“A History of Man” is one of the more bizarre scribblings of L. Ron Hubbard. This so-called “Antediluvian Technology” (antediluvian is defined as: of or belonging to the time before the biblical Flood, so not sure what this “technology” is supposed to be) is not considered “outdated research” or “theoretical. ” It is part of what every scientologist must study to even be considered a real scientologist. I was reminded of this when I saw a recent post on Tony Ortega’s blog that included this FB post:
I made an earlier post about this book, focusing on the reference to the Piltdown Man. I included some of the Foreword, but I pulled it out again and re-reading it made me realize just how astonishing it is.
This is a selection of two sections from the Foreword. The bolding is mine to highlight specific statements of Hubbard.
This is a cold-blooded and factual account of your last sixty trillion years.
The test of any knowledge is its usefulness. Does it make one happier or more able? By it and with it, can he better achieve his goals?
This is useful knowledge. With it the blind again see, the lame walk, the ill recover, the insane become sane and the sane become saner. By its use the thousand abilities Man has sought to recover become his once more.
Like all useful knowledge it was hardly won. I began search into the back track of Mankind some years ago. There was no actual knowledge of it in existence. There were numberless superstitions, countless guesses, as many theories in favor of one thing as in favor of another. People believed, some of them, that Man had lived before. They had no proof. Others believed that Man was born innocent and died and went to a place called Hell. Most believed that when you had lived once, that was all, fellow.
Such a number of conflicting theories must have truth in them. It became my business to discover, against considerable odds, that truth.
In the first place, there was something wrong with Man. An animal such as a cat, even a reptile, a lizard, had habit patterns which carried him through his early days. Not Man. Why not? As usual, a lot of vagueness answered this. The very schools of ‘thought’ that said Man was just another animal bogged utterly on why it was that babies, the young of this very intelligent animal, are much more stupid than kittens. That was only one thing wrong with Man that wasn’t explained.
Further, it is very hard to argue with a miracle. Today, Eleanor has arthritis. She is audited “whole track” with 1952 techniques. Tonight she doesn’t have arthritis. Miracles, using “whole track” are plentiful. By using this data an auditor can obtain a MEST clear rather easily.
But the best argument which can be advanced for “whole track” is that it is factual. By using this knowledge, more is obtained than auditing results. A preclear suddenly recovers the ability carefully learned eighty years ago, to play a piano; an electronics engineer, doing poorly before suddenly wraps up formulae that would puzzle Einstein and which may get man off Earth; and a thousand details in a hundred sciences become clear.
The search of this track began some years ago and was conducted sporadically on many preclears. Various instruments such as the electroencephalograph and the police lie-detector, were used to further this search, but these were inadequate and limited for my purposes. Finally, Volney Mathison applied his electronic genius to the problem and invented the Electropsychometer. This instrument had a range and ability greatly in excess of anything before known; it compares to itself only in the field of physioelectrical mensuration and to existing devices as the electronic microscope compares to looking through a quartz stone. As soon as this instrument was turned loose on the problem, the problem ceased to exist. By adding up and checking probabilities on scores of persons, the character, extent and content of the whole track was mapped.
Once the E-meter gave reliable data, the main problem became the estimation of intentions, of sources, of the reasons behind the reasons. Most of this work has been done.
It comments poorly on Man’s dullness that this project was impeded and slowed greatly by lack of funds and by very active efforts on the part of some to acquire and own the copyrights of Dianetics— may the ill of the world forgive them. Thus the map is not as complete in this issue as it might be.
This work is honest research, done with considerable care. And it will bear up under survey by any competent auditor or investigator.
The most amusing aspect of the “whole track” is that this work bears up under the onslaught of police lie-detector experts: these, hard-eyed and uncompromising, become startled half out of their wits to discover that some of the crimes they find on their machines were committed two or three “lives” ago by the criminal under test, and that, most alarmingly, the crimes so discovered are discoverable again to the last detail in the police archives. This is very upsetting to these operators, to be informed so bluntly that Man lives many years, not three score and ten, and that today’s lifer may again be on their hands tomorrow as a juvenile delinquent!
Gravestones, ancient vital statistics, old diplomas and medals will verify in every detail the validity of “many lifetimes.” Your E-meter will tell you.
As he so often did, Hubbard’s “proof” of his “research” and “discoveries” is that he declares they are true and verified. It is interesting that not a single “police lie-detector expert” or any other expert for that matter has ever been able to verify any of the claims made by Hubbard. It’s a complete bait and switch. He promotes his “discoveries” as rigorous science, able to withstand the scrutiny of any unbiased and independent observer, but dismisses every other “expert” in the field of the mind or healing or even science as ignorant fools, unworthy of any credence. Thus, the ONLY person who can verify his claims, is L. Ron Hubbard himself. And he repeatedly offers up statements like “the best argument for this is that it is factual.” Huh?
Pose the question to a scientologist “Why haven’t any of Hubbard’s discoveries been validated by anyone else?” and they have various stock replies, but generally “they don’t need to be, the tech works,” “it doesn’t matter what anyone else says, it’s whether the person got better and was helped,” and “nobody else has an understanding of the mind and the thetan so they cannot possibly verify anything, only an auditor with an e-meter can do this.”
It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. “I declare I have thoroughly and scientifically researched this. The proof is that I say it is true because it has been verified on the E-meter.”
Like the “discovery” of the Piltdown Man?
I also happened upon some passages that may well answer that age old question: Why were L. Ron Hubbard’s teeth in such need of dental care? He seemed to have the same aversion to dentists as he did to medical doctors. There are a couple of early references to dentists and teeth in A History of Man when he is discussing “The Clam” incidents that everyone supposedly experienced way back “before the Flood” when clams were sitting on the seashore. Hubbard claims this is a seminal period for all humans, and is what gives rise to the derogatory nickname for scientologists: “clams.”
By the way, if you cannot take a warning, your discussion of these incidents with the uninitiated in Scientology can produce havoc. Should you describe “the clam” to some one, you may restimulate it in him to the extent of causing severe jaw hinge pain. One such victim, after hearing about a clam death could not use his jaws for three days. Another “had to have” two molars extracted because of the resulting ache. The clam and all these incidents are very much present in the GE and can be restimulated easily. So do not be sadistic with your describing them to people— unless, of course, they belligerently claim that Man has no past memory for his evolution. In that event, describe away. It makes believers over and above enriching your friend the dentist who, indeed, could not exist without these errors and incidents on the evolutionary line!
There was or is a spore method of procreation used by the clam. The spore was put on the inside of the lip and permitted to grow. Eventually it became large enough to become a clam on its own and would depart. There is a guardian-emotion on the part of the clam for these spores and a sadness on their departure. But there is more to the spore than this. The spore was like a barnacle. When the clam was cast ashore, these spores were still alive in the shell. The sun would kill the inner cells of the “barnacle” while the outer shell cells still lived. The dead inner cells would form a gas which, under the heat, would explode violently to the agony of the living barnacle shell cells. This bursting was sudden and painful. These spores gave incidents which permitted the human teeth to have a pattern. The ancient bursting engrams are still dramatized by the teeth which, under stress, burst or feel like bursting. Running out some of these bursting incidents will take the ache out of a tooth rapidly. The “fifth nerve channel” is around the mouth and is heavy out of all proportion. A nerve channel is as heavy as it has to conduit pain away from the area. Thus I deduced that there must have been much pain in this area and that the “fifth channel” is the oldest main conduit and so it is. Audit all such incidents for all teeth and you have permanently taken the pain out of toothache and cut down decay. By the way, a barnacle, because of this bursting possibility, at length developed a “blow-out area” a cap which would blow easily. And teeth have such an area. It gives way and makes cavities.
If you find this “factual account” to be pretty bizarre, there are many far more bizarre passages in this book. And this book is required reading for all scientologists to be able to understand what scientology really is.
Scientology: A History of Man…ipulation”
A History of Man: Alldelusional Turdology.
Nancy, no sane human being can comprehend Hubbard’s words without first being slowly indoctrinated through the use of the Training Routines and other drills which make the human mind more suggestible. Honestly, I think a lot of Scientologists who claim to understand it don’t actually have a clue.
Congratulations on being a sane human being! 🙂
Many years ago after leaving scientology I read a series of maybe two or three paperbacks discussing “Star People”. Star People or Starseeds was and maybe still is a popular New Age subject. The premise was that aliens altered the DNA of some ancient hominids which are now becoming activated in some humans. I guess Hubbard missed that part or maybe he deliberately omitted it since he had his own version of “alien invasions.”
In one of the books it listed ten characteristics of Star People. I answered affirmatively to seven or eight of them but that’s a different subject. I need to go check my horoscope. . . . . . . (joke)
That is the premise of the Ancient Astronaut theory. Sometime in the ancient past, an advanced race took the primitive apes and gene-spliced in some advanced traits or features. That is a prevailing theory of how modern humanity arose to build our civilization in the New Age groups. That is different than Star People. The Star People are those who think they have an alien soul implanted into a human body. It is a different concept than ancient DNA splicing.
Regardless, I am sure that none of this is outside what a Scientologist is capable of incorporating into their belief system under some truthiness. It is a religion derived by a Science Fiction writer after all, so any of this out-of-the-world stuff is easily incorporated or explained away. Some of the New Age groups even get into time travel manipulation and forking timelines, like the Scifi show ‘sliders’. I have no fear that any Scientologist will supersede these beliefs using their own scifi explanations, or they will simply invalidate them as unfounded. I would say this subject alone is why Scientology has nothing to do with Science and everything to do with Belief. The history of man is simply a mythology writing by a scifi writer inventing a fictional piece of literature that Scientologists are told to swat away their cognitive dissonance and believe as True.
While in, I knew one Clear who would simply invalidate anything that touched on these topics as ‘the Space Opera stuff’ and simply disregard the whole subject or change the conversation to a more mundane topic.
Golden Era – Thanks for the clarification. It’s easier for me to believe I have some alien DNA in me than I’m an alien soul. That could get confusing. . . . . . . . . . .(still joking)
Anyhow, here are three of the “characteristics” I still remember.
They are night people
They look to the stars with a sense of longing
They feel the don’t quite fit in with the rest of humanity
Obviously many people might relate to characteristic like that in a general way, kind of like relating to the characteristics given for an astrological sign.
HISTORY OF MAN: The Scien-bollocks turd that won’t decompose, won’t flush, and continues to stink up the joint…
So glad to see you back Mark Foster! You’re acute acumen on the subject of Scientology has been sorely missed. Very few people can hit the nail on the head so accurately in so few words. Carry on!
Doug Sprinkle, maybe it wasn’t Dianetics or the placebo effect that cured your auditor. Methinks he was just a bullshitter 👽
I think he truly believed it. He was a true believer.
I never understood how anyone ever found HoM credible in any way. It is just so demonstrably wrong in so many ways; demonstrably RIGHT in none. I had no specific illogical, farcical items I could point to, just the overall sense that something about it wasn’t right when I first read it, a few months into my fall into the scientology rabbit hole. Afterwards, my opinion of its “truthfulness” fell, if that was really possible. Now, it reads as a comedy.
It wasn’t required reading when I left scn around 1980. As with many things in the subject it could be looked at as who knows – maybe – unimportant at this time.
I had to read Mr.Hubbard’s dissertation several times on the History of Man.I did not understand a single word he was talking about.I realize that I am Autistic and sometimes have problems comprehending certain things.I am trying so hard to understand the basic concepts of Scientology but the more I read,the more confused I get.If anyone has a little spare time,could you please explain Scientology to me.Whenever I read comments from former Scientologists,I feel really intellectually diminished.Any help would be really appreciated.This is why I watched all of Scientology and the Aftermath and now listen to Leah and Mike’s podcast every week.Thank you all for bearing with me.I appreciate it.
Sorry to hear about your problems understanding Scientology. Let me say that most people get confused about Scientology because Hubbard invented so many words and definitions which cause the confusion.
My suggestion is to stop reading Scientology because it actually goes in circles.
The human mind does not follow any rules that are in Scientology or Dianetics. Your mind is very simple when it is in a very calm state. My suggestion is to just think about the simple things in life like what is in your environment next to you. There are thousands of people on the blogs who have negative interpretations of Scientology. Scientology is really not even a religion either so if you are looking for spiritual matters you are better off with natural religion such as belief and faith.
Hope this helps. Sorry if I caused your confusion with my posts.
Nancy. Trying to ‘understand’ scientology is not the appropriate approach.
All scientologists have ‘accepted’ as truth what hubbard said.
Many things go against each other. Others are nonsense that no one can prove. Others are the fruit of his fantasy as a science fiction writer. Others that apparently seem to work actually have other explanations related to how the mind reacts or is forced to reach a certain condition. Many things he says have no specific meaning but the person’s mind tries to make sense of it so that it can accept it as it thinks hubbard is true.
So trying to ‘understand’ Scientology is foolish. It should only be ‘accepted’ as it is because he said so and has boasted great research on the matter.
All bullshit just to get money and keep people attached to the cult trying to reach improvement and get more money. Hope it helps.
Assuming you are for real and not trying to create a distraction, you aren’t the first or last person to request, “Please explain scientology in fifty words or less.” It’s presented as a self improvement and self awareness practice but most people regard it as a con game to extract time and money from people. Parts of it on the introductory levels come from valid sources and are worthwhile. Depending on who you ask, most or all of it on the “advanced” levels comes from Mr. Hubbard’s imagination.
That’s keeping it simple in respect of your Autism.
Just noting— you used 59 words to describe Scientology. 🙂
Lol – “Flunk” on me
Um, no , there is nothing valid or useful at all in the introductory levels of scientology or of dianetics. Shit in the toilet or in a petri dish is still shit. The cribbed and stolen and, often, out-dated concepts that Hubbard based some of his mind-fuck on were(are) diminished by his intellectual lazyness and larcenous, malignant intentions in theirculty application…and are the basis of a “technology” used by a high-control group to defraud, deceive, and ruin its adherents.It’s a con game, not a philosophy or a religion. It’s often difficult for many ex-scientologists to accept this. Obviously, this is just my very passionate personal opinion.
Dear Mr.Rinder,
Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.And yes,I am for real.I am on the Autism Spectrum and in 2011 suffered a bleeding stroke which left me with poor eyesight and short term memory loss.I do not mean for my comments to annoy anyone.I would only like to learn as much as possible about different types of cults,including Scientology.In the future,I will not be posting any more comments so as not to bother others.Again,thank you for responding in such a timely manner.
Nancy. You are welcome here. Nobody I am aware of found you at all troublesome. This blog is an open resource for everyone
Dear Mr.Rinder,
I cannot express how much your response meant to me.Thank you so much.I love reading your blogs and hope to re continue to post comments in the future.
Nancy, Dr. Andrew Huberman at his lab at Stanford are studing sight as effected by the mind. He takes free patients for his trials. He can most easily be contacted on Instagram. I believe this can be cured 💖
Punishment For His Crimes:
A man passes away….he’s been a real asshole his entire life, mean, nasty, liar, cruel, thief, abuser, dishonest disgusting & a huge shame to the human race…..
The man’s quite surprised to learn he’s died when he arrives in a very dark dimly lit area . where he is met by the Grim Reaper who greets him by name & REVIEWS the man’s entire life while the man simply stands there grinning at his “accomplishments” of horrific CRIMES.
Sooo…this is HELL the man asks looking around saying “this ain’t so bad, a bit dark & bland”.
NO says the Grim Reaper this is the “waiting room of Hell”…….
You will be shown three rooms & you will get a choice as to what room you will spend ETERNITY in….BUT once you CHOOSE…you cannot change your mind says the Grim Reaper.
Ok says the man, show me the damned rooms, I am tired of this bull crap game.
The Grim Reaper Shows him room #!…flames shooting up, everything hotter than hot, dense black smoke, people gagging, burning up only to come back again & again….never ending torture.
The Grim Reaper asks him “do you choose this room, you can’t change your mind you know”
“NO says the man, too hot, show me the next room”
The man is shown room #2….it is FREEZING COLD…people are shivering, turning blue, fingers & toes, noses, ears….eyeballs falling out only to be repeated again & again never ending torture.
The Grim Reaper asks the man “What about this room, remember you can’t change your mind once you choose it”.
“No says the man, I hate the cold, I’d never want to live there, show me the last room…I guess I am out of choices/options anyway”.
The Grim Reaper shows the man the LAST available choice…room #3….& the man smiles gleefully seeing people standing in the most vile smelling stinky disgusting sewage up to their knees drinking
coffee & chatting away…..just having a great time.
“Well says the man…last room….final choice…laughing like a maniac says….this is the BEST room….I am glad I waited…..Yup this is IT for me”
Grim Reaper unlocks the door & the man gleefully steps into the knee deep sewage with a huge smile & is handed a cup of hot coffee…greeting his new roommates……..
The Grim Reaper securely locks the door & walks away…….while the man stands their admiring his new digs thinking how THIS punishment for his CRIMES ain’t THAT bad”….
Within ten seconds a voice is heard over the Loud Speaker……………
“Coffee Break is OVER…everyone back to standing on your HEADS”………… & so it goes.
While in the cult ranks I’ve audited about 25000 hours at all levels of the available bridge. I’ve seen people feeling better most of the time, but no miracle has ever taken place.
TT, the only miracle in scientology is his being able to scam so many for nearly 70 years, now; extending through decades after he died. Well, that run seems to have ended, with the advent of the TRUTH being widely disseminated in ways Tubby couldn’t control, because there have been so MANY places where it’s leaking out.
The miracle is that the peeps keep comin back and payin!! That is nothin short of a frickin miracle.
I wonder if Volney Mathison is still mentioned in current editions of the cult’s books and papers or if he has been “disappeared” like so many others in scientology. Here, Hubbard credits Mathison’s genius for inventing the Electropsychometer. For some reason just about every e-meter since that time from the Mark V wooden box models to the latest and greatest Mark Super VIII Ultra Super Sensitive Easy Bake Warehouse model bear the name Hubbard Electropsychometer. Funny that.
Here’s a fun story I have about one of the original Mathison meters. I was on a sea org mission to Reno in the 80s to see why those dilettante panty waist slackers weren’t producing. One Saturday morning one of their public folks came in with one of these meters he had just found at a flea market. We all thought that it was very cool. One of those might actually be worth something on eBay. Not because it was a scientology artifact but because it had Mathison’s name on the label. I can just imagine Ron and Mary Sue ‘Under the Bus’ Hubbard sitting around doing ‘whole track’ research using one of these very devices…
Enjoy if you have the stomach to listen. For all of you UTR, sideliner, lurker, fencesitter doubting type scientologists reading this blog, THIS IS THE CRAP YOU ARE FALLING FOR AND DON’T EVEN KNOW IT YET. It’s all a world class con folks. In scientology it’s all about the money and only about the money. If you think this stuff produces positive results of any kind, good luck with that. You’re going to need all the luck you can muster and then some.
YEs, the passage remains the same in the current edition, mentioning Mathison.
In the section of this book providing Ron’s “discoveries” about evolution there are all kinds of mistakes.
Piltdown man is the least of them. Here are a few.
Clams or any other mollusks are not on the same evolutionary line as humanity or any vertebrates.
Even if clams were on the the same evolutionary line, there would have been no birds at the time when vertebrates split off. Birds would not have arrived on the scene for several hundreds of millions of years.
Sloths are not on the same evolutionary line as humans.
Eyes evolved from very elementary light sensors possessed by some primitive creatures.
They did not evolve from an organ to pump water (see the section on “The Grim Weeper.”
There is a lot more wrong with this.
I read this book some decades ago and my list is just from memory.
YEs, the number of things in this single book are legion. Too many to list in one place.
Try speaking at a dental conference with this bogus science, and you will get laughed off the stage. I suggest that Still-Ins try this sometime, and publish the results in the Freewind magazine.
“freewind rag wouldn’t publish their failures, only their over-hyped delusions called “wins”. ‘Course, it all depends on how the “experimenters” spin the experience.
O/T. The Times: Church of Scientology in Ireland recipient of €1 million in US loans
I made a comment on Tony Ortega’s website and ESMBR that I want to add here.
This use of loans creates an interesting method of control and resulting inefficiency.
In Scientology, there really isn’t a method to make a pure charitable donation (i.e., not for auditing, training or other services) to your local church — e.g. the Ideal Church of Scientology of Los Angeles. Any such donation is made to the IAS, an international organization, or perhaps a Fourth Dynamic front-group like The Way To Happiness, which are also international organizations.
So what happens is that in order to support his local church (e.g.,the Church of Scientology of Ireland), a parishioner must make a contribution to the IAS. Thereafter, the IAS, the Church of Scientology International or other international level Scientology entity *loans* money to the local church (again, in this case the Church of Scientology of Ireland). This obviously creates administrative overhead and resulting inefficiency. It also gives IAS, CSI or other international level Scientology entity another method of control. The local church is (probably forever) in debt to the international level Scientology entity. Otherwise, why have parishioners in Ireland donate money to an entity headquarted in the US only to have that orr a related entity transfer the money back to the local church in Ireland?
The inefficiency of scientology is “baked in”. It makes government bureaucracies seem like models of efficiency and thrift, in comparison. Even the old USSR worked better and was more benevolent to its subjects.
The ‘History of Man’ is a hilarious adventure in Lysenkoism and must have been conceived by eating funny mushrooms.
I like the original cover much better.
As you know, “History of Man” was the textbook on the original OT VIII in 1988. We studied it for almost a year before the level was released on the Freewinds. In fact, I ran out almost every implant listed in the entire book on the e-meter. It did not result in any OT powers or improvement. Hubbard copied a technique used by Blavatsky’s Theosophy in the early 20th Century. Hubbard probably read it because the word Marcab was copied and used by Hubbard. Hubbard’s book is from a few early Scientologists who were used to compile the data. The actual technique of “group Clairvoyance” was copied. The Piltdown man mentioned by Hubbard was proven to be a total fraud.
George, I’m curious about the ‘implants’ that you ‘ran out’ using an e-meter. When you were auditing the implants mentioned in History of Man, how real did the incidents seem at the time? How real do those incidents seem now that you have weaned yourself off of the kult kool-aid?
If I recall correctly, the sub-title for this book of gibberish was originally “What to Audit”. Anybody else out there who has audited these ‘implants’? I’d be interested in knowing how this went for you. I’m thinking that it would be awfully hard to audit out the Plitdown Man incident since Plitdown Man is a fiction and debunked decades ago.
Very good question. All of the implants were reading on the meter and that is the standard that I used. This gets into an interesting question since Xenu on OT III read with a bang. I will not have an answer for the reality of the reads since I concluded that any “suggestion” reads if you take enough “kool aide”. The implants only showed partial video or pictures. Most of the trauma involved the administration of the implants by weird space aliens. Again, power of suggestion. I read dozens of implants in extreme detail. Broken video, lots of bad emotion like fear and dread. All cleared to “floating needle”. No increase in any perception no real exteriorization, NO hint of any OT powers. Money wasted. Helatrobus Implant with Gods and Christians run over and over and ever till flat. No improvement in ideas or no release of the slave state. I concluded at the end that Hubbard;s FUNDAMENTALS were TOTALLY wrong. Hubbard used old-fashioned logic and space alien dreams. History of Man was a total failure. Ran every genetic entity engram and implant at random as suggested by him. No physical improvement. No new power. Nothing.
By its nature auditing might access and cultivate some part of the mind capable of producing a creative stream of consciousness. Comedians do this when they take a couple of unrelated subjects and put them together into a funny routine. Robin Williams was a master at it.
That’s not to say anything and everything a person experienced in auditing was false. That would be up to the individual to decide.
To be more specific for never ins, in scientology a person sits down with an auditor in a formal auditing/counselling session and the auditor asks the person to examine some aspect of their life or more specifically an “incident” which might be causing a person to be experiencing, for example, some negative emotion. The incident is examined and then the auditor asks if there is an earlier similar incident.
For almost all scientologists they would then look at, experience or imagine past life incidents as the case might be. After numerous hours of this procedure it becomes easy to create imaginative incidents without filtering to fit the subject under investigation.
Imaginative incidents can cause physiological recreations similar or maybe identical to, for example, imagining getting into an argument or right with someone.
“fight” lol – I ran out of time on the edit
nice write up Richard
That’s an EXCELLENT example. I’m going to use this example with someone I’ve specifically in mind.
“physiological reactions” lol
?? Was ANY “DISCOVERY” of Hubbard found NOT to be a total fraud? I can’t come up with one.
The few non-fraudulent items I can almost recall were plagiarisms, at best. NOTHING “good” was “his”; pretty much everything that seemed to be original to him tightened the shackles a bit further: “Good” only for his un
Thx for this, George.
Tho a slavish Hubbard fan, I always loathed this book, never read it “for fun” and stayed well away from the few HIstorY of MaN Nerd fans who liked to reference the book liberally in conversations.
Hated reading it on the OT pre-reqs, and golly gee, I have no idea wHAT would I would have done if faced with having to do an entire OT level on it. OT II was creepy enough.
Also thanks for the nice explanations on auditing this type of stuff. I found that auditing “worked best” the more I got auditing, the more I audited, and stayed on study. I laugh now. I had such a good memory, I remembered things that hadn’t even happened!
So much of the upper level auditing is, “oh, here’s a fleeting idea and hazy picture, FN!” done. Date and locate? “blew on pointing”.
“OT auditing is FAST” right? that’s because hazy ideas and fast FNs are frequent.
and none of us ever levitated.
I’m filling my day today with many pleasant things, and I’m free from having to carry the old weight of this crap.
“Miracles, using “whole track” are plentiful…
…This work is honest research, done with considerable care. And it will bear up under survey by any competent auditor or investigator…
Gravestones, ancient vital statistics, old diplomas and medals will verify in every detail the validity of “many lifetimes.” Your E-meter will tell you.”
Anybody posting here have some examples that they would like to share of their personal ‘whole track’?
Any OSA net nannies monitoring this site have some juicy ‘whole track’ crimes they can share?
Any scientologist out there able to recall a past life in all its detail (or even a mere fragment)?
It’s times like these that I really miss our resident asshat FOOLproof. Now there’s a guy who “knows” this stuff is real and has the humility to share it with the rest of us. What a deluded idiot that is a true example of a mind on scientology with Kool-Aid coursing thru his veins. Sad.
I don’t have any examples myself. However my auditor claimed that prior to getting into dianetics he had severe arthritis and panic attacks. He claimed that his very first session he relived a past life incident where he was in a spaceship engaged in some type of science fiction like battle with other spaceships. And he claimed that after running this incident his arthritis and panic attacks were completely eliminated.
Is it because of Dianetics or the placebo effect? Who knows.
It sounds like what George Baille told me, was that your auditor’s name?
No, I never heard of that person. I don’t care to mention his name but my auditor was at the mission in Charlotte, NC when it was still there.
Ms. B. Haven,
the eternal response:
Poor FOOLproof burned himself out.
Cmon Dave,
Let ole Effy Poo out for a stroll around the Inet. You can coach him back to his ole nasty self. Just get him to be like You Dave……… ya know………….just pure asshole.
Smile fer the camera Dave!
The biggest outpoint in LRH’s claims from DMSMH forward is that he never revealed the name of even ONE person that he produced these miracles on, not even ONE! Who was the guy who remembered how to play the piano from eighty years ago? The engineer who is now smarter than Einstein? Or the folks who got rid of dental problems and arthritis? I CS’d THOUSANDS of Dianetic sessions in the 70s and 80s for eleven years … Yes, very nice cognitions, lots of whole track, but not ONE miracle that LRH claims would occur (much less all the body problems OTs have).
*by the way , I guess waiters at Italian restaurants have heard “linguini with clam sauce” so many times that they’re flat on that part of the track …
You probably knew Neil S. from Brooklyn. he was an Apollo Star. Rumor was he woke up one morning and could speak another language. Did you hear that one?
I suggested to Tony O that he ask him about it, doubt he ever did.
Neil sometimes reads this blog. Maybe he will chime in.
I suspect this is an urban rumor. Never heard him speak anything other than Noo Yawker.
civmar, that would probably be the first case in history. it sounds like the sort of positive rumor that circulates among members and is tacitly tolerated, such as that ‘expansion’ is happening somewhere else, and there are 20 million members.
The infamous Bridey Murphy case of supposed past life recollection, turned out to come from the subject’s subconscious childhoold memories of a woman with a heavy Irish brogue who lived across the street. Someone might well suddenly recall a few phrases of a foreign language, but it would probably have origins such as that – or, possibly, even more in a language learned as child that they had long ago ceased speaking (it’s very hard to get kids to keep up a second tongue as soon as they’re old enough to spend most of their time outside of the house, as they have a strong natural tendency to prefer the common language of their peers).
I heard that hubbard was advising to read this book and scn 8-8008 to those that on the OT levels were writing to him wondering why they didn’t had OT powers showing up.
I said it already other times but if someone wants to have an evidence of his scientific “researches” you must listen at “battle of the universes” tape (google it) where Mary Sue audits him and he just keep talking about whole track and very often asking if it reads. A little embarrassing.
LmR, ANY time LRH tried to validate his “discoveries” (“Mission into Time”, in particular) was embarrassing. I’m also thinking of the “clear” who couldn’t remember his tie color.
Always was Sad to watch. 🙁
Jere. True. Laughing. He kept relaunching new discoveries to keep the grip on the people. “This time we have it” !
(snicker) Reminds me of the Dr. Who when the governess (Jenna Coleman) told a tale that was absolutely, positively guaranteed to be true. 🙂 All the others were “true”, too!
Hubbard:Last time “cured” everything…. THIS time, we’ve DEFINITELY figured it out to within an inch of its life
… YOUR life
… Your pocketbook.
When I first got into scientology and read this book, I thought it was insane. Thirty-five years later, after the push of the Basics, I had to read it again and I thought it made sense. I no longer ever wonder how anyone can get caught up in something that is seemingly nonsense, cockamamie or insane.
The doctrine of Objectivism if it had anything to say about Human History clearly contradicts what A History Of Man has to say on the subject.
How early in your Scientology experience are you exposed to this? This is exactly why I could never buy in – it’s just so cray-cray.
I was really miserable in the late 80’s-early 90’s and one day while I was working a job in a mall that I hated, someone came up and handed me a popsicle stick. This person was doing the advanced course in Lifespring – which was an EST offshoot and in some regards looked like what Raniere was doing in the early NXIVM levels. I was sucked in for the beginner and advanced courses. Experiential learning does give you the kind of “high” I’ve heard described by auditing. The longer I stayed in, the more it fell apart for me. I did feel a kind of loss when I left, because the all-encompassing community was very reassuring and comforting. I can see how you get sucked into the cults wholesale.
I found a typo. Piltdown man should read Pillsbury doughboy.
Not sure how that was missed; perhaps Ron drank too much Coca-Cola that day.
Also Mike, asking people to read all this gibberish is rather sadistic. 😉
Scribe, Mike DID give warning:
‘“A History of Man” is one of the more bizarre scribblings’
END quote
that foreshadows how STRANGE the (small) book was. I can WELL imagine it was Nibs’ ramblings while being fed large doses of “speed”.
Piltdown Man, Pillsbury doughboy, Pahph!
Similar levels of fanciful to make a sales point, EXCEPT that Hubbard’s stories were ALWAYS 100% TRUTH — or so he maintained.
Hubbard and “truth” weren’t even on speaking terms.