Well, this should be interesting.
The largest scientology community on earth is getting going early on the hard sell to show up to see the David Miscavige show live. I hope someone in LA will sacrifice themselves for 3 hours of pain so we get a report on the attendance and activities. It will be VERY telling how full the Shrine is. If they cannot round up 6300 people from all over California, including all the Sea Org staff and all those ideal orgs, it would be a VERY poor show.
In fact, according to the hype, they are coming from all over the world. I guess they ALREADY know they cannot get 6300 people together in LA from the largest scientology third dynamic on earth!(r).
The first 12 Epic (sic) months of the Golden Age… What more could anyone ask for? Oh, there’s more: MEGA announcements about the Pacifica Bridge. I guess these are even more impressive than monumental. I guess there is some scale of announcement modifiers magnificence. From mostest to leastest I think it’s something like this:
Earth changing
Straight Up and Vertical
Nobody should miss it…
Though they are really interchangeable and combinable. No doubt the “mega” PAC announcements will be variously and differently described over the next month.
And let’s not forget, for all you LOCAL scientologists that are part of the largest third dynamic on earth, that there are many internationally known attraction in LA.
If you live in LA it is likely you didn’t realize Disneyland is in the area. Universal Studios has escaped the attention of most. Knotts Berry Farm and Magic Mountain are lost in obscurity.
But we know, so this is fair warning to you not to spend any time going to these R6 implant stations instead of being on course or attending a fundraising event. Disobey art your own peril. We have plenty of auditors without any pcs that are trained sec checkers.
Have a wonderful Golden Age!
I once crashed one of these events, “Auditor’s day” at the Shrine, in the mid-1990s. As a curious onlooker never involved with Scientology, I just walked up to the door, asked them what it was all about and was welcomed in with a sales pitch along the lines of “the world has problems, we have answers.” I managed to avoid filling out the personal info card and I discreetly removed the sticker (presumably labelling me as “raw meat”) they had told me to display on my shirt at the first opportunity and settled in for the show. Times have changed… do you think they’d allow drop-ins by folks who are not known to them at this point? (The reason I knew to go down there was the giant banner strung across L Ron Hubbard way advertising the event. They used to advertise their events heavily on and around their buildings, that stopped a few years ago.)
By the way, the event was harrowing and I wish I had a video of it: laser projections in front of a giant set of faux-Greek columns, many formally uniformed Sea Org execs (Mike, would you have been among the presenters? My best guess is that this was September, 1995), a number of teary testimonials and a disturbing number of standing ovations for LRH.
Re: [Odd Thomas’ Reply to JennyAtLAX, December 9, 2014 at 8:44 pm] Did… [Jenny] clay demo the words, fawning, brown-nose and obsequious prior to writing this stellar piece of narrative?
“Yes… of course! I… studied what L. Ron Hubbard said, cleared up any misunderstandings, handled any false information… Mr. David Miscavige… is… warm… cordial… effusive… happy… brilliant… decent… and… a… c*ck-sucking piece of shit.”
Jenny, you little tart. I love it when you talk dirty.
I am looking forward to this event as well (or at least reports from it). This will be the big celebration, full of lies, of how well they have done in 2014. This will be their last big celebration. In 2015, the “Church” is going to go down the toilet rapidly and there will be no denying it. If they quartered the “fixed donation rates” for materials, training and processing then they still would not get the new paying public coming in. No sane people want what they have to sell. It has no future. 2015 will be for tapping the whales ever harder, just to stay afloat. Whether they are still afloat at the end of 2015 depends entirely on how much money they can extract from the whales.
Brings to mind the phrase ‘between the devil and the deep blue sea.’
What would be extremely useful is an accurate estimate of the income from auditing and training world total based on Scn public completions (i.e. not staff or Sea Org completions) as if they had paid for those services on completion. Flag completions as published could be the basis of that scaled up to include an estimate for all other auditing and training Scn public earnings. Then what is needed is a fairly accurate estimate of what it costs to keep the Church of Scientology running per year (not expanding – just day to day running). I think their auditing and training income worldwide is not nearly enough to keep them running but we don’t know how big the gap is (if there is one). And if there is a gap then they must be using dono money meant for expansion to fill that gap. I have a feeling that most of their day-to-day running is paid for out of redirected dono money but I haven’t got the figures. And if this is the case and the whales got to know about it then most of them would stop donating. And then this “Church” would die very quickly.
The R6 bank is way more fun than those dozy new years events featuring Mac Slappy uttering Shermanisms hours on end.
You can find me and family on the rollercoaster rides experiencing REAL excitement and adrenaline rushes.
I have a win: I went to the New Years Event at the Shrine a couple of years ago and after a sickening dose of Misca-Sherman blathering, managed to navigate my way past the labyrinth of vultures, avoiding all reges and made it to my car with my wallet untouched. Honest to goodness it felt like I had been successful!
No sarcasm: very well done, Michael M.
Michael – did you write a Success Story on that? If not report to Qual and the Qual Sec will receive you with open arms, especially on Thursdays, around 1.55PM
And even higher than Mega and Mandatory, way up in the stratosphere, is: Running with the Big Dogs in the Tall Grass. Maybe that is New OT15.
Tommy Davis has been demoted to chihuahua.
He’s definitely an ankle biter.
Dave: I gave him a chance.
Did you know that 2015 is the Chinese Year of the Sheep?
I’ve never heard of anything more appropriate to explain Davey’s mind set for the 2015 New Year’s Event.
I wonder if the Chinese will take offense?
But my horoscope predicts this event will be the last event of Scientology where they mention that non-Scilions are invited. 2015 will be one horror year of a PR year for Dave starting January 25 – bring it on!
How awful to receive an invitation full of veiled threats and underlying commands. Makes the Nuns, back in the day seem sweet and lovely. I feel so sorry for these poor delusional souls who are stuck in LA LA LAND and do not realize what is so blatantly obvious. I hope and pray that when the next 2 documentaries run about this so called NEW, (Makes me vomit) Religion. That Exodus will no longer be a movie but an all out HAPPENING!!!!
By the way, how can you keep calling yourself a NEW RELIGION when you have been around since the late 40’s. Long past new in my book, or anyone else I believe. When LRH reincarnates back to this plane is he bring Crowley with him and the Whore of Babylon as well? Did everyone forget who Hubbard’s BBF was back in the day? Parsons and Crowley and the roots that grew this religion are still there……….but maybe all that Black Magic has come to pass and COB is really the anti-Christ.
I am sorry, you can delete everything from When LRH on if you so desire. I am just so angry that COB and his horrible followers that enforce pain and misery are allowed to keep going without any punishment at all. I hope that soon the tables will be turned and that 2015 is a wonderful year for your true believers.
“Join thousands of Scientologists from all over the world…”
Thousands? I keep hearing about multiple millions of them, so why doesn’t it read tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of baahing disciples descending upon LA with open wallets to hear the words of Cap’n Short Pyscho.
I always find amusing their indefatigable use of “like no other”, when in fact the Int Events are remarkable similar.
They’re all overly long, annoyingly loud and numbingly repetitious. Sometimes I wonder: Does Miscavige have any idea how boring these things are? How boring he is?
If he were interesting, and if there was actual expansion occurring there would be no problem getting people to attend events. Neither hype nor pressure would be necessary to get confirmations, nor would cartoonish gimmicks and excessive noise be needed to force one’s attention as the event played. The good news could be delivered in a crisp, upbeat cogent manner in 90 minutes time.
Mike, does Miscavige really believe that he and these events are interesting, or is he aware of how awful they are? I’ve often pondered this and would love your take on it if you have a moment. Honestly, how can he not know, given how difficult it has always been to get confirms?
It’s probably just down to the number of Reg “hits” they make from these events, that’s all, I’d say.
I know what you mean about the word “need” McCarran. How about “I need your help” to hit a few large buttons. Some of this language is so manipulative, basically, trying to get people to do things they don’t want to do. No wonder we all have button fatigue, regging fatigue, event fatigue, redoing bridge fatigue and creepy lying manipulation fatigue. I’m exhausted!! I’m absolutely positive that the church is only mentioning family fun to appear more real, which is just more creepy manipulation. When the phrase “I don’t feel comfortable with that” became well known in our culture, I feel that was important. Common people understood and drew a line that they would not cross and this meant, that it was disrespectful and WRONG to cross that line. People recognize the right, to not do things just because they don’t feel comfortable, even if they don’t know why. It’s common decency, not so common in the radical church.
you need to see David Miscavige dethroned. How’s that for proper usage?
‘You need to…’ ‘You have to…’ ‘You must…’
What a gracious invitation; who could even want to refuse?
No, really…why do they make it sound like a ‘Command Performance’?
because it is, I guess? ‘Command Intention from the COB’?
It’s just a reverse non-existence to the public: This is what we need and want of you. Public, and especially those takings services and/or living close to Sea Org bases, are used to being ordered about.
” (Does anyone here honestly believe that the church is TRULY lightening up or is this just more PR because there is so much doo doo on the church’s (David Miscavige’s) face that it (He) has to at least appear that it (he) gives a shit about family and having fun.)” Mary you hit the nail on the head with this one! It’s just PR so Davey can say, “See…. I really do like families…” While secretly he’s thinking, “the bastards with other fish to fry.”
A “nasty bastard” doesn’t become nice without auditing. And as COB doesn’t get any auditing then your summation is spot on Cindy. All those Class XIIs and VIIIs sitting there at Flag and he doesn’t avail himself of them (although saying that all the good ones have long since gone). “Couldn’t happen to a nicer bloke”, as the Brits say. Terrible thing – withholds. HCOB 2 August 1969 “‘LX’ Lists” states that “Perverts, suppressives and critical, snide, ruthless, arrogant or contemptuous personalities are always out of valence”.
Yep, those qualities, perverts, suppressives, critical, snide, ruthless, arrogant or contemptuous personalities pretty much sums up DM, and, yes, it does point to out of valence. Thanks for that quote, Foolproof
Remember the Scientology calendar “After Dianetics” and we started counting years from then? Looks like Davy boy is re-writing history and stealing that idea with the headline “A new Golden Age: Year one”
Wow, this Golden Age must be really something to be another “Age”. Oh wait, isn’t this the Information Age where everyone has equal access to information? I think a better name for this Age is the Poop Age, because it’s when Miscavige’s bullshit blew back in his face.
Hmm, I was thinking the Goldenrod Age summed things up pretty perfectly….
Shit yes!
Hee hee! 🙂
Be sure to finish off the big event with your anticipation of “Going Cear” being a blockbuster at Sundance, on HBO, and the silver screen. Proof positive that Scientology is becoming a household word! Cheers to 2015!
Doesn’t CC Int do a “breaking into Hollywood” feature? I can hear it now…
“and THAT is how Scientology is taking the acting world by storm!!!”
“and THAT is how Scientology is creating a whole new definition of PR area control!!!”
And so on.
Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip, ah f***k it!
Is this the first time the church has invited non-Scientologist-family members to an event? Or does the invite really mean “dump them at a local tourist attraction, while you attend the event”?
The latter.
Without full OSA security clearance they will not be allowed into the event.
And in any case, those sort of people are not welcome because they don’t feel compelled to stand up and applaud every 30 seconds while Dear Leader is speaking.
The David Miscavige Hill 10 Footbullet Special. Free on the Interwebz for all the world to see:
Keep it up Dave. I find your demise hilariously entertaining.
You are hilarious, Mike. Love your use of the terms “mostest” to the “leastest.” Cracks me up.
I do have to say though that I “NEED” to have the term “need” run out. Every time I read or hear that word now, I get a gag reaction and have to work really hard to hold my food down. “You ‘need’ to look great … and HAVE to arrive on time…and ‘need’ to be seated.” I got so sick of hearing that I “need” to be here or there or “need” to do this or that. Especially as an OT. “As an OT, you really NEED to….(fill in the blank).
I wish my vomiting emoticon worked.
But I was very happy to read that the church is starting to lighten up on having any other kind of life by promoting Disneyland, 6 Flags, etc. I remember the day when this was “other fish.” (Does anyone here honestly believe that the church is TRULY lightening up or is this just more PR because there is so much doo doo on the church’s (David Miscavige’s) face that it (He) has to at least appear that it (he) gives a shit about family and having fun.)
Disneyland and Co are for your non-scientologist family members.
But here’s the problem. You are not supposed to have non-scientologist family members as those wogs read the internet and the media and so they are antagonistic and make you PTS.
While that is largely correct, if the “church” pretends that scientologists have non-scn family members and that it’s totally okay, then it can keep repeating such to uninformed journalists and other media representatives, and so can the sheeple, because it’s splashed all over internal advertising, so it must be true.
Not even the most brain washed sheeple will be stupid enough to bring non -scio family to the event. Even a robo-scio knows what extreme embarrassment and “future mega dev-t” would be in store (from the door checks to the worship Ron ritual at the close).
” (Does anyone here honestly believe that the church is TRULY lightening up or is this just more PR because there is so much doo doo on the church’s (David Miscavige’s) face that it (He) has to at least appear that it (he) gives a shit about family and having fun.)”
No to the first part and yes to the second. Lots and lots of Daveshit being blown about family having fun for sure.:)
Public from all over the World will attend, as far away as the San Fernando Valley !!!!!
People from the Valley are only allowed to sit at the back of the top tier because they have failed to make it go right to get an ideal org. They are downstats. And they have to clean up the floor of excess promo after the event.
Gee Mike, don’t you miss those times when you got to speak at events? I can’t say you looked all that happy.
Here’s a quick survey for our readers:
Is it an evil purpose to want to go medieval on Miscavige or the greatest good for the greatest number?
Yea but I thought it was stated that the Valley fundraising was going to be done this year because Dear Leader said so? What’s up with Miscavige and his Milktoast Mini Postulates?
Yo Dave,
Cmon good buddy, lets get Valley done for gawds sake. I mean why don’t you just show em how it’s done and plunk down the miserable 6 mil or so that is left. Hell, you could do 3 mil and the mouth would match it and you’d be done.
What no one from outside of the LA area seems to understand is that Disneyland and Knott’s are actually located in Anaheim. Anaheim can be a quick jaunt South on Interstate 5. However, a trip to Disney from downtown LA is more typically a couple of hours away in traffic. 6 Flags? A 45 minute drive North (without traffic) from LA, proper. And no, you cannot do all those parks in a day. Don’t even try.
Besides, if out of town Sci members are staying in Sci lodgings for this event, would they even be allowed to leave for recreation? I would think micromanager Miscavage wouldn’t allow any of his sheeple to wander, lest they get lost in the local MEST.
Current day Scientology – the only game where everyone spins.
But I like implant stations.
When I was a Scientologist and I would have read what I just posted above, I would have probably made the assumption that I was a reincarnated implanter.
Does anyone remember thinking like that? When we were in the bubble, all folks like us, seeing the foolishness in Scientology’s behavior would be translated into Ron’s view of seeing SPs. SPs with a cosmic significance.
And because Ron had many “out of this world” SPs, we would surmise that critics were part of the evil warlord’s army of army of minions.
Joseph Campbell has a great line,”if you want to know who a person is find out the stories they live.”
To the Scientology OSA onlookers: you are living a lie. And you are living in fear. Fear of your critical thoughts, fear of loosing your loved ones and fear of loosing eternity. In a nutshell: fear of DM.
You have compromised your integrity by the stories you believe in.
And there ain’t no happy ending bubba.
Didn’t Ron say there were only 2.5 percent of the people on the planet who were SPs? How did he manage to get them all into the SO???
Golden age!?…Seriously?…ummm….more like Goldenrod Age…
Didn’t 2014 set a new record for SP declares, which broke the previous record set in 2013, which eclipsed 2012, surpassing 2011’s all time high….etc.
True, but I heard that RCS has gone green and instead of issuing paper, they are using the most natural and renewable energy source: whispering campaigns.
I think OSA has a misunderstood on word of mouth. Hi Gavino.
I loved hyour comment, cre8tivewmn. … the most green, renewable source which doesn’t kill trees for paper is the whispering campaign!
“I think OSA has a misunderstood on word of mouth.”
Well Dave sure must since he’s always talking about SCOHB.
The Golden Age of Goldenrod (GAG) … I like.
Disneyland is not in LA it is in Anaheim where I reside. It would take me 45-60 minutes to drive to that dump Shrine Auditorium. Please don’t promote Disneyland to Kool Aider’s. They are not allowed.
At one hundred dollars per day, the clams can’t afford Disneyland. Hell, the door regs will ask the out of towners if they are going to Dland and try to suck out that money too.
That is right, a huge sacrifice specially when Sherman-whatever hypnotizes you with his rhetorics.
They better start hiring extras and, these plus the staff (maybe even the RPF) they could ‘present’ an almost good picture; oh, don’t forget, you have Marc Yaeger, Jenny and others like them.
Maybe they have a chance to fill the seats-with blind, automated followers. Have fun.
Re: …don’t forget… Jenny…
“I first met Mr. David Miscavige with his wife Shelly during the Christmas holiday season in 1986 when the staff of the International Base and Golden Era Productions went to Big Bear to ski and celebrate along with Author Services executives and staff.”
Jenny – I read your affidavit. Wow, you are one sick bitch. Well done. Did you clay demo the words, fawning, brown-nose and obsequious prior to writing this stellar piece of narrative? You must have, ’cause you did such a good job kissing ass. You elevated it to an art form. Again, well done. Your ability to ignore reality and focus only on what you are told to do, is really quite impressive. Is this something you learned in the Academy, or were you always naturally inclined to obey short, red-headed men? Anyway, just wanted to shine a light on some serious BS.
You go girl!
Odd, reading Jenny’s statement warmed the cockles of me heart. I never knew that Dave was so compassionate and caring. Kind of like Gandhi with guns.
In the spirit of Christmas -after reading Jenny’s affidavit- the mildest expression would be “father forgive them (her) for they (she) do(es) not know what they (she) is doing”.
Speaking of Jenny – I recently sent the “NBGAFAY” video to all of my Scientology Staff and friends asking if they had seen upper management utilizing the GAT II tech. I did not get any responses? Shocking that no members even know who is running their “church”….
We received SIX pieces of the above promo in the mail yesterday.
There are only two people living at this address.
It would interesting to know how much $ they throw down the drain
by sending out duplicate pieces of promo. I wouldn’t be surprised if it
were in the hundreds of thousands.
Wasn’t there a huge campaign to handle all of those duplicates in CF? They made such a big deal
out of that at the time. Oh well, just another false report….
If they hadn’t done that campaign I might have gotten 12.
For Three of us in one house we used to get at least 8 promo pieces daily. Now that we are all declared surprisingly we get none. That is the only sure fire way to get off the list. And I couldn’t be happier.
I clicked on the “Get Your Tickets Here” link. Interesting that the *REQUIRED information is your phone address and email, what kind of phone it is (home, cell, etc) attesting that you are coming for realzy, where you want your seats and where you are picking them up. Your case level and training level and current service are not required. Just your personal info. Wonder how many credit checks they are going to have prepared before the event starts.
More like “SP Checks” before the event begins.
bbjane: I think you missed the part of the invite that says you are welcome to bring friends and guests [just so long as we know who they are and do background checks to make sure they are regg-ready]. So we are a big happy family. Are you a bigot or what?
Well I ordered my ticket. LOL
I’ve been to all of the local Implant Stations and had a blast! I think the LA area Implant Stations are even better than the Orlando ones!
You’re on a roll, but you need to hit the Shrine on the 27th to experience the bestest Implant Station of them all.
You’d think some kind of outsider, would make it in, to do a report.
I tried to get into this New Year’s event a couple years back, but got stopped by the 3rd or 4th layer of OSA door watchers, only to be personally verbally chastised by Kirsten Caetano, on my way out.
I only got as far as the foyer. The OSA all-hands “SP door watchers” covered the foyer.
I too hope we get several good reports.
I truly was willing to sit through any and all of their “live” events, I lived two decades of them, I watched the whole progression of all of the fake church of Scientology major events from Christmas and New Years of 1975-76 through 2003, most of them live, and since then, all of the video’d major events.
It’s a lot to stomach, but not a problem for ex dupe staff suckers like me.
Scientology’s drifted off Source, but that’s good overall, since drifting off Source is the best thing a Scientologist could do!
Go really off Source, get back to normal life!
For those in or near LA: What’s all of these Halloween costumes and wigs for if you can only wear ’em once a year. Make it a bit more exciting for the “SP door watchers” with a new hairdo, totally new hair color etc.
Portable Retina-recognition technology may get enforced to keep those darn SPs out of the events.
What fun!
I was going to ask how feasible it would be for a special correspondent to slip into this event. How tight, exactly, is the security at these events?
Maybe we can chip in and get Chuck a local Hollywood makeup artist to give him a professional, undetectable disguise!
What amazes me is the amount of ink they wasted on not promoting the actual event.
Of course no one read so far down that they got to why use 2 words when you can spew 30 “rocket your progress up The Bridge (while hiding from IAS Regges) to the oh so blathering
“For your non Scientologist family” (with whom you have not been allowed to speak in the time you have been a Scientologist)
Sorry just checked my calendar. My elective root canal can’t be rescheduled.
Damn Mike, I was so excited to see your post as I have no plans for New Years Eve and to think of hearing and seeing in person all the monumentally, momentous magnificence that I’m sure will prove to be magical and memorable had me in a veritable furnace of frenzy! Sooooo hot!!!!!
You can imagine my disappointment when I realized it was being held on the 27th because that’s when I get together with my social media development group to make plans to take over Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. WTF?!
I am so sad now. 🙁
Michael M:
See my comment below. I thought we had agreed that we were going to call that get together an elective root canal. The word is out now ;-0 Does this mean we can’t use the interwebs anymore to do the takeover?
Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.
“For your non-Scientologist family along with the above introductory activities, LA has many Internationally known attractions”
Like the CCHR exhibit showing the ‘Industry of Death’ to get the holiday season off on the right foot with a little $cientology cheer. Then on over to Hollywood Blvd to the Guarantee Building to see the AWESOME expansion and how testing is done now that GAG II is producing a 47x expansion.
Wrap up your tour at the HGB where you can introduce your non Scientologist Family to LRH and the folks who will be telling you to cut all ties and disconnect because your families indicators were not that great at the other two stops. Ask for someone in HCO like Marion Pouw, Mike Sutter or Haley Kessel. Remember, it’s Christmas where all things are warm. cozy and Mega Wonderful.
Yes! The “Industry of Death” exhibit was awesome! After I take my family through it (before the event) we are going to ride some roller coasters at Magic Mountain and then go home and write our OWs. It’s going to be a very insouciant evening.
Is Mike Sutter actually posted in the HGB, or is he still “uplines?”
There is an historical pattern of demotion in Scientology, their “top” people either defect, or become lower echelon minions, sort of turn into people like the Steven Segal character in the movie “Under Siege”, the formerly highly placed top people turn into hero dishwashers (in their own minds). I was quite content to take that route, but instead realized while on the RPF, that all of our fake “past lives” transgressions really were our own BS fantasy imagination, and had an epiphany that auditing was just imagination therapy, at best. No OTs, and I began realizing LRH omitted one more explanation for Scientology’s failure, which is his crank past lives therapy and the exorcism I still didn’t know at that time was high volume dead space alien exoricism, was crank, and LRH was just a failed crank, like all cranks eventually fail because their own fantasy crank solution to mankind’s problems turn out to be fantasy, and fantasy only entertains the mind, it isn’t magical or mystical, it’s people’s imagination. No past lives, no body thetans, but a failed fake pseudo therapy and exorcism of imagination images a person makes up.
The tech is the additional omitted explanation Scientology doesn’t win society over. No OTs. Except in Lawrence Wright’s “Going Clear…” final pages, LRH sort of admits failure if it all. But he still thinks he is going to go out and do the OT running program and circle a star as a pure soul for a little OT rehab, good luck with that fantasy.
You had me at “crank”. Thank you.
Oh my, Cooper. You’ve got it down.
It’s painful to listen to these delusional people constantly trying to make an ant hill into a mountain. It’s like some sort of crazy contest.
It IS amazing. It astounds me that there are people in OSA that spend their days figuring out who’s who and who’s saying what on these sites. What a waste of life and living under the guise that they are in THE group that understands life and living.
They gotta do something. Number of inches/minutes of entheta found and reported up lines. Yay, my stat is up this week!
I don’t understand why they don’t just list attire as “formal” like every other invitation and let it go at that? It’s like they can’t stop themselves, “you have to look great” indeed…
“You need to look great”
Clueless people
Aberrated people
This little phrase would have kept me away