Basics Event on DVD and having everyone watch it over and over. The error is that when Basics sales start to plummet (and they already are), he can’t come out with a ‘new and improved’ version of the books and say that these are the most on source books published because someone will just whip out that 2007 DVD and expose the whole thing.
Just as with the graves of the nobles of ancient Egypt, eventually these will be raided for their metals and the project will come to nothing. Such hubris, and that sense, rather remarkable what a man can do (and recruit others to help him to do) when he is narcissistic enough.
The ASI staff and promo sure went on and on about how all this precious tech would survive a nuclear holocaust.
I remember Lesley Potter’s facial expression, when she was trying to reg me for a donation for the archives project, when I asked her, “How do we know these gold records won’t just be fancy frisbees to the post-nuclear war uneducated remnants of humanity?”
Her (I don’t have an) answer was, “You do know how to confront evil.”
I wonder what happened to her. I actually liked her quite a bit.
Just a reminder, Mike, CST purchased land for a vault in Wyoming too. But we’ve made them backfill the vault after they illegally excavated on property zoned agricultural. We will continue to fight to ensure that Hubbard’s “precious word” is never entombed in our State. The land there is still owned by Scientology under the auspices of CST. Well except for the 2% piece in the center of the land that a Sweeney relative won’t sell. It is all now leased to local ranchers for cattle grazing.
Let’s give three cheers for the Sweeney Family;
Well, they deserve three cheers more than the red haired fat man who smokes Kool cigarettes or the pompadoured midget who swills MacCallan Scotch.
OT (off topic) and calling all OTs (the clam kind): I’ve been keeping an eye on hurricane Milton churning away just off the Mexican coast. Milton is currently predicted to make landfall in the Tampa Bay area Wednesday morning. Clearwater could take a direct hit. Will a small group of dedicated OTs be able to steer this storm elsewhere to avoid devastation to the Flag Land Base, the Mecca of Technical perfection and make sure that the vital stats like Gross Income are unaffected on the following Thursday at 2:00? This would make some great headlines for Advance Magazine with some fantastic OT wins being published for all to see. Or, will the OTs just roll over and let Mother Nature take her course and not be at cause over Matter, Energy, Space and Time?
Mike, I hope you and your family ride this one out and stay safe as well as all others who might be affected by this storm.
Clam OT’s: Speed of Masturbatory Postulating Equals A Xenu Fart in A Tropical Storm. Disaster “Ass-Ised”.
One of the better examples of ‘bullshit baffles minds’.
It’s all diversionary tactics. Classic, “Trust me, I’ve got this, you’re now part of something big, your contribution is appreciated and will help set mankind free.” Hard sell of the warm and fuzzies. When in fact nothing exists but a scam. It’s just a variant of selling you shares in Brooklyn Bridge or a piece of blue sky.
Also, it’s another severe contradiction in amongst the many contained within Scientology. Remember Hubbard said, “planets and cultures are frail things, they do not endure.” Also, you set mankind free one PC at a time, and make the tech you’re own, and the tech is free, keep it so. But that’s only for Hubbard, we mortals have to part with everything we have, family and all. If his tech actually did what he said it does, we wouldn’t need super expensive vaults of fancy tin discs buried on an earthquake fault line. OTs could just postulate the tech again anywhere at any time. I’m still waiting for a postcard from target 2! Has anyone got one? He’s been there long enough.
Yeah – but the Golden Age Tech is not the Orginal Work of LRH… all past works are now changed in the sense of OT III – also in regard to BTs… but BTs are not really there… following gives the Golden Age a squirreld way to nowhwere… LRH worked all of his works on his mind…and now it goes on the mind of Davd Miscavige… he errs – and it has no future – no future, because he is wrong… much more wrong as LRH was… The original works of LRH should not be changed… but surely it it is too long as a work about humans… too much controversy statements in his Bulletin and Policy… and, and, and… some logical Failures – especially Ethics…
The symbol that includes the two circles that partially overlap with each a rhombus inside, should have a meaning?
It seems made to be seen from above and understood and who knows by whom.
Maybe it is part of an interspatial language that only hubbard knew thanks to his “deep and incredible research” on the whole track.
And it should somehow act as a “body router” for some aberrated alien who passes by or for the Galactic confederacy.
Who knows what story they must have invented about it to extort even more money from the suckers.
I’m sure it has done super significance. Some have said the interlocking circles come from his Kool cigarette boxes. Probably as sensible as whatever significance he placed on the symbol.
Thanks Mike. It is true that it is identical to the Kool logo. Other symbols with a meaning found online are not identical. He must have had a pack of cigarettes in front of him and simply copied it and added two diamonds.
Hmmm, a pack of cigs, a fistful of pinks and grays, maybe even a snort of the ol’ Bolivian Cha Cha Powder, capped off with a few shots of rum and/or bourbon…
“Hole-Track Research”, friends and neighbors!
Laughing. Exactly, colored pills, cha cha cha, then all that passed and saw in his head were “research and discovery” and a gift to humanity.
What a galactic scoundrel (that’s an understatement to say the least).
Correct. Or, put more crudely/bluntly: an intergalactic asshole, spreading his shit all over the guh-laxy…
That’s probably as close to the truth as anything. He really wasn’t that creative. He wrote OT III in New Jersey. Teaneck was close by. Earth became Teegeack. Not a lot of brainpower there.
I was astonished when I found out the symbol for CST was The Kool cigarettes logo.
As we move out of Hubbard’s web of lies we tend to inevitably discover that Lafayette Hubbard was a big believer in symbols.
He took the Dianetics symbol, The word Dianetics, The Scientology S and double triangle, The Sea Org symbol, the Rosy Cross, and many other ideas and symbols from the occult.
In his affirmations we find he was concerned with symbols and saw his guardian spirit, the redheaded woman, Diana throughout his life and named Dianetics after her as well as a ship he had.
To see that the symbol for CST is the Kool cigarettes logo shows that his values are a sort of farce.
He had his followers suffer, hate themselves, leave their families, give up their dreams and carry out abuses and crimes and endure abuses and crimes for his false futures, aka empty promises.
He simultaneously showed belief in the mystical for himself and a fate as slaves for men and for women? That he could use their bodies as he liked and face no consequences for these obscene acts.
Scientology would be funny, if so many people had not suffered so much, and many are still suffering for the lies and delusions of a cruel and sick mind.
I agree. I have often thought that especially in the early 50s/60s, hubbard used a deliberate hidden symbolism as if to wink at certain mystical or esoteric groups and give them a certain idea that he knew something, or was the new Count of Saint Germain.
A bit like I tried to do, but without success, by writing Hymn of Asia to impress Buddhists and pass on the idea that he was Metteya.
Jon Atack and several others have written excellent articles and books on the occultism that is hidden in Scientology.
We also have Hugh Urban, Jeff Jacobsen and several others. I have written on the likely plagiarism of the book, The OAHSPE which was a very similar cult test written in the 1800s. It has been my most popular series at ESMB and at my own blog.
Below is a brief excerpt by Jon Atack on the occult origins of Scientology:
Factnet Report:
Hubbard and the Occult
by Jon Atack
Part three
Scientology surely has the distinction of containing the largest collection of teachings produced by one man. There are more than a hundred books and over 2,500 recorded lectures. But there are also thousands of registered trademarks, including many symbols.
Many of these symbols have magical significance. It seems highly unlikely given his study of the occult that Hubbard was unaware of the earlier use of these symbols. The Scientology cross which Hubbard claimed to have seen in an old Spanish church in Arizona 86)is markedly similar to the Rosicrucian cross 87)and also to Aleister Crowley’s OTO cross. Hubbard had been a member of the Rosicrucians. He had also commented on Crowley’s Tarot which carries the OTO cross on the back of every card. Hubbard cannot have been ignorant of these uses.
The Scientology cross could also be seen as a crossed out cross, with potentially Satanic implications. It seems strange that Hubbard who called Scientology a “better” activity than Christianity 88)called Christ an invention 89)and said that the “Creator of Heaven” would be found “with beetles under the rocks” 90), should have adopted the exclusive Christian word “church”, the garb of Christian ministers and the use of the cross as a symbol. But Scientology is based upon deception and contradictions.
The Rosicrucians and the Freemasons share a ritual called the “grave of fire” 91). A senior Rosicrucian who had also studied Scientology told me that the initiate lies on a carpet within a pattern of lapping flames. He claimed that Scientology’s Religious Technology Center – or RTC – symbol was very similar.92)
The RTC symbol contains the Dianetics triangle, which is a common magicical symbol, representing the door of the Cabala, the letter Daleth. Hubbard indeed assigned it to the Greek equivalent of Daleth, Delta. The triangle on its base is also the symbol of Set, the Egyptian god called by some “the destroyer of man”, the male equivalent of Babalon. Indeed Crowley equates Set with Satan 93). The triangle is universally recognised as a sign of malign power. Alexandra David-Neel commented upon its use as such among the Tibetians. Her best-selling books of the 1930’s contain many other possible comparisons with Hubbard’s work.
The “S and double triangle” is a major symbol found throughout Scientology. The “S” supposedly represents “Scientology” and the two triangles Affinity-Reality-Communication and Knowledge-Responsibility-Control. There is another possible interpretation. The “S” seen on its own can easily be seen as a snake. To Crowley, indeed, the “S” represented the tempting serpent, Satan. Perhaps Hubbard’s “thetan” is pronounced to match with a lisped “satan”? He was after all wry in his humour. The two triangles can be assembled differently to form the Star of David, called the Seal of Solomon by magicians 94). This symbol allegedly represents “tetragrammaton” the holy name of God which must never be spoken. Perhaps breaking it apart is simlar to hanging the Christian cross upside down.
Next we see the Sea Organization symbol. The five pointed star, or pentacle is the most commonly known symbol of magical power. It is held between two thirteen-leaved laurels. Armstrong told me in 1984 that judging by the papers in Hubbard’s archive the creator of Scientology was more interested in numerology than any other aspect of magic.
Among the more seemingly fanciful claims of Hubbard’s oldest son, L. Ron, junior, was that his father was the successor to the magicians who created Nazism. Nazism was certainly an authoritarian group, a protypical destructive cult. Recent revealations about leading Scientologist Thomas Marcellus’ long-running direction of the Institute for Historical Review can only add to speculation 95). Dusty Sklar has said that had she known about Hubbard she would have used him in the last chaper of The Nazis and the Occult rather than Sun Myung Moon 96). L. Ron, junior, was sure that the teachings of the Germanen Orden and the Thule Society had passed directly to his father by courier. In this light, the white circle on a red square of Scientology’s International Management Organization 97)can be readily compared to the Nazi flag. The four lightning flashes or “sig runes” are also common to Nazism. No explanation is given for these sig runes by Scientology. They also appear on the RTC symbol. At the time that both of these symbols were introduced, Hubbard also created the International Finance Police, headed by the International Finance Dictator. An unusual choice of words.
Hitler too had been aware of the power of occult symbols and rituals. Speaking of Freemasons, he said “All the supposed abominations, the skeletons and death’s head, the coffins and the mysteries, are mere bogeys for children. But there is one dangerous element and that is the element I have copied from them. They form a sort of priestly nobility. They have developed and esoteric doctrine more merely formulated, but imparted through the symbols and mysteries in degrees of initiation. The hierarchical organization and the initiation through symbolic rites, that is to say, without bothering the brain by working on the imagination through magic and the symbols of a cult, all this has a dangerous element, and the element I have taken over. Don’t you see that our party must be of this character…? An Order, the hierarchial Order of a secular priesthood.” 98)
86) What is Scientology?” Church of Scientology of California, first edition, 1978, p. 301
87) H. Spencer Lewis, Rosicrucian Manual, AMORC , San Jose, 1982.
88) Modern Management Technology Defined, definition of Church of American Science
89) HCO Policy Letter, Former practices, 1968
90) HCO Policy Letter, Heaven, 1963
91) cf Hubbard’s use of “wall of fire” to describe OT III & OT V. These may also be compared to gnostic ideas.
92) The RTC symbol is frequently used, e.g., What is Scientology, 2nd edition, 1992, p. 92
93) Magick Without Tears, p. 259
94) Cavendish, p. 243
95) Paul Bracchi, The Cult and a Right-Winger, Evening Argus, Brighton, England, 4 April 1995.
96) Letter to the author. Sklar’s book was published by Crowell, NY, 1977. It was originally released as Gods and Beasts. See also Gerald Suster Hitler and the Age of Horus, Sphere, London, 1981.
97) This symbol is frequently used, e.g., What is Scientology, 2nd edition, 1992, p. 358
98) Suster, Hitler and the Age of Horus, p. 138
Very interesting. Thank you.
🎶Come up to the Kooooooool taste!
The greatest taste in any cigarette!🎶
I think that the contents of Hubbard’s mind are equal parts insane and whacky. He was both a crank and a conman. He was a seeker of the truth for himself and a liar and fraud in his dealings with others.
For ex Scientologists who read Mission Earth I think Hubbard was conflicted and had an idealized fantasy of himself as Jettero Heller as a handsome man who was strong, brave, a genius, desired by every woman and an expert on everything. He wanted desperately to be an idealized and perfect being.
I think he had an inner image of himself as Soltan Gris, Gris was of course hated by everyone and a drug addict and rapist. Gris was a lying snake who imagined that he could have a way to escape from his office like Bugs Bunny in a cartoon.
Hubbard was full of self hatred and narcissism, he couldn’t stand his self image and fantasized about being the opposite of his perception of himself. He was damned to try unsuccessfully to escape himself.
He used his creation of Scientology from plagiarized ideas and practices from hypnosis and the occult and a mad stew of other stolen ingredients to try to paradoxically both enslave others AND liberate himself!
He didn’t lack audacity and ambition. Unfortunately he was bereft of compassion, decency, and honesty.
Couldn’t have put it better myself.
Looks like a pair of breasts to me.
The two diamonds resemble the horse race track on Hubbard’s ranch.
They are very important to regularly adjust the religious technology in Earth’s orbit for a clear picture. The straight path with the bend is also important for the second generation of this technology to see through walls. BTs ride on the radar beam from China. The great leader of Korea bought his equipment from the same forge.
Sure. Whatever it means it couldn’t have been said any better.
The volcano bubbles like a radioactive radar antenna.
If you are sitting at the screen, you have to adjust the focus. Parallel to the straight road, you move the two symbols over each other and make the fine adjustments and go into the depth.
The zoom function is a bit like Carl Zeiss quality. Think of the images from body scanners at the airport. This is how the ether thetans saw our bodies in their younger years
I would bet that your average rank and file scientologist doesn’t have a clue as to where these vaults are located. Probably most whales don’t know where they are either. If that’s the case, how in the hell are scientologists going to make their way to these nuke proof containers to access the sacred words of Hubbard so they will be able to apply them to their lives and live out their days on the front porch of eternity after the apocalypse?
COMMAND INTENTION and OT POSTULATES will guide them to the Outhouse Of Infinity, where they will lick its floors…and then be transported to Arslykus, where the real Intergalanic Colonic Festivities shall begin…
Thetanic Turds shall set them free…Ramen!
The mental image that immediately comes to my mind is that of some kind of rodent (hamster, squirrel, guinea pig) going round and round on a wheel. Constantly working, achieving nothing.
Hubbard was pretty nuts.
Diminutive Maggot is completely INSANE.
All will be running down to the garbage bin soon.
Oh yeah, that’s exactly where it belongs.
Hip, hip, hurrah. X3